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Oculus Eyeland: The See & The Sand


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spacer.pngNivel Syrris HP: 226/255 | AC: 58 (Touch: 46) | CMD: 48 SP: 25/38 | IP: 24/27 | Special: Improved Temporal Haste; 20% concealment; Shaken (1 round)

With Anima planted firmly on his shoulder, Nivel beats a hasty exit from the explosive events transpiring in the trading outpost at which they had arrived only moments ago. His speed makes the retreat especially speedy, and though he has some skill in traversing wild terrain, his haste keeps him distracted from fully putting his mind to the task.

As the group finds themselves in relative safety, Nivel stops to regroup. His mind is swirling with a miasma of thoughts, some his own while others pour in from the Mistsoul. His kind's shared memory, once fully-accessed, is a priceless resource; however, the encounter just now and the unstable energies which assaulted his very being seem to have caused an unforeseen reaction, and the Mistsoul is rapidly attempting to fix what's wrong. It sends rapid shivers up and down Nivel's spine, and his synapses are firing with erratic signals as they struggle to keep up with the chaotic information.


The mistwalker fights to remain calm and collected despite the war being waged beneath the surface, with his very essence being repaired and reshaped at a quantum level. It doesn't seem to be a quick process, as the tingles persist while he addresses his peers and their would-be new companion.


"Is everyone accounted for? Is everyone alright?"

He looks over at Anima, still perched on his shoulder.


"And you, Anima... You said you were sent. Who sent you? How can we trust you?"


Nivel remains shaken by LFT's demoralization for 1 round. (Moot if we're out of combat) 


Nivel got out of dodge, traveling quite quickly. He also tried to puzzle out Anima's attachment effect, getting only a 35 on Spellcraft. He's also suspicious of the tiny beholder, and tried to Sense Motive with a 45.


As the party retreats, Nivel keeps an eye out for danger with a 35 perception check.

To try and navigate without getting lost, he attempts a Survival check with a paltry result of 23; His lowest possible roll, but also sufficient to avoid getting lost. And Knowledge (Geography) to glean any relevant information from the map/surroundings and so forth, just in case, at 43


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  • 2 weeks later...

As Blaidd hangs a loft in the air surveying the chaos within the village, the frozen beholder, the portal continuously discharging energy (that was something he knew best to avoid even if he didn't understand it), the strange small beholder that was conversing with them. Confused but sure that he and the others needed to get out of here, Blaidd dashed northwards above the rooftops avoiding getting close to any of the undead villagers, flying on towards the direction the rest of the group headed.

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The Trading Post



The sextet of Hunters, plus one tiny, highly animated mini-beholder, quickly broke contact with the undead horde, and their floating, unliving monstrosity of a master. They made their speedy getaway, by various means, to the north of the trading post, and were almost immediately able to lose themselves in the wide, lush grasslands that abutted the small village. Unfortunately, they were, despite their incredible speed, relentlessly pursued by the ever more rapidly expanding Portal.

The whole time, Anima, who was still firmly affixed to Nivel's shoulder, continued to urge them on every time they tried to stop. The initial estimate by Cryoleptus, of a single furlong, proved to be entirely inadequate, as, within seconds, that limiter was blown away by the multiplicative increases in the expanding ring of the Portal event horizon, as well as the terrifying, all consuming darkness that was at it's center.

Before the group had gone more than a few seconds, the sphere had expanded to such a degree that the trading post, as well as it's entire compliment of comparatively slow moving Zyclops, not to mention the frozen and encased in stone Death Tyrant, were reduced to so much cosmic dust...and still the Portal and Sphere advanced.

Adrenaline pumping through their veins, the Hunters poured on the speed, sprinting, leaping, and flying away to the north, all the time urged on by the high pitched, frantic voice of a small, seemingly helpful, little abomination.

Just as it seemed that they'd finally outrun the electric, nullity fueled death that was chasing them, two members of their team had a horrifying vision rip through their consciousness. Devlin, happening to glance over his shoulder as he sped away saw a massive burst of temporal energy suddenly pour forth from the center of the inky black sphere. Alternate timelines literally ripped their way into the Now, each one beating on him in waves of pure psyhic agony. Agony that was, to a lesser extent, both through their own various abilities to affect Time, as well as Monique's spell that was currently allowing them to slip more efficiently through Time's Stream, shared by all the other Hunters. Such was the extent of the raw, horrifying power, that it nearly drove them all to their knees, and it was only through sheer will that any of them were able to continue moving.

