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Laws of physics change on landing...


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The new classification for weapons and armor:

Archaic Armour- Platemail, chainmail ect amours of old. These give DR vs physical attacks and any energy-based weapons. It does not grant AC but does not have any restriction on other protections like magic being applied. Some classes get this as free armour feat prof. If do not have the feat only get 1/2 the DR of the armour.


Offworld armor: The AC bonus from other settings armor only grants AC vs Kintic, the energy weapon here just burns through their normal protections offered.



Knowledge is 1 skill that grants specialized topics. Each level taken with a class with at least 1 knowledge as class skill can add a new topic, if the class has 5 or more knowledge skills get to add 2 topics, if has all knowledge get to add 3 topics per level taken.
So you take smart hero you now can add 3 topics you take Arcana, History, and Technology. You have a 14 in knowledge skill. You can roll for any of those 3 topics now using your bonus of 14 for any.
uses PF ruleset for as much can that's for spells and feats (if there is a feat in both use PF over d20)
skills as written
base classes get the following added to them:
Hero points are 5 AP=1 HP




Hit Points: Replace the hit points and stamina points gained at each level with hit dice at each level, based on how many hit points the class would get at each level.

Table 4: Class Hit Points
Hit points at each level Hit Dice
5 hp d8
6 hp d8
7 hp d10

Iterative Attacks: The class gains additional iterative attacks as a PF class would as its BAB increases (for reference on what levels classes with BAB equal to their class level would gain attacks, consult the table for the fighter class. For reference on what levels classes with BAB equal to ¾ their class level would gain attacks, consult the table for the rogue class). SF do not gain additional attacks per round from class features such as Soldier’s Onslaught or Triple Attack which enable more than two attacks on a full attack (seeing as creatures can make more than two attacks on a full attack anyway in PF)

Weapon Specialization: Classes do not gain weapon specialization at 3rd level

Resolve Points: All characters with levels in SF classes gain resolve points as normal. However, these points can only be used for class features (such as Magic Hacks). Any spells which would have Resolve Point costs lose these costs. As many items, feats, and ship actions require to resolve points, however, a new system is required in order to facilitate the use of such abilities.

“surge points” can be used in place of resolve points to fuel feats, items, or other actions not gained from a class or archetype. The number of surge points a creature has is equal to half their hit dice or CR (whichever is lower) plus the creature’s highest ability score modifier (minimum 1 surge point). A creature can replenish its surge points by resting for 8 hours.

All Classes earn 1 Hero Point per level. They can burn 5 surge points to get one Hero point if they got none and need to use an HP. You can then later give up an HP to get those 5 back. You you need Surge points and have 0 can use an HP to refresh them to full.

Full Attacks: Any ability which would reduce the penalties for a full attack or enable the character to perform multiple attacks in an additional circumstance (such as the Solarian’s Solar Acceleration ability or the Charge Attack style technique of the Soldier) instead enables them to perform a full attack in that circumstance or reduces the penalty on iterative attacks by a corresponding amount.

Bonuses: To keep in line with the rapid escalation of PF, it is advised that any class feature which provides a static or level-based bonus to AC, attack rolls, or damage rolls (excluding Weapon Specialization) be doubled.



  • Envoys are proficient with light and medium armor and with shields. They are proficient with simple weapons.
  • The envoy gains Appraise as a class skill.


  • Mechanics are proficient with light and medium armor and with simple weapons. The combat tracking class feature grants proficiency with heavy armor and martial weapons.
  • The mechanic gains Appraise as a class skill.
  • The mechanic’s drone gains the True AI feature at 1st level rather than 20th level. In place of listed HP, BAB, and save progression, the drone gains hit dice progression as the Homunculus companion of the PrometheanOA Alchemist.
  • The mechanic’s drone does not gain the Master Control class feature.


  • Mystics are proficient with light armor and with simple weapons and are proficient with the favored weapon of their deity.
  • The Mystic can learn and cast any spell on the cleric/oracle and psychic spell lists as if they were on the mystic spell list.
  • The Mystic gains Appraise and Use Magic Device as class skills.
  • The Mystic’s spellcasting is considered psychic spellcasting for rules purposes, and the Mystic must provide thought and emotion components to cast spells (some spells may only require one of these components, or none at all, at GM’s discretion).


