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Oculus Eyeland: The See & The Sand


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The Trading Post

https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Xo5hLKqk4ew/WiR9p5ObpgI/AAAAAAAAEo4/uWUi_JUIHIodaYuGR_NOw6ZMn6-dB_eNgCLcBGAs/s1600/Frontier Ghost Town.jpeg

The six Hunters took their leave of Hardblade and her princely cousin. The Guildmaster's final notice of their time limit rang in their ears, as she barked a reminder just before the door swung shut.

The six headed out to handle their various chores, as well as meet to discuss strategies, or to have one last round at the bar. Regardless, the six found themselves back at the main hall as the time of departure drew near. With just a few minutes to spare, a Guild page arrived, beckoning to the Hunters to follow. It was hard to tell the exact age or the sex of the child...Guild Pages tended to blend into the woodwork as all wore the same uniform and had the same haircut...all of them looked like little cutouts of the exact same 10 year old moppet, dressed in gray pants and tunic, with a tabard in the Guild colors thrown over all. If it weren't for the fact that not all of them were human, it wouldn't surprise any of you if they really were identical copies of a single, perfect servant.

But the child knew their business and quickly lead the group to a room deep within the bowels of the Guild building, leaving them at the door after gesturing them inside. Once they entered, the six found themselves in a cavernous, square room, at least fifty paces on a side, with a high, vaulted ceiling. A raised dais, at least thirty feet across, stood in the exact center of the room, and on it was the familiar shape of one of the Guild Teleportals, a polished basalt arch, inscribed with copious amounts of runes and positively humming with magic energy. The Teleportals were well known to you all. Every Guild Chapterhouse had at least one, bigger ones often as many as a half dozen, and they could be targeted at any other Teleportal as the user desired.

This one, however, appeared to have been rather extensively modified. Thirteen large, glittering diamonds, each as big as an apple, and scintillating in a rainbow of colors, were mounted equidistantly around the arch. At the peak of the Portal was a massive, water clear stone easily the size of a man's head. Lightning, in all the colors of the spectrum, flashed and flickered through the stone, flowing to and from each of the other dozen diamonds in an intricate, convoluted dance.

Spaced just as evenly around the Arch were a dozen wizards, each dressed in the robes of a Maester of the Collegium Arcane. None of the wizards paid the least bit of attention to the Hunters, as each appeared to already be deeply involved in their spellcasting. The air smelt of incense and ozone, and small wisps of smoke drift up from small braziers at the feet of each of the spellcasters. Occasionally one of another of them would toss a small pinch of some substance into the flame, and further scents would perfume the air...some were quite pleasant, others unutterably vile.

Standing at the head of the circle is Cryoleptus, though, unlike the rest, he was facing outward, conversing quietly with his cousin, Hardblade, who stood to one side, beside a table covered in several satchels and other bits of equipment. The two of them glanced up at the Hunters as they entered, Cryoleptus with a welcome smile and Hardblade with a more worried look. Both quietly greeted the six and Hardblade beckoned them over to the table.

image.png.90f78f882f15f7ab1a6a7a3e8b72883d.pngOnce everyone was gathered around, the Guildmaster nodded towards the piled gear. The Hunters could see that there were six small leather satchels, meant to be belted around the waist or slung crossways over the chest. Each didn't look like it would hold more than a few items, but, one and all, they appeared to be exquisitely made.

image.png.d0f6be1a1ef2f3d099b4ad3b64bb1d45.pngOn a square of watered silk rested six silver bracelets, each of which sported a plethora of sparkling sapphires, offset with tiny white topaz in between each dazzling blue stone. Amidst the decorative whorls and filigree could be seen tiny, etched runes, each painstakingly carved into the metal directly, then washed with some type of caustic agent to highlight them.

image.png.0bbdef2e3424c5b42553c01ca863e670.pngAnd finally, resting on a nest of piled silk was another water clear diamond, about the size of a hen's egg. The stone was absolutely and utterly flawless, and was perfectly cut in the shape of a dodecahedron. At the center of the stone, rainbow lightning flashed, perfectly mimicking the power of the massive diamond that surmounts the Portal.

Hardblade reached out and grabbed up the six packs, tossing one to each of the Hunters. "Those are your supplies. Enough food and drink in each to last you a month, along with pretty much every type of basic gear imaginable. There's also some alchemical supplies...healing salves, other goodies, even a few things that go boom in the night." She gave them a bright, savage grin and continued. "I had the Quartermaster pull out all the stops. She jammed everything she thought you might possibly need. They each hold as much as a top flight bag of holding, but they only weigh half a stone, no matter what you shove in em. The mouths expand to be large enough to fit a pony keg into them...there's a couple dozen in each, filled with water, in case you were wondering. And as a bonus, they work like a typical Lyrican Haversack...you reach in, think about the thing you want, and suddenly it's in hand. Only takes a second to get whatever you're after." She nodded in Cryoleptus' direction. "The bags themselves are a gift of the Collegium, and according to his nibs, there are a couple rather important limitations. The packs are, themselves, magic, so if you're withing an anti-magic zone, you wont be able to take anything out or put anything in. They'll just be empty leather satchels for the duration. But being in an AMZ wont actually harm them...they've been extensively tested. The other limitation is, you cant put anything magic into them...mundane items only. Interferes with the phlebotinum or some other ridiculous magey words." She rolled her eyes and grinned. "Basically, if you try to put anything enchanted in them, they might stop working, they might do nothing...or they might explode. And by all the Powers, DO NOT try and put any Nullmetal into them. They're protected from the outside, so proximity, even contact shouldn't hurt them. But DONT try to store any in them. Other than that, nothing alive can be put in them, but you can put all the dead stuff you want in there. It'll be perfectly preserved until you pull it back out."

She leaned forward, and added, sotto voce, "They dont "officially" exist...they're still in the experimental stage. But I worked it so you all get to keep them when this mission is done...part of your bonus. Plus, I got one for myself!" With a happy smile, she pulled back her fur cloak and showed that she already had one of the packs slung around her waist. Reaching in, she pulled out a long wooden pole...and kept pulling and pulling, until it's entire ten foot length was in her hand. With a bark of laughter, she quickly re-stowed it, then waved to Cryoleptus. "He'll brief you on the other doodads. And make it quick, Cousin,", she added, glancing at the large water clock mounted on a nearby wall, "There's only a quarter of an hour left before you have to get that ritual going."

With a small chuckle of his own, the Vizier gave Hardblade a small, half-bow, then turned to the Hunters. Taking up the bracelets, he held them out, handing one to each of the six. "Put them on, quickly." He gave them an impatient look until they complied. "Oh...there might be a...slight pinch." Six yelps accompanied his comment as each of them felt a sting on the inside of their wrists. Cryoleptus winced, giving them an apologetic nod. "Sorry...the bracelets need the blood link to bond them to each of you. It'll help to counteract the interference that you'll run into on the island...that's the theory, at least. Anyway," he went on quickly, "now you'll all be able to communicate mentally with one another. You'll be able to 'speak' normally, just as though you were standing next to one another. And you can speak to one, all, or any combination of your fellows. Quite ingenious, really." He grinned, seemingly rather proud of his invention, but the Guildmaster's cleared throat quickly brought him back on task.

"Right...Now, normally, you'd be able to speak to one another over a distance of many miles. As it stands, I wouldn't count on more than five hundred yards...possibly as many as a thousand, if we're lucky. But the communication range will be spherical, so even if you're separated by a significant distance vertically as well as horzontally, you'll still be able to stay in touch. In addition, those sapphires are linked to these." He and Hardblade each held up a wrist to show they were wearing identical bracelets, though theirs were heavier, and each sported even larger stones.

"When you need to communicate with us, any one of you can touch one of those sapphires and will it to connect to us. It will connect with both of us, by the by. The stone will crumble, but the mana stored within will enable...again, we hope...you to be able to reach out clear to the mainland to speak. Each gem will allow only about five minutes worth of communication, and each bracelet has twenty sapphires, so that's a total of six hours of communication. Use it wisely. Oh!" He blinked, tapping the side of his head with the heel of his palm. "I almost forgot. Even when the sapphires are depleted, the topaz will continue to keep the mental link between you active."

Turning back to the table, he plucked up the large diamond. "This is the anchor which you'll use to contact us when you're finished with the job. I'll be blooding it during the ritual and linking it with the central diamond on the Portal. As my mana core recharges, the stone will slowly grow warmer, and the rainbow within it will brighten. When it reaches the point of being just uncomfortably warm, and the lightning seems to fill the stone, it will be ready, and any time after that, you can call for the Portal. All you'll need to do is hold the crystal in the palm of your hand, smear it with a drop of blood, and call my name aloud. After that, everything will proceed on it's own. Just dont forget, it takes a full hour for the portal to form, and it cant be moved once it's started, so be prepared to defend the portal with your lives once you activate it...or make sure everything hostile is already in the afterlife." He gave them a sharp, razor thin smile.

Before the prince could say anything more, one of the wizards in the circle softly muttered "It is time, My Lord Vizier." With a nod, Cryoleptus turned to the portal, beckoning the six to follow him. Waving them forward, he spoke softly, even as he had raised his hands and begun making passes in the air. Softly glowing lights, like tiny arcs of lighting, began to flicker and flow around his hands and his eyes were half closed. Nevertheless, he was able to continue speaking to them, guiding them to their places.

"Quickly, my friends, stand in the circle, in front of the Portal. Do not, under any circumstances, break the circle. The consequences would be...disastrous. Now, forgive me, I must bend my concentration wholly to the ritual. I will signal you when it is time to enter the portal." So saying, the mage closed his eyes fully and began muttering ancient, puissiant words of power, began his invocations.


It turned out, watching a bunch of other people perform a complex, multi-step, extremely arcane and esoteric ritual, while you had to stand in center of their formation, unmoving, not talking, and generally just doing your best to make like a hole in the air...is incredibly boring.

Hardblade stood nearby, providing her own signature brand of motivation to both remain silent, and alert. Mostly in the form of icy glares when one of the Hunters dared to breathe too loudly, or shuffle their feet overmuch. Powers help anyone who made the nearly unforgivable mistake of coughing!

Eventually, and fortunately for their sanity, the ritual finally seemed to be nearing it's crescendo. The voices of the participants sped up and got louder, their movements more purposeful, almost frantically so. With what seemed to be only a minute or so left, Cryoleptus held aloft the diamond that was the key to opening the portal on the Island. With a gesture, he caused a small slice to appear across his palm, then wrapped his fist around the stone. The Vizier's clenched hand practically exploded in a coruscating sphere of rainbow colored light, pushing back the shadows in the large room, and forcing the six Hunters to avert their eyes. Seconds later, the light dimmed and, when it was once again safe to look, they saw that Cryoleptus was holding, in his now healed palm, a crimson diamond that pulsed with a soft, inner light. With a flick of his wrist, he tossed the stone to Cal, who happened to be closest, then turned his attention fully to the final steps of the ritual.

From her position to one side, Hardblade called out. "Call in when you need to, but I want at least twice daily reports. Dawn and Dusk will be when I'll set aside time to wait, but if you need to get ahold of me before that, do so. I dispatched a fast ship about an hour ago, and it's heading straight for Oculus. There's a weather witch on board, so it should only take them about four or five days to get there. They'll have additional supplies, a couple of healers, and some guards. Unfortunately I had to dispatch your peers to some of those other border conflicts that are, as you surmised, already heating up, so you six will still be the big dogs in the yard. But if you get in the soup, just hunker down, because help is already on the way."

Cryoleptus interrupted, his voice tight with strain. "Thirty seconds. Anything else you have to say, make it quick."

Rather than respond, the Guildmaster drew herself stiffly to attention, feet coming crisply together, and closed fist coming across to thump solidly against her chest. Her one good eye shone with pride as she swept the six with her gaze. "Hunters, the Hunt beckons. Bring honour to your Guild, Honour to your House, Honour to yourselves."

"The portal is active! GO! NOW!!" Barked the prince, as a soundless burst of heat and light erupted behind the six Hunters standing on the dais. Turning, they saw that the basalt arch of the Portal was filled with milky white fog, swirling violently and streaked through with flashes of bright blue energy. The thirteen massive diamonds mounted on the stone hummed and popped with the incredible amount of power channeled into and through them, and arcs of what looked like real lightning forked and danced across all the surface, even grounding out on the stone dais.

The six jumped forward, even as, behind them, Hardblade once more barked. "Hunters...HUNT WELL!!"

The world went dark...




...violent, gut wrenching spasms hammered each of the Hunters, sending agonizing tremors racing through their bodies. For a split second that seemed to last hours, each of them would later swear that they felt like they were simultaneously burning to death, freezing, and struck by lightning...

...Cyclops Zombieand then they erupted into bright sunlight, and a warm, tropical breeze, smelling strongly of iodine and salt. They can see, in rapid, pain and nausea filled flashes, several large wooden buildings, each seemingly built to accommodate both human and cyclops sized individuals. All of the buildings appear damaged in some fashion, some more than others. There are lots of what appear to be streaks of spell damage, a few slices where thin stripes have been disintegrated, and a few places are smashed in, as though large bodies have flown through walls and doors.

Unfortunately, since the six literally erupted onto the island, all of this passes by in a flash...some of it painfully close. All of the Hunters were violently spat out by the Portal, and found themselves sailing through the air, slamming into and through various (fortunately) wooden structures. Or...in one unfortunate case...directly into the earth below...

Apparently, the portal was less 'stable' than even their most pessimistic predictions prognosticated.
To add the cherry to the top of the 'crap sundae' that was their rather ignominious translation from one location to another...was when, from all round them, came incredible basso roars' and the ground shuddering thud of massive feet.





OOC Info

Welcome To Fantasy Oculus Island!

