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Oculus Eyeland: The See & The Sand


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Cal gave an almost smug little grin to himself as the zyclops he'd blasted fell. Was I the first one to beat one? Nice!


Unfortunately, he didn't have very long to celebrate his victory. Or, rather, he did. But his allies didn't, and Cal paled slightly as the zyclopses quite literally came out of the woodwork (and the brickwork) to mob the other Hunters. He was sure they could handle themselves, but with their teleports crackling and being disrupted and the portal's energy blasting Nivel through his illusion...


And then came the telepathic communication from the mainland, and Cal's eyes widened. People dying was bad enough - Cal had seen allies and innocents die before, but that didn't stop it hurting. But for the Guildmaster to be wounded...


Once the telepathic communication shut off, Cal spoke across the Hunters' local mental link. ~Okay, we need to -~


The Death Tyrant emerged.


~...go.~ He said it absently, like the end of the sentence had been patiently waiting in the back of his mind and he just wanted to get it out of the way, as he turned to look at the undead Beholder.


There was no fear in his voice. Perhaps there had been for a heartbeat, but his powers had purged it from him almost as soon as the Death Tyrant's gaze had fallen upon him. His creator hadn't allowed such trifles as emotions to get in the way of his usefulness to it.


And then he ran - away from the portal, though that might have been pure coincidence - getting in a position where he could see the Death Tyrant clearly, and with a wild, incoherent yell, eyes formed across his body and unleashed a blazing ray of necromantic and positive energy combined at the floating monster.


Free: Maintain Berserking


Swift: Activate Self-Renewal to Restore Mind, clearing Shaken (SP 86 -> 84, nonlethal 79 -> 87)


Move: A smidgen closer.


Temporal Haste Move: Activate Impromptu Formula (IF 21 -> 20) to create another Alchemist Fire, with Flesh-Eating Bomb and Invigorating Blast applied (SP 84 -> 83, nonlethal 87 -> 91).


Free: Spend a second use of Spirit Allies to gain the Manipulate Undeath talent.


Standard: FIRE EVERYTHING! Energy Striking with an Admixtured (1sp) full-power (1sp) Invigorating (1sp) blast, with Ghostly Admixture (1sp) to add Manipulate Undeath. (SP 83 -> 79, nonlethal 91 -> 107).
32 to hit TAC. 61 positive energy damage, plus catch 'fire', Reflex DC32 negates catching fire. If the Black Flame Tyrant has an armour bonus (not natural armour) of +1 or better, the Reflex save also halves the damage.
And then another 33 positive energy damage which is not halved by the above save even if the BFT does have armour.
And finally, 37 untyped damage from Manipulate Undeath, Will DC32 halves. This explicitly affects undead despite being a Death sphere effect.
27 to bypass SR if needed.


End of Turn: Quick Recovery removes the 11 points of nonlethal that he can actually clear (nonlethal 107 -> 96)


Callum Venris
Male CN Beholder-Human Hybrid Eldritch Infuser // Incanter, Level 15, Init 10, HP 360+14/360, 0+96 nonlethal, Speed 80+40ft
AC 51+2-2, Touch 42+2-2, Flat-footed 41+2-2, CMD 58, Fort 29, Ref 24+2, Will 24, CMB +16, Base Attack Bonus 11
Champion's Strike +4/+12 "Eye Rays" (Alchemist Fires) +21 touch (8d6+19 / 8d6+27, x2)
Champion's Strike +4 Quarterstaff +21 (1d6+14 / 1d6+22, x2)
+5 Antispell Aberration-Defiant Clothes (+5 Armor, +10 Dex, +4 Natural, +4 Deflect, +18 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 30, Con 40, Int 10, Wis 30, Cha 10
Condition None
+1 to saves vs mind-affecting
+2 to saves vs transmutation effects used by aberrations
+2 to saves vs any effect used by aberrations
+2 to saves vs illusions, enchantments and Mind effects except for fear, which are at -1 instead
-2 to saves vs [evil]
+2 AC/FFAC vs aberrations
Immune nonlethal, ability damage/drain, bleed, death effects, damage from positive energy effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, aging effects, stunning, Fort saves
75% fortification



Spell Points 79/90, Martial Focus On
Delayed Damage 0/44, Hand's Knowledge 1/1, Hypervitalise 592/600, Impromptu Formula 20/22, Spirit Allies 4/6


Haste 14/15, Spirit Allies 8/10 and 10/10

Current Formulae (10/11):

  • Alchemist Fire [Alkali Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Electric Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Fire Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Frost Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Nether Blast]
  • Salve DC50
  • Salve DC50
  • Panacaea DC50
  • Panacaea DC50
  • Itching Powder


Edited by Llyarden (see edit history)
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image.png.1220fc1b707699a497ccc32cb40a4df8.pngYukito Nanaya

Demon Slayer

The translocation pain was nothing short of searing and horrible.  He almost doubled down in the pain, but he gritted through it and continued his attack regardless. But the response from the home base made everything clear.  "Wish I knew that 5 seconds ago!"


Then came the horde of undead cyclopses charging in.  Their numbers were more than the slayer expected, but it wasn't overwhelming yet.  His mystic barriers would hold strong against them, as would his incredible reflexes and fast blade.  <Heads up - they're weak against cold!!>


But then the Death Tyrant appeared.  Undead cyclops - sure, no big deal.  But a freaking undead beholder was well outside of his expectations for the first minute of the mission.  Running seemed like a good idea, but that beholder would likely chase them, as would the zyclops. Fear surged through his mind, but he forced himself to endure.


A moment of indecision plagued the demon slayer, but he grit his teeth and took to the air.  Need to slow that thing down, even for a few moments!  He returned his blade to his sheath, and once tapped into his internal reserves of ki.  He took a moment to observe the foul creature now floating above the building he was just in.  The heat around him just vanished for a moment as Yukito called upon the spirits of frost and winter, and lashed out with immense speed once more.  "Hiken - Hyōryū SenbiIce Dragon Swirling Tail!"  Unlike the attack before, which was purely chilling air pressure, this attack manifested itself as a trail of ice freezing the moisture in the air whipping out like a dragon's tail, striking at the undead beholder. 


The slash drew blood, or the closest thing to blood the beholder had, which instantly began to freeze around the floating eyeball.  His attack continues, lashing out against many of the zyclopses within reach, drawing blood.


Free: Berserking - Avatasim (animal) + True Rage (+18 temp HP)

Free: Swear under breath while being Shaken

Move 1: Fly Up 20' and a few squares away. Acrobatics Check to avoid AoOs is 39

Swift: Study Target (plus free Scout) vs Death Tyrant to find weaknesses

Move 2: Sheath Sword

Standard: Iai Slash + Vacuum Cut 2 vs Death Tyrant.  This includes Chi Gong (cold), Spell Attack (Numbing Blast, 1 SP spent to increase damage dice to CL), Ki Convergence (Freeze: see below, another 2 SP) and Bleed Effects


Improved Avatism (Animal) attack optional will be [tear], dealing 15 bleed along with the duelist bleed. He also spends 1 Martial Focus to apply Perforating Wounds [bleed] per Greater Iai to dish out additional bleed damage. Bleed damage will hit regardless, as Yukito has Ooze Ichor/Essence Manipulation (which also helps with the Freeze effect coming up)


Rolls:  (copied from dice thread for easy reference)

Attack Action vs Death Tyrant (52, shaken applied) (this applies Study Target bonus of +4; if Scout was successful, reduce target AC by 4 for 7 rounds, per Scout: Find the Gap)
Weapon Damage (32) + Blast Vessel (cold) (2) + Chi Gong (cold) (16) + Full Power Numbing Blast (42) + 27 bleed


Immediate: Ki Convergent Power to inflict Freeze (per Nature water package) on the Death Tyrant.  Numbing Blast will reduce its Reflex save by 2, and must make a Reflex save DC 45.  This will coat the target in 5 inches of ice, which will deal 5 cold damage per round.  It will take a DC 20 Strength or Escape Artist check to get out.  This will last days if it doesn't break out, or gets broken out.

If it saves, it'll be entangled for 1 round (ice slows it down)


AdditionalYukito also lashes out and dishes out Duelist Bleed to the Zyclopses within the 'aura' range on the map (60').  This attack uses the same attack roll as above, but only deals 6 bleed. This consumes 7 of Yuki's AoOs for the round.


Conditional AoO: shield block +5 AC + Redirecting Shield.  Up to 13 times a round.  Priority of Shield Blocks will go towards the Death Tyrant, if in question.


Helpful Reminders: Yukito is immune to Death, Petrification, and Polymorph effects.  Furthermore, he has a 50% miss chance thanks to Ablating Aegis (which reduces 5% per forced miss, please let me know for my own notes), as well as a 40% chance to Reflect Rays thanks to Ray Deflection Aegis.  


Also Yukito will only be shaken this round, as he only fell short of the save DC by 1.


Yukito Nanaya Human demon slayer

HP 189/210 Nonlethal -64  SP 74/90  Martial Focus: 1/2

Speed 80ft Init 34 

AC 69 77 Fort 20 Ref 33 41 Will 29  BAB 11 

Dueling Blade +35 (1d8+16, 17-20 x2)
Hasted/Enhanced Blade +43 (1d8+19, 17-20 x2)


Str 14 (2) 16 (3) Dex 40 (15) 50 (20) Con 22 (6) Wis 40 (15) Int 12 (1) Cha 12 (1)


Shaken (-2) for 1 round


Short Term Buffs:

  • Temporal Haste (CL20; +3 to AC/Attack/Reflex, +50' speed, +5 AoOs) - duration 20 minutes
  • Sage Enhance (+10 DEX, +2 STR; effective BAB 15, DR 7/-)  duration 15 rounds

Long Term Buffs: all last 15+ hours

  • Sage: Flight (60' perfect) (110' perfect)
  • Divination: Blindfolded Oracle 75', Foreshadow (+3 AC/+4 Ref+Init), Sense Presence (aberrations currently) 75', See Hazards, Precog Smite +4, Precog Defense +4
  • Protection: Ablating 50%, Armored (armor +7, shield +5), Friendship, Ray Deflection 40%
  • War: Momentum 28/30

Ability References

I know how annoying it is to look up everything, so I'll try to copy+paste reference notes as I feel is necessary


Iai Slash (bleed) [CrimDan]

Whenever you deal bleed damage to a creature in the same round you drew the weapon used to deal that damage, you may expend any amount of attacks of opportunity as a free action to compare the same attack roll against the AC (or your maneuver check against their disarm CMD) of a different enemy within reach for each attack of opportunity. If your attack roll is greater than a creature’s AC, you quickly strike that creature and cause them to suffer from your blooded strike (this does not allow you to apply additional (bleed) talents).

Additionally, whenever you deal bleed damage to a creature already suffering from your blooded strike, or an enemy suffering from your blooded strike’s bleed is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, you may sheathe your weapon as a free action.


Perforating Wounds (bleed) [CrimDan]

Whenever you deal bleed damage as part of an attack action to a creature who is already suffering bleed damage from your blooded strike, you deal an amount of bleed damage equal to 1 + 1 for every 3 points of base attack bonus you possess. This bleed damage stacks with other bleed damage granted by the Duelist sphere. You can stack this bleed damage with itself once for every 6 points of base attack bonus you possess. This bleed damage is separate from your blooded strike, and does not affect other abilities that scale off of your blooded strike’s bleed damage.


Vacuum Cut [CrimDan]

Whenever you use the attack action to make a melee attack in the same round you draw a sheathed weapon, you may target a creature within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 base attack bonus), provoking attacks of opportunity as though using a ranged attack.

Using this talent reduces the damage die of the weapon being used with this talent by 1 step, and the attack made with this weapon is treated as a projectile for the purposes of being able to be blocked or deflected by effects. This attack is treated as a melee attack for all other purposes (and may not be used with talents or abilities which would only affect ranged attacks) except for the target of the attack. At +5 base attack bonus, using this talent no longer provokes attacks of opportunity. At +10 base attack bonus, attacks made with this talent no longer have their damage die reduced.

You may take Vacuum Cut a second time. If you do, when utilizing another Duelist sphere talent that targets creatures within your reach (such as Iai Slash and Hurricane Strike, but not talents that merely grant you an attack such as Swift Slice), you may instead use the range of Vacuum Cut in place of your reach for the purpose of those talents.


Great Iaijutsu [CrimDan]

Benefit: When utilizing your Iai Slash talent, you may expend your martial focus to additionally apply the effects of one (bleed) talent other than Iai Slash to a single creature struck as part of the talent. If you have more than one martial focus, you may expend two martial focuses to instead apply that (bleed) talent to all creatures struck.


Ki Convergent [EO3]
The sage becomes attuned to a single elemental focus, and can draw upon the essence of nature around him to infuse his chi gong with the elements. The sage gains the Nature sphere as a bonus talent. Whenever the sage would use his chi gong ability, he may change the damage dealt from piercing damage to a damage type associated with a Nature package he possesses, chosen at the time of using the ability.

Whenever the sage deals damage to a creature using his chi gong ability, he can forgo half the damage dice of the ability and spend 1 ki point as an immediate action to call upon nature. The creature is affected by the Create Fire, Entangle, Freeze, Gust Of Wind, Magnetize, or Tremor geomancing sphere ability for 1 round (if a concentration effect), as long as he possesses the ability. The chosen sphere ability only affects the damaged creature and the square(s) they occupy.



Instantaneous, requires water. You may spend a spell point to flash freeze water, turning it into ice. You may freeze a 1 inch thick, 5-foot-by-5-foot square of water per caster level. Alternatively, you may cover a wet Medium-sized creature with 1 inch of ice per caster level. You may increase the size of the frozen area or size/number of the frozen creatures, but divide the ice’s thickness by the equivalent number of Medium-sized creatures.

