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Chapter 1.2


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Having completed the sidequest, the party ventures deeper into the graveyard which is still shrouded in mists. Here, crows can be seen in the trees expectantly waiting to see what will happen.. and if there will be a meal available soon. They encounter other small groups of skelemen that are easily defeated and the group gets into the rhythm of combat as their experience pools slowly start to fill.

The party comes to a horrifying edifice. There is a mound built of bones with a post sticking out of it. It is shrouded in gore Diablo style and a large skull sits atop it, grinning at them in the way that only a skull can. A glowing arcane circle rings the mound casting an eerie blue light on the area. As the party approaches, the pile of bones swirls and coalesces into a large skeleman which grabs the skull and plunks it atop it's shoulders. The title floating above it's head reads 'Malkaban - Skeleboss'.

"Trespassers! I will seal your doom!"

The party may act first!

There are three zones in a line. The zone the party is in, an empty zone in the middle and the zone the boss is in.

Edited by Penchant (see edit history)
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Back at the Donner grave...

Biscuit joins Ludwig by the grave, although she doesn't have flowers to place there. She dips her chin and stands in respectful silence until the young man is done with his prayer.

"Let's make sure to tell Mirabelle the good news. She'll be so happy to hear she can visit the grave again!"

Out comes the skeleboss...

Biscuit's contributions to the more recent fights have been meager to put it mildly, but at least she's been swinging her Pigsticker at the baddies alongside her companions. For this one the platinum-blonde Chib goes back to her original tactic, however, seeing how the large skeleton appears to be different from the bumbling ones they've come cross so far. She steps forward and waves timidly at it, swallowing down a fear reaction.

"Hello... Malkaban, is it? It says you're the 'boss', but is that more of an honorary title, like a 'doctor', or can you in fact be negotiated with?" she asks.


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"Oh, that's... a lot different. He's the same as the others Biscuit, just a lot stronger than the others. I mean, maybe we can talk to him..." Mercurius avoids the glowing circle for a minute, thinking that it might be the aggro range, to try to talk to the boss enemy. "Hey bonehead! We're not trespassers, and you're supposed to be dead! Why aren't you in the ground?"


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image.jpeg.8bfc7d2aaea71d3682cc863881566363.jpeg"Oh well, I'm the boss but I am also The Boss. It's just sort of necessary to stomp you into little puddles of goo. It's what I do. Why does a painter paint? You might consider me an artist in homicide. Of course it would be ever so much easier if you come at me one at a time rather than gang up on me in such an unsportsmanlike way. I'd appreciate it if you formed a line. I promise to raise you as Skeleguys afterwards, if that is any consolation. I need to replace any that you destroyed on your way in, after all."


"Well of course you're trespassers. I live here, you do not, ipso facto, you are trespassing. As for being dead, that's terribly inconvenient. Would you like to be dead? I don't think so. If I'm given a chance to keep on keepin' on, then I'm going to be grateful for it."


"Now, is there anything else before we begin with the formalities of your demise?"

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Biscuit turns thoughtful at both Mercurius' observations and Malkaban's extended monologue. It's not quite an answer, at least not a concise one.

"So... you're a lazy artist who can't negotiate? That doesn't sound like any boss I know."

The Chib shrugs her shoulders and steps aside.

"I tried." she comments, turning to look at the others.

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Ludwig watched with some amusement as Biscuit yet again tried diplomacy on what obviously appeared to be a boss enemy. At Mercurius' question, he spoke up. "Actually, I do have something to ask. Hey! Big McLarge Huge! The necromancer, you boss. Is he still around or did he skedaddle out of town?" The sage asked, keeping his gun at the ready. Yet he knew he would need more than that but he'd only bring the staff out once combat actually started. Until then, he wanted to see if the giant skeleton would casually tell them about the necromancer or refuse. Either way, they'd learn something about the skele-giant's creator.

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"Well, if he's dedicated to killing us, there's not much we can do but fight..." muttered Rhyme, wearing a bemused smile.

"Let's just kill him!" announced Myrrh the cat, who was as cute as he was bloodthirsty.

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image.jpeg.8bfc7d2aaea71d3682cc863881566363.jpeg"Well find the next answer in the necromancer's fortress, of course. Although I don't think you're going to get that far."


"Don't think of it as me killing you. Think of it as.. me liberating you from your meat cages. Remember, there's always one of us and every one of you."

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"Not today!"

Mercurius confidently rushes over the arcane circle, putting Hunter's Focus on Malkaban and attacking right out the gate.

OOC: If group goes first, move & Hunter's Focus and then attack with my master weapon. I'm a little fuzzy on the economy, but I think I can do all of that with one turn.


Edited by rorytheromulan (see edit history)
keep(2d20,highest)+2 10,8
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"Good to know. You know, if I could have a playlist playing right now, Bonetrousle would be the current theme for our giant skeleton here. Then again, this biggum isn't a friendly skeleton so maybe a different song?" Ludwig commented as he watched Mercurius take the lead and draw first marrow on the giant skeleton boss with a katana of all weapons. "Continuing on from the fluffy JRPG stuff, katanas and the like are used a lot in those settings even though they're more based western fantasy. Especially at how deadly they can be as weapons. I mean they're cool but some twist on that formula wouldn't be bad once in a while." The sage raised his gun as he quipped to the rest of his party and aimed at the biggest part of the giant skeleton. It's head.


He fired his pistol once the young man was sure the head was in his sight and distracted enough to not see the attack coming and dodge it. While doing this, he also took a mental note of his current abilities and not one of them would be helpful in this fight. His grimoire was better for when he needed to recheck info he couldn't recall correctly, his eldritch explosives were better for groups, he didn't need to animate anything with Presdigitonium right now and he needed time to equip his Sage's Staff to use Spell Push, and his gun did something similar except it was physical damage and had high crit rate. So Ludwig decided to keep shooting for the moment, until something happened, like the boss changing stances or calling for ads, if they manage to reach its hp threshold.


Action: Attack with old, machine pistol. (Extra Damage: +1 Heart for Attack rolls total of 18 and above)

1d20 5
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Biscuit takes a step back when it looks like she might end up in the middle of a tousle. She claps energetically to encourage both Mercurius and Ludwig to even greater feats than what's initially on show.

"I'm not too particular, I'm just glad we have so many talented individuals in our group!"

The Chib glances curiously at the remaining members of the party, fully expecting even more butt-whooping to follow.


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Rhyme and Myrrh attack as one, the elf lashing his chain even as the cat claws at the creature of bones and conjecture. The chain manages to strike the boss, but seems to shrug off the feline's pounce.

Edited by Cloudheart (see edit history)
Rhyme's attack with Chain
1d20+1 11
Myrrh's attack with claws
1d20 8
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