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Round 6: The Grand Opening of the Golden Phoenix


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"I think I'm getting the hang of this thing..." The Durats pull the lever!


Skod's probably going to switch games.



Edited by FriendlyHeadcrab (see edit history)
500 More chits on The Chosen Ones!
3d6 1,3,2
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Silver Hotel, VIP Lounge


16 hours ago, EmBark said:

The VIP Lounge

Pako nods back in understanding. "Patience is a virtue, some say. Many seem to think that the old are more appreciative of it." He chuckles. "When it comes to tea, I find myself capable of it. Were this anything else, I might find myself with haste to still get the things done that I wish to get done while I still have years of life left."

His hands close around the hot cup. He waits patiently for the flavor to strengthen.

"Even if you have not the time or attention to give me for a game of Lotus yourself, I want to thank you for what attention you've been able to give this old man, senore Ben Ying. Such personal attention is commendable. I hope I am not keeping you from more worthwhile or needy guests."

He rumbled a bit, swished the cup gently around, took a sniff of it and then a sip. Hot. Strong. Good. Pako nodded in approval.

"Say, I heard that some high-standing members of the Biarbu Society are present today. I don't suppose there's any you could introduce me to? Perhaps not for a game of Lotus, although it is a game of faith and growth. Or at least, I like to think so. I am, let's say, fascinated by all I've seen of your Society so far."


The hotel owner gives a small bow, acknowledging the praise for doing their job. In response to the obvious question about the local faith, Ben Ying says, "Fascination amongst Biarbu is often personal; not that we won't share it if asked, but the majority of Biarbu find the experience more spiritual instead of religious. However, if Honored Pako would like to speak with a spiritual advisor of the faith, you are in luck. Just out on the Casino floor is the Face of the Flock, the best being to discuss the more religious aspects of Fascination. If you tell High Elder Pung Neow that Brother Ben Ying sent you, this one is certain you will be provided with a memorable conversation."


At that moment, a waiter arrived with a Lotus board, and at Ben Ying's nod, placed it on the table, setting the pieces before standing right behind the hotel owner and whispering something into their ear. With a nod, Ben Ying gave a casual wave, and the waiter stepped back, not leaving the booth area. "The Biarbu behind me is Wan Jia. They occasionally play Lotus, but mostly assist in helping keep the VIP Lounge operating. Wan Jia has informed me that we are not so busy that this humble host cannot continue to personally see to your needs, though it will have to be just the one game. If something pressing does present itself, Wan Jia will step in to continue the game."


"For now, though, shall we play?"



15 hours ago, Kythia said:

Iago nods to himself a couple of times, the manner of a man running through precisely what he wants to say.

I agree. Such an action would be unprofessional in the extreme and to be avoided in all but the most extreme circumstances. But. The world being what it is I can't...hmmm. This matter is important to us - the followers of Coedd do not leave Sansar often and despite the fun my colleagues are having in the casino that would not normally tempt us here. Good relations with the Biarbu and this agreement we are discussing are important to Coedd and we would not trivially endanger them. Such an extreme breach of professionalism would only be warranted by an extreme risk to Coedd's interests. We would hope you understand and for our part understand that an extreme risk to Biarbu interests must be responded to. We hope that friendly relations can prove to be friendly enough should such a step be taken, but can't be bound to any agreement that rules it out entirely.


"Oh, we can be quite friendly, have no worries of this." Ben Ying leaned back and relaxed. "From this offer alone, the Coedd have this one's interest, far more than it did before."


"It is friendly interest only, though. Respect for a peer. You show much face to bring this offer to us, and the stipulations placed before you are themselves our careful measure to show the same degree of integrity. As the light of Ophon shines on us all, there are still places it cannot reach, for there are those who stand in the way. You neither block the light nor cast the shadow upon us with this offer, but we must both be very careful that as we dance, we remember that Fate is not always kind, and our goals will not always align. Discourse and discussion at those points are the way to continue to show face... but if you continue to be uncertain, we could arrange for specific times to have representatives meet and request a chance to alter our agreement. Nine is a good number among the Biarbu. Say then, nine years? Let us see how well you dance for nine years, and we can reconvene after that to rearrange what needs doing."

