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About This Game

Life has suddenly become very interesting in Breachill, a usually-peaceful town in Isger. Arson at Town Hall, magic portals, and cultists from the Mwangi Expanse... Breachill needs heroes. Will you answer the call?

Game System

Pathfinder 2e
  1. What's new in this game
  2. Arionne Amata - Itinerant Scholar (25Item Bonus +5, Dex +1, Trained +8 +1 Rallying Bulwark: The armor covers you so completely that it provides benefits against some damaging effects. On Reflex saves to avoid a damaging effect, such as a fireball, you add a +3 modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier Plate: The sturdy plate provides no purchase for a cutting edge. You gain resistance to slashing damage equal to 1 + the value of the armor’s potency rune for medium armor, or 2 + the value of the armor’s potency rune for heavy armor.) | HP: 41/80 | Fortitude: +14 | Reflex: +11 | Will: +12 | Perception: +8 Arionne woke to a world of pain and darkness, her eyesight still gone. She struggled to her feet, listening as the battle still unfolded around her. She felt more then heard the creature next to her, and with an effort of will brought her Draconic scales back to her. That at least still obeyed her, even if her eyes had betrayed her. She felt foreign magic play over her, a surge of energy that sought to close her wounds. Would it be enough? She didn't know, but she could do all she could to go down fighting. She reformed the chain, lashing out with jagged shards of onyx at the unseen foe. Mechanics
  3. As Vharag leaves one racharak toppled over and flailing, the other one - badly wounded - turns its ire on the orc, roaring as it tears into him. Vharag's spell leaves it even more wounded, and it staggers back into a more defensive position, trying to fend off any would-be attackers with its long bladed tail. Round 4 R1 - frightened 1 Shrieking Frenzy Draconic Frenzy vs Vharag (I assume you'll use Blood Vendetta here) Stride Tail Strike vs Syhlas @crazncanuck and @TheRaconteur are up. Map
  4. Vharag Mor'Guldur, Arcane Shaman AC: 20 | HIT POINTS: 72 | CURRENT: 61 | HERO POINTS: 0 FORTITUDE: +11 | REFLEX: +11 | WILL: +14 | PERCEPTION: +9 FOCUS POINTS: 2 | CURRENT: 2 | SPELL SLOTS [ARCANE]: 1st: 2/2 | 2nd: 4/4 | 3rd: 3/5 | SPELL SLOTS [OCCULT]: 1st: 1/1 | 2nd: 1/1 ACTIVE EFFECTS: Guidance Immunity. CONDITIONS: None. The demonic flames surged over Vharag, searing through his robes and biting into his skin with cruel, crackling heat. His muscles tensed under the onslaught as the inferno licked at him, leaving charred fabric and smoldering flesh in its wake. The pain was sharp but fleeting—he had endured worse. His grimace hardened as he stood firm, refusing to yield to the racharak’s flames. As Arionne fell, crumpling beneath the racharak's brutal onslaught, Vharag’s fury ignited, burning cold like the void itself. His gaze darkened as Verjigorm’s unsettling presence coiled tighter around his thoughts. He extended a hand, calling upon the lingering sliver of abyssal power, and channeled a surge of dark energy into Arionne’s form. Her wounds began to close, knitting together under the twisted influence of the life boost he cast, pulling her back from the brink of death. Without hesitation, Vharag strode forward, the pulse of the void echoing through him as he placed himself between Arionne and the racharak. His body surged with ancestral orcishstrength as he locked eyes with the creature, his voice low and venomous. "You will not have her." With a sudden, forceful motion, Vharag shoved the demonic creature, aiming to send it crashing to the ground, challenging its fury with his own starless power. Out of Character Exploration: Detect Magic Free Action: Reflex Save [22 Success! Resist 6 applied [re: Arionne's Aura]; 21 dmg (halved); 11 fire dmg] Reaction: Action 1: Step [N-E] Action 2: Cast a Spell [Life Boost (H: +2); Arionne gains Fast Healing 6 (4 Rnds)] Action 3: Trip [Racharak 2; Athletics (+11) vs Reflex DC]
  5. Syhlas lands a solid hit. Baldric misses, but at least he brings Arionne back into the fight. Nketiah keeps shooting at the wounded racharak, leaving him bloodied and very unsteady. Round 3 cont'd. Nketiah Courageous Anthem for everyone Longbow Strike x2 vs R1 @Zen Gypsy is up. Map