Creatures smaller than Medium count as Medium-sized creatures for this effect, with the exception of multiple creatures occupying the same space. Add the sizes of multiple creatures occupying the same space together when determining their size for this purpose. For swarms, count each 5-foot square as being 2 Medium-sized creatures occupying the same space. You may affect both squares and creatures, but all affected targets and spaces must be contiguous and must have the same thickness of ice.

[OOC: I did the math already, above - it's 5 inches of ice]

Creatures are allowed a Reflex save to avoid being frozen. On a failure, they are encased and cannot move, and suffer 1 point of cold damage per round per inch of ice. To escape, they must succeed at a Strength check or Escape Artist check as a full-round action to escape the ice (DC 15 +1 per inch of thickness) or another creature must break the ice around the trapped creature (3 hit points per inch). While encased, a target can only take mental or verbal actions, or attempt to escape. Being encased in ice blocks line of effect, but not line of sight (the creature may still be targeted, but effects that deal damage to the target must break through the ice first before dealing damage to the target). On a successful save, the target is still entangled for 1 round. Ice melts 1 inch of thickness per minute on the average day.


Edited by Yamazaki (see edit history)
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Devlin image.jpeg.29d5460bf7359df59fbafa1f651d03ae.jpeg

The answers Devlin sought turned out to be most disagreeable. Everyone heard the response from Crypleptus and Hardblade, but Devlin felt compelled to reply. <"Message received. We'll commence a fighting retreat. Then we hunt.">


The situation was looking bad. Then it got much worse.


Magic backlash of all sorts ripped through his team. Then zombie Cyclops ripped through the walls. Before two from the building nearby closed on him, Devlin just had time to observe the effects of his Nullsteel. He relayed it to the team, <"I hit those two on the balcony with a Nullsteel cloud. Doesn't look like it disrupted their fire protection, but it does seemed like it stopped them cold, along with that third there. Maybe disrupting a connection to their necromancer master?">


The attackers were on him then. Slow — Devlin easily stepped out of the way of the first one's stomping feet. But strong! He attempted to deflect the swiping club-arm of the second, and only barely succeeded in pushing it off-target as he sidestepped. A moment later (point-eight-five seconds for those keeping count, as he tended to do), Devlin heard the twang-POP of his tripwire finding an unwary target. He spread his hands wide theatrically, his cloak billowing dramatically, posturing at the Zyclopses attacking him. "No hands even! You want to try me?" He grinned wider as he spied in his peripheral vision a second large figure emerge from the northern building and tumble over, and in less than a blink of an eye he'd snatched an orb from his bandolier and flicked it toward the fallen foe, spinning in a flourish.


Then the beholder crashed through, and it left Devlin shaken. This wasn't the massive, terrifying one he'd seen in his vision so long ago, but it shook his soul nonetheless. A Death Orb, here almost as if waiting for them. Not good at all. 


Shaking his head as if trying to clear it, it was time to get to work. Devlin noted the features of this beholder. Then he took less than a breath to observe the dark orb in the center of the portal. Related? Or part of the portal collapse? He spoke to the others, <"There are undead Beholders known as Death Kisses, put they aren't particularly strong. There have been speculations of Beholders becoming true necromancers. This is unlike anything anyone has reported before. I would say we've made a new, and very unfortunate discovery. Still, it's undead, floating, and has lots of vulnerable looking eyes. Do your worst."> Devlin tried to speak over the link with his usual demon-may-care attitude, but the fear was evident in his projected thoughts. At least the aura emanating from Monique helped bolster him, and he let it flow across his mind and reflexes, changing them slightly.


The big pair of Zyclops were looming over him, and it was time to do something about them first. Devlin leapt straight into the air. The motion brought him level with that strange black-burning eye of the cyclops, and time slowed as he hung there. Then with with greatly accelerated speed, he delivered a straight-fingered knife-hand strike directly into the middle of that eye. It burned and drained as he made contact, but Devlin was ready for it, channeling the pain along his shadowy shield. He reached deeper in that elongated instant, extending his essence into the timeflow, feeling for the undead's temporal essence. There. He grabbed it, forging a connection of two temporal bodies, speeding himself up even faster as the cyclops would be left in a momentary stasis if he did this right. Then time flowing back into a semblance of normal, he planted his feet and kicked himself off several paces away, before the thing could react, leaving an afterimage flowing behind him. 


He wasn't done. Even as he landed, Devlin was drawing an object from his coat. Is was both real and not, a phantom from another time-stream brought into his own, appearing as a gold-glowing orb with holy iconography. This served to draw the Zyclopse's attention as he held it out dramatically, while at the same time Devlin's other hand flicked forward delivering one of his smaller explosives right into the female's center mass. His basic explosive, it impacted with time-accelerated force and popped in a pressurized explosion.


Then Devlin had another vision. It was from a parallel timeline, in which he attacked the other nearby Zyclops, the male, with a series Poppers, one after another. He spun and a pair of the small deadly orbs blasted across the short distance and exploded against the big humanoid, damaging him even as it discombobulated him. Devlin reached for the temporal shard he had tried to wrench away from the Cyclops woman. If it was there, he would use it to merge this timeline with his own, making this series of attacks a near impossible reality. If not, they would stay where they were, an alternate timeline veering off in its own direction.


Either way, he had just enough mental and physical bandwidth to make one more toss, flinging another tripwire that latched into the ground right in front of the Zyclops duo that had attacked Nivel. He timed the toss as closely as he could to land as soon as Nivel vacated the space, seeing the mist-walker was finishing his attack and about to reposition...


<"Nasty surprise coming as soon as you move, Nivel. Monique, when you move, come straight toward me, beware of my tripwire just northeast of you.">



OOC and Mechanics

That took a bit of time to put together. I wanted to lots of actions, I got 'em I guess! 🙂




Both Zyclops attacks miss Devlin.

Devlin becomes Shaken by the Beholder.


When Shepherd 03 triggers Devlin's trap, Crowd Pleaser allows him to make a Caper (boast) as free off-turn action.  Any enemy within 250' feet must succeed at DC30 will save or lose their attack/casting against Devlin (until beginning of turn).


When Guard 01 triggers Devlin's trap, Crowd Pleaser allows him to make a Bloodthirst (boast), attacking Guard 01 (he's within 250' theatrical boast range). 

  • Ranged attack (attack roll =49) against Guard 01 using an Improved Acid Flask. 
  • If hits, 46 bludgeoning damage + 31 acid damage, plus same amount of acid damage to Shepherd 03
    • If the attack misses regular AC but hits touch AC, it still hits just with reduced bludgeoning damage. I'll re-roll accordingly.
  • This attack will likely trigger AOOs from Zyclopses threatening Devlin. See above Caper if they get to make those attacks.


Caper effects end.

Free: Talky talk talk

Free: Knowledge (Religion) check (Result 63) to ID/Scout the Beholder

Move: Using Academic Knowledge to give all allies +2 to CMB and +2 to DCs of their abilities against the Beholder

Free: Knowledge (Arcana) (60) and/or Spellcraft (53) checks to get more information on that orb in the middle of the portal

Free: Within 30' of Monique, use Hanged Man motif for +3 Fort, -2 Ref, +3 Will

Standard: Unarmed Strike Special Attack Action (Result 54) against Townsfolk 01 *I think the reads "01" but it's hard to see the number. The one just W of Devlin at start of turn., using Time Strike (with Spell Attack) to deliver Steal Time

  • If hits, Devlin will expend his Drunk status (he gets to do this twice before losing drunk status, per Double Chug) to make his unarmed strike do Max Damage, per Drunken Boxer
    • Improved Vital Strike damage at effective Large size = 12d8 = 96 max, +23 damage mod
    • Spend 2 momentum to add +15 damage = 134 bludgeoning damage
    • First attack each round does 15 electricity damage (elemental empowerment)
  • If hits, Devlin casts Steal Time on the Townsfolk 01 (1SP). DC36 Will Save or it is Dazed for 1 round and Devlin gets another Standard Action
  • If these operate the same as when Blaidd attacked, Devlin will take Fire/Negative Energy damage. My 6d8 roll in roll thread came up 26, I'll use this unless you want to roll it Ark.
    • Improved Shadow Shield reduces all sources of damage by 4, so 22 (11 fire, 11 negative). Devlin's ER5 for fire means 6 fire.
    • Will spend 1 momentum to reduce damage by 15 (Resilient Momentum). Total = 2 damage, applied to Temp HP

Swift: Devlin will Kick Off after the melee attack, sending him 20' N without provoking AOOs. This triggers base Afterimage, leaving behind 1 afterimage (50% miss chance).

Free: Spend 1 Shadow Point on Shadow Magic to gain 2 temporary magic talents for 1 min. Which are Energy Strike and Invigorating Blast from destruction sphere.

Free: Devlin will hide that this is a casting with Veiled Magic. It takes a DC40 Spellcraft or Perception check to know he's casting this.

Free: He'll use his Trick Casting class feature, to make a Feint against Townsfolk 01. Devlin can take 10 on this for a result of 63 on Bluff+41 total skill mod
can always take 10 on Bluff
+7 when taking 10 (The World and Applied Consistency)
+7 vs scouted targets (Catty Stalker and knowledge unlock)
-2 Shaken
 to Feint.

  • Trick Casting Feint lasts for 2 rounds
  • If successful, Devlin will Feint Strike Townsfolk 01, Expending MF to make it an AOO. Ranged Attack (Result 56) with a Cherry Bomb
    • If hits, 48 bludgeoning damage (direct hit) + 21 bludgeoning (cherry bomb) + 12 precision (Fatal Thrust) = 81 bludgeoning damage
    • Soul Strike (exploit) will reduce all of Townsfolk 01's saves by 2 for 5 rounds

DAMAGE TOTAL (If all attacks hit Townsfolk 01) = 215 bludgeoning + 15 electricity

Extra Move (I will READY this action to trigger after Nivel moves): Expend MF (Using Focused Stamina, -5 stamina) to set a Tripwire (snare) trap with attached Nullsteel-suffused Cherry Bomb as a move action.

  • Trap Launcher allows him to set it within the first range increment of his weapon, which is 80' for his thrown formulae. 
  • He can set 4 continuous squares as the area the trap covers. This is marked by the silver shape near Townsfolk 03/06 on the roll20 map.
  • Perception DC to notice the trap is 47. Creature gets +5 if it saw Devlin set the trap
  • When moving into one of the squares the trap occupies, a DC32 ref save is required to avoid setting it off
  • If the creature triggers it, they fall prone and set off the cherry bomb. A tripwire stays even after being set off. The trap will stay set for 39 rounds (54 on the craft result, beating DC of 15 by that amount). Each time it is set off, the rounds are reduced by 5
  • The first creature that sets it off is treated as though hit by a cherry bomb, taking 6d4 bludgeoning damage, and will trigger the Nullsteel cloud on that square (with its 15' burst). Any subsequent creatures would still be tripped, but the cherry bomb is expended.

Show if Steal Time is Successful

Extra Standard: Deadly Shot Special Attack Action with Cherry Bomb vs Townsfolk 02 (Result 49) using Trick Arrows flashbang and Trap Launcher (snipe). If hits...

  • 92 bludgeoning damage (direct hit) + 21 b damage (cherry bomb) + 15 (Damaging Momentum, -2M) + 4 b/p/s (flash bang) = 128 bludgeoning + 4 b/p/s damage
  • Fort save DC32 or Blinded and Deafened for 1d4+1 rounds (flash bang)
  • Trap Launcher (snipe) will add a Bamboozling Trap (snare) to the attack: DC32 Ref Save or trap is triggered and target is considered Feinted 
  • If this trap is triggered, Opportunist will allow Devlin to make an AOO within 1st range increment (80')
    • Ranged AOO (Result 47) vs Townsfolk 02 using Cherry Bomb
    • If hits, 47 bludgeoning damage (direct) + 12 b (cherry bomb) + 11 (precision, Fatal Strike) = 70 bludgeoning
    • Soul Strike (exploit) to give Townsfolk 02 a -2 penalty to all saves
  • If trap is triggered, Devlin will use Crowd Pleaser to us Caper (boast) again (DC30 will save, or lose attack against Devlin)

DAMAGE TOTAL (if all hit vs Townsfolk 02) = 198 bludgeoning + 4 b/p/s



If the trap Devlin placed is triggered, it will be another tripwire, 6d4 cherry bomb, and blast another nullsteel cloud with a big ol 35 on the dispel check.

He will AOO accordingly with Opportunist, and probably Bloodthirst (boast) attack as well, if this happens.

Group Benefits

For 1 min, everyone gets +2 CMB and DCs vs Beholder


Current Momentum Pool: 24/31

Within 30' of Devlin, you can...