You all find yourselves ejected, extremely forcefully, from the Portal. I've placed your icons on the map, and you should have full control over them. If you dont, please let me know so I can correct that. Note that you are more than a bit scattered, and the map is quite large, so use the info in the Combat Spoiler to find your token.

Welcome, as well, to your first combat in Eyes On The Prize. Please keep all hands and feet inside the ride, at all times. Missing limbs are not the responsibility of the ride provider, and you assume all risks to life, limb, and sanity. I hope you have a pleasant stay.

You are in what appears to be the Oculus Trading Post, as described by Hardblade and Cryoleptus. It is a collection of half a dozen-ish buildings, designed to accommodate the native Cyclops, as well as visitors of smaller stature. As indicated, it looks like there was quite a battle here, fairly recently.

Anyone with Know: Engineering of at least +15 or higher, or Perception +25 or higher can tell that it appears to have happened within the last couple of days...there are still smoldering spots on the walls, and the barest hint of weathering has started on the edges of the disintegration cuts.

As you all come flying out of the portal, you manage to glimpse about half a dozen Cyclops, scattered around the trading post. They are all Large creatures, and appear to be what one would expect of rural farmers, wearing reasonably nice clothing, and fairly well off. However, without exception, they are grey skinned, hollow eyed, and, one and all, bear wounds that appear to be quite fatal. Despite that, all of them are up and moving, and, though not necessarily expecting your appearance, they all react quite...strongly, to it. They appear to be armed with a motley collection of tools, chunks of wood, or their bare hands, and none appear to be wearing armour.



Lyrican HaverFannyPacks


These handy, dandy, and not yet available for public consumption items are quite useful.  They combine the best features of a Handy Haversack and the largest Bag of Holding available.

Any item placed within can be drawn out as a Move Action, simply by thinking about it, reaching in, and grabbing the item, which suddenly appears.

While the FannyPack is, itself, magic, it cannot hold any magic items.  They simply will not enter it's enchanted, extended space.  They can be stored in it as though it were a regular pouch, which the Pack resembles when opened, unless the bearer wishes otherwise.

The opening of the pack can be expanded, at the wearer's desire, up to sufficient size to take a Medium sized object.


Each of the Packs currently contain 1 Months' worth of fresh and preserved food, 1 months's supply of water (in skins and pony kegs), as well as copious amounts of mundane adventuring gear.  If it is a mundane item (that will fit within the pouch), and is in the equipment list, at least one of whatever 'it' is, is in the pouch.  This includes tools, alchemical items, and all other nonmagical gear.  It does NOT include any MW items.


In addition, each Pack contains a supply of (Stable) Salve (150 doses, 10d8 Healing, no limit on daily uses), and (Stable) Panacea (50 Doses, created at DC 40).


Combat Info

We will be starting this combat with a modified Surprise Round. All of you will have one full round to make any action(s) you choose. In addition, if you have any Immediate Actions you can take to either add to your save (if needed), or to try and mitigate your conditions/potential damage, you can do this as well, as a Bonus Action (ie it wont count as your Swift for the Surprise Round, nor the first Combat Round...it's a total freebie).

I would like everyone to roll Initiative in the Dice Thread, in the same post as you roll any checks for your surprise round. Starting the first combat round, we'll go to Block Initiative, meaning everyone who beats the baddies Initiative goes, the baddies go, then everyone else goes.

If anyone has any questions, please dont hesitate to ask them on the Discord or OOC thread.

The following are your current situations/locations:


Cal: You find yourself sailing through the air, backwards, and you can see the portal getting smaller and smaller as you fly. Lucky for you, you managed to avoid flying through any buildings. Unfortunately, you're also quite a ways up...and starting to fall. And you just know you're going to land badly if you dont do something immediately...Oh...and is that a tree coming closer, really quickly?

  • You are due north of the portal, 120' (24 Squares), and are 60' in the air.
  • Unfortunately, you failed your Reflex Save (DC 10+your 2d20 roll), so you will take full damage from the fall, unless mitigated by whatever actions you take.
  • If you do nothing, you will sail an additional 60' (which will take you to just beyond the edge of the map), where you will slam into a rather large tree, taking 18d6 falling/impact damage (59). Evasion will not apply to this save.
  • This damage can be mitigated in all the normal ways (Acrobatics checks, talents, flight, etc).
  • You are also Sickened (No Save) for the next 10-CON Rounds, Minimum 1 Round.
  • Finally, you take 60 Nonlethal Damage from your rather violent trip through the Portal. This damage cannot be mitigated in any way, and is suffered even if you are normally immune to Nonlethal damage.


Blaidd: You find yourself sailing, face forward, through the air, straight towards a two story building. You twist in midair and somehow manage to avoid slamming into the corner of the second story roof of the building you sail over. Unfortunately, you're quite a ways up...and starting to fall.

Lucky for you, it looks like all that nice, hard dirt will be happy to absorb your fall. Doesn't that dirt look friendly?

  • You are due west of the portal, 110' (22 Squares), and are 55' in the air.
  • Fortunately, you make your Reflex Save (DC 10+your 2d20 roll). If you do nothing to save yourself, you will sail an additional 30' (which will take you to beyond the edge of the map), where you will hit the ground, taking 6d6 falling/impact damage (28). Evasion will not apply to this save.
  • This damage can be mitigated in all the normal ways (Acrobatics checks, talents, flight, etc Note that DR does not reduce falling damage).
  • You are also Sickened (No Save) for the next 10-CON Rounds, Minimum 1 Round.
  • Finally, you take 63 Nonlethal Damage from your rather violent trip through the Portal. This damage cannot be mitigated in any way, and is suffered even if you are normally immune to Nonlethal damage.


Nivel: Coming through the unstable portal was only the beginning of your pain. When you are ejected, all you see is complete and utter darkness. Lucky for you, you are instantly distracted by the waves of searing pain that tear through your entire body, feeling like you are being shredded, scattered on the astral wind, and reassembled...poorly.

Another instant later, and you 'land', skidding across the dirt, your body still wracked by phantom pains from your rather unpleasant little jaunt through solid earth as you lie there, twitching.

The Mistsoul within you is currently bitching up a storm, and it's kind of giving you a pretty bad headache.  Fortunately all the other pain you're in manages to drown it out quite effectively.

  • You are due west of the portal, 50' (10 Squares), and are on the ground (Prone).
  • Fortunately, you make your Reflex Save (DC 10+your 2d20 roll). You do not take any additional sliding/impact damage. You do, however, take 10d6 untyped damage (29) due to being Shunted into the ground
  • This damage bypasses DR, but can be mitigated if you possess some ability to do so (Resilient Momentum, for example).
  • You are also Sickened (No Save) for the next 10-CON Rounds, Minimum 1 Round.
  • Finally, you take 57 Nonlethal Damage from your rather violent trip through the Portal. This damage cannot be mitigated in any way, and is suffered even if you are normally immune to Nonlethal damage.


Devlin: You are ejected from the portal in a flat arc, and go skipping across the ground like a flat stone across a lake. Like a skipping stone, you manage to miss the porch of the building directly in your path...by tumbling and flying over it...Oooh...is that a Tunisian Sea Rose, growing in a tub on the porch of the building...those are handy for anti-inflammatory potions...which you'll probably need soon.

Eventually, after much tumbling, skipping, and rolling, (and probably a fair bit of cursing), you fetch up against a human sized, broken down wagon, slamming into the side of it.

Your outfit is positively ruined, and your hair is...full of DUST!!

  • You are northwest of the portal, 90' (18 Squares), and are on the ground (Prone (technically, sitting))
  • Fortunately, you make your Reflex Save (DC 10+your 2d20 roll). You manage to land in such a way that you avoid hitting your head on anything, so while you are shaken up, you are not stunned. You do, however, take 7d6 falling/impact damage (26). Evasion will not apply to this save.
  • Unfortunately, due to the rather...robust nature of your ejecting...and the totally justified distraction caused by the damage to your coiffure and wardrobe, the only way you can mitigate the damage is to make an Acrobatics check (modified by appropriate talents), and treating your movement as an equivalent distance fall.  This 'fall' distance is/resultant mitigation is based on the distance you would have traveled (130') had your motion not been interrupted.
  • You are also Sickened (No Save) for the next 10-CON Rounds, Minimum 1 Round.
  • Finally, you take 49 Nonlethal Damage from your rather violent trip through the Portal. This damage cannot be mitigated in any way, and is suffered even if you are normally immune to Nonlethal damage.


Yukito: When you go flying out of the portal, you are headed straight for another two story building. You sail over the covered porch, and, in a ridiculously complex feat of physical dexterity, manage to spin around so that you not only hit back first, you go flying through an open window, (mostly sparing your tender flesh from the nasty side effects of broken shards of razor sharp glass. Unfortunately, when you do land, you land in the middle of a pile of broken furniture, which doesn't feel all that great.

On the plus side, the room is (or was) rather nicely furnished before it was blasted apart.  There's a classic picture of dogs playing power over the headboard of the bed, and, remarkably, it's still intact.  No burn marks, no blood, nothing.  It's practically pristine.

Might even make a good souvenir...maybe after you deal with the current sitation, because...

  • You hear movement from the ground floor, and you can tell that it's more than one body, though you cant get an exact count.
  • You are due northeast of the portal, 70' (14 Squares), and are on the second floor of what appears to be, based on the contents of the room you are in (broken bed, standing wardrobe, small side table, etc), an inn or boarding house. You have landed in the middle of a pile of broken furniture, and you can see large bloodstains on the floor and walls. The stains are at least a couple days old.
  • Fortunately, you make your Reflex Save (DC 10+your 2d20 roll)...just barely You managed to avoid any lacerations from a broken window, but you do suffer If you do nothing to save yourself, you will sail an additional 30' (which will take you to beyond the edge of the map), where you will hit the ground, taking 10d6 impact damage (34). Evasion will not apply to this save.
  • Unfortunately, due to a rather large building..."interrupting" your flight, the only way you can mitigate the damage is to make an Acrobatics check (modified by appropriate talents), and treating your movement as an equivalent distance fall.  This 'fall' distance is/resultant mitigation is based on the distance you would have traveled (155') had your motion not been interrupted.
  • You are also Sickened (No Save) for the next 10-CON Rounds, Minimum 1 Round.
  • Finally, you take 48 Nonlethal Damage from your rather violent trip through the Portal. This damage cannot be mitigated in any way, and is suffered even if you are normally immune to Nonlethal damage.


Monique: You go sailing out of the portal, somehow managing to do so feet first. It's...not comfortable.

Like Devlin, you are moving in a flat arc, rather than up into the air or, luckily, into the ground.

Not so luckily, you are stopped, almost immediately, when you absolutely SLAM into a large transport wagon, sitting in front of what appears to be a giant sized saloon. Through the haze of pain that causes your vision to swim momentarily, you look up and see a pair of Cyclops, a man and woman, on the balcony above you.

The woman is dressed in a rather revealing undergarment...unfortunate, considering the gaping wound that looks to have burned away half her chest.

The man is wearing longjohns and is 'armed' with what appears to be a broken off bedpost from a four poster bed. Half his head is missing...literally gone, and what remains of his brain is sort of sloshing around in the remaining skull.

Also, his bits are nearly hanging out, since the longjohn is in major danger of slippage.

Neither situation seems to preclude him from moving about and moaning loudly.

  • You are southwest of the portal, 25' (5 Squares), and are on the ground (Prone (technically, sitting))
  • Fortunately, you make your Reflex Save (DC 10+your 2d20 roll). You manage to land in such a way that you avoid hitting your head on anything, but you are sort of upside down and leaning, rather painfully, against the wagon wheel. You take 11d6 falling/impact damage (36). Evasion will not apply to this save.
  • Unfortunately, due to a rather large cart..."interrupting" your forward momentum, quite violently, the only way you can mitigate the damage is to make an Acrobatics check (modified by appropriate talents), and treating your movement as an equivalent distance fall.  This 'fall' distance is/resultant mitigation is based on the distance you would have traveled (85') had your motion not been interrupted.
  • You are also Sickened (No Save) for the next 10-CON Rounds, Minimum 1 Round.
  • Finally, you take 57 Nonlethal Damage from your rather violent trip through the Portal. This damage cannot be mitigated in any way, and is suffered even if you are normally immune to Nonlethal damage.


  • The Nonlethal Damage is analogous to the damage caused by Draining Casting.  It can only be healed by resting for 8 hours.
  • The Sickened Condition affects all PC's, regardless of any immunity to such conditions they normally have.







Edited by Arklytte (see edit history)
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Cal was good at staying quiet and still.  He'd had a lot of practice of doing it involuntarily.


So he obediently refrained from shuffling or stretching - and never mind coughing, he didn't even breathe for the entire duration of the ritual.  Nor did he flinch - or even seem to feel - the jab from the bracelet as it bonded to him. 


The first time he moved once they were in the circle was when he caught the diamond as it was tossed to him, almost trying to put it into his new magical storage before remembering what he'd just been told about them and tucking it as securely as possible into his coat instead.  And then he turned, gave what was somewhere between a salute and a wave to the Guildmaster and Prince Cryoleptus, and dived for the portal.






To come out spiralling through the air was not exactly what he'd expected.  Nonetheless, even in those few seconds, he got plenty of glimpses into what was going on around them.


~This happened recently. A couple of days at best. They're zombies. And those onyx eyes...they must be designed to reinforce their bodies, make them stronger and faster than normal.~ He didn't mention aloud that he knew his own organs were studded with onyx shards - there was a reason his Beholder 'master' had fried his nerves so he couldn't feel pain. ~They're probably weak to positive energy. More so than most undead, I mean.~


He stretched out one arm, and with a disgusting sucker-like noise, two eyes opened along his arm - one on the top of his hand, pupil-less with a golden iris, and the other on his bicep, ruby red and slitted like a dragon's - and then rays of coruscating energy leapt from the eyes, merging in mid-air to form a blazing beam of golden flames that shot towards the nearest undead cyclops.


