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Nightmares (RP Thread for The Shriek)

Papa Bear

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The Shriek

E_WKSkvWYAQGOX1.jpg:largeHe did not have time for this stupidity. Seriously? What goods? This was a corner store, at least knock over a bank if you actually want goods. A quick low click of the tongue happens as he gets an idea that should get this over quickly. Time to be a little less subtle.




OOC - Alright, active sonar. Can Sergio tell if they have guns? And if so, what kind?

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The Shriek

E_WKSkvWYAQGOX1.jpg:large38's. Nothing fancy as far as he can tell. Granted, everything he's ever learned about guns he learned after getting his powers for obvious reasons. Doesn't seem like a snub-nose, so probably 8 or 10 bullets in the magazine and chamber.

A breath as he starts making another kind of music with his sound games. Sure, this was the kind of neighborhood where hearing a gunshot or two in the distance at night wasn't all that weird. But what about someone emptying out a magazine right over your shoulder or at your front door?

Should at least wake some people up.


OOC - Just to be clear, when there's a gap in time you can assume a Recovery action happened. heh.

So, more sound illusions. Do I roll the 8d6 plus bonuses again or?

Edited by GleefulNihilism (see edit history)
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OOC: In mini-adventures like this, I'm not going to worry about END use.

Your illusions are a perception roll by everyone else. I believe you bought it with a +5, which means they have to add five to their perception rolls (which is why the thugs needed to roll a 6-... and wow, one did! (Their Perceptions are 11-) If you bought Mental Illusions that would require an 'attack' against someone's EGO, thus a roll by you. But not with the Illusions power.

BTW, I'm just going to have these two fail their perception roll as GM Fiat. I'm just shocked one succeeded on the time before.



When the illusionary gunshots go off in rapid fire, the two thugs quickly pull their .38s and 'return fire'. However, the way they are shooting and the fact that no one is there, they are firing randomly, not knowing who or what they are firing at. While Shriek had made the sound come from farther down the alley, the return fire is surprising. What were they even firing at? But then, they certainly thought someone was shooting at them. He should have expected them to shoot back. Thankfully, the .38 rounds find corners of buildings, asphalt in the street, the side of a house across the way, and one hits a passing car in the trunk. It could have gone a lot worse.

The two thugs fire off 3 or 4 rounds in rapid succession and take off running the opposite way toward The Shriek. Some of those shots are wild, fired as they take off running, just hoping to get away.

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The Shriek

E_WKSkvWYAQGOX1.jpg:largeMental Note - that trick clearly works pretty well but next time he needs to be a bit more clear about "where" the "shots" were "coming from". Doesn't sound like the shots hit anyone but too much of that came down to luck for his taste.

Alright, do-gooding accomplished here. Sergio gets back on track for his original task before he gets sidetracked again.



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Mate, just use 3d6 on your roll space so that it gives the total of a 3d6 roll. What you did there, I think, was how many d6 rolled under 17, which of course, would be all of them since they can only roll a 6 or less.


First Box: Perception 17- (or whatever the target is, like 11- for other characteristics or skills)

Second Box: 3d6

OK, you are locked on to him. You rolled an 11.

Go get him :)

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The Shriek

E_WKSkvWYAQGOX1.jpg:largeAnd just like he thought. He could trace the guy to the Cemetary, hiding around the Mauseluems because Holy Ground gave the illusion of Safety. It almost wasn't fair at this point. He goes for a back groundskeeper entrance to slip in quietly like a teenager going through an angsty phase.

He has to be careful now. He figured out how to use sound waves to play havoc and break nearby light sources but obviously that doesn't work on the Sun or the Moon. Fortunately, he's probably too busy trying to get a phone with a broken screen working to care.

Stick close to trees and graves to get closer, maybe he is trying to call someone. Could be fun to listen in.



I'm assuming you mean just catch up with him, lol.

Did we ever say what phase of the moon it was?

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The Shriek

E_WKSkvWYAQGOX1.jpg:largeHis target's heart sounds like a Thunderstorm and Sergio can't help smile. A soft click and he gets a sonar picture. Sounds like he tried to break into one of the Mauseliums but changed his mind at some point. Can't even fault the guy for that, showed that occasionally a couple brain cells rubbed together.

Not enough though. He was trying to hide between two particularly large grave markers. Between two Angels, ironically enough.

When he gets closer, Sergio takes a moment to savor the conversation when can hear the other end too. The way the dispatcher's voice carries it's pretty obvious the guy tried to call 911.

"Sir, Sir - Please remain Calm."

"CALM?! CALM?! I'M BEING HUNTED BY A F#{%ING DEMON! HOW THE F$%^ AM I SUPPOSED TO REMAIN CALM?" he gives out with that attempt to yell and whisper at the same time that accomplishes

"Sir, either calm down or call a church. Perhaps you could try to describe your attacker?"

"'Describe my Attacker'? Alright, alright - how aboout this. NO F#$%ING EYES!"

"...Sorry, what?"

Sergio smiles at that too. In the dark of the moment he can understand how someone would make that mistake. The face conceling mask didn't have eyeholes and in the dark the mind can play tricks. Great for the story though.

"I saw the guy's face. In the eye sockets there was just - Nothing. Jesus, F#$%."

A pause from the other end, the voice comes back much more serious. Sergio takes advantage of the moment and sends a little footstep flick on the far side of the statues to throw off his scent.

"Sir, sir - you still there?"

"He's Here."



I'm thinking Sergio would know about that, but only because he looked it up at some point. The moon is only barely not a New Moon. Works in his favor a bit.

If you don't mind I run with that a bit.

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No no, that's fine especially in this encounter. Just make sure in group encounters and more competent enemies, you 'hold back' on RPing them. :D

This guy isn't even as tough as any of the other encounters your fellow players are up against. But this is establishing something that you might not figure out for a while.

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The Shriek

E_WKSkvWYAQGOX1.jpg:large"Sir, who is there? Is your Attacker there? Can you describe him?"

Sergio has kept to shadows and quiet places, just listening to the heart and the voices. Killing the targets is always tempting, but he as of yet hasn't intentionally killed anyone. Surprised even himself with what people can live through, granted, but Mom would be dissappointed. And that's a line he feels like maybe he shouldn't cross.

Still, nobody has to know that.

You Are On Holy Ground, Confess.

A low voice that seems to grumble from the gravestones themselves.

"Sir, what's that noise in the background?"

Tell Them Everything, All Your Sins. Then Leave Soverign City, Forever. Do This Truthfully, And I'll Spare Your Life.

Granted, he still intended to make sure the guy didn't change his mind later even if he did do it - but nobody had to know that.



Oh obviously, wouldn't dream of controlling actions. Just thought that *occasionally* a little RP spicy is okay sometimes. In fact, your turn for some RP spicy if you want.

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