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About This Game

5e Spheres Game, testing grounds for me

Game System

D&D 5e



Detailed Description

You have been hired to guard a merchant group heading to Creekwood, a small frontier town in the western edge of the kingdom. You are halfway through the journey, preparing to make camp in Listra, a village along the road. Your reason for being a sell-sword is your own, no-one inquired about that.

The initial 'adventure' is just a few preset scenes, ending with the group in Creekwood. If I like how spheres work, though, the thing the PCs encounter is a basis for a long series of adventures.

I hope we all enjoy using the spheres and we end up playing a long, engaging story, but we'll see when you arrive in town.

  1. What's new in this game
  2. The way things go sometimes. At least the relative level of interest was a pretty good sign. If someone wanted to attempt a 5e spheres ad in the future there seems to be people interested.
  3. I agree. Dead in the water. Time to move on.
  4. I still had some vague hope that RL had just pooped on the DMs happy place, and we would restart after a 'sorry x happened' message... But I think its a wrap folks.
  5. I don't know. The GM hasn't been on since June 27. I'm ready to go too, but I'm giving it until the end of this week before I make a decision if I'm going to hang around any longer or not.
  6. I'm alive, happy and ready to rumble.
  7. Sooo... Pretty quiet last few days. We ready to move on or?
  8. A frown crosses Gale's face. "This is interesting. It seems that the agreement, for the most part, is that people are the real monsters. I agree." She looks at both Raimond and Dawn. Her expression turns into a scowl. "The monsters I've encounters have been humans who were both nobles and bullies. I don't know about bandits, but I think noble bullies do it out of boredom and the belief that their station in live gives them the right to do whatever they want to others who are 'below' them. Whatever the reason, so far, the only monsters I've encountered have been human." A smile slowly starts to creep across her face.
  9. Dawn listened to Raimond's answer. At most parts she was nodding, but at some frowning and added, "I mostly agree but. . . In my limited experience you missed a big piece of it. Bullies yeah. Some desperate folk? Sure, especially kids. I get kids just don't have many options." She nodded approvingly at Auntie Grimm recognizing her good work before she continued, “But the adults? A good chunk, probably even most bandits, are just lazy and find it much easier to take what others have made than hoe a field or learn a trade themselves. At least in my village there was always more work that needed attended to than hands to do it with. So, I won’t be making any excuses nor showing any mercy for those shirkers and ne'er-do-wells, because they will surely not be showing any to me.”
  10. Yeah Weapon Calibration was probably always locked in as a choice, even if Svarri herself probably isn't the best to get an application for it. She's probably going to be Shoving as often as she attacks with her action at this level. Polish or Noise Dampening were both good for her but I wasn't sure who else was really using a shield or medium/heavy armor. If I took Polish I'd definitely take the option next level to apply a single maintenance in a short rest. Joint Protection is good but harder to use in play by post than at the table and I'd prefer avoiding those sorts of things. Cobbling would be really good in a different system with more restrictive difficult terrain but I'm not sure about here. Armor Straps, well, that only matters to a specific sort of character and only that character.
  11. weapon calibration is the biggest bang for your buck.
  12. || HP: 9/9 || AC: 12 || SP: 4/4 || Init: +1 || Pass. Perception: 13 Sgt Kovaris || Phantom Companion || HP: 6/6 || AC: 15 || Pass. Perception: 11 Raimond mostly nodded along with what the others were saying. "Pretty much the same in my experience, Auntie. You get the monsters that lurk around in forests and jump on folks, and you get the monsters that hang out in the royal court and plan to get a ton of people they don't care about hurt or killed so they can get a little more power." His grip tightened on his spear for a moment. "Met just enough of both to figure the ones in the court are worse. But don't worry, li'l Luna. We get bandits on two legs or more, we can deal with 'em." He rolled his shoulders with a sigh, letting some of the tension leave with his breath. "Honestly most bandits aren't even that different from other folks. Mostly you've either got desperate folks who figure they don't have another way to get by, or you get bullies who figured out they can do it better in groups and make money off of it. Usually the bullies are the ones in charge. Mostly the point of havin' us guards is to look like we're more trouble than it's worth to try and take - bullies get scared of anybody tougher than them, 'cause bullies usually think everyone's a bully if they can get away with it." The trouble being, of course, that some bullies really were very tough. But Raimond smiled anyway. "Lucky for us, we got a whole patrol to back us up." For just a moment, the light filtering through the tree shadows behind Raimond looked like it glinted off the armor and spearpoints of figures that hadn't been there a moment ago, and the next moment weren't there again. It might have been an illusion, but he was just saying something about the spirits around him.
  13. Well, from Dawn's perspective Weapon Calibration and probably polish would both be welcome.