  • Operatives are proficient with light armor and with simple and martial weapons.
  • Trick attack can be used with any weapon that can be used with weapon finesse alongside any one-handed ranged weapon.
  • Replace the operative’s uncanny agility class feature with the uncanny dodge and improved uncanny dodge class features of the monk, using operative level in place of monk level.
  • On any round that you move further than 10 feet while also attacking, you may make a skill check as you could with a trick attack (this is considered to be the skill check made as part of the trick attack). If you succeed, you add your trick attack bonus to all damage rolls made this turn, provided that you are attacking with a weapon usable with trick attack.
  • You may select rogue talents in place of operative exploits, using your operative level in place of your rogue level and applying any benefits to sneak attacks to trick attacks.


  • Solarians are proficient with light and medium armor, with shields, and with simple and martial weapons. They are always proficient with their solar weapon.
  • The Solarian gains Use Magic Device as a class skill.
  • The bonus to AC from the Solarian’s solar weapon is a deflection bonus rather than an enhancement bonus.
  • Change Flashing Strikes to “when making a full attack entirely with melee weapons, your second attack made with each weapon is just as accurate as the first and does not take the -5 penalty to attack rolls for being an iterative attack.”
  • The Solarian’s solar weapon is a one-handed weapon which can be wielded in two hands but can also be used with the Weapon Finesse feat.


  • Soldiers are proficient with light, medium, and heavy armor and simple, martial, and either heavy exotic weapons or 1 class of exotic weapons( eg sniper)
  • Levels in soldier count as levels in fighter for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.
  • Abilities that would enable the soldier to make a third attack as part of a full attack (such as Soldier’s Onslaught) instead enable the soldier to make an additional attack at their highest base attack bonus when making a full attack (this additional attack does not stack with similar effects such as haste).
  • Abilities that would reduce the Soldier’s penalties when making full attacks (such as Focus Fire) instead reduce the penalty on all iterative attacks beyond the first when making full attacks by the same amount they would reduce the full attack penalty (for example, a full attack made by a soldier using Focus Fire would have penalties of -0/-4/-9 rather than -0/-5/-10).


  • Technomancers are proficient with light armor and simple weapons.
  • The Technomancer can learn and cast any spell on the magus spell list as if they were on the technomancer spell list.
  • The Technomancer gains Appraise and Use Magic Device as class skills.
  • The Technomancer’s spellcasting is considered arcane spellcasting for rules purposes, and the Technomancer do not need to have S or V components to cast spells However, she does not suffer any sort of arcane spell failure chance for casting in armor.
  • The Cache Capacitor class feature works with any 1st-level spell at 6th level. It works with any 2nd-level spell starting at 12th level and any 3rd-level spell starting at 18th level.

New Spell Hack


Drone familiar or Exocortex: Taking this Hack grants you a Drone or Exocortex as per the mechanic class feature and your Techo mage level-2 is used to track what it gets. Can only take this once.

Arcane Discovery: The Technomancer learns one Wizard Arcane DiscoveryUM, using her Technomancer level in place of her Wizard level for the purpose of meeting prerequisites. The effects of any arcane discovery that she selects with this exploit apply only to arcanist spells that she casts, not to wizard spells, and she cannot select an arcane discovery in place of a feat (unless she also has wizard levels, in which case the discovery applies only to her wizard spells). This spell hack can be taken multiple times up to Int bonus.

Exploit: The Technomancer learns one Arcanist Exploit, using her Technomancer level in place of her Arcanist level and resolving points in place of arcane pool points. The Technomancer uses her technomancer level in place of her arcanist level. This Spell Hack can be taken multiple times up until your Cha Bonus (min 13 Cha)

Quick Thinking: By spending an additional point of resolve, the Technomancer gains the ability to use any Spell Hack which would require a standard action as a move action, or any Spell Hack which would require a move action as a swift action. This ability can be used in conjunction with the Quicken Spell Spell Hack.


Techno-Miraculous (This takes both a feat and a Spell Hack)

Your abilities are not grounded in the volatile whims of magic but rather in a separate but similarly-powerful realm of physical laws. Those who do not understand the mechanics of your powers are helpless to resist them. Casters automatically fail any attempts to counterspell or dispel your abilities unless they possess this boon or this feat below Harmonic Counter.


Harmonic Counter

Miracles both magical and mechanical buckle before your might

Prerequisite: CounterspellSoP

Benefit: You can attempt to use any of your Counterspell feats on technological equipment as if it were magical equipment. Treat a technological item’s MSD as if it were 11+the item’s level or the item’s craft DC -5.



