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Behold H'Catha (Part 4)


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"Lou" Louis Dufray (Goblin Ranger 4) sheetspacer.pngspacer.png

AC: 16 | HP: 40/40 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 17 | Features
Opal AC: 16 | HP: 25/25 | PP: 14 | Features

Lou coughs and sputters.

"What is that smell!"

He is able to hold is breath and keep the contents of his stomach down. He draws his bow and shoots at the guardian before stumbling out of the cloud of sewage.

Opals eyes flash bright red as Lou's arrows glows the same color, heating up right before it strikes.


Main Hand: bow
Off Hand: none

Lou's Action: shoot
Move: out of cloud
Manipulate: none
Bonus Action: command Opal
Opal's Action: none
Move: to Lou
Manipulate: none
Bonus Action: none
Reaction: add fire damage to a hit

Gnarley's Knack: You have Advantage on the next roll you make regarding ship repairs or ship weaponry.




Edited by BobtheWizard (see edit history)
CON save
1d20+2 17
Shortbow to hit
1d20+8 17
1d6+4 3
Fire Damage
1d6 5
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As its central eye is punctured by the goblin's flaming arrow, Greelob's other eyes look down on Yahs disapprovingly.

~This isn't helping in the slightest. Maybe there is something to space cucumbers after ARRRGGGHHH~

...it communicates before dying. Somewhere Orlob is relaxing on his psychiatrist's couch, the shrink attempting to convince him that Orlob would have been the better guardian. But Orlob doesn't believe it. In fact as a result of the cadet encounter, Orlob would develop a persistent Imposter Syndrome that would severely hamper his ability to work and interact with other beholders. Later in life it would progress to a more serious, recurrent depression that would ultimately consume his every waking moment with sadness and isolation. If only it knew the truth.

Combat over. Cloud is still stinking, but it isn't impossible to get the meteor with a little perseverance. No rolls required just describe what you do and what you take.

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Lazuli Lazali Lulura, AKA SquishySlimeGirl.jpg.be6391fa65f486754161b2eadaffc135.jpg

AC 17 | HP 35/35 (THP 16) | HD 3/3 | Inspiration Yes | P.Perception 21 | P.Investigation 15

Saves: Str -1 | Dex +3 | Con +1 | Int +2 | Wis +6 | Cha +0

Resistances: Acid and Poison

Lazuli pulls out her peg leg, and swooshes over to strike at the Spectator. "Oooh, pretty crystals... I shouldn't eat them, though. They might make me smell foul. I try to eat perfume, you know, Space Ambergris, to stay fresh, whenever I can. That looks like Space Ambergris, but, rotten."


Bonus Action to cast Shillelagh. Move to get close enough to strike. Action to attack.

Reaction to use Halo of Spores to strike at the beginning of the Spectator's turn.

I assume 8 misses.

He will have to make a Con save, DC 14, or take 6 damage from the Halo of Spores.


Edited by KingGoblin (see edit history)
Shillelagh To Hit
1d20+6 2
Halo of Spores Damage (Necrotic)
2d4 3,3
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spacer.pngCelsior Loriniscil, Prince of Alfheim

Inspiration Yes | HP 27/27 | HD 4/4 | Step 2/2 | Shield 1/1

Bladesong 2/2 | Recovery 2/2 | 1st-level 4/4 | 2nd-level 3/3

Celsior finally stops dry heaving and wipes the tears from his eyes and vomit from his mouth, as he wobbly stands. "Well done. Well done. I'm glad I could puke a distraction for you."

He exhales foul-smelling odor, "Let's see if the halves can make it into the bag of holding, so we can hoof it out of here."

As his legs become more sturdy, he magically cleans his breath and person.