  6. Syhlas Yaeder (Character sheet) Human Rogue 6 HP: 74/74 | AC: 25 | Perc +10 | Fort +13 | Ref +14 | Will +14 | Speed: 30 ft. | Initiative: Perc +12/Stealth +17 Abilities: Deny advantageNot Off-Guard vs. hidden, undetected or flanking opponents of same or lower level. , Incredible Initiative+2 circumstance bonus to Initiative, Charmed LifeAs a Reaction triggered by rolling for a save, get +2 circumstance bonus to the save., Nimble DodgeAs a Reaction triggered by an attack, get +2 circumstance bonus to AC against that attack., Distracting FeintWhile Off-Guard from my Feints the target also get -2 circumstance penalty to Perception and Reflex saves. Also (from Scoundrel racket): When you successfully Feint, the target is off-guard against your melee attacks until the end of your next turn. On a critical success, the target is off-guard against all melee attacks until the end of your next turn, not just yours. If you Feint while wielding an agile or finesse melee weapon, you can step immediately after the Feint as a free action., Cat FallYour catlike aerial acrobatics allow you to cushion your falls. Treat falls as 10 feet shorter. If you’re an expert in Acrobatics, treat falls as 25 feet shorter and 50 feet if you’re a master. If you’re legendary in Acrobatics, you always land on your feet and don’t take damage, regardless of the distance of the fall., Light StepYou aren’t bothered by tricky footing. When you Stride or Step, you can ignore difficult terrain., Rolling LandingYou land with quick rolls that help you keep your momentum. If you fall more than 5 feet and don't take damage (usually due to treating the fall as a shorter distance), you can use your reaction to immediately enter a short roll when you land and Step. If you are an expert in Acrobatics, you can use your reaction to Step or Stride up to half your Speed. If you're a master in Acrobatics, you can use your reaction to Step or Stride up to your full Speed. If you're legendary in Acrobatics, you don't trigger reactions triggered by movement when you Stride in this way. Active Conditions: After making sure that the pillar is disabled Syhlas looks down at the battlefield. One of demonic creatures breathes fire over his friends and the other shrieks out some frenzy call before lashing out at Arionne until she goes down. He is about to scream out in fury and rush down to punish the creatures but stops himself when he remembers he is still invisible. Calming down a notch he runs more silently towards the nearest racharak and then tries to find a weak spot to strike it and penetrate its skin. Actions
  7. Baldric | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | Fort +11 | Ref +15 | Will +15 | Speed: 30 | Perception: +11 (Low-light) Hero Points: 1/1 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Spellcasting: CantripsDaze Figment Read the Air Shield Telekinetic Hand Usable At-Will | Rank 1Lose the Path Fear (Muse bonus) Illusory Object Soothe {S} Spell Slots: 1/3 | Rank 2Dispel Magic {S} Invisibility Illusory Creature Spell Slots: 3/3 | Rank 3Phantom Pain [H+2] {S} Gravity Well Loose Time's Arrow [H+1] Spell Slots: 3/3 | Spell/Class DC: 22 Conditions: N/A | Effects: Marshal's aura (15 ft): +1 status vs fear; Rallying Anthem (2 rounds) Baldric's eyes go wide as Arionne falls from the creatures' flames and fangs. "No! No heroic deaths today, I forbid it! Get up, soldier!" Baldric channels healing magic into the wounded scholar in an effort to draw her back from the brink. Arionne has barely hit the ground when she is infused not with some divine, heavenly energy, but the frenetic energy of battle and the feeling of fighting for a cause greater than oneself. He then takes the opportunity, before Arionne can rise again, to take a shot at the creature that had just laid into her. He's not as mighty a warrior as his companions, not in terms of martial prowess anyway, but it is his courage which fuels his power, not cowardice. Round 3 Action 1&2: Soothe [3], target within 30 feet heals for 3d10+12 hp and increases the status bonus to Will saves to +2 vs. mental effects for 1 minute. Action 3: Ranged Strike vs. Racharak 2 (while he's still got some penalties from frightened...); On a hit, deal all of 1d6 piercing damage, but also extend Rallying Anthem by 1 round.
