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Einar Wolf-Shield. Human Rogue


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Einar Wolf-Shield

Einar Wolf-Shield

[Smarts] Academics d4-2 [Agility] Fighting d12 [Smarts] Occult d4-2 [Smarts] Science d4-2
[Agility] Athletics d10 [Spirit] Focus d4-2 [Spirit] Performance d4-2 [Agility] Shooting d6
[Smarts] Battle d4-2 [Smarts] Gambling d4-2 [Spirit] Persuasion d6 [Smarts] Spellcasting d4-2
[Agility] Boating d4-2 [Smarts] Hacking d4-2 [Agility] Piloting d4-2 [Agility] Stealth d8
[Smarts] Common Knowledge d6 [Smarts] Healing d4-2 [Smarts] Psionics d4-2 [Smarts] Survival d4-2
[Agility] Driving d4-2 [Spirit] Intimidation d4-2 [Smarts] Repair d4-2 [Smarts] Taunt d4-2
[Smarts] Electronics d4-2 [Smarts] Language d8 [Smarts] Research d4-2 [Agility] Thievery d8
[Spirit] Faith d4-2 [Smarts] Notice d6 [Agility] Riding d4-2 [Smarts] Weird Science d4-2
Pace 6 (12 yards)
Parry 8
Toughness 7 (2)
-1 -2   -1 -2 -3
Fatigue INC Wounds
Type Armour Amount #
Unarmoured 6 0
Black LeatherLeggings 2 7
Black Chain Helm 3 4
Black Leather Jacket 2 %
Black Leather Jacket 2 8
Weapons and Attacks
Name Damage Range AP ROF Shots Wt Notes
Unarmed Str - - - - - Innate Attack
Long Sword Str+d8 - 0 1 1 3  
Long Sword Str+d8 - 0 1 1 3 -
Racial Abilities
Humans begin to play with any Novice Edge of their choosing. They must
meet its Requirements as usual

REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Agility d8+
Your warrior is as deft with his left hand as he is with his right. He ignores the Off-Hand penalty (see page 104). If holding a weapon in each hand, Ambidextrous characters may stack Parry bonuses (if any) from both weapons.

REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Agility d8+
If a character makes a Fighting attack with one action and another from a different hand in a later action, the second attack doesn’t inflict a Multi-Action penalty. The Off-Hand penalty still applies unless he’s Ambidextrous,
however (page 104). If the character has Two-Gun Kid, thesecond action may also be a ranged attack.


Whether the individual was born with a silver spoon in his mouth or earned it
through hard work, he’s got more money than most. Rich heroes start with three times the normal starting funds for the setting. If a regular income is appropriate for this setting, the hero receives the modern-day equivalent of a $ 150,000 annual salary.

Code Of Honor (Major)
Honor is very important to your character. He keeps his word, doesn’t abuse or kill prisoners, and generally tries to operate within his world’s particular notion of proper gentlemanly or ladylike behavior.
Cautious (Minor)
This planner personifies restraint and carefulness. He never makes
rash decisions and likes to plot things out in detail long before any action is taken.

Loyal (Minor)
This stalwart defender risks her life for her friends without hesitation. Some Loyal heroes may not act that way but are the first to come to their friends’ rescue when they’re threatened.







Einar is not the Wolf-Shield of note, his older brother Ragnar is, at 6'7" made of muscle and bad intentions, they share three things Hrøna Swordancer as the mother. Grom Wolf-Shield as the father and their relationship as brothers. Ragnar was stronger, and Einar was smarter, but neither was Ragnar stupid nor was Einar weak. But expectations from such near-legendary parents were high. Especially in Vastavikland, they knew that and knew one had to go into the dark. If sooner or later they weren't forced against each other. Einar vanished officially by some trustworthy embers of the court. However, the younger brother showed that his trust is not that broad. Only he and Ragnar were aware of the truth, others...were prone to accidents. Ragnar Wolf-Shield was the bodyguard of the Jarl with his 50 blood-sworn berserker. The largest unit allowed.

Einar of many names was always in the Jarl's shadow, the one for business away from the public eye. He and his limited band of rascals (officially around 30, but it did happen for their manpower to swell to equal, and sometimes beat his brother. The official garrison was in Volksel but one would be hard-pressed to find more than a dozen of those who earned rest and enjoyment of the town. The real base is somewhere in the mountains, somewhere...