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20 minutes ago, Gengy said:

"Oh, we can be quite friendly, have no worries of this." Ben Ying leaned back and relaxed. "From this offer alone, the Coedd have this one's interest, far more than it did before."


"It is friendly interest only, though. Respect for a peer. You show much face to bring this offer to us, and the stipulations placed before you are themselves our careful measure to show the same degree of integrity. As the light of Ophon shines on us all, there are still places it cannot reach, for there are those who stand in the way. You neither block the light nor cast the shadow upon us with this offer, but we must both be very careful that as we dance, we remember that Fate is not always kind, and our goals will not always align. Discourse and discussion at those points are the way to continue to show face... but if you continue to be uncertain, we could arrange for specific times to have representatives meet and request a chance to alter our agreement. Nine is a good number among the Biarbu. Say then, nine years? Let us see how well you dance for nine years, and we can reconvene after that to rearrange what needs doing."

An eminently sensible suggestion. Perhaps in nine years you will allow us to entertain you and repay the hospitality you have shown. There will be a hexennial that year or you are of course welcome on the island of Coedd. Although...well, I would not wish to jeopardise our newfound agreement by insinuating that the Biargu are stupid or careless, but I would mention that others have treated safety instructions for travelling on the island as safety suggestions and found that to be unwise. No harm is intended to them of course but the jungles of Coedd are not so urban as your magnificent casino and different precautions are necessary.

He stands and offers his hand, not sure the Biarbu use handshakes but certain they have been in a human dominated system long enough to recognise the gesture. Unless there was anything you wanted to add? Lets keep communications open.

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On 4/13/2024 at 2:27 PM, EmBark said:

Black Bird, Table 1a

Guyineber sucks in a breath through her teeth. With the House busting she at least didn't lose too much this time. If she hadn't called a hit on that last card though...

"Well, it looks like if my luck stays this way then I will have to leave y'all's pleasurable company all the sooner." She says, then looks at the stacks of chits in front of Charyti next to her. "Oh! Congratulations on your winnings, Charyti! Looks like I could stand to learn from you."

Guyineber counted out her chits. "Hmmm... maybe I should try the Fortune Favors tables or the slot machines before I run out of these..." She mumbled to herself. She certainly planned to play until the end. To her, there was no sense going back to her room until she'd either had one win or lost it all.

"Hm, well. These are a fun and pleasurable diversion, but I don't know if it's something you can learn, from me." Charyti smiles at the dealer, standing, and steps over to a nearby 'Chosen Ones' machine, droping a chit in. "Here in games, luck is only what the creator puts into it. Every possibility is defined." She gestures vaguely outward. "Outside, though ... that is where making your luck is real.

"But please, by all means I would be glad to continue playing."

Chosen Ones - Bet 400
repeat(1d6,3) 4,5,4
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On 4/13/2024 at 1:44 PM, Gengy said:

Silver Hotel, VIP Lounge

Sitting down and leaning back into the stool that conformed to their Biarbu body-type easily, Ben Ying ensured that the privacy screen was active while they contemplated a response. "As a local citizen of Badal, this one is of course familiar with many of the issues that plague the Bironian Bulwark. It is of some significant interest to Society leadership, not to mention there's a certain level of - perhaps grim - entertainment in it for our Nests. To try and explain Biarbu views of exterior politics as interior amusement would be a fruitless endeavor. Just know that our views - our perspectives - are quite different."


"And also know, Brother Todd," the blue eyed Biarbu stared at the man in the leather jacket, "that Treasurer Boyin was very much not removed by the current Chairman's orders. It was simple mutiny, and nothing more. You are respected amongst the Biarbu for being inquisitive and trying to understand the flow of fate. The Treasurer was not respected. He would not have understood that sometimes fate - and inconvenient Treasurers - require a... push. Because of that push, this one is currently pleased with the direction that the current Bironian Bulwark is heading, even if it is a bit more volatile then some may like. Again: our perspectives would likely differ."


