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Michaelmas Term 2007 - History (Ancient and Modern)


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⛤᛭⛤ Stats ⛤᛭⛤


Harm: ●●○ / ○○○○


Luck:  ○○○○○○○

Exp:  ○○○○


Cast Out Evil

Lay on Hands

No Limits



He doesn't remember doing it, just the act of getting up there, pushing through whatever extremities his body feels at having done that, and then the words, in whatever Britonnic tongue he speaks. I'll see you, boy, before the day arrives. The day. What did that mean? Did that mean... He doesn't have time to think, only to act: using his burst of energy that brought him to these heights, he catches Sigurður, albeit banging his head on stone. Hopefully that will keep him out. Pulling up, he heaves and then throws the Icelandic moron on the ground, rifles through his pockets, and oh look, his room key and fob that tells him exactly where to go. How convenient. He looks back over. "Be right down."

Heaving Sigurður over his shoulder, he takes him off the roof and as steathily as he can, takes him to his room, where he strips the bed and ties the man to something structurally sound, the bed if necessary but preferably a pillar, as tight as he can, with as strong of knots as he knows: no square knots here. Once done, leaves the room, locks the door, and heads outside, winded but better for it.

"That was fun. Don't think our friend Sigurður will be bothering us. Unless we want to go rifle through his stuff, Sophie? Maybe that'll help?"


No rolls here

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○ the Monstrous 


Harm: ●●○ / ○○○○


Luck:  ○○○○○○○

Exp:  ●●○○○


Unnatural Appeal

Dark Negotiator



Sophie can't help but smile at Hal's heroics. She was the only one there in the porter's office to see the look on his face when the porter passed. She knows how much he needed this, perhaps more than he does.

To the others, she says, "Here, let's find our way in and meet them halfway. Not confident Hal can talk his way out of luggin' an unconscious student through the halls."

Thankfully, the late hour ensures that this does not come to pass. They are able to find Sigurdur's room and gain entry without incident, and Hal smartly secures him to the bed. When Hal then proposes searching the room, Sophie is quick to agree. "We know he was researchin' something at the behest of this thing hauntin' his dreams. Odds are good there's something here that'll shed some light on what it's after. Maybe even give us an edge on the thing before we face it again.

"A couple of us should consider stayin' until he wakes, as well. See who's drivin' come morning,"
she suggests.


I'll defer to David for the search, but Sophie will Help Out. +1 to the search, but Sophie somehow exposes herself to danger again. Paper cut? lol


Edited by emotionaut (see edit history)
Help Out
2d6+2 2,3
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you also expose yourself to trouble or danger

The room is clean, bare and minimalist. There is a large whiteboard on one wall, but it is devoid of writing. The desk has a few textbooks about number theory. But nothing that might give a hint as to what is being planned here. Then Sophie spots a corner of paper, barely protruding from beneath the mattress. She steps across the narrow room and pulls out a sheaf of printed papers torn from a book. Before she can assess them, Sigudur's eyes fly wide open; bright, dead and alien. His hand snaps the binding cord tight, and he manages to grab Sophie by the throat. He doesn't have the strength of the barrowights, but he is a grown man full of an unholy rage.


OOC Help

Sophie takes 1 Harm and is momentarily inhibited as the Harm Move. She provides +1 to an Investigate a Mystery roll in this room


Temptation: Power - exert dominance over another

Annika sees her mother grabbed once more by this violent creature and she starts forward. The burning eyes look at her, take in her hair and clothes, and the face forms a taunting leer.

Annika intuitively feels she can slam this spirit out of its host and through the floor: send it fleeing before her power.


OOC Temptation 

Annika is tempted to Use Magic to Banish this spirit. If she does so willingly she takes one XP. If she tries to resist , she must Act Under Pressure


Edited by Knave (see edit history)
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Annika-removebg-preview.png.872abac25589690f6cf16f8da4ecdd12.png°φ←ζ Aηηika, hΣ HΣx ζ→φ•°

Stats: Charm +2, Cool +0, Sharp +0, Tough -1, Weird +2

Harm: ○○/○○○○


Luck:  ○○○○○○

Exp:  ●●○○○

Temptation: Power

Moves & Gear

Bad Luck Charm

Cast the Bones

Sympathetic Token

Force of Will



Leeching Enchantment





Annika steps into the small living quarters and helps set Sigurd into the bed. She watches as the others tie the young man up and, for a moment,  experiences a strange feeling of incredulity. Was she really in some guy’s room that she didn’t know, watching him get tied up because he had some sort of otherworldly spirit inside of him? To think that, had she said ‘no’ back at their first meeting, she would be going about her day-to-day business without ever knowing that this craziness was happening.