Pilot, navigation, computer use, and driving, are all cross-class for all classes instead of restricted skills
Anything that can be crafted in SF can be chosen by pc with craft as a class skill to craft it.


Everyone from Any system

  • USES d20 feat progression 1 every 3 levels
  • Pilot skill is used to fire ship weapons you get bab as Pilot skill up to your Char Lvl. If do not have the gunnery feat cant get an iterative attack just one.
  • No favor class bonuses still use d20 rules on multiclassing
  • Taking craft graft feat then allows you to graft any graft using appropriate craft skill(undead, beholder, mind flayer, fugus ect.) Each has its own skill that you must invest skill points in
  • You don't need craft feats but if they don't have costs to create double(so calculate what should with feat then double after finding the cost)
  • Int increase is not retroactive
  • Everyone is considered to have Technologist without skill bonus ( You are considered to be trained in any skill used against a technology-based subject. If the skill in question requires training to use even against non-technological subjects, you must still have ranks in that skill in order to gain the benefit of a Technologist.
  • All characters are treated as having the following feats for the purpose of meeting prerequisites but cannot use their effects unless they specifically take them: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack, Starship Operation, Starship Gunnery Feat. If there are other feats that you don't need to have cause changes and are not on this list please tell me.
  • Massive Damage Threshold Con score+2 per level or HD. Any time you take over that from any nonmagic damage source you have to make a DC 15 +1 for every 10 damage over the MDT you have taken. This is after DR or any reduction of damage and only counts when HPs are taken off over this number
  • While wearing armor from SC the armor interferes with the AC boosts from magic and other systems trying to get the AC even higher than the armor grants. You can only have 1 type of boost of any kind of protection (abjuration school). The armor gives equipment and armor boosts so you cannot apply any more of those types as they don't stack.


Every Craft attempt is defined by two elements: the time required and the DC. The time required to craft an item is influenced not by an item’s price in silver pieces, but rather by its complexity. The DC is likewise influenced by item complexity.
Table: Item Complexity, Time Units & DC Modifiers
Item Complexity Time Unit Modifier
Very simple 8 hours +0
Simple 2 days +2
Moderate 4 days +4
Complex 1 week +8
Very complex 2 weeks +10

Item Complexity

The complexity categories listed on the table above require some defining. Keep in mind that there is a certain amount of subjectivity at work here. The key to item complexity isn’t to rely an exhaustive list of what items belong to which categories. Instead, these rules provide basic category descriptions and a few examples of sorts of items one might expect to fit each respective category.

Very Simple: These items are more or less all one piece or one material of simple shape with no moving parts. Examples: crowbar, quarterstaff.

Simple: A simple item is largely made of one material, but it requires a more specialized shape. Examples: many simple weapons, backpack, most common articles of clothing, simple traps such as pits.

Moderate: Moderate complexity items are characterized by diverse materials or different parts that must be integrated into a whole. Examples: Most martial and exotic weapons, bows, all shields, locks, simple traps using simple mechanical triggers, acid.

Complex: Complex items have diverse materials, moving parts, different parts, and/or decorative bits. Examples: Most types of armor, strength bows, crossbows, most vehicles (excluding large ocean-going vessels), alchemist’s fire, smokesticks, tingertwigs.

Very Complex: These are the most complicated items. They require diverse materials, moving parts, different parts, decorated bits, and/or multiple functions or uses. Examples: ocean-going vessels, unusual armors (such as barding), antitoxins, tanglefoot bags, sunrods, thunderstones. By default most tech items will be here.

Time Unit

The amount of time in this columns indicates how much time must be spent working before a Craft check is permitted. The DM can add the time if the item has extra components, needs more time to get complex things right so they don't fail when it turns on etc. Things of high value can add between 1 hour to 1 day per 1000 cost of DM feels this should be something as a special project that like a crowning achievement.

DC Modifier

The number in this column is added to a base DC 10 of all Craft checks.

Accelerated Crafting You may voluntarily add +10 to the indicated DC to craft an item, this reduces time by 24 hours. For every 5 skill ranks you can apply a max of that amount per item. EX if you got 10 ranks in Craft you could add +20 to the DC to make item 2 days faster than normal.


