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About This Game

Runequest is an ancient system, pun intended. It's ancient in that it was born in 1978. It's ancient in that it's not medieval, it's bronze age. Instead of 'Tolkienesque Medieval' think 'Harryhausen Clash of the Titans'... yes you might find yourself fighting giant scorpions and the like. Some of you might be familiar with Call of Cthulhu which uses a similar d100 system. We'll be using a trimmed down version of 3rd edition, because it's the edition I am familiar with. IMPORTANT: JUST OPEN THE CHARACTER SHEET AND GET STARTED. ALL THIS WILL LOOK LIKE AN INFORMATION DUMP, BUT AS IN CALL OF CTHULHU, WHEN YOU FINISH FILLING IN THE SHEET, THE SHEET WILL TELL YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO START. IT'S REALLY VERY INTUITIVE.

Game System




Detailed Description

Pavis, the mythical ancient ruined desert city, squats astride The River of Cradles. Outside its giant built walls, like a tick on a corpse is New Pavis, which could easily be categorized as a city of grave robbers. Magical wonders lie buried in Pavis, also called The Big Rubble, just waiting for adventurers to dig them up. Of course that's supposing you survive up to that point, and whether you're able to get your ill gotten gains back to New Pavis.

The Big Rubble is a patchwork of vying territorial claims, opposed spiritual forces, contesting races and divergent goals. It's waiting to be looted, to be settled, to be controlled.


I will be limiting religions (hereafter referred to as cults) to the following..

  • Orlanth, is a barbarian warrior god and head of the storm gods, the nearest thing in world religions would be Odin. Orlanthi tend to act like vikings and dress like picts. Swirly tatoos are definitely a thing. Orlanthi don't believe in no win situations and if they were to be described in a phrase it would be 'violence is always an option'.
  • Yelmalio is a civilised soldier god, a member of the Sun Gods. Yelmalions tend to act and look like Spartans. They are hoplite soldiers in a culture that has castes and rigid roles for men and women. Yelmalions being light cultists and farmer soldiers often hire out as mercenaries to fight trolls. Their enmity for trolls is returned. Yelmalio is also a god of horse riding and horse archery. This has been downplayed somewhat since the Yelmalions in Sun County have been on the defensive against nomadic cavalry who dislike horses, preferring to ride mounts like sables, impala, rhino and the like.
  • Humakt is either a barbarian or a civilised God. Humakt is the God of death and honour, the God of Oaths. They worship swords in a Samurai way. Where Yelmalions are soldiers, Humakti are warriors. There is a friendly rivalry between the two. Humakti go in for duels, Yelmalions come at you with a shield wall.
  • Xiola Umbar is a barbarian Darkness god of healing. She is a darkness Goddess, but is accepted by Yelmalions despite this as she tended the Sun Gods wounds in the Underworld. Xiola Umbar cultists make excellent healers but unlike the Human goddess of healing they will kill.
  • Lhankhor Mhy is the God of Knowledge. They can fight but tend to be advisors.
  • Hykim and Mikyh, a palindrome - where the word is spelled the same backwards and forwards, is a God of humans who believe they are also wolves etc. It is a shapeshifting God of primitive people.
  • Issaries is the Barbarian God of Trade. They are caravan masters and bargainers.
  • Ancestor Worship is a primitive religion with various different names. This is a God of Shamans and Spirit Worship. Shamans can be very powerfulm but their fighting ability is limited by the need to focus on the real world and the spirit world at the same time.
  • Storm Bull is Storm God that is worshipped by barbarians and nomads. Storm Bull is a berserker God. His worshippers fight Chaos (think Cthulhu style monsters and the like) and so most regard them as insane.
  • Ernalda/Eirithra is the earth mother cult, the first barbarian, the second nomad. It has healing spells and earth related magic.
  • Pavis is a City God, God of both New Pavis and Old Pavis, when the City's founder apotheosized. This is a good God for your PC to worship if you want strong political connections in the play area.
  • Zola Fel is the local river God. This is a good God if you want political connections with newtlings and river folk and be amazing in the river.
  • If you want to play a female version of a Yelmalion, you can play a Yelornan, basically warrior nun archers on unicorns.

That's pretty much it. If you want to play a worshipper of a different cult, ask me about it.


My preference for races for this beginner game is

Human (though not Agimori), Newtlings at a stretch. Baboons are borderline.

I am saying no to ducks (never liked them), trolls (too strong and eat people), elves (they are plants that walk in this world), dwarves (they don't get involved in stuff), windchildren (people with wings and I'm not up for flying PCs), dragonnewts (realistically an NPC race), minotaurs (too strong) and and centaurs (can't handle ladders).

If there's anything else you want to play, message me.

I won't be using the sorcery rules. It's a beginner game.

Game style

I've found that dungeon bashes break down on MW. They just get tedious and players lose the will to live. The game style will be therefore be more mission style, more Shadowrun style, with clear objectives.

