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Liam d'Cannith - Mark of Making Human Faction Agent Artificier


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First post is for rolling stats


EDIT: Choosing the second array

Edited by Trigun (see edit history)
Stats 1
repeat(keep(4d6,highest,3),6) 3,2,2,2,5,3,6,6,1,5,2,1,6,5,4,1,5,3,6,2,2,2,1,1
Stats 2
repeat(keep(4d6,highest,3),6) 6,2,2,4,4,4,4,4,6,3,2,6,5,5,3,1,3,1,5,5,2,3,3,5
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Posted (edited)

Liam d'Cannith - Mark of Making Human House Agent Artificer


Name: Liam d'Cannith

Character Concept: A young human male, first mentored by a grizzled, battle-smith dwarf then adopted by House Cannith when his Mark of Making manifested

Race, Background, Subclass Class: Mark of Making Human House Agent Artificer

Description: Liam d'Cannith is a young human male of the age of 24, standing at a height of 5'9" feet and weights 166 lbs. He has slightly tan skin, brown hair and brown eyes. Liam wears a gray shirt with scale mail over it and a tool vest on top of the armor, on his head are his favorite pair of goggles, which he uses to protect his eyes during work or when traveling certain places. He also wears a pair of gloves, the right one having an exposed back to show off his Mark of Making. Around his waist is his belt which he uses to hold his crossbow and bag with him, also wearing a pair of brown pants and a pair of brown, traveling boots on his feet.


Liam is a curious young man, always eager to learn. He's someone who's easy to get along, simply by his relaxed personality, but that doesn't mean he's not a diligent worker, showing a lot of excitement when working with artifices. He greatly admires his mentor, the dwarf who first took him off the streets when he was a child, a former battle-smith from the Last War, having fought on Cyre's side, named Reynard. A lot of his skills as an artificer were learned from him.


As for his adopted family, he is grateful for them taking him in once his dragonmark appeared, understanding that by becoming a member of House Cannith, even one of their lesser families, he would have access to the most innovative and newest artifices technique and new creations. He has nothing but respect for his adoptive father, Wendel d'Cannith, who was the one that noticed his dragonmark and adopted him. Liam is also close with his adoptive sister, Emilia d'Cannith, Wendel's biological daughter. Although Emilia seems to agree with her father's assessment of him marrying into the family instead of being adopted by them.


When socializing with people, he always responds with an easy smile and a wave. Liam doesn't talk much but can be perceptive when something get his attention and can be diplomatic. That does not mean he'll shy from a fight, willing to do so with his artifices spell if necessary. While preferring to keep his distance, he's already taking training in close combat, hoping to become a battle-smith like his mentor.


Your Character’s Plothook: There are two reasons Liam has for going to Oakhurst from Sharn. The first reason was the signal he received one day while working on development of a new part for warforged limbs. From what he learned of the location, the signal was originating from the mountains in the Mournlands. The second reason was that two days before he left, he received word from his father that the airship, the Gigantic, had gone down over the Red Scale Canyons. It wouldn't normally matter to him, except his sister was one of the passengers on the airship itself. Now the young artificer has two goals, locate his sister to rescue her, and find the origin of the cryptic signal.


Past is Prologue: Liam's earliest memories were of him wandering the streets of Under Sharn, wearing dirtied rags and on bare feet. Yet at night, he was found by an old dwarf with a metal arm by the name of Reynard. It was natural for people living under Sharn to focus more on themselves than on helping others. Yet, on a whim, the dwarf gave little Liam a place to stay, for just a few days in exchange for some help cleaning up. But he had never left workshop since then, having become entranced by the artifices Reynard made. Consequently, the latter found Liam a very intelligent, yet eager student in learning.


And so he spent around a decade, living and learning under Reynard. Liam expected to take over for the old dwarf or at least go his own way once he became an adult and an actual artificer in Reynard's eyes. Yet things changed after fifteen summers living with the dwarf, when he was fending off a Cannith agent trying to recruit the dwarf to work under them for what seemed to be the twelfth time. Liam managed to overhear part of the argument and it involved a new creation of theirs, a type of golem called warforged. The young man had been fixing a pair of magic goggles yet the next part was usually always done by Reynard, who was still arguing with the Cannith agent. Liam simply kept his focus, working more and more when the back of his right hand glowed, and he somehow identified the problem and fixed it.