While making tech items can make from your own starting system up to starting PL. If you learn 1 level higher tech progress level need to learn how to build it with blueprints (finding them like spells). If you gain two progress lvl you cannot create tech items unless has the craft feats but can repair them, still need blueprints.


If you're making lower PL you drop DC by 5 and half times but cannot go below DC 5 or reduce below 1 day.

Craft (mechanical) Those who wish to construct or repair technological items use Craft (mechanical) in conjunction with technological item crafting feats. Without the Technologist feat, Craft (mechanical) can still be used to craft less advanced forms of technology such as gears, hinges, and pulleys. NPCs with the means of crafting technological items are extremely rare, and it is not assumed that PCs have access to such resources.


When crafting a piece of SF equipment, characters will use a variety of skills and feats depending on the nature of the item.

  • Weapons and Armor require a Military Lab and use the Craft Technological Arms and Armor feat. They are created with an Engineering check.
  • Weapons Fusions use the Craft Magical Arms and Armor feat. They are created with a Mysticism check
  • Armor Upgrades use the Craft Wondrous Item or Craft Technological feat, depending on whether the item is magical or not. They are created with an Engineering check if they are nonmagical or a Mysticism check if they are magical
  • Computers use the Craft Technological Item feat. They are created with a Computers or Engineering check.
  • Technological Items use the Craft Technological Item feat. They are created with an Engineering check
  • Magic Items use the Craft Wondrous Item feat. They are created with a Mysticism check
  • Hybrid Items use both the Craft Technological Item and Craft Wondrous Item feats, requiring both to gain the benefits of having the necessary item creation feats. They are created with either an Engineering or Mysticism check
  • Augmentations use the Craft Cybernetics feat. They are created with an Engineering or Medicine check
  • Vehicles use the Craft Technological Item feat. They are created with an Engineering check
  • Drugs, Medicinals, and Poisons use the Craft Pharmaceutical feat. They are created with a Life Science or Physical Science check
  • Food and Drink Items are created with a Life Science check
  • Generic items of other, unlisted types can be crafted with GM discretion using either Engineering, Life Science, or Phyiscal Science to make the check, and do use specific item creation feats.

The DC crafts a SF item finds the complex level on chat then adds the item’s level. They cannot create items higher than your level.


Exceptional Craft Check Results

What happens if you really ace the Craft check? Can a character get finished more quickly than the time unit? Certainly, but there are limits. For every 5 points greater than the item’s DC is the Craft check, halve the item’s time unit, but no time unit can be halved this way more than twice and still can go below 1 day.


Taking the Bizarre Out of Those Examples

Here’s how the revised Craft system works:

  1. Determine the complexity of the item to be made. As always, the DM’s input here may be decisive.
  2. Pay one-third of the item’s cost, including masterwork and unusual materials increases, in order to acquire necessary raw materials.
  3. Make a Craft check. If successful, the item is completed in the item’s time unit.

While in this setting take note of this:


Fortunately, the widespread use of the credstick circumvents issues related to spending and storing currency. Flat and roughly the size of a human finger, ranging from cheap and disposable to elaborate works of art, credsticks are a convenient way to carry and spend money. When an individual wants to load money onto a credstick, she visits an automated bank kiosk and goes through the security procedures required to place a set amount of currency on the unit. The specifics of these procedures are up to the GM, but they might include retinal scans, fingerprinting, gene reading, or some form of magical identification.

Once loaded onto the credstick, the funds become completely anonymous, and the owner can dole out any amount to other credsticks wirelessly—sometimes, it’s easiest for owners to simply hand over the credstick itself and acquire a new one later. In addition to allowing individuals to make purchases anonymously, credsticks also provide users with peace of mind—they help keep identity theft rare and difficult, and the pickpocket who nabs your credstick gains access only to whatever funds were left on it, not your entire net worth.

Individuals sometimes receive money via direct account transfers, particularly if they’re being employed by reputable organizations, but most everyday purchases are made with credsticks, and nearly all black-market or confidential transactions use them. While credsticks can theoretically hold any amount, most people opt to carry smaller denominations—sticks holding only a few tens or hundreds of credits—so as not to tempt fate. As such, criminal deals often involve sacks full of credsticks with small denominations, to raise less suspicion. Only those looking to flaunt their wealth use luxury credsticks like the infamous Black stick, known for its built-in secure link to an unlimited line of credit. In most technologically advanced urban areas, no one bothers to track fractions of credits, and few things cost a fraction of a credit. Mass production makes it cheaper to sell entire suits of clothing, prebundled into 1-credit packages, than to sell individual items worth less than a credit each. However, some credsticks are designed to allow fractional credit purchases.

