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Session 1.5: The Party


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Serena nodded to Zelda as she made her point.. "My budding Team Leader has some good points. Has I known the damn things had a significant--or even documented--habit of potentially exploding on defeat, I would have ordered them to Neutralize At Range and had them and the Turret Array pump it full of high-millimeter armor-piercing discarding sabot high-explosive incendiary shells. No Pilots, No Effective Defence equal Game Over. I don't know how cleared you are to know about my full background, Daniel, but I get how nasty the Entities are on a very personal level. There is not anyone here, Commander Heather included, I would bet is more motivated to see those damn Entities dead and gone than me...but I also survived the Impact Wars on the front lines, Mister Birch. I have seen enough lost human souls to drown this entire base in blood and bones." Serena's voice, the specific emphasis aside, is flat, her features oddly non-emoting, and her face nigh unreadable, especially given that her mirrorshades still covered her eyes and a surprisingly important amount of her face.

But it was very clear she was giving Daniel Birch, Leashholder/Partner/Senpai of the Taravangian Computer System, a rather frightening Thousand Meter Stare, even through her mirrorshades. Her voice warmed as she fixed him with the stare for a moment longer, before it disappeared wherever it lived when it wasn't attempting to terrorize members of NERV and London Thugs stupid enough to attempt to mug her (it had taken her a surprisingly large number of dead bodies before the local underworld finally understood the dual concepts of "legally supported by NERV" and the even more problematical "highly lethal combat veteran not afraid to use her sidearm when offered threat"; they had left her alone, though grudgingly, and she had ignored all of their activities as long as it didn't involve NERV personnel, although against her better judgement), and she seemed to become a little warmer, as if talking to a co-worker who had wandered into a minefield that she was having to calmly talk out of.

"Your pet AI may very well provide us the key we need to winning, and for that I will respect its capabilities. But you, Daniel, need to remember that all those numbers and factors and elements and scenarios and such that the Taravangian 'plays' with are real people, and while I'm aware that there are losses in war--Gods am I ever--listen to well, Daniel, because I dislike making this point more than once. My people are not casually expendable. They may be expended by me, by Right-Hand-Of-Fates Broome, by Hand-After-The-Gods-Himself Heather, but they are not expendable. If one of the aforementioned three, under the duress of a bad mission situation, has to make the sacrifice play to preserve the world, then we will do it.

Other than that, we don't expend Tactical Assets without the permission of the aforementioned three. Not mentioning--and I'm pretty sure you have the ability to talk to me, to Broome, to Heather, directly to the Pilots, or all of us at once, if necessary, being the high-end tech geek that has probably wired at least a third of the systems here, if nothing else than to integrate the Taravangian into them--you damn well get on the line and tell us the damn thing might take the damn Pilot and Class C with it.

We need them. Last I checked, and I do immensely respect the combat multiplier the Taravangian, your AI cannot fight the Entities. It can help those that do fight the Entities, but until it is a much more improved--and upgraded--version of itself that can remote-pilot Class C units with only remote human supervision, we still have to send teenagers into combat in abominations against science. Since that is the case, we don't risk our small pool of both hard to find and highly-trained--and thus rare and slowly-produced--Pilots to die at a whim.

There was a risk they-" Silver points to Zelda, Anya, Emiko, and Mikhail. "-did not need to take and you could have reduced. Again, there were tactical alternates to charging in that were just as effective.

But you listened to something provably hazardous to human life instead of doing your job and both teaching it to care some and providing a checksum." Serena sighed, then rolled her shoulders and briefly stretched, her shoulder holster briefly printing against her uniform jacket before disappearing as she resumed a normal position. Her voice when she resumed was much warmer, and she seemed much less intense, even personable, even though it was hard to tell between her rigid body posture and her covered eyes.

"All that being said, with input from my Pilots here, especially my budding Team Leader, what kind of simulation training schedule can you sustain, and what sort of input do you need from me, and what sort of input would you like from me, simulation-wise? Pilots, what input would you like on potential simulations? What questions do you have? Hit him with anything you've got, he's hard to see usually."