Tail feathers fluttering behind themselves, Ben Ying nodded slowly, thoughtfully, "This one tells you all of this not to offend your sensibilities, but to agree with you: you need a new perspective. Though this one today is nothing more than a humble hotel owner, there are greater viewpoints that the Biarbu can see, at times. Your suspicions regarding the Khylokians is accurate. The Biarbu Society watches them eagerly. They attracted our interest some years ago, and now hopefully the Bloodlord better understands what that means. What happened in Kildora does not fit with what we know about them, which is why we are pleased to hear that you hope to exonerate them."


"Which, it would seem, brings us to your inquiries. You suspect someone of the same level of play as the Elect causing interferences - moving pieces not meant to be moved - but the way you phrased it... seems to suggest it is not the Elect. That's... an interesting idea. And a delightfully scary one.


"The stars in the sky do not care if there are clouds, but the one trying to see those stars certainly does. One wonders now: is this new player trying to move the clouds, or change the stars? The former requires patience. The latter requires miracles. And miracles require effort."


"Effort. Well. That requires money. As the ancestors say: Even Ophon needs to eat."

The two Loop-born exchange a brief glance as the conversation turns to the Bironian civil war and the new Treasurer. Todd nods slowly, absorbing what the Biarbu is saying (and pointedly not saying) and deciding to leave that topic well alone for now.

"Follow the money. Oldest trick in the book," he says. "Or, as I suspect is the case here, the lack of money. Consider: our first confirmed sighting" - Rhonda makes a disgruntled noise, and he corrects - "our first well-supported sighting is the Fiorid affair. Nabbing a prisoner from whatever's left over of the Grigialfheim insurgents is... well, I'm not gonna say it's easy, but I think the hard part is knowing exactly when and where to hit them. Someone who was well-informed - or just lucky - wouldn't need a lot of money or guns to get their hands on Eydis. And I think it's telling that they demanded military vessels equipped with Imperial engines. It suggests that's not something they have access to on their own - which is to say, not Elect."

"Once our ransomers have their prize, boom! They're in business. Spend money to make money... or spaceships, in this case. Lotta Kildoran yachts were hijacked in that raid, which sounds harmless if you don't know that Kildoran sorcerers like their leisure yachts more heavily armed than a kanmarra bodybuilder."

"As for what our mystery actor wants... well. That's the big question, isn't it? I don't have any theories on that; it's hard to make a pattern out of just two data points. If I'm right, they started off with secrecy and good intel as their only real assets, and now they're bootstrapping up to bigger things. Which means they're probably just hitting targets of opportunity, rather than going after their enemies, but who knows? I'm keeping an eye out for any further signs, but as far as I can tell they've been lying low the last couple of years."

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"If at first you succeed, keep going." Charyti was not expecting a win. She drops some of the winning chits back in and pulls the lever again.

Chosen Ones - Bet 400
repeat(1d6,3) 1,4,3
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The Casino floor

On 4/16/2024 at 10:02 AM, Frostwander said:

"Hm, well. These are a fun and pleasurable diversion, but I don't know if it's something you can learn, from me." Charyti smiles at the dealer, standing, and steps over to a nearby 'Chosen Ones' machine, droping a chit in. "Here in games, luck is only what the creator puts into it. Every possibility is defined." She gestures vaguely outward. "Outside, though ... that is where making your luck is real.

"But please, by all means I would be glad to continue playing."

"Right! I see." Guyineber responded, thinking through the rules of the games she had seen so far and watching the slot machine spin. "I personally prefer making my own luck. It tends to be a lot easier, because I know what I'm doing and I have control over the outcome. In here... well, I guess it is as you say. Luck is only what you put into it. And I want to get lucky!"

She steps to another nearby slots machine and puts chits into it, then pulls the lever.


The clatter of half her bet being returned and the sight of that big red "1" in the center of the machine had Guyineber groan. "Ah, fuck."