Active spells: Prestigidation


Edited by JubalBreakbottle (see edit history)
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Plasmoid.jpg.2a97192db590b36ed168657a4f2abba8.jpgYahs Anirys Plasmoid Monk (Way of Mercy) 4 CG

AC: 16 | HP: 32/32 | HD: 3/3 | PP: 13 | Inspiration: No | Speed: 40 ft | GP: 60
Str 11 (0) Dex 18 (4) Con 12 (1) Wis 16 (3) Int 11 (0) Cha 9 (-1)

Attacks: Spear (P)1d20+6;1d6+4 | Unarmed(B) 1d20+6;1d4+4 | Sling(B)1d20+6;1d4+4 | Quarterstaff-Mop(B) 1d20+6;1d6+4
Magic: Sacred Flame (DEX vs DC13; 1d8) | Shield of Faith(Bonus; +2AC) | Ki Pool: 4/4

Before the cloud of gas can fully engulf her, Yahs quickly draws in as much clean air and forming a series of air pockets within her endoplasmic fluids. The floating air bubbles make the plasmoid look like a humanoid shaped bottle of champagne. The bubbles also tickle. But she is unaffected by the cloud of putrid gas as it fills the area. Casually kicking Greelob's round body into the corner of the room, she does what she can to help maneuver the adamantine coffin and its disgusting contents into the bag of holding. When the challenging task is finally complete she takes a moment to search the area for any other items of value Noog might have discovered on his wanderings. She also purposefully and careful checks the site of Catrick Swayze's demise. For whatever reason, she wanted to be sure that cute, cuddly little furball was good and truly dead.


Edited by DM-Tareth (see edit history)
1d20+5 18
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Once the meteor (along with the stank nasty crystal mess) is secured in the bag the visible tendrils of vapor recede, snaking their way up the beholder chutes on the ceiling. Still, that smell will never be forgotten...and Celsior's lunch remains rather offensive.

Noog's abode here in the cavern is sparse and simple. Other than a few cabinets (some matching Toril designs, some obvious githyanki make) there is not much to search. Yahs turns up:

  • 12 tins of Scramsax Selects: Stalker's Re-Treats near a rusty can-opener
  • A parchment scrawling seeming to show a ring being held aloft in a lightning strike, attached with a string to some strange coin currency
  • A book written in Githyanki language appearing to describe (in full page pictorials) various athletic techniques involved when punting large eggs off cliffs
  • Something similar to an hourglass of perhaps halfling make that counts on a monthly scale
  • A githyanki barrel half-full of what looks like little vegetable beholders with trees sprouting out of their heads, or maybe radishes
  • A few loincloths of various styles wadded up near some cleaning supplies, including one rather saucy number in red lace

Regarding Catrick Swayze, only dust is found. However, hidden within the cat's nest of spoiled scrolls and driftwood Yahs turns up a litter of tiny kittens...6 in all. Each has only one central eye like their presumed father.

Behold the dreaded cyclopean kitties of H'Catha.

*...mew?* a solid black one with a big green eye asks. Those proficient in alien cat-languages might translate such as "Good lord, you simpleton. Don't just stand there mucking about! Gather something for us to eat! Quickly, hop to it!"

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Plasmoid.jpg.2a97192db590b36ed168657a4f2abba8.jpgYahs Anirys Plasmoid Monk (Way of Mercy) 4 CG

AC: 16 | HP: 32/32 | HD: 3/3 | PP: 13 | Inspiration: No | Speed: 40 ft | GP: 60
Str 11 (0) Dex 18 (4) Con 12 (1) Wis 16 (3) Int 11 (0) Cha 9 (-1)

Attacks: Spear (P)1d20+6;1d6+4 | Unarmed(B) 1d20+6;1d4+4 | Sling(B)1d20+6;1d4+4 | Quarterstaff-Mop(B) 1d20+6;1d6+4
Magic: Sacred Flame (DEX vs DC13; 1d8) | Shield of Faith(Bonus; +2AC) | Ki Pool: 4/4

Don't look into the eye! Look away! For all that's holy don't look directly....s$#t! The voice screamed in Yahs' head but it was already much too late. Much, much too late. Essentially the plasmoid, and potentially a good portion of the universe, was doomed the moment she'd revealed the cuddly critters beneath the tattered remnants of Noog's favorite sweater.

"Ahhhhh! Loook. They're soooo cute." She gushes scooping up the furry kittens with a half dozen quickly formed pods.


"They look so hungry." She says unconsciously grabbing a tin of Scramsax Selects and the rusty can opener. "We can't just leave them here." Forming a psuedopod into a wide flat plate big enough to accommodate all six kittens and a tin, she dumps the contents of the can into her 'palm' and let's the little critters eat out of her hand while carefully sliding her way toward the exit of the cavern.