Captain Serena Silver


Wounds: 13/13

Ego Barrier: 35/35

Fate Points: 3/3

Fatigue: 0

Insanity Points: 0


Edited by Prestar
Storyline Change (see edit history)
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The Setting 


Location: Apartment 212, NERV - London

Time and Date: 19:40, Thursday, 21st September 2023.



Segment 2


The commander, and those also interested in operations, listen quietly and respectfully to Emiko as she speaks.


When Emiko comes to a stop the Commander gives a light nod, "thankfully four Entities does not seem like a possibility in the near future. Though with Gazardiel still waiting in the channel it is possible all conflicts will be with more than one Entity." As he mentions this Ian gives a subtle nod, clearly Gazardiel's presence is something that complicates future engagements.


(Commander of NERV-LONDON)





Carl Barnes

(Head of Class A/B Development)

Carl gives a warm smile when Anya mentions she would have liked to see the world pre-Androsk, "well, the world is recovering well I would say. So I think you will see the rebirth of the old world I think." At the mention of Anya visiting and looking around his work place Carl gives a light nod, making it clear that there would be no issue. He gives you a polite goodbye as you take your leave.


Chris Lowes gives you a light nod as you come to a stop near him, he has a drink in one hand and a burger in the other, the ketchup is spilling out the side a bit too much to watch. "Part is good, not been to many of these things in honesty. Bit weird standing around here with people like...you know." He tries to subtly nod his head in the direction of the Commander while he was distracted with Emiko.

He begins to speak in a quieter tone, "it would be weird if I backed her up right? Be like i'm ganging up on the Commander..." He watches the two talk a little more, clearly a little conflicted. When asked about Daniel he glances towards the man, hearing the start of Serena's response. "Honestly don't know. We don't really cross paths." He gives a bit of a shrug, "I mean, his AI makes my life a lot easier...and harder at times, but I interact more with the machine than Daniel in honesty. Not got anything against him," he watches Serena as she responds with heightened vigor. "I think he just got baggage like a lot of the people here." He shakes his head a little bit from side to side.

The question about the AI and his team causes Chris to glance towards Ian, making sure the older man wasn't paying attention. "Feelings on the machine vary I think. Most of us are for it, honestly I think NERV would have crumbled without it long ago. Though I know Ian is...'old school', thinks machines aren't good enough to replace human intuition. But please, please, don't get him started on it. He will complain about the AI but sits at a terminal all day and uses chatgpt...I think he thinks gpt is just another google." He laughs a little to himself and shakes his head. "The machine was put into use too early, but don't get me wrong, it better than not having it. Sadly the Entities didn't want to wait around, you know. Bit rude of them, but whatever." You can detect a bit of that humour that Bo warned you about, though its hard to tell if Chris is actually fun or just...trying to be?

"In time you and your team will welcome it, I can assure you, if it stops working mid fight we will be in for a shit storm." The moment he realizes he has sworn he quickly glances around making sure none of the higher ups heard him, he relaxes when he realizes he is in the clear.


Chris Lowes
(Bridge Crew - Emiko's)




Daniel Birch

(Taravangian caretaker)



Angela Yuni

(Bridge Crew - Anya's)

The conversation by the kitchen island continues, the slightly controversial conversation draws in the small group standing by you, specifically, Chris Kumar, Bo and Fergus.


When Serena mentions the lack of documentation on the exploding Entities a look of surprise, though it is subtle and quick, goes across Daniel's face. He looks like he is going to speak, commenting on the lack of documentation comment, but instead allows Serena to continue.

Serena's comment on having seen enough blood and death to drown the base causes Fergus to glance at the floor, almost somewhat embarrassed. The rest of those present seem unaffected by the comment, including Daniel who appears to be standing relatively resolute.

Chris goes to speak, though is beaten to the punch by Daniel. "I can provide the documentation of the explosions Captain, the information is public. Though Report 21092023AAThis will be the post combat report within the knowledge bank thread. will be the most recent." The words were said with a calm, polite and collected tone, but if this was anything other than an attack, perhaps in self defense, it would be surprising. He may as well just say, you haven't done you job right then.