Edited by EmBark (see edit history)
Chosen Ones - Bet 500
3d6 3,1,2
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13 hours ago, EmBark said:

The Casino floor

"Right! I see." Guyineber responded, thinking through the rules of the games she had seen so far and watching the slot machine spin. "I personally prefer making my own luck. It tends to be a lot easier, because I know what I'm doing and I have control over the outcome. In here... well, I guess it is as you say. Luck is only what you put into it. And I want to get lucky!"

She steps to another nearby slots machine and puts chits into it, then pulls the lever.


The clatter of half her bet being returned and the sight of that big red "1" in the center of the machine had Guyineber groan.

Charyti nods, along with a brief empathetic wince at Guyineber's and her own poor luck. "Exacte! Make your own, especially, and enjoy the course, bumps included!"

"Although ... sometimes a little strategy is also useful." Charyti eyes the slot machine, mentally counts her remaining chits. The shrugs and puts in some more. "Sometimes."

Chosen Ones - Bet 500
repeat(1d6,3) 4,5,4
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11 hours ago, Frostwander said:

Charyti nods, along with a brief empathetic wince at Guyineber's and her own poor luck. "Exacte! Make your own, especially, and enjoy the course, bumps included!"

"Although ... sometimes a little strategy is also useful." Charyti eyes the slot machine, mentally counts her remaining chits. The shrugs and puts in some more. "Sometimes."

Guyineber watches Charyti's results with the slots. Win, lose, win... maybe that would mean that a second go at it would be more successful for her as well? She looked at the chits she had remaining. Would her mentor chide her for throwing it all away? Probably not, but she didn't want to only lose tonight. She took a deep breath. "Right. Bumps included."

She put all her remaining chits into the machine. "I've got one last shot. I'm going all in! Double or Nothing!"


"Holy space! I won! Yes! I won!" Guyineber cheered, watching the machine spit out chits and making dinging noises. Apparently it really paid off going all-in on the final possible bet.

Edited by EmBark (see edit history)
Double or Nothing! (+Economy)
2d6+9 4,3
Chosen Ones - Bet 400
2; 5; 2
1d6;1d6;1d6 [2]; [2,5]; [2,5,2]
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Posted (edited)

Silver Hotel, VIP Lounge


On 4/14/2024 at 9:37 AM, Kythia said:

An eminently sensible suggestion. Perhaps in nine years you will allow us to entertain you and repay the hospitality you have shown. There will be a hexennial that year or you are of course welcome on the island of Coedd. Although...well, I would not wish to jeopardise our newfound agreement by insinuating that the Biargu are stupid or careless, but I would mention that others have treated safety instructions for travelling on the island as safety suggestions and found that to be unwise. No harm is intended to them of course but the jungles of Coedd are not so urban as your magnificent casino and different precautions are necessary.

He stands and offers his hand, not sure the Biarbu use handshakes but certain they have been in a human dominated system long enough to recognise the gesture. Unless there was anything you wanted to add? Lets keep communications open.


Ben Ying didn't even blink at the human gesture of a hand shake. The Biarbu recognized it for what it was: sealing the bargain that had just been struck. Thankfully, the chair the Hotel owner sat upon allowed for a return gesture, awkward though it may have looked to outsiders. Raising a leg with a claw on it, Ben Ying lightly grasped hands with the Coedd messenger, before letting go and responding, "No, nothing more. Now, this one needs to see to other guests. Please, sit back and have a drink or two."


So saying, the black plumed Biarbu stood up, clicked the privacy screen off with a wingtip, and flowed out of the booth.



On 4/16/2024 at 5:00 AM, The Snark said:

The two Loop-born exchange a brief glance as the conversation turns to the Bironian civil war and the new Treasurer. Todd nods slowly, absorbing what the Biarbu is saying (and pointedly not saying) and deciding to leave that topic well alone for now.