As a GM, assume that most individuals in civilized areas carry only enough credstick funds on them to make it through a week or two of expenses and that even those who store all their funds physically keep most of it hidden somewhere safe. While credsticks make it physically possible for a character to carry a near limitless amount of money on them, you don’t want your PCs to retire just because they found a vanquished enemy’s life savings in his pocket!


In general, you can sell equipment of any type anywhere you could buy the same equipment. Since any equipment sold by PCs comes without the guarantees and reputation of major merchants and producers (and may be broken, Cursed, defective, or stolen), in general PCs can sell equipment for only 10% of its purchase price. A GM may change this based on the spare credits of a community, market conditions, or the factors an adventure dictates. Trade goods are the exception to this since they are considered more universal, more easily checked for defects, and less traceable (and thus less likely to cause issues if they are of questionable provenance). Trade goods can generally be sold for 100% of their purchase price, and in some cases can be used as money themselves (subject to the GM’s discretion).



In civilized lands you can buy anything up to PL 6 are normal standard costs in creds(that DM has to deemed are on this planet) Each population center has a Max wealth score/ cost of items it will have. PL 7 is not sold but can be traded for like-value PL 7 or higher items. For Starfinder items at Level 10 and up these are considered PL 7 for use and buying. At level 14 they are PL 8 and at level 18 they are PL 9. If you are at the correct level to use these items you can treat them as nonalien items and only make your checks for higher PL( so 15+5 every PL over yours).

In the Outlands nothing is bought with creds, so it's all barter and trade one item for something else.


Starship Combat

Starship combat can be directly ported from SF into PF if skill alterations are similarly replicated, but the looser math of PF skills could potentially result in immense skill modifiers that break down the normal calculations of ship combat. Some GMs may wish to normalize the math of ship combat, in which case it is advised that they ignore any skill bonuses characters obtain from spells, powers, veils, and equipment (excluding ship computers). I need check how much impact this has. If seems true I won't allow boosts while doing ship actions.


Costs of Equipment SF

Equipment Costs and Levels

SF’s player wealth scales at a different rate than PF’s, so the prices of SF equipment should be adjusted based on the equipment’s effective level if they are being used in PF.

  • Equipment of 7th level or lower should have its price doubled
  • Equipment of 8th, 9th, or 10th level should have the same price.
  • Equipment of 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, or 15th level should have its price halved
  • Equipment of 16th level or higher should be reduced to ¼ of the listed price.

You cannot use anything that you are not at the correct equipment level. You can trick the item into thinking you are correct level but can only go up 2 levels up and it's a DC 15 +5 DC per level to a max of 2 (so DC 25) if the item is from your own system or world and DC 20 base if not. Engineering check or Knowledge Tech roll.


Hence, if SF equipment is being used regularly in a PF game, it is advised that any feat, ability, or class feature which applies to the specific weapon (with the exception of proficiencies) instead applies to all weapons in that weapon group (with the exception of unarmed strikes). For example, if a character has the feat Weapon Specialization (greatsword), she would gain the benefits of Weapon Specialization with all heavy blades. Similarly, the Sling FlailUC feat could be used with any thrown weapon, not just a sling. The system of weapon groups should also be altered to accommodate the greater number of weapons of certain types in the setting.

The firearms weapon group should be removed.

Small arms is a new weapon group, comprised of all small arms and one-handed firearms.

Longarms is a new weapon group, comprised of all longarms and two-handed firearms.

Heavy Weaponry is a new weapon group, comprised of all heavy weaponry and seige firearms.

All grenades are considered to be part of the thrown weapon group.


Other weapons may be sorted into groups as well, with the following list including examples of how this might be done from the Starfinder Core Rulebook.

Cryopikes and pikes are considered part of the spears weapon group.

Batons, shock truncheons, clubs, hammers, swoop hammers, incapacitators, and peacemakers are considered part of the hammers weapon group.

Daggers, starknives, and knives are considered part of the light blades weapon group.

Doshkos, flame doshkos, and plasma doshkos are considered part of the axes weapon group.

Longswords, skyfire swords, dueling swords, curve blades, devastation blades, fangblades, grindblades, and plasma swords are considered part of the heavy blades weapon group.