Daniel's comment gets a faint sigh from Chris Kumar, who is once again about to speak and likely derail the current topic, but is once again beaten to the punch. Though this time it is by Serena, the broad shouldered gentleman clearly gets a little annoyed as he stares up at the ceiling and mutters a few words silently.

The following words from Serena are firmer than previous, and enough to grab the attention of those nearby, such as Caroline and Angela.

Daniel remains calm and collected once more, though attentive, to what Serena is saying. Fergus shows signs of shying away slightly, though the young scientist taking the brunt of the force seems fine, either he has a strong resolve, is blanking what Serena is saying, or perhaps has just gone to his happy place.

One thing that does cause a slight twitch of the eye with Daniel however, followed by a slowly calming breath, is when Serena comments on him not doing his job, or doing a checksum. It is clear he is, or wants, to say something, though is waiting for the Captain to finish for one reason or another. So when Serena let out her sigh Daniel responded with his usual tone of voice.

"You misunderstand too much Captain, you don't seem to understand the weight of an Entity escaping." There is a brief pause, and Chris takes this moment to speak up.

"Alright, well I thi--"

"You and I are the same, I have no intention of throwing away the life of anyone or thing for nothing. Could we survive with extinction event with no loss of life I would welcome the plan." The sounds of footsteps can be heard approaching you all. "But you see a single conflict at a time, we see a broader picture. If you knew that an Entity getting away would spell near certain doom, you would have made the same call, I do not doubt that. If you say otherwise you are lying to yourself." Daniel's eyes shift momentarily from Serena to the person behind her.

"Charging was the most effective, Zelda made the right call charging. Your pilots don't have th--" Daniel gets a taste of his own medicine as a female voice speaks over him.

"I gave the direction to stop the core from escaping." Turning to the voice you see Angela standing behind Fergus. Once the teenager realizes he is standing in the firing line he is quick to move, casually waving to Mark and making a swift exit.


Angela stands with a straight back as she speaks once more "I am happy to give my reasoning, if deemed insufficient, so be it." Before anyone else speaks Angela a warm stare can be felt by all, the irritated glare of Vice Commander Broome can be seen by those who turn to the source.


The vice commander stands just behind Zelda as she speaks, "Daniel, Serena, that is enough." The words were not subtle or polite, though there is no malice. It is obvious by her expression she is not happy with a slightly warm argument being had in such an open forum.

It is clear she is weighing up pulling Serena and Daniel outside, you see her eyes flick to the door for a moment, but she does not make the call. "I think we can all agree that this is not a topic suited for a celebration." Her words make it clear she is saying, not here, as opposed to banning the topic.

Chris picks up on Caroline's que of 'change the topic,' and proceeds to try and do his best.

"This feast must have cost you a bit Cap? I heard you were already down a hundred from this morning...Foolish betting against the Commander I think." There is a wide smile on his face as he takes a heavy glug of his drink, clearly enjoying the opportunity to poke his boss.



Chris Kumar

(Bridge Crew Captain)






Conversations begin to shift and flow within the living room of the apartment once more, as the minutes tick by new people begin to appear while some old faces say their goodbyes and head off for the evening.


The new faces are;

- Andrea Rossi (Head of support functions, HR etc)

- Samuel Prince (Head of class-C development)


The people calling it an early nightEach should be marked with a red dot on roll20 are;

- Commander Heather

- Paul Nosworth

- Kirsty Spade

- Ian Sal

- Bo

- Daniel Birch




Segment 2 is coming to an end, please roll any 'spy' like rolls you want to do for the RP we just did and the 20 minute time skip.

The NPCs present (some leaving, some coming) won't change until after your rolls are done, so you still have access to people like the Commander etc if you want.

Von also mentioned Lore rolls, if you have something you want to roll feel free to do that as well.

Make sure it is clear what you are rolling.

You next post should be you reacting to the above, if you want to, and then breifly saying what you do for the 20 mins.

We will then go into segment 3, which might make the last segment (if not, 4 will 100% be last).