Worse still, however, was the sight that lurked in the center of that maelstrom of chaotic, collapsing entropy...a sight that, fortunately for five of them, only one of their number could discern. To Monique, it looked as though the sky itself had been rent asunder. From the boiling chaos at the heart of the null sphere, a mass of what appeared to be snarled, tangled 'threads' appeared. Threads which were shattered, shredded, and then stitched back together by a madman, all in the space of a single heartbeat.

A massive pulse of pure, raw, causal quintessence ERUPTED from the center of the sphere. The snarl of 'threads' was, for that tiny picosecond, etched on the retinas of all and sundry, and then everything evaporated in a blaze of blue-white, actinic light, as the lightning laced edge of the portal swooped over them all, moving faster than they could possibly react to.

Darkness swallowed them, and their worlds were reduced to snippets...shards of raw, unadulterated agony. It felt like the very foundations of their lives...their immortal souls...were torn apart and scattered on the Astral winds. For a timeless time, the six...no...the seven...drifted in a sea of pure pain. Pain that existed on a soul deep level, pain that drove them all to the brink of madness...and beyond.

The seven passed out of all seeing.

Out of all knowing.

Out of all sensing.

Until only the agony of their tormented souls remained...













From somewhere within, the Seven felt...peace.

A balm, spreading over their spirits, over their consciousness, soothing away the pain. Dulling the memory of it, and staving off the insanity that it's near continuous touch had inflicted.

A mingling, myriad of voices, a seven part harmony, flowed through the aether.

A grand note THRUMMED through each of them, as though the cords of their souls had somehow been plucked by the world's most expert harpist.

And without warning, the seven found themselves whole and hearty, standing on a cliff overlooking the sea. The air was calm, peaceful, with the first hints of a freshening sea breeze coming off the ocean. Birdsong came from the nearby trees, and the sound of insects and other small animals drifted on the breeze.

Just ahead of them, a large cabin sat, it's walls weathered by salt and wind. It was abutted on two sides by a small, rough stone wall, and a small garden sat off to one side, as well as multiple flower beds. A stovepipe poked up from the roof of the cabin, but no telltale hint of smoke indicated that the place was currently inhabited, and no light shone through the large windows.

Tuimage.png.dd0fad3ef6b77038b32cafe019481fdc.pngrning in a complete circle, the Hunters, as well as their mini-beholder companion, who was still attached firmly to Nivel's shoulder, could see that they were surrounded on three sides by the ocean. The cabin on a cliff was at the northernmost tip of a spit of land that extended into the water for nearly a mile. Looking about, everything seemed normal. The landscape was peaceful, almost idyllic, rolling grasslands, dotted by the occasional copse of trees or field of wildflowers. The nearby cliffs appeared to be some type of pale, grey granite, and were home to great clouds of seabirds and other wildlife.

Far to the South, however, things had changed...and not for the better. A few miles away, presumably the location of the former Guild trading post, there was...nothing. Nothing except the sea. It was as though the hand of a deity had reached down and scooped up the entire center of that part of the eyeland, and into the resulting hole had rushed uncountable gallons of seawater.

The missing land appeared to be the bottom half of a sphere...the upper half simply being the air...approximately a mile across. Combined with the natural bay that had already existed in the area already, it rather cleanly cut that part of the Oculus Isle in two.

The sight was both awe inspiring, and more than a little terrifying.

Stopping to take stock in themselves, the seven felt...strange. Each of them could feel, deep within themselves, that a new wellspring of might had opened, deep in their souls. Power unlike anything they'd ever experienced filled them to overflowing...literally. As they all looked about, each could see little whorls of energy, tiny firefly flickers of light spinning and dancing around their companions. Their eyes, including all eleven of Anima's, sparkled with power, visible even in the early morning light.

The very air around them hummed with the promise of a new beginning. 