  14. Good news, I've got internet again! Will do my best to get a post up tonight.
  15. AC 13 | HP 8/8 | Init +2 | Speed 30ft Passive Perception: 12 | Insight: 12 | Invest: 13 Auntie Grimm emerged from the shadowy forest, her apron pockets filled with a modest selection of wild herbs, mushrooms, and edible plants. She carried a small bundle of aromatic thyme and rosemary, their scents gently mingling in the air. In her other hand, she had found a few wild onions, their green stalks peeking out. A couple of mushrooms, including sturdy porcini and delicate chanterelle, nestled in a small sack slung over her shoulder. The children trailed behind her, each holding a handful of assorted berries and leafy greens. Auntie Grimm's face bore a satisfied smile, her eyes twinkling with the knowledge that tonight's meal, though simple, would be enhanced by the fresh, foraged flavours she had gathered with care. "Monsters, you say?" Auntie Grimm began, her voice carrying a calm authority that drew everyone's attention. "I've seen my share of dangerous creatures in my time. Some might call them monsters, but I've found that the real monsters often aren't the ones with claws and fangs. They're the ones that lurk in the hearts of desperate men and women, driving them to do terrible things." She glanced at Svarri and Mistress, nodding in agreement with their assessments. "Svarri's right. Bandits are a more immediate concern for a caravan like ours. But we mustn't forget that we are capable of facing whatever comes our way, be it man or beast." Turning to Luna, she softened her tone. "It's good to be curious and prepared, child, but don't let fear guide you. Learn from those around you, like Mistress here, who has faced many challenges with courage and wisdom. And remember, no matter what we face, we stand together. That's our greatest strength." Auntie Grimm's eyes flickered to Gale, acknowledging the fairy woman's presence with a respectful nod. "Gale, your grace and vigilance have been a great boon to this caravan. If there ever comes a time when we must face something more than bandits, I'm confident we will rise to the occasion with your help."
  16. Appearance Race Human | Sex Female | Age 28 | Height 5' 8" | Weight 114 lbs. | Hair Black | Eyes Brown | Complexion Bronze Description Mistress is a human woman in her late twenties in an outstanding shape. She has strong black hair, which is tended, but not rarely combed, a tanned skin with a multitude of fine, well-healed scars. She wears long silken black robes, which are expensive, but not particularly fashionable. Her entire presence is very real and meticulously refined according to her own standards, but in blatant disregard to societal standards. Statblock Links Alignment Chaotic Neutral | Type medium humanoid (human) | Tradition Occultism | Classes Incanter 1 | Background Courtier (Dark Lord's Consort) Init +2 | AC 12 | Passive Insight 12; Investigation 15; Perception 10 | Saves Str 0, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +5, Wis -1, Cha +1 Languages Common, Infernal, Draconic HD 1/1d6 | HP 8/8 | Rations: 10/10 | Spell Points ☐☐☐☐ Underscored: Replenish on long rest | Italic : Replenish on short or long rest. | Numbers count available resources, not used resources. | "☐" indicates an available resource, "☒" used resource. Status - | Effects - | Concentrating on - | Hands Main -, Off - Durations in rds. denote the remaining rounds after the current one. Mistress was busy cutting down onions into a pan with a little grease; she hadn't put it onto the fire yet. At Dawn's elaboration of Kaw's appetite, she briefly cast a distressed look to the bird and mumbled a "I'll keep it in mind," to Dawn. She had to be careful transforming into a snake in Kaw's presence. Mistress smirked upon Luna's question. 'That depends on what you consider a monster,' she thought, 'Pushing my master off a tower and sending my subordinates into death probably doesn't count. One might argue that I was the monster.' Aloud she said: "Probably not in the way that you mean it. I grew up in the hordelands, and there were a lot of creatures that you might consider monsters, living alongside my tribe. It required assertiveness and nose for picking my friends and foes to have my way."
  17. Thanks for the info, we'll wait for you with Listra.
  18. Hey guys apologies for quiet here, I've been having internet problems the past couple days. I think the problem is on my ISP's end, not mine, but either way there doesn't seem to be much I can do but wait for it to get resolved. Will try to get something up tonight if my internet will cooperate but I can't really make promises. (Baldr is more phone-friendly than OGMW but I'm one of those people who doesn't type well on phone.)
  19. Stats: HP 10 | AC 18 | Speed 30’ (20' when encumbered) | Proficiency Bonus: +2 | SavesStrength +4 Dexterity +0 Constitution +4 Intelligence +2 Wisdom +2 Charisma -1 | Insight 14 | Perception 14 | It was a pretty good sign that some of the others were appreciative of there being a smith among their numbers. Maybe Svarri would get plenty of practice in this after all, even if it was just routine maintenance. She didn't mind that sort of tedious work. You had something to show for your efforts in the end. Shame about that being the extent of that woman's fire prowess though. "Well it should go without saying that I'll offer my services should anyone want them. Weapon maintenance is crucial and I don't need a complicated setup for that." Although in that regard Svarri was prepared, there was the job she was actually called to do that she was a bit more reserved. Which was now brought up. She was strong, sure. Working a forge most your life helps that, although she'd probably admit she was a bit better at throwing her weight around than actually fighting. Although sometimes you needed that running a shop, so Svarri wasn't exactly uninitiated. Still her simple spears were about as complicated a weapon as she was comfortable using. Although if it came to it she certainly could swing a hammer with some skill too. It didn't really matter if she hadn't faced down some ferocious monster or whatever Luna was getting at. "This many people in the caravan I think it would be smarter to worry about the bandits than anything else anyway."