Does current Jarl know of their affiliation is a mystery, since the brothers saved each other equal times and left each other to dry an equal amount? They are careful and lethal and if they manage to ascend to the Jarl throne other regions will have something else to look for. Brutal soldier army, with a hand reaching from the darkness for all who forget.


While native to the bone, Einar was not really the best representative of his race but then he was not trying to be. While all of them dream of dying in battle as mighty warriors, feared by all men and wanted by all women, Einar had no plans of dying heroically or otherwise. His plans were to be drunk as often as possible and when sober commit some of the most daring burglaries, thefts, kidnappings, and skullduggery in general. With enough sense to do his nefarious deeds far away from home. Preferably to the faction they were at war currently so no harm, no foul. He was dodging the battle at the banks of VindeIsalven River Where Vörgar The Flashtaerer killed 18 of those weaklings from Seagestreland with their own shields. Shows what you know about war, instead of being just another slaughtered on the field full of them he nicked the weapon supply train and sold it to our blacksmiths for a third of the price, third of the price I say. Any hope for the enemy to continue the war after that evaporated. Who kidnapped Hordaland's Jarl children, all three of them just before important negotiations giving us all the leverage we needed. So what if he earned some gold in the process? Not like any of the gold came from our coffers. And if anyone doubts Vastavikland's blood runs through his veins they are welcome to come and try to check, been a while since he fed Goldfever and Bloodrush his custom-made long blades. A few more notches are always good.

Einar is 6'1" and a decent 185 lb. which fills nicely with his black leather armor and raven black hair which he keeps short in spite of the customs in his region. Vastavikland. The place is not the easiest to prove yourself unless you are a literal murder machine. Yet he manages, he has an easy air about him that convinces everyone that things will work out. Even if they are locked in the only room not on fire in a burning castle. Sort of quiet self-confidence that is nearly infectious. He understands that the brain is every bit as important as the brawn and he DEVOURS books although only a few people closest to him know that because that is another thing kind of frowned upon in Vastavikland. But he got his teeth. The main one is his custom Long Swords. As the story goes during the boarding of a Southern Trading vessel due to his status, Captain had pimped out a sword but underneath all that bling was a unique saber, almost completely straight with a slight curve at the third part. Einar went one on one with him then wielding a classic raider sword, meant to be used with a shield, seeing it as an unfair advantage Eunat threw his own away and regretted it within the first two exchanges. A few spindly, near insignificant bows of metal that went from Captain's crossguard he completely disregarded his offense and cost him two fingers, if he didn't use his well-honed reflexes and disengaged on time. His Swordman career would end there but the first time he pulled back and slammed into the opponent's flat of the blade with his elbow knocking it away, the second time he twitched upward as fast as he could, but still blade went barely half an inch away from his palm. Still young he did not respect enough what handguards can do. The rest of the duel was curios by North standards. Captain tried to engage in a way he knew and the one he was clearly superior. But when weasel and fox fight don't always put a gold on a fox. Einar knew his speed, he knew his step was sure, going for flashy flurries did not favor him at all. for a good 10 minutes, he just knocked the blade away and did feints, until his opponent relaxed a bit, all but saying that this was over and Einar was just prolonging the inevitable...then he was on his back a, with a broken nose and sword well beyond his grasp. The cold tip touched his jugular. "What is that sword?" he looked at his beauty then at the acrobatic Northman above him. "We call it the Schiavona." "You will help me make a pair, better built for me and you will teach me how to use them." From his downed position, he looked at the steel blue eyes of the winner. "You don't dual wield them, they are too long." The younger man shrugged "I will dual wield them, but that doesn't matter to you. You teach me to use one, the rest is up to me. In return, all of your surviving crew will be given a Schooner with you as the Captain and I will escort you as far south as I dare. I will take your ship and cargo but you and your man can keep personal belonging and practice trade they know and freely trade in the region of Vastavikland. All of you will get an armband marking you as my prisoner, it's meant for your protection and not an insult. Simply informing other Northman that you are valuable to me in some way and that you are not a slave. Also, it's elective, if you choose not to wear it, it's up to you. But in that case, if someone has a problem with me and decides to take it out on those too proud to wear one of these I legally have no recourse. As arms go you are allowed a dagger and one sidearm depending on preference and 1 bow/crossbow per 10 people, same with spears. No Halberds and obviously war weapons." Legend says that's how Sven lost his hair from all redesigns, nor Giacomo, how we found out the captain is called approved of all changes.