"Follow the money. Oldest trick in the book," he says. "Or, as I suspect is the case here, the lack of money. Consider: our first confirmed sighting" - Rhonda makes a disgruntled noise, and he corrects - "our first well-supported sighting is the Fiorid affair. Nabbing a prisoner from whatever's left over of the Grigialfheim insurgents is... well, I'm not gonna say it's easy, but I think the hard part is knowing exactly when and where to hit them. Someone who was well-informed - or just lucky - wouldn't need a lot of money or guns to get their hands on Eydis. And I think it's telling that they demanded military vessels equipped with Imperial engines. It suggests that's not something they have access to on their own - which is to say, not Elect."

"Once our ransomers have their prize, boom! They're in business. Spend money to make money... or spaceships, in this case. Lotta Kildoran yachts were hijacked in that raid, which sounds harmless if you don't know that Kildoran sorcerers like their leisure yachts more heavily armed than a kanmarra bodybuilder."

"As for what our mystery actor wants... well. That's the big question, isn't it? I don't have any theories on that; it's hard to make a pattern out of just two data points. If I'm right, they started off with secrecy and good intel as their only real assets, and now they're bootstrapping up to bigger things. Which means they're probably just hitting targets of opportunity, rather than going after their enemies, but who knows? I'm keeping an eye out for any further signs, but as far as I can tell they've been lying low the last couple of years."


"The Biarbu are sadly unaware of any additional information, though if we find something, we shall be sure to inform the appropriate representatives of the Castaways of the Loop." Ben Ying's eyes flickered to one side, gazing away from the conversation. Whether it was to consider the situation more, or if they were actually looking at something only they could see, it was impossible to tell. Still, after a moment, the hotel owner says, "This one knows that the government will be preoccupied for a few years, consolidating the burgeoning faith that others are beginning to experience regarding the Fascination of Fate. Combine that with the overwhelming desire to know what is beyond Mekhala, and it is with some regret that this one must inform Brother Todd and Sister Rhonda that our immediate efforts to ascertain the mysteries you have posed are going to be delayed, considerably, if you are requesting our help."


"A request that we would normally be keen to answer, mind, but not right now." There is a minor nod of respectful regret, before Ben Ying continues, "Unless, of course, the Loop is willing to offer some form of incentive to redirect our efforts away from our immediate concerns?"


"Please understand, this one asks this not as a condition for receiving our aid; again, were we not otherwise occupied, this line of inquiry would garner our interest greatly. Instead, the desire for incentive is merely to aid discussions amongst Biarbu to push for a more comprehensive investigation in the coming years."

OOC to Snark

Happy to help investigate, if that's what you're hoping for, but I've got a lot going on for the BRB this round and the next. I could maybe slot in an Investigation roll next round, but it would be pulling away from other things I am considering doing, so you'll need to offer me something to make it worth my time. Failing that, you'll have to wait a few rounds before I'm free to act as I work to grind towards a sixth action.


The Casino Floor, Elsewhere...


The live stream of the buffet was fulfilling. Both for everyone watching, and also Yun Chi's stomach. So many varieties of edibles!


Yet, after several hours of gorging themselves, Yun Chi could no longer contain the excitement to go and use their chits in the last game they hadn't yet played: Unlucky 13.


Yun Chi knew this was the hardest game to win, but... fortune favors the bold. So while Yun Chi was almost out of chits, they approached the roulette table, and observed for a bit. 7, 12, 3, 18... they all popped up. Yun Chi couldn't continue to stall, though. Placing their largest bet yet - 500 chits! - and going Double or Nothing for the fans watching, Yun Chi put everything they could on number 4!


DoubleOrNothing (+Intrigue)



The ball bounced, rolled, and at last, stuttered to a stop... on 9️⃣. Yet... Yun Chi was not disappointed. Their side bet was still successful! And while this might be the last game for the stream, Yun Chi still could see they were going to leave the Casino with more than they started with!


(BRB +750)


Edited by Gengy (see edit history)
2d6+10 5,3
1d20 9
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3 hours ago, EmBark said:

Guyineber watches Charyti's results with the slots. Win, lose, win... maybe that would mean that a second go at it would be more successful for her as well? She looked at the chits she had remaining. Would her mentor chide her for throwing it all away? Probably not, but she didn't want to only lose tonight. She took a deep breath. "Right. Bumps included."