  8. Arionne Amata - Itinerant Scholar (24Item Bonus +5, Dex +1, Trained +8 Bulwark: The armor covers you so completely that it provides benefits against some damaging effects. On Reflex saves to avoid a damaging effect, such as a fireball, you add a +3 modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier Plate: The sturdy plate provides no purchase for a cutting edge. You gain resistance to slashing damage equal to 1 + the value of the armor’s potency rune for medium armor, or 2 + the value of the armor’s potency rune for heavy armor.) | HP: 0/80 | Fortitude: +14 | Reflex: +11 | Will: +12 | Perception: +8 Her aura ate the flame, but it was too much, and she staggered as her flesh blackened and peeled. Blinded, she was not ready for the sustained assault, and as the Dragon creature pounced she fell beneath its brutal onslaught. Mechanics
  9. The other racharak is hit by Matilde's spectral weapon, but it keeps its attention focused on Arionne, relentlessly biting and slashing. <You'll be next!> it howls to Matilde. Paine quickly fixes his gun and loads a new shot, but he's too frazzled and unfocused to hit his target. Round 3 cont'd. Racharak 2 Shrieking Frenzy Draconic Frenzy vs Arionne Claw Strike vs Arionne Demoralize vs Matilde Paine Repair & Reload Dragon Pistol vs R1 @VennDygrem and @Bearlord are up. The map is unchanged.
  10. Matilde Canossa (Sheet) Human Cleric 6 HP: 59/74 | AC: 24 | Perception: +14 | Fort: +14 | Ref: +12 | Will: +11 | Speed: 25 ft. Active Conditions: Shield (4) 12/12, Courageous Anthem Matilde regains her vision just in time to realize she had been holding her shield up in the wrong direction entirely, and is caught flat footed as a blaze of flame came flying her way before she could get turned about. The wide eyed redhead was thus shuddering from the blast of flame after that, straightening up as her tabard continued to smoulder uncomfortably about her torso from the heat. She hastily mutters out a prayer to Iomedae to salve the pain, hoping it would take effect before the shock thoroughly claimed her. Once she was able to focus again, she finally managed to send the ghostly copy of her blade out to strike the frightened fiend. >> Heal Self > Sustain Spiritual Armament vs R 2
  11. This time Arionne is able to draw some of the fire from the racharak's blood. She slashes him with her chain, but he's still unhurt by her fiery aura. The other racharak doubles back and roars, exhaling a potent burst of fire - which Paine completely avoids. Round 3 Racharak 1 - frightened 2 Stride Fire Breath vs Matilde, Vharag, Arionne, Paine - basic Reflex save, DC 22 @crazncanuck is up. Map (not perfectly accurate, but close enough)
  12. Vharag Mor'Guldur, Arcane Shaman AC: 20 | HIT POINTS: 72 | CURRENT: 72 | HERO POINTS: 1 0 FORTITUDE: +11 | REFLEX: +11 | WILL: +14 | PERCEPTION: +9 FOCUS POINTS: 2 | CURRENT: 2 | SPELL SLOTS [ARCANE]: 1st: 2/2 | 2nd: 4/4 | 3rd: 3/5 | SPELL SLOTS [OCCULT]: 1st: 1/1 | 2nd: 1/1 ACTIVE EFFECTS: Guidance Immunity. CONDITIONS: None. Vharag's eyes narrowed as the totem resisted his magic. Before he could attempt another dispelling, Syhlas deftly moved in and disabled the pillar with his skillful hands, neutralizing the threat of further beams. Seeing the chaos of the battlefield, Vharag shifted his attention to Arionne, still struggling with the effects of the totem's assault as a demonic racharak bore down on her. Vharag's lips curled into a dark smile as he advanced, his mind focusing on the tenuous thread that bound him to the Starless Void. He extended his hand, and the air between them grew cold and oppressive, a shimmer of void energy rippling around his fingers. The touch of the abyss latched onto the creature, siphoning its very life-force through an unseen thread of shadow. It pulsed into Vharag, bolstering his body and corrupting his spirit, each stolen breath of vitality a dark offering to the endless hunger that fueled him. Verjigorm, perched on Vharag's shoulder, let out a low hiss of delight, its eyes glinting with malevolent glee. It reveled in the twisted magic, eager to see more of the racharak's essence devoured. Out of Character Exploration: Detect Magic Free Action: Reaction: Action 1: Stride [If possible, to give flanking on Racharak 1 to Arionne] Action 2 & 3: Cast a Spell [Vampiric Feast; Racharak 1]