  20. Gale watched and listened to her new friends with fascination. She clapped when Mistress shaped fire and showed the expression of being impressed with Svarri knowledge to shape hot metal and nodded her at Raimond the spirit talker with raised eyebrows. Gale identified more with Anuti Grimm the forger, Dawn the tinker with Kaw. They reminded her of the people back in the village in her lands and the independence of the Fey folks and the fact that she herself didn't show her abilities in front of people. She really wanted to join in the conversation but decided not to. If it was just her friends, then she would have. But.... She looked over at the caravan. Too many ears and no telling who knows who. And she was right. No sooner than Mistress displayed her fire power caravan people started to gather around. Gale looked at the young girl with a raided eyebrow. "What do you mean real monsters? Did you have something in mind?"
  21. Posting formatt.....coming to a post near you!
  22. At the fire-controling display, all the members of the caravan showed interest, some with fear (like Maankher), some with fascination (like Barnabas), and some with appreciation (like Élainn). Jassarn watched it with a calculating expression, and when it was over, looked at Luna, who was already edging closer to the show. The girl listened closely to the conversation that followed, and she found the opportunity to chime in with a question. "Have any of you fought a real monster, if I may ask?" "Now, that is not much of an importance, dear. Bandits, maybe, that's why I hired people who can handle such a nuisance, but monsters, come on!" Jassarn reacted immediately.
  23. At the mention of cooking Kaw cocked his head and looked at Mistress sideways, as some birds do, as he tried to trying to parse her words and offered, "Feed the birdy? Kaw! Pretty lady feed the birdy?" Dawn looked at Kaw admonishingly and sighed as she explained to Mistress as well as the rest, "Don't let him sucker you in too far unless you really want to feed him. He looks small, sure, but he really enjoys eating as much people food as he can. If given half a chance he would probably eat enough that he could not fly and scout for us." She added after a second, "Also... Assume he is mooching off of several of us no matter how pitiful he looks, or how hungry he acts." Kaw looked at Dawn unhappily and chirped in, "Kaw! Busted. Kaw! Party pooper."
  24. AC 13 | HP 8/8 | Init +2 | Speed 30ft Passive Perception: 12 | Insight: 12 | Invest: 13 Auntie Grimm observed the growing group with her usual mix of stern appraisal and warm curiosity. The discussions about magic, smithing, and the various skills everyone brought to the caravan intrigued her. She listened closely, noting the different strengths and personalities, always thinking about how best to ensure the safety and well-being of her charges and the caravan as a whole. She smiled warmly at Svarri, understanding the young woman's frustration. "A forge, eh? That's quite the idea, Svarri. Having a skilled smith among us is a blessing, even if we can't set up a full forge right now. Keeping our weapons and tools in good shape is vital. If you need anything for your work, just let me know. I might not know much about smithing, but I've got a good eye for useful bits and bobs." Turning her attention to Dawn, Auntie Grimm gave her a nod of approval. "It's good to see someone willing to lend a hand, Dawn. Sometimes, the most important work is done in the background, where not everyone can see. And don't sell yourself short; maintaining your weapons and knowing how to tinker with them is no small feat." She then focused on Mistress, her eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and appreciation. "Cooking, is it? Well, now, that’s something I can definitely help with. I've got a nose for herbs and a knack for finding what's needed, even in the most unlikely places. I’ll see what I can rustle up for you." With that, Auntie Grimm motioned to a couple of the older children, who had been lurking nearby, listening to the adults. "You two, come with me. We're going on a little hunt for some herbs and onions. Keep your eyes sharp and your hands quick." As she turned to leave, she looked back at the group. "And don’t you worry about the rations, Mistress. Between us, we'll make sure everyone’s fed. In the meantime, if any of you need something mended or patched up, let me know. I've got a lifetime of tricks up my sleeve." With a final nod, Auntie Grimm set off with the children, her mind already cataloguing the possible locations of useful plants and herbs in the nearby woods. She moved with purpose, her presence reassuring to those who watched her go. Auntie Grimm might not wield much magic in the traditional sense, but her knowledge, experience, and unwavering dedication to her charges and the caravan were powerful tools in their own right.
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