She put all her remaining chits into the machine. "I've got one last shot. I'm going all in! Double or Nothing!"


"Holy space! I won! Yes! I won!" Guyineber cheered, watching the machine spit out chits and making dinging noises. Apparently it really paid off going all-in on the final possible bet.

Not about to be outdone, at least in risk if not reward, Charyti goes for one more pull at the machine as well.

Chosen Ones - Bet 500
repeat(1d6,3) 6,1,2
Double or nothing - Econ
2d6+4 3,6
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As the others drift off to other games, Cagairmòr decides to not be a third wheel to whatever the hell those two have going on and wanders off to find another game, having a few more drinks in the process. In the end, she finds herself at an Unlucky 13 table and...screw it, this late into the night, there was no reason to not put as much as she could into it, right? Even if that didn't mean playing fair, exactly...



500 chits on Unlucky 13. Intending to Double or Nothing if my chosen number doesn't show up for a second shot at doubling my bet.

Oops not posting here for a week was enough to forget that you wanted them inline. Still, that's a failed number pick but a successful double or nothing.



Edited by volthawk (see edit history)
Unlucky 13 - picking 11
1d20 14
Double or Nothing (Int I guess, the mods are the same either way)
2d6+5 6,5
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On 4/18/2024 at 11:49 AM, Gengy said:
"The Biarbu are sadly unaware of any additional information, though if we find something, we shall be sure to inform the appropriate representatives of the Castaways of the Loop." Ben Ying's eyes flickered to one side, gazing away from the conversation. Whether it was to consider the situation more, or if they were actually looking at something only they could see, it was impossible to tell. Still, after a moment, the hotel owner says, "This one knows that the government will be preoccupied for a few years, consolidating the burgeoning faith that others are beginning to experience regarding the Fascination of Fate. Combine that with the overwhelming desire to know what is beyond Mekhala, and it is with some regret that this one must inform Brother Todd and Sister Rhonda that our immediate efforts to ascertain the mysteries you have posed are going to be delayed, considerably, if you are requesting our help."


"A request that we would normally be keen to answer, mind, but not right now." There is a minor nod of respectful regret, before Ben Ying continues, "Unless, of course, the Loop is willing to offer some form of incentive to redirect our efforts away from our immediate concerns?"


"Please understand, this one asks this not as a condition for receiving our aid; again, were we not otherwise occupied, this line of inquiry would garner our interest greatly. Instead, the desire for incentive is merely to aid discussions amongst Biarbu to push for a more comprehensive investigation in the coming years."

OOC to Snark

Happy to help investigate, if that's what you're hoping for, but I've got a lot going on for the BRB this round and the next. I could maybe slot in an Investigation roll next round, but it would be pulling away from other things I am considering doing, so you'll need to offer me something to make it worth my time. Failing that, you'll have to wait a few rounds before I'm free to act as I work to grind towards a sixth action.

The pair exchange another brief glance. "It's not urgent. The trail's gone cold after New Kildora anyway. We're just here to... what's that saying you have? 'Sometimes Fate needs a little push?' That's us. When these guys make their next move, you'll remember this conversation, and maybe then it'll be the right time to start looking." Todd shrugs. "Or maybe not. Who can say? But I think I like the future where you know what to look for better than the one where you're blindsided."

"You might also think of it as an insurance policy. Our investigation at New Kildora wasn't a secret; if whoever is behind this decides to silence us... best we share what we know first. We've shared our suspicions with our own people too, of course, but they'll be expecting that. They won't necessarily be expecting you."

"Right, yeah, if we both fall down a flight of stairs under suspicious circumstances, that's pretty good evidence right there."


I don't have actions to spare on Investigation anytime soon either; this is just opening up a line of dialogue, basically. Though if/when you get around to it, I suspect your Intrigue will be considerably higher than mine...


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