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spacer.pngToo much, thats the thought crossing Zelda's mind as she watch the scene.

Zelda was merely fencing with Daniel, delivering her points without exposing herself too much, Silver bought a minigun to the match, the teen is half way between intimidated and in awe.

Surprisingly Daniel doesnt break, unsurprisingly the exchange draw unwanted attention, but it's not all negative, she has spotted some interesting things while people were busy.


And Silver said she's the team leader, on the first day! mom will be proud!


Then, suddenly, the air get cold and Zelda hear the vice commander voice right behind her, instinctively she sidestep, maybe a bit too fast for the situation, if there is something where Zelda is utterly unbeatable is on evasive maneuvers and that is, in part, due to her cowardice highly developed survival instinct which Caroline does trigger.

After a moment of surprise she withdraw away, she has no place in this heavy weight battle.

During the 20 minutes time skip

Looking around she spot her next target, she move toward the window to talk with Hastings.

(the following assume Emiko didnt join them)

"new country, new people, almost cooked on her first day....dont judge her now" she say at the engineer who has been rejected with inhuman coldness. Mark isnt important for Zelda, but he should be for Emiko, better to try and mend things before he get the wrong idea.

She spend some time chatting with him and Fergus.

Spy check

Zelda spy check is an inquiry roll on Daniel, she is after project red kite but cant spell it out so, instead, she ask about the projects the Taravangian is working on, which hopefully include the red kite.


inquiry(target 38)
1d100 23
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Serena snaps to a brief position of attention before relaxing and nods to Vice Commander Broome. "Ma'am, Mister Birch, my apologies. I organized this event so that we could all celebrate our good fortune today as well as get to know each other better." Serena appears to look off into the distance, apparently contrite, for several moments; she, again, seems fairly hard to read.


She looks back to Daniel. "Drop by my office when you have a few hours, bring anyone you would like with you, and we can hash out simulations with the Taravangian going forward. If possible, I would like my Pilots to sit in on that skull sweat session or another one. Thank you, and I am sorry for my behavior. I have...issues...with losing people, more than usual. Have a good night, Mister Birch, and may the future favor your endeavors." 

Serena turns to take a round of the room, checking on those staying and greeting new arrivals, acting as hostess, before settling in with Andrea Rossi. Serena mostly converses with Andrea about what's going on his department and common issues she might be able to/can help with, but she makes special mention of "Anything you need help with in reference to the Pilots at this time?", "Anything the Pilots can do to help you at this time?" and "Anything I can assist you with at this time?".

Captain Serena Silver


Wounds: 13/13

Ego Barrier: 35/35

Fate Points: 2/3

Fatigue: 0

Insanity Points: 0


Edited by Prestar
Spending a Fate Point. (see edit history)
Serena's Interrogation (General Room Check)--Willpower
success(1d100,38,below) 98
Serena's Interrogation (Rossi Reference Pilots)--Willpower
success(1d100,38,below) 1
Serena's Interrogation (Rossi Pilots Help Him)--Willpower
success(1d100,38,below) 78
Serena's Interrogation (Rossi Needs From Serena)--Willpower
success(1d100,38,below) 32
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Wounds: 0/12
Fatigue: 2

Ego Barrier: 35/35
Insanity: 2

"Well, it was handled with only minimal damage to the assets" its unclear exactly what she is referring to as assets there.. "I suspect we will continue to do so in the future.."
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Mikhail Razumovsky


Wounds: 12/12
Fatigue: 0/4

Ego Barrier: 25/25
Insanity: 0

Mikhail's normally hard-to-read expression briefly falters when Serena starts chewing out Daniel. His polite smile fades and his eyes widen a little in surprise and awe, though it may have as much to do with form and length as with the substance of her speech. She is... clearly very good at this. But he composes himself before she is done, and takes subsequent developments more or less in stride. Things are certainly complicated here, but at least everyone seems professional.


Before Daniel leaves, Mikhail does try to get him to answer his earlier questions about the Entities. What does he expect to do with any "prisoners" and is everything ready to process them? That aside, he is content to listen and to consider the implications of what Daniel already said about Taravangian and its uses.

