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It's my first time playing a rigger, so hoping to learn as I go. As to Chummer..

I have 13,385 NY remaining.

I don't know if I am missing stuff which I should have to make the character work.. controlling drones.

I've also only got 25 positive qualities and 25 negative qualities. One of the positive qualities is listed as Analytical Mind, since it's the same cost as Biocompatibility which I couldn't find.


Positive Qualities 21

Steely Eyed Wheelman 2pts

Vehicle Empathy 7pts

Gearhead 11pts

Negative -21

Mild Phobia -5pts

Vendetta -7pts (talk with DM about someone likely to meet)

Distinctive Style - 5pts

Enemy =4pts

I used Karma on raising Strength.


If it doesn't look like I know what I am doing with this character, it's because for a lot of the mechanics I don't. Sorry.



Riptide Thursday April 17.chum5

Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
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Riptide is a local girl, local in her case being every route between Miami and New Orlean. Local is just bigger for couriers. Recently, she's seen better days. She was on her way up, had some problems, was on her way down. Now she thinks she's bottomed out and is on her way up again. She's got a real 'I could've been a contender' thing going on.

Riptide came up through the courier/smugglers ranks, gaining combat skills along the way, as the deliveries got more valuable, more exotic with the associated dangers likewise escalating. Coming up through the ranks, she's got something of a Grapes of Wrath attitude to Corps and the Rich.. Occasionally she'll come out with a quote like 'If you're in trouble, or hurt, or in need.. go to poor people. They're the only ones that'll help, the only ones."

When she was almost killed and crawling away, she was picked up by 'ordinary folk' who risked getting killed for doing so. And they didn't ask for anything, just saying it was common decency.

She's seen too many small scale operators get steamrollered by Corps indulging their 'That's profitable? Well, we'll have that thank you!' motif and so has a broad streak of 'looks out for the little guy' going on.

Thus, in recent years one of her side gigs has been getting people out of lethally tight corners, or away from pursuers. This is her doing her 'underground railroad' re-enactment thing.

Skillswise, Riptide is standard speed jockey, low ranking on account of not having the best stuff. Even so, she's pretty good. She currently doesn't think she is on account of her last run.. the bodyguard crew she was with got shot up and so, besides the cargo, she's the lone survivor dealing with a dose of survivor guilt. She's mildly addicted to stuff that takes her mind off it. To get what she's got to hand, she's in a little deep with the mob and their loan sharks. She's desperate to get out from under. She's not got any great loyalties.. she's the driver and the hired gun.. she does the job and she gets paid.

A rigger, her last, fully decked out, ride got shot up and ended up with the crocs. Her drones got mostly shot up too. Thankfully her augmentations didn't get fried or busted.

Riptide is affable, she tends to drawl.. New Orleans style.. which she thinks sounds higher class than the standard southern states drawl. She doesn't come across as a hardbitten merc.. the cocktails with the umbrellas put paid to that. She's got a ponytail 'down to there' which she loops around her head in something resembling Princess Leia's buns, the hair ones, on steroids. She's not a leader, she's a follower, a right hand man type. She's looking for something to chase, a cause worth fighting for, a dream worth chasing, even if it's unreachable.

She's in debt and so is bound to be paying off her karmic debt for a while.

Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
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The qualities will need working on as Chummer won't let me go above 25 in either respect. There's stuff I can't find, like the modifications to guns that add dice. Biocompatibility is not in Chummer, even though I have every book selected. I will need to work on essence totals, since I don't know how to institute the house rule.

The character is basically a tolerably fast street sam who has a vehicle (and a control rig) and a recon droid.. wish they still had the ford canada bison from 2nd ed.. I like the look of that. I don't how to modify it. I don't know what I need in the way of drones to be efficient. I have some money left over. So, when I find a way to upload what I have, suggestions appreciated.


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2 hours ago, Starhawk said:

The qualities will need working on as Chummer won't let me go above 25 in either respect. There's stuff I can't find, like the modifications to guns that add dice. Biocompatibility is not in Chummer, even though I have every book selected. I will need to work on essence totals, since I don't know how to institute the house rule.

You can adjust the qualities limit in the settings file in Chummer. I can provide screenshots later if you'd like. As for the rest of the books/Biocompat, you might need to use the "Full house" option for Chummer's setting file as a base, then modify/save it as a different file with the various home rules. I'm still working on figuring out how to do the essence refund.

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