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Behold H'Catha (Part 4)


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Plasmoid.jpg.2a97192db590b36ed168657a4f2abba8.jpgYahs Anirys Plasmoid Monk (Way of Mercy) 4 CG

AC: 16 | HP: 32/32 | HD: 3/3 | PP: 13 | Inspiration: No | Speed: 40 ft | GP: 60
Str 11 (0) Dex 18 (4) Con 12 (1) Wis 16 (3) Int 11 (0) Cha 9 (-1)

Attacks: Spear (P)1d20+6;1d6+4 | Unarmed(B) 1d20+6;1d4+4 | Sling(B)1d20+6;1d4+4 | Quarterstaff-Mop(B) 1d20+6;1d6+4
Magic: Sacred Flame (DEX vs DC13; 1d8) | Shield of Faith(Bonus; +2AC) | Ki Pool: 2/4

With the giff seemingly knocked back on his oversized heels, Yahs attempts to press her advantage. Her mop jabs hard into the commando's belly, his breath exploding outward revealing what he'd eaten earlier that morning. The plasmoid follows up with a quick right, but the giff parries the weak blow. However, what he didn't see coming was the sudden appearance of a third pseudopod that kicks him right where every young woman of any race learns to kick an overly aggressive male. Adding insult to the brutal injury, the warrior of the sudsy scrubber purges the very life essence from the giff's manhood leaving little more than a withered, useless, blackened stub.


Mop Attack

Mop Damage

Flurry Strike

Flurry Damage

Flurry Strike

Flurry Damage + Necro

Edited by DM-Tareth (see edit history)
Mop Attack
1d20+6 19
Mop Damage
1d6+4 5
Flurry Strike
1d20+6 5
Flurry Damage
1d4+4 4
Flurry Strike
1d20+6 8
Flurry Damage + Necro
1d4+4+1d4+4 4,3
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The giff incursion ends as the plasmoids retake the deck. Sounds of struggle still hint of trouble inside the Academy...

Combat Over.

Celsior down and unstable.

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Plasmoid.jpg.2a97192db590b36ed168657a4f2abba8.jpgYahs Anirys Plasmoid Monk (Way of Mercy) 4 CG

AC: 16 | HP: 32/32 | HD: 3/3 | PP: 13 | Inspiration: No | Speed: 40 ft | GP: 60
Str 11 (0) Dex 18 (4) Con 12 (1) Wis 16 (3) Int 11 (0) Cha 9 (-1)

Attacks: Spear (P)1d20+6;1d6+4 | Unarmed(B) 1d20+6;1d4+4 | Sling(B)1d20+6;1d4+4 | Quarterstaff-Mop(B) 1d20+6;1d6+4
Magic: Sacred Flame (DEX vs DC13; 1d8) | Shield of Faith(Bonus; +2AC) | Ki Pool: 2/4

Yahs is just about ready to head down toward the cells where there still seems to be fighting when she spots Celsior lying on the ground. With a curse she races over to the fallen elf. Not bothering to check to see if he was still alive or not, she simply grabs one of the remaining healing potions from her belt and quickly starts to pouring it into his mouth. She couldn't help but consider the irony that after all they'd been through on the beholder's world and traveling the Astral Sea, it is when they returned to the 'safety' of Fleet Headquarters that they were nearly killed.

OOC: Use Healing Potion on Celsior.


Edited by DM-Tareth (see edit history)
2d4+2 1,1
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Posted (edited)

hallway of a nautical academy filled with smokeThe halls of the Academy, once alien and exotic, have acquired the familiar dressings of slaughter. Black pits in the stone and wood trimming mark where deadly shots were dampened. Large piles of ash litter the area here and there, service of the Fleet's disintegration-sword wielding guard. The guard in turn lie slain, downed in the service of Mirt the Merciless, along with the headless, fragile youths they were defending.

Even for someone who hated the Academy, this kind of shocking display cried for vengeance. Cried for urgency. Where was Mirt, after all, with his secret experimental weapon and revised security procedures during this glaring ebb of order?

Anger turns to physical pain as the siren blares loud, too loud.

