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Hibbs Roadhouse


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So I think the first order of business is ensuring everyone has access to rules.

Suzuki Stumpy as kind enough to post this over in the og thread:

BRP SRD: https://www.chaosium.com/brp-system-reference-document/
CoC Quick Start: https://www.chaosium.com/content/FreePDFs/CoC/CHA23131 Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Quick-Start Rules.pdf


As I said, I have the Keeper's Guide so hopefully we can get by.


Once folks have the quick guide, we'll need characters. Here's the basic guideline for characters for this one-shot:


A few months ago, Professor Henry Roades took an
archaeological expedition from the Miskatonic University to
the small settlement of Blackwater Creek in the Miskatonic
Valley region of Massachusetts. Most of the expedition has
returned; however Professor Roades and his wife, Abigail,
are still on site. While Professor Roades has sent a letter to his
head of department explaining his absence, concern is growing,
especially now the new academic year has begun. The fact that
Roades has not answered any subsequent correspondence is
not helping. Professor Ernest McTavish, the head of the
Department of Archaeology, has asked a few people to go out
to Blackwater Creek, make sure that the Henry and Abigail
are safe and ensure they return to Arkham as soon as possible.
Your investigator should be a faculty member, student,
friend of the Roades family or, given that the students who
returned have reported that there are some rough types in the
area, a private detective or other hired professional.

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I was thinking of a private investigator already. I'll say he was hired by the Roades family, and while pumping McTavish for details, found out McTavish was sending a few people to the site, so offered to go along.

What year does this take place? Just curious about how to fill in some background for the character.


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7 hours ago, hakootoko said:

I was thinking of a private investigator already. I'll say he was hired by the Roades family, and while pumping McTavish for details, found out McTavish was sending a few people to the site, so offered to go along.

What year does this take place? Just curious about how to fill in some background for the character.



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It might be too soon to choose professions...

The default is still rolling for characteristics. Unless Omnis would prefer one of the other options on p48. I'd prefer the simple Option 5, myself. Saves rolling and is quicker than full point-buy.

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@hakootoko / @Suzuki Stumpy ..your character concepts are looking good.


@Couch Potato Rex it seems that Suzuki is plating a research student at Mistatonic. You mentioned professor was an idea you were contemplating. If you were still looking in that direction, perhaps something in the medical field...or in that direction? (just a thought).


As far as methodology for character creation, I'm agnostic so whatever makes it easier/faster.

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Also sorry for the lack of posting over the past couple days. I thought I had followed the Game Forum, but I in fact had followed the game description I guess...so I thought I would be getting notifications.


I've correct that now (I think) 😄


FYI - We also have one more player joining so that'll make an even 4.

Edited by Omnis (see edit history)
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Hi everyone! Glad to be here and get used to these new forums with you all.


Question for @Omnis: Can we use the experience packages for our characters detailed in the Investigator's Handbook? I'll snap them here for reference. I'm looking to do the war experience package, and I'm very down to lose the possibly 15 points of SAN.

Experience Packages



Edited by Blanket_Thunder (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, Blanket_Thunder said:

Hi everyone! Glad to be here and get used to these new forums with you all.


Question for @Omnis: Can we use the experience packages for our characters detailed in the Investigator's Handbook? I'll snap them here for reference. I'm looking to do the war experience package, and I'm very down to lose the possibly 15 points of SAN.

Experience Packages



What is everyone's thoughts on this?

I don't have the investigator book so I don't know the intricacies...but I'm not against it really.

I also would want to make thia option available to everyone else as well. @hakootoko is playing a vet so if he wanted to take advantage he should be able to.


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