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Still looking for the next big sci-fi epic. I'll check Dune out once part two is available. Looking forward to Shogun also, although that's a historical drama. Still, it has swords and armor so it's adjacent.

The last big sci-fi epic that I was really impressed by was The Expanse. Not too long ago. I enjoyed The Sandman, as well.

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1 minute ago, cailano said:

Still looking for the next big sci-fi epic. I'll check Dune out once part two is available. Looking forward to Shogun also, although that's a historical drama. Still, it has swords and armor so it's adjacent.

Have you watched the Halo Series any? I like it

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I saw trailers for the Borderlands movie... Holy crap in a pita, that looks absolutely awful! I'm a big fan of the games and they completely biffed on the casting (like the Mario movie). Only Tiny Tina seems halfway passable but she isn't even al vault hunter. Huge oof.

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45 minutes ago, Malkavian Grin said:

I saw trailers for the Borderlands movie... Holy crap in a pita, that looks absolutely awful! I'm a big fan of the games and they completely biffed on the casting (like the Mario movie). Only Tiny Tina seems halfway passable but she isn't even al vault hunter. Huge oof.

I'm instinctively suspicious of game-tie-in movies, but there are occasionally some good ones. I only saw a couple of episodes of The Last of Us, but that seemed pretty good, and I enjoyed Arcane: League of Legends quite a bit. Some of the best character animation I've ever seen.

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I liked the Last of Us. I will give the Fallout show a chance, it looks promising. I think that you have a pecular way of approaching things MG. Almost like if it's popular it has to suck because it appealed to a lot of the "norms". There's a chance you'll miss some stuff you might like but you'll probably skip a lot you'd hate. I know with Marvel I gave the TV shows an episode or two before I decided if I liked them or not. Seems a lot of people hated certain ones I found entertaining even if they weren't targeted towards me.

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14 minutes ago, LarsWester said:

I liked the Last of Us. I will give the Fallout show a chance, it looks promising. I think that you have a pecular way of approaching things MG. Almost like if it's popular it has to suck because it appealed to a lot of the "norms". There's a chance you'll miss some stuff you might like but you'll probably skip a lot you'd hate. I know with Marvel I gave the TV shows an episode or two before I decided if I liked them or not. Seems a lot of people hated certain ones I found entertaining even if they weren't targeted towards me.

I like watching the TV marvel shows to see how they tie in to the over all plot of the larger movie universe but that's just me

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2 minutes ago, cailano said:

So many shows and movies to watch. But how am I supposed to keep reading all my fantasy novels and game books if I do that? It's a conundrum.

speaking of Game related novels did you ever read the Gears of War Novels? they were pretty good.

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I'm with Excior: give me all the Marvel stuff. The good, the bad, the nearly unwatchable (here's looking at you, Iron Fist); I'll watch it all.

Like others here, I liked Last of Us and I friggin' loved The Expanse. Cai, if you haven't read the books, you should. Not only are they good, but the final three books were never filmed, so there's still a 3rd of the story to go after the show ends.

Oh, and I watched the first episode of Shogun and it's fantastic!

Edited by Raistlinmc (see edit history)
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I can vouch that Arcane is fire and one of the few shows where I'm looking forward to season 2. The Last of Us is great and I think is better than the game even though it's the same story. I got my wife into What If... on the Marvel side and she appreciates how all of the little nods and continuity tie together with the films and shows.

For scifi/cyberpunk, Altered Carbon on Netflix is one of the only shows I've found that does justice to the genre.

Edited by Ephkabey
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3 hours ago, LarsWester said:

I think that you have a peculiar way of approaching things MG.

You're right, I do. It's the 'tism. And being jaded af.

Re: Marvel stuff
I used to fangirl out over that stuff because all other attempts at seeing our comics come to life sucked. After awhile though I got tired of it all. Feels too repetitive any more. There are almost no interesting villains. Many of the plots feel contrived to me. Between Disney and Hollywood it's a rare event that I enjoy a piece of media that isn't on YouTube or in a video game.

Speaking of Disney, any Star Wars content I want to actually enjoy has to be older stuff I already know well (I could go read Legends novels but I have issues with paying attention to a book; digital is somehow better?). SW is my jam if ever there was one. I'm torn on whether I actually like Mandalorian or not. Most of the rest of that stuff is an affront to the lore, though, and that's a hill I'll die on, throwing molotovs at my feet like a maniac.

Basically, I decided I was worth better content with my limited lifespan.

*hands soap box back to Cai*

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Good call on Altered Carbon, Ephkabey! I totally forgot about that show. Excellent sci-fi, right there.

As for Star Wars and the whole new wave of Disney stuff for it: I like the Mandalorian well enough and I enjoyed most of the new trilogy, certainly far more than the three prequels. The other shows - Boba, Obi and the like - aren't anything to write home about, though Andor is the exception there.

I'd still rather take the Clone Wars cartoon over most of the stuff that's come out in the last half decade, admittedly.

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Oh, I do hope I didn't come off as a lawyer of what you are and aren't allowed to like. I know I have very passionate views about certain things, but I never want to yuck someone else's yum, y'know? Golden Rule. Do unto others and such.

When I was a teen I saw the prequels in theaters. I was super hyped about it all (minus Jar Jar). Yes it had some cheese but mostly I think I was like the perfect target audience age. Later I see holes in it like anything else that Hollywood has a hand in. But with a strong meme culture (Hello there.) and fan theories (Darth Jar Jar!), the prequels may rival my enjoyment of the OG 3.

I don't want this to come off as a bash on stuff. See above. This is just some scholarly discussion. My main thing I didn't like about the sequels was consistency. If the script was much tighter and focused, I could have gotten over the reused ideas of episodes 4, 5, and 6. No "somehow it happened" because that's a child's logic (yes it does have a modicum of wonderment to it). The other big thing is lore not being respected (in my opinion). If you set up rules for things, or there are rules already set up for things, it's your job to stick to said rules or else things become nonsensical and lose credibility. There was just so much in those movies that was overly convenient or wasn't setup in the least.

When I asked a gaming acquaintance of mine why he liked the sequels, he said, "They're pretty." When I asked him to explain himself he said it had to do with the flashing lights and set pieces and just general action movie junk.

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