Not much time to think about it. Chaos consumes attention. 1, 2, 3 decorative vases smashed, important charts and model ships slashed and crashed. Ok, so a sweeping swordfight recently filled this corridor. Hmm, what's that...the student lounge is on fire. Great, it needed a remodel. Ah, Goldfish-bowl-with-a-brain-in-it is telekinetically pummeling a a space invader in the corner. Nice, its on our side now. Oh, smoke from that partially destroyed ventilator is causing a parade of hideous space bugs to proceed across the floor. Just step over them for now. Hi, Popsicle's lit fuse just disappeared beneath the top of his dynamite stick. Check.



The dohwar had thrown it just at the right time into the intersection of hallways, the charging warriors who were now mere bloody messes on the floor revealed. "Hurry, more ran upstairs!"

Following the helpful flipper and sound of musket-fire you make your way towards the dropship's second waypoint. Topping the stairs, another giff commando's body looks back down at you with an eternal gaze. Ahead the long clouded corridor obscured by smoke emits the sound of heavy marching footsteps. Sterile white lighting from the magical sconces only enhances the haze.

Two gaunt figures in armor emerge stepping over the fallen Fleet security. One clutches a silver greatsword, while the other holds a struggling, badly wounded Miken Haverstance.

All are within a move of melee at the top of the stairs. Hallway is 10 ft wide and continues down 60ft or so. There are siderooms leading to larger chambers like the advanced physics labs, storerooms, and lecture halls.

White smoke is lightly obscuring AKA passive perception has a -5 penalty throughout this area.

Round 1:
Lazuli <--UP
Celsior, Yahs

Edited by Cointhief (see edit history)
Celsior Initiative
1d20+3 3
Lazuli Initiative
1d20+3 14
Yahs Initiative
1d20+3 2
Enemy Initiative
1d20+2 9
1d20+2 6
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spacer.pngCelsior Loriniscil, Prince of Alfheim

Inspiration Yes | HP 14/27 | HD 4/4 | Step 2/2 | Shield 1/1

Bladesong 1/2 | Recovery 2/2 | 1st-level 4/4 | 2nd-level 2/3

Celsior limps along behind his crew eating berries. His ears continue to ring from the point blank explosion muffling the blaring alarm sirens. He wonders what triggered someone to assault the academy. Was it the mercane, or are they the scapegoat? Does Miken know their true identity? Why wouldn't they just kill him?

Along the way, he remembers these gith can become invisible, so he takes a few seconds to open his third eye, in case they are related.


Active: See Invisible

How many Goodberries could he have eaten? 10

Reaction cast Shield AC 23 if necessary

Edited by JubalBreakbottle (see edit history)
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ooc: @JubalBreakbottle I think Lazuli was willing to cast it at least once. Lets go with 10 berries. Eating more is hard because its like you just ate 10 full course meals instantly, shoving more down throat induces nausea etc. Plus in their RP lore, its their children you are eating.

Also, just a note it was the star lancer (space shark looking thing) not the gith rider themself that utilized an invisibility effect in the previous combat.

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Lazuli Lazali Lulura, AKA SquishySlimeGirl.jpg.be6391fa65f486754161b2eadaffc135.jpg

AC 17 | HP 35/33 (THP 0) | HD 3/3 | Inspiration Yes | P.Perception 21 | P.Investigation 15

Saves: Str -1 | Dex +3 | Con +1 | Int +2 | Wis +6 | Cha +0

Resistances: Acid and Poison

Lazuli gestures and grumbles, and spikes shoot forth from the walls and floor around the Gith. "Give back our Miken," they say, although they frankly don't care if the Gith do or not.




Action: Casting Spike Growth on the area around the Gith, extending all over so they hopefully have to cut themselves up if they want to get in melee, or run away. I think we might be better at range. Well, except our monk, but I guess she can hold them off if they charge.

Also, yeah, cast the Goodberry earlier. Lazuli doesn't care if Celsior eats their children. That's all part of the plan. Could cast it a couple times if he wants, if he has time to eat them on the way?


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Posted (edited)

Gemstones studding the gith's strange armor glisten with wet, pink energy. They stride forth, not knowing the danger below...Miken being unable to escape the captor's grip gets dragged along as well.

The frail little betrayer spelljammer collapses from the thousands of tiny spikes that shred his feet to bloody rags. Gritting through the pain "Grr...kith'rak! Jhe'quith dvenzir!" one of the invaders barks to the other.

