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Walter Himmelblauen

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Walter Himmelblauen 

Name: Walter Himmelblauen spacer.png

Level: 3

Race: Grey Elf

Class: Wizard 3 // Factotum 3

Character Concept: Monster mage


Covered in thick red cloaks, face obscured by a crude wooden mask. The wild white hair the only sight of the man behind the mask.


Born to the people of the forest, Walter was always a wild spirit, yearning to travel the lands in a nomadic life. An intelligent man, he was keen to see the land, the creatures and the wonders of the world.

Walter was fascinated with the creatures, monsters and fiends of the multiverse, obsessive in his studies to learn their ways. He learnt to apply their enate abilities and powers.

Character Concept

Character is based loosely on the final fantasy "Blue Mage", a mage that can use monsters abilities. Considering that there is no class that perfectly mimics it, I have the idea of using a wizard to take spells that can be roleplayed as monstrous abilities.

Decided factotum on the other side to provide skills and buy into the idea of understanding creatures we face.


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Walter Himmelblauen

Male Neutral Grey Elf|| Wizard 3 // Factotum 3

HP: 24/24 | Init: +7 | AC: 13 Touch: 13 FF: 10| Fort: +4 Reflex: +4 Will: +4  

Str: 10 | Dex: 16 | Con: 14 | Int: 18 | Wis: 10 | Cha: 8

Spells prepared: Level 0 || Level 1 || Level 2

Inspiration points: 3/3


Level Class 1 Class 2 Class Features BAB For Ref Will Feats


Wizard 1 Factotum 1     Summon familiar, Scribe Scroll, Inspiration, cunning insight, cunning knowledge, trapfinding +0.75 +0.33 +2.5 +2.5

Improved Initiative

Precise Shot - F1

Weapon Finesse - F2


Wizard 2

Factotum 2

Arcane dilettante (1 spell)







Wizard 3 Factotum 3 Brains over brawn, cunning defense +2.25 +1 +3.5 +3.5 Knowledge Devotion


Flaws & Traits


Grudge KeeperYou have an overpowering need for vengeance and have difficulty letting go of grudges.
Effect: if you are damaged in combat, you suffer a -2 penalty on attacks rolls, skill checks, saving throws, and ability checks until you damage the foe who caused you harm. This penalty does not apply if you cannot discern the source of the damage. This penalty disappears when the combat ends.
Source: Dragon Magazine #328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws for Nonhumans)

Poor ReflexesYou often zig when you should have zagged.
Effect: You take a -3 penalty on reflex saves.

Source: Unearthed Arcana




Alternative Class Features/Levels:

Elven Wizard:

Generalist Wizardry: A 1st-level elf wizard begins play with one extra 1st-level spell in her spellbook. At each new wizard level, she gains one extra spell of any spell level that she can cast. This represents the additional elven insight and experience with arcane magic.

The elf wizard may also prepare one additional spell of her highest spell level each day. Unlike the specialist wizard ability, this spell may be of any school.

This substitution feature replaces the standard wizard's ability to specialize in a school of magic.



Tiny Owl:

HP: 12/12 | Init: +7 | AC: 16 Touch: 14 FF: 14| Fort: +2 Reflex: +5 Will: +2  

Str: 4 | Dex: 17 | Con: 10 | Int: 7 | Wis: 14 | Cha: 4

Size/Type: Tiny Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 3d6
Initiative: +3
Speed: 10 ft./fly 40 ft. (average)
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/-11
Attack: Claws +4 melee (1d2-5)
Full Attack: Talons +5 melee (1d4–3)
Space/Reach: 2.5 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Deliver touch spells
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Improved Evasion, Empathic Link, Share Spells
Skills: Listen +14, Move Silently +17, Spot +6*
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse (B)
Alignment: True Neutral


Level Spell Creature
1 Burning Hands Salamander
1 Sleep Satyr
1 Disguise Self Doppelganger
1 Cause fear Quasit
1 Hypnotism Allip
1 Ray of enfeeblement Kaorti
1 Lesser, orb of electricity Arrowhawk
1 Charm person Bacche
1 Chill touch Ghoul
1 Lantern Light Lantern Archon
2 Invisibility Imp
2 Scorching Ray Fire mephit
2 Web Ettercap




Starting wealth - 3,000 Gp

Vest of resistance - 1000gp

Wand of mage armor (50 charges) - 750gp

Arcanist's GlovesWhen you activate arcanist’s gloves, you add 2 to the caster level of the next 1st-level arcane spell you cast before the end of your turn.

Arcanist’s gloves function two times per day.
(MIC) - 500gp

Masterwork Rapier - 320gp

3 x Potion of CLW - 150gp

Adventure gear:

Crowbar - 2gp

Flint and steel - 1gp

Rope, hempen (50 ft.) - 1gp

Backpack (empty) - 2gp

Bedroll - 1sp

4 days rations 2 gp

Waterskin 1 gp

Spell component pouch 5 gp

Remaining wealth - 265gp, 8sp


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Posted (edited)
Looking ahead:
Level Class 1 Class 2 Feats
4 Wizard 4 Factotum 4  
5 Wizard 5 Factotum 5  
6 Wizard 6 Factotum 6  
7 Wizard 7 Factotum 7  
8 Wizard 8 Factotum 8  
9 Wizard 9 Factotum 9  
10 Wizard 10 Fleshwarper 1  
11 Fleshwarper 2 Factotum 10  
12 Fleshwarper 3 Factotum 11  



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Personal 2cp:

Schwarz is ‘black’ in German. If you want blue mage, it’s something like ‘Zauberblau’.


You’re not being asked to change anything, this is just an informative post. I can review tomorrow when I’m awake.

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Ah cheers yeah I had forgotten to tweak the name after I decided to change the build.

Thanks 👍 let me know if anything needs changing or if you need more detail!

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overall, this is well done. And, a fun character too!

  • please click on ‘generate statblock’
  • what’s your factotum spell?
  • can you fill out the spell DC section?
  • what’s the other flaw do? I can see the reflex modifier. Can you add it to the sheet?
  • 10’ ft poles are often trouble to carry around.
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Posted (edited)


Right I have updated the following:

  • Generated statblock
  • Added factotum spell
  • Completed the spell DC section
  • Added the flaws into the sheet. The flaw is:

Grudge keeper

You have an overpowering need for vengeance and have difficulty letting go of grudges.

Effect: if you are damaged in combat, you suffer a -2 penalty on attacks rolls, skill checks, saving throws, and ability checks until you damage the foe who caused you harm. This penalty does not apply if you cannot discern the source of the damage. This penalty disappears when the combat ends.

Source: Dragon Magazine #328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws for Nonhumans)

  • To be honest I didn't even think about how awkward it actually is lol I'll remove it
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