  • Spend 2 momentum to add 15 to weapon damage
  • Spend 1 momentum to reduce damage taken by 15


Devlin has given each of you 2 "Iconic Tonics", a Universal Alcohol you may drink for the following effects:

  • 6d4 Temp HP for 1 hour
  • +4 resistance bonus to next save attempt in next hour (doesn't stack with inhuman resilience, but might be handy in an AMF)
  • +5 circumstance bonus against emotion related effects for 1 hour
  • +5 circumstance bonus against pain-related effects for 1 hour
  • +5 circumstance bonus against sleep related effects 1 hour


Character Sheet | Character Thread

Current HP: 204/210  |  Temp HP: 77 (79 -> 77)  |  Nonlethal damage: 6 + 49 portal damage (unhealable)

Conditions: Shaken (-2 Attack/Skill/Saves)

Current AC: 53ACTIVE
10 base
10 Dexterity bonus
8 armor (unarmored training, applies to touch)
18 Prescient Dodger
4 Natural Armor
3 Dodge (Haste)

4 Dodge vs Scouted Enemies

  |  49 touch  (+4 vs scouted enemies, 71 on knowledge check vs zombie cyclopses)

Resistance/Reduction: DR 4/Cold Iron, ER20 Electricity, ER5 Fire/Acid, SR 25

Special: Evasion, Uncanny Dodge

Miss Chance: 50%ACTIVE
Afterimage: 50%/75%

Decoy: 50% until triggered


Perception: +37  | See in Darkness, Blindsense 20', Sightless Action

Stealth: +32



Ongoing Effects


Caper (boast): Until beginning of next turn, DC30 will save or lose attack against Devlin

Temporal Haste: 15 rounds, +3 attack/AC/Ref save, +50' speed, +6 AOOs, +move/swift action (2SP) [Round 0]

Rapid Response: +10 initiative, can act in surprise round (1SP for 200 min)

Drunk: 8 rounds, unarmed damage 1 size larger (Double chug: 16 rounds, and +1 all saves) [Round 0]

Iconic Tonic: 1 hour (effects in Group tab)

Dynamite Throwing Form: Splash weapons do unarmed damage. (15 rounds if expend MF) [Round 0]

Improved Shadow Shield: 15d4+15 Temp HP, reduce damage by 4, 1 min'

Academic Knowledge: +2 CMB, DCs against Beholder, 1 min

Shadow Magic: Energy Strike, Invigorating Blast, 1 min



Encompassing Light: Damage and Reach 2 sizes greater (20' at gargantuan)

Transformation: -


Daily Routine:

Craft 14 formulae | 30 min (7.5 minutes each 4) | + Other crafting?

Ritual: Reduce Max Hp 15 or spend 75gp | 1 hour

Read Advanced Study Guide | 1 hour, combined with above

Renew Momentum Pool: 1SP, lasts 16 hours

Continual: if there is a hint of possibility of trouble, will keep a Glow (black light) going on self, renewed every 11 min with standard action.

Offense Options

Unarmed Strike: +39+11 BAB
+10 Dex
+4 Imbued Greater Courage
+3 Haste
+5 INT instead of DEX (scouted)
+4 insight Cunning Attacker (scouted)
+2 knowledge unlock (scouted)

  |  Damage: 4d8+15DICE (as unarmed)
2d10 normal
4d8 large (drunken boxer)
6d8 huge (encompassing light)
8d8 gargantuan (encompassing light + drunken boxer)

+15 INT (Creative Strike)
+8 Analytical gaze (scouted)

+15 electricity (first attack, elemental empowerment)
+15 (damaging momentum)
+3d6 Fatal Thrust
+6d6 Skewer
+8d6 / 16d6 energy strike

Masterwork Crossbow: +25 | Damage: 1d8 | 80'

Thrown Weapon: +25 | Damage: 1dx+15 | 10'

Thrown Formulae: +44+11 BAB
+10 Dex
+5 enhanced flask thrower
+4 Imbued Greater Courage
+3 Haste
+5 INT instead of DEX Cunning Attacker (scouted)
+4 insight Cunning Attacker (scouted)
+2 knowledge unlock (scouted)


+1 or 2 coordinated shot
| Damage: 4d8+20DICE (as unarmed)
2d10 normal
4d8 large (drunken boxer)
6d8 huge (encompassing light)
8d8 gargantuan (encompassing light + drunken boxer)

+15 INT (Creative Strike)
+5 Weapon Enhancement
+8 Analytical gaze (scouted)

+15 electricity (first attack, elemental empowerment)
+15 (damaging momentum)
+3d6 Fatal Thrust
+6d6 Skewer
+8d6 / 16d6 energy strike
+4d6/4d10 deadly shot
 | 80' range (60' de-powered)

  • [1/2] Improved Alchemist's Fire: +8d8 fire, 20/25/30' burst
  • [1/2] Improved Acid Flask: +8d8 acid, 20/25/30' burst [-1]
  • [10/15] Cherry Bombs: +6d4 bludgeoning, adjacent takes 6 [-3]
  • [2/2] Improved Itching Powder: FortDC40 or -2 attack/saves/skill, 20' burst (25' +5 on save roll)
  • Add [Explosive] flashbang: 1d8, Fort DC32 or blinded/deafened for 1d4+1 rounds. Expend MF to...
    • Sonic Shriekers: 15d6 sonic, flashbang DC=36 (save=half damage)
    • Glacial Percussion: 7d6 cold, failed save = staggered 1d4 rounds (paralyzed if already staggered)
    • Belladonna Bursts: on failed save = 2d6 Strength damage (poison)
    • Dispelling Detonations: failed save = greater dispel on target
    • Nullsteel: 1SP/2SP instead of MF for counterspell in burst
    • Inflammable Cloud: 20' cloud for 15 rnds, when ignited deals 7d8 to anything in area
    • Elemental Enhancement (if adjacent to elemental): 15d6 electricity damage (ref save instead)
  • Deadly Shot. Add snipe. MF to add 4d6 vs touch, 4d10 vs regular ac
    • Trap Launcher (snipe): attach a snare trap
      • Tripwire: Ref DC32 or prone
      • Bamboozling Trap: Ref DC32 or Feinted
      • Thaumatic Sink: 10' radius AMF for 15 rounds
      • Can use an alchemical item with trap

Destructive Blast: +25 | 8d6 damage, 16d6 at 1SP

Defense Options

Saves (Roll twice)

Fort +19 modifiers+5 base
+6 ability
+5 (resistance) Inhuman Resilience
+4 (morale) Imbued Powerful Courage
-2 The Fool
+1 Double Chug

+2 vs Spells etc (Spellhardy)
+5 vs Sleep (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Pain (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Emotion (universal alcohol)
+4 (resistance) next saving throw (universal alcohol)
 (Temp +3, Hanged Man)

Reflex +30 modifiers+9 base
+10 ability
+5 (resistance) Inhuman Resilience
+4 (morale) Imbued Powerful Courage
-2 The Fool
+1 Double Chug
+3 Haste

+2 vs Spells etc (Spellhardy)
+5 vs Sleep (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Pain (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Emotion (universal alcohol)
+4 (resistance) next saving throw (universal alcohol)
 (Temp -2, Hanged Man)

Will +23 modifiers+9 base
+6 ability
+5 (resistance) Inhuman Resilience
+4 (morale) Imbued Powerful Courage
-2 The Fool
+1 Double Chug

+2 vs Spells etc (Spellhardy)
+5 vs Sleep (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Pain (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Emotion (universal alcohol)
+4 (resistance) next saving throw (universal alcohol)
 (Temp +3, Hanged Man)


Caper (boast): When active, DC30 will save or lose attack against Devlin

Bomb Jump: Free jump check (take 10 on athletics for 54), if remove from area of AOE, no ref save needed. 


SP: 83/90 (85 -> 83)

Shadow Pool: 3/5 (4 -> 3)

MF: 1/2 (1 spent)

Stamina Pool: 7/17 (12 -> 7)

Momentum Pool: 31 (16 hours, upon spending 1SP, tracked in Group Benefits)

Silver Pendant protections: 15/15

Nullsteel uses: 249/250

Prepared Formulae: 14 breakdown1 Universal Alcohol (15)
1 Cherry Bombs (15)
2 Salves
4 Panacea
2 Itching Powder
2 Alchemist's Fire
2 Acid Flask

  • [4/15] Iconic Tonics 
  • [2/2] Salves
  • [3/4] Panaceas 

Other Alchemy

  • [1] SalvaceaHeals 1d8+40 HP, Cures all DC 40 status effects of Panacea
    DC 20: Deafened, fatigued, shaken, sickened.
    DC 30: Diseased, exhausted, nauseated, poisoned, staggered.
    DC 40: Frightened, blinded, paralyzed, stunned.
  • [1] L7 Improved Itching Powder
  • [15/15] L3 Cherry Bombs
  • [2/2] Tanglefoot Bags
  • [1] Tangleburn Bag
  • [1] Pepper Smoke Pellets
  • Basic Alchemist's Fires
  • Basic Acid Flasks

Communication Sapphires: 19/20






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Blaidd Glyndwr



Blaidd Glyndwr

Blaidd tore through the lone Cyclops before him, an unleased being of force as he claws tore into the putrid, rotten flesh. Pain coursed through his body, his skin burnt and bubbling as he came into contact with the Cylops. Jumping back to avoid any futher interaction, Blaidd cursed, his skin bright red, sore and blisted. Black flames seemed to pore from the wounds opened from his claw. The throbing pain was nothing new, like an old friend from the many battles he had experienced. A new collection to the scars upon his body. Blaidd continued to wear the sardonic smile upon his face, the thrill of the battle stilll overcome him, his blood redhot and pumping furiously within. The beat of his heart filled his ears.


He had got its attention now, the lumbering bulk of raw muscle turning, its body moving as if unused to carrying its weight. It charged with a moaning rore, spittle flying from its mouth as its pale white eye focussed solely on Blaidd. It swung towards him, a heavy fist the size of a small boulder crashing towards him. The sound drew the attention of others, two more large forms crashed from around the corner, tattered clothes giving away their past lives. They charged him in unison. Blaidd dodged the first blow, the heavy had whistling past his ear. The next nearly split his head as he ducked to avoid. He was not quick enough though as the final blow struck his ribs, his body moaned in pain at the sheer force of the blow. His skin blistered and bubbled as black flames scourched his body. He was surrounded. Nothing he couldn't handle though, these Cyclops still held the power of the once living bodies but they were slow and cumbersome. Blaidd planted a foot behind him, pushing the loose earth back as he steadied himself ready to lunge forward towards his oppressors.


Then the town exploded in a blaze of blame flames and falling debris. Bits of wood and thatch rained down from above as smoke filled the air. A large shadow rose from the centre of the town, as its body parted through the smoke revealing the ice white horrid flesh as the large pale eye that looked down upon them all. Fear struck him, shaking him to his core as he beheld the site of the large ominous creature. Blaid swore as they found themsleves face to face already with one of them. Blaidd searched for his allies, the panic beginning to overwhelm him, before he saw them dancing through the air continuing to fight, the sounds of explosions rining through the air.


Bearing his teeth and letting a low gutteral growl escape, Blaidd summoned the magic within him, the runes upon his chest aglow as he felt the raw energy fill his body. Lunging forward Blaidd unleased a torrent of blows, his claws gouging at their flesh, an explosion of arcane energy unleashed upon them. A wave of pure fury.



Blaidd Glyndwr
Male Human Prodigy (Mimic)/Incanter, Level 15, Init 15, HP 170/195, Non-lethal HP 139/195, Speed 60
AC 57, Touch 57, Flat-footed 57, CMD 48, Fort 20, Ref 31, Will 32, CMB +35, Base Attack Bonus 11
Natural weapon (claws) (Cat claw gloves +5) - +37 (20/x2)
Natural weapon (claws) (Cat claw gloves +5) - +37 (20/x2)
Natural weapon (bite) - +32 (20/x2)
Abilities Str 42, Dex 25, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 30, Cha 10
Condition Martial Focus; Shaken; Sickened
sp 52/60

Haste (with temporal haste)
Hanged Man : +2 insight for 2 saves, -2 for other, for self (+2 fort/will, -2 ref)
The Hermit: aid another +5 on self
The Sun: roll twice on save when &lt;50% health

Alteration traits:
Natural weapons - claws, bite - 2 traits
Agile - Dodge  - 1 trait
Elemental body - Elemental Movement - 1 trait
Bestial reflexes - Pounce, Trip - 1 trait

Temporary alteration traits:
Size change (Huge)
Bestial reflexes - Rend


Free action - continue berserking

Immediate action - Sudden Invigoration

Swift action - Scout on beholder

Full attack action - Attack

Swift action on hit (temporal haste) - Cow Enemy (demoralization)


Edited by Slayer4399 (see edit history)
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spacer.pngNivel Syrris HP: 226/255 | AC: 58 (Touch: 46) | CMD: 48 SP: 25/38 | IP: 25/27 | Special: Improved Temporal Haste; 20% concealment

The unstable portal's backlash burned away Nivel's illusory dragon as though it were water dissolving spun sugar candy. However, candy typically has the decency not to tear through time and space, unraveling your very being. Nivel's prior spell, the intricate invisibility he had woven just moments ago, also dissipated, as though the spell had never been cast. The mistwalker doesn't have time to dwell on this as the electric pain sears through his body, sending waves of hot pins and needles coursing through his body. He shrugs off the worst of it, but his focus is shattered; It's only his extensive training  now which keeps his head in the game. It feels as though his psyche is fragmented by the effect, the mistsoul screaming as though each voice is fighting one another to influence his mind. He does his best to ignore the voices of the storm of souls.


Nivel takes rapid stock of the situation; the invisibility is no longer veiling him nor his allies, and his distraction is similarly gone. More zyclopes are filing out of the buildings, with two of them rapidly approaching him specifically. As each attempts to pound him into the ground with their black flame-wreathed fists, he deftly dodges their powerful slams. Above, the form of a massive death tyrant, or something very much like one, sends a terrible chill down his spine. This scenario just keeps getting worse, but Nivel does his best to act rationally and remain calm.


His allies seem to be testing the vulnerabilities of their foes, and their constant communication is a boon.


<<I hear you loud and clear on that, Devlin. I'll try to draw their focus as I enact a tactical retreat. We do need to leave, and quite urgently, lest we be torn to shreds by the unstable portal as my dragon was.>>

The mistwalker narrows his gaze as he analyzes the reanimated townsfolk attacking him. Leveling his hand crossbow at the large opponent, he spreads a distracting spray of mist as he resumes his fully-solid form, letting loose a bolt aimed at a precise vulnerable point. Using the attack as cover to relocate, Nivel quickly discorporates his body into mist form, retreating to a tactical spot for Devlin to work his mechanical prowess. As he takes up his new position, he mixes a new dose of poison, this time with the larger, looming threat in mind.