~Let's see how that...~ Cal trailed off as his wild spinning in mid-air finally put him in position to see the tree his arc was putting him directly in line with. ~Oh, son of a -~


There was a loud crunch, accompanied by a bit of a sound of splintering wood. After a couple of moments, a quiet "I'm fine," came from the cloud of dust and debris.


Pre-cast buffs: Ray Deflection (SP 90 -> 89, nonlethal 0 -> 4)


Free: Begin Berserking


Free: Use Spirit Allies to gain the Invigorating Blast talent. (SA 6 -> 5)


Move: Use Impromptu Formula to create an Alchemist Fire at the base DC15, with Flesh-Eating Bomb and Invigorating Blast applied (SP 89 -> 88, IF 22 -> 21, nonlethal 64 -> 68)


Standard: Spell Attack Energy Strike #5 with a Fire Blast, using the new formula as the base weapon.  Cal keeps his Witchmark suppressed with Hidden Heretic; he can't fail the DC27 concentration check to do so, nor the DC27 concentration check to cast while falling.
25 to hit TAC for 56 positive energy plus 33 fire
22 to bypass SR if needed.
On a hit, the Cyclops catches 'fire' (except it deals positive energy damage) and needs to make a Reflex save vs DC32 to avoid catching fire again (this time dealing actual fire damage).  If the Cyclops has an armour bonus (not natural armour) of +1 or better, the Reflex save also halves the positive energy damage (but not the additional damage).


Free: Tell everyone about the undead cyclopses.


End of Turn: Splat!  He makes an Acrobatics check to reduce the falling and impact damage (with the benefits from the Leap package) down to 62 + 5 nonlethal, takes 44 damage into his delayed damage pool, loses his 14 temporary hitpoints from Berserking, and takes the remaining 4 + 5 nonlethal as actual damage.


End of Turn: Quick Recovery removes the nonlethal damage he took from falling.


End of Turn: Regenerate 4hp


Callum Venris
Male CN Beholder-Human Hybrid Eldritch Infuser // Incanter, Level 15, Init 10, HP 360/360, 0+68 nonlethal, Speed 80ft
AC 51-2, Touch 42-2, Flat-footed 41-2, CMD 58, Fort 29, Ref 24, Will 24, CMB +16, Base Attack Bonus 11
Champion's Strike +4/+12 "Eye Rays" (Alchemist Fires) +21 touch (8d6+19 / 8d6+27, x2)
Champion's Strike +4 Quarterstaff +21 (1d6+14 / 1d6+22, x2)
+5 Antispell Aberration-Defiant Clothes (+5 Armor, +10 Dex, +4 Natural, +4 Deflect, +18 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 30, Con 40, Int 10, Wis 30, Cha 10
Condition None
+1 to saves vs mind-affecting
+2 to saves vs transmutation effects used by aberrations
+2 to saves vs any effect used by aberrations
+2 to saves vs illusions, enchantments and Mind effects except for fear, which are at -1 instead
-2 to saves vs [evil]
+2 AC/FFAC vs aberrations
Immune nonlethal, ability damage/drain, bleed, death effects, damage from positive energy effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, aging effects, stunning, Fort saves
75% fortification



Spell Points 88/90, Martial Focus On
Delayed Damage 44/44, Hand's Knowledge 1/1, Hypervitalise 596/600, Impromptu Formula 21/22, Spirit Allies 5/6
Current Formulae (10/11):

  • Alchemist Fire [Alkali Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Electric Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Fire Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Frost Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Nether Blast]
  • Salve DC50
  • Salve DC50
  • Panacaea DC50
  • Panacaea DC50
  • Itching Powder


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image.png.1220fc1b707699a497ccc32cb40a4df8.pngYukito Nanaya

Demon Slayer




Yukito stood before a small shrine, with a sun-like emblem on it.  He put both hands together, the palms flat, and bowed.  "Watch over me, Amaterasu.  This fool will be going into battle once more to slay the evils of the world..."


After his short prayer, the slayer looked over the cliff side that the shine was built upon.  A cigarette slowly burned as he took a drag, letting out a puff of smoke a moment later.  "I'm getting too old for this shit..."


*  *  *


Pain surged through Yukito's body.  He hadn't felt that kind of pain in years, not since that fateful portal incident that took him from his homeland.  It was eerily similar, if he thought about it, but this time he had the advantage of being in good health and status, and not almost bleeding out from fighting an abomination. Didn't make it any less painful, nor did it make the velocity at which the slayer was soaring through the air any less concerning.  It wasn't something he was particularly used to, but it wasn't the first time something similar had happened.  And despite his own mystical prowess, he couldn't stop to prevent himself from hitting a building.


He took a moment, closed his eyes, and breathed.  For a moment, it was like the world has paused - his senses searched out to get a grasp of his situation.  A window - less painful than a wall!  The slayer channeled his ki to his hands and feet, and grasped the air around himself, as though he was grabbing the ground.  A second later, he spun himself, timing everything to reduce his profile as he crashed through the window, then spreading out to grab at the air again.  His feet hit the floor as he drew both his personal sword and his new nullblade from his belt, scabbards and all, driving them into the floor while the momentum continued to carry him towards a pile of rubble. He braced himself for the impact, as it wasn't enough to prevent a crash into the rubble of destroyed furniture...


Yukito then quickly pulled himself out from the rubble.  He placed both blades, scabbards included, back onto his belt - his personal blade's scabbard magically clicking into place thanks to custom-crafted effects.  He took a moment to empower himself - the world began to move just a bit slower as his reflexes increased greatly.  And then he pulled out a cigarette from his case, as though this was just another day on the job.


He could tell easily enough - there was something downstairs, moving.  But at least he didn't have immediate hostiles.  Which meant it was time to check out the new item he received - the bracelet.  <Testing testing - let's get a quick head count here, folks.  Who's alive and still has their head attached?>




Free: Berserking - Avatasim (animal) + True Rage (+14 temp HP, which soaks some of the falling damage)

Move 1: Pull sorry butt out of rubble


Swift: Sage Enhance for +10 DEX, +2 STR

Standard: Cast Temporal Haste on self (stats will reflect this), spend 2 SP (1 for duration, 1 for Temporal cost)

Move 2: lite a cig, like the smug bastard Yukito is.


Conditional AoO: shield block +5 AC + Redirecting Shield.  Up to 20 times a round


Results: Yukito takes 21 points of damage from the fall, in addition to the 48 nonlethal


Yukito Nanaya Human demon slayer

HP 189/210 Nonlethal -48  SP 78/90

Speed 80ft Init 34 

AC 69 77 Fort 20 Ref 33 41 Will 29  BAB 11 

Dueling Blade +35 (1d8+16, 17-20 x2)
Hasted/Enhanced Blade +43 (1d8+19, 17-20 x2)


Str 14 (2) 16 (3) Dex 40 (15) 50 (20) Con 22 (6) Wis 40 (15) Int 12 (1) Cha 12 (1)


Short Term Buffs:

  • Temporal Haste (CL20; +3 to AC/Attack/Reflex, +50' speed, +5 AoOs) - duration 20 minutes
  • Sage Enhance (+10 DEX, +2 STR; effective BAB 15, DR 7/-)  duration 15 rounds

Long Term Buffs: all last 15+ hours

  • Sage: Flight (60' perfect) (110' perfect)
  • Divination: Blindfolded Oracle 75', Foreshadow (+3 AC/+4 Ref+Init), Sense Presence (aberrations currently) 75', See Hazards, Precog Smite +4, Precog Defense +4
  • Protection: Ablating 50%, Armored (armor +7, shield +5), Friendship, Ray Deflection 40%
  • War: Momentum 30/30


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Devlin image.jpeg.29d5460bf7359df59fbafa1f651d03ae.jpeg

Devlin careened out of the portal like one of his explosive spheres, having just enough wherewithal through the pain, portal sickness, and disorientation to be glad he wasn't rocketed straight into the air or the ground. That quickly ended as he made first contact with the earth. His mind could still flip into overdrive, though his body needed a much more complex magical temporal infusion to be able to actually move at heightened speeds, so he resigned himself to contort his body at what felt like the speed of molasses as he plotted how to take the pain of the fall. Turned out to be shoulder, then forearm, then knee, then a long bounce, then shoulder again, hand sending him into a cartwheeling rotation, a rolling tumble, and then the impact against the cart which forced the air out of his lungs in an, "Ooof." 


He'd taken the time of his tumble to take in the gruesome sights of the undead cyclopses, clearly unfortunate denizens of the camp who'd become victims of the new tyrants of the island. Several entries from various texts surfaced in his head as he rolled. Cyclops single eye makes for poor depth perception and peripheral vision, consider oblique angles of attack. Bodies suffered fatal wounds, but they are up and walking, ergo they are zombies. Enhanced toughness. Seemingly no loss of dexterity as would be expected. Black flaming eye denotes likely perception mode shift. 35% of undead tactics valid, as are most protocols against large heavy humanoid enemies. Bringing them down is an excellent bet.


Even as he crashed against the cart, Devlin was reacting to shift his momentum slightly upward, and get his feet under him. His hands were already reaching into the many straps beneath his cloak, retrieving a vial and his flask. The special bottomless flask contained all his uses of Iconic Tonic, while the light blue vial contained a panacea solution to hopefully get rid of the ill feeling he had after that portal trip. Just before he downed both of them, he caught his reflection in the shiny surface of the flask. His hair was hopelessly mussed and dusty, and his cravat already had a tear in it. Damned idiot portal mages, a whole gaggle of them and still this crash landing. So much for hunting with style. Devlin downed the drinks, feeling the heartening effects of the alcohol mix and the soothing panacea wash through him, settling his guts.


Stowing the flask and dropping the vial, it was time to change... well... time. He pressed in a small stud on his wrist-mounted chronograph, which released an alchemical quicksilver mix into the implement, infusing the whole setup with science and magic. Using quick hand gestures to align the various clockwork rings and create the precise temporal geometry he required, Devlin created a temporal field around himself which modified the way his body interacted with the time stream, not just his mind. His reactions were faster, his movements quicker, and he felt ready to fight. He flipped his cloak back, making flap and fan out behind him in a way that didn't quite hold with physics, giving him better access to his little spheres of death. And then he moved.


Dashing from his spot behind the cart, Devlin simultaneously tapped into a bridge across timelines. Versions of himself became visible that were half a step slower than him, or a full step slower, or still standing where he'd released himself from. These images would hopefully confuse and disorient his enemies once they decided to attack, while Devlin — the real Devlin — was just a blurred shape at the front of the line.


He responded to Yukito across the mental link, who he glanced up in the window... having a smoke?? "Still alive, moving across to the Northwest of you. There are a few dangerous looking undead down here, once you're finished with your smoke break up there..."


OOC and Mechanics

OOC: Just getting positioned and buffed.



Portal Reactions:

  • Take 10 for a result of 54 on Acrobatics check to reduce falling damage. Leap package from Athletics reduces the "fall height" by 50 feet, leaving 20' of fall damage to contend with (the first 10 of which are nonlethal).
    • Devlin takes 5 lethal and 4 nonlethal damage from bounding across the ground (OGMW roll thread results) 
  • Immediate: When he would become prone at the end of the tumble, Devlin uses Acrocatics Righting Reflex ability, expending one Martial Focus as an immediate action to not become prone

Move: Devlin uses Double Chug to pull out one of his Iconic TonicUniversal Alcohol with the following effects:
• 6d4 Temp HP for 1 hour
• +4 resistance bonus to next save attempt in next hour
• +5 circumstance bonus against emotion related effects for 1 hour
• +5 circumstance bonus against pain-related effects for 1 hour
• +5 circumstance bonus against sleep related effects 1 hour
as well as a Panacea (one of his crafted ones) and drink both, gaining the Drunk status for 16 rounds and +1 circumstance to all saves

  • Panacea cures the Sickened condition

Standard: Cast Temporal Haste (2SP) at CL 20 on self. Gain +50' speed, +3 attack/AC/Ref saves, +5 AOOs, extra swift/move action

  • Use Veiled Magic to conceal the casting. Any observing enemies must succeed at a DC40 perception check to realize Devlin is using magic 

Swift: Adopt Dynamite Throwing Form (stance), and use Focused Stamina to spend 5 Stamina instead of expending MF to make the stance last 15 rounds

Extra Move: Move 70' (moved token on map accordingly)

  • This movement (greater than 10' / less than half speed) allows Devlin to regain Martial Focus with Mobile Focus
  • Afterimage kicks in, leaving behind a total of 3 after images. There's a 75% chance an attack hits an afterimage instead.
  • Devlin will attempt a stealth check along with this movement, which he can do even while observed per Shade Stepper. Stealth result: 46 


Group Benefits

Current Momentum Pool: 31/31

Within 30' of Devlin, you can...

