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Month 2 - Into the Border Zone


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coalscuttle_28_small_by_illogictree_dd9wa8d.png.17f42cc691ddeb5e8c0114f415557f37.pngCoalscuttle Kobold Paladin 2 || Guardian Tier 1 LG AC 21 HP 23/25 Speed 20ft Str 11 (0) Dex 13 (1) Con 11 (0) Wis 10 (0) Int 9 (-1) Cha 15 (2) Attacks Dagger +3 (1d4), +1 Longsword +4 (1d6+1), Light Crossbow +4 (1d6) Mythic Power 3/5 (+1d6)

Coals looks from Nancy to Ingrid, fear and worry on her face.

"He is one," she tells Nancy. "I was a slave of them for almost my entire life. I saw them every day. I was..."

She shudders and her little mouth closes tightly for a few seconds.

She starts gain, slowly. "I know you are right, we should let them out. Just like Cessah. I... I am so ashamed. I am a pal-uh-deen, I should be... better than this. But... I did not know I still have such fear of them." She looks up at the two. "I cannot bring myself to go near him. I will fight alongside you, but someone else must release them from the cage."


OOC stuff goes here.

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~ Skum Cave ~

~ Month 2, Day 9: Afternoon ~

Battle Map

The ambient sounds of the water fill everyone's ears, making Nancy and Coalscuttle's discussion easier to hide. Having completed his apparent task of stoking the fire, and skum turns away from the fire, the cage and the party, and starts to walk back from where it came. Soon any opportunity to strike and remove this creature will be gone, though it will also mean enemy eyes and ears are no longer lurking in the immediate vicinity.

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Draco Tiras (sheet)spacer.png
Male NG Human (Brass) Eldritch Scion Magus 1, Arcane Duelist Bard 1 (Aristocrat 0), Level 2, Init 3, HP 21, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 3, Ref 5, Will 4, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 0
+1 Rapier +4 (1d6+3+1, 18-20/*2)
Explorers outfit donned under Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 15
Condition None
Speaks Common and Draconic


Draco gives the others a glance as he tries to keep a watch out. "Well, it's going so it's just them. Should we save them or not?" He wasn't sure letting it go would be safe, but then again, it not going back or making too much noise might attract them all so maybe letting it slink off is a good idea.



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Quim inched ever closer to the fire and it's stoker. He saw the caged ones, but they were far less important to him than the skum marching about freely. Anything in the cage would be there still once the skum was killed or it walked away.

He chanced a look over his shoulder and saw that the others were still talking. He couldn't hear them, but in how they encircled Coals it seemed to be something concerning the kobold. When he returned to his watch, the skum had turned as was beginning to idly walk away. Quim felt pressed. Time was getting away from him. The snare of surprise was getting away from all of them.

The soft crunch of dirt beneath his boot as he twisted his legs into springs was all the warning he gave. He launched himself out from their hiding spot and in four quick strides was behind the skum with his blade leading the way.




Rolls and Such







1d20+6 4
Mythic Surge
1d6 6
1d6+3 4
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Posted (edited)

~ Skum Cave ~

~ Month 2, Day 9: Afternoon ~

Battle Map

The sound of the nearby flowing water provides a constant background noise. Some might even find it calming. The calm is broken as Quim leaps at the skum and slices behind its leg. The frog-man lets out a shocked, guttural yell as Quim's goblin sword drives into it's moist, green skin.

The occupants of the cage both stand suddenly as they spot Quim. "Let us out, kiddo! There's too many for you to take on!" the dwarf calls out eagerly as he grips the iron bars of the cage.

The skum yells out towards the South, surely to call for reinforcements, as he turns to face his attacker.

Initiative Order









Edited by Doby (see edit history)
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Bloodfury pounded in his ears. When the skum didn't go down with his first attack, Quim didn't hesitate to strike again. This time he went high in the hopes that what guard the thing put up would be near his lower limb.

His first swipe had been crude and heavy, an ill-fated attempt to down the thing before it every had a chance to know it's aggressor. For his second slash, he meant for the damage to be painful and deliberate. The full length of the jagged blade arced through the air and down near its victim.




