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Ironing Things Out

Primeval Stasis

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I have no objection to rotating Allard on the map. But I liked Rumguzzle's second map more than Primeval Status' map.

Allard has two non-empire regions next to it that aren't next to each other. On Rumguzzle's second map, one is Pith and the other can be XXG. On Primeval Status' map, there isn't room for both.

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Revision 3.

Added mountains to peninsula.

Closed mountains up near XXC. If want a volcano here to support hot springs I can add that, even if not currently active.

Moved Allard

Added extensions in SE but kept/implied a channel so there is a sea route from west to east is south to support trade. Kept one end off map so can make the SE closed off to water routes if we dont want that.

Once we get majority agreement on placements and major geography shape, I'll add in rivers, forests, etc.


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The map looks really good, what do you use for it anyway?

For any dormant/hidden volcano i'd put it up north, the hot springs are all down through the south of it and stop about half way. The White City is more or less in the middle and Northreach is just north-east of there where there is more fertile land from the hotsprings on the surface - The White City's hotsprings are all underground - and The Narrows is way down south at the border.



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I've used a variety of tools for mapping over the years from pen and paper to photoshop to campaign cartographer and a lot in between. This one is Wonderdraft. I find it really good for landmass maps like this one.

I took a shot at adding volcano and towns with names.


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From top to bottom: Eagle’s Phalanx, Squill, Respita.

Respita is volcanic as well. Then could we close the gap between the mountains in the NW and the coast a little bit more so Eagle’s Phalanx is the only land route into the peninsula. :)


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I've tried my hand with inkarnate and wonderdraft in the past but i can never really get the details to look like they fit, it never looks natural. Its just practice i'm sure but i've never had the knack for it.

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Telimnare: NW shore of the lake

Obar: In the pass between the lake and XXL

Tallihah: Above the 'D' in Allard


Could I ask for XXM (the nomad grasslands) to extend off the East side of the map? As you said earlier, we can decide later what the lands off that edge of the map look like. I'd also like a set of impassible mountains between XXM and Pith. I can't exactly ask you to squeeze an entire Tibet in there, but something high and broad.



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@Rumguzzle I think this should work for me:


Thank you!



I'm still on vacation, but I've done a little bit of work on the rules. Should be able to put something up early next week for everyone to take a look at. Based on our discussion, I'm shooting for lightweight, but comprehensive. So there aren't complex rules that take time to remember and implement each time, but there are enough of them to generally cover most situations. Then, we can fill in any simplicity or small gaps with roleplay. Wish me luck :D

One thing I'd like to take a simple vote on now:


On 3/26/2024 at 11:43 AM, Rumguzzle said:

I like the idea of choosing what to build as realm expands, whether that is specific areas/buildings of purpose (mill, grazing land, blacksmith) or units for trade/military (caravan, trebuchet, defensive wall)

So far, we have two in favor of getting specific about what our stats translate to (myself being the second), and I believe we have one against. Can everyone give a simple yay or nay: do we want a simple system for keeping track of more granular stuff like that?

(Once we know if we're doing it based on the vote, then we can talk about how it would work)

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I have no problem with getting specific about what stats translate to. Just keep in mind that the number is the 'crunch' and the specifics are just 'fluff'.

I.e. when my unit of Elvish Wizards faces off against your Panzer IIIs, it's resolved purely by military value.

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1 hour ago, hakootoko said:

I have no problem with getting specific about what stats translate to. Just keep in mind that the number is the 'crunch' and the specifics are just 'fluff'.

I.e. when my unit of Elvish Wizards faces off against your Panzer IIIs, it's resolved purely by military value.

+1 to this

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4 hours ago, hakootoko said:



Could I ask for XXM (the nomad grasslands) to extend off the East side of the map? As you said earlier, we can decide later what the lands off that edge of the map look like. I'd also like a set of impassible mountains between XXM and Pith. I can't exactly ask you to squeeze an entire Tibet in there, but something high and broad.



If I extend thend east off the map I am cutting off sea access for Farhaven to sail south and west which is a main part of their fleet trade goals. I can basically move the canal into that area which means it will not be an endless grassland but cut in half by the sea.

As far as moubtains, lookibg for more extending east between thr two points mentioned of just move the eastern range that exists over to that spot?

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5 hours ago, Primeval Stasis said:

One thing I'd like to take a simple vote on now:

So far, we have two in favor of getting specific about what our stats translate to (myself being the second), and I believe we have one against. Can everyone give a simple yay or nay: do we want a simple system for keeping track of more granular stuff like that?

(Once we know if we're doing it based on the vote, then we can talk about how it would work)

Maybe I am missing the question so let me give the example of what I prefer and you can fit it into the bucket it belongs in. So from hakootoko's example of an Elvish Wizards unit facing off against Panzer IIIs it is resolved purely by military value - I agree AND I think that there should be some things gained or accomplished in game that can add to that unit's base value. The other approach could be a table of events that may impact a conflict, rolled against each time a conflict occurs. Could be a good percentage of no impacts but some will. This keeps it simple and gives some randomness that may affect the outcome.



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I wouldn't mind more granular specifics within a stat - for example, you could have a bunch of things military 3 'buys' but i agree that it should generally be just Military Vs. Military just to make it quicker and easier, otherwise we'll get bogged down deciding if the 300 archers you bought are better than the 150 horsemen backed by the 150 spear

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17 hours ago, Rumguzzle said:

If I extend thend east off the map I am cutting off sea access for Farhaven to sail south and west which is a main part of their fleet trade goals. I can basically move the canal into that area which means it will not be an endless grassland but cut in half by the sea.

As far as moubtains, lookibg for more extending east between thr two points mentioned of just move the eastern range that exists over to that spot?

I can definitely see that, and I don't want to interfere with your plans. My concern is that the map is turning into an island (water on three sides, possibly water or arctic wastes at the top) which is almost entirely the empire. The empire just has a bit of mopping up to do before it controls the whole land mass. That doesn't leave us room for any non-imperial land powers, like the plains nomads I was imagining. What do you think we can do?


As to the mountains, I was thinking of extending them East in a solid mass.


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