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Character Creation


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All content as part of the D&D "5.5" playtest is on the table but ONLY content in the playtest is on the table. All content used will use the most current published version of it (Example: Playtest 7 re-did many classes) and all rules will use the most current version. If a new UA is published while the game is still going, we will collectively decide whether or not to update.

Starting level is 9. Expect to be around 12 at game end and I'll level people quickly using milestones.

Max HP every level

Equipment: We'll discuss this because on the one hand, you'll lose almost everything early on due to the shipwreck. On the other, I'm super nice and won't neuter you if you need your tools. On the third hand that we all totally have, some of your lost stuff will be salvageable.


Backstories: As this is a very short game and basically a playtest for new rules, we don't need extremely long backstories with tons of exposition. You can HAVE those backstories, being level 9, but I wouldn't expect them to come up in the story so you can save yourself a lot of time there. The game setting is Forgotten Realms, somewhere off the Sword Coast but the host island is uncharted and few have ever been there.


A few spells/abilities that have to be pruned: I'm fine with powerful magic making it easier to survive - goodberry, conjure food, etc - but if there is a spell or ability that would essentially defeat the story of being stranded, it's not on the table. Flight is a good example, especially if it can be shared with the group. Freely being able to just swim and live out at sea on your own. Teleport is obviously gone. The standard should be "If I can do this, is the game over?"


I don't care if your characters are good or evil as long as you can play a mixed group without it taking over the game. If the group is trending good, you can be evil but the burden is on you to be evil and not disruptive about it. PVP is never allowed. If your characters bicker, that's fine as long as it stays in-character. There will be zero tolerance for out of character bad behavior. This is a cooperative game about having fun with other people.


You must have Roll20 to participate. 99% of the game will happen right here on the forums but battle maps will be hosted there. The only thing you need to be able to DO on Roll20 is upload a token and move it around a map but you will have to be able to do that much.


Expected post rate is 1 post every other day. I'd like the game to move and progress.


I'm seeking four players. It'll be the first four players who qualify so ask yourself these questions:


1) Do I join games to make the entire game be about me and not care if anyone else is having fun?


2) Have I ever joined a game and then disappeared for long periods of time without communicating the absence in advance?


3) Have I ever just ghosted a game? No goodbyes or anything, just stop posting and peace out?


4) Do I like to constantly argue about every decision that gets made and then flake on games when the GM doesn't rule in my favor?


If you answered "yes," to any of these, please cease all communications with this game. If you answered 'no' to all of these things, I'm taking five players but one slot is pre-soldIt's to Saint. We're affiliated IRL. He won't get special treatment or anything but he dibsed his spot! so really it's just four. All you have to do is post your RSVP in here. First come, first serve.

Once we know who the five are, we can collectively work out character ideas so the party is cohesive. You won't need to share a background since you're all just gonna be on this boat for whatever reasons but you can meta-game class choices and stuff together. I don't care if you're five wizards, by the way, though there's only one UA wizard subclass so that might be weird...


Edited by Alliebaby (see edit history)
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She's Australian. You can't expect her to read our language.˙


ʎǝʞᴉɹɔ ɹǝpᴉds ɹǝpᴉds ʎǝʞᴉɹɔ sɹǝʇsoℲ ¡ooɹɐƃuɐʞ ʎǝʞᴉɹɔ ʎǝʞᴉɹϽ ˙uɐᴉןɐɹʇsn∀ uᴉ ɹǝɥ oʇ ʞɐǝds ɐʇʇoƃ no⅄ ¡ǝƃɐnƃuɐן uʍo ɹǝɥ spɐǝɹ ʎןuo ǝɥS

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16 hours ago, Alliebaby said:

I literally just posted the ad. If you're making a character, you didn't read it. Tsk tsk! Now you gotta get disciplined!

Thats because you already know what i'm gonna play! But i'll take my punishment. but yes yes working out character ideas, i just wanna call dibs!

Edited by Neopopulas (see edit history)
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8 hours ago, slinkman00 said:

Is there a good link for the playtest rules?
Is what I found. I just want to be sure I am using the correct material.

You probably want this one https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/H8iRpbGyNtM4

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19 hours ago, Neopopulas said:

Much better. Thank you. The races were what I was most curious about... I was leaning toward a dragonborn sorcerer. But, after seeing the cloud jaunt on a goliath... I want a 7 and a half foot tall goliath to teleport behind someone and whisper

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