Once he was done, he looked up to see Reynard and their guest looking at him, the latter suddenly asking the dwarf where he had found Liam. The day ended after his mentor asked the man to leave, who did so without a word. The next few weeks were more peaceful, the agent no longer asking for the dwarf to join him but always left when Liam saw him. One day, his mentor finally told him what happened. One of the minor families in House Cannith became interested in him, after his dragonmark awakened and was reported. The dwarf explained that Liam has the Mark of Making, which is the mark associated with House Cannith. The family only had a daughter and took an interest in him. They were interested in adopting him.


And surprisingly, the dwarf encouraged him to accept, revealing that by becoming a member, he could learn from other artificers, not just him. Reynard assured the young man that he'll be fine and that he'll probably take the offer after all, so that way they could still see each other if he wanted any more guidance. Liam stayed quiet throughout the whole conversation and admitted he was going to miss the old dwarf, but he was right. The next week, he moved out of the workshop and higher up in Sharn.


Living in the house of Wendel d'Cannith wasn't easy, the latter being in charge of many factories that specialized in warforged parts, including the metal limbs and other constructs. Yet the lord of the house and his daughter, Emilia, did not make him feel like an outsider. In fact, the later was the first to welcome him, showing interest in him due to not being a boy her age from a family of high standing, but someone from the lower city. Liam also took to learning what the Cannith artificers had to teach him.


A year later, he found his old mentor, now also working in one of the Cannith factories in the same district as the one he was learning in. Liam was also trained in combat and arcana, eventually settling working in research and development, in one of the more prominent Cannith workshops. Eight years passed since then, and one day, while working on a part for a warforged left arm, when one of the equipment started picking up a strange signal. He wasn't the only one and after confirming with the other artificers about it, was able to find where it came from. It was in the mountains, in the Mournlands itself.


Liam quickly made preparations to go there, finding the best route to be to take the Lightning Rail straight to Oakhurst from Sharn. Yet a few days before he left, he got a summons from his father. Visiting the lord Wendell, Liam learned about the airship, the Gigantic, going down over the Red Scale Canyons. The young man had heard about it, but wondered what it had to do with the conversation, when his father revealed Emilia was a passenger on that airship. The look of shock on Liam's face grew when he was asked to go to Oakhurst and enter the Mournlands to search for her. He had planned on going there anyway, but now he had another goal. Liam assured his father he would find her and left to finish his preparations. Once he arrived in Oakhurst, his search would begin, first by needing to find others he could partner up with, especially if they shared similar goals.

Deity: Onatar. Besides the fact that he is the god of the forge and one who's followers are both smiths and artificers among then, he was also the first deity that Liam ever learned of. Since Onatar is also considered a dwarven god as well, having taken to his philosophy on creation, thanks to Reynard. It was speaking about the forge god of the Sovereign Host where his mentor smiled, one the rare times the dwarf did so genuinely.

Loyalties: Liam, generally is loyal to his adoptive family within House Cannith. While he is an agent of House Cannith in full, his own loyalties are more focused on his adoptive father, Wendel d'Cannith, his sister Emilia and his dwarven mentor, Reynard. So when he's given missions by the house itself, he first focuses on seeing how it'll help his family before helping the rest of House Cannith in full. Yet despite this bias towards his adoptive family, he'll never betray House Cannith itself.

Edited by Trigun (see edit history)
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Posted (edited)

Sir Not-Appearing-in-This-Game McHolyGrail IIILiam d'Cannith

Mark of Making Human House Agent Artificer

IC: My words, Liam said. | ‘My thoughts,’ Liam thought. | My actions . . .

Liam did some things. He said some stuff. He did some shenanigans.


I don’t always put OOC content in my posts, but when I do, I put it in here.

To Whom It May Concern . . .

Put Player mention tags, and any particular notes in here.

Edited by Trigun (see edit history)
HP for Level 2
1d8 3
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And finally done with Liam. Unless you want me to make another post with all the mechanical stuff. I've already linked the character sheet to his name.

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