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Michaelmas Term 2007 - History (Ancient and Modern)


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The Reverend Dr. David Beaumont, Professor Emeritus Sheet

Luck □ □ □ □ □ □

Harm □ □ | □ □ □ □

Experience  ■ ■ □ □


"Well, then our next stop has got to be the Cathedral at Christchurch" David says. "I am going. You are free to accompany me."


That last bit was directed at Sophie, Annika and Sigurdur all. Any of them, individually or as a group, are welcome to join him. But there isn't anything they can do to stop him.

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○ the Monstrous 


Harm: ●●○ / ○○○○


Luck:  ○○○○○○○

Exp:  ○○○○○


Unnatural Appeal

Dark Negotiator


Unquenchable Vitality


When Sophie followed David down into this hole, she was reasonably sure their quarry had gone. She accompanied him chiefly to make sure he didn't injure himself while poking about in such an unsafe, dimly lit area. But now he's talking about heading on to what may very well be a final confrontation with the wight, without their two biggest guns. It feels foolish, and that's not a characteristic she's associated with David in a long time.

The man has a lifetime of world experience that puts hers to shame. And yet there are times like now when she has to remind herself she's his elder. Placing a hand gently on his arm, she looks him in the eyes with just the smallest tilt of her head. It's a posture that one might see before admonishing a child, and she knows it. "Come here, David. Now listen, we're not at our best. The boys are hurt. And we're all a little scratched up, aren't we?

"It's late. We're tired. Don't you think we should be gettin' some rest? Church'll be empty at this hour. Little harm can be done, so. Let's leave it until the mornin',"
she suggests.


Let's see about Manipulating David.


Manipulate Someone
2d6+3 5,5
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The Reverend Dr. David Beaumont, Professor Emeritus Sheet

Luck □ □ □ □ □ □

Harm □ □ | □ □ □ □

Experience  ■ ■ □ □


David rests his hand on Sophie's. "Now Sophie" he chides, gently. "I thought you knew me better than that."


"If there is really no risk, I won't be harmed any by going to take a look. But if there is a risk, how could I live with myself when I could have prevented a disaster and did nothing?


"I promise if I don't find anything, I'll right to home and we'll try again tomorrow. But I have to go look."

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The three Hunters arrive back at Christchurch shortly after. Several police cars and vans are parked outside, and the Lodge is cordened off. A small crowd is standing around, some just looking curious, others in tears.

The remaining porters are directing residents to enter through the meadow gate instead.

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Annika-removebg-preview.png.872abac25589690f6cf16f8da4ecdd12.png°φ←ζ Aηηika, hΣ HΣx ζ→φ•°

Conditions: Persuaded Chaperone (+1 forward to protect Sophie & David)

Stats: Charm +2, Cool +0, Sharp +0, Tough -1, Weird +2

Harm: ●●○/○○○○


Luck:  ○○○○○○

Exp:  ●●●○○

Temptation: Power

Moves & Gear

Bad Luck Charm

Cast the Bones

Sympathetic Token

Force of Will



Leeching Enchantment





Annika watches the interaction between David and Sophie with a quirked eyebrow. For the first time, she really observes Sophie’s way of communicating with others, especially when she wants them to do something. Annika notices her way of taking a gentler tone, of making physical contact, and of knowing exactly what to say to strum someone’s heartstrings. In fact, Annika is quite impressed by it. She isn’t certain that she understands Sophie’s abilities; it seems to her that empathy was an achievable power, if not a common one. But perhaps there is something to the idea that Sophie’s empathic capabilities are stronger than the average person’s. Come to think of it, she had taken to   Sophie as a friend fairly quickly, which is uncommon for the teen witch, given her history. That has to account for something.


Nevertheless, David is unconvinced. Perhaps he’s become immune to her wiles. Or maybe it’s merely that people’s lives are at stake. Suddenly, Annika is simultaneously happy that she stayed with David and Sophie, and anxious that they are down two hunters. “Sounds like we’re all going on a church field trip, then.” She says, looking to Sophie with a pitying shrug.


As they arrive at the church, the flashing police lights immediately put her nerves on edge. “Shit, this thing isn’t exactly being subtle, is it?” She says, to no one in particular. Annika pushes herself through the crowd and towards one of the porters. “Hoi, maat! What’s goin’ on in there? Someone get sick on Christ wafers?” She asks the question as casually as possible, hoping she can at least get an idea what the creature had done already before seeking a way inside.


Not sure if I need to charm for info, or if this is just a reflavor of read a bad situation.


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The man looks very harried and uncertain. He falls back on officiousness. "There was an incident in the lodge. A few hours ago. It's a police matter. There's no ongoing danger, so please go to your rooms". He points through the side gates. "The Censor Theologiae has sent all members an email explaining."

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As you are about to head inside, David spots a familiar face: the Very Revd Alice Smith, who is the Precentor at the Cathedral.

Since it is the cathedral church of the Diocese of Oxford, David has had occasion to speak with her before. Both have been around the city for a long time.