“Well, now that we’ve managed to tie up this bloke in his own room…” She trails off, not exactly sure where she had been planning to go with that sentence. She shoves her hands in her pocket and idly pokes around the room, mostly following the more-experienced Sophie. “…What exactly should we be looking for?” She asks, mostly rhetorically. Obviously, they were looking for something related to the Barrowwights’ plans, but she couldn’t imagine these creatures were the type to leave many clues.

Annika is staring at Sigurd’s unconscious body thoughtfully when his eyes shoot open. The man’s hand is around Sophie’s throat in an instant and Annika is just as fast to respond. Before she even realizes the weight of her decision she is already declaring the ancient command in a rough, guttural accent and forcing her hand outwards. Her eyes beam a bright silvery color and her word echoes unnaturally in the cramped room. If she can pull this off, she will finally be able to prove her worth to the others. She can show them that she’s just as badass as Hal is. She can show them she’s just as badass as she pretends to be.


I’m gonna go with that temptation and Use Magic to banish the spirit!

EDIT: Ooh! A 9 means I’m successful but have a glitch. I think “It has a problematic side effect” is a fun option!


Edited by Spektor (see edit history)
2d6+2 1,6
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Bad luck charm

A wave of force bursts from Annika as she intones the words of banishment. The papers blow around the room, the curtains billow, and with a long-echoing scream, the spirit flees.

And it isn't the only one.

Hal staggers as the Power that holds him is also thrown askew by the incantation. His muscles suddenly ache from his recent exertions. Everything seems a little less sharp and clear around him.


Hal takes -1 Ongoing to No Limits and to all his Divine Moves for thirty minutes.



Sigùrdur's eyes open again, human now. He speaks with accented precision. "I have to get away. Before it comes back."

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In Brief


The Wronged

Stats: Charm +1, Cool +0, Sharp +1, Tough +2, Weird -1

Harm: ○○ / ○○○○


Luck:  ●●●●●●

Exp:  ●●○○○

Playbook Moves

I Know My Prey

DIY Surgery

Never Again!

Trust Your Gut (alt Weird)



Real Friends Help You Move Bodies

"Okay, we poke around then." Ekram had trudged up to the man's room in silence, following the other in body while his mind remained hung up on the true question of the night. Where is the big bad barrowwight and how can they kill him? David had laid out options and Ekram gripped the iron spike the man had brought with a tight twist of fingers, but he still needed to get within stabbing distance of the damned thing. Standing by the door as the others secured Siggy to his bed and began riffling through the room, he kept his ear to the hallway outside in case someone or something came looking. It was only after Annika's display and the man's struggling attempts to get up that Ekram steps out of his lean against the doorframe, crossing to the bed with a slow series of steps to try and avoid further spooking the rabbit.

"Slow down." He tucks the spike into his jacket pocket to keep obvious weapons out of the man's view. This guy was possessed by the thing so it stands to reason, in Ekram's admittedly biased mind, that he would have some kind of lingering connection. A hazy, dreamlike vision, perhaps? Something that would offer up the answer he is seeking. "We will untie. Where is monster? You know 'him' so you remember. Point and we will stop any 'coming back'." The stresses, on him to indicate that they were all aware, and 'coming back' to make it all sound final, are exaggerated by the accent. "Speak up, then we untie and you go." 

OOC Stuff

Whether this feels like an Investigate for 'Where did it go?' or a Manipulate, my dice roll the same. Roll - 8

Edited by DoNotFearToTread (see edit history)
2d6+2 3,3
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The man points a trembling finger, down and away, in the direction that the echoing scream had retreated. "Fyrir neðan... Beneath. It came from beneath. Please, I must flee. It wants to kill me now."