Rolls and Such







1d20+6 1
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~ Skum Cave ~

~ Month 2, Day 9: Afternoon ~

Battle Map

Quim's brittle blade misses it's target and it almost slips completely out of his hand. Instead, however, it slams down on the rocky ground and the top third of the blade breaks completely off as it clinks a few times before settling on the ground.

Hearing the sounds of battle, Vannan squeezes by the party members so he has a clear lane at the skum. Once he does, he raises his weapon and charges forward. Gripping his blade tightly in both hands, he brings it down on the skum, catching him across the chest and opening a gaping, bloody wound.

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"Quim!" Nancy exclaims, a mixture of surprise and perhaps a little anger showing, as Quim rushes off of his own accord. "By the gods..."

Not quite as quick off the mark as Vanaan, but not far behind, Nancy rushes after the young lad. Already her heart is racing, and even though there is only one guard present, she can feel that mix of excitement and fear that always accompanies battle. And what if there are more? Quim's attempt at silencing the guard has backfired; surely someone must have heard that cry?

"Quim, varash għax!" She cries in annoyance. "Furthog tash-kek azzag!"

Looking to the south, Nancy calls upon her powers once again to conjure a field of twisted terrain. The rocks seem to break and crack, filling the area with loose scree and jagged boulders even as the dark-dwelling mosses and lichens sprout into slimy abundance.




Move towards the fight (and get a better look at what's further into the caves)

Use Unearthly Terrain on any suitable point to the south - to slow any reinforcements, as best as possible, should they be on their way. Lasts two rounds.


[URL=/sheets/?id=2079966][B]Nancy Netherwater[/B][/URL] [B]Senses:[/B] Darkvision 60ft, Perception +6, [B]Init:[/B] +3 [B]HP:[/B] 16/16, [B]Resist:[/B] Cold 5, Elec 5, Fire 5 [B]AC:[/B] 18, [B]Touch:[/B] 13, [B]Flat-footed:[/B] 15, [B]CMD:[/B] 12 [B]Saves:[/B] Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +5 (+2 vs divination/fear) [B]Mythic Power:[/B] 4/5, [B]Spells:[/B] L1: 4/5, [B]Other:[/B] Unearthly Terrain 6/7, War Blessing 2/2 [B]Special:[/B] Spell Resistance 7 [B]Active:[/B] None
Nancy Netherwater
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Perception +6, Init: +3
HP: 16/16, Resist: Cold 5, Elec 5, Fire 5
AC: 18, Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 15, CMD: 12
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +5 (+2 vs divination/fear)
Mythic Power: 4/5, Spells: L1: 4/5, Other: Unearthly Terrain 6/7, War Blessing 2/2
Special: Spell Resistance 7
Active: None
Edited by TheFred (see edit history)
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Ingrid Hearthkeep

Female LN Dwarf Battle Shaman 2, (Adept 0), Level 2, Init 0, HP 33, Speed 20
AC 19, Touch 10, Flat-footed 19, CMD 10, Fort 3, Ref 0, Will 5, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus +1
Masterwork Heavy Mace +4 (1d8+2, 20/x3)
Masterwork Breastplate (+6 Armor, 0 Dex), Mithral Shield (+2 AC, MW)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 10
Condition None
Speaks Common, Dwarven

Moving along after Quim as fast as her legs will carry her, Ingrid stops and utters an incantation that is all harsh consonants and frequent stops before gesturing to the Skum in the midst of her comrades. (Ingrid moves to N5 and casts Daze on the only available target, DC is 12 iirc).

"Aye keep your britches on Duergar, not all of us move like that boy does." Ingrid answered the dark dwarf a hint testily, theirs was a blood feud that went back longer then the memory of either race. All Ingrid could do was reign it in as best she might manage.


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~ Skum Cave ~

~ Month 2, Day 9: Afternoon ~

Battle Map

image.png.7ee63db5bf5c4a46c91957444cd47f6a.pngIngrid's spell seems to roll off the skum's scaly skin as easily as you imagine water does.