  • Spend 2 momentum to add 15 to weapon damage
  • Spend 1 momentum to reduce damage taken by 15


Devlin has given each of you 2 "Iconic Tonics", a Universal Alcohol you may drink for the following effects:

  • 6d4 Temp HP for 1 hour
  • +4 resistance bonus to next save attempt in next hour (doesn't stack with inhuman resilience, but might be handy in an AMF)
  • +5 circumstance bonus against emotion related effects for 1 hour
  • +5 circumstance bonus against pain-related effects for 1 hour
  • +5 circumstance bonus against sleep related effects 1 hour


Character Sheet | Character Thread

Current HP: 204/210  |  Temp HP: 17  |  Nonlethal damage: 6 + 49 portal damage (unhealable)

Conditions: Sickened (cured this turn)

Current AC: 53ACTIVE
10 base
10 Dexterity bonus
8 armor (unarmored training, applies to touch)
18 Prescient Dodger
4 Natural Armor
3 Dodge (Haste)

4 Dodge vs Scouted Enemies

  |  49 touch  (+4 vs scouted enemies, 71 on knowledge check vs zombie cyclopses)

Resistance/Reduction: DR 4/Cold Iron, ER20 Electricity, ER5 Fire/Acid, SR 25

Special: Evasion, Uncanny Dodge

Miss Chance: 75%ACTIVE
Afterimage: 50%/75%

Decoy: 50% until triggered


Perception: +37  | See in Darkness, Blindsense 20', Sightless Action

Stealth: +32



Ongoing Effects


Temporal Haste: 15 rounds, +3 attack/AC/Ref save, +50' speed, +6 AOOs, +move/swift action (2SP)

Rapid Response: +10 initiative, can act in surprise round (1SP for 200 min)

Drunk: 8 rounds, unarmed damage 1 size larger (Double chug: 16 rounds, and +1 all saves)

Dynamite Throwing Form: Splash weapons do unarmed damage. (15 rounds if expend MF)

Advanced Invisibility Suppression (Nivel): Invisible, +20 stealth, concealment



Encompassing Light: Damage and Reach 2 sizes greater (20' at gargantuan)

Improved Shadow Shield: 15d4+15 Temp HP, reduce damage by 4, 1 min'

Transformation: -


Daily Routine:

Craft 14 formulae | 30 min (7.5 minutes each 4) | + Other crafting?

Ritual: Reduce Max Hp 15 or spend 75gp | 1 hour

Read Advanced Study Guide | 1 hour, combined with above

Renew Momentum Pool: 1SP, lasts 16 hours

Continual: if there is a hint of possibility of trouble, will keep a Glow (black light) going on self, renewed every 11 min with standard action.

Offense Options

Unarmed Strike: +28+11 BAB
+10 Dex
+4 Imbued Greater Courage
+3 Haste

+5 INT instead of DEX (scouted)
+2 knowledge unlock (scouted)
  |  Damage: 2d10+15DICE (as unarmed)
2d10 normal
4d8 large (drunken boxer)
6d8 huge (encompassing light)
8d8 gargantuan (encompassing light + drunken boxer)

+15 INT (Creative Strike)
+8 Analytical gaze (scouted)

+15 electricity (first attack, elemental empowerment)
+15 (damaging momentum)
+3d6 Fatal Thrust
+6d6 Skewer
+8d6 / 16d6 energy strike

Masterwork Crossbow: +25 | Damage: 1d8 | 80'

Thrown Weapon: +25 | Damage: 1dx+15 | 10'

Thrown Formulae: +33+11 BAB
+10 Dex
+5 enhanced flask thrower
+4 Imbued Greater Courage
+3 Haste

+5 INT instead of DEX Cunning Attacker (scouted)
+4 insight Cunning Attacker (scouted)
+2 knowledge unlock (scouted)
+1 or 2 coordinated shot
| Damage: 2d10+20DICE (as unarmed)
2d10 normal
4d8 large (drunken boxer)
6d8 huge (encompassing light)
8d8 gargantuan (encompassing light + drunken boxer)

+15 INT (Creative Strike)
+5 Weapon Enhancement
+8 Analytical gaze (scouted)

+15 electricity (first attack, elemental empowerment)
+15 (damaging momentum)
+3d6 Fatal Thrust
+6d6 Skewer
+8d6 / 16d6 energy strike
+4d6/4d10 deadly shot
 | 80' range (60' de-powered)

  • [2/2] Improved Alchemist's Fire: +8d8 fire, 20/25/30' burst
  • [2/2] Improved Acid Flask: +8d8 acid, 20/25/30' burst
  • [15/15] Cherry Bombs: +6d4 bludgeoning, adjacent takes 6
  • [2/2] Improved Itching Powder: FortDC40 or -2 attack/saves/skill, 20' burst (25' +5 on save roll)
  • Add [Explosive] flashbang: 1d8, Fort DC32 or blinded/deafened for 1d4+1 rounds. Expend MF to...
    • Sonic Shriekers: 15d6 sonic, flashbang DC=36 (save=half damage)
    • Glacial Percussion: 7d6 cold, failed save = staggered 1d4 rounds (paralyzed if already staggered)
    • Belladonna Bursts: on failed save = 2d6 Strength damage (poison)
    • Dispelling Detonations: failed save = greater dispel on target
    • Nullsteel: 1SP/2SP instead of MF for counterspell in burst
    • Inflammable Cloud: 20' cloud for 15 rnds, when ignited deals 7d8 to anything in area
    • Elemental Enhancement (if adjacent to elemental): 15d6 electricity damage (ref save instead)
  • Deadly Shot. Add snipe. MF to add 4d6 vs touch, 4d10 vs regular ac
    • Trap Launcher (snipe): attach a snare trap
      • Tripwire: Ref DC32 or prone
      • Bamboozling Trap: Ref DC32 or Feinted
      • Thaumatic Sink: 10' radius AMF for 15 rounds
      • Can use an alchemical item with trap

Destructive Blast: +25 | 8d6 damage, 16d6 at 1SP

Defense Options

Saves (Roll twice)

Fort +19 modifiers+5 base
+6 ability
+5 (resistance) Inhuman Resilience
+4 (morale) Imbued Powerful Courage
-2 The Fool
+1 Double Chug

+2 vs Spells etc (Spellhardy)
+5 vs Sleep (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Pain (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Emotion (universal alcohol)
+4 (resistance) next saving throw (universal alcohol)

Reflex +27 modifiers+9 base
+10 ability
+5 (resistance) Inhuman Resilience
+4 (morale) Imbued Powerful Courage
-2 The Fool
+1 Double Chug
+3 Haste
+2 vs Spells etc (Spellhardy)
+5 vs Sleep (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Pain (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Emotion (universal alcohol)
+4 (resistance) next saving throw (universal alcohol)

Will +23 modifiers+9 base
+6 ability
+5 (resistance) Inhuman Resilience
+4 (morale) Imbued Powerful Courage
-2 The Fool
+1 Double Chug
+2 vs Spells etc (Spellhardy)
+5 vs Sleep (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Pain (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Emotion (universal alcohol)
+4 (resistance) next saving throw (universal alcohol)


Caper (boast): When active, DC30 will save or lose attack against Devlin

Bomb Jump: Free jump check (take 10 on athletics for 54), if remove from area of AOE, no ref save needed. 


SP: 87/90 (89 -> 87)

Shadow Pool: 5/5

MF: 2/2 (1 spent, 1 regained)

Stamina Pool: 12/17 (17 -> 12)

Momentum Pool: 31 (16 hours, upon spending 1SP, tracked in Group Benefits)

Silver Pendant protections: 15/15

Nullsteel uses: 250/250

Prepared Formulae: 14 breakdown1 Universal Alcohol (15)
1 Cherry Bombs (15)
2 Salves
4 Panacea
2 Itching Powder
2 Alchemist's Fire
2 Acid Flask

  • [4/15] Iconic Tonics (-1)
  • [2/2] Salves
  • [3/4] Panaceas (-1)

Other Alchemy

  • [1] SalvaceaHeals 1d8+40 HP, Cures all DC 40 status effects of Panacea
    DC 20: Deafened, fatigued, shaken, sickened.
    DC 30: Diseased, exhausted, nauseated, poisoned, staggered.
    DC 40: Frightened, blinded, paralyzed, stunned.
  • [1] L7 Improved Itching Powder
  • [15/15] L3 Cherry Bombs
  • [2/2] Tanglefoot Bags
  • [1] Tangleburn Bag
  • [1] Pepper Smoke Pellets
  • Basic Alchemist's Fires
  • Basic Acid Flasks




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Blaidd held his breath, keeping as still as possible. Portals, god he hated them, no control and easy to end up half way through the floor. But it was necessary, he closed his eyes ready for the flash of light.


Pain. Searing pain burned through his body. Felt like his whole body had been thrown around, squeezed through one of those clothes press, stuck at the bottom of the ocean. God it hurt. Soon the pain was forgotten as he felt a breeze as the sky and land below flashed past him. 


Twisting his body awkwardly he avoided the building, before flexing the arcane essence that surrounded his body, drawing the air around him to control his descent as he used the wind itself to steer and guide him gently to the floor.


Getting to his feet, Blaidd took a glance around scanning his surroundings, well drilled, looking for danger immediately.  He felt like s***, the nausea kicking in. Bloody portals.


"Good to hear that we are still alive and kicking. Everyone still got their arms and legs?"


Flexing his transformed body, his now formed claws extending out and his teeth bared. Drawing on his innate magic, the tattooed arcane runes that cover his torso flare a bright blue as his body begins to quicken, the world seeming to slow around him. Making his way through the village scanning for the others as the other's messages begin to come through.


At Devlin's point about the creatures they have stumbled upon, a hulking large Cyclops stood before Blaidd, it's flesh pale and fetid. With a sigh beginning to loosen his muscles, his body transforming in readiness to strike the creature before him.


"One big, dumb, ugly one-eyed f***** spotted ahead. Meet you all in a bit."



Elemental transformation movement trait air package negates fall damage and provides fly.


Standard: Cast Temporal Haste (2SP) at CL 15 on self. Gain 40' speed, +2 attack/AC/Ref saves, +4 AOOs, extra swift/move action


Free: Berserk - 14 temporary hit points


Swift - Scout Cyclops ahead of me

Swift - Battleshaping (Su) - Size Change (Huge) &  Bestial Spirit (Rend)  - 8 rounds




Blaid Glyndŵr





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spacer.png Nivel Syrris 

Nivel was used to being spread into a collective of molecules. It's his signature ability, aside from his poisons and clandestine assassinations. However, this experience was new, and the pain and confusion were unlike anything he had experienced. Oh, he had certainly been teleported before. The apparating 100 feet into the ground, however, was entirely new. Sure Nivel can slip through cracks while in mist form, but he can't slip through solid ground.

The pain is excruciating as his physical form materializes and fights to regain coherence. Soon, he is landed safely on the solid ground, only to be met with a sort of quiet chaos. The cyclopes have been mutilated and reanimated through some fell process. First things first, get the group back together and get things back under control.

The mistwalker reaches to his satchel and swiftly mixes toxins together before dripping the resultant poison onto the tip of the acupuncture needle loaded into the launcher attached to his arm. Floating back toward the center of the street, he attempts to take stock of the situation. His allies are scattered, though most are visible... for now.

A rolling fog spreads out from Nivel, swiftly enveloping him and his allies before fading from view, along with all of them.

<<Hurt, but alive. I'm betting the mages forgot to take the rotation of the planet into their calculations for the portal... No matter. These cyclopes need attending to. They shouldn't be able to see us now, however. Except, possibly, Yukito. Sorry, I don't know where you are, my good man.>>


Ok! Still need to work on stat block but for now: Not dead.

Surprise Round Actions

{Swift} Spend Martial Focus to create a petrifying poison and apply it to my weapon/ammunition.
{Move} Fly 50 feet - not more than 1/2 of my movement speed, so I recover my martial focus from Mobile Focus.

{Standard} Cast a Suppression (Base: 1 Spell point, plus extras below) on all party members in Medium range (300 feet) who I can target; that should be all of us save for Yukito, who is inside a building.

1 Spell point spent for Complex Illusions (mass) to grant everyone the same glamer.

1 Spell point spent to last without concentration for 20 minutes.

1 Spell point spent on Selective Illusions to allow all allies to see/sense one another.

1 Spell point spent on Advanced Invisibility to allow true invisibility, granting all the normal benefits of invisibility such as +20 to stealth checks (+40 if standing still), and total concealment even if detected.


Total SP spent: 5. With all sense talents, I suppress all senses to make all of us invisible, odorless, silent, and touchless, as well as suppressing magical auras. Furthermore, my suppression covers all senses and fools the following complex senses:

  • Blindsense: Illusionary Odor and Illusionary Sound
  • Blindsight: Illusionary Odor, Illusionary Sound, and Illusionary Touch
  • Detect Magic: Manipulate Aura
  • Echolocation: Illusionary Sound through air, Illusionary Touch through water
  • Scent or Keen Scent: Illusionary Odor
  • Lifesense: Manipulate Aura, Illusionary Touch
  • Thoughtsense or Detect Thoughts: Implausible Deniability feat
  • Tremorsense: Illusionary Touch


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Monique eyed the portal dubiously as the Hunters’ mages focused incredible energies on it. She understood the basic theory, but this was beyond any teleportation magic she had encountered before, beyond anything even her extensive studies and experience with teleportation magic had prepared her for.

The prince called out “The portal is active! GO! NOW!!”


She obeyed.


Pain flashed through her body, as she found herself skidding rapidly across the ground. Instinctively she tried to roll instead of skid, before slamming into – a wagon? With strange-looking cyclopes staring blankly...


She felt sickened to her stomach from the space-twisting effects of the overpowered portal; a quick telepathic check with the gift from the Guild found that all the others felt the same. Every instinct screamed Danger!; they couldn’t afford to be distracted by the urge to vomit. Quickly she focused on the poppets she held for each of her companions, and cast a restoration spell. Then she painfully rolled to her side and pushed herself up into a stand.

OOCI'd like to think her huge Knowledge roll would reveal some useful information, even if it isn't a Scout check.


Knowledge(Religion) to identify weaknesses of the zombie cylopes, acrobatics (successful) to mitigate mitigatable damage.

Surprise round action (prior to rolling initiative): standard: Mass Restore body (remove Sickened condition), 2 sp; move: stand from prone.


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The Trading Post

https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Xo5hLKqk4ew/WiR9p5ObpgI/AAAAAAAAEo4/uWUi_JUIHIodaYuGR_NOw6ZMn6-dB_eNgCLcBGAs/s1600/Frontier Ghost Town.jpegCyclops Zombie

The six Hunters recovered quickly from their...unpleasant and unexpected ejection from the Portal. Rallying, they turned their attention to dealing with their current circumstances.

Between their own constitutions, their powers, and Monique's Poppet-cast spells, the six were quickly cured of the disorientation caused by the Portal trip, though the pain and fatigue still lingered deep within their muscles.