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⛤᛭⛤ Stats ⛤᛭⛤


Harm: ●●○ / ○○○○


Luck:  ○○○○○○○

Exp:  ○○○○


Cast Out Evil

Lay on Hands

No Limits



There's a lot to process here, between the magic flying around and the fact Sigùrdur is awake and kicking and terrified out of his mind. He moves to David, and speaks to him lowly. "If he was possessed, what's our play? Is he still culpable for any deaths he committed while possessed? Do we throw him under the bus? Cuz that don't sit right with me. Way I see it, best he get out of here anyway. Where's he gonna go? Most countries'll just ship him back, right? That's what they do in movies." He glances at Sophie, the other veteran not actively engaged with making promises to free the bound man.

Then he gets an idea. He has to know if he's telling the truth.

"Hey there mate. Remember me? Lots of reasons to remember me from. The library a bit ago. The guy who just kept you from flinging yourself off the roof. Do you remember that? Was that you trying to break free, or was that the thing trying to off you? Why would it want you dead?"

It's not much, but maybe he can get a read off Sigùrdur.


No rolls here

Is there a danger we've missed?
2d6 2,1
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○ the Monstrous 


Harm: ●●○ / ○○○○


Luck:  ○○○○○○○

Exp:  ●●○○○


Unnatural Appeal

Dark Negotiator



Sophie frees herself from Sigurdur's grip a moment after his hand clasps around her neck. She steps back, massaging her throat, but there are no marks to suggest any lasting harm. She waves away any concerns expressed and takes a moment to gather herself.

She studies the young man carefully as the others take their turns with him. The spirit may be gone, thanks to Annika, but that only matters if it was truly forcing Sigurdur to act against his will. What if he's been swayed by their time together? Stockholm Syndrome, they call it. Or perhaps the words he says are true, and he's just scared out of his mind. Only one way to find out...

Sophie closes her eyes and reaches out with her secret senses. She probes gently for Sigurdur's surface emotional state, before pressing deeper to see what hidden scars may have been left behind.


Totally forgot about my alternate Weird move. lol

Also, I didn't neglect to mark the damage from before. It was reduced to zero by my Immortal move.

2d6+3 3,5
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○ the Monstrous 


Harm: ●●○ / ○○○○


Luck:  ○○○○○○○

Exp:  ●●○○○


Unnatural Appeal

Dark Negotiator



Then it's now or never. Unless they keep Sigurdur against his will, he'll be gone the moment they leave his side. If there's any valuable information to be obtained from him, he's going to need to give it up now.

"Here, we're not goin' to be stoppin' you from skippin' town. Given what you're goin' through, none of us will be blamin' you. But we'd also like to see that what befell you doesn't befall someone else," Sophie explains, while still staying a safe distance from the troubled young man. "So here's what you're goin' to do. You'll be tellin' us everything you know about this thing. Where and how you first encountered it. Where it is now. What it's after. And how we might go about stoppin' it."


I get an additional +1 ongoing from my Empathy.

Manipulate Someone
2d6+4 2,5
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He takes a deep breath and then starts talking quickly. His English isn't quite as good as when you met him in the sleep lab.

"My first night back here, he come to my dream. He on fire, but all dark. He speaks in old speech, in Norse, but is close to Icelandic. I understand him, he understand me. I think he is pleased to find this, that we can talk."

"I wake feeling very scared. Not normal nightmare. The next night he come again. He ask the year, he ask about churches and fires and kings. I don't remember all.

"I see doctor, they say it a night terror. But now when I am awake, I find myself doing things I don't understand. I am reading many history books. History of Oxford. Saxons and Danes, these times - one thousand years ago. I think this must be his time. And all I am reading, I am speaking it in Icelandic. So he can understand."

He shakes his head. "I don't know what he wants. I don't know what he it. I don't know how to get rid of him. But now he says he is ready. And he takes me up to roof..."

He starts to shake and mutter, and doesn't continue.