Staves (including weapons with staff in their name) and Dragonglaives are considered part of the polearms weapon group.

Taclashes and Monowhips are considered part of the flails weapon group.

Battlegloves, pulse gauntlets, bone cesti, electrovore gloves, and injection gloves are considered part of the close weapon group.


Weapon Proficiencies

For the purpose of converting different weapon types to PF, it is advised that the following system be used:

Small arms and basic melee weapons should be considered simple weapons.

Longarms and advanced melee weapons should be considered martial weapons, but any character which would be considered proficient with firearms is proficient with longarms).

Heavy Weapons are considered exotic weapons, but a character can gain proficiency with all of them by taking the feat Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Weaponry).

Sniper Weapons are considered exotic weapons, but a character can gain proficiency with all of them by taking the feat Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Sniper Weapons).

Grenades are considered martial weapons.


This means d20 pcs may not need personal firearms feat to use weapons they want.



Messing with your DNA

Gene Therapy cannot wear any equipment or heal any dmg through the process. So it's just you and Rolls. All those are inherent boosts. though. Any Gene Therapy is classed as mutating for rules and if something needs to be not have been mutated you do not qualify.


New Feats

Trick Combatant [Combat]

You have expanded your arsenal of techniques for agile strikes.

Prerequisite: Trick Attack class feature.

Benefit: You gain the ability to use trick attack with all weapons you are proficient with, even weapons that do not possess the operative property or are compatible with weapon finesse.


Void Spell [Metamagic]

Your spells operate even when there is nothing to conduct them.

Benefit: You may cast a void spell in any environment even where nonmagical environment abnormalities would make it impossible, such as casting a fire spell in the void of space. A void spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.


Many-Armed Warrior [Combat]

You excel at fighting with many weapons at once, as befits your numerous limbs.

Prerequisites: Multiweapon Fighting, three or more arms capable of wielding weapons.

Benefit: You are treated as having the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for the purpose of meeting all prerequisites. In addition, whenever a feat would give you an extra attack with an off-hand weapon (such as from Improved Two-Weapon Fighting), you may make an attack with every weapon currently wielded in hands other than your primary hand.


Extra Spell Hack

Magic and Technology are place further at your mercy.

Prerequisites: Spell Hack class feature.

Benefit: You gain one additional Spell Hack for which you meet the prerequisites.

Special: This feat can be selected multiple times.


Extra Operative Exploit

You’ve acquired another skill for the field.

Prerequisites: Operative Exploit class feature.

Benefit: You gain one additional Operative Exploit for which you meet the prerequisites.

Special: This feat can be selected multiple times.


Extra Mechanic Trick

You’ve figured out a new way to tinker with machinery.

Prerequisites: Mechanic Trick class feature.

Benefit: You gain one additional Mechanic Trick for which you meet the prerequisites.

Special: This feat can be selected multiple times.


Extra Envoy Improvisation

Another trick of words is up your sleeve.

Prerequisites: Envoy Improvisation class feature.

Benefit: You gain one additional Envoy Improvisation for which you meet the prerequisites.

Special: This feat can be selected multiple times.


Extra Expertise Talent

You’ve learned another use for your armaments.

Prerequisites: Expertise Talent class feature.

Benefit: You gain one additional Expertise Talent for which you meet the prerequisites.

Special: This feat can be selected multiple times.


Extra Gear Boost [Combat]

You’ve learned another use for your armaments.

Prerequisites: Gear Boost class feature.

Benefit: You gain one additional Gear Boost for which you meet the prerequisites.

Special: This feat can be selected multiple times.


Portable Power

You can supply limited power for up to 1 minute to a computer or starship system that lacks power. If this system is part of a much larger network, this talent does not supply power to the entire network, just to a limited point of access (typically a terminal), which might greatly limit functionality. Once you have used portable power on a system or vehicle, you cannot do so again on that specific system or vehicle for 24 hours


Technomantic Astronavigation

You are able to utilize your sprites to benefit your starship in starship combat. By spending a resolved point, you may either increase the bonus granted by your starship computer on all checks by 1 or allow your starship computer to affect one additional roll this round. At caster level 10th, you may either increase the bonus granted by your starship computer on all checks by 2, allow your starship computer to affect two additional rolls this round, or increase the bonus granted by 1 while also allowing the computer to affect an additional roll this round.