OOC Info


You have officially survived not only your first combat, but you are all now Mythic characters. I know this is a big surprise, but it's something I planned from the very beginning with this game.  I always intended this to be more than just a 'Bug Hunt' adventure, and this is part of it.


Here's hoping I can do justice to the plans I have floating around in my brain.  😄


Please check out the Character Creation Thread (last post) for information on your new Mythical Abilities.




Roll20 Link



  • The new little beholder, self identified as Anima, who is currently hiding behind Nivel, appears to be a normal beholder in every way, only it's the size of a basketball.  It's a Tiny creature, roughly 1' across, and it's eyestalks are of commensurate size (about the size of an average person's pointer finger).  IN all other ways it appears to be a standard beholder, but, as indicated, it's legitimately kind of cute.
    • Anima's voice patterns are similar to Dobby the House Elf from Harry Potter...if you're not familiar with the Best Elf Ever™, then check out This Video on YouTube
    • The tone of Anima's voice is basically identical to Navi from Legend of Zelda (the annoyingly cute little "Hey, Listen!" fairy)


Initiative Order


Lyrican HaverFannyPacks

These handy, dandy, and not yet available for public consumption items are quite useful.  They combine the best features of a Handy Haversack and the largest Bag of Holding available.

Any item placed within can be drawn out as a Move Action, simply by thinking about it, reaching in, and grabbing the item, which suddenly appears.

While the FannyPack is, itself, magic, it cannot hold any magic items.  They simply will not enter it's enchanted, extended space.  They can be stored in it as though it were a regular pouch, which the Pack resembles when opened, unless the bearer wishes otherwise.

The opening of the pack can be expanded, at the wearer's desire, up to sufficient size to take a Medium sized object.


Each of the Packs currently contain 1 Months' worth of fresh and preserved food, 1 months's supply of water (in skins and pony kegs), as well as copious amounts of mundane adventuring gear.  If it is a mundane item (that will fit within the pouch), and is in the equipment list, at least one of whatever 'it' is, is in the pouch.  This includes tools, alchemical items, and all other nonmagical gear.  It does NOT include any MW items.


In addition, each Pack contains a supply of (Stable) Salve (150 doses, 10d8 Healing, no limit on daily uses), and (Stable) Panacea (50 Doses, created at DC 40).


Combat Info






Nonlethal Portal Damage
  • The Nonlethal Damage from the initial Portal teleport is analogous to the damage caused by Draining Casting.  It can only be healed by resting for 8 hours.




Edited by Arklytte (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Blaidd stood with the others staring southwards where they had fled from or rather at the giant hole that had been carved from the land. A shudder ran through him at the thought of the nothingness that was left and the sensation they had each just experienced. His body felt strange, the air hummed and colourful lights danced before his eyes.


Blaidd felt the overwhelming sensation to be sick, feeling his stomach lurch, fighting the natural inclination to empty his lunch.

"Well.....That was a bloody close call."

Trying to comprehend what they had just experienced, Blaidd studied the others, noticing a slight change in each of them.

"So anyone smarter than I am, like to explain what the hell was that?"


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image.png.1220fc1b707699a497ccc32cb40a4df8.pngYukito Nanaya

Demon Slayer

Yukito snapped to, blinking several times as he took in the scenery around the party.  He looked around, as though searching for someone that wasn't there, then clicked his tongue, clearly in annoyance.  The slayer fished out a flask from his vest pocket and took a swig.


He winced as images of the immediate past felt like they were shattering and being rebuilt within his own psyche.  It was like the threads of fate were severed and reconnected in a single motion - unnerving and strange, and only slightly painful at that moment.  "I'm no expert, so I would just call that 'absolute crap'.  The term 'causality event' is stuck in my head, but I have no idea if that's correct or not." 


The slayer replaced the flask in his vest, then pulled out a small steel case that when opened revealed cigarettes.  "If that portal explosion was anything like what I dealt with before, which kind of was a portal explosion too, I think, then that might be the term we're looking for.  I don't know - some egghead called it that when I explained how I was ejected from my homeland thanks to a dying mind flayer's attempt to teleport away from my blade."


