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Interest Check - SWADE and Eberron


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I'm looking into working on my own SWADE game... special operations unit. As of right now, my main books are the SWADE rules, Task Force Raven, and Ghost Ops: Second Strike for rules and settings.

After a long deliberation, this looks to be the best system for something that's fast and (potentially) deadly... unlike GURPS, which is quite deadly on its own terms, but slow and cumbersome in comparison. SWADE seems to be flexible enough for me to work everything out easily.

More on this later as I develop it.


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On 2/21/2024 at 6:09 PM, Omens said:

Judging interest in such a game. If it appeals to you, I'd ask for maybe a quick blurb about what style. I have a general outline in mind, but am always interested in potential ideas, as well.

Definitely would be interested as SWADE has become a fav system, and Eberron one of my favorite D&D settings.

On 2/22/2024 at 3:25 PM, TheDude2371 said:

I'm looking into working on my own SWADE game... special operations unit. As of right now, my main books are the SWADE rules, Task Force Raven, and Ghost Ops: Second Strike for rules and settings.

After a long deliberation, this looks to be the best system for something that's fast and (potentially) deadly... unlike GURPS, which is quite deadly on its own terms, but slow and cumbersome in comparison. SWADE seems to be flexible enough for me to work everything out easily.

More on this later as I develop it.


I would be VERY interested in being part this. I've been a fan of Ghost Ops since it originally came out, both the Savage Ghost Ops and the standard. It inspired some of the ideas in Tuxedos and Trenchcoats.

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21 hours ago, Laird_Thorne said:

Definitely would be interested as SWADE has become a fav system, and Eberron one of my favorite D&D settings.

Well, that would be one, lol. But, as I said, I don't see very many SWADE games, so I'm thinking it's a bit unlikely to take off. Maybe I'll switch to a DnD version...

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3 hours ago, namo said:

I looove Eberron but sadly don't know SWADE.
Best of luck!


Yeah, seems SWADE isn't that large of a player base. But I know the moment I say it's DnD, I'd have two dozen apps, lol

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I was kinda hoping you'd tell me "oh, SWADE is super simple to learn and awesome for reasons X and Y!" 😉

But yeah, while learning new systems can be fun... one has to pick and choose which to focus on (there are so many nowadays!), and there is also some inertia to overcome. And I already have a bunch of games going on.

(This reminds me that I would love to play in a Noir campaign in Eberron someday, perhaps using FATE...)

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16 minutes ago, namo said:

I was kinda hoping you'd tell me "oh, SWADE is super simple to learn and awesome for reasons X and Y!" 😉

But yeah, while learning new systems can be fun... one has to pick and choose which to focus on (there are so many nowadays!), and there is also some inertia to overcome. And I already have a bunch of games going on.

Oh, SWADE, IMO, *is* simple to learn and has a dozen things going for it. That said, nothing exists (so far as I know) even remotely like the Wikis, srds, or Archives of Nethys, where a brand new player could find a significant amount of the material or resources for free. Of course a quick play sample exists, but there's not enough out there for an Eberron conversion without either purchasing or sharing, and I'm not sure how MW feels about *that*, the pdfs. *shrug*

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I have tried several Savage World games and they've all died out right off the bat. I only was able to do two kind of 'warm up' fight and both games died. In one I shot twice and missed both times and the second was a supers and my character flew into a burning building (I was fire based) and the game died before I found out what happened after flying in. I am kind of death to SW games in whatever version. I'd be interested but afraid that the two that sputtered off of the ground and the 7 or 8 that just died without getting out of the gate might diswade a GM from wanting to take me in and teach me the system :)

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I like both Savage Worlds and SWADE; it reminds me very much of a beefed up version of The Window with how dice upgrade.

Eberron is interesting; I really like the Warforged as an idea. I'm not someone that gets hung up on certain campaign settings too much. Or at least not D&D ones. I always just used my own homebrew worlds.

I think people coming from D&D to SW find it too hard a swing. Modern D&D comes with a different mindset for what you get out of a game and how it's done.

BUT I do get some of the "meh, I'll pass" that comes from SW. I was playing in the futuristic setting they have as a huge android killer-for-hire trying to get out of the system. Anyways, the first scene has a barred window we need to get through. I had the highest strength of everyone (d10 I think) and I consistently failed to pry the window open like five rolls in a row! Talk about feeling deflated...

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