  13. Arionne Amata - Itinerant Scholar (24Item Bonus +5, Dex +1, Trained +8 Bulwark: The armor covers you so completely that it provides benefits against some damaging effects. On Reflex saves to avoid a damaging effect, such as a fireball, you add a +3 modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier Plate: The sturdy plate provides no purchase for a cutting edge. You gain resistance to slashing damage equal to 1 + the value of the armor’s potency rune for medium armor, or 2 + the value of the armor’s potency rune for heavy armor.) | HP: 40/80 | Fortitude: +14 | Reflex: +11 | Will: +12 | Perception: +8 The black beam struck her, and Arionne's world became darkness. She threw her hands up, scales hardening, but without her amber eyes to guide her she struggled to defend herself against the creature's claws. She felt its snapping maw though, and as it tried to bite down on her arm she pulled the very fire from its blood. As she felt it cool, she ignited her own aura, flashing chain of elemental flame bursting forth to slash blindly at the foe. Mechanics
  14. Smoke stops pouring from the dragon pillar's maw, and its eye-gems go dark. That and Baldric's spell cause the racharak's eyes to go wide with fear, which only increases when an arrow from Nketiah plugs him in the throat. Round 2 cont'd. Nketiah Courageous Anthem for everyone Longbow Strike x2 vs R1 @Zen Gypsy and @TheRaconteur are up.
  15. Baldric | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | Fort +11 | Ref +15 | Will +15 | Speed: 30 | Perception: +11 (Low-light) Hero Points: 1/1 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Spellcasting: CantripsDaze Figment Read the Air Shield Telekinetic Hand Usable At-Will | Rank 1Lose the Path Fear (Muse bonus) Illusory Object Soothe {S} Spell Slots: 1/3 | Rank 2Dispel Magic {S} Invisibility Illusory Creature Spell Slots: 3/3 | Rank 3Phantom Pain [H+2] {S} Gravity Well Loose Time's Arrow [H+1] Spell Slots: 3/3 | Spell/Class DC: 22 Conditions: N/A | Effects: Marshal's aura (15 ft): +1 status vs fear With the shout of victory coming from the invisible Syhlas in the distance, Baldric grins with confidence in the face of danger even as their enemies continue to keep the party on their toes. "Fight on, friends! Arionne, Hold steady, steel yourself!" With his words of encouragement, Baldric turns toward the enemies. He's unable to counteract the fell effects of the Black Pillar on his ally, so he focuses on trying to thwart the demonic charau-ka. Summoning up all the darkest moments from the battles he's fought, he channels that energy into spell against one of the creatures, hoping to send shivers down its scaly spine. Round 1 Action 1: Steel Yourself! Arionne gets 4 THP and +2 circumstance bonus to Fortitude saves for 1 round. Action 2&3: Cast Fear on Racharak 2 (or 1, whichever is within 30 ft). DC 22 Will Save
  16. Syhlas Yaeder (Character sheet) Human Rogue 6 HP: 74/74 | AC: 24 | Perc +10 | Fort +13 | Ref +14 | Will +14 | Speed: 30 ft. | Initiative: Perc +12/Stealth +17 Abilities: Deny advantageNot Off-Guard vs. hidden, undetected or flanking opponents of same or lower level. , Incredible Initiative+2 circumstance bonus to Initiative, Charmed LifeAs a Reaction triggered by rolling for a save, get +2 circumstance bonus to the save., Nimble DodgeAs a Reaction triggered by an attack, get +2 circumstance bonus to AC against that attack., Distracting FeintWhile Off-Guard from my Feints the target also get -2 circumstance penalty to Perception and Reflex saves. Also (from Scoundrel racket): When you successfully Feint, the target is off-guard against your melee attacks until the end of your