He placed a smoke in his mouth, lit it with a quick cantrip, then continued.  "Regardless of what it was, it looks like we're all alive and in one piece.  So instead of being worried about what happened, let's focus on the present.  For example..."  He turned and looked the tiny beholder in its many eyes while taking a long drag.  "What are you?  You're too small to be a proper beholder, and last I checked, there's no such thing as 'baby beholders'....  So, explain yourself."  He exhaled a large puff of smoke towards the tiny beholder.




Yukito Nanaya Human demon slayer

HP 189/210 Nonlethal -64  SP 74/90  Martial Focus: 1/2

Speed 80ft Init 34 

AC 69 77 Fort 20 Ref 33 41 Will 29  BAB 11 

Dueling Blade +35 (1d8+16, 17-20 x2)
Hasted/Enhanced Blade +43 (1d8+19, 17-20 x2)


Str 14 (2) 16 (3) Dex 40 (15) 50 (20) Con 22 (6) Wis 40 (15) Int 12 (1) Cha 12 (1)


Shaken (-2) for 1 round


Short Term Buffs:

  • Temporal Haste (CL20; +3 to AC/Attack/Reflex, +50' speed, +5 AoOs) - duration 20 minutes
  • Sage Enhance (+10 DEX, +2 STR; effective BAB 15, DR 7/-)  duration 15 rounds

Long Term Buffs: all last 15+ hours

  • Sage: Flight (60' perfect) (110' perfect)
  • Divination: Blindfolded Oracle 75', Foreshadow (+3 AC/+4 Ref+Init), Sense Presence (aberrations currently) 75', See Hazards, Precog Smite +4, Precog Defense +4
  • Protection: Ablating 50%, Armored (armor +7, shield +5), Friendship, Ray Deflection 40%
  • War: Momentum 28/30

Ability References




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Devlin image.jpeg.29d5460bf7359df59fbafa1f651d03ae.jpeg

Ah, the sea after a storm. So peaceful. 


Devlin took in the panoramic vista for a few moments, enjoying the refreshed feeling inside him, ignoring the feeling of something bad having just happened. Storm? What storm? There was the explosion, but that wasn't...


Blaidd's rough voice brought his mind back into the reality of the situation. All the gears clicked into place and started turning and ticking like one of his clocks. The disaster with the portal. A catastrophic rupture in space, in time, in reality itself that only seemed to have ceased when it ran out of raw power to drive it. Theoretically at least. Devlin almost slipped into an overclocked mental state to run the calculations, but he held off. He opened his mouth to reply to Blaidd, but then closed it again. It would have been complete speculation, and plenty of verbal vomit as he worked through exactly what that was at the same time he tried to explain it.


Wait. What was going on? Devlin never missed a chance to condescendingly explain a complicated concept to someone, even -- no especially -- when he didn't fully understand it himself. Was he even himself anymore? He reached up and checked his hair. It was perfect. He looked down at his stylish coat, his gear, his cuffs, his cravat. Impeccable. It was like he was the best version of himself, and that was saying something. It must have related to this feeling inside him, the thrumming perfect note. It felt a little like when he shuffled timelines, finding the perfect chain of causality to accomplish a task. Except that was momentary, and this feeling was there this whole time, so far.


He opened his mouth again to explain, but Yukito beat him to it, in his own way. "Well put. I have my theories, but they can wait. I too want to hear what our little friend has to say. And also to see what is in this quaint little abode here..." Devlin, listening to the conversation, began sauntering toward the cabin.



OOC and Mechanics





Group Benefits



Current Momentum Pool: 31/31

Within 30' of Devlin (this is the light aura on him in Roll20), you can...