Setting aside the pain with the ease of long practice, the six prepared themselves for battle, readying their powers, enhancing their bodies or casting prepatory magics.

The most dramatic of their preparations was set in motion by Nivel, who had recovered from his rather horrific exit, and subsequent trip through the ground.  He shook it off, however, and, with a few muttered words and a brief exercise of his power, the Mistsoul caused the Hunters to fade entirely from view.

Speaking of the Portal...it continued to hang in the air, despite Cryoleptus' statement that it would close immediately. As they each glanced at it, they could see that the edges of the ring of energy that outlined the dimensional gateway were sparking and popping with burst of bright, fitful energy, but, for the moment, the ring continued to hover, about a foot off the ground, and lighting the area with bright, actinic light.

Cal, while flying through the air, unleashed his powers, sending a burst of golden flames flashing through the air. The fire impacted the closest zyclops, what looked to be a woman, dressed in leather and homespun, and still clutching a large leather sack that bulged with goods of some kind. For an instant, the flames danced across the woman's skin, seeming to do nothing...then the red-gold swiftly turned to whitish-gold, and the pure, positive energy infused into them broke through whatever protection the creature had and the flames swiftly enveloped her form, burning away masses of flesh and revealing parts of her skeleton underneath.

The undead woman turned towards her tormentor, moaning and roaring her displeasure, even as her flesh continued to slough off under the punishing, cleansing fire. The leather sack burst under the strain, and several items rolled out...mostly the type of things a housewife would buy when going to the market.

From all around the area, more hissing moans could suddenly be heard, echoing the woman's cry. The sounds appeared to be coming from every building, and quickly began to scale upwards in volume.

It seemed that their first experience on the Eyeland of Oculus was about to get...even more interesting.




OOC Info

The 'scaling moaning' is, as stated, coming from all around you, and appears to be coming from all of the buildings.  There's no way to determine just how many sources of noise there are, but it seems like quite a few.


Anyone who wishes to can take a Move Action to peer into the windows (or through the battle damage holes) of the building nearest them to get a count of potential hostiles for that particular building.  It requires a DC 20 Perception check.


Or you can just wait for them to come out.  <EVIL DM GRIN>


As always, Combat pertinent info in the Combat spoiler.

Roll20 Link

Initiative Order
  • Yamazaki/Yukito: 36
  • Venn/Nivel: 29
  • Llyarden/Cal: 24
  • Dalamb/Monique: 23
  • Zyclops: 23
  • Paxon/Devlin: 21
  • Slayer/Blaidd: 17


Lyrican HaverFannyPacks

These handy, dandy, and not yet available for public consumption items are quite useful.  They combine the best features of a Handy Haversack and the largest Bag of Holding available.

Any item placed within can be drawn out as a Move Action, simply by thinking about it, reaching in, and grabbing the item, which suddenly appears.

While the FannyPack is, itself, magic, it cannot hold any magic items.  They simply will not enter it's enchanted, extended space.  They can be stored in it as though it were a regular pouch, which the Pack resembles when opened, unless the bearer wishes otherwise.

The opening of the pack can be expanded, at the wearer's desire, up to sufficient size to take a Medium sized object.


Each of the Packs currently contain 1 Months' worth of fresh and preserved food, 1 months's supply of water (in skins and pony kegs), as well as copious amounts of mundane adventuring gear.  If it is a mundane item (that will fit within the pouch), and is in the equipment list, at least one of whatever 'it' is, is in the pouch.  This includes tools, alchemical items, and all other nonmagical gear.  It does NOT include any MW items.


In addition, each Pack contains a supply of (Stable) Salve (150 doses, 10d8 Healing, no limit on daily uses), and (Stable) Panacea (50 Doses, created at DC 40).


Combat Info


It is now the beginning of Round One. Please proceed in Initiative Order. Once everyone who tied/bested the Zyclops has gone, I'll post for them, then everyone else can go.


@Llyarden An update to your Scouting.  Based on the results of your attack, Cal is now pretty much sure that the Zyclops are immune to Fire.  She definitely caught fire (failed her save, HARD), but the actual fire doesn't appear to be doing her a bit of harm, other than to burn away her clothing/carried stuff.

The Positive Energy, OTOH, worked a treat, and did WAY more damage than he expected (it did double damage)



Nonlethal Portal Damage
  • The Nonlethal Damage from the Portal is analogous to the damage caused by Draining Casting.  It can only be healed by resting for 8 hours.
  • The Sickened Condition affects all PC's, regardless of any immunity to such conditions they normally have.







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image.png.1220fc1b707699a497ccc32cb40a4df8.pngYukito Nanaya

Demon Slayer

Yukito chuckled a bit hearing Devlin's remarks.  "<No worries - I'm just prepping for my break after we sort these foul things out.>"  He shifts the cigarette to the corner of his mouth, held there by his lips only.  A large smirk grew on his face.


In a blink an eye, the slayer vanished and reappeared, this time on the ground.  One hand on his personal sword's scabbard, the other on its hilt. "Hiken - Hiryū IssenHidden Sword Technique - Flying Dragon Flash

What? You expect me not to throw around silly anime special attack names? This is ME we're talking about here!
It was almost like the blade was propelled out of its scabbard with explosive force and Yukito was barely controlling it's swing.  But it didn't matter if there wasn't an enemy before him, as a wave of pure kinetic and chilling mystic energy ripped out from the edge of the blade, lashing out with killing intent towards one of the Zyclops.


As he finished the attack, he took a moment to regain his composure.  Yukito let go of the scabbard, which quickly snapped onto his belt, and grabbed his cigarette with his free hand to flick a bit of the ash off it.



Free: Berserking - Avatasim (animal) + True Rage (+18 temp HP,)

Full Action: Extended the casting time of Pouncing Teleport, while spending 1 SP to use an Attack Action, which Yukito uses Iai Slash/Vacuum Cut + Spell Attack with Numbing Blast + Chi Gong (cold), attacking the nearest Zyclops within 60'.  The blast vessel enhancement on his weapon is set to Numbing Blast (dealing 1d6 cold, and applies a -2 penalty to reflex saves)

Improved Avatism (Animal) attack optional will be [tear], dealing 15 bleed along with the duelist bleed. He also spends 1 Martial Focus to apply Perforating Wounds [bleed] per Greater Iai to dish out additional bleed damage. Bleed damage will hit regardless, as Yukito has Ooze Ichor/Essence Manipulation

Not sure if Sneak Attack/Fencing applies, so I'll keep that damage separate.  If it does, Soul Strike [exploit] will apply a -2 save penalty for 1d4+3 rounds


Rolls:  (copied from dice thread for easy reference)

Yukito Attack (53); Weapon Damage (21) + Numbing Blast (34) + Chi Gong (cold) (29) + Blast Vessel: Numbing Blast (6) +27 bleed
Optional damage: Sneak Attack/Fencing (32)


OptionalIf Yukito is within range of additional Zyclops (60' of location), he will spend as many AoOs as possible to attack additional enemies.  He has 20 AoOs a round, so he shouldn't have any shortage.  This attack uses the same attack roll as above, but only deals 6 bleed.

Move 2: Use Focusing Momentum (cost 2) to regain Martial Focus

Swift: Study Opponent/Scout of closest Zyclops  (perception roll 55)

Conditional AoO: shield block +5 AC + Redirecting Shield.  Up to 20 times a round




Yukito Nanaya Human demon slayer

HP 189/210 Nonlethal -48  SP 77/90

Speed 80ft Init 34 

AC 69 77 Fort 20 Ref 33 41 Will 29  BAB 11 

Dueling Blade +35 (1d8+16, 17-20 x2)
Hasted/Enhanced Blade +43 (1d8+19, 17-20 x2)


Str 14 (2) 16 (3) Dex 40 (15) 50 (20) Con 22 (6) Wis 40 (15) Int 12 (1) Cha 12 (1)


Short Term Buffs:

  • Temporal Haste (CL20; +3 to AC/Attack/Reflex, +50' speed, +5 AoOs) - duration 20 minutes
  • Sage Enhance (+10 DEX, +2 STR; effective BAB 15, DR 7/-)  duration 15 rounds

Long Term Buffs: all last 15+ hours

  • Sage: Flight (60' perfect) (110' perfect)
  • Divination: Blindfolded Oracle 75', Foreshadow (+3 AC/+4 Ref+Init), Sense Presence (aberrations currently) 75', See Hazards, Precog Smite +4, Precog Defense +4
  • Protection: Ablating 50%, Armored (armor +7, shield +5), Friendship, Ray Deflection 40%
  • War: Momentum 28/30

Ability References

I know how annoying it is to look up everything, so I'll try to copy+paste reference notes as I feel is necessary


Pouncing Teleport

You may spend a spell point or increase your teleport casting time by one step in order to make a single attack after successfully teleporting yourself. You may also spend an additional spell point to make either a full attack or take an attack action instead of a single attack after successfully teleporting. You may not use this talent in conjunction with any abilities or conditions that reduce the action needed to teleport (such as Emergency Teleport or Quick Teleport).


Iai Slash (bleed) [CrimDan]

Whenever you deal bleed damage to a creature in the same round you drew the weapon used to deal that damage, you may expend any amount of attacks of opportunity as a free action to compare the same attack roll against the AC (or your maneuver check against their disarm CMD) of a different enemy within reach for each attack of opportunity. If your attack roll is greater than a creature’s AC, you quickly strike that creature and cause them to suffer from your blooded strike (this does not allow you to apply additional (bleed) talents).

Additionally, whenever you deal bleed damage to a creature already suffering from your blooded strike, or an enemy suffering from your blooded strike’s bleed is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, you may sheathe your weapon as a free action.


Perforating Wounds (bleed) [CrimDan]

Whenever you deal bleed damage as part of an attack action to a creature who is already suffering bleed damage from your blooded strike, you deal an amount of bleed damage equal to 1 + 1 for every 3 points of base attack bonus you possess. This bleed damage stacks with other bleed damage granted by the Duelist sphere. You can stack this bleed damage with itself once for every 6 points of base attack bonus you possess. This bleed damage is separate from your blooded strike, and does not affect other abilities that scale off of your blooded strike’s bleed damage.


Vacuum Cut [CrimDan]

Whenever you use the attack action to make a melee attack in the same round you draw a sheathed weapon, you may target a creature within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 base attack bonus), provoking attacks of opportunity as though using a ranged attack.

Using this talent reduces the damage die of the weapon being used with this talent by 1 step, and the attack made with this weapon is treated as a projectile for the purposes of being able to be blocked or deflected by effects. This attack is treated as a melee attack for all other purposes (and may not be used with talents or abilities which would only affect ranged attacks) except for the target of the attack. At +5 base attack bonus, using this talent no longer provokes attacks of opportunity. At +10 base attack bonus, attacks made with this talent no longer have their damage die reduced.

You may take Vacuum Cut a second time. If you do, when utilizing another Duelist sphere talent that targets creatures within your reach (such as Iai Slash and Hurricane Strike, but not talents that merely grant you an attack such as Swift Slice), you may instead use the range of Vacuum Cut in place of your reach for the purpose of those talents.


Great Iaijutsu [CrimDan]

Benefit: When utilizing your Iai Slash talent, you may expend your martial focus to additionally apply the effects of one (bleed) talent other than Iai Slash to a single creature struck as part of the talent. If you have more than one martial focus, you may expend two martial focuses to instead apply that (bleed) talent to all creatures struck.


Edited by Yamazaki
Forgot to format the telepathic text (see edit history)
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 spacer.pngNivel Syrris HP: 226/255 | AC: 56 (Touch: 44) | CMD: 48 SP: 26/38 | IP: 26/27

If Nivel is satisfied with the effectiveness of his illusion-work, he doesn't show it. The situation is too serious, and besides, he rarely shows emotion in the heat of battle if he can help it. His connection to the Mistsoul requires a focused mind, and that's something he has worked hard to maintain in the most dire circumstances.

<<The portal hasn't yet closed, but it's crackling with residual energy. Given how unstable it is and our resultant trajectories... It could blow up in our faces. If that is the case, I suggest we move away from it while making sure nothing goes through until it collapses!>>


At the chorus of unearthly moans, Nivel stops to consider the implications.

<<Also, not to be a spoil-sport, but there may be more of these creatures than we wish to take on right away. Should we withdraw? I'll leave a little draconic 'friend' for them to play with in the meantime, in my usual style.>>

As Nivel retreats from the portal, he weaves his hands in the air and exerts a measure of will. Suddenly, a huge Black Dragon appears to pop out of the portal, flapping its wings and letting out a reptilian screech.


Knowledge: Arcana and/or Spellcraft to discern if my hunch has merit (ie: is the portal likely to explode or otherwise be dangerous): 41 Arcana, 43 Spellcraft

{Standard} Create an illusion [figment] (1 SP) of a Huge Black Dragon and use Phantom Mind (+1 SP) so it can react to stimuli with its own basic intelligence. It will react accordingly to attacks against it, lash out with appropriate AoO's, etc.

With all senses covered, a phantom mind, and all other relevant talents, my illusory dragon is practically indistinguishable from the real thing, except it doesn't deal lethal damage and therefore can't really affect the Zyclopses. I gave the party a warning to know it's not real, just in case. Impawsible Perspective requires creatures that would automatically see through an illusion to make a saving throw to disbelieve as though interacting with it, or else fail to disbelieve.

The figment has AC/Touch AC = 33 (10 - 2 size + 1/2 CL [CL 20/2=10] + Casting Modifier [15])

Illusion save DC 39 (35 base, +4 for Mind-drenching Mists assuming I'm invisible to the zyclops making the save) for interactions.


{Swift} Expend Martial Focus and create another petrifying poison and apply it to ammunition. As before, mindrot makes the save Will based instead of fort. Specialized Venom allows me to bypass the undead's immunity to poison/fort-save effects.