Auto-fail on Concentration Check (can't meet the DC of 60 through any combination of effects). Everyone lost advanced invisibility when that went down, and additionally Nivel loses Mental Focus for failing a forced concentration check.

Nivel takes 25 temporary nonlethal damage (total results of Will Save: 36 exactly, thanks to Monique's Hanged Man/High Priestess motif-sharing and being within 30 feet at the time) when the backlash hits, and is shaken for 1 round. Nivel heals 15 temporary nonlethal damage at the start of his turn thanks to Quick Recovery.

The two Zyclops townsfolk miss Nivel. He does not need to use Active Defense, nor does he wish to attempt Redirecting Shield at the moment. 

Nivel's Demoralize DC, per the Dice thread parameters, is 32 (or 34 if his bonus from Band of the Stalwart Warrior can apply); Therefore, he is shaken for 3 rounds. Despite being shaken previously, his Band of the Stalwart Warrior prevents him from experiencing fear beyond the Shaken condition.


{Swift} Studied Combat to study Townsfolk 06 (black flame zyclops), plus Scout as free action (already scouted, but will roll in case I can get a better result and learn their weaknesses, per Scout): 

{Free} Misty Assault: Exit Mist Form to attack and Free Feint attempt vs. Townsfolk 06 (no penalties thanks to Feinting Condensation): 53 vs DC = 10 + opponent’s BAB + their Wis mod, or 10 + their Sense Motive bonus if trained in that skill.

{Standard - Sp. Atk. Action} Deadly Shot vs. Townsfolk 06, expending Martial Focus for bonus damage; If Feint was successful, they lose their Dex bonus to AC and therefore also take effects of Sneak Attack and Fatal Thrust;

Spending 1 Inspiration on Combat Inspiration, boosting attack and damage (thanks to Inspired weapon). If I damage Townsfolk 06, they cannot make AoO's for 1 round (Sapping Offensive); Ranged Attack does not provoke AoO due to Close Combat Specialist.

Attack vs. Townsfolk 06: 47 vs. AC

Damage: 67, or 88 if feint is successful

{Move} Quick Shift: Assume Mist Form as a move action, and move half my speed (regaining Martial Focus); If either Zyclops wants to make an AoO, and I assume they will, they must roll a Will Save (DC 32) or be unable to take the AoO (per Obscured Action); If they make the will save anyway, I'll use Active Defense as necessary to increase my shield bonus to AC +4 vs. those attacks. If the attacker fails their attack, I'll use Redirecting Shield to have them attack the adjacent Zyclops (compare attack roll -2 to new target's AC) if applicable, or themselves if there is no other Zyclops in reach. As a reminder, if Townsfolk 06 is still up but was damaged by my attack, they can't take AoO's for 1 round.


{Temporal Haste - Move} Create Poison: Degenerating Poison (Charisma); Apply to 2 acupuncture needles (-2 Save DC, but double the fun)


Pre-emptive/Conditional: As above, will use AoO's to fuel Active Defense, gaining +4 to my shield bonus vs. weapon attacks (melee or ranged).


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Monique shrugged off the brief pain from her emergency teleport; it had done her no harm aside from the moment of pain. <<“Ouch! That hurt! I guess we’re not going to be able to escape that way. It didn’t harm me much, but it could do serious harm to some of the rest of you. And trying to get further away could be much worse.”>>


She felt a combination of excitement and fear as a huge beholder burst from the building to the east: excitement because of the chance to put to use some of the strategy discussion from the gathering last night, but fear because the obviously undead creature would be immune to many of her alchemical materials. The blinding effects of her flashbangs that she’d hoped to use to stop it from being able to aim its attacks at the team weren’t going to work. She studied it, attempting to recall whatever she might have learned about such creatures in the past, and what vulnerabilities it might have.


She hurried north, further away from the dangerously degenerating portal, and opened the vial that contained the essence of her earth elemental. With a sound like an earthquake it appeared between her and the Zyclopes to the southeast. She pulled a flashbang out of her bandoleer, armed it with the elemental essence of earth, and fired at the Death Tyrant.


Under the effects of the spell she had cast seconds ago, she moved again, to just north of her elemental, keeping it next to her in case she would need another acid-enhanced flashbang, and attempts to hide from all their opponents.


Sorry for the confusion and the long delay.


I just realized she was using her Mundane statblock; I've edited it into the magical one.




  • outer (yellow): Close range (primarily for mass cure)
  • inner (green): allies get Hanged Man motif (optional +2 to 2 saves, -2 to the other, free action each round to change)

Actions in round 2 (see dice post😞

Shrugs off ‘normal’ nonlethal damage from the teleport because of Unbroken origin talent.

  • Free: Knowledge check to scout Death Tyrant; she already has the Zyclops scouted.

  • Move: 30’ north to 2E of Nivel. Release huge earth elemental.

  • Standard: flashback attack vs Death Tyrant, before it is encased in ice.

  • Move (temporal haste): 1N of elemental, attempting Stealth

  • Earth elemental full-attacks Zyclops to its SE.

Poppet uses left:

  • Llyarden/Cal: 2
  • Slayer/Blaidd: 0
  • Venn/Nivel: 0
  • Paxon/Devlin: 2
  • Yamazaki/Yukito: 1


Monique Rousseau
Female Human Scholar / Hedgewitch, Level 15, Init 16, HP 194/225, Speed 30
AC 55, Touch 55, Flat-footed 44, CMD 55, Fort 24, Ref 25, Will 21, CMB +11, Base Attack Bonus 11
light crossbow +19 / +14 / +9 (1d8, 19-20x2)
crossbow-launched flashbang +19 (1d8+1d8, 19-20x2)
(+8 Dex, +26 Misc)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 26, Con 24, Int 40, Wis 10, Cha 30
Condition Martial Focus x1 (one expended)
sp 52/60; spell resistance 26; energy resistance 20 (acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic, negative energy)

origin: mistsight (see through fog/smoke/etc), all-around vision (can't be flanked);
  telepathy 250'; darkvision 60'; endure level drain; unbroken (immune to nonlethal);
  aquatic, climber, glider, +2 on take 10 or 20; low light vision
Lurker (special detection senses need Perception roll)



  • Saves include Hanged Man (High Priestess): +2 insight for 2 saves (fort and will), -2 for other (ref), for self and allies within 30'
  • (they choose their own saves, or choose not to use it, free action each round).
  • Anything but beholder and Zyclopes sees her AC without the +4 dodge bonus included above.


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The Trading Post

https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Xo5hLKqk4ew/WiR9p5ObpgI/AAAAAAAAEo4/uWUi_JUIHIodaYuGR_NOw6ZMn6-dB_eNgCLcBGAs/s1600/Frontier Ghost Town.jpegCyclops Zombie

The arrival of the giant, floating, undead orb put the Hunters on the back foot for several seconds. However, being powerful, experienced warriors themselves, they managed to push themselves through the fear and counterattack.

Even as the battle recommenced, the THRUMM from the portal continued to increase in both intensity and volume. It was obvious to any who even happened to glance in that direction that the shimmering ring of eldritch energy was definitely getting bigger. It appeared to have grown several yards in diameter over the last few heartbeats, and the pinpoint of absolute darkness that had appeared in it's center just seconds ago had already grown into a sphere at least five feet across. The very air within the area defined by the small black sphere roiled, snapping and popping, and the whole thing, portal and sphere, gaze off an ever stronger scent of ozone.

Despite the encroaching danger, the Hunter's focus remained, as it must, on defending themselves, as well as taking the fight to their most fearsome, undead foes.

Cal, overcome with a mixture of horror and rage was the first to turn his awesome power on the undead beholder. Beams of pure, life-giving energy lashed out, impacting square on the Death Tyrant's bone white hide. The great, fanged mouth opened wide, and a high pitched screech erupted from the creature as the beam played across it's flesh, burning away several scales with bright white 'flame'. The flames, unfortunately, failed to 'catch', quickly dripping off of the creature's tough hide. But first 'blood' definitely went to Cal.

After that, several things happened near-simultaneously. Using their telepathic link to coordinate, the remaining Hunters unleashed hell on their foes.

Monique released her latest pet project, a massive Earth elemental, to stand at her side. The elemental was easily as large as the floating Death Tyrant, but being so close to it made it look even larger. Siphoning off a piece of it's essence, Monique infused one of her flashbangs and flung it at the floating death orb, coating one side of it in a sheet of acid, causing the undead beholder's hide the bubble and hiss, and the thing to once more screech in agitation.

Near Monique, Devlin and Nivel both reacted to their large foes with skill and panache.

Nivel flashed in and out of his misty, vaporous form, and caused one of his foes to spin around, continually trying to target him, and missing. Taking advantage of the creature's confusion, the assassin slashed at the Zyclops several times, leaving massive wounds on the creature, the final one severing it's spine at the base of it's skull, and dropping the monstrosity to the dirt, unmoving...dead, finally, and hopefully, at peace.

Another heartbeat, and Nivel once more faded into mist, moving rapidly away. The female Zyclops which had been menacing him a moment before, seemed unable to find him, much less target him with her huge fists, and the assassin got away cleanly.

Devlin, meantime, spun, leapt, and attacked like a dervish. His mad antics seemed to disorient the nearby Zyclops, and neither of them were able to launch an effective attack against him...something that the nattily dressed mage took shameless advantage of. During one particularly flashy spin, he sent a flashbang sailing across the town to slam into the downed guard, coating it and the other undead in a blanket of smoking acid. The two creatures screeched and thrashed, but both appeared to still be functional, if rather nastily damaged.

Turning his attention to the closer of his foes, Devlin blasted one of the Zyclops with a potion fueled punch, completely shattering all the ribs on the woman's left side...and getting a blast of roaring necrotic flames racing up his arm for his trouble. Nevertheless, he managed to use the energy generated by his attack, and snatched a small spark of quintessence from the undead, using it to fuel his own powers, and summoning another 'Devlin' from a parallel time stream. The first Devlin kicked himself away, using the momentum of his strike to launch himself across the dusty road, even as he tossed a small ovoid at the heavily damaged Zyclops. The ovoid impacted the woman directly on the side of her head, detonating, and sending a burst of blood, bone, and brain matter spraying across the area...much of which landed on the second 'Devlin' who suddenly appeared in the middle of the street.

Both Devlin's were so affronted by this development, that they barely registered when the woman's huge form slumped, bonelessly, to the street, unmoving. The time displaced Devlin, looking thoroughly irritated, snapped a hand out, sending a cluster of small, colorful ovoids at the second Zyclops, all of which impacted on the creature's hide. The series of bombs devastated the creature, sending hunks of it flying, and even tearing an arm completely away. Unfortunately, despite the massive damage, the undead monstrosity, somehow, remained standing, even with half it's torso, most of it's head, and even part of one leg completely shredded.

Alternate timeline Devlin looked down at himself, turned a baleful gaze on primary timeline Devlin, gave himself a rude gesture, then faded back into the timestream.

Alone in the alley, Blaidd, surrounded, tore into his foes. The first of his enemies, the simply townie whom he'd first attacked, went down in a welter of gore as the shapeshifter's first two blows nearly tore the undead in half. Using the momentum of his attack, he spun into the second of his two enemies, launching himself at it, ripping with his claws even as he savaged it's head and neck with his transformed fangs. Ichor and half-rotted entrails spilled out into the dirt, while liberally coating the tattooed warrior as well. Such was the power of the blows, he then knocked the former shepherd down, allowing Blaidd to slam his heel into the things chest, clearly cracking several of it's ribs.

image.png.63159634c00f13865ea9e772d3779f7b.pngMeanwhile, Yukito, as per their telepathic plan, hesitated for the briefest of instants, just long enough to allow the others to attack their foes. He then launched himself into the air, looking to put some distance between him and his closest foes. Both the Zyclops took swipes at him, but between his speed and ready shield, he easily avoided both blows. And though he was now out of immediate attack range, the armoured Zyclops nevertheless looked to be gauging the distance for a leaping attack. Ignoring that potential threat for the moment, the swordsman concentrated, instead, on the many-eyed orb of death floating above them. The blast of frigid power that Yukito unleashed flashed across the battlefield in an instant, far too quick for the massive beholder to dodge.

Ichor spurted from the creature's body as the wave of force from Yukito's blade slammed into it, and immediately began to freeze, surrounding the Death Tyrant in a thick shell of ice. Even as the shell rapidly formed, all ten of it's small eyes snapped around, focusing on the puny swordsman.  Yukito was left with no doubts as to the presence of a ravenous, malevolent, intelligence residing in those bleak, black orbs. Luckily for Yukito, the ten madly waving eyestalks were encased in ice a split second later. Another, lesser, wave of power burst out from the swordsman, causing minor lacerations to appear on several of the nearby Zyclops, but the wounds were mostly superficial.

The attack on the Tyrant sent the Zyclops into a frenzy, and fresh howls rang out all along the street. The two Zyclops nearest Yukito both attempted to leap up at him, the smith attempting to batter him with an oversized hammer, and the guardsman with his massive sword. Neither connected, not even coming close to hitting the flying Hunter.

The mob charging from the south of the portal all attempted to converge on Yukito as well. Two of them aimed straight for him, gathering themselves for a leap. The other two, however, charged just as blindly forward...and both crossed the event horizon of the wildly fluctuating portal. The first, the one garbed as a smith, simply clipped the edge of the flickering ring. The creature froze for an instant, a steamwhistle shriek ripping from it's long dead throat. A bolt of black lightning ripped from it's chest, spun around the circle of the portal, and flashed across the distance between the creature and the floating Death Tyrant. The Zyclops dropped to the ground, a marionette with it's strings cut, and moved no more.

The huge floating orb, still encased in it's frigid coating, ROARED, sending cracks and crazes through the coating of black, ichorous ice that surrounded it.