That's it. You're on your own. I am not taking responsibility for this. Mutters that same internal voice before receding into the background of the plasmoid's brain.

"Ha...look at how they play...ow...isn't that so...ow.....now mind those cla....OW."

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"Lou" Louis Dufray (Goblin Ranger 4) sheetspacer.pngspacer.png

AC: 16 | HP: 40/40 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 17 | Features
Opal AC: 16 | HP: 25/25 | PP: 14 | Features

Lou lets Yahs feed all the aberrant cats. He can feel his eyes watering, and decides he must be slightly allergic to the things since he surely wouldn't;t find them cute and cuddly.

"We should leave them here. They will only be trouble on the ship."

He picks one up and starts petting it and a smile crosses his face.

Opal gets a little jealous but makes no objections.


Main Hand: bow
Off Hand: none

Lou's Action: pick up cat
Move: none
Manipulate: none
Bonus Action: none
Opal's Action: none
Move: none
Manipulate: none
Bonus Action: none
Reaction: none

Gnarley's Knack: You have Advantage on the next roll you make regarding ship repairs or ship weaponry.




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Lazuli Lazali Lulura, AKA SquishySlimeGirl.jpg.be6391fa65f486754161b2eadaffc135.jpg

AC 17 | HP 35/35 (THP 16) | HD 3/3 | Inspiration Yes | P.Perception 21 | P.Investigation 15

Saves: Str -1 | Dex +3 | Con +1 | Int +2 | Wis +6 | Cha +0

Resistances: Acid and Poison

"Or, hear me out on this, we could eat them," Lazuli comments, as they look around for the corpse of Catrick Swayze. "Hey, where's the skull?"




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spacer.pngCelsior Loriniscil, Prince of Alfheim

Inspiration Yes | HP 27/27 | HD 4/4 | Step 2/2 | Shield 1/1

Bladesong 2/2 | Recovery 2/2 | 1st-level 4/4 | 2nd-level 3/3

Celsior supervises the meteor halves being stuffed into the bag of holding.

He strategically ignores the cat conversation and pulls out the Sending Stone, "Tarto, away team has secured package. Ready for pickup. <14 words to describer where>"


Active spells: Prestigidation


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Tarto's hoarse voice crackles over the stone *Great, hurry up back to the ship. This planet gives me the creeps.*

As quick and quiet as can be, the cadets hustled across the jagged, shaley gravel along the broken shores of H'catha's Spindle. A reaching Spindle which, as you vaguely remember from planetary geophysics the other day, always points directly at the sun like a wildspace compass. A horrorshow Spindle nestling at least 2 less abominations of nature, not counting the kittens or any monsters merely psychologically damaged. The alien Spindle that would shatter the first of the seeds.

A rope ladder made of hemp and clown scarves drops from above, with Tarto concealed in her cloud of cigar smoke, squinting down at you with judgmental eyes. Or perhaps it was just hard to empathize with the Hadozee instructor, maybe the judgement was just focus after all. '5 times its weight in gold.' The beholder-kin had claimed. At 500 lbs, that was something like 2500 gold. A sum of note.

As you all clamour aboard, Tarto snatches the Bag of Holding with a sneaky pinch. As she examines deep the transdimensional vortex' contents, she purrs "Excellent. Now comes the easy part."

Easy for her? Certainly. Easy for Saerthe? Hell no. Your spelljammer tutor was playing 4-dimensional chess with about a thousand other beholder vessels. Using astrophysical debris to remain concealed, keeping a rushed speed just slow enough to avoid notice. Somehow the Fleet's wild ruse was working, and H'catha was left behind.

Please describe the next few days for your character, if there is anything you'd like to do or talk about. The tyrant is headed back towards Toril, and much more adventure.

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spacer.pngCelsior Loriniscil, Prince of Alfheim

Inspiration Yes | HP 27/27 | HD 4/4 | Step 2/2 | Shield 1/1

Bladesong 2/2 | Recovery 2/2 | 1st-level 4/4 | 2nd-level 3/3

Celsior was visibly happy when they returned to the ship and successfully escaped H'Catha. He praised his crew, especially Yahs for his improvisational score keeping and sneak attack. He shares the story with Tarto and Saerthe and asks about academy commendations.

