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Chapter 1.2


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The two remaining skelemen giggle in glee at seemingly even the demise of their compatriots. One slashes at Mercurius while the other slashes at Kaori since both are within easy reach.


Mercurius loses one heart as she is slashed while Kaori only barely dodges aside!


Everyone may go! Kaori will go last.

Edited by Penchant (see edit history)
Attack on Mercurius
1d20 14
Attack on Kaori
1d20 13
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Mercurius recovers from a frazzled state and looks up at his hearts. After feeling the pain from the mana explosion and now the sword slash, he didn't want to find out what would happen if his hearts went down to zero. "Hey, no more bombs, ok? Let's end this quickly!" He looks for the skeleman he spat a retort at earlier and tries to take him out with a swift strike, before backing away slowly.

OOC: If the target I put Focus on is still "alive", I'm going for him. The second roll for Edge if that applies. I will also move to the back row away from the enemies, if I can move without risking attack.

Katana, if Focus active on target

Edited by rorytheromulan (see edit history)
1d20+2 18
if Focus active on target
1d20+2 15
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"I suppose it's just better to attack as much as we can, right, Myrrh?" Rhyme mused, as their tactics had not earned a hit against the skeletons before.

"Yeah, let's just bring the fight to them!" The cat cheerily agreed, switching from merely hissing and harrying to revealing their wicked claws, as prince and companion attacked as one, chain lashing through the air and claws seeking the ankles of the skelemen.

Rhyme's attack with Chain
1d20+1 19
Myrrh's attack
1d20 16
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Both Skelemen go down in a shower of bones. There is quiet for a bit.


Then the party notices that the bones are slowly crawling toward the skulls.

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"No!" Mercurius dives for one of the skulls with the intent to keep it away from the rest of its body, then look for a bag to jam it into. "No you don't!"

OOC: Deftness to palm one of the skulls and stuff it in a bag somewhere! Going after the one that was the target of Focus to gain Edge if allowed.

Deftness 11

Edited by rorytheromulan (see edit history)
Deftness 11
1d20 9
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hearts.png.10e4f16108d2e32a83c3589df604f9d3.png hearts.png.10e4f16108d2e32a83c3589df604f9d3.png




Biscuit also spots what the bones are up to, and follows Mercurius' lead in pouncing on the nearest skull and trying to grab it.

"Hey, get back here!" she hollers at it as it manages to hop out of her limited reach.

Deftness check (10)
1d20 12
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"Ha! Got em! Just a Mana Grenade, Cleo. The only reason it took that form is cause I shaped it like that." Ludwig explained but then winced as he saw that Tana had also been hit by his own area of effect attack. "Sorry, Tana. My bad. I can only do that once per combat though." He watched as the rai-neko glared away another of the skeletons, leaving two to be taken down by Kaori, Rhyme and the chib raider. But then the bones began moving back towards the skulls and one was removed from the fight thanks to Mercurius' quick hands. 


The sage simply raised his pistol as Biscuit failed her attempt at catching a skull. "I just had to put a negative on my Deftness. Thank god shooting works differently. I cast gun." He aimed the pistol at one of the skulls and pulled the trigger, firing a shot that flew straight towards his target. Ludwig hoped the bullet hit and took out the skull, and thereby, also take out another of the skeletons.


Action: Attack with pistol at one of the skulls on the ground that the bones are moving towards to.

Attack (Pistol)
1d20 2
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"You really like that 'cast gun' joke." Rhyme remarked. It seemed the worst of the fight has ended, although it seemed they were still dealing with pesky skeleton skulls trying to reform themselves? In any case, might as well nip the problem in the bud. "Myrrh!"

"On it!"

Just like how they savaged the bone-men when they were whole, the cat and the elf struck with nail and chain.

Rhyme's attack with Chain
1d20+1 7
Myrrh's attack
1d20 19
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With two skulls in bags and the others smashed a distinct change takes place around the graveyard. The mist settles into the ground, though not truly going away and the sun's rays once again shine through the branches of the trees. The sense of forboding goes away replaced with a distinct serenity.

A lantern shines in the dusky shadows illuminating a grave. It is as if someone simply left it there while out visiting, possibly in haste. The name on the grave stone says "Donner". It appears as if there are two plots in front of the stone, simple mounds with wild flowers growing on them.

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Mercurius picks up the lantern. "Looks like this is the spot. Hey Biscuit, that's Donner's grave, see? Go ahead and put the flowers down there. It can't be over that easy. Let's keep looking around. Keep 'Gun' prepared in case you need to cast again." He stifles a chuckle with a cute snort.


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Having been the one to actually pick up the flowers, Ludwig took out the bouquet and stepped towards the grave respectfully. Even if it was a game, there were some things that required respecting, especially if you're genuinely there. "Sorry for the long wait. But here's your bouquet. Rest in peace and I hope that necromancer never got to you." The sage placed the flowers on the plot of land then placed his hands together and made a short prayer. After that, he got up from bending on his knees and stretched. "Well, that's done. Even if we get nothing out of this, it still feels nice to help people on the little things."

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Rhyme prayed along silently, and when Ludwig was done, solemnly nodded to his words. The reality of the situation might be hard to discern, as well as the authenticity of the people involved, but helping others was always nice. It was also much easier in games rather than in real life, although again the situation muddled things.

"So, what are we doing next?"

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