The second Zyclops, the one dressed in homespun and carrying a shepherd's staff, also impacted the outer edge of the portal, and the same lightning effect occurred, causing even more ice cracking roars to emanate from the creature. The shepherd, however, had enough momentum to carry him forward, just enough, that his outflung hand impacted the matte black sphere in the center of the portal.

There was a flash of..."not-light"...a burst of pure, sight stealing darkness, that covered the entire area for the space of a single heartbeat, and then...grayish-black wisps of smoking dust drifted down to the ground, and the shepherd was nowhere to be seen.

All through the town, each of the still functional Zyclops hestitated, freezing in place, when their two brethren impacted the portal. Another ear splitting roar from the floating Tyrant, rattled the town, and they all began to move once more, zeroing in on whatever target was nearest.

The remaining two Zyclops from the southern end of the town, ignoring their downed fellows, converged on Yukito's floating form, though neither were close enough to threaten him as of yet.

The three Zyclops on the upper balcony that Devlin had hit with his nullmetal bomb seemed to shake off it's effects and all leapt down to the street. Two of them converged on the alley where Blaidd was fighting their fellows, and the third charged towards the melee between Devlin, Monique, and Nivel.

The two Zyclops who had fallen foul of the tripwire when exiting the chapel scrambled to their feet and both charged the rather distracted Cal, but neither were able to get close enough to attack just yet.

The two heavily damaged former townsfolk went after their nearest targets, one orienting on Devlin, and the other immediately launching a flurry of blows at the nearby Earth elemental.

In the alley, the Smith unleashed a hail of blows at Blaidd with it's oversized hammer, while the Shepherd lumbered to it's feet. The latter lashed out with it's staff, connecting with a solid blow just as Blaidd was dealing with the Smith's flurry of attacks.

Meanwhile, far above the half destroyed inn, the ice surrounding the Death Tyrant continued to pop and crack, and was already beginning to show signs of imminent breakage.

From within the shell of ichor, another steamwhistle shriek echoed, and multiple lances of potent black energy burst through the coating, spearing randomly into various parts of buildings and wreckage. Everywhere the rays of darkness touched, wood rotted, instantly drying out and cracking with age, only to burst into flames a heartbeat later. Fortunately, none of the deadly beams landed anywhere near the six Hunters, though a couple did come dangerously close to the ever more unstable portal.

Even more fortunately, the pencil thin beams, though powerful, seemed to do much more than melt slender holes in the icy shell, and the behemoth remained, for now, trapped.
image.png.dd0fad3ef6b77038b32cafe019481fdc.pngSuddenly, as if appearing from nowhere, a small, spherical being popped into existence, hovering a few feet in the air, not far from where Nivel floated in his mist form. A tiny, high pitched voice whined in complaint.

"OW!! OWOWOWOWOWOW!!!! Hurts! WarpyBuzzyBadPortal Hurts Anima! OW! OW! OWWWWW!!!"

Glancing towards the voice, all of the nearby Hunters were able to see a tiny, bluish-purple floating orb. The little beholder appeared to be a perfect version of one of the creatures, re-created in miniature...only...somehow...cute?

Turning to orient it's central eye towards Nivel, it's other eyestalks, none larger than one of the Hunter's fingers, moved about to orient on all those surrounding it.

"Erm..." it somehow managed to look both mildly fearful, and somewhat sheepish all at the same time. "No hurt Anima? Anima comeses in peace."

A massive roar from above the inn caught everyone's attention. More black eyebeams lashed out, burning more holes in the icy coating on the floating terror, though, for now, the prison still held. The little beholder's eyes all snapped to the floating behemoth, and it let out a terrified "EEP!!" before flitting around and hiding itself behind Nivel, putting the misty assassin between itself and the undead Tyrant.

"NO NO NO!! Strangers gotta go! Gotta GO GO GO! Death Orb BadScaryDangerous! Portal BadScaryDangerous! Gotta GO! NOW!!"

Even as it made it's demands, the little creature continued to hide within Nivel's shadow, peeking around him with it's eyestalks, then quickly ducking back in evident fear every time it spotted the floating hulk encased in black ice.



OOC Info

A new...friend?...arrives on the field.  🙂


Also, the Portal gets More Dangerouser!!

Perception DC 20

You note that the event horizon of the Portal has grown significantly, as has the sphere of darkness in the center.

Perception DC 30

You estimate that it's speed of growth seems to be increasing, even as you watch.

Perception DC 40

The speed of increase seems to be doubling about once every 5-ish seconds (ie per round)





As always, Combat pertinent info in the Combat spoiler.

Roll20 Link

Initiative Order
  • Yamazaki/Yukito: 36
  • Venn/Nivel: 29
  • Dalamb/Monique: 25
  • Llyarden/Cal: 24
  • Zyclops: 23
  • Paxon/Devlin: 21
  • Slayer/Blaidd: 17


Lyrican HaverFannyPacks

These handy, dandy, and not yet available for public consumption items are quite useful.  They combine the best features of a Handy Haversack and the largest Bag of Holding available.

Any item placed within can be drawn out as a Move Action, simply by thinking about it, reaching in, and grabbing the item, which suddenly appears.

While the FannyPack is, itself, magic, it cannot hold any magic items.  They simply will not enter it's enchanted, extended space.  They can be stored in it as though it were a regular pouch, which the Pack resembles when opened, unless the bearer wishes otherwise.

The opening of the pack can be expanded, at the wearer's desire, up to sufficient size to take a Medium sized object.


Each of the Packs currently contain 1 Months' worth of fresh and preserved food, 1 months's supply of water (in skins and pony kegs), as well as copious amounts of mundane adventuring gear.  If it is a mundane item (that will fit within the pouch), and is in the equipment list, at least one of whatever 'it' is, is in the pouch.  This includes tools, alchemical items, and all other nonmagical gear.  It does NOT include any MW items.


In addition, each Pack contains a supply of (Stable) Salve (150 doses, 10d8 Healing, no limit on daily uses), and (Stable) Panacea (50 Doses, created at DC 40).


Combat Info


It is now the beginning of Round Three. To keep things flowing, we're going to continue with Block Initiative.  Everyone, please post when and as you have time, then I'll do up a summary post at the end, just as I did this time.  If it seems like this is working, we'll probably move to this every time, just to keep it simple(r).



  • The 'Black Lightning' effect when the two Zyclops hit the ring of the portal was identical to when it zapped Nivel's dragon illusion.  Since LFT was encased in ice at that point, you couldn't see what effect it had, but based on the mass stutter from the Zyclops, and the absolutely inhuman roaring from the ice, it definitely did something.  And whatever that something was, it's royally pissed off LFT.
    • The black lightning had NO EFFECT on the ice surrounding LFT. It seemed to pass right through it with no issue.
  • When the Shepherd Zyclops hit the black sphere, it basically got Thanos Snapped.  In the instant where everything went black (it was literally the length of an eyeblink), it went from whole, undamaged (relatively speaking) Zombie Shepherd Cyclops, to a floating cloud of little bits of dust.
    • Translation...dont touch the black sphere, Mmmmkay?
  • The new little beholder, self identified as Anima, who is currently hiding behind Nivel, appears to be a normal beholder in every way, only it's the size of a basketball.  It's a Tiny creature, roughly 1' across, and it's eyestalks are of commensurate size (about the size of an average person's pointer finger).  IN all other ways it appears to be a standard beholder, but, as indicated, it's legitimately kind of cute.
    • Anima's voice patterns are similar to Dobby the House Elf from Harry Potter...if you're not familiar with the Best Elf Ever™, then check out This Video on YouTube
    • The tone of Anima's voice is basically identical to Navi from Legend of Zelda (the annoyingly cute little "Hey, Listen!" fairy)



Nonlethal Portal Damage
  • The Nonlethal Damage from the Portal is analogous to the damage caused by Draining Casting.  It can only be healed by resting for 8 hours.
  • The Sickened Condition affects all PC's, regardless of any immunity to such conditions they normally have.




Edited by Arklytte (see edit history)
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The wild look in Cal's (many) eyes faded, ever so slightly, as the Death Tyrant was coccooned in ice - ice that swiftly became as black as the onyxes that served as the zyclopses' 'eyes'. But he showed no signs of fleeing - perhaps because he was further away from the portal than any of the others, perhaps because he didn't want to abandon his allies, or perhaps simply because his rage wasn't sated yet.


And then Anima appeared, and Cal whirled and almost blasted them at full power - the Death Tyrant might have been impossible to hit thanks to the ice, but the mini-Beholder certainly wasn't - before his conscious mind caught up with his instincts and he realised that the odd little creature didn't seem immediately hostile.


This was not a turn of events he really knew how to handle. He didn't want to attack something that seemed scared and looking for their aid...but at the same time, it was a Beholder, even if it was of a sort he'd never seen before.


For the time being, he resolved to focus on more pressing threats. ~Whatever that portal has become, it's expanding quicker and quicker.-~ And then he paused for a moment, watching as the lighting lashed from the reanimated cyclopses to the Death Tyrant.


His lips curved into a savage grin. "So that power hurts you through your connection just like it hurt Nivel, huh?"


~Yukito? Move.-~


And that was about all the warning that the floating swordsman got before Cal ran - almost directly at some of the zyclopses without even seeming to care that they were there - turned, and flung out one arm to aim towards the cluster of undead beneath Yuki. A sapphire blue eye squelched open on his palm and unleashed a scintillating ray of cold, a ray that would explode into icy power that threatened to crystallise over the zyclops and restrict their movements...and pluck his original target into the air with Beholder telekinesis - and hurl it into the portal.


Free: Maintain Berserking


Move: 20ft west so I can shoot around the sign.


Temporal Haste Move: Activate Impromptu Formula to create botch creating an Alchemist Fire with the Frost Blast talent and Tanglefoot Bomb discovery applied.


Standard: Ready an action. Once Yuki is out of the way, launch the new Formula at Guard #3 with Energy Strike (specifically on the intersection of his square marked with the X), Admixturing (1SP) with Frost Blast and TK Admixture (1SP), at -4 for range. (SP77 -> 75, nonlethal 96 -> 104). Energy Strike does not provoke, and Cal does not provoke for making ranged attacks.
26 to hit vs Touch AC. On a hit, Guard 3 takes 54 cold damage and must make a DC32 Will save vs being Hostile Lifted and moved directly into the portal's core plus a DC32 Reflex save vs being glued to the ground and entangled and catching 'fire'. (And technically a DC32 Fort save vs Stagger but it's an undead so whatever.)
All targets within 10ft (Shepherd 4, Smith 2, and Guard 3 if missed above) of the target grid intersection take 21 cold damage, catch 'fire' and are Entangled. DC32 Reflex halves the damage and negates the entangling and catching fire.
All targets within 15ft 5ft of the target grid intersection (Townsfolk 8 Smith 2, Guard 3 if missed above) take 10 cold damage, catch 'fire' and are entangled; DC32 Reflex halves the damage and negates the entangling and catching fire.
All targets within 20ft 10ft of the target grid intersection (possibly Yuki if he doesn't move depending on how one wants to calculate the diagonal No-one) take 16 cold damage and are entangled; DC32 Reflex halves the damage and negates the entangling.


Text in italics is the new effects owing to stuffing up the Craft check. If someone manages to give me a reroll or something, then the currently-strikethrough'd text will apply again, I'm leaving it here so I don't forget it in case someone can.


Callum Venris
Male CN Beholder-Human Hybrid Eldritch Infuser // Incanter, Level 15, Init 10, HP 360+14/360, 0+104 nonlethal, Speed 80+40ft
AC 51+2-2, Touch 42+2-2, Flat-footed 41+2-2, CMD 58, Fort 29, Ref 24+2, Will 24, CMB +16, Base Attack Bonus 11
Champion's Strike +4/+12 "Eye Rays" (Alchemist Fires) +21 touch (8d6+19 / 8d6+27, x2)
Champion's Strike +4 Quarterstaff +21 (1d6+14 / 1d6+22, x2)
+5 Antispell Aberration-Defiant Clothes (+5 Armor, +10 Dex, +4 Natural, +4 Deflect, +18 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 30, Con 40, Int 10, Wis 30, Cha 10
Condition None
+1 to saves vs mind-affecting
+2 to saves vs transmutation effects used by aberrations
+2 to saves vs any effect used by aberrations
+2 to saves vs illusions, enchantments and Mind effects except for fear, which are at -1 instead
-2 to saves vs [evil]
+2 AC/FFAC vs aberrations
Immune nonlethal, ability damage/drain, bleed, death effects, damage from positive energy effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, aging effects, stunning, Fort saves
75% fortification



Spell Points 75/90, Martial Focus On
Delayed Damage 0/44, Hand's Knowledge 1/1, Hypervitalise 592/600, Impromptu Formula 20/22, Spirit Allies 4/6


Haste 13/15, Spirit Allies 7/10 and 9/10

Current Formulae (9/11):

  • Alchemist Fire [Alkali Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Electric Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Fire Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Nether Blast]
  • Salve DC50
  • Salve DC50
  • Panacaea DC50
  • Panacaea DC50
  • Itching Powder


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Devlin image.jpeg.29d5460bf7359df59fbafa1f651d03ae.jpeg

As Devlin danced and dodged out of the way of the decimated Zyclops attacking him, he couldn't help but hear and see the presence of the pint-sized Beholder that had appeared near Nivel and zipped around and behind him.


"Tell me that is one of your illusions, Mist-walker! Because if it's not, I must have hit my head rather harder than I thought," Devlin shouted out amidst the chaos of battle.


