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Character Creation Guidelines


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Rock on; looks like all the applications I've gotten are (at least marked) completed.


I'm going to officially shut things down and start the decision-making this evening. Let's say... 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. So if you have anything you want to change, that's your deadline.


Hope the wait didn't put anyone off!

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Well... that's that.


I just wanna say, in all seriousness, I am heartbroken that I can't feasibly bring in more of you. Everyone who submitted: thank you. There were so many excellent applications and cool characters that I would have loved to see grow and develop. If MW had some kind of letters of recommendation for future games, I'd be writing a whole bunch of them.


I know, especially if you're newer around MW, it's a real bummer to lose out. Especially after I made you wait two friggin' weeks. But, for what it's worth, I doubt it'll be long before someone else decides to run a Kingmaker game. And I think y'all have excellent shots at getting in.


Thank you, everyone who applied. You're all awesome.

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