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Primeval Stasis

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19 hours ago, Primeval Stasis said:

@CharmingSatyr if Dan has anything to say on the forest shortcut, feel free. It's still an option, I'm just going to proceed to the next scene for now to keep things moving.


No worries. I understand the desire to build up some momentum after a hiatus.

Welcome back, by the way!

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  • 3 weeks later...

@matt_s Re: recognizing the travellers. they don't look exotic in any sense, so they are probably from the same part of the empire at the very least, but that is about all. I made a 50/50 shot for Dan to know more (since it seems like he has traveled the most), but it came up a no.

Some ideas have tossed out, but I'm not sure if there is a consensus. Feel free to discuss OOC in here if you all want to.

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5 hours ago, matt_s said:

my vote is to press on with the wounded (limiting our pace as it may) to the town on the road we are on and then leave them there and send people to bury the bodies, etc. at the ambush site

I'll cast my vote for this as well.

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I am against bringing the wounded with us. We're trailing the raiders, so the next place we find is likely to have been raided as well. There will be more wounded and probably no resources to treat them. The only place we know that's safe is our town. Plus we're ostensibly a war party, or something like it. Bringing casualties to the front line seems liek a bad idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick update for everyone.

Sorry this has moved more slowly than I would like, things have been busier than anticipated and January is likely definitely going to be worse. I'm trying to wind down a few of my games so that I can give more focus to the few that will be left.

Originally, I had anticipated maybe using this scenario to jump into a wider world and adventure, but due to time and mentally wanting to reduce the number of games I'm GMing, I might shorten it. My feeling right now is that we might build to a confrontation and resolution somewhere around the next town, that way there is still some resolution of getting the kids back.

If there are any strong feelings of wanting these characters to continue past that though (once my life calms down), am I open to exploring it. I like you all as players (so much so that I am in other games with most of you) and I'm really grateful you decided to join this game and give me a chance to work on my GMing skills, especially as new as I am to the PBP format.

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