The other looks to be some shade of mad, if the universality of emotional expression is as true as the philosophers claim. It levels its sword at Squishy "G'lathk." it proclaims, before attempting in common "~Farmer.~" with a very silly accent.

The one near Miken raises his blade above the fallen former cadet, and with some small alien ceremony swipes downward...removing the head with a crisp butcher's cut. "K'chakhi!" It yells with frustration at Miken's dripping, severed head.

The other vanishes in plain sight.


...just before a massive wallop from behind tears into Lazuli. The silver blade has an intellect of its own, seeking to strengthen the plasmoid's natural fears, elevating their agony and anxiety to the level of physical pain.

Yeah sorry, I just think eating so many so quickly is a little cheesy. Imagine horking down 10 full meals in less than a minute. Hippopotamus in space? Yes. Eating bushels of berries? Absurd.

Regarding Spike Growth, with the obscuring fog lowering their perception of the floor, they don't see it. However, once they move, they realize the hazard is there, and psionic Misty Step.

Lazuli takes 11 dmg. Concentration roll for the spell please, DC 10.

@JubalBreakbottle @KingGoblin @DM-Tareth All up. Gith 1 has entered melee from behind Lazuli and is outside the Spike Growth. Gith 2 is still within 30ft, but will require special movement to get to in one round, remaining inside the Spike Growth. Gith 2 attaches the severed head of a very dead Miken Haverstance (he started with 2 hp...) to his belt, as if there was a spot/hook there for holding heads the entire time. Reminder its a narrow 10 ft wide hallway. The Spike Growth extends from Lazuli down a good 40ft.

gith1: -5
gith2: -7
Miken: (dead)

Round 1:
Lazuli  (spike growth)
Celsior, Yahs <--UP

Edited by Cointhief (see edit history)
1d20+2 5
2d4 1,4
2d4 3,4
2d4 2,2
Gith1 Attack Laz
1d20+4 1
Gith1 Multi Laz
1d20+4 13
Dmg(Piercing and Psychic)
4d6+2 4,1,1,3
2d6 5,4
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spacer.pngCelsior Loriniscil, Prince of Alfheim

Inspiration Yes | HP 14/27 | HD 4/4 | Step 2/2 | Shield 1/1

Bladesong 0/2 | Recovery 2/2 | 1st-level 3/4 | 2nd-level 2/3

Celsior looks shocked when Miken loses his head.

He wiggles is fingers and sends three purple magic missles toward the gith engaged in melee with Squishy. Then, the princes unsheathes his sword and starts... dancing!


Active: See Invisible

Action: Cast Magic Missile at 1st

Bonus Action: activate Bladesong AC 18, round 1 of 10

Move & Use Object: ready rapier

Reaction cast Shield AC 23 if necessary

Magic Missile on Gith 1
3d4+3 2,1,3
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Plasmoid.jpg.2a97192db590b36ed168657a4f2abba8.jpgYahs Anirys Plasmoid Monk (Way of Mercy) 4 CG

AC: 16 | HP: 32/32 | HD: 3/3 | PP: 13 | Inspiration: No | Speed: 40 ft | GP: 60
Str 11 (0) Dex 18 (4) Con 12 (1) Wis 16 (3) Int 11 (0) Cha 9 (-1)

Attacks: Spear (P)1d20+6;1d6+4 | Unarmed(B) 1d20+6;1d4+4 | Sling(B)1d20+6;1d4+4 | Quarterstaff-Mop(B) 1d20+6;1d6+4
Magic: Sacred Flame (DEX vs DC13; 1d8) | Shield of Faith(Bonus; +2AC) | Ki Pool: 2/4

Yahs gasps with surprise at Miken's sudden death. She can't help but wonder why whoever commanded this intruders would go to so much trouble to free the fallen cadet just to see him killed with such casual ease. Then it dawns on her, the kid knew too much. It was either get him out or shut him up. While the thoughts whirl through her head, she steers clear of Lazuli's spiky barrier and focuses on the gith harassing her fungal minded friend.