*** (Captain Giacomo's perspective)

Einar made swords longer by almost two feet and wider by about half an inch. Balancing that blade will always be an issue. Sven was always weaponsmith first and general smith second, he likely would hardly make a living anywhere else except Vastavikland. He enjoyed the challenge but even he thought Einar was crazy once Einar explained his idea. After giving up on the idea of changing Einar's mind about the shape and the fact that both were different, obviously, one in the main hand made more for attack and the one in the left more for defense. Sven almost walked out several times only that first time, only that near magical ability Einar possessed to say the perfect thing at the perfect time. The last one was as flat out as the insult could be before blades are drawn, but Sven had his coat in his left hand and halfway out the exit. Einar leisurely leaned against one of the bearing beams and said in an uninterested tone "Fine go. Uthgar the Limp is banging on how he is better than you for years, I guess this would be the perfect feather in his cap." Sven stopped and slowly turned looking the younger man in the eyes. Steel blue of his eyes vs ice blue of freshly broken glaciers "You are playing me, boy?" Sven's voice was like a sanding paper. Too much workshop smoke and yelling over hammering. In contrast, Einars was like both music, alluring, and inviting but also coated over the underlying danger of a cat ready to deliver a kill. With a puff, Sven returned to the drawings and calculations, and there it was. Still smoking blood of a fresh kill on the snow, displayed behind Svens back while Einar was returning to his place displayed in the briefest "blink and miss it" turn of his left lip up but Giacomo did not blink and the small hair on the back of his head raised...because neither was Einar and his gaze pierced erstwhile Captain turned prisoner, teacher since they were already learning, with Einar using his second officer's cutlass sword since his first officer's sword got broken...together with his first officer. While Schooner was a poor substitution for the ship he lost, he had just about enough hands to crew her. And he thought, actually was pretty certain with talks with others Northman, that they would likely be all killed. And now with him catching the accidental tick on Einars face, he was again on the chopping block. The man was maybe 10 years his junior, but there was something in him that made you believe that standing between him and something he wants, even in an accident, was a death sentence. Whether was that true or not was irrelevant, that was what he made you believe.