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The Reverend Dr. David Beaumont, Professor Emeritus Sheet

Luck □ □ □ □ □ □

Harm □ □ | □ □ □ □

Experience □ □ □ □ □


David finds himself surprised to be consulted. He furrows his brows together. "No, no, of course not" he agrees with Hal's assessment that holding Sigurdr responsible for killings committed while under the drauger's control would be unfair. "The only witnesses to see him at the scene of the unfortunate events are currently in this room, yes? We need only keep mum. With no leads, and no rational motivation to lead them back to this gentleman, the police will flounder for a while and it will, unfortunately, land upon their pile of unsolved cases. All the more reason for us, who know what really happened, to bring justice to the real culprit, yes?"


"In fact" David continues, turning his attention back to Sigurdr. "Fleeing suddenly may draw undue attention to you. It may be better to stay here, yes? Keep your head down, finish your education? Because you may not know how to get rid of him" David moves closer, claps a hand on Sigurdr's shoulder "But I do, and we intend to. When we are done, it will be safer for you here than even back at home. And you will know to come to us if ever you are in trouble."



Using my 'Often Right' to give Hal +1 ongoing to avoiding cops 😅 The OUMHS doesn't talk to pigs.

Then I'm going to throw some Charm dice at Sigurdr to convince him to stay at Oxford, at a minimum to finish his degree. He's a bright lad, David doesn't want to see this ruin his future, too.

Edit: I rolled a 6, which is a failure, but I'm actually going to burn a Luck on this. For two reasons, one IC, and one OOC.

The IC one is that David thinks helping Sigurdr and keeping him in his education is the right thing to do. Coming to Oxford is the opportunity of a lifetime, and it would haunt him forever if he ran from it,

The OOC one is that I'd love to see him turn into a reoccurring contact. Lets make some friends, populate the world 😁


Edited by Ezeze (see edit history)
Manipulate Someone (+1 Charm) on Sigurdr
2d6+1 3,2
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Annika-removebg-preview.png.872abac25589690f6cf16f8da4ecdd12.png°φ←ζ Aηηika, hΣ HΣx ζ→φ•°

Stats: Charm +2, Cool +0, Sharp +0, Tough -1, Weird +2

Harm: ○○/○○○○


Luck:  ○○○○○○

Exp:  ●●○○○

Temptation: Power

Moves & Gear

Bad Luck Charm

Cast the Bones

Sympathetic Token

Force of Will



Leeching Enchantment





The command word is spoken, and even Annika is surprised by how accurate her accenting of the ancient tongue sounds. She is even more surprised by how effective the spell actually is. The magic expels from her palm like a burst of spiritual fire; hues of gold and blue dance across the walls in a flash and the air tastes of ozone.

But the spell is complete and the spirit is evicted from Sigurdr's physical form…with only a little collateral damage. It seems that in her haste to prove her capabilities, the amateur teenage witch had overextended on the spells reach. It becomes immediately apparent to her in the way that Hal reacts. But why him? It’s as if the magic had sensed another intrusive entity in the area and lashed out at it. What was the boy hiding?

Annika’s heart is pounding with both excitement and apprehension. Her eyes scan Hal with thinly veiled suspicion, but the moment passes quickly and there is little time to comment on the anomaly before Sigurdr is lucid again; Annika decides to save that conversation for later.

She takes a moment to catch her breath and moves next to Sophie, placing a gentle hand on the woman’s shoulder in a silent checkup. She would be fine, of course. Annika is quickly starting to realize that there is a rigid determination to Sophie that she hadn’t initially sensed. By all outward appearances, she appeared to be a soft-spoken and gentle person. But there was something underneath it all; something saved for this type of work. The only way that Annika can think to describe it is that, when engaged in a hunt, Sophie acts as someone far beyond their physical years. 

Once she’s certain that her college mum is fine, she turns her attention back to the young man. “I know this all seems really f*cked up, but they— uh, I mean we — know what we are doing. We can keep you safe, mate. We might be the only ones who can promise that.” Her voice carries more confidently than she thought it would, although her left hand unconsciously flexes at her side as a spark of blue-gold energy arcs between her fingers. She’s really getting the hang of this magic thing, and with each increase in proficiency with the arcane, her confidence grows along side her craving for more power.


I was gonna do a Help Out but since David burned a luck, I’ll just keep this here for flavor.


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