  1. What's new in this game
  2. Sorry to hear that, but it's your call after all. It was good while it lasted, and I am looking forward to play with you or anyone else in the game in the future. Cheers!
  3. Ah well, sorry to hear that, but thanks for giving it a shot. Best of luck to you in the future.
  4. I believe so. The system does not lend itself to Pbems. :(
  5. So should we consider this game dead than Starhawk?
  6. I DM Pathfinder. In that game I just work through attacks on the enemy turn. So I can just race through it. Here I have to work through actions by the players and the enemies, where they interweave with each other. I have to calculate movement and try to figure out where everyone is at various points in time, because they interweave with one another, when the actions of one interferes with another I have to recalculate, so to do it without error, I have to recalculate, and recalculate. That's not the case with everything one side is doing is done, then enemy turn. Yeah, its relatively easy for a player to put together a turn, but the DM has to interweave and recalculate. It's kinda like a violin player saying to a conductor that it's not hard. Long and short of it is I am just not up for that kind of workload.
  7. Okay, what's the problem with the SR system from your perspective? Once people learn how to calculate the SR cost of their actions, I'm not sure I see why it's so encumbering in PbP. It seems marginally more difficult to manage than having a set number of actions per round like in D&D and WFRP. The system itself is relatively straightforward - it's only when you're switching between multiple actions that you need to remember to add 3 SR. I'm sure we could manage to put together a table or something that makes it easy to read off the cost of various actions if that's what it takes.
  8. I hope so. When I ponder the SR system my motivation drops to zero.
  9. I have no genius idea, but I stand by what I wrote before. The simplest way to make this work for me is: Every player makes a general statement of how his / her character acts in combat. Each, round, every player makes a statement of intent and rolls dice accordingly. The GM computes the SR and resolves actions, rolling additional dice if required, based on all information at his disposal. This might require interpreting the character intentions if the original intent does not make sense anymore, and we players will have to accept the result. Or we switch to an Openquest based system: 5s rounds One action + one reaction per round in addition to movement Each player acts at his DEX or INT rank (so no SR) First option is a lot more work for the GM, so I can understand if it is not the preferred one. But hopefully someone will have a better idea...
  10. Welcoming any advice on how to automate this. I'll take another look this weekend.
  11. How are things coming along? Any chance we'll be able to continue soon?
  12. Okay, feeling relatively caught up now. I'm sort of with LarsWester here. Wouldn't it be better to wrap up this round as is, and then we get things right from the next round? If we are going to redo this round, then only difference for Markalor is that he'll need to spend 3 SR after casting Bladesharp before he can move, so he'll only get 3m of movement in and won't be in a position to attack the broo this round.
  13. Ugh, had a pretty tiring weekend. I'll catch up on where we are and what we're doing ASAP in the coming week.
  14. Torn about this 2nd round because dice rolls happened. So I will adjust the google strike rank to reflect what is actually possible with 10 SR.
  15. Yeah, it's a mess. It's making me reluctant to do anything with it too.
  16. hey any chance we can clear up the menu, I find it hard to work out where I should be posting. thanks.
  17. Yeah, currently working on developing a system for streamlining turn resolution. Has everyone modified their turn based on the current understanding of Strike Ranks and Actions?
  18. Ok, laptop fixed. I'll check out where we are and restart things.
  19. Yep, extra 3pts of damage basically makes them unarmoured.
  20. While we wait I went ahead and did some math calculations and it turns out that Speedart and one arrow is on average more effective than two normal arrows against a moderately armored AP2 or greater opponent with a shield. If there's no shield or no armor than two normal shots will do better on average at least for Derkos. I may add my formula calc to the Strike Rank sheet for others to figure out.
  21. Ok, it's not a BIOS problem. This took longer than expected since Shift F10 did not work, neither did FN Shift F10. It's always fun watching a fix it video which doesn't match your machine. When this happens you need to ask why it's not working. When you listen to the explanation, you need to open another video to get details on the explanation. Anyway, the sum total of this is 'take your machine to a certified HP technician'. Well at least so far. There another video by a tech on how to open the laptop to get a look at the fan. I started this and she said I would need a certain tool. I don't have said tool, so now I have to open another page to find out where I can find said tool. I suppose I should watch the video the whole way through. I'll have to do this with my phone since apparently my laptop will shut down quickly to stop the CPU melting. Man, at this point I think 'bring on AI'.. I don't care if its Skynet, just stop the pages.
  22. I don't think so. The RAW is as follows: With DEX SR 2, Surrak's round goes: Jump (1 SR) = SR 2 Switch to casting spell (3 SR) = SR 3, 4, 5 Cast Demoralize (costs 4 SR) = SR 6, 7, 8, 9. Since there's not enough SR left for "reloading" and beginning a second spell, I'd say we just go to the next round and he can cast Disruption on SR 3 (DEX SR 2 + 1 SR for 1 MP).
  23. Gotta a laptop problem so I need a day to sort it out. It looks like I need a couple of windows open simultaneously to follow the fix instructions.. so that'll be when I am sitting in front of my work PC tomorrow.
  24. OK, that makes sense. But since Surrak's DEX SR is 2, that would make it possible to cast Demoralize on the current round. Which would add the interesting question of the necessity to add the 3 SR 'reload' tax next round... Now I somehow understand now why MRQ / Legend / Mythras switched to a more manageable action points economy. Maybe we could use DEX / INT ranks as in BRP or Openquest?
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