With nearly perfect proportions as a weight to muscle ratio goes, if Northerners cared for such things he had a body of the acrobat or a dancer, someone with perfect special awareness of every part of not only his body but everything that moved through its area. For acrobats and dancers of vital importance, since they work with partners whose security depends on that, to catch them in the right moment after some dizzyingly fast sequence both did, you had no time to keep an eye one on another the whole time. You had just to trust when you jump into that last somersault you will be caught by your partner at the high point or have to improvise the landing. More than one promising career ended that way. Einar's wouldn't though. From their practices, he realized the boy was a sponge, and though they had just sharp swords so they had to go slow, rarely at 50 %, keeping it at 40% sometimes with more complicated moves all the way to 30% speed. He hated to admit it, since after all this was his captor, his enemy...he was also the only person with who he wouldn't mind going all the way to 100% Einar never missed a mark since they started, and to his surprise, he would have chance to check. One day Einar entered wearing his full black combat leather, Giacomo stood up somewhat surprised looking at his pupil who in armor even more accentuated the grace of his movements, almost like the leopard that kept to rain forests at the deep south of his continent. Snow leopards here were, ironically, more lethal and lost some of their grace in return. Einar gave one of his easy smiles. "I went for the first trying of the swords..." he saw the glint in my eyes "Oh now we are excited about abominations?" True, both Sven and his workshop as did Einar outdid themself, I'm not sure something like this all was done together in one...well a pair of swords ever. They did several dagger-sized proofs of concept before scaling it up and checking will it hold under stress tests. It was more expensive if the entire sword was made out of adamantium, but that would make them too heavy so only handguards were pure adamantium. The rest were composite, alloy, several materials, and things I knew nothing about. But the end result, both ones were interesting and I really could not wait to get my hands on them. "Anyway while you were nurturing stiffy for the swords and rudely interrupted me, I decided to break the bank and bought this... he threw something toward me I caught it by instinct. It was Ash's recreation of my sword "Well, "now break the bank" meant that now I paid for them and picked them up I took your sword two months ago and took it to make two practice replicas, I just didn't want to tell you because you are kind of like a puppy you really lack discipline" I was flabbergasted "Me!! First I could be your father, the second you basically hump my leg every time you want to learn and practice any new move and third, you stole my sword? How? When? It's on my person since I woke up every day." He raises his arm "Correction. MY SWORD, that I WON when I snatched your ship under you. Also, you are like ten years older than me and if my mom didn't pilfered your father's ship and..." We both shake at the implication "Thanks for future nightmares you asshole. As for how I'm a damn thief it's kinda in my job description. In truth, returning it was harder" He points at the table where was pair of dueling practice gloves, helmet, and leather breastplate. "I'll just use my normal armor. finally, we can let ourselves go. I won't lie it DID feel good, using all I knew against this upstart that I for some reason liked. And I won after some 15 minutes of intensive fighting, I felt my hand shaking after dropping the replica, a massive adrenaline dump, I did something that I should be ashamed of, something I'd been so full of arrows if I did it as the prisoner anywhere else except here, at the edge of nowhere, where you carve your destiny not by birthright but with a cold blade, and sheer guts. I kicked my captor, defeated in a practice duel on the side. "No!!" You cheated!!" He remained at his back even after the kick "What do you mean I cheated? You won." "I won because you used only what I showed you, and I sure haven't shown you all yet so you fought with an arm tied behind your back, don't look down on me you Northern bastard." He still didn't move. "You sure?" I wind up to kick him again in the side, but his left arm darted and grabbed my left ankle as my right leg was in the air and pulled. I fell but I held onto the practice sword stopping the blow with my forearms, I opened my mouth to say something smart when I saw a boot traveling to my chin, I blocked it with my forearm but the force of the blow moved me some 3 feet opposite way as I scrambled to my feet I saw he managed to do the same with his sword "Good, now we are starting." Then I received the most comprehensive beating with a stick since I was 9 and stole 10 gold to go and gamble with my buddies. When I woke up it was nearly dusk I saw something move in my peripheral vision an Einar showed up carrying a large bowl of stew. "It might hurt a bit to chew, but just a soup wouldn't be good. You need fat and muscle, and harder vegetables to chew. You depleted a lot of energy today, cut them into smaller pieces, it's just two of us here, even if weren't, a lot of people saw."


