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Dice Roll Preview Feature?


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Why does the feature exist? 

1. I doesn't show what the next roll will be

2. If it did show what the next dice roll result would be, that's cheating

So why is this even a thing since it doesn't serve a purpose other than possibly being used by cheaters?

Please remove this useless feature. Thanks in advance!

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It allows you to check to see if you set up the dice correctly. It's probably not necessary for the GUI, which takes care of making sure a valid dice string is constructed, but it's certainly useful for CLI or table modes.

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7 hours ago, Neopopulas said:

As a side note i have noticed that if you put an invalid string in (for example, having too many :'s) it will warn you, but then you won't be able to roll the dice. You have to reload the page to get the dice to roll.

To be clear, this is if you click on the Roll Dice button with an invalid string?

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Yep. I just tested it again and it goes like this.

1. In CLI, type an invalid string (in my case i did Test::1d20)
2. Returns "Wrong number of delimiters (:) found in Test::1d20. Use : exactly once per line to separate labels from dice strings. (e.g., label:1d6)"
3. Hit Okay
4. Fix the input (Test::1d20 to Test:1d20) and hit Roll Dice
5. Nothing happens. The dice don't roll (or animate) at all.
6. It doesn't matter what you use, whether its GUI or CLI you can't roll dice.
7. Reload page and enter a correct string and it works.

To ensure its not just my firefox, i tried it in chrome and got the same thing.

Edited by Neopopulas (see edit history)
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