He was keeping an eye on the portal, carefully judging it's rate of growth. <"The growth is accelerating at double the rate every five and three-eighths seconds. We must hurry, but we might be able to use that to entrap our big bulbous friend there if we time it right,"> he said over the mental link. He had also been monitoring the coordinated chatter of the other hunters, their shorthand dictation efficiently telling the others of intention. Monique was about to hit the vicinity with a blast of energy, and Devlin would time his move to immediately follow her strike. 


And... there!


As his fellow scholar's magic reached out and crumpled the undead townie attacking him, Devlin turned and dashed north, going around Nivel and the strange little beholder, approaching to within a few long strides of the Cyclopses attacking Cal. The strange hunter was all but ignoring them as he focused on the Death Tyrant.


Devlin manipulated his chronograph as he moved, filling temporal fluids through the right channels, finding relevant proximal timelines to draw from. The Zyclops nearest Cal was turning it's head upon his approach. Devlin finished his manipulation, and the time-streams of himself and his nearby compatriots blurred ever-so-slightly. Phantom images of Cal, Nivel, Monique, and himself blurred into place, almost-but-not-quite superimposed over their respective hunters. The strange new motion attracted the Zyclops's attention, and Devlin used the minuscule distraction to whip a bomb in its direction with his left hand.


His right hand had been busy preparing his second and mush bigger strike. It was gripping the Holy Grenade he'd manifested seconds earlier, a divine symbol glowing on the surface of the orb. With a dextrous maneuver, he clicked a cartridge into place on the casing of the glass orb, a special preparation with a measure of mandrake root. Then putting maximum torque through his torso and shoulders, he launched it at the closer, larger, and much more martially appointed Zyclops.


He saw the future that hadn't yet come to pass flash before him. His first projectile gathering an electric charge as pushed against the boundaries of time, crashing into the first Zyclops with a pop and spark. The second orb was far more dramatic, sounding a high-pitched whine as it streaked across the distance with a golden trail behind it, then exploding with incredible discordant noise, and a chaotic double explosion of kinetic force and invigorating mana.

OOC and Mechanics


Caper effects end.

Devlin will hold all of his actions to take place immediately following Monique's turn. (reason being I expect her to destroy Townsfolk 02 so Devlin doesn't need to deal with AOO)

Free: Talky talk talk

Free: Devlin can always take 10 on perception checks, and does so re the Portal situation for a result of 48. (He also has Arcane Calculation, so I felt comfortable being precise with that measurement in narrative)

Move: Move 45' N and a bit east.

  • Move > 10' and < half speed; regain Martial Focus
  • Trigger afterimage, producing 3 images that would be targeted randomly be enemies

Free: Within 30' of Monique, use Hanged Man motif for +3 Fort, -2 Ref, +3 Will

Swift: Using Talented Trickster, spend 1SP to cast Defensive Decoy as a trick on Devlin, Monique, Cal, and Nivel for 10 rounds. If enemies attempt to attack, must make a DC 35 will save or suffer 50% miss chance (missed attacks dissipate decoy).

  • Free: Devlin will hide this casting with Veiled Magic. Any observers must make a DC 40 perception or spellcraft check to notice he is casting the above effect.
  • Free: Devlin will use Trick Casting to Feint Shepherd 03. He can always take 10 on a Bluff check, which he will do for a result of 63 on the feint. If successful, enemy remains flat footed for an additional round.
  • Extra Swift: If feint is successful, Devlin will make a Feint Strike against Shepherd 03 with a Cherry Bomb. Attack Result of 48 vs FF AC
    • Damage: 81 bludgeoning (12 of which is precision), 15 electricity (with 6b splash damage to Guard 01)
    • Using Ankle Strike, make a Trip attempt against Shepherd 03. It fails (result of 1)

Standard: Special Attack Action: Spell Attack Energy Strike (Invigorating Blast, 1SP) with a Cherry Bomb vs. Guard 01. Attack Result of 45.

  • Spend 2 Momentum for +15 damage
  • Flashbang and Expend Martial Focus to add Sonic Shriekers dealing 15d6 sonic on hit, and DC36 Fort save or Blinded/Deafened for 2 rounds (This ability explicitly does effect undead: Howling Herbology) 
  • The energy strike is via Shadow Magic, and so is considered from the Illusion sphere with the Shadow descriptor. If disbelieved (will DC35) it is reduced by half, rather than negated. Expending +1SP to make it 16d4 damage.
  • Damage: 126 bludgeoning, 4 b/p/s, 56 sonic, 48 positive energy (with 6b splash damage to Shepherd 03)



If the trap Devlin placed is triggered, it will be another tripwire (ref DC32), 6d4 cherry bomb, and blast another nullsteel cloud with a big ol 35 on the dispel check.

He will AOO accordingly with Opportunist, and probably Bloodthirst (boast) attack as well, if this happens.

Group Benefits

For 1 min, everyone gets +2 CMB and DCs vs Beholder

Defensive Decoys (Will DC 35, or 37 for beholder) placed on Cal, Monique, Nivel, Devlin for 10 rounds


Current Momentum Pool: 22/31

Within 30' of Devlin (this is the light aura on him in Roll20), you can...

  • Spend 2 momentum to add 15 to weapon damage
  • Spend 1 momentum to reduce damage taken by 15


Devlin has given each of you 2 "Iconic Tonics", a Universal Alcohol you may drink for the following effects:

  • 6d4 Temp HP for 1 hour
  • +4 resistance bonus to next save attempt in next hour (doesn't stack with inhuman resilience, but might be handy in an AMF)
  • +5 circumstance bonus against emotion related effects for 1 hour
  • +5 circumstance bonus against pain-related effects for 1 hour
  • +5 circumstance bonus against sleep related effects 1 hour


Character Sheet | Character Thread

Current HP: 204/210  |  Temp HP: 77  |  Nonlethal damage: 6 + 49 portal damage (unhealable)

Conditions: Shaken (-2 Attack/Skill/Saves)

Current AC: 53ACTIVE
10 base
10 Dexterity bonus
8 armor (unarmored training, applies to touch)
18 Prescient Dodger
4 Natural Armor
3 Dodge (Haste)

4 Dodge vs Scouted Enemies

  |  49 touch  (+4 vs scouted enemies, which is all on the battlefield)

Resistance/Reduction: DR 4/Cold Iron, ER20 Electricity, ER5 Fire/Acid, SR 25

Special: Evasion, Uncanny Dodge

Miss Chance: 75%ACTIVE
Afterimage: 50%/75%
Decoy: 50% until triggered

 (75% afterimage, and 50% defensive decoy)


Perception: +37  | See in Darkness, Blindsense 20', Sightless Action

Stealth: +32



Ongoing Effects


Defensive Decoy: Will Save DC 35 or 50% miss chance against Devlin (miss kills the decoy), 10 rounds [Round 2]

Temporal Haste: 15 rounds, +3 attack/AC/Ref save, +50' speed, +6 AOOs, +move/swift action (2SP) [Round 0]

Rapid Response: +10 initiative, can act in surprise round (1SP for 200 min)

Drunk: 8 rounds, unarmed damage 1 size larger (Double chug: 16 rounds, and +1 all saves) [Round 0]

Iconic Tonic: 1 hour (effects in Group tab)

Dynamite Throwing Form: Splash weapons do unarmed damage. (15 rounds if expend MF) [Round 0]

Improved Shadow Shield: 15d4+15 Temp HP, reduce damage by 4, 1 min'

Academic Knowledge: +2 CMB, DCs against Beholder, 1 min

Shadow Magic: Energy Strike, Invigorating Blast, 1 min




Encompassing Light: Damage and Reach 2 sizes greater (20' at gargantuan)

Transformation: -


Daily Routine:

Craft 14 formulae | 30 min (7.5 minutes each 4) | + Other crafting?

Ritual: Reduce Max Hp 15 or spend 75gp | 1 hour

Read Advanced Study Guide | 1 hour, combined with above

Renew Momentum Pool: 1SP, lasts 16 hours

Continual: if there is a hint of possibility of trouble, will keep a Glow (black light) going on self, renewed every 11 min with standard action.

Offense Options

Unarmed Strike: +39+11 BAB
+10 Dex
+4 Imbued Greater Courage
+3 Haste
+5 INT instead of DEX (scouted)
+4 insight Cunning Attacker (scouted)
+2 knowledge unlock (scouted)

  |  Damage: 4d8+15DICE (as unarmed)
2d10 normal
4d8 large (drunken boxer)
6d8 huge (encompassing light)
8d8 gargantuan (encompassing light + drunken boxer)

+15 INT (Creative Strike)
+8 Analytical gaze (scouted)

+15 electricity (first attack, elemental empowerment)
+15 (damaging momentum)
+3d6 Fatal Thrust
+6d6 Skewer
+8d6 / 16d6 energy strike

Masterwork Crossbow: +25 | Damage: 1d8 | 80'

Thrown Weapon: +25 | Damage: 1dx+15 | 10'

Thrown Formulae: +44+11 BAB
+10 Dex
+5 enhanced flask thrower
+4 Imbued Greater Courage
+3 Haste
+5 INT instead of DEX Cunning Attacker (scouted)
+4 insight Cunning Attacker (scouted)
+2 knowledge unlock (scouted)


+1 or 2 coordinated shot
| Damage: 4d8+20DICE (as unarmed)
2d10 normal
4d8 large (drunken boxer)
6d8 huge (encompassing light)
8d8 gargantuan (encompassing light + drunken boxer)

+15 INT (Creative Strike)
+5 Weapon Enhancement
+8 Analytical gaze (scouted)

+15 electricity (first attack, elemental empowerment)
+15 (damaging momentum)
+3d6 Fatal Thrust
+6d6 Skewer
+8d6 / 16d6 energy strike
+4d6/4d10 deadly shot
 | 80' range (60' de-powered)

  • [1/2] Improved Alchemist's Fire: +8d8 fire, 20/25/30' burst
  • [1/2] Improved Acid Flask: +8d8 acid, 20/25/30' burst [-1]
  • [8/15] Cherry Bombs: +6d4 bludgeoning, adjacent takes 6 [-2]
  • [2/2] Improved Itching Powder: FortDC40 or -2 attack/saves/skill, 20' burst (25' +5 on save roll)
  • Add [Explosive] flashbang: 1d8, Fort DC32 or blinded/deafened for 1d4+1 rounds. Expend MF to...
    • Sonic Shriekers: 15d6 sonic, flashbang DC=36 (save=half damage)
    • Glacial Percussion: 7d6 cold, failed save = staggered 1d4 rounds (paralyzed if already staggered)
    • Belladonna Bursts: on failed save = 2d6 Strength damage (poison)
    • Dispelling Detonations: failed save = greater dispel on target
    • Nullsteel: 1SP/2SP instead of MF for counterspell in burst
    • Inflammable Cloud: 20' cloud for 15 rnds, when ignited deals 7d8 to anything in area
    • Elemental Enhancement (if adjacent to elemental): 15d6 electricity damage (ref save instead)
  • Deadly Shot. Add snipe. MF to add 4d6 vs touch, 4d10 vs regular ac
    • Trap Launcher (snipe): attach a snare trap
      • Tripwire: Ref DC32 or prone
      • Bamboozling Trap: Ref DC32 or Feinted
      • Thaumatic Sink: 10' radius AMF for 15 rounds
      • Can use an alchemical item with trap

Destructive Blast: +25 | 8d6 damage, 16d6 at 1SP

Defense Options

Saves (Roll twice)

Fort +19 modifiers+5 base
+6 ability
+5 (resistance) Inhuman Resilience
+4 (morale) Imbued Powerful Courage
-2 The Fool
+1 Double Chug

+2 vs Spells etc (Spellhardy)
+5 vs Sleep (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Pain (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Emotion (universal alcohol)
+4 (resistance) next saving throw (universal alcohol)
 (Temp +3, Hanged Man)

Reflex +30 modifiers+9 base
+10 ability
+5 (resistance) Inhuman Resilience
+4 (morale) Imbued Powerful Courage
-2 The Fool
+1 Double Chug
+3 Haste

+2 vs Spells etc (Spellhardy)
+5 vs Sleep (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Pain (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Emotion (universal alcohol)
+4 (resistance) next saving throw (universal alcohol)
 (Temp -2, Hanged Man)

Will +23 modifiers+9 base
+6 ability
+5 (resistance) Inhuman Resilience
+4 (morale) Imbued Powerful Courage
-2 The Fool
+1 Double Chug

+2 vs Spells etc (Spellhardy)
+5 vs Sleep (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Pain (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Emotion (universal alcohol)
+4 (resistance) next saving throw (universal alcohol)
 (Temp +3, Hanged Man)


Caper (boast): When active, DC30 will save or lose attack against Devlin

Bomb Jump: Free jump check (take 10 on athletics for 54), if remove from area of AOE, no ref save needed. 

Defensive Decoy: Will Save DC 35 or 50% miss chance against Devlin (miss kills the decoy), 10 rounds [Round 2]


SP: 80/90 (83 -> 80)

Shadow Pool: 3/5 

MF: 1/2 (1 regained, 1 spent)

Stamina Pool: 7/17 

Momentum Pool: 31 (16 hours, upon spending 1SP, tracked in Group Benefits)

Silver Pendant protections: 15/15

Nullsteel uses: 248/250

Prepared Formulae: 14 breakdown1 Universal Alcohol (15)
1 Cherry Bombs (15)
2 Salves
4 Panacea
2 Itching Powder
2 Alchemist's Fire
2 Acid Flask

  • [4/15] Iconic Tonics 
  • [2/2] Salves
  • [3/4] Panaceas 

Other Alchemy

  • [1] SalvaceaHeals 1d8+40 HP, Cures all DC 40 status effects of Panacea
    DC 20: Deafened, fatigued, shaken, sickened.
    DC 30: Diseased, exhausted, nauseated, poisoned, staggered.
    DC 40: Frightened, blinded, paralyzed, stunned.
  • [1] L7 Improved Itching Powder
  • [15/15] L3 Cherry Bombs
  • [2/2] Tanglefoot Bags
  • [1] Tangleburn Bag
  • [1] Pepper Smoke Pellets
  • Basic Alchemist's Fires
  • Basic Acid Flasks

Communication Sapphires: 19/20







Edited by Paxon (see edit history)
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Monique startled as Anima appeared, and she tried to recall anything she might have read about ‘baby beholders.’ The academic in her was fascinated, despite their circumstances. Anima seemed to be harmless, and just as afraid of the Death Tyrant as Monique, but she resolved to keep an eye on the little creature, as much as she could while fighting – and, soon, retreating.