"Saw what me being used like a rag for god knows how long." His voice sliced as the whip through the skin of a disobedient slave "Don't talk about things you don't remember!! It lasted 40 minutes and you were magnificent." I chuckled "And yet you have a scar across your left brow that will drive ladies crazy if it remained and a shiner under the eye. While I'm advised how to eat hard food." He shook his head and stood up he removed his armor a while back and now with the light of the candle bellow for the first time, I saw his torso in full light. Before I was admiring perfect proportions, nowhere too much muscle or fat just enough, But now I had a feeling I saw how his torso got that way, stabs, deep and shallow cuts, bites and gores, arrow wounds went across it and each told the story. Here he got heated and pushed, the enemy to the right, and got exploited for it, spear bit deep broke the rib, and punctured the lung, mistake. Next. Shallow slice between his breasts, the enemy overextended and got the tip of his sword wet, but I saw a spin on the right leg that took his head less than a second after. "You learn from pain?" He smiled "Havent you." I started to eat, it was as he said, painful but necessary. "I meant to ask for a while." He looked down. "Those swords will cost a fortune, sure I have diamonds and emeralds and gold plating on mine but that is shine on top of old proven techniques, my ship with the cargo would cover only that bunch of prototypes and testing. If you worked I would understand but you haven't, you were here for practice three times a day, and the remaining you spent in Sven's workshop." He scratched his black hair. "Yours is not the only ship I sold." I raised my eyebrow "Oh?" He spoke like it was nothing "Yup I sold my captaincy, my ship was a divine vessel for a pirate and have a good crew. Nice a bit of gold there. Also had one fisherman vessel in decent condition, not wealthy but reached 12 gold, and that Schooner I planned to give to you before you decided to stay here, it was a fast little ship 28 gold without crew. I have some leftover even to set up my land operations." I raised my hand "A question?" He pointed like he was in the classroom "You short one in the last row?" "When did I lose Schooner?" "Once you lost the crew. I assume you did not follow anything but fights, right?" He got me there, and I nodded "Well besides that 6:4" "6:5" He looked at me like I was mental "What?" "6:5 is the result and I'll fight for it." "Care to elaborate?" "Vincenzo lost his sword hand, may gods help him in future fights, but find a ship where everyone has all hands and I'll pay you, so he could have stapled knife, hook, even metal arm, did he do any of those? No sir he managed to convince that old goat Sven that with a hammer there he could be a useful addition to his workshop, last I heard of he got promoted, and might even work on your swords. Now his opponent Yurg, does he have children?" Einar quirked one lip as he saw where this is going. "Not to my knowledge" "And which part did he lose?" Einar let out a long sigh "6:5 it is. Happy?" I nodded and immediately regretted it, my head still reacted to movement like someone stuck something sharp in it "Then your level of happiness will be only raised when I tell you that your second in command who so generously allowed me the use of his sword is expecting his first children in three months according to birth mothers. Both he and his wife are very happy." I slightly frowned "Wife?" Einar nodded "Of two years. Some stories already started to spread but this shut them up. Then Orleanzzi brothers..." I admit I had trouble putting names to faces there "Don't worry Captain they were just low-rung sailors, they dropped my sign of protection and moved to Storstrøm Vale two years ago. Likely accepted because, with the amount of knowledge on us, they are considered an asset in the case of war. To cut this short, I am the man of my word and will find a way to deliver you home with only other person who would go, Vincencco de Vittori" I did not need a reminder about this one, Royal Cartographer, no one made a map this far North. I looked at him "You have doubts I would go home?" He shrugged "I know two things. The first you will always be the outsider here, the second is that some call you "Giacomo the Boar", which is two rungs above how they call me, and the second overall. You the prisoner given higher honor than I, do you really want to go to your world of phony Counts, and undeserving Barons just to get your tongue lashing for losing cargo? We killed 15, captured 18, Captain included but that sweet sweet cargo." He deliberately slowly goes over the longest of his today's wounds. "Live like a Giacomo the Sheep, or Giacomo the Boar, it's your will for once." He started down the stairs when I stopped him for the last time. "You said they place me above you, what are you then? He smiled" "You know." and vanished. And I did know, I could maybe pretend otherwise. But a spring-coiled shadow hung over not only this house but the entire settlement. One of the snake ready to strike.


As promised soon two lacquered wooden cases with the stamp of Svens Workshop arrived and we could've checked the monsters we constructed. I admit I got a jitter. He pushed the offensive one to me because he was able to wield the sword in either hand (of course). We opened cases simultaneously and carefully lifted the blades up. Apart from their size, just the blade on either one was around 3.5 feet or some 105 cm long, with pommel and all they were close to 4 feet. Size of the average Longsword maybe. But the oddest thing their balance was perfect we exchanged a few blows. Swords were nimble and incredibly easy to handle. The trick was in the difference between the blade handle and the guard. While blades were entirely Mithral, Svenfirst made them thin, dangerously so, until they were light like leaves. Then the part where the most trial, error, and frayed nerves started. Mithral was near magic with its lightness, hardness, and so on. A feasible sword could be made just from it but not something like this. So Sven coated the edge and the entire point with a layer of adamantium. And made a rib on top, It took many shattered prototypes but the end result was in our hands swords with Mithral core and Adamantium edge and point, the length of a longsword with the shape of a sabre. That's where the last part came Guards, a simple but strong knuckle bow on the main hand one and a fancier but thinner complex guard on the off-hand one were pure Adamantium. Best defense money can buy, also the heaviest. But with the counterweight of the blades and last part. Tangs that were made from special Mithral alloy, that Sven held as a professional secret, but we knew at least three metals were used. Hickory as the base, the right one wrapped in shark skin and tied with silver wire, the left one with Mithral base and fully wrapped in silver. I took them both and they felt perfect but I dueled with a (shorter) sword and a dagger in duel as soon as I tried blades proved to be a problem. Einar took them. I knew he was preparing for this moment practicing with our two practice swords. Even base competency would be enough. He showed more. In those practices, he didn't just practice, he invented a new style. Agresivelly attacking with the right blade and using the second one just for defense and the same like at the day he captured me swift and brutal kill strike from the left side. I was lucky he only had a fist then. His sudden stabs and cuts with the left were both unexpected and always lethal. They were fight enders, aimed at the heart, throat, and head as stabs and all arteries as cuts. Scorpion got his stinger.







Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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GEAR (2500$)

Armor Armor Value Min. Str. Weight Cost
Black Leather Leggings (legs) 2 d6 7 40
Black Leather Jacket (torso, arms) 2 d6 8 80
Black Chain Helm (head) 3 d8 4 25
Winter Boots     1 100

Weapon Damage Min.Str Weight Cost Notes
Long Sword x2 Str+8 d8 3 600  
Dagger Str+4 d4 1 25  
Lance Str+8 d8 6 300 AP 2 when charging, Reach 2, usable in mounted combat only

Ranged Weapon Range Damage AP RoF Min.Str Weight Cost
Throwing Axe x2 3/6/12 Str+d6 - 1 d6 3 200
Hand Drawn Crossbow 10/20/40 2d6 2 1 d6 5 250
Dagger 3/6/12 2d6 1 d4      

Adventuring Gear Cost Notes
Horse 300  
Elaborate Saddle 50  
Backpack 50  
Bedroll (sleeping bag) 25 winterized
Canteen 10  
Crowbar 10  
First Aid Kit x5 50  
Flint and Steel 3  
Grappling Hook 100  
Lantern 25  
Lockpicks 200  
Oil, lantern 2 1 pint
Rope, hemp 10 60 ft.
Whetstone 5  
Trail Rations x4 40  


Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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I'll have to look it over with the book open, but I think your Attributes are too high.

From my memory, you start at d4 for all of them, and get 5 points. If you spent two Advances on it, that's only 7; you've spent 10 though.

Personally, I say write your fluff and then make your mechanics match that as best you can.

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I agree with writing fluff first and then doing what you can to build to that, but if i remember Malk is right. You start with 5 points to put in attributes and you're at 10. You've used two advances to raise an attribute (One novice and one Seasoned since you can only raise an attribute once per section) so you're still 2 over in attributes.

You also have 4 points worth of Hindrances and only 3 points worth of Edges, did you use a hindrance to increase an attribute?

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@Malkavian Grin @Neopopulas Yeah two times, those should be the two that are 2 many. You can see all of it when you click on stuff those are OOC, Hindrances are all minor so 4, 3 edges (1 from advance), and 4 perks (extra Edge, double starting wealth, and two extra attributes) Although honestly, I didn't think about it that much, I used your site a clicked on attributes until it said I used up all my points, same with skills.

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Okay i see whats going on.

The first thing i checked is the Attributes, Minor Hindrances are worth 1, but raising an attribute costs 2 points. So you could have two attribute raises from hindrances but nothing else (so you couldn't have the extra edge, double wealth AND two attributes).

On the website if you take 4 points of hindrances, and then click the dropdown for 'select a perk' it should show you that each attribute costs 2 - it should only let you take two at that point. That'll push your attribute points up to 7.

I think you also have 1 too many skills spent as well.

Since i have access to my book i can do through it and see whats up from my end, i think the only way is to go through it step by step and spot the problems. I'm not sure how the website let you do this but you might have something different in the Settings tab than I do, unfortunately i think an error right at the start has thrown it all off kilter.

You have 4 Hindrances (for a total of four points)
You then took 4 perks, but you overspent at this step. An Edge or an Attribute raise costs 2 points and you only have 4, but somehow you spent 7 points there. (2 for the Edge, 4 for the Attributes, 1 for the double starting wealth)

Maybe it would be easier to go through with the book, i can step you through that and help you out if you find any problems along the way.

Step 1.

Purchase up to 4 points of Hindrances.
- 2 points for an Edge, 2 Points for an Attribute raise, 1 point for double starting wealth or skill point

Step 2.

