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Michaelmas Term 2007 - History (Ancient and Modern)


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○ the Monstrous 


Harm: ●●○ / ○○○○


Luck:  ○○○○○○○

Exp:  ○○○○○


Unnatural Appeal

Dark Negotiator


Unquenchable Vitality


When the creature meets its final end, it seems intent on taking the rest of them with it. The burst of flame catches them all by surprise, Sophie no less so than the others. But her skin doesn't redden, her hair doesn't singe, and her clothes do not burn. Perhaps it's luck. The fire breaking just so and sparing her the worst of it. She doesn't draw attention to it. She may even pat herself down as if extinguishing some spark or flicker of flame. The others have it worse, and so she doesn't expect any to have the focus to notice her going unscathed.

When David hurries to combat the fire threatening the building, Sophie is quick to follow and lend a hand. "Here, let me get that for you," she offers.


Let's Help Out!

Help Out
2d6+2 6,5
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Posted (edited)

David leads the crowd's effort to extinguish the flames, with many turning to lend a hand. It seems to have sprung up in several places around the ancient chapel, but by running into the places where the smoke is thickest, he finds them all. By the time the fire brigade arrive, all they find is some extensive charring and a lot of foam. They herd you outside onto Tom Quad just as the sun is rising.

Price to pay

David takes -1 ongoing to Tough, Cool and Charm rolls this week as he recovers from smoke inhalation. Some ancient relics and artworks are damaged.


Edited by Knave (see edit history)
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Annika-removebg-preview.png.872abac25589690f6cf16f8da4ecdd12.png°φ←ζ Aηηika, hΣ HΣx ζ→φ•°

Conditions: Persuaded Chaperone (+1 forward to protect Sophie & David)

Stats: Charm +2, Cool +0, Sharp +0, Tough -1, Weird +2

Harm: ●●●/○○○


Luck:  ○○○○○○

Exp:  ●●●○○

Temptation: Power

Moves & Gear

Bad Luck Charm

Cast the Bones

Sympathetic Token

Force of Will



Leeching Enchantment





Annika releases her healing spell on Hal just as he is able to put himself out. As the energy is expelled from her body, with the fire still raging around her, Annika sways on her feet and just barely catches herself from falling into an enflamed pew. “I…can try and call to the rain and…” She sways again nearly passes out, but adrenaline is a powerful chemical and she is able to maintain consciousness. Good thing, that. One might say that a burning building is just about the worst place one could faint. 

She sluggishly attempts to cast another spell without finishing her original sentence, muttering something about rumbling thunder and crackling lightning, but it doesn’t take. Whatever forces she is calling on either cannot hear her, or choose not to answer. “I-…I can’t.” She finally exclaims, rubbing her eyes like a tired child. When she blinks away the blurred vision, she sees that her allies have already taken charge of the situation and have thoroughly defeated both the monster and the ensuing fire. “Oh.” 


They are lead outside by the fire brigade and Annika lets out a hacking cough and peers towards the horizon, shielding her eyes from the rising sun’s light. Out of habit she fishes into her pocket and grabs the crushed pack of cigarettes, but another coughing fit makes her rethink the action and she tucks the pack back into her singed pants. She feels shaky and weak, like she hadn’t eaten in a day or two. But she guesses that’s what it feels like when you start to overexert yourself as a…witch? She supposes that’s what she is. With blurring vision, she looks to everyone else in their group. All accounted for; all alive. “Well, we did it. I think there might have been some…exposure; a lot of people saw some f*cked up shit. How are you holding up, mates? Ekram, Hal? You two saw the worst of it.” She leans to the side and spits out a glob of soot-stained mucus and immediately scowls at the sight of it before looking away towards the rising sun. “I have a feeling I will be missing class today.”




Edited by Spektor (see edit history)
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In Brief


The Wronged

Stats: Charm +1, Cool +0, Sharp +1, Tough +2, Weird -1

Harm: ●●● / ○○○


Luck:  ●●●●●○○

Exp:  ●●●●

Playbook Moves

I Know My Prey

DIY Surgery

Never Again!

Trust Your Gut (alt Weird)



Does This Job Come With Medical?

Reaching the outside takes a lot of effort but not burning alive is proper motivation. Ekram posts up on a bench in the quad as people move like ants through the front doors, in and out carrying water and extinguishers. He's had enough of the whole thing so he leaves them to it, touching the angry red patches on his left arm and the side of his face. Most of them don't even hurt anymore, which he knows from his basics in first aid to be a bad thing. No pain, no nerves, bad burn. Someone offers him water and he uses it to clear the ash and vomit taste from his mouth. When Annika inquires about his condition he gives a shake of his head, a motion that causes the lighter burns on his neck to scream out.

"Any one you walk away from, right?" A saying he'd generally agree with, but turning over in his mind how long it is likely to take for these burns to form scars colors his perceptions. No stranger to scars, he'd be willing to blow the injuries off as 'part of the job' if it weren't for the source. Ghuls are kind of his deal and he's taken on plenty but this thing, this dragr from ages past, was something entirely different. He'd stake the claim that it was the most powerful thing he'd ever seen in his time killing monsters. And that meant there were likely even more powerful things out there. His face is tight, doing its best to seem unphased, but inside the truth is turmoil. Ekram's foundations have been shaken, and everything he's been doing has been called into question.

"One more hospital stay won't be so bad." He mutters the words for nobody's benefit but his own, trying not to give voice to what is racing through his mind. He doesn't have magic like Annika. No magic sword like Hal. No strange kinship with monsters like Sophie. For the first time he has to consider that maybe he just isn't strong enough for this.

OOC Stuff


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⛤᛭⛤ Stats ⛤᛭⛤


Harm: ●●● / ○○○


Luck:  ○○○○○○

Exp:  ○○○○


Cast Out Evil

Lay on Hands

No Limits



He doesn't hear much. He doesn't see much. All he knows is that he's over, and he's in pain. And smoking, maybe. But not in a cool Ekram way, more in a "ouch, wow, I'm not supposed to be on fire" kind of smoking.

At Annika's question, he smiles and nods at Ekram's response.

"I think I would like more morphene, please. And then.... back to work. Turns out Oxford's about as safe as Whitechapel at sundown, and we're the only thing standing between Saucy Jack and his prey." He stands. "Let's go test the NHS' patience."


Spend a Luck to turn the fire off.

Ongoing condition: +1 to avoid the cops, because now Hal doesn't talk to pigs either

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○ the Monstrous 


Harm: ●●○ / ○○○○


Luck:  ○○○○○○○

Exp:  ●●○○○


Unnatural Appeal

Dark Negotiator


Unquenchable Vitality


After the fire is under control, Sophie takes a moment to catch her breath. She feels like she's been in motion nonstop since the draugr first reared its head. But in that moment of reflection, she can't help but let the emotions of those around her seep into her mind.

Beyond the lingering unease felt by almost everyone who escaped the church, she senses the weariness of Annika, Hal, and Ekram. Sophie and David have the benefit of years - no, decades - of experience. And while that experience was not particularly useful in preparing them for the draugr, they are perhaps better able to recover from the general stress of the entire ordeal.

For the younger ones, recovery may require something more. Letting their emotions roll over her, Sophie starts to put together the beginnings of a plan. Coursework be damned. These three needed a holiday.


Sophie wants to take Hal, Ekram, and Annika on a weekend getaway!

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