But the thought of a normal living beholder reminded her that their greatest foe is an undead beholder. She mentally kicked herself as she realized she had a much better way to hurt it, especially amidst a collection of undead; before the Death Tyrant was encased in spell-blocking ice, she could have hit it and several of the Zyclopes with positive energy.


After conveying her plans to her companions through their telepathic link, she communed with her spirit companions, asking for the power to greatly extend the reach of her curative spells, and targeted eight of the visible Zyclopes with her undead-harming power.


And now, the prudent option was to head north, away from the nearby sea, with full benefits of her haste spell. She didn’t have time to return the elemental to its vial if she were to put some distance between her and the Death Tyrant, who seemed about to break free of the ice that was protecting the team from its deadly powers. She turned and hurried north, preparing to break into a run.

OOC (none)




Actions in round 3 (see dice post)

  • Free action: Knowledge roll to pick up the information about “baby beholders” that Ark posted.

  • Swift action: gain 2x Ranged Healing (3 total) to get long range for Cure for 15 minutes (2 of 10 daily uses)

  • Standard action: Mass Cure (2sp) 182 pt positive energy damage to 8 Zyclopes:

    • Nearby 2: Townsfolk 02, 03

    • North: Guard 01, Shepherd 03

    • Southwest: Townsfolk 04, 08

    • Southeast: Smith 02, Guard 03 (chosen based on closeness to Yuki and their possibly blocking line of sight to to the two further southeast)

  • Move action x2: north-northwest 140 = 2x(30+40)’, Walk Unseen to get a stealth roll while observed. This takes her off the map.

I also put in a Sense Motive roll. I realize it takes time (from a minute to an entire evening), so the roll represents Monique starting to pay attention to Anima’s behaviour, voice tone, and suchlike to pick up a hunch about whether the creature is dissembling or masking ulterior motives. I expect a big penalty for lack of familiarity with the nuances of beholder behaviour, and under the circumstances it might be outright impossible.

Temporal Haste rounds left: 12 (cast on round 1)

Long range Healing 1000': 15 minutes minus 1 round (cast on round 3)

Spiritualism uses left 8/10

Poppet uses left:

  • Llyarden/Cal: 2
  • Slayer/Blaidd: 0
  • Venn/Nivel: 0
  • Paxon/Devlin: 2
  • Yamazaki/Yukito: 1

Green circle: 30' radius of High Priestess / Hanged Man motif

Yellow cirlce: close (60') radius of normal heal; increases to long (1000') for 15 rounds


Monique Rousseau
Female Human Scholar / Hedgewitch, Level 15, Init 16, HP 194/225, Speed 30+40
AC 57, Touch 57, Flat-footed 46, CMD 55, Fort 24, Ref 27, Will 21, CMB +11, Base Attack Bonus 11+3(haste)
light crossbow +21 / +16 / +11 (1d8, 19-20x2)
crossbow-launched flashbang +19 (1d8+1d8, 19-20x2)
(+8 Dex, +26 Misc)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 26, Con 24, Int 40, Wis 10, Cha 30
Condition Martial Focus x1 (one expended)
sp 50/60

Zyclopes and Death Tyrant scouted


  • Saves include Hanged Man (High Priestess): +2 insight for 2 saves (fort and will), -2 for other (ref), for self and allies within 30' (cancelled by +2 from haste)
    • (they choose their own saves, or choose not to use it, free action each round).
  • Attack includes +2 from haste
  • AC includes +4 dodge bonus and +2 from temporal haste
    • Anything but beholder and Zyclopes sees her AC without the +4 dodge bonus (from scouting) included above.


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image.png.1220fc1b707699a497ccc32cb40a4df8.pngYukito Nanaya

Demon Slayer

The demon slayer smirked as the undead beholder froze in place, the tiny bit of fear that seeped into him dissipating, although it didn't last long as the creature started to try to blast its way out.  Oh come on!  Don't fight this so much you floating bag of gas and eyeballs


The sight of the mini-beholder threw Yukito off, though.  But he shook his head - Nivel was competent enough to deal with it for the moment, if need be.  The swarm of minions below him were clamouring to reach him, but the man paid them no heed.


Instead, Yukito took to the air more, pausing for a moment to a series of hand motions to then gesture at the frozen beholder.  Out of nowhere, sand came from all around the creature and quickly surrounded its icy cage, increasing the size of it even greater.  The sand began to solidify as it packed itself into rock.


<I think it's time to make our exit, before that portal blows!>  He quickly began to fly farther to the north...


Free: Berserking - Avatasim (animal) + True Rage (+18 temp HP)


Move 1: fly up another 30', and fly north aprox 70'

Standard: Cast Nature: Create Nature (Earth) + Earth Mastery (Sandstone) on the Beholder.  DC45 Reflex to avoid (which I think would be impossible given its frozen nature).  The stone casing is 2" thick, has hardness 15, 4 HP.  It will take a DC45 Strength or Escape Artist check to get out (without blasting out)  (costs 2 SP)

Move 2: Fly more north, up to 110' 

Swift: Spend 3 momentum from momentum pool to regain Martial Focus (2 of 2)



Conditional AoO: shield block +5 AC + Redirecting Shield.  Up to 13 times a round.  Priority of Shield Blocks will go towards the Death Tyrant, if in question.


Helpful Reminders: Yukito is immune to Death, Petrification, and Polymorph effects.  Furthermore, he has a 50% miss chance thanks to Ablating Aegis (which reduces 5% per forced miss, please let me know for my own notes), as well as a 40% chance to Reflect Rays thanks to Ray Deflection Aegis.  


Yukito is no longer shakened.


Yukito Nanaya Human demon slayer

HP 189/210 Nonlethal -64  SP 72/90  Martial Focus: 2/2

Speed 80ft Init 34 

AC 69 77 Fort 20 Ref 33 41 Will 29  BAB 11 

Dueling Blade +35 (1d8+16, 17-20 x2)
Hasted/Enhanced Blade +43 (1d8+19, 17-20 x2)


Str 14 (2) 16 (3) Dex 40 (15) 50 (20) Con 22 (6) Wis 40 (15) Int 12 (1) Cha 12 (1)


Shaken (-2) for 1 round


Short Term Buffs:

  • Temporal Haste (CL20; +3 to AC/Attack/Reflex, +50' speed, +5 AoOs) - duration 20 minutes
  • Sage Enhance (+10 DEX, +2 STR; effective BAB 15, DR 7/-)  duration 15 rounds

Long Term Buffs: all last 15+ hours

  • Sage: Flight (60' perfect) (110' perfect)
  • Divination: Blindfolded Oracle 75', Foreshadow (+3 AC/+4 Ref+Init), Sense Presence (aberrations currently) 75', See Hazards, Precog Smite +4, Precog Defense +4
  • Protection: Ablating 50%, Armored (armor +7, shield +5), Friendship, Ray Deflection 40%
  • War: Momentum 25/30

Ability References

I know how annoying it is to look up everything, so I'll try to copy+paste reference notes as I feel is necessary


Sandstone: Instantaneous. You may spend a spell point to transform dirt or sand into stone in an area within range. The size of the created rock or stone depends both on your caster level and the radius of dirt or sand you target. Alternatively, you may encase a dirt or sand covered target in 1 inch thick stone. Refer to Table: Sandstone to determine the maximum target size to be encased. For every size smaller the encased target is than the required radius of dirt or sand, either double the thickness of the stone or increase the number of encased targets. Creatures and objects are allowed a Reflex save to avoid being trapped in stone. On a failure, creatures or objects caught in the area are encased; to escape, they must succeed at an Escape Artist or Strength check (equal to your Bury geomancing DC) as a full-round action; alternatively, a creature may break free by dealing sufficient damage to the rock or stone.

Stone has a hardness of 15 and 2 hit points per inch. On a successful save, affected targets are still entangled and immobilized until they escape or 1 minute per caster level, whichever comes first.

(Note: because of Nature Lord, Yukito can affect one size larger, thus his maximum is Colossal +)



Edited by Yamazaki (see edit history)
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spacer.pngNivel Syrris HP: 226/255 | AC: 58 (Touch: 46) | CMD: 48 SP: 25/38 | IP: 24/27 | Special: Improved Temporal Haste; 20% concealment; Shaken (2 rounds)

Finally, the Hunters seem to be getting the chaotic situation under a semblance of control, though with the portal's rapid expansion and decreasing stability, that isn't going to last for long.
Nivel doesn't revel in the efficacy of the party's teamwork for more than the moment it takes to acknowledge it, especially since a new arrival adds a wrinkle to the equation. At Devlin's inquiry, he responds, <I hate to disappoint, my friend, but this creature isn't one of my making. However, given that it doesn't seem hostile - yet, - it may prove to be a strategic boon.>

The mistwalker looks down at the creature now using him as a living shield. He hadn't encountered such a beholderkin, or perhaps it is truthfully a normal beholder in miniature; the Mistsoul doesn't provide much in the way of additional context, since outside common beholder varieties, they are mysterious enough as it is. It doesn't help that he is still reeling from the side effects of both the unstable jaunt through the portal and the mystic backlash burned into him through his magic. If he is going to survive this island, Nivel knows he will have to adjust his mindset as well as the skillset he uses to combat these foes.

Nivel addresses the small beholder-like creature.


"If you truly mean us no harm, Anima, then you may follow us... though your warning is apt. We must leave in haste!"

The mistwalker scans the path leading north out of the village, checking for any further foes who might block the path. Though ready with a quick attack for any such threats, his allies ensure the path is clear by launching a thorough assault to clear the way and Nivel commits himself to retreating as they had agreed upon.


Nivel remains shaken by LFT's demoralization for 2 rounds


If any foes remain north of Monique's elemental, use the following block of actions:

{Swift} Studied Combat vs a relevant enemy (however, it looks likely that between Devlin and Monique, any relevant foes are dealt-with). 

{Free} Reload crossbow with Petrifying Poison-laced ammunition

{Free} Misty Assault: Exit Mist Form to attack and Free Feint attempt vs. enemy (no penalties thanks to Feinting Condensation): 53 vs DC = 10 + opponent’s BAB + their Wis mod, or 10 + their Sense Motive bonus if trained in that skill.

{Standard - Sp. Atk. Action} Deadly Shot vs. Foe, expending Martial Focus for bonus damage; If Feint was successful, they lose their Dex bonus to AC and therefore also take effects of Sneak Attack and Fatal Thrust;

Spending 1 Inspiration on Combat Inspiration, boosting attack and damage (thanks to Inspired weapon). If I damage this foe, they cannot make AoO's for 1 round (Sapping Offensive); 

Attack vs. Foe: 54 vs. AC (no dex bonus if feint is successful)

Damage: 75, or 111 if feint is successful; Target must also make a DC 32 Will save or be Staggered for 1 minute as per Petrifying Poison. This poison bypasses the immunities of the Undead type due to Specialized Venom.

{Move} Quick Shift: Assume Mist Form as a move action, and move north at half my speed (65 ft, also regaining Martial Focus); If any remaining Zyclops tries to make an AoO, they must roll a Will Save (DC 32) or be unable to take the AoO (per Obscured Action); If they make the will save anyway, I'll use Active Defense as necessary to increase my shield bonus to AC +4 vs. those attacks. If the attacker fails their attack, I'll use Redirecting Shield to have them attack any adjacent Zyclops (compare attack roll -2 to new target's AC) if applicable, or themselves if there is no other Zyclops in reach.

{Temporal Haste - Move} Move at full speed (135 feet) further north.


If no foes remain north of the elemental: 

Book it at full move speed, heading north out of town. (3 move actions - Move/Standard/Haste - gets me 405 feet north. Won't run this round, not until other allies are closing the distance. Don't want to split the party!)


Pre-emptive/Conditional: As above, will use AoO's to fuel Active Defense, gaining +4 to my shield bonus vs. weapon attacks (melee or ranged). Redirecting Shield bounces attacks back at full bonus -2 at the attacker's ally in range or self if none apply.


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Blaidd Glyndwr

Blaidd tore through flesh and bone in fury cutting down the first undead cyclops before continuing his flurry of furious blows at the next that approached. His body hurt, burnt from exposure to their horrid undead flesh and battered from blows from their crude makeshift weapons. In his periphery Blaidd notices as Yukito freezes the arriving undead beholder.


"Good at least that takes care of that issue for now."


Ducking and dodging the blows of the cyclops as they pressed in home, Blaidd heard the strange voice of the new arrival, an image of the miniature beholder forming in his minds from the others.


"What other madness is going to bloody turn up next! Agreed let's get out of here."

Blaidd summons the elemental air around himself launching into the air above the heads of the cyclops that surrounded him, careful to avoid any further attacks. Darting northwards to regroup with the others, Blaidd pirouettes mid-air sending a blast of energy in the direction of the cyclops, blasting the one that had took that last swipe at him, a last act of anger seeking to put it down.



