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Nice, that's a net Triumph and 2 Advantages. I used the default 2 difficulty dice but if it's not sufficient, please let me know (I could only guess how far they're standing). Otherwise, I would like to inflict a Critical Injury.

Edit: the Critical roll result is 42 (Average), Bowled Over: The target is knocked prone and sufers 1 strain.

Edited by eltorin (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Malkavian Grin said:

Is that attack a success? Still trying to learn the rolls... Does the miss (the x) cancel some of the triumph?

It is an extreme success, yes. :) Triumph does not get cancelled, just as Despair doesn't, so the Failures only cancel the Success (as a Triumph also counts as a Success in itself), the triumphant result remains.


Edit: to quote the book: "The Triumph symbol indicates a significant boon or beneficial outcome. Each Triumph symbol provides two effects: 1, each Triumph symbol also counts as one success, ...,. This means that the success generated by a Triumph symbol could he cancelled by a Failure symbol generated by the same skill check.

2, you can spend a Triumph symbol to trigger incredibly potent effects. You could think of this as a "super advantage", ...,. Two common uses include triggering a Critical Injury upon a successful attack and activating a weapon's special quality.


You gain both effects with each Triumph symbol, so you don't have to choose between the Success and the special-effect trigger. Although the Success aspect can be cancelled by a Failure symbol, the second aspect of the Triumph symbol cannot be cancelled."


Edited by eltorin (see edit history)
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Critical hits are auto-kills on minions so even though the successes were cancelled out by the failures there Janna's shot will still take out one of the androids.

@Malkavian Grin yes you can give a boost to Janna's next roll with your advantage.

I'll get a post up with the enemy actions tonight.

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