next turn. On a critical success, the target is off-guard against all melee attacks until the end of your next turn, not just yours. If you Feint while wielding an agile or finesse melee weapon, you can step immediately after the Feint as a free action., Cat FallYour catlike aerial acrobatics allow you to cushion your falls. Treat falls as 10 feet shorter. If you’re an expert in Acrobatics, treat falls as 25 feet shorter and 50 feet if you’re a master. If you’re legendary in Acrobatics, you always land on your feet and don’t take damage, regardless of the distance of the fall., Light StepYou aren’t bothered by tricky footing. When you Stride or Step, you can ignore difficult terrain., Rolling LandingYou land with quick rolls that help you keep your momentum. If you fall more than 5 feet and don't take damage (usually due to treating the fall as a shorter distance), you can use your reaction to immediately enter a short roll when you land and Step. If you are an expert in Acrobatics, you can use your reaction to Step or Stride up to half your Speed. If you're a master in Acrobatics, you can use your reaction to Step or Stride up to your full Speed. If you're legendary in Acrobatics, you don't trigger reactions triggered by movement when you Stride in this way. Active Conditions: Invisible Syhlas continues moving towards the pillar. He grimaces as if hit himself when he watches it launch another eye attack at Arionne and it seems to hit her badly. When he finally arrives at the Dragon pillar he tries to disable its lethal power the same way he has done at the other locations. "Pillar down!" he shouts to his friends when he is fairly certain that he has completed the task. Then he scans the area and prepare himself to attack the nearest enemy. Actions
  17. The black pillar fires its beam at Arionne this time, and the other racharak targets Arionne as well. It misses with its teeth, but it does manage to sink its claws into her. Paine tries to hastily reload his gun and fire off another shot, but instead, the gun just makes an impotent clunk sound. "Oh, for the love of—" Lowering his gun for now, he moves forward and tries to strike with his whip, but that strike is easily deflected by the racharak. Round 2 cont'd. Dragon Pillar Black Eye Beam vs Arionne Racharak 2 Step Draconic Frenzy vs Arionne Paine Risky Reload - Interact to reload a firearm, then make a Strike with that firearm. If the Strike fails, the firearm misfires. Stride Whip Strike vs R1 @VennDygrem and @Bearlord are up.
  18. Matilde Canossa (Sheet) Human Cleric 6 HP: 74/74 | AC: 26* | Perception: +14 | Fort: +16* | Ref: +14* | Will: +12* | Speed: 25 ft. Active Conditions: Shield (4) 12/12, Blinded, Courageous Anthem Reeling from suddenly being plunged into darkness, Matilde brings her shield up just in time, feeling the rush and the nasty smell slam into her, and she hugs the wooden barrier as tight as she could, making for a somewhat awkward crouch for the strapping redhead. Blinking her eyes furiously, and then realizing she couldn't actually see at all, she tries not to panic, as she did her best to focus and sort out where her attacker had come from. Unfortunately, their impact had left her completely disoriented, so she continues to just have her shield raised protectively close to her person, as she tried to work out what to do next, maintaining the ghostly weapon to linger beside her unswung. The blackness seemed to be fading, so Matilde hoped, and maybe she would come to spot a target soon enough... >Seek R 1 >Raise Shield >Sustain
  19. Unfortunately, the racharak completely resists Arionne's attempt to use its own fire against it. It briefly glances around, wondering where Syhlas went, but then its attention turns to Matilde. It moves toward her and tries to savage her with its natural weapons, but it can't pierce through her armor. Round 2 Racharak 1 Step Draconic Frenzy - The racharak makes two claw Strikes and one bite Strike in any order. @crazncanuck is up.