Inquiry (get Daniel to answer earlier questions, if a roll is needed; TN 16)
1d100 91
Common Lore (Science) (analyse what we were told about Taravangian, its capabilities and uses; TN 51)
1d100 84
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image.png.879faf61629a88eaff5b2278d7b892c5.pngAs Anya is speaking to Carl she can't help but overhear some of Emiko's conversation with the commander. The commander's reaction to something Emiko says catches her attention.

Carl's comment about the world recovering brings a smile to her face, it would be nice to see the world as it was.


Anya listens to Chris's responses carefully eyes darting between the people he mentions, all the while keeping an eye on the situation unfolding with Serena and Daniel. "Yeah, guess we all have our baggage" Anya comments thoughtfully, thinking about her own secrets and her other mission. As Chris jokes, Anya can't help but remember Bo's warning - maybe he was right!


As Serena and Daniel's exchange draws more attention Anya uses the opportunity to speak to Ian about his thoughts on the computer and move closer to the commander. "Hello again Ian, we did not get a chance to speak properly earlier. You work with the Taravangian too? What are your thoughts on it?" She glances over at the main conversation that is happening as she asks, so the questions does not seem out of the blue.


ActionsTo try and make sense of the commander's reaction, can I use common lore war? - missed the TN anyway

Anya will use the time skip to speak to Ian, especially if he goes on a rant about the super computer.

As she is no closer to the commander, she will use her sigh awareness again. - Just passed, 0 DoS





Edited by Mattheus2924 (see edit history)
Common Lore (War) Target 40
1d100 48
Awareness (Sight) TN 58
1d100 57
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Posted (edited)
The Setting 


Location: Apartment 212, NERV - London

Time and Date: 20:00, Thursday, 21st September 2023.



End of Segment 2



Daniel nods briefly at the apology from Serena, and returns one to you, though doesn't explicitly apologies for anything in particular. At the mention of coming to her office he once again nods, saying it may occur have the Jehoel conflict, but if possible to do before then he will make an appearance.


When Serena begins to make her rounds with the guests she is briefly pulled outside by Caroline, with Daniel in tow, the three of them are only outside for a minute or so before the ladies return. Daniel does not reappear.


When Serena comes back to the room she settles down With Andrea and Oli, joining the two mid conversation as they discuss the upcoming press conference. "Evening Serena, I think the biggest help is getting the pilots ready for the conference. I have asked Oli to sit down and talk them through the process, what to expect, and when it is best to just say as little as possible." Oli nods a little to the conversation, giving you a smile. "For the most part we want to start strong, it is a lot easier to keep public opinion up, instead of repairing it. Paul said you wanted a pre-brief report prior to the event, which should be done by tomorrow evening."


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


At the grand window Zelda, Mark and Fergus exchange a few words, well...mostly Zelda and Mark. "Tough first day for sure, no wonder she is a bit annoyed." He says the words with a nod to himself, as if agreeing with his own words. "Things will get better, more time I get with Amaterasu the better things will go I think." He says the words as he stares down at the park where a small family is playing, or more precisely, a father is watching two boys play fight. One is lying on the ground as if he had just lost a fight and the second is standing over him with a clenched fist in the air.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Daniel is approached by Mikhail just before the scientist is called out by Caroline, giving the pair a few minutes to talk. When questioned on the prisoners Daniel replies with the following. "We have basic structures that can hold a weakened Entity for a short period, though we would require Mecha present on standby at almost all times." He goes on to speak a little more that if NERV provide the resources then stronger containment can be achieved.

"Once captured and subdued we will be ready to investigate the being further, with the intention of learning more about their AT fields and how they manage such control."


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Anya approaches Ian and questions him on the machine, going against the warnings from Chris. For the next ten minutes Anya is a prisoner in her own home, this questions opens the flood gates and you quickly learn just how passionate Ian is about his distrust of machines that think that they can think. "It's dangerous Anya, I am telling you that now." Even if Anya tries to move away from the conversation Ian stays close, following her a little if needed. Even if she tries to change the topic he just ignores it.

