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Eagleheart's Character Compendium


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Here are some characters I'd like to play, in no particular order:

Spotty, kobold rogue

He was adopted and mentored by the adventurers who killed his clan and is eager to become an adventurer himself, but at the same time, he has some complicated feelings about adventurers and their tendency to create just as many problems as they solve.

Idan, half-elf druid

Born into a druidic enclave and trained from a young age, Idan quickly became a talented druid - but he also quickly realized that druids are largely redundant, and nature takes care of itself. This led him to become disillusioned and delinquent, pulling pranks and committing petty crimes until he was finally exiled from the enclave. However, he was not stripped of his power, so he's still up to his old tricks.

And this last one's a bit off-the-wall, but what the heck, I'll pitch it anyway—

New_AGE, goblin wizard

AGE is the Adaptive Gaming Engine, a bot that can learn to play any game. It finds itself in over its head when it gets pulled into a game that threatens to destroy it - and that it can't easily escape from.

Edited by Eagleheart (see edit history)
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