{Move} Floating north 50 feet, regaining martial focus per Mobile Focus.

--edit-- Stealth as part of move: 66



Edited by VennDygrem (see edit history)
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~...okay, so they're immune to fire too.~


Even through the telepathic link, Cal sounded a little woozy. But all the same, he pulled himself out of the tree he'd been ejected into by the portal, stumbling his way back towards the other Hunters. Despite his wooziness, there didn't actually seem to be so much as a scratch on him. At best he might have a couple of bruises the next day.


"Oh, uh...hi," he said to Devlin. What was one supposed to say in the middle of a pitched battle against undead cyclopses? The others were all busy snapping off quips, banter, attack names...


He paused for a moment, fighting against the wooziness, trying to catch up with the important things that Nivel had been saying. If not for his 'enhancements' he would still be an unconscious - or dead - heap by the tree, but being tougher than any normal human didn't equate to being completely invulnerable even without the after-effects of their portal trip.


~I mean...if we don't destroy them now, what's to stop them being summoned to help us when we really don't want the interruption?~ He gave a shrug, which was possibly a bit pointless given that it didn't really get translated to the others. ~I'm good to keep fighting. Especially being invisible and everything.~


As if to prove his point - and without, it seemed, his entire conscious direction - his arm jerked around into a sickening angle with a crunch of bone, the dragon eye closing with a squelch and another golden eye opening, two rays of pure positive energy flying towards the blazing cyclops.


~And that is...that is a big dragon.~



Free: Maintain Berserking


Move: Get up after his little tree incident last round.


Temporal Haste Move: Move back towards the fight.


Standard: Attack #5 with an Invigorating Blast, spending a spell point to increase the damage (SP 88 -> 86, nonlethal 68 -> 76) Cal keeps his Witchmark suppressed with Hidden Heretic; he can't fail the DC27 concentration check to do so.
32 to hit TAC for 46 positive energy
17 to bypass SR if needed.


End of Turn: Delayed Damage pool empties. Due to Endure Pain, it becomes nonlethal damage, taking his 14 berserking hp and then dealing him 30 actual nonlethal.


End of Turn: Quick Recovery removes 15 nonlethal damage


End of Turn: Regenerate 4 nonlethal.


Callum Venris
Male CN Beholder-Human Hybrid Eldritch Infuser // Incanter, Level 15, Init 10, HP 360/360, 11+68 nonlethal, Speed 80+40ft
AC 51+2-2, Touch 42+2-2, Flat-footed 41+2-2, CMD 58, Fort 29, Ref 24+2, Will 24, CMB +16, Base Attack Bonus 11
Champion's Strike +4/+12 "Eye Rays" (Alchemist Fires) +21 touch (8d6+19 / 8d6+27, x2)
Champion's Strike +4 Quarterstaff +21 (1d6+14 / 1d6+22, x2)
+5 Antispell Aberration-Defiant Clothes (+5 Armor, +10 Dex, +4 Natural, +4 Deflect, +18 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 30, Con 40, Int 10, Wis 30, Cha 10
Condition None
+1 to saves vs mind-affecting
+2 to saves vs transmutation effects used by aberrations
+2 to saves vs any effect used by aberrations
+2 to saves vs illusions, enchantments and Mind effects except for fear, which are at -1 instead
-2 to saves vs [evil]
+2 AC/FFAC vs aberrations
Immune nonlethal, ability damage/drain, bleed, death effects, damage from positive energy effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, aging effects, stunning, Fort saves
75% fortification



Spell Points 86/90, Martial Focus On
Delayed Damage 0/44, Hand's Knowledge 1/1, Hypervitalise 592/600, Impromptu Formula 21/22, Spirit Allies 5/6


Haste 15/15, Spirit Allies 9/10

Current Formulae (10/11):

  • Alchemist Fire [Alkali Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Electric Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Fire Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Frost Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Nether Blast]
  • Salve DC50
  • Salve DC50
  • Panacaea DC50
  • Panacaea DC50
  • Itching Powder


Edited by Llyarden (see edit history)
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Devlin image.jpeg.29d5460bf7359df59fbafa1f651d03ae.jpeg

Devlin had noticed Cal's beam shear through the cyclops, as well as the magical reaction. There were clearly some protections going on here other than what came standard with necromancy and the various undead. He made a mental note on trying to tap into some kind of positive energy to bring these big enemies down. As another blast erupted from Cal into the 'clops, it looked like his fellow hunter had that one in hand (though they'd already taken very serious damage, so hard to say when they'd fall all the way apart). Devlin could turn his attention to other problems, of which there were plenty. 


First, it seemed as though the buildings were also full of zombies. Aiming to slow them down, Devlin pulled a pre-cut length of wire from his trap bag with one hand, attached it to one of his smaller explosive orbs, and hurled it toward the entryway of what what looked like a church to the north. Being nothing if not an expert on timing, Devlin's turned out to be precise as the small nicknack popped open just in front of the doorway, launching two small spikes into the ground and stretching a wire across, with the explosive primed to blast anything that tripped the trap. 


Devlin was already turning to dash in the opposite direction. <If it wasn't obvious, lads and lass, that portal is breaking down catastrophically. No way of telling exactly what kind of catastrophe, but I wouldn't want to be standing next to it. Keep an eye on those arcs of energy, that'll tell us when we need to put a building and maybe a good distance between it and us. Monique, you are danger-close for sure.>  It was a good thing speaking mentally took less time, because Devlin had another message to deliver mid-run.


He reached down and pressed one of the sapphires on the bracelet, opening a connection to Cryoleptus and Hardblade. There was no time to mince words when there were so many Zyclopses that needed mincing, <<What the seven hells is going on, Warpsmith? Your portal almost made us paste against the ground and buildings! It's still here, and it looks to be getting very, VERY angry. You send us along with a mega-magic bomb or something? We need answers here.>>


Before he finished thinking the last sentence, Devlin's hands were full of more alchemical and mechanical goodies. Two orbs this time. The first was one of his smaller Party Poppers, same as he had set on the trap to the north, but on this one his dextrous and temporally enhanced fingers made some quick modifications. A pellet of his flashbang powder was added to the encasing wire, primed for a blast, and he also clicked into place a capsule of the nullsteel powder he'd been given. Devlin concentrated in the way he was instructed, charging the filings up with arcane power. This would test the undead minions magical protections. The second orb he palmed was full of simple liquid fire, and he couldn't handle any tweaks to it. He'd noticed how the cyclops Cal attacked seemed protected against fire, so it would be a good test to see if the nullsteel brought down that flame protection or if it was more innate.


Devlin reached his target position (which contrary to what he'd been saying earlier, was toward the unstable portal), cocking his arm back to throw. A wood and metal assembly over his forearm extended from the tip of two fingers, giving his arm more reach and therefor a wider arc to his throwing motion. His arm came forward, and he dilated his perception of time even further as he made the throw. He had time to tweak every element of the throw, each infinitesimal repositioning of elbow, wrist, fingers, each muscle and tendon, as the spheres were sent sailing through the air toward the Cyclops on the balcony. Each element of the flight was controlled for as much as was possible, with correct spin taking the projectiles on a slightly arcing path up and over the rail toward their target. 


If his aim was true, they would hit one after another. The first orb would impact with extreme kinetic force and explode from the potential energy inside, the powder igniting in a blinding deafening flash, and the nullsteel doing... whatever it ended up doing. The second would hit immediately after with less force, but a sizeable fiery splash.


Even though he was now invisible, on the follow-through from the throw Devlin continued in a spin, positioning his hands to draw up and extra barrier of blurred protection around himself.


OOC and Mechanics




Free: Talk to the team. 

Free: (I think this is free, lemme know if not) Use the bracelet to talk to Hardblade and Cryoleptus

Move: Expend MF to set a Tripwire (snare) trap with attached Cherry Bomb as a move action.

  • Trap Launcher allows him to set it within the first range increment of his weapon, which is 80' for his thrown formulae. 
  • He can set 4 continuous squares as the area the trap covers. This is marked by the silver shape in front of the northwest building door on the roll20 map.
  • Perception DC to notice the trap is 47. Creature gets +5 if it saw Devlin (Who is invisible and hopefully well-stealthed also) set the trap
  • When moving into one of the squares the trap occupies, a DC32 ref save is required to avoid setting it off
  • If the creature triggers it, they fall prone and set off the cherry bomb. A tripwire stays even after being set off. The trap will stay set for 26 rounds (41 on the craft result, beating DC of 15 by that amount). Each time it is set off, the rounds are reduced by 5
  • The first creature that sets it off is treated as though hit by a cherry bomb, taking 6d4 bludgeoning damage. Any subsequent creatures would still be tripped, but the cherry bomb is expended.

Extra Move: Move 55' south (moved token on map accordingly)

  • This movement (greater than 10' / less than half speed) allows Devlin to regain Martial Focus with Mobile Focus
  • Afterimage kicks in, leaving behind a total of 3 after images. There's a 75% chance an attack hits an afterimage instead.

Standard: Special Attack Action standard Barrage targeting Townsfolk_08, which is one of the Zyclops on the balcony. Range is 120' to target, which is in 2nd range increment, so -1 for Range (Splash Weapon Master reduces range penalty). -2 for Barrage. Successful knowledge check to scout the Zyclopses means Devlin uses INT instead of DEX for attack and gains a +4 insight bonus to attack rolls (Cunning Attacker). Roll thread for rolls.

  • 1st Attack is the attack action with a nullsteel infused cherry bomb flash bang, with an attack roll of 49. Devlin's Flask Thrower has the arcing quality, so it avoids cover if there is any. If it hits against regular AC...
    • Direct hit deals 90 bludgeoning damage (this damage carries the +5 enhancement and DR bypass)
    • Cherry Bomb exploding deals 17 bludgeoning damage (no one is close enough for splash damage)
    • Flash Bang attached via Trick Arrows deals 4 b/p/s damage
      • Zyclops must make a DC32 Fort save or be deafened and blinded for 1d4+1 rounds
    • First attack each round deals 15 electricity damage (Elemental Empowerment)
    • Spend 2 momentum to increase weapon damage by 15
    • Suffused Nullsteel added, spending 2SP for the Improved effect. 25 on the Magic Skill Check, to counterspell 3 effects on the Zycplops. (EDIT: also an 8 against Townsfolk 07, FWIW)
  • 2nd Attack uses an Improved Alchemist's Fire, and has an attack roll of 53. If it hits...
    • Direct hit deals 48 bludgeoning damage
    • Splash weapon deals 34 fire damage
      • Anything within 20' takes full damage (should include the other Zyclops, though she's probably also immune)
      • Within 25' takes half the fire damage, within 30' takes 8 fire damage
  • DAMAGE TOTAL: 170 bludgeoning damage, 4 b/p/s damage, 15 electricity damage, 34 fire damage (hopefully after protection dispelled?)

Swift: Cast Improved Shadow Shield on self, gaining another 47+15 Temp HP, and it reduces all sources of damage by 4. (1 min, 1 Shadow Point)


EDIT: Forgot a few things above. Since Devlin is invisible, the two attack rolls should each be at +2 and the Zyclops should be without their dex bonus to AC (unless not applicable of course). They must surpass regular AC to do that damage, but they'll still connect if they hit touch AC, just with like 1d6 instead 4d8 (before vital strike). Added impact point and AOE circle for the attacks.


Group Benefits

Current Momentum Pool: 29/31

Within 30' of Devlin, you can...

  • Spend 2 momentum to add 15 to weapon damage
  • Spend 1 momentum to reduce damage taken by 15


Devlin has given each of you 2 "Iconic Tonics", a Universal Alcohol you may drink for the following effects:

  • 6d4 Temp HP for 1 hour
  • +4 resistance bonus to next save attempt in next hour (doesn't stack with inhuman resilience, but might be handy in an AMF)
  • +5 circumstance bonus against emotion related effects for 1 hour
  • +5 circumstance bonus against pain-related effects for 1 hour
  • +5 circumstance bonus against sleep related effects 1 hour


Character Sheet | Character Thread

Current HP: 204/210  |  Temp HP: 79  |  Nonlethal damage: 6 + 49 portal damage (unhealable)

Conditions: -

Current AC: 53ACTIVE
10 base
10 Dexterity bonus
8 armor (unarmored training, applies to touch)
18 Prescient Dodger
4 Natural Armor
3 Dodge (Haste)

4 Dodge vs Scouted Enemies

  |  49 touch  (+4 vs scouted enemies, 71 on knowledge check vs zombie cyclopses)

Resistance/Reduction: DR 4/Cold Iron, ER20 Electricity, ER5 Fire/Acid, SR 25

Special: Evasion, Uncanny Dodge

Miss Chance: 75%ACTIVE
Afterimage: 50%/75%

Decoy: 50% until triggered


Perception: +37  | See in Darkness, Blindsense 20', Sightless Action

Stealth: +32



Ongoing Effects


Temporal Haste: 15 rounds, +3 attack/AC/Ref save, +50' speed, +6 AOOs, +move/swift action (2SP)

Rapid Response: +10 initiative, can act in surprise round (1SP for 200 min)

Drunk: 8 rounds, unarmed damage 1 size larger (Double chug: 16 rounds, and +1 all saves)

Iconic Tonic: 1 hour (effects in Group tab)

Dynamite Throwing Form: Splash weapons do unarmed damage. (15 rounds if expend MF)

Improved Shadow Shield: 15d4+15 Temp HP, reduce damage by 4, 1 min'

Advanced Invisibility Suppression (Nivel): Invisible, +20 stealth, concealment



Encompassing Light: Damage and Reach 2 sizes greater (20' at gargantuan)

Transformation: -


Daily Routine:

Craft 14 formulae | 30 min (7.5 minutes each 4) | + Other crafting?

