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@Mizukami Looks like you got your HX questions mixed up with the Gunlugger. Yours are:

Which one of you once left me bleeding, and did nothing for me? For that character, write Hx-2.
Which one of you has been with me since before? For that character, write Hx+2.
Which one of you has betrayed or stolen from me? For that character, write Hx+3.
For everyone else, write Hx+1. It’s in your interests to know everyone’s business.

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Fixed, don't know how I got that mixed up. Thank you for the correction. 


That idea works for me. I also like the idea that it's part of the reason why Barret settled down. I'm picturing Barret as being older, around mid thirties, so when he got cut out of the deal ti made him take a step back and realize that he has gotten older and slower, and that letting a new generation take over would be better than him and his crew ending up in shallow graves. 

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@Mizukami That absolutely makes sense, especially if Kitty had not yet established any sort of presence in the hardhold yet. He took a risk, went out on a limb to give her space, supplies, etc. maybe. 

On that note, departing from what might be expected... what if Kitty is the one who has stolen from Barrett, and it was relevant to this same situation? She's new to the place, has no reputation for anyone to believe or trust, hasn't proven herself to anyone in the hardhold. She breaks into the supplies and gathers things to make a ramshackle clinic. 

(Been with you since the beginning also works, but it seemed too easy or something. Haha. )

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Kind of sounds like, either way, it was Dolly that left him bleeding.  Which honestly seems kind of fitting.  Perhaps he only tolerates her in the hardhold because of her relationship with Kitty.  Or since she watches him in secret, perhaps he doesn't even know she saw him bleeding, and didn't help.


And still she watches him, but only she knows why.


Well, her and Mr. Roundtree.

Edited by KingGoblin (see edit history)
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Also, make sure to update your sheet so I know when everyone is happy with the established relationships.

Our first 'session' will rely heavily on this HX as a starting point. It will most likely be a starting event at Gateway with everyone on the scene (don't worry about living expenses on the first session), but then we'll split up from there. I thinking something along the lines of a localized thunderstorm of raining fish, which is one of the milder omens of doom.

Also, since we are at an airport how do you feel about having a nearby (maybe 45 minutes away if you use a speedy car and the roads are clear) ruined city?


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1 hour ago, Fletcher said:

On that note, departing from what might be expected... what if Kitty is the one who has stolen from Barrett, and it was relevant to this same situation? She's new to the place, has no reputation for anyone to believe or trust, hasn't proven herself to anyone in the hardhold. She breaks into the supplies and gathers things to make a ramshackle clinic. 

I actually really like this idea, how I can see it playing out, is that instead of anything physical that was given but instead used his authority to have Kitty avoid any sort of punishment from stealing from the hold. Her theft was discovered and she was found to be the culprit, and while Judge wanted to issue a harsh punishment, as a stranger stealing from the hold would be a major crime. Instead Barret overruled his enforcer and let Kitty keep everything she had taken and also set her up with a space to set up her clinic, provided of course that she patch up his gang should they get injured during the course of their duties. That work for you? Anything you would want to change/add?


1 hour ago, KingGoblin said:

Or since she watches him in secret, perhaps he doesn't even know she saw him bleeding, and didn't help.

I like this the best, it makes Barret's reaction to Dolly more negative than I initially wanted, but with his awful weird score it makes sense he would be off put someone who is firmly entrenched in the weird. 


@DoNotFearToTread That does unfortunately mean we would have to change our Hx. The only one I have left would be that Clutch and Barret knew each from before. I'm thinking that maybe they had a friendly rivalry when they were both mercs? Constantly trying to one up each other with the jobs they took, while Barret settled down and started the hold you kept working, and now either fate or intentional circumstance has brought them back together. Something like that work for you?


41 minutes ago, Kerillian said:

Also, since we are at an airport how do you feel about having a nearby (maybe 45 minutes away if you use a speedy car and the roads are clear) ruined city?

I would say maybe have it a little closer, Gateway's garage is awful with only four vehicles for 360+ souls it would be pretty brutal for it to be so far. Maybe 45 minutes to an hour by foot, and if the way is clear?  

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