Blaidd Glyndwr
Male Human Prodigy (Mimic)/Incanter, Level 15, Init 15, HP 108/195, Non-lethal HP 139/195, Temp HP 26/26, Speed 60
AC 57, Touch 57, Flat-footed 57, CMD 48, Fort 20, Ref 31, Will 32, CMB +35, Base Attack Bonus 11
Natural weapon (claws) (Cat claw gloves +5) - +37 (20/x2)
Natural weapon (claws) (Cat claw gloves +5) - +37 (20/x2)
Natural weapon (bite) - +32 (20/x2)
Abilities Str 42, Dex 25, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 30, Cha 10
Condition Martial Focus; Shaken; Sickened
sp 52/60

Haste (with temporal haste)
Hanged Man : +2 insight for 2 saves, -2 for other, for self (+2 fort/will, -2 ref)
The Hermit: aid another +5 on self
The Sun: roll twice on save when &lt;50% health

Alteration traits:
Natural weapons - claws, bite - 2 traits
Agile - Dodge  - 1 trait
Elemental body - Elemental Movement - 1 trait
Bestial reflexes - Pounce, Trip - 1 trait

Temporary alteration traits:
Size change (Huge)
Bestial reflexes - Rend


Free action - continue berserking

Immediate action - Sudden Invigoration

Move action - Disengage (Link) - move half speed (30ft) without attack of opportunity

Standard action - cast Destructive Blast (Bludgeoning) - spend 1sp to increase damage

Move action (Temporal Haste) - move 60ft north

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The Trading Post

https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Xo5hLKqk4ew/WiR9p5ObpgI/AAAAAAAAEo4/uWUi_JUIHIodaYuGR_NOw6ZMn6-dB_eNgCLcBGAs/s1600/Frontier Ghost Town.jpegCyclops Zombie

The chaos that surrounded the Hunters continued, even as the six did their best to organize themselves and beat it back.

The portal continued to thrum and hiss, and the traces of lightning that demarked it's event horizon grew with each passing second. A great tearing sound ripped through the air, and the portal, with it's accompanying inner sphere of absolute, matte blackness, grew by another huge margin, at least doubling in size. Such was the speed of the portal's spread, Yukito, who was closest, was nearly caught by it's unexpected speed. To the point where one of the many arcs of lightning brushed, barely against the sole of his boot as he rocketed away. And though he didn't suffer any direct, physical harm from the contact, his entire foot, halfway up his calf, went almost completely numb, and was filled with a horrible pins & needles feeling that traveled up and down the affected limb.

Fortunately, his ability to fly made the functionality of said foot, for the moment, moot. Which was a good thing, as he briefly stopped and, with an exercise of his nature control powers, the swordsman encased the giant floating spherical monster, itself encased in a spherical shell of ice, in yet another layer, this one of dark, sandy stone. After that brief exercise, Yukito bolted away to the north, rapidly moving towards the edge of the small settlement.

image.png.63159634c00f13865ea9e772d3779f7b.pngEven as the swordsman was hurtling northward, a burst of icy blue light flashed out, right where he'd initially been hovering, and struck the bevy of Zyclops that were, even now, attempting to follow and attack the fleeing, flying Hunter. At the same time as the ray struck, locking the group of undead in place, the leading edge of the Portal flashed forward, slamming into the entire group of former residents, and dropping them where they stood...marionettes with their strings thoroughly cut. Simultaneously, several bolts of black lightning swirled up and around the perimeter of the Portal, then lashed out, into, and through the doubly encased undead Beholder. More screaming ensued from within the coffin of icy stone, but it was more muffled. As before, several beams of black light blasted outward, some striking the ground nearby the Hunters, the various roaming Zyclops, and the occasional building. The majority, however, simply flashed harmlessly into the air.

One unfortunate side effect of this, however, was that the edge of the Portal also encountered the icy results of Cal's spell. Another bolt of black lightning, fortunately, much smaller than the ones that had been impacting the Death Orb, arced across the empty space, and slammed directly into the racing beholder-mage. In a strangely lucid moment, even as the pain was arcing through his body, he realized that the 'damage' from the black lightning blast had a nearly identical feel to the pain that his casting normally caused. Not that that stopped the pain from nearly debilitating him...but at least it was a familiar agony.

The 'hiccup' that had taken hold of the Zyclops but a moment before was repeated, but this time it lasted nearly a full second, and presented the perfect opportunity to the Hunters...an opportunity which they capitalized on.

Monique, calling on the spirits who aided her, let loose a massive burst of positive, life giving energy. Several of the Zyclops simply dropped in their tracks, their bodies breaking out in a coruscating aura of black fire that seemingly tried to fight the positive energy flooding them, but, ultimately, failing, as the necromantic energy keeping them moving failed in the favor of the healing power that the scholar sent forth.

Unfortunately for her, however, just like Cal, and Nivel before her, the energy matrix of Monique's spellcasting interacted a tad too closely with the unstable, whorling energy of the Portal, and sent a blast of power back into her core. And while it didn't stop her from moving, the pain was utterly horrendous, leaving her gasping for breath far more seriously than her simple run did. Of equal pain was the fact that the bolt, after ravaging her core, snapped a smaller, but no less potent, arc of energy into her elemental creation, causing the creation to crumble into it's constituent parts, leaving a large pile of rubble in the center of the town.

Devlin, meanwhile, had spun around and was attempting to deal with the two...now one...Zyclops bearing down on Cal. He sent illusory decoys to cover most of his compatriots, even as he attempted to deal with his foes. His initial burst of action, about to be aimed at the former shepherd, was interrupted by Monique's blast of light power, which sent the Zyclops crashing to the ground. Reacting with supernatural quickness...and aided by a little tickle in his hindbrain...a warning by an alternate timeline 'him', perhaps...Devlin was able to quickly reorient on the still moving guard. A quick bit of legerdemain, followed up by a one-two punch of alchemical explosives, and the top half of the armoured guardsman was rapidly separated from the bottom half, both parts spiraling away, sending a wash of gore into the air...and only narrowly missing the time traveler.

Blaidd, faced with a growing crowd of onrushing Zyclops, took rapidly to the air. He deftly avoided the grasping hands and pummeling weapons of the undead, and, when he had gained enough altitude to (barely) clear the nearby rooftop, he turned and blasted the former shepherd, sending the creature stumbling back against the building wall. Satisfied with his work, the tattooed Hunter then turned and began moving rapidly north, following his comrades.

image.png.dd0fad3ef6b77038b32cafe019481fdc.pngBack in the middle of the street, the tiny Beholder partially rotated it's entire body, orienting it's main eye, as well as several smaller eyes, on Nivel. Though at least half the little creatures eyes were still scanning the surroundings...most locked on the earth and ice encased Death Tyrant, the rest solemnly regarded the assassin. "Anima dont meanses no harms to youse. Anima promises. Anima sent. Sent to helpses you, yes." The little creature darted a look (several, really) at the rapidly growing Portal, and it seemed that Anima's entire body shuddered. Returning it's full attention to Nivel, Anima continued. "Youses is right though, MistHuman. Gotta go, and go's fast. BadScaryBuzzyPortal eating Magic, eating Time, eating Fate itself. Will unravel youses, unmake youses. Must go!" It stopped, and now all the creature's eyes focused on Nivel, locking gazes with him. There was an earnest look in the little beholder's many eyes, an appeal plain to see.

"Anima comeses with you? Oh, thanks youse, thanks youse, thanks youse!!  Anima strong! Anima smart! Anima helpses youse!"

Nivel's words in response seemed to overjoy the beholder, and it shivered all over, exactly like a puppy given a scratch behind it's ears. Moving slowly and deliberately, Anima floated closer, turning in midair, and facinged the same direction as Nivel. Touching down on his left shoulder, the Beholder did...something with one of it's eyes that caused a small ripple in the air, and then it seemed that the little creature was now firmly anchored to the assassin's shoulder, and would move when he did. At this distance, Nivel noticed that Anima had a dry, clean, mildly pleasant smell, not unlike the smell of a snake or lizard, with just a hint of some elusive metallic scent that he couldn't quite identify. Regardless, the little creature didn't seem to impede his movement in any way, and merely rested comfortably, for all the world like a many-eyed spherical parrot.

As he was reconciling himself to the situation...or not, depending, Nivel noticed one other detail. A soft, almost sub-harmonic, sound seemed to be emanating from Anima. It sounded...and felt, as he registered the sensation in his shoulder and collar bone...exactly like a cat's deep, happy purr.



OOC Info

Aaaaand, just like that, we are officially done with our first combat!

WOOHOO!!!!!!  😄 😄 😄


If anyone (*cough*Cal*cough*) wants to launch another attack before completely breaking contact, you're welcome to.


Also, as should be obvious now, the Portal is growing alarmingly fast.  It appears to be doubling in size, every round, as does the sphere of blackness within it.


So...there's that.  🙂


Please feel free to post any last pot shots you want to take (if any), otherwise, post what you do as far as getting away from the portal.  As stated, there's no possible way the Zyclops can catch you this round, and, with the way the portal is growing, it's almost certainly going to hit LFT in what would have been the next round, which will drop the rest of the Zyclops, among other things.


So, congratulations on not only surviving your first encounter on Oculus Eyeland, but absolutely kicking ass!


Roll20 Link



  • The new little beholder, self identified as Anima, who is currently hiding behind Nivel, appears to be a normal beholder in every way, only it's the size of a basketball.  It's a Tiny creature, roughly 1' across, and it's eyestalks are of commensurate size (about the size of an average person's pointer finger).  IN all other ways it appears to be a standard beholder, but, as indicated, it's legitimately kind of cute.
    • Anima's voice patterns are similar to Dobby the House Elf from Harry Potter...if you're not familiar with the Best Elf Ever™, then check out This Video on YouTube
    • The tone of Anima's voice is basically identical to Navi from Legend of Zelda (the annoyingly cute little "Hey, Listen!" fairy)


Initiative Order


Lyrican HaverFannyPacks

These handy, dandy, and not yet available for public consumption items are quite useful.  They combine the best features of a Handy Haversack and the largest Bag of Holding available.

Any item placed within can be drawn out as a Move Action, simply by thinking about it, reaching in, and grabbing the item, which suddenly appears.

While the FannyPack is, itself, magic, it cannot hold any magic items.  They simply will not enter it's enchanted, extended space.  They can be stored in it as though it were a regular pouch, which the Pack resembles when opened, unless the bearer wishes otherwise.

The opening of the pack can be expanded, at the wearer's desire, up to sufficient size to take a Medium sized object.


Each of the Packs currently contain 1 Months' worth of fresh and preserved food, 1 months's supply of water (in skins and pony kegs), as well as copious amounts of mundane adventuring gear.  If it is a mundane item (that will fit within the pouch), and is in the equipment list, at least one of whatever 'it' is, is in the pouch.  This includes tools, alchemical items, and all other nonmagical gear.  It does NOT include any MW items.


In addition, each Pack contains a supply of (Stable) Salve (150 doses, 10d8 Healing, no limit on daily uses), and (Stable) Panacea (50 Doses, created at DC 40).


Combat Info






Nonlethal Portal Damage
  • The Nonlethal Damage from the initial Portal teleport is analogous to the damage caused by Draining Casting.  It can only be healed by resting for 8 hours.




Edited by Arklytte (see edit history)
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Cal hardly even reacted to the zyclops near him erupting into warring energies as the black flames met the positive energy, ignoring the onyxes shattering as they lost their power and leaving him coated in scratches as the shards flew out. His only reaction was to the black lightning arced through him, and he gritted his teeth - but his gaze never left the Death Tyrant, and another eye materialised on his arm, a ray of shimmering energy arcing out to strike the stone casing around the Beholder, and where it touched a grey sheen spread like a sponge falling into water as the stone hardened into iron.


He raised his hand, and another eye appeared on his palm, projecting another ray - directly into himself, and he was picked up as though by some unseen giant and hurled unceremoniously away from the trading post - and then the expanding portal caught the Death Tyrant's prison and the black lightning arced from his hasty transmutation to him, shattering his telekinetic hold and sending him tumbling into a tree for the second time in as many minutes.


He coughed and struggled his way out of the crater he'd left in the old oak, his wounds already healed - although he looked a little...drained, almost.


But that savage grin hadn't left his face for a second.


"Worth it."~


He didn't notice the dark onyx shards disappearing into his flesh as his alchemical transformations reacted to their latent power.






Callum Venris
Male CN Beholder-Human Hybrid Eldritch Infuser // Incanter, Level 15, Init 10, HP 360/360, 0+112 nonlethal, Speed 80
AC 51, Touch 42, Flat-footed 41, CMD 58, Fort 29, Ref 24, Will 24, CMB +16, Base Attack Bonus 11
Champion's Strike +4/+12 "Eye Rays" (Alchemist Fires) +21 touch (8d6+19 / 8d6+27, x2)
Champion's Strike +4 Quarterstaff +21 (1d6+14 / 1d6+22, x2)
+5 Antispell Aberration-Defiant Clothes (+5 Armor, +10 Dex, +4 Natural, +4 Deflect, +18 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 30, Con 40, Int 10, Wis 30, Cha 10
Condition None
+1 to saves vs mind-affecting
+2 to saves vs transmutation effects used by aberrations
+2 to saves vs any effect used by aberrations
+2 to saves vs illusions, enchantments and Mind effects except for fear, which are at -1 instead
-2 to saves vs [evil]
+2 AC/FFAC vs aberrations
Immune nonlethal, ability damage/drain, bleed, death effects, damage from positive energy effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, aging effects, stunning, Fort saves
75% fortification



Spell Points 73/90, Martial Focus On
Delayed Damage 0/44, Hand's Knowledge 1/1, Hypervitalise 592/600, Impromptu Formula 20/22, Spirit Allies 4/6

Current Formulae (9/11):

  • Alchemist Fire [Alkali Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Electric Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Fire Blast]
  • Alchemist Fire [Nether Blast]
  • Salve DC50
  • Salve DC50
  • Panacaea DC50
  • Panacaea DC50
  • Itching Powder


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