Buy Traits. This is Attributes and Skills
- You start with 5 points to distrobute
- You start with d4 in every Attribute.
- It costs 1 point to raise an attribute to the next rank (d4 to d6 for example)
At this point, if you have bought a raise in a skill or an attribute from Hindrances, you should apply it now, after you've spent points.
- Then you buy skills, its exactly the same except you have 12 points.
- Each step costs 1 point, unless its above the assigned attribute, then it costs 2 points.

Step 3.

Edges. You may have an Edge from Hindrances, if you do you should apply it at the end.
- Edges can only be bought with hindrances (at character creation) and thus at this point you probably either don't have any points left or you've already applied it

There are three advances per rank, You start at advance 0, so we have 4 advances.
- Every time you take an advance you can take either
-- A) Gain a new edge (so long as you meet the requirements
-- B) Increase a Skill that is equal to or above its attribute
-- C) Increase two skills that are less than their attributes
-- D) Increase one attribute (But you can only do this once per rank, so you can only do this once in the novice rank)
-- E) Permanently remove a hindrance (but you should talk to your GM about it
- You have four advances at this point, so you could increase an attribute, plus get an edge, plus increase some skills, ets.
At this point you are now Seasoned and get one more advance
- You are now at Advance 4, so you have 1 Seasoned Advance. This can allow you to take another attribute if you want, or take an edge that is the Seasoned rank, and so on.

Its hard for me to just say 'oh you have too many of X' or something like that because it really depends on what you spent and where. You COULD theoretically have up to nine attribute points (2 from Hindrances, 2 from Advances + 5 starting), but it looks like you have 10.

You could have up to like eight edges if you spent four advances plus 4 hindrance points on them but you wouldn't have any attribute increases, and so on..

Edited by Neopopulas (see edit history)
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On 7/11/2023 at 4:19 PM, Neopopulas said:

Okay i see whats going on.

The first thing i checked is the Attributes, Minor Hindrances are worth 1, but raising an attribute costs 2 points. So you could have two attribute raises from hindrances but nothing else (so you couldn't have the extra edge, double wealth AND two attributes).

On the website if you take 4 points of hindrances, and then click the dropdown for 'select a perk' it should show you that each attribute costs 2 - it should only let you take two at that point. That'll push your attribute points up to 7.

I think you also have 1 too many skills spent as well.

Since i have access to my book i can do through it and see whats up from my end, i think the only way is to go through it step by step and spot the problems. I'm not sure how the website let you do this but you might have something different in the Settings tab than I do, unfortunately i think an error right at the start has thrown it all off kilter.

You have 4 Hindrances (for a total of four points)
You then took 4 perks, but you overspent at this step. An Edge or an Attribute raise costs 2 points and you only have 4, but somehow you spent 7 points there. (2 for the Edge, 4 for the Attributes, 1 for the double starting wealth)

Maybe it would be easier to go through with the book, i can step you through that and help you out if you find any problems along the way.

Step 1.

Purchase up to 4 points of Hindrances.
- 2 points for an Edge, 2 Points for an Attribute raise, 1 point for double starting wealth or skill point

Step 2.

Buy Traits. This is Attributes and Skills
- You start with 5 points to distrobute
- You start with d4 in every Attribute.
- It costs 1 point to raise an attribute to the next rank (d4 to d6 for example)
At this point, if you have bought a raise in a skill or an attribute from Hindrances, you should apply it now, after you've spent points.
- Then you buy skills, its exactly the same except you have 12 points.
- Each step costs 1 point, unless its above the assigned attribute, then it costs 2 points.

Step 3.

Edges. You may have an Edge from Hindrances, if you do you should apply it at the end.
- Edges can only be bought with hindrances (at character creation) and thus at this point you probably either don't have any points left or you've already applied it

There are three advances per rank, You start at advance 0, so we have 4 advances.
- Every time you take an advance you can take either
-- A) Gain a new edge (so long as you meet the requirements
-- B) Increase a Skill that is equal to or above its attribute
-- C) Increase two skills that are less than their attributes
-- D) Increase one attribute (But you can only do this once per rank, so you can only do this once in the novice rank)
-- E) Permanently remove a hindrance (but you should talk to your GM about it
- You have four advances at this point, so you could increase an attribute, plus get an edge, plus increase some skills, ets.
At this point you are now Seasoned and get one more advance
- You are now at Advance 4, so you have 1 Seasoned Advance. This can allow you to take another attribute if you want, or take an edge that is the Seasoned rank, and so on.