Ian clearly doesn't like the machine bein linked to so many units within NERV-London, and the idea of it being linked to even more in NERV-05 is just asking for a nightmare to unfold. Ian makes it clear that if they give the machine more control in NERV-London then he is handing in his notice and moving to Scotland.


Twenty minutes pass






Please note, if people want you have Fate points. I plan on there being one mini thread after this thread and then session 2 stars, meaning Fate poitns reset.


Serena general interrogation

- It appears there is various a diverse research occurring within the Class A and B equipment.

- Mikhail joining is signs of friendlier Russian and NERV interactions.

- There is talk of NERV dealing with Turiel (located in Saudi, see here), in exchange for surplus and research. As Saudi are outside the Valentine treaty.



- The machine is working on a lot of stuff currently; helping with development of NERV-05, research into reducing/eliminating Class-As reliance on electricity and re-cataloging information on past and present entities.

- You also get the sense that the Taravangian is going to go through and update/upgrade cycle in the near future.

- You get the sense Daniel can almost tell you are fishing for something, or very curious, and is being careful with his answers. You get the feeling he either knows about Red Kite, or knows about stuff that is very important and secretive.



- Daniel makes it clear, that is some surplus/research is spent, then a stronger 'containment' can be built to hold a wounded Entity. This would cost 15 surplus and 5 research.

- The mission 'I want one alive!' has been updated on roll20 to include this possible upgrade.

- There is clearly more reasons for capturing an alive Entity, but Daniel doesn't give you any hints.

- For the common lore, it is evident that the machine is cutting edge and likely has technology entwined with it that Daniel has not revealed yet.



- Missing by 8 points of Lore is a shame. So not information.

- From your awareness you can see that Harriet is getting a little annoyed with Ian's line of questioning (can be checked on roll20 map). But her reaction means Ian is, at least, partially right.


Map placement

Wasn't too sure where to put Emiko, Mikhail or Anya after timeskip. Please move as needed.



Edited by darkhugh (see edit history)
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spacer.pngZelda look outside the window, observing the kids she wonder if this is a coincidence or if they are mimicking her gesture, she chose to believe it's the latter and ponder about the meaning.

There are multiple reasons for her action, the sincere desire to give even the slightest bit of hope is surely among them just as her desire to be the center of attention, but if her behavior has a positive effect on people, are her motivations really important?

Surely the battle of london has been seen and recorded by many and...

Zelda slowly facepalm, how could she take this much time to make this realization, just because the interview will be in three days it doesnt mean the news wont talk about what happened, or the social media, she doesnt need to ponder on the effects of her gesture, she can check them!

To Mark "i dont know her enough, but she's a pilot, i'm sure she would like to be involved in whatever project affect her eva, it's just that today has been a tough day "

Zelda give a look to her smartphone, she doesnt spend too much time on it, to not be rude, merely check if the news are already talking about the battle and if there are pictures/videos, but wont check them out right now

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Anya is starting to regret her decision slightly, as she tries to distance herself slightly but still listens. Especially as other people's reaction seems to confirm some of what Ian says. It will be good to follow up with Ian on this, maybe just not all of it right now.

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Mikhail Razumovsky


Wounds: 12/12
Fatigue: 0/4

Ego Barrier: 25/25
Insanity: 0

Mikhail lets Daniel go without further questions, frowning as he mulls over the implications of what was said. He did not expect to stumble upon something crucial on his first day in the base. That expectation was probably vindicated. Daniel really didn't tell him much. And yet, he cannot help but feel like this idea of capturing an Entity for study might be key to...


Interrupting his own musings, Mikhail returns to the party. His knowledge of such events is limited, but it's probably best not to just stand there by himself, staring into the middle distance. Instead, he makes his way over to the Vice Commander and the new arrival she is talking to, on the hunch that they might be talking about him. He doesn't intrude yet, giving Caroline a chance to introduce him if she wants. If he can overhear anything on the way, that shouldn't be a problem?