The frog-man raises it's trident and prepares to unleash a barrage of fearsome attacks. It swings it's weapon, then swipes with it's claw, and finally tries to chomp at Quim with it's toothy jaw...but all of the strikes prove to be utterly feeble and are easily dodged.

In the distance, Ingrid can see long lost ruins. Crumbling stone walls of buildings whose purpose is likely lost to time. She also sees skum reinforcements. Alerted to the party's presence, now they are rushing to combat.


I've updated the map since Ingrid moved to a position where she can further South.

Draco is up, followed by Byran and then Coal.


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Draco Tiras (sheet)spacer.png
Male NG Human (Brass) Eldritch Scion Magus 1, Arcane Duelist Bard 1 (Aristocrat 0), Level 2, Init 3, HP 21, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 3, Ref 5, Will 4, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 0
+1 Rapier +4 (1d6+3+1, 18-20/*2)
Explorers outfit donned under Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 15
Condition None
Speaks Common and Draconic


Draco startles at the sudden attack, and then rushes after them. "There goes the sneaky plan!?" He wasn't entirely sure there even was a sneaky plan. So he instead draws his rapier.


Move: Draco moves to M5

Standard: Draw his Weapon because of a BAB of 0 still :D

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~ Skum Cave ~

~ Month 2, Day 9: Afternoon ~

Battle Map

Byran grunts as he slips past Quim's worg and moves towards the fight with his horned shield on his arm. He takes up a position opposite Quim near the closest skum, dropping the torch on the ground as he passes near the fire. "Let's keep this fight near the flames!" he calls out as he squints into the darkness, wondering how many more are out there.

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coalscuttle_28_small_by_illogictree_dd9wa8d.png.17f42cc691ddeb5e8c0114f415557f37.pngCoalscuttle Kobold Paladin 2 || Guardian Tier 1 LG AC 21 HP 23/25 Speed 20ft Str 11 (0) Dex 13 (1) Con 11 (0) Wis 10 (0) Int 9 (-1) Cha 15 (2) Attacks Dagger +3 (1d4), +1 Longsword +4 (1d6+1), Light Crossbow +4 (1d6) Mythic Power 3/5 (+1d6)

Coals can tell that things have taken an unexpected turn once again. By the sounds of it, Quim has decided to attack the skum and the rest are rushing to his aid.

"I guess this means we are not asking them nicely," she grumbles under her breath. And she just had to tempt fate and agree to support them in a fight!

Steeling herself and adjusting her shield for immediate action, she rushes into the thick of things, hoping to at least keep the group's heads above water, so to speak.


Coals moves to square M6, using a double move.

She will use Sudden Block to defend Quim if he is attacked.

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Worg - Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki

The worg looked up from the debris he'd been inspecting for smells. One by one the group was moving -swiftly- away from their current location and instead further into the caves. He hurried to follow, catching a glimpse of his master only after he turned the corner. Beneath him, his legs desperately tried to keep up with his eyes as he flailed to get enough leverage to pivot his charge.

Collectively, his paws caught up and he straightened. Just in time to launch himself at the skum, maw first.

1d20+7 14
1d4+1 2
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Posted (edited)

~ Skum Cave ~

~ Month 2, Day 9: Afternoon ~

Battle Map

image.png.7ee63db5bf5c4a46c91957444cd47f6a.pngspacer.pngOn the receiving end of the worg's bite, the skum tried to free his leg, but the tissue damage and loss of blood were too much for him to overcome. The skum hit the cold, stone ground with a thud. Not far away, his fellows were mounting a charge. Fortunately, Nancy's earth-roiling magic slowed them down well enough. They continue to approach, but find themselves moving slowly as they navigate their way through the suddenly misshapen and jagged stone.

From the water more of the skum emerge ready to join the fray. In the distance, a trio of skum approach more cautiously; the central figure seems flanked by the other two as it starts to trace it's fingers in the air in a way that some might describe as arcane.


"Watch yer backs!" the dark dwarf calls out at the sight of skum appearing from the waterline.


Edited by Doby (see edit history)
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