  • Spend 2 momentum to add 15 to weapon damage
  • Spend 1 momentum to reduce damage taken by 15


Devlin has given each of you 2 "Iconic Tonics", a Universal Alcohol you may drink for the following effects:

  • 6d4 Temp HP for 1 hour
  • +4 resistance bonus to next save attempt in next hour (doesn't stack with inhuman resilience, but might be handy in an AMF)
  • +5 circumstance bonus against emotion related effects for 1 hour
  • +5 circumstance bonus against pain-related effects for 1 hour
  • +5 circumstance bonus against sleep related effects 1 hour


Character Sheet | Character Thread

Current HP: 210/210  |  Temp HP: 0  |  Nonlethal damage: 0

Conditions: -

Current AC: 53ACTIVE
10 base
10 Dexterity bonus
8 armor (unarmored training, applies to touch)
18 Prescient Dodger
4 Natural Armor
3 Dodge (Haste)

4 Dodge vs Scouted Enemies

  |  49 touch  (+4 vs scouted enemies, which is all on the battlefield)

Resistance/Reduction: DR 4/Cold Iron, ER20 Electricity, ER5 Fire/Acid, SR 25

Special: Evasion, Uncanny Dodge

Miss Chance: 75%ACTIVE
Afterimage: 50%/75%
Decoy: 50% until triggered

 (75% afterimage, and 50% defensive decoy)


Perception: +37  | See in Darkness, Blindsense 20', Sightless Action

Stealth: +32



Ongoing Effects





Encompassing Light: Damage and Reach 2 sizes greater (20' at gargantuan)

Defensive Decoy: Will Save DC 35 or 50% miss chance against Devlin (miss kills the decoy), 10 rounds [Round 2]

Temporal Haste: 15 rounds, +3 attack/AC/Ref save, +50' speed, +6 AOOs, +move/swift action (2SP) [Round 0]

Rapid Response: +10 initiative, can act in surprise round (1SP for 200 min)

Drunk: 8 rounds, unarmed damage 1 size larger (Double chug: 16 rounds, and +1 all saves) [Round 0]

Iconic Tonic: 1 hour (effects in Group tab)

Dynamite Throwing Form: Splash weapons do unarmed damage. (15 rounds if expend MF) [Round 0]

Improved Shadow Shield: 15d4+15 Temp HP, reduce damage by 4, 1 min'

Academic Knowledge: +2 CMB, DCs against Beholder, 1 min

Shadow Magic: Energy Strike, Invigorating Blast, 1 min

Transformation: -


Daily Routine:

Craft 14 formulae | 30 min (7.5 minutes each 4) | + Other crafting?

Ritual: Reduce Max Hp 15 or spend 75gp | 1 hour

Read Advanced Study Guide | 1 hour, combined with above

Renew Momentum Pool: 1SP, lasts 16 hours

Continual: if there is a hint of possibility of trouble, will keep a Glow (black light) going on self, renewed every 11 min with standard action.

Offense Options

Unarmed Strike: +39+11 BAB
+10 Dex
+4 Imbued Greater Courage
+3 Haste
+5 INT instead of DEX (scouted)
+4 insight Cunning Attacker (scouted)
+2 knowledge unlock (scouted)

  |  Damage: 4d8+15DICE (as unarmed)
2d10 normal
4d8 large (drunken boxer)
6d8 huge (encompassing light)
8d8 gargantuan (encompassing light + drunken boxer)

+15 INT (Creative Strike)
+8 Analytical gaze (scouted)

+15 electricity (first attack, elemental empowerment)
+15 (damaging momentum)
+3d6 Fatal Thrust
+6d6 Skewer
+8d6 / 16d6 energy strike

Masterwork Crossbow: +25 | Damage: 1d8 | 80'

Thrown Weapon: +25 | Damage: 1dx+15 | 10'

Thrown Formulae: +44+11 BAB
+10 Dex
+5 enhanced flask thrower
+4 Imbued Greater Courage
+3 Haste
+5 INT instead of DEX Cunning Attacker (scouted)
+4 insight Cunning Attacker (scouted)
+2 knowledge unlock (scouted)


+1 or 2 coordinated shot
| Damage: 4d8+20DICE (as unarmed)
2d10 normal
4d8 large (drunken boxer)
6d8 huge (encompassing light)
8d8 gargantuan (encompassing light + drunken boxer)

+15 INT (Creative Strike)
+5 Weapon Enhancement
+8 Analytical gaze (scouted)

+15 electricity (first attack, elemental empowerment)
+15 (damaging momentum)
+3d6 Fatal Thrust
+6d6 Skewer
+8d6 / 16d6 energy strike
+4d6/4d10 deadly shot
 | 80' range (60' de-powered)