  20. Arionne Amata - Itinerant Scholar (24Item Bonus +5, Dex +1, Trained +8 Bulwark: The armor covers you so completely that it provides benefits against some damaging effects. On Reflex saves to avoid a damaging effect, such as a fireball, you add a +3 modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier Plate: The sturdy plate provides no purchase for a cutting edge. You gain resistance to slashing damage equal to 1 + the value of the armor’s potency rune for medium armor, or 2 + the value of the armor’s potency rune for heavy armor.) | HP: 80/80 | Fortitude: +14 | Reflex: +11 | Will: +12 | Perception: +8 Arionne had meant to charge, to wrap herself in wings of flame and hurl herself at the foes. Yet for a moment she hesitated, for she felt the blood calling to her, yearning for her to embrace its potential. She listened, opening herself up to the wisdom encoded within her veins. She looked at the Charau-Ka, and she truly saw them. She saw the elemental fire running through them, saw that they were children of the flame. She looked then to her own aura, the fire simmering within it, and realized they were one and the same. She could not burn such a creature.... except... With a slash of her hand, she extinguished her own fire, the shimmering heat around her sputtering and dying. Then she reached out, and with an effort of will seized the Charau-Ka's own primordial heat. With a great rending motion she tore the flames free of the creature, her aura again igniting with the stolen flame. She made it her own, aligning the elements within her with that of the Charau-Ka. It did not matter that it was a creature of fire. Attuned to its aura, she could burn it, she could sear it to ashes and dust. These creatures, whatever they were, were mere pretenders to Dragonhood, possessed of weak blooded delusions of grandeur. She would show them what it meant to truly face Dragonfire. Mechanics
  21. Vharag Mor'Guldur, Arcane Shaman AC: 20 | HIT POINTS: 72 | CURRENT: 72 | HERO POINTS: 1 0 FORTITUDE: +11 | REFLEX: +11 | WILL: +14 | PERCEPTION: +9 FOCUS POINTS: 2 | CURRENT: 2 | SPELL SLOTS [ARCANE]: 1st: 2/2 | 2nd: 4/4 | 3rd: 4/5 | SPELL SLOTS [OCCULT]: 1st: 1/1 | 2nd: 1/1 ACTIVE EFFECTS: Guidance Immunity. CONDITIONS: None. Vharag’s eyes cleared as Nketiah’s magic took effect, her touch bringing his sight back into sharp focus. He gave her a quick, appreciative nod before turning his attention back to the dark pillar. The beam of pure darkness had been a reminder of the forces they faced, but it wasn’t enough to shake him. With deliberate strides, Vharag advanced toward the totem, feeling the presence of Verjigorm deepen within him, like the pull of the void. Reaching the edge of the totem’s influence, he extended his hand toward it, his focus sharpening. He wasn’t just counteracting this magic—he was channeling the Starless Shadow’s essence through him, drawing upon the endless darkness that Verjigorm embodied. The words of power came low and steady from his lips as he aimed to unravel the enchantment, feeling the weight of the Great Void, shaping it with his determination, and focusing it's corrupting energies towards the draconic totem with his iron will. Out of Character Exploration: Detect Magic Free Action: Reaction: Action 1: Cast a Spell [Guidance] Action 2 & 3: Cast a Spell [Dispel Magic (H: +1)]
  22. Nketiah smiles and starts thumping out a rhythm with her wooden arm, which blends with Baldric's confident voice. Still, she's a bit alarmed when she sees Vharag's eyes go hazy. "Hold still," she says as she gently touches him and casts a healing spell, restoring his vision. "There. Now you can dispel that damn thing." Round 1 cont'd. Nketiah Courageous Anthem for everyone Sound Body on Vharag @Zen Gypsy and @TheRaconteur are up.
  23. Vharag Mor'Guldur, Arcane Shaman AC: 20 | HIT POINTS: 72 | CURRENT: 72 | HERO POINTS: 1 FORTITUDE: +11 | REFLEX: +11 | WILL: +14 | PERCEPTION: +9 FOCUS POINTS: 2 | CURRENT: 2 | SPELL SLOTS [ARCANE]: 1st: 2/2 | 2nd: 4/4 | 3rd: 5/5 | SPELL SLOTS [OCCULT]: 1st: 1/1 | 2nd: 1/1 ACTIVE EFFECTS: None. CONDITIONS: None. The beam of shadow tore into his vision, and for a split second, his world went utterly black. Vharag staggered back, a growl rumbling from his throat, more angry than surprised. His instincts kicked in, and though he couldn’t see, his mind remained alert, his senses tense, ready to unlash arcane energies at anything that came too close. The sensation of blindness was more frustrating than alarming, a barrier between him and his goals, but it wouldn’t stop him. He could feel Verjigorm’s presence seethe beneath the surface of his mind, urging him not to falter. The Starless Shadow would not suffer weakness. Out of Character Exploration: Detect Magic Free Action: Reaction: Action 1: Action 2: Action 3:
  24. Syhlas Yaeder (Character sheet) Human Rogue 6 HP: 74/74 | AC: 24 | Perc +10 | Fort +13 | Ref +14 | Will +14 | Speed: 30 ft. | Initiative: Perc +12/Stealth +17 Abilities: Deny advantageNot Off-Guard vs. hidden, undetected or flanking opponents of same or lower level. , Incredible Initiative+2 circumstance bonus to Initiative, Charmed LifeAs a Reaction triggered by rolling for a save, get +2 circumstance bonus to the save., Nimble DodgeAs a Reaction triggered by an attack, get +2 circumstance bonus to AC against that attack., Distracting FeintWhile Off-Guard from my Feints the target also get -2 circumstance penalty to Perception and Reflex saves. Also (from Scoundrel racket): When you successfully Feint, the target is off-guard against your melee attacks until the end of your next turn. On a critical success, the target is off-guard against all melee attacks until the end of your next turn, not just yours. If you Feint while wielding an agile or finesse melee weapon, you can step immediately after the Feint as a free action., Cat FallYour catlike aerial acrobatics allow you to cushion your falls. Treat falls as 10 feet shorter. If you’re an expert in Acrobatics, treat falls as 25 feet shorter and 50 feet if you’re a master. If you’re legendary in Acrobatics, you always land on your feet and don’t take damage, regardless of the distance of the fall., Light StepYou aren’t bothered by tricky footing. When you Stride or Step, you can ignore difficult terrain., Rolling LandingYou land with quick rolls that help you keep your momentum. If you fall more than 5 feet and don't take damage (usually due to treating the fall as a shorter distance), you can use your reaction to immediately enter a short roll when you land and Step. If you are an expert in Acrobatics, you can use your reaction to Step or Stride up to half your Speed. If you're a master in Acrobatics, you can use your reaction to Step or Stride up to your full Speed. If you're legendary in Acrobatics, you don't trigger reactions triggered by movement when you Stride in this way. Active Conditions: Invisible Syhlas smiles at Baldric as the bard casts his spell on him. Despite a somewhat shaky start when they first met the rogue has found that he really likes the half-elf. They often have opinions that align and share a lighter more humorous view of life. "Oh I love to send creatures back to Hell!" he says just before he becomes invisible. Then he darts off towards the dragon pillar as fast as he can, but he tries to keep some distance from the two demonic creatures. Hopefully they can't see through his invisibility. Actions
  25. Baldric | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | Fort +11 | Ref +15 | Will +15 | Speed: 30 | Perception: +11 (Low-light) Hero Points: 1/1 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Spellcasting: CantripsDaze Figment Read the Air Shield Telekinetic Hand Usable At-Will | Rank 1Lose the Path Fear (Muse bonus) Illusory Object Soothe {S} Spell Slots: 1/3 | Rank 2Dispel Magic {S} Invisibility Illusory Creature Spell Slots: 3/3 | Rank 3Phantom Pain [H+2] {S} Gravity Well Loose Time's Arrow [H+1] Spell Slots: 3/3 | Spell/Class DC: 22 Conditions: N/A | Effects: Marshal's aura (15 ft): +1 status vs fear; Rallying Anthem (+1 AC/Saves, Resist 1 Physical) Baldric steels himself as the tower in the distance begins shooting awful-looking rays of energy at his companions. In the interest of giving the team their best shot, he turns to Syhlas. "Well, let's give them hell!" He lays a hand on the Kintargan's shoulder as an illusion weaves itself together, shielding him from view in the hope that it would give him a chance to proceed undetected. He then begins his usual attempt at bolstering the group's defenses, pointing out approaching threats and reminding them to close off any openings their enemies may exploit. Round 1 Action 1&2: Cast Invisibility on Syhlas. Free Action: Lingering CompositionExtend Composition Cantrip to 3-4 rounds depending on degree of success, or 1 round on failure and don't expend the FP. Result: Critical Success Rallying Anthem lasts 4 rounds Action 3: Rallying AnthemTo me and allies within 60-ft emanation: +1 status bonus to AC and saving throws, as well as resistance equal to half the spell's rank to physical damage (Resist 1 Physical)
  26. Another beam shoots out from the dragon pillar, this one at Matilde, and the other charau-ka runs forward to join the fight. "They look nasty, and rather dragon-like," notes Paine. "Let's see how they like a taste of their own medicine." He lifts his gun, which is shaped quite like a dragon's head, and fires a blast into the one that was hit by Matilde's spell. Round 1 cont'd. Dragon Pillar Black Eye Beam vs Matilde (see previous post) Racharak 2 Stride x3 Paine Stride 10ft Dragon Pistol vs R1 cast Shield @VennDygrem and @Bearlord are up.
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