Ritual: Reduce Max Hp 15 or spend 75gp | 1 hour

Read Advanced Study Guide | 1 hour, combined with above

Renew Momentum Pool: 1SP, lasts 16 hours

Continual: if there is a hint of possibility of trouble, will keep a Glow (black light) going on self, renewed every 11 min with standard action.

Offense Options

Unarmed Strike: +28+11 BAB
+10 Dex
+4 Imbued Greater Courage
+3 Haste

+5 INT instead of DEX (scouted)
+2 knowledge unlock (scouted)
  |  Damage: 2d10+15DICE (as unarmed)
2d10 normal
4d8 large (drunken boxer)
6d8 huge (encompassing light)
8d8 gargantuan (encompassing light + drunken boxer)

+15 INT (Creative Strike)
+8 Analytical gaze (scouted)

+15 electricity (first attack, elemental empowerment)
+15 (damaging momentum)
+3d6 Fatal Thrust
+6d6 Skewer
+8d6 / 16d6 energy strike

Masterwork Crossbow: +25 | Damage: 1d8 | 80'

Thrown Weapon: +25 | Damage: 1dx+15 | 10'

Thrown Formulae: +42+11 BAB
+10 Dex
+5 enhanced flask thrower
+4 Imbued Greater Courage
+3 Haste
+5 INT instead of DEX Cunning Attacker (scouted)
+4 insight Cunning Attacker (scouted)

+2 knowledge unlock (scouted)
+1 or 2 coordinated shot
| Damage: 2d10+20DICE (as unarmed)
2d10 normal
4d8 large (drunken boxer)
6d8 huge (encompassing light)
8d8 gargantuan (encompassing light + drunken boxer)

+15 INT (Creative Strike)
+5 Weapon Enhancement
+8 Analytical gaze (scouted)

+15 electricity (first attack, elemental empowerment)
+15 (damaging momentum)
+3d6 Fatal Thrust
+6d6 Skewer
+8d6 / 16d6 energy strike
+4d6/4d10 deadly shot
 | 80' range (60' de-powered)

  • [1/2] Improved Alchemist's Fire: +8d8 fire, 20/25/30' burst
  • [2/2] Improved Acid Flask: +8d8 acid, 20/25/30' burst
  • [13/15] Cherry Bombs: +6d4 bludgeoning, adjacent takes 6
  • [2/2] Improved Itching Powder: FortDC40 or -2 attack/saves/skill, 20' burst (25' +5 on save roll)
  • Add [Explosive] flashbang: 1d8, Fort DC32 or blinded/deafened for 1d4+1 rounds. Expend MF to...
    • Sonic Shriekers: 15d6 sonic, flashbang DC=36 (save=half damage)
    • Glacial Percussion: 7d6 cold, failed save = staggered 1d4 rounds (paralyzed if already staggered)
    • Belladonna Bursts: on failed save = 2d6 Strength damage (poison)
    • Dispelling Detonations: failed save = greater dispel on target
    • Nullsteel: 1SP/2SP instead of MF for counterspell in burst
    • Inflammable Cloud: 20' cloud for 15 rnds, when ignited deals 7d8 to anything in area
    • Elemental Enhancement (if adjacent to elemental): 15d6 electricity damage (ref save instead)
  • Deadly Shot. Add snipe. MF to add 4d6 vs touch, 4d10 vs regular ac
    • Trap Launcher (snipe): attach a snare trap
      • Tripwire: Ref DC32 or prone
      • Bamboozling Trap: Ref DC32 or Feinted
      • Thaumatic Sink: 10' radius AMF for 15 rounds
      • Can use an alchemical item with trap

Destructive Blast: +25 | 8d6 damage, 16d6 at 1SP

Defense Options

Saves (Roll twice)

Fort +19 modifiers+5 base
+6 ability
+5 (resistance) Inhuman Resilience
+4 (morale) Imbued Powerful Courage
-2 The Fool
+1 Double Chug

+2 vs Spells etc (Spellhardy)
+5 vs Sleep (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Pain (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Emotion (universal alcohol)
+4 (resistance) next saving throw (universal alcohol)

Reflex +30 modifiers+9 base
+10 ability
+5 (resistance) Inhuman Resilience
+4 (morale) Imbued Powerful Courage
-2 The Fool
+1 Double Chug
+3 Haste

+2 vs Spells etc (Spellhardy)
+5 vs Sleep (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Pain (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Emotion (universal alcohol)
+4 (resistance) next saving throw (universal alcohol)

Will +23 modifiers+9 base
+6 ability
+5 (resistance) Inhuman Resilience
+4 (morale) Imbued Powerful Courage
-2 The Fool
+1 Double Chug

+2 vs Spells etc (Spellhardy)
+5 vs Sleep (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Pain (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Emotion (universal alcohol)
+4 (resistance) next saving throw (universal alcohol)


Caper (boast): When active, DC30 will save or lose attack against Devlin

Bomb Jump: Free jump check (take 10 on athletics for 54), if remove from area of AOE, no ref save needed. 


SP: 85/90 (87 -> 85)

Shadow Pool: 4/5 (5 -> 4)

MF: 2/2 (1 spent, 1 regained)

Stamina Pool: 12/17

Momentum Pool: 31 (16 hours, upon spending 1SP, tracked in Group Benefits)

Silver Pendant protections: 15/15

Nullsteel uses: 249/250

Prepared Formulae: 14 breakdown1 Universal Alcohol (15)
1 Cherry Bombs (15)
2 Salves
4 Panacea
2 Itching Powder
2 Alchemist's Fire
2 Acid Flask

  • [4/15] Iconic Tonics 
  • [2/2] Salves
  • [3/4] Panaceas 

Other Alchemy

  • [1] SalvaceaHeals 1d8+40 HP, Cures all DC 40 status effects of Panacea
    DC 20: Deafened, fatigued, shaken, sickened.
    DC 30: Diseased, exhausted, nauseated, poisoned, staggered.
    DC 40: Frightened, blinded, paralyzed, stunned.
  • [1] L7 Improved Itching Powder
  • [15/15] L3 Cherry Bombs
  • [2/2] Tanglefoot Bags
  • [1] Tangleburn Bag
  • [1] Pepper Smoke Pellets
  • Basic Alchemist's Fires
  • Basic Acid Flasks





Edited by Paxon
A few corrections and additions (see edit history)
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Monique takes a quick look around and finds Zyclopes far too close -- not to mention an obviously very unstable portal. Instinctively she teleports towards Devlin and Cal, as far north as she can, then uses her aching legs to get even closer, bringing Cal within reach of her spellcasting. Devlin, and Yuki to the southwest, wouldn’t need it. Focusing directly on herself and Cal, and on the poppets for Blaidd and Nivel, she speeds up time for the team members who can't do it themsevles. She feels the latter two’s poppets crumble into dust, and hopes neither will need another long-distance spell until she can make more.


Quickly she reviews everything she had seen of the ritual the Hunter-mages had used to open the portal in spite of the great magics on the Island that normally prevented taking shortcuts through the Void. They had poured tremendous amounts of magical energy into the thing; had they poured in so much that they exceeded what the transit required, and the extra was now dissipating? That didn’t look like ‘dissipation’ of energies; it seemed to be building up to something catastrophic. Maybe... maybe they weren’t powering the spell directly; there were hints in ancient manuscripts about drawing mana directly from the Void itself, and the dangers of setting up a self-sustaining conduit. Could they really have dared to do such a dangerous thing?


She draws her crossbow and gets ready to choose a target.


I corrected the Surprise Round post to show that she stood up, edited this post to change to present tense, and added that she used her extra move action to draw her crossbow.



Actions in round 1:

  • Free: Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft rolls to see if her knowledge of Warp magic tells her anything we don't already know about the unstable portal.
  • Immediate: emergency teleport 40’ north, 1sp
  • move: 30’ further north and east away from the portal, winding up 2E 3S of Devlin. This puts both Devlin and Cal within 30' so they are subject to the Hanged Man motif: +2 insight for 2 saves, -2 for other, changeable as a free action each round (including not being subject to it if I understand correctly).
  • standard: Mass Temporal Haste through poppets, 2sp. Duration: concentration plus 15 rd, +1 sp
  • extra move: draw crossbow

Total SP spent: 8 of 60



Poppet uses left:

  • Llyarden/Cal: 2
  • Slayer/Blaidd: 0
  • Venn/Nivel: 0
  • Paxon/Devlin: 2
  • Yamazaki/Yukito: 1


Monique Rousseau
Female Human Scholar / Hedgewitch, Level 15, Init 16, HP 194/225, Speed 30
AC 44, Touch 44, Flat-footed 36, CMD 55, Fort 22, Ref 27, Will 19, CMB +11, Base Attack Bonus 11
light crossbow +19 / +14 / +9 (1d8, 19-20x2)
crossbow-launched flashbang +19 (1d8+1d8, 19-20x2)
(+8 Dex, +26 Misc)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 26, Con 24, Int 40, Wis 10, Cha 30
Condition Martial Focus
sp 52/60

Hanged Man (High Priestess): +2 insight for 2 saves, -2 for other, for self and allies within 30'


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Blaidd Glyndwr



Blaidd Glyndwr

Blaidd charges onwards towards the lumbering cyclops ahead of him, his feet thundering on the rocky surface as light flashes from beyond the buildings, before the dragons head rears above towering above.


Seems like everyone is having fun.


The thrill beginning to take over, the rush of adrenaline as he closes the distance. Claws extended ready to rip and tear, teeth bare ready to bite through flesh and bone. Blaidd launches himeself forward, his size standing eye to eye with the cyclops, a fearsome form indeed.


As Blaidd attacks with clear fury, a whirlwind of anger and death, he attempts to use his enlarged bulk to force the cyclops back, tripping him to the floor.



Blaidd Glyndwr
Male Human Prodigy (Mimic)/Incanter, Level 15, Init 15, HP 143/195, Speed 60
AC 59, Touch 59, Flat-footed 59, CMD 48, Fort 20, Ref 31, Will 32, CMB +35, Base Attack Bonus 11
Natural weapon (claws) (Cat claw gloves +5) - +41 (20/x2)
Natural weapon (claws) (Cat claw gloves +5) - +41 (20/x2)
Natural weapon (bite) - +36 (20/x2)
Abilities Str 44, Dex 26, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 30, Cha 10
Condition Martial Focus
sp 53/60

Haste (with temporal haste)
Hanged Man : +2 insight for 2 saves, -2 for other, for self (+2 fort/will, -2 ref)
The Hermit: aid another +5 on self
The Sun: roll twice on save when &lt;50% health

Alteration traits:
Natural weapons - claws, bite - 2 traits
Agile - Dodge, Uncanny dodge - 2 trait
Elemental body - Elemental Movement - 1 trait
Bestial reflexes - Pounce - 1 trait

Temporary alteration traits:
Size change (Huge)
Bestial reflexes - Rend


Free action - continue berserking

Full attack action - Charge (pounce for full attack)

Immediate action on success - sweeping kick to trip&nbsp;


Edited by Slayer4399 (see edit history)
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The Trading Post

https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Xo5hLKqk4ew/WiR9p5ObpgI/AAAAAAAAEo4/uWUi_JUIHIodaYuGR_NOw6ZMn6-dB_eNgCLcBGAs/s1600/Frontier Ghost Town.jpegCyclops Zombie

The low thrum of the Portal filled the air of the trading post with the smell of ozone, sharp and pungent. Every time one of the Hunters happened to glance at it, it seemed like more and more arcs of 'lightning' danced around it's circumference, and...by all the Powers!...was it getting LARGER?!?

None of the six could be entirely sure at first, but it seemed like, even as they watched, the sparking, humming portal was inching ever so slightly outward with every breath they took.

Unfortunately, other events necessitated that they not pay as much attention to the clearly dangerous phenomenon as they might otherwise like. The Zyclops, having been alerted to their presence, were beginning to react to them...right up until the moment when five of them disappeared from sight. The undead stumbled to a halt, even in the midst of moving, heads swinging this way and that, great flaming eyes searching for their foes.

From within the buildings, the moaning built further, somehow managing to take on an even more ominous air.

After that, several things happened simultaneously.

From his elevated position on the second floor of the boarding house, Yukito surveyed the area. Choosing his landing spot, the swordsman flashed down to the street. Only to instantly double over in pain. Waves of agony flooded his body, and it felt like his every nerve ending was dipped in acid. Looking on in horrid fascination, he could see parts of his body flickering, as though some bits had been left behind, only to reappear, each such flicker causing fresh new hell to erupt across his body. The effects lasted for only a second or two, but felt like it lasted far, far longer, and when he finally, fully snapped back to reality, his entire body was drenched in sweat...and, even worse, the cherry on his cigarette seemed to have gone out...in fact, fully half of the small white cylinder was completely missing.

Gritting his teeth, the Hunter took a moment to get his bearings. Spotting one of the Zyclops close by, ironically, on the stairs attached to the outside of the building he had just been in, he whipped out his blade and sent a lance of force leaping across the distance and slamming into the nearest cyclops, a female townie, who appeared to be wearing the garb of a cook, including a rather nice flowered apron. The apron, despite the bright, cheery sun embroidered on it, did nothing to stop the wave of numbing cold that struck it's wearer. The initial force of the 'slice' tore open the woman's chest, allowing the bone-chilling cold to slam into her torso. Frost immediately covered her entire upper body, seeming to dig right into her bones. Horrific snapping and cracking sounds filled the air as several of her ribs shattered, and one of her arms snapped completely off at the shoulder from the pressure wave of the attack. The flames that made up her eye seemed to dim momentarily, but quickly built back up once more, even as she howled in response to the damage.

Spurred on by his action, and being the only one of the Hunters she could currently see, the Zyclops immediately charged down the stairs she stood on, her eye blazing and her mien a twisted snarl. She only managed a few steps, however, before a second blast of raw cold slammed into her, slicing her giant body in twain and sending the two halves tumbling down the stairs, one after the other, to land in a bloody, ichorous, frozen heap on the ground.