Relic Manipulation [ACS:SLB]

You may treat non-technological magic items as if they were technological items for the purpose of affecting them with technomancy talents.



If you are interested in adding up to 2 flaws to your character, you make then take 2 feats. Choose the feats and tell me and I will then give you 3 flaws to choose from for each feat taken. The catch is once you have chosen this and taken the feats you have to take the flaws I offer you cant change your mind. The flaws will be chosen from your gameplay and something that I feel will be appropriate for your character. Just to warn the flaw will have an impact on your PC as all flaws should grant something like a feat as a bonus.

Edited by wrathgon (see edit history)
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Everything looks pretty good to me overall.

I'd like clarity of Craft DC scaling.

"You cannot use anything that you are not the correct weapon. You can trick the item into thinking you are but can only go up 2 levels and it's a DC 15 +5 DC per lvl to a max of 2 (so DC 25) if the item is from your own system or world and DC 20 base if not engineering check or Knowledge Tech roll" from the SF Equipment section doesn't make sense. Did you mean Equipment level?

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In the SF swap, some things required Feats or were part of Skills in one system (d20 vs SF specifically) or vice versa. One example is Crafting Feats, as you already ruled. Another pertinent one is Medicine/Treat Injury/Heal. SF doesn't have feats needed for Surgery, as it's rolled into the skill. This accounts for less Feat availability (Modern classes get tons of Bonus feats as part of how they're built/designed).

Salvage is another example that's a Feat in Modern and Skill related in SF.

Several Computer related things in D20MODERN are swapped to Feats or Class Tricks in SF.


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so i dont mind when a feat becomes a skill, as i dont think you should lose a feat for basic stuff as you get so few of them (the whole using a feat to use the ship and guns ect was not needed IMO). But if there is loss of skill uses that are feats in PF please point these out and see what i can do about it.

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D20 Modern






https://www.aonsrd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=210 - Science Officer crew action



D20 Modern


Revive Dazed, Stunned, or Unconscious Character (DC 15): With a first aid kit, the character can remove the dazed, stunned, or unconscious condition from a character. This check is an attack action.



No Surgery/Cybersurgery feats it's all rolled into Medicine checks. Revive Dazed/Stunned was moved into various feats.



D20 Modern



https://www.aonsrd.com/Skills.aspx?ItemName=Engineering - Used for Crafting AND Knowledge (Technology)

https://www.aonsrd.com/MechanicTricks.aspx?ItemName=Tech Tinkerer Jury Rig skill from D20 Modern is a Mechanic Trick (feat slot equivalent), thought the trick is a bit more powerful in practical use.

Edited by evedgebah (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, evedgebah said:

so i do not see any problems with these unless the DCs are much harder, but you are only level 8 you shouldn't really be able to hack easily the highest level computer in the system (lvl 10)


3 hours ago, evedgebah said:


D20 Modern




No Surgery/Cybersurgery Feat. It's all rolled into Medicine checks

again a change for the better I think.

3 hours ago, evedgebah said:



D20 Modern



https://www.aonsrd.com/Skills.aspx?ItemName=Engineering - Used for Crafting AND Knowledge (Technology)

https://www.aonsrd.com/MechanicTricks.aspx?ItemName=Tech Tinkerer Jury Rig skill from D20 Modern is a Mechanic Trick (feat slot equivalent), thought the trick is a bit more powerful in practical use.

This is where if you wanted to be better at repair but worst at other things you can do that added 2 points to repair and taking away 2 points from one of the other actions. I am not sure if there should be a limit on many specialties you can apply or not as long as you do not go over 2 up, you could drop 1 to 0 and add 2 a bunch of actions

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I dont see a big deal with the jury rig change, I like the new SF option much more powerful and old one can be used in a way with repair


If the object or piece of equipment is damaged but not broken, you can repair it at no cost. If it is broken but not destroyed, you must spend 10 UPBs per item level (see page 233; assume a simple item has an item level of 1) each time you attempt to repair it. A destroyed object or piece of equipment can’t be repaired with the Engineering skill.

Edited by wrathgon (see edit history)
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I'm fine with the swaps and everything as-is now, just wanted to make sure we're on the same page. Enoch lost in some areas, gained in others. Biggest hit was losing "Take 10 Always" on a bunch of skills, but I found a feat (for feat plexus) that allows me to keep one skill, so there's that.

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