Edited by von_das (see edit history)
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The Setting 


Location: Apartment 212, NERV - London

Time and Date: 20:00, Thursday, 21st September 2023.



Segment 3


Mark nods a little at Zelda's comment but doesn't say anything in response, this gives Zelda some time to glance online and get a feel on what the general opinion of the attacks were. From the main stream media the recent new articles do not appear overly positive from a scan of the headlines.


Avoidable! 200 deaths in London, more on the horizon?

Has NERV lost its edge?

Exclusive - Who are the new London Pilots?


Not all the publicity is negative, but for every one good headline there are ten negatives. Though this is partly expected, fear mongering and click bait like titles bring in the money sadly. There are various videos online of of the battle, from people on the ground itself videoing the combat, perhaps no more than say 100 feet from your Mecha's feet. More recent videos show people bypassing the quarantine and entering the battle zone, a few of them calling themselves 'treasure hunters', looking for remains of the Entities and Mecha.

"It was your first conflict, wasn't it?" The question comes from Fergus, the way he words it makes it seem like it is rhetorical. "They will likely send a few of you out on boarder control in the near future, show of power for other non-valentine nations I think."


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It takes some time, but eventually Anya is able to get away from Ian, though that is due to the help of Harriet who clearly sees that the young German wants to escape. Harriet is able to question Ian on his time at GCHQ, which is enough for him to turn his focus to her, allowing Anya to get away.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mikhail takes a few slow steps toward Caroline and Samuel Prince, they are clearly talking about you as you hear your name mentioned along with the name of your Mecha. As you get closer, and it is obvious you are approach, Samuel gives you a light smile and shifts his body making it clear you can join. "Hi, I am Samuel. Nice to meet you Mikhail." He holds out his hand towards you, "I am head of the Class C Development, reporting to Gabriela." Caroline stays quiet as she lets Samuel speak, though stands polietly with the pair of you.

"I was the one reviewing your Svyatogor prior to your acceptance. Some interesting design deviations to our own Class C, were you ever informed of the design process, or taught about how it works?"








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Serena finds herself on autopilot in the conversation with Andrea Rossi and Oliver Narrow. She says things, they say things, there is conversation, but she is inside her own head. She is alert to the party (somewhat), but if she wasn't wearing sunglasses, you'd be able to tell her eyes were defocused. Hell, Andrea and Oliver probably can tell her attention is elsewhere.

Captain Serena Silver


Wounds: 13/13

Ego Barrier: 35/35

Fate Points: 2/3

Fatigue: 0

Insanity Points: 0


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spacer.pngZelda observe the news with a worried expression, 200 deaths, she knew it but it didnt feel real until now that the news talk about it, what strike her the most is the -avoidable!- headline, she wonder if they could have done something to reduce the number of casualties.

She cant avoid but feel responsible somehow, she did her best... but maybe her best isnt enough.

"yes, it's different from the simulations" you dont hear your companions scream in pain, you are not mentally assaulted by entities and if you fail, there is a quick load button.

"if nerv think that will help us..." she say with a neutral, almost indifferent, voice tone, she think her time would be better spent on other things and not to make a show of power for non-valentine nations, but the game of politics is something beyond her, maybe doing that will get them more founds.

The party seem dying down and the teen isnt particularly interested in keeping it up, for the most part it has been spy-work, which is not her idea of fun activities.


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image.png.879faf61629a88eaff5b2278d7b892c5.pngFinally free from Ian, Anya fights the urge to audibly sigh with relief. Best speak to some of the other guests.

Anya spots Chris Kumar speaking to Greg and takes a somewhat longer rout through the kitchen and around the table. From the files, she knows he works directly for Kirsty Spade, doesn't talk much and is observant just like Anya....need to be careful here. Luckily Chris is fairly chatty.

"Hi Chris, hope you are enjoying the party. It has been fun getting to know your team. Me and the other pilots were hoping to spend some time on the bridge and see how things work at some point." Anya speaks to Chris as she positions herself next to the pair. "Sorry, I don't believe we have been introduced, I am Anya, nice to meet you." She extends a hand to Greg.

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