Threading the needle of H'Catha space, Celsior sticks close to the spelljamming helm watching and learning from Searthe committing the path to memory to share with his potential descendants during trance.

After they finally passed imminent danger, he finds some casual time to share his concerns about Miken's potential sabotage. He would not want to accuse someone without concrete evidence, but there was a lot of smoke which needed to be investigated. After sharing his concerns, he lets it go and asks Tarto about any other sabotage going on at the academy.


Active spells: Prestidigitation


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Plasmoid.jpg.2a97192db590b36ed168657a4f2abba8.jpgYahs Anirys Plasmoid Monk (Way of Mercy) 4 CG

AC: 16 | HP: 32/32 | HD: 3/3 | PP: 13 | Inspiration: No | Speed: 40 ft | GP: 60
Str 11 (0) Dex 18 (4) Con 12 (1) Wis 16 (3) Int 11 (0) Cha 9 (-1)

Attacks: Spear (P)1d20+6;1d6+4 | Unarmed(B) 1d20+6;1d4+4 | Sling(B)1d20+6;1d4+4 | Quarterstaff-Mop(B) 1d20+6;1d6+4
Magic: Sacred Flame (DEX vs DC13; 1d8) | Shield of Faith(Bonus; +2AC) | Ki Pool: 4/4

Upon her return to the ship Yahs spends the next several hours reconfiguring the former beholder nursery into a one-eyed kitten hotel in between trips to the infirmary for yet another round of bandages. Seemingly unaffected by the growing number of fluid oozing punctures spreading across her body she is happy enough watching the kittens, feeding the kittens, and otherwise catering to the kittens every whim and need. For just a moment her mind attempts to think off something useful like what did Tarto mean by 'easy part?' or why did she have that look when she snatched the bag containing the coffin? What about that spill in corridor three? It still needed mopping up. And yet within moments of these much more pressing thoughts, she suddenly felt the need to open yet another tin of Scramsax delights or to find a new toy for the kittens to play with. They seemed to really like Celsior's elven made pillows and were utterly and completely fascinated by any roll of toilet paper left unattended. And so rather than seeking out any further efforts underway by those attempting to sabotage Fleet operations or seeing to the bulk of her duties, the plasmoid remains under the unrelenting thrall of the nefarious kittens. Plus after a couple of days, the entire ship starts to get that cat smell that just never comes out.

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Lazuli Lazali Lulura, AKA SquishySlimeGirl.jpg.be6391fa65f486754161b2eadaffc135.jpg

AC 17 | HP 35/35 (THP 16) | HD 3/3 | Inspiration Yes | P.Perception 21 | P.Investigation 15

Saves: Str -1 | Dex +3 | Con +1 | Int +2 | Wis +6 | Cha +0

Resistances: Acid and Poison

Lazuli spent their time stalking about the ship, sometimes in an animal form, other times as a pile of blue goo, occasionally trying to sneak into the nursery to eat a kitten or two. At one point, Lazuli turned themself into a kitten, and tried to infiltrate that way, but unfortunately for them Yahs seemed to be able to count.

Also, Lazuli forgot and had three eyes instead of the normal one eye most space kittens have.


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"Lou" Louis Dufray (Goblin Ranger 4) sheetspacer.pngspacer.png

AC: 16 | HP: 40/40 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 17 | Features
Opal AC: 16 | HP: 25/25 | PP: 14 | Features

Lou stays close to the bag and its contents. He's not keen on losing it or even handing it over to Tarto, but he knows she is in charge and he's not willing to mutiny yet.

"So what are we going to do with all this adamantine? And where can we find some cat food for this poor little guy?"

He still hasn't put down the one-eyed cat that he rescued.

"Opal, what should we call him?"

Opal just glares at him in disgust.


Main Hand: bow
Off Hand: none

Lou's Action: pet the cat
Move: none
Manipulate: none
Bonus Action: none
Opal's Action: none
Move: none
Manipulate: none
Bonus Action: none
Reaction: none

Gnarley's Knack: You have Advantage on the next roll you make regarding ship repairs or ship weaponry.




Edited by BobtheWizard (see edit history)
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