Mop Attack


Martial Strike


Edited by DM-Tareth (see edit history)
Mop Attack
1d20+6 1
1d6+4 6
Martial Strike
1d20+6 12
1d4+4 1
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Lazuli Lazali Lulura, AKA SquishySlimeGirl.jpg.be6391fa65f486754161b2eadaffc135.jpg

AC 17 | HP 24/33 (THP 0) | HD 3/3 | Inspiration Yes | P.Perception 21 | P.Investigation 15

Saves: Str -1 | Dex +3 | Con +1 | Int +2 | Wis +6 | Cha +0

Resistances: Acid and Poison

Lazuli seems more surprised by the silver sword to their gizzards than by Miken's head, although a tiny pseudopod closest to the spike growth seems to exhale something that sounds like, "Dibs."

The vast majority of the fungal plasmoid's energies seem to be focused on the disappearing/reappearing Gith. "Hey, what are those gemstones on your armor? More to the point... I want them," they say, and swing their club-foot at the one that stabbed them.


Bonus Action: Casting Shillelagh, if it isn't already up. I don't really remember.

Action: Attacking the Gith with the Shillelagh.

Also OOC, I hate spelling out Shillelagh. Can we make a shortcut spelling? Like, if I type, 'Casting Boomer,' can we just know that's what I mean?


Boomer To Hit
1d20+6 14
Boomer Damage
1d8+4 7
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Posted (edited)

The Alfheim ban on dancing had endured for centuries under the cruel, uncultured influence of high priest Moorye Lithglow. Queen Loriniscil's ascension was thus welcomed, seen nowadays by most historians as a triumph of progressive civil rights over ultra-conservative tradition.

In truth, and at its heart, the paradigm shift was more about the arcane surpassing holy powers.

The Astral Sea, or at its most base interpretation the Graveyard of Gods, was itself a prophet of this inevitable transition. As more and more divine shards littered the rainbow expanses, more and more astral elves found reliability in the godlessness of black magic. When Prince Celsior had busted his first move at the ripe elven of 4 standard cycles, people really stood up and took notice.

On this planet however, dancing elves were not unheard of. So when the Prince executed a perfect pirouette followed up by an effortless sauter, the battle lusting githyanki didn't exactly stop to fondle his brass opera binoculars.

Instead he got a face-full of missiles. Busting a move and busting space trash's face? The two actions were indiscernible to all but the most experienced choreographers.

Yahs moved in hoping to exploit the ornate, yellow brute's open (and half-priced) flank steak. With the heightened senses of the alien's 3rd eye, her mop found nothing but smoke-blackened air to scrub. The timeless advantage of multicellular cooperation trumpeted its evolutionary dominance however, when the sheer numbers of 2 vs 1 created an inevitable opening for the amorphous deckhand's follow-up tap.

All that remained was a dead pirates leg to turn the tide. Splinters the Wood Carver had made a name for himself tending shark-nibbled navy ensigns, mostly due to the signature topless krakens decorating his works (which truly defied mammalian biology). Lazuli's piece was one of Splinters' outlier, experimental attempts...the research question of course being: can a passable knee be fashioned from uncured willow?

After years of trial and failure, bitter divorce, and financial ruin the answer was clear: yes. A knee-knob grown 3x its normal dimensions that presently splattered one of the universes most enlightened minds into pasty goo. (gith 1 down)

Before the body even hit the floor, the headhunter *ZZbmFpfff*'ed into its place, a slick sheen of ectoplasm coating the warriors form. A duo of rapid, practiced strikes was obviously just a distraction...the last man standing looking for a way out.

Last githyanki in melee with Lazuli and Yahs.

All up.

gith1: (dead)
gith2: -7
Miken: (dead)

Round 2:
Lazuli  (spike growth)
Celsior, Yahs <--UP


Edited by Cointhief (see edit history)
3d6 2,1,2
Gith2 Attack
1d20+4 10
Gith2 Multi
1d20+4 10
1d6 5
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spacer.pngCelsior Loriniscil, Prince of Alfheim

Inspiration Yes | HP 14/27 | HD 4/4 | Step 2/2 | Shield 1/1

Bladesong 0/2 | Recovery 2/2 | 1st-level 1/4 | 2nd-level 2/3

Celsior continues to dance like never before.

He wiggles is fingers again sending three more purple magic missiles toward the last gith standing. Then, the prince calls out, "try to take him alive. We need to interrogate him."


Active: See Invisible, Bladesong AC 18, round 2 of 10

Action: Cast Magic Missile at 1st

Reaction cast Shield AC 23 or Absorb Elements if necessary

Magic Missiles
3d4+3 3,1,3
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