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The Reverend Dr. David Beaumont, Professor Emeritus Sheet

Luck □ □ □ □ □ □

Harm □ □ | □ □ □ □

Experience  ■ ■ □ □


David taps Sophie and Annika on the shoulder. With a nod of his head, he leads them all over to Reverend Alice Smith.


"Reverend" he says, politely. "Is anyone hurt? Can we do anything to help?"

Investigate a Mystery (+Sharp)
2d6+3 3,3
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 What happened here?

She shakes her head sadly. "James, one of the porters, was killed. A couple of hours ago. The police are collecting evidence and talking to people. Everyone is very scared. I'm organising a vigil in the chapel at dawn, if you would want to come?"


Edited by Knave (see edit history)
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○ the Monstrous 


Harm: ●●○ / ○○○○


Luck:  ○○○○○○○

Exp:  ○○○○○


Unnatural Appeal

Dark Negotiator


Unquenchable Vitality


Sophie puts on her most forlorn face. "Awful. So awful. We were by just after studyin' and caught a sight. Then havin' to describe it all again to the police, we can't hardly get the images out of our heads.

"Reverend Beaumont found us in a daze just now. He suggested it might do us some good to visit the chapel before we head to our beds. Say a prayer for the poor man. Would that be permitted?"
she asks, linking arms with Annika to make it look like her tute daughter needs a steadying hand.


Let's see about Manipulating this chick.

Ooops, I did subtract instead of add. That should be a 9.


Edited by emotionaut (see edit history)
Manipulate Someone
2d6-3 3,3
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do something right now to show you mean it

"Of course, of course. The cathedral is always open." She looks at you both with concern. "In fact, I'll come with you. I should check who is there, and start preparing for the morning vigil."


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A short time later, and all of you are gathered in the large vaulted cathedral cathedral-hero-banner-jpg that was built on the ashes of the Church of St Frideswide, patroness saint of Oxford from before the University ever existed. A good number of students are here as well, clustered in small groups, sitting here and there in the pews, reflecting on the murderous events of the night past. The chapel staff move between them, softly testing if any need to talk.

The sun is just threatening to come up.

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Annika-removebg-preview.png.872abac25589690f6cf16f8da4ecdd12.png°φ←ζ Aηηika, hΣ HΣx ζ→φ•°

Conditions: Persuaded Chaperone (+1 forward to protect Sophie & David)

Stats: Charm +2, Cool +0, Sharp +0, Tough -1, Weird +2

Harm: ●●○/○○○○


Luck:  ○○○○○○

Exp:  ●●●○○

Temptation: Power

Moves & Gear

Bad Luck Charm

Cast the Bones

Sympathetic Token

Force of Will



Leeching Enchantment





Annika feels a shiver run through her as she enters the cathedral with the others. It had been quite some time since she had been in a church like this, and she could immediately taste something sour in her mouth. Her experiences with being raised as a Catholic had contributed heavily to who she is today — particularly her rebellious nature. Part of her can almost empathize with that undead monster; she hates Christianity. She hates the guilt; the tradition of it all; the lies. But she could never justify pointless slaughter, not even of those she hated. That’s what separates the monster from the monster hunters. They would kill this thing — this Draugr — again. But only to save those that it planned to kill. Not for God or any other deity. But for the people who didn’t deserve this creature’s vengeance.

She tries to keep a sneer off her face as her eyes pass over all of the religious symbology. She needs to focus. She needs to figure out if the Draugr is nearby, waiting for its chance to strike. Or worse, if it is planning something more ambitious…


Reading a bad situation

EDIT: Nice! That’s Hold 3.

- Are there any dangers we haven’t noticed?

- What is the best way to protect the victims?

I might hold my last one until its pertinent


Edited by Spektor (see edit history)
Read a Bad Situation
2d6 4,6
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Annika hears a quiet rattling. To the side of the altar, someone is trying to pull a door open - one of the cathedral staff is jiggling the handle with a frown on their face. At the same moment, she detects a strange scent - the scent of smoke. It can't be seen yet, but it's definitely there.

There are probably a hundred people in here. They need to get out.


Annika gets +1 to finding and fighting the fire, and getting people out of the cathedral


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⛤᛭⛤ Stats ⛤᛭⛤


Harm: ○○ / ○○○○


Luck:  ○○○○○○○

Exp:  ○○○○


Cast Out Evil

Lay on Hands

No Limits



Drugs are a hell of a thing.

Hal, recovered from the hospital and wrapped in bandages over wounds and ribs, looks around like he's waking from a dream. He's not, not really, but he is very confused about what is going down. He knows what he's been told in the calls that brought them here: that the Draugr is still out there, that there's a vigil, and that this is a good way to meet back up.

And so, here he is. And they have a problem.

"I can speak in tongues. I can have a seizure. At this point I can do anything this high. Say the world and we'll get these people out of here."



Ongoing condition: +1 to avoid the cops, because now Hal doesn't talk to pigs either

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