Its hard for me to just say 'oh you have too many of X' or something like that because it really depends on what you spent and where. You COULD theoretically have up to nine attribute points (2 from Hindrances, 2 from Advances + 5 starting), but it looks like you have 10.

You could have up to like eight edges if you spent four advances plus 4 hindrance points on them but you wouldn't have any attribute increases, and so on..

I have a particular problem there because since I went the route (yeah I did read the book rules beforehand to familiarize myself) from left to right and when I finally got to the end I noticed it automatically added a lot of stuff I didn't pick. My assumption is that I messed up because I skipped the Home part (at least there I think that is where that part is where they warn that even if GM allows us to start from the later stage we should go from the beginning, that is as you said 0 then advance as normal and since I missed that system did not know what to do and filled stuff themself. For example Stubborn (never considered it), second raise the attribute, they did something with my skills, and Parry. But there everything seems O.K. Like I said It's most likely I bugged out the system. For now, I'll fill the fluff (or most of it) and then try to make the character with hand and book, level by level until seasoned. When I look at it it does have bones of my character but something is clearly wrong with it. I want a fast and stealthy dual wielder. That mostly I accomplished but with a lot of mistakes along the way. Thanks, I'll follow your steps too when I make next one 7 days is more than enough.


Also, your template looks majestic, mind if I borrow it?


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I've never tried savaged.us, so I can't tell what the problem stems from, but if it's got any glitches, doing the mechanics is rather easy manually. List the basic point spend, then all the advances, then summarize it when all's done. This way it's also easier for us to check the mechanics.

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@quirkyGamer @Neopopulas @Malkavian Grin Ok as advised I finished fluff first, I tend to go a bit long-winded and it is hard to guess sometimes why some parts are in certain places. Anyway quirky if you want to kill some half an hour, since with his blessing I took Neo's template go for it while I do my favorite thing...math 💀

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Ok, just my diary so I know what I did. Bought 4 points of Hindrances: Code Of Honor (major), Loyal (minor), Cautious (minor). Bought 2 points of Agility, 2 points of Smarts, and 1 point of strength.Using 4 Hindrance Points to buy an Extra Edge and An Exra Attribute point. Raised Strength 1 more point (d8). Human Extra Edge buys me Ambidexterity and Extra Edge buys Two-Fist Kid. 12 skill points spent to raise Athletics to d10, Fighting to d12, Shooting to d6, Stealth to d8, and Thievery to d6


I believe now we are in the advancement category of which we have 4 +1 extra for being Seasoned.


Advancement 1: I'll take C (Increase two skills that are less than their attributes) Raising Notice and Common Knowledge to d6 (parent attributes d8)

Advancement 2: I'll take D (Increase one attribute (Agility to d10))

Advancement 3: I'll take A (Taking Extra Edge (Rich))

Advancement 4: I'll take C (Increase two skills that are less than their attributes) Thievery to d8 and Persuasion to d6

Seasoned Advance: +1 to Vigor

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4 minutes ago, quirkyGamer said:

Hmmm. Einar's a very efficient addition to a team, I can see that 🙂

@quirkyGamer He is in the universe meant to be, yeah criminal, but not in his region (Vastavikland) but more thorn in the side of their enemies who happen to earn a bit on the side 😇. Also on occasion, he might get a whisper from his older brother who is all about Vastavikland's life about a certain problem that Jarl has that just can't be bludgeoned to death for one or other reason, but if they were to happen to have an accident Jarl would not cry. I wanted him to be a multifaceted and fun character. Also I left you a question in Discussions, I just mention it because I'm not sure do Baldr poke when someone quotes your post. Still getting used to the site frankly, I see it has potential but a lot of rough edges to sand off and this heat wave doesn't help for sure. I think I'm at the home stretch. Hopefully, I don't stumble now. This time I used just a book and that handy guide from Neo on this page.

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16 minutes ago, JagrHunter said:

@Grudge for advances its 3 novice and 1 for seasoned. for a total of 4

Oh, I likely misunderstood @Neopopulas meaning some 6 posts above when he laid everything up. I thought we get 4 normal ones and something special because We are Seasoned now. I'll likely scrape Advance 4 and raise Vigor as No 4 instead. Thanks.

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