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Phoenix Among the Stars OOC

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8w_gremlin and Civit are starting new characters. We need to decide if the new characters start at 'Katt's' level(level 5, I believe), or start at level 1, or start at some other level.

Do the 2 of you want to offer ideas/suggestion about how these characters come together (I presume on the ship[Baby}?) Possibly on the Ice Planet where Baby is right now? Or on Baby's next 'Port-o-Call'? If 8w_gremlin's character is to be a human from Earth, then the Elves on the Ice Planet are the ones I would probably use to transport/teleport the human to Baby's location.

Any ideas?

Any other questions?

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We sorta figured out Jazz and her accelerated growth in "time bubbles"

If gremlin is starting an all new character then the where doesn't matter much. If the new character is in addition to their earth character... maybe Fel's teleport to earth had a rebound effect.... if you move an object into an area, another has to go the other direction (conservation of matter) and Baby's jumps are short enough to avoid the problem?

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If 8w_gremlin's new character is from Earth, I was going to have a elf-mage teleport to Earth(after having seen a location and/or having an object from a location on Earth) and then returning with a person and a few objects. [Note: Being able to teleport a few elves to Earth is nowhere near helpful in saving their race from a planet going through an ice age.]


Yes, thanks for reminding me that we had set Jazz at 3rd level.

So, 8w_gremlin, lets set your new character's level to 3rd.


Both 8w_gremlin's and Civit's new characters will be 2 levels below Katt. But that's okay. The new characters will gain 2 to 4 levels by the time that Katt gains 1 to 3 more levels. That's the nature of low level gain verses high level gain.


Is all of this okay with you two?


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8w_gremlin, if you want to continue along the line of the post/plot you started with, back up a few minutes to Oolanni approaching the ship. I can describe what Oolanni sees and Baby(the ship) can report that a person is approaching. And we can take the story from there.

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