  • [1/2] Improved Alchemist's Fire: +8d8 fire, 20/25/30' burst
  • [1/2] Improved Acid Flask: +8d8 acid, 20/25/30' burst [-1]
  • [8/15] Cherry Bombs: +6d4 bludgeoning, adjacent takes 6 [-2]
  • [2/2] Improved Itching Powder: FortDC40 or -2 attack/saves/skill, 20' burst (25' +5 on save roll)
  • Add [Explosive] flashbang: 1d8, Fort DC32 or blinded/deafened for 1d4+1 rounds. Expend MF to...
    • Sonic Shriekers: 15d6 sonic, flashbang DC=36 (save=half damage)
    • Glacial Percussion: 7d6 cold, failed save = staggered 1d4 rounds (paralyzed if already staggered)
    • Belladonna Bursts: on failed save = 2d6 Strength damage (poison)
    • Dispelling Detonations: failed save = greater dispel on target
    • Nullsteel: 1SP/2SP instead of MF for counterspell in burst
    • Inflammable Cloud: 20' cloud for 15 rnds, when ignited deals 7d8 to anything in area
    • Elemental Enhancement (if adjacent to elemental): 15d6 electricity damage (ref save instead)
  • Deadly Shot. Add snipe. MF to add 4d6 vs touch, 4d10 vs regular ac
    • Trap Launcher (snipe): attach a snare trap
      • Tripwire: Ref DC32 or prone
      • Bamboozling Trap: Ref DC32 or Feinted
      • Thaumatic Sink: 10' radius AMF for 15 rounds
      • Can use an alchemical item with trap

Destructive Blast: +25 | 8d6 damage, 16d6 at 1SP

Defense Options

Saves (Roll twice)

Fort +19 modifiers+5 base
+6 ability
+5 (resistance) Inhuman Resilience
+4 (morale) Imbued Powerful Courage
-2 The Fool
+1 Double Chug

+2 vs Spells etc (Spellhardy)
+5 vs Sleep (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Pain (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Emotion (universal alcohol)
+4 (resistance) next saving throw (universal alcohol)
 (Temp +3, Hanged Man)

Reflex +30 modifiers+9 base
+10 ability
+5 (resistance) Inhuman Resilience
+4 (morale) Imbued Powerful Courage
-2 The Fool
+1 Double Chug
+3 Haste

+2 vs Spells etc (Spellhardy)
+5 vs Sleep (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Pain (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Emotion (universal alcohol)
+4 (resistance) next saving throw (universal alcohol)
 (Temp -2, Hanged Man)

Will +23 modifiers+9 base
+6 ability
+5 (resistance) Inhuman Resilience
+4 (morale) Imbued Powerful Courage
-2 The Fool
+1 Double Chug

+2 vs Spells etc (Spellhardy)
+5 vs Sleep (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Pain (universal alcohol)
+5 vs Emotion (universal alcohol)
+4 (resistance) next saving throw (universal alcohol)
 (Temp +3, Hanged Man)


Caper (boast): When active, DC30 will save or lose attack against Devlin

Bomb Jump: Free jump check (take 10 on athletics for 54), if remove from area of AOE, no ref save needed. 

Defensive Decoy: Will Save DC 35 or 50% miss chance against Devlin (miss kills the decoy), 10 rounds [Round 2]


SP: 90/90 

Shadow Pool: 5/5 

MF: 2/2

Stamina Pool: 17/17 

Momentum Pool: 31 (16 hours, upon spending 1SP, tracked in Group Benefits)

Silver Pendant protections: 15/15

Nullsteel uses: 248/250

Prepared Formulae: 14 breakdown1 Universal Alcohol (15)
1 Cherry Bombs (15)
2 Salves
4 Panacea
2 Itching Powder
2 Alchemist's Fire
2 Acid Flask