Nivel, after getting his own bearings, as well as having consulted with his comrades, caused a massive Black Dragon to suddenly appeared in their midst, seeming to come straight out of the Portal as well. The huge beast raised it's head to the sky and gave a massive, earth shuddering roar, then began glaring around at the, comparatively, puny beings that dared to threaten it. Mantling it's powerful wings, the dragon opened it's maw, prepared to spew a rain of ichorous death all about it...

...unfortunately, it was in that instant that the rapidly lashing tail of Nivel's 'pet' impacted with the outermost edge of the slowly expanding Portal. A high pitched SHRIEK echoed around the area, startling all of the living occupants, and the dragon disappeared in a huge burst of light, appearing to have not so much been Dispelled, as magically shredded. Even as the construct of light, shadows, and mana evaporated into the aether, a small spark of energy leapt from the core of the disappearing dragon, flowed around the edge of the portal, then leapt, like a bolt of ebon lightning, straight to the illusion's originator, striking him, not in the chest, but deep within, seemingly drawn straight to his magical core!

Nivel gasped involuntarily as PAIN rocked his entire being, pain somehow even worse than that he experienced when passing through the portal originally. A shivering, muscle jumping shudder wracked his body from head to toe, before seemingly grounding out and leaving his body. The experience left him profoundly shaken and disturbed, and he could still feel small tremors of pain running through his magical core.

Even as the Mistsoul bound assassin was dealing with the physical and magical aftershocks, Monique, recovering from her impromptu Human Bowling demonstration of a few seconds ago, gathered herself and teleported closer to her compatriots...only to immediately double over, clutching her stomach as waves of pain poured through her, as she suffered the same awful agony that Yukito had just experienced. Like him, the experienced Huntress managed to fight through the pain and focus enough to cast the spells needed to aid her compatriots, but it was neither easy nor pleasant.

Cal, after giving himself a shake to rid himself of the bark and splinters pressed into his back, sent another ray of pure, positive energy lancing into the already damaged Zyclops. The flaming thing that had once been a female Cyclops screeched, a high, sharp steamwhistle-like sound, then collapsed, seeming to fold in on itself. Even as he turned away to greet his compatriots, the large pile of former Cyclops continued to merrily burn, emitting a foul, noisome smoke.

Blaidd, after shifting into his huge combat form, danced forward, slashing at the Zyclops in front of him. His claws sunk deeply into the monstrosity, tearing away a large portion of it's back and at least one rib. He was just raising his other clawed hand for a second strike, when, from deep within the body of the undead, pitch-black flames came ravening out of it's body. The flames raced up his clawed fingers, swiftly encased his arm in a sheath of fire, then just as quickly sputtered out. The giant Hunter staggered back a couple of steps, mentally reevaluating this new tactical information.

Devlin, moving across the battlefield, left a nasty surprise on the doors of the small chapel, then moved into the center of the road and flung a pair of even nastier concoctions towards the two Zyclops who stood on the balcony, overlooking the street. Both spheres arced gracefully through the air and unerringly impacted on the chest of the male Zyclops. A burst of heat/light/fire surrounded the two undead and sent both staggering. The electricity generated by the alchemical mixture chewed through their bodies, causing them to twitch and spasm uncontrollably. Unfortunately, it seems that whatever the source of their resistance to flame, whether that be the innate toughness leftover from their Cyclopean origins, or some mystical defense that the nullsteel couldn't manage to dispel, the flaming napalm simply cascaded down their bodies, failing to gain purchase, and pooled at their feet.

On the other hand, it did manage to cause the old, dry wood of the balcony, now heaving damaged and splintered by the concussive force of his flashbangs, to begin to smolder quite nicely.

Of note, however, was that, once the electricity stopped causing involuntary spasms in the two Zyclops, they both completely stopped moving. From what the scholar could tell, they weren't howling anymore either, merely standing, stock still, in the exact same position they'd ended after their bout with electrocution.

While he went about his deadly business, the temporal wanderer's finger brushed one of the sapphires on his bracelet, causing it to instantly crumble to dust in it's setting (OOC: Make a note on your sheet/OOC/somewhere that you've used one of the sapphires, please. ). For a moment after passing on his message, Devlin received no reply, only the rather ominous sound of silence...

...And then a half frantic voice burst through, echoing unpleasantly through the entire link. Cryoleptus' voice sounded oddly distorted, and the communication was filled with an unpleasant hissing, popping noise (OOC: Literally sounds just like radio static).

"...till alive? Thank...e to a...he Powers! Ther...s a massiv...xplosio...is end. Thoug...u were dead! ...tting interfer...is end. Hol...n!"

The Vizier's voice goes silent for a moment, then almost immediately comes back, stronger than before, though still plagued by the hissing noise. "Can you hear me now? Dont speak, just listen, all of you. Hardblade is channeling her magic to me, but she's wounded...all of us are. There was a massive explosion on this end just after you stepped through, and the Portal is badly damaged. Two of the other anchors are dead, killed when they tried to shield the rest of us."

He paused, seeming to take a mental breath, then continued rapidly. "The portal is rapidly decaying, and as best I can tell, it's going to break, catastrophically, very soon. Likely, you have less than a minute to get as far away as you can. I recommend you get at least a furlong away, possibly farther. DO NOT, whatever you do, teleport out. One of the anchors tried that, and the magical backlash nearly stopped his heart. What? What's that? Ok, ok...dammit! Sorry, we have to go. We're evacuating the Guildhouse as well. The Portal is going completely unstable, and I dont know if we can stop it! Just get out of the immediate vicinity, and contact us again in one hour. If we dont hear from you, we'll assume you didn't make it, and that the mission is a failure. If you cant contact us, assume the same. Go, with The Lady's blessing."

A second voice, that of Hardblade, rough and clearly in pain, joined the link for a moment. "Stay alive, my Hunters, whatever you have to do. Hunters, Hunt!"

With those words, the connection was broken and silence filled all of their minds.

At the exact same instant, within the center of the sphere circle that defined the portal, a large, night black sphere, appeared. It was roughly the size of a melon, and it's entire surface was surrounded by what appeared to be a flowing, swirling cloud of glass-like shards...shards just as black and impenetrable as the sphere itself.

At the same time, every instinct gained over a long and storied career, from dangers faced and monsters overcome, began screaming at the Hunters. Whatever that sphere was, it was absolutely, immensely, deadly dangerous.

For two of their number, however, it was even more ominous than that.

For Devlin, it was as though a tear had appeared in the fabric of space-time. He could literally see a swirling vortex of temporal power surrounding the black sphere. Whatever the glass-like shards were, they were spinning about on winds spun from Time itself.

For Monique, it was like looking at a manifestation of her deity, only one seen through a funhouse mirror. All the energies of Life and Death swirled around the sphere, coalesced into physical form, and represented as the shards of 'glass'. As for the sphere itself...somewhere deep within her, at the point where her soul ended and her connection with the divine spark began, a tiny, voiceless voice was telling her that the sphere was pure, congealed, quintessence. The raw stuff of Fate.

Unfortunately, none of them were given much time to deliberate the ramifications of this new danger as, not only did the Zyclops they could see begin to mount a counterattack, but several of the storefonts that surrounded them began to disgorge even more of their one-eyed, undead foes.

Large zombies poured from several buildings, some using doorways, some simply charging straight through the damaged walls.  And despite Nivel's best efforts, and impressive magic, it seemed that somehow, someway, and despite the fact that just a few seconds ago they were clearly casting about blindly to spot the Hunters, the Zyclops were now heading unerringly towards their chosen targets.

From out of the bottom floor of the building he had landed in, Yukito spotted a pair of Zyclops crashing out through the large, gallery windows, seemingly heading for his companions. Both were dressed like typical townsfolk, and a certain similarity of dress indicated that they were probably employed by the boarding house. He spotted the woman first and managed to get off a strike at her, removing one of her arms and slashing deeply into her side. The male of the two also moved into range and was similarly slashed, but both were almost immediately out of range. All was not lost, however...more 'friends' had arrived.

From the other nearby building, another Zyclops emerged, this one dressed in homespun and carrying a walking staff that look like it was carved from a fairly large tree. He was far enough away that the swordsman was able to make quick work of him, since he actually exited through the door on the north side of the building. However, while dealing with the shepherd, two much more serious foes presented themselves. One came crashing through the nearby wall, a tall, broad shouldered specimen of Zyclops, clad neck to knees in thick, soot-stained leather, and bearing a positively huge hammer. His bald head, as well as a pattern of burn scars on his forearms made his profession quite obvious. Yukito lashed out with another of his blasts of frigid power, slashing through the smith's apron and deeply...though not so deeply as he did with the regular townsfolk...into his torso.

The swordsman's final foe was even more fearsome, dressed head to toe in a mix of plate and mail armour, bearing a shield that would have doubled quite nicely as a barn door, and wielding a sword longer than Yukito was tall. Another blast of power left the smoking swordsman, but this one was turned by the mighty shield the Zyclops bore, though it did scar the surface of the metal.

An instant later, both of the still moving Zyclops converged on him, raining blows down with hammer and blade.

The two Zyclops from the boarding house who'd managed to escape Yukito's wrath converged on Nivel, who was still recovering from the assault by the portal. Both swung their huge fists, attempting to emulate a farmer driving a fencepost into the ground...with the assassin substituting for the piece of wood.

At the same time, Devlin was beset by a pair of nattily dressed townsfolk from the building opposite the boarding house. Both appeared to be wearing what probably construed local finery, the woman wearing a soft, cashmere-like sweater, and the man an odd sort of silky doublet. Both their clothes were heavily stained with blood and each sported terrible wounds, but both seemed equally determined to grind the temporal scholar into the dusty roadbed.

Blaidd, who'd pulled back from his initial attack on the cyclops quickly found himself confronted by not only that undead monstrosity, but two others, both of whom simply tore their way through the nearby wall and immediately set about attacking him with fists, or, in the case of the shepherd and smith, a walking staff and hammer, respectively.

A third Zyclops come barreling out from the upper floor, and onto the balcony...whereupon he immediately stopped dead as soon as he entered the cloud of nullmetal infused smoke that hung in the air from Devlin's earlier attack.

Finally, from the north end of the street, a large explosion ripped through the air as another Zyclops exited the chapel, triggering Devlin's trap. The shepherd appeared to be moderately damaged by the blast, and had succumbed to the tripwire, landing in a heap just beyond it. A second later, another Zyclops, another of the armoured ones, came barrelling out, and quickly joined the shepherd on the ground, having fallen to the tripwire as well.

Throughout all the mayhem, the high, keening sound of the Zyclops' wails had been growing and crescendoing until, abruptly, it stopped, filling the air with heavy silence...

image.png.63159634c00f13865ea9e772d3779f7b.png...silence that was torn asunder by the sound of splintering, tearing wood, and the high pitched sound of concentrated beams of energy slicing through the air. The roof of the boarding house erupted in a torrent of black flame, and from out of the ensuing chaos arose the absolutely MASSIVE form of a floating, bone white beholder!

The huge beast measured at least twenty feet across, and each of it's eyestalks was at least two yards long. All of them, as well as it's great, central eye, were a pale, corpse-like white, but each burned, deep within, with the same black flame that was mirrored in the eyes of all the Zyclops. It's huge, toothed maw drooled a mixture of dark saliva and runnels of ebon fire, a horrid mixture which almost immediately began to cause the debris underneath it to smoke and sizzle. The Death Orb, for there was no doubt in any of the Hunter's minds that this was anything other than a Death Tyrant Beholder...though one significantly larger and, presumably, more powerful than any seen before...rose in stately, terrifying majesty and swept it's many-eyed gaze across the field of battle...and, again, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that, the great beast could see them all, quite clearly.




OOC Info


Aaaaaaaaaand things just took a turn to the Even More Interesting...




As always, Combat pertinent info in the Combat spoiler.

Roll20 Link

Initiative Order
  • Yamazaki/Yukito: 36
  • Venn/Nivel: 29
  • Dalamb/Monique: 25
  • Llyarden/Cal: 24
  • Zyclops: 23
  • Paxon/Devlin: 21
  • Slayer/Blaidd: 17


Lyrican HaverFannyPacks

These handy, dandy, and not yet available for public consumption items are quite useful.  They combine the best features of a Handy Haversack and the largest Bag of Holding available.

Any item placed within can be drawn out as a Move Action, simply by thinking about it, reaching in, and grabbing the item, which suddenly appears.

While the FannyPack is, itself, magic, it cannot hold any magic items.  They simply will not enter it's enchanted, extended space.  They can be stored in it as though it were a regular pouch, which the Pack resembles when opened, unless the bearer wishes otherwise.

The opening of the pack can be expanded, at the wearer's desire, up to sufficient size to take a Medium sized object.


Each of the Packs currently contain 1 Months' worth of fresh and preserved food, 1 months's supply of water (in skins and pony kegs), as well as copious amounts of mundane adventuring gear.  If it is a mundane item (that will fit within the pouch), and is in the equipment list, at least one of whatever 'it' is, is in the pouch.  This includes tools, alchemical items, and all other nonmagical gear.  It does NOT include any MW items.


In addition, each Pack contains a supply of (Stable) Salve (150 doses, 10d8 Healing, no limit on daily uses), and (Stable) Panacea (50 Doses, created at DC 40).


Combat Info


It is now the beginning of Round Two. To keep things flowing, we're going to continue with Block Initiative.  Everyone, please post when and as you have time, then I'll do up a summary post at the end, just as I did this time.  If it seems like this is working, we'll probably move to this every time, just to keep it simple(r).



Nonlethal Portal Damage
  • The Nonlethal Damage from the Portal is analogous to the damage caused by Draining Casting.  It can only be healed by resting for 8 hours.
  • The Sickened Condition affects all PC's, regardless of any immunity to such conditions they normally have.




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