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Beau Djangles (Human - Dirge Bard)


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Screenshot_20240404-1629062.png.8959984873171e8377fa548216b93ff2.pngBeau Djangles

"Theme Music"

"How 'bout I play you a diddy, cher', and you tell ol' Beau why yer knees quiver..."




Dirge Bard




Appearance: Draped in old, dark and raggedy clothes from a beaten up old, dusty top hat to some broken down old soles. He scrapes his face clean with a knife and adorns himself in beads of bone or dark and smokey stones.

He rattles when he passes. His voice is raspy like falling ashes and slow is his melodic tenor... It comes in a broken twangy rhythm.

(Think Southern Cajun accent)

The vagabond is often tapping a foot, humming low or whistling. He sings in dusky, sweet baritones and loves to strum on that wicked old devil's Banjo.


Personality: Nobody knows Beau's true personality, perhaps not even himself. He's a living mummer's act. Most often, he keeps a seemingly cheerful disposition but his mood can shift to dark places in a moment's notice.

He speaks in riddles often as not, or simply in incoherent tongues, then shifts suddenly into perfect dictum, like a theater trained orator.

People find him off-putting in personality and appearance and will go out of their way to give him a wide berth, then, later, find themselves enthralled, enchanted and dancing to one of his melodies.

His intentions and motivations are an enigma. He's obviously fascinated by death and things that go bump in the night and does near whatever he needs for his next meal or passage to the next town.

Wherever the cold wind blows is where you're likely to see Beau, shuffling along in tow.


Whistling 🎶 picking strings🎶

Tapping a foot 🎶

Starts to sing... 🎶


Once he was a regular man,

Full of plans, bright little plans...

Had him a house. Had him a pretty wife...

A wee little son... A wee little life.

Taps a foot

Picks a string🎶

Whistles low ... Continues to sing🎶


Work to pay the taxman.

Work to buy the grain.

Work to keep the roof up.

No holes for the rain.

Kiss the boy goodnight.

Can't recall his name.

A flower for the wife

'fore the devil came.


Whistling 🎶 picking a string🎶

Tapping a foot 🎶

Continues to sing... 🎶


Door ajar... left a mess...

Upturned tables... Lifelessness.

Time to go.

On the run.

No more need to be up with the sun.

No more taxman come for his coin.

Shadow never knows where he's going.

The cold wind blows and the days keep turning.

Into nights

That's the story...


Whistling🎶 Picking a string🎶

A subtle wink.

The melody rings. 🎶


Edited by Eborne1 (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Character App is ready for review.

I was under the impression the application process ended near the end of the month, but it looks like things are already under way.

I would need update my items list if I am selected into the game at some point.

Thanks for looking.

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4 hours ago, paladinred said:

I have already reviewed your application and chose my players, I am sorry you did not make it but the applications were all so good it was very hard to make a choice.

Not a problem. I saw you chose players. I guess I thought there might be some kind of extended selection process.

Good luck with the game!!

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