  • [4/15] Iconic Tonics 
  • [2/2] Salves
  • [3/4] Panaceas 

Other Alchemy

  • [1] SalvaceaHeals 1d8+40 HP, Cures all DC 40 status effects of Panacea
    DC 20: Deafened, fatigued, shaken, sickened.
    DC 30: Diseased, exhausted, nauseated, poisoned, staggered.
    DC 40: Frightened, blinded, paralyzed, stunned.
  • [1] L7 Improved Itching Powder
  • [15/15] L3 Cherry Bombs
  • [2/2] Tanglefoot Bags
  • [1] Tangleburn Bag
  • [1] Pepper Smoke Pellets
  • Basic Alchemist's Fires
  • Basic Acid Flasks

Communication Sapphires: 19/20








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Monique sank to the ground and put her hands to her head, still reeling from all she had seen. Physically, she felt fine, but mentally, the effects of the snarling mass ‘threads’ she had seen overwhelmed any attempt at focus.


Finally, her companions words sunk in, and she forced her mouth to form words. “Not... not a portal explosion.” She winced at the effort to speak. “Not just a portal explosion. I saw... I’m not sure what I saw. There are origin myths about the Gods weaving a tapestry that became the universe; I think I saw some of that tapestry, broken and tangled, unravelling reality and remaking it.”


She breathed a shuddering sigh, and took stock of herself. With a growing mix of alarm and wonder, she said, “I... I think we’ve been unravelled and remade. I have lost some of the magic abilities I once had, and gained others. And there is some new ... power ... I’ve never felt before. Do the rest of you feel it, too?”

OOC (none)





Spiritualism uses left 10/10

Poppet uses left:

  • Llyarden/Cal: 2
  • Slayer/Blaidd: 0
  • Venn/Nivel: 0
  • Paxon/Devlin: 2
  • Yamazaki/Yukito: 1


Monique Rousseau
Female Human Scholar / Hedgewitch, Level 15, Init 16, HP 255/225, Speed 30
AC 57, Touch 57, Flat-footed 46, CMD 55, Fort 24, Ref 27, Will 21, CMB +11, Base Attack Bonus 11
light crossbow +21 / +16 / +11 (1d8, 19-20x2)
crossbow-launched flashbang +19 (1d8+1d8, 19-20x2)
(+8 Dex, +26 Misc)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 26, Con 24, Int 40, Wis 10, Cha 30
Condition Martial Focus x2
sp 60/60


  • none


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spacer.pngNivel Syrris HP: ~~~/~~~ | AC: ~~ (Touch: ~~) | CMD: ~~ SP: ~~/~~ | Status/Effects: 

Even before the still-fresh rebirth - or remaking, transformation, or what-have-you - induced a shift in power in the mistwalker, Nivel didn't have need to breathe. His powerful connection to his elemental heritage allows him to survive without air indefinitely... and yet, as he stands on the strip of land ahead of the cabin overlooking the ocean, Nivel takes a deep, heavy breath and exhales slowly.

Despite the sense of calm, the newfound power surging through him reacts strangely with his Mistsoul connection. He feels bewildered as a terrible migraine surges through his head. The voices of his people all speak over one another, creating a chaotic maelstrom of input as the spirits fight over how to shape the power Nivel possesses. Shades of alternate timelines flicker in and out, adding to the confusion.

The mistwalker fights to remain calm and collected despite the war being waged beneath the surface, with his very essence being repaired and reshaped at a quantum level. It doesn't seem to be a quick process, as the tingles persist while he addresses his peers and their would-be new companion.

"Is everyone accounted for? Is everyone alright?"

He looks over at Anima, still perched on his shoulder.

"And you, Anima... You said you were sent. Who sent you? How can we trust you?"

Nivel takes a moment to look everyone over before checking himself. He inspects his crossbow... the illusion he had laid upon it had faded, no longer hiding its size, but it also appears altered. The enchantments were changed. Changing, just like he is.


"I didn't mean that to be so harsh, Anima. I'm told I can be... overly blunt. The fact remains, we don't know anything about you, and you wear an appearance not at all unlike the creatures who have overtaken this island. I don't wish to pre-judge, but we were sent here to eradicate Beholders, with rather limited intelligence informing us of what to expect upon the island. Certainly we were not informed that the portal would explode, nor that we would gain a new source of power, as Monique has expressed. I feel it, too."



The middle text is copied/pasted from my last post, as it was technically meant to take place now, though at the time I had no idea what would happen next. 😄


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