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About This Game

The story is set in the Kingdom of Aglarion, where the characters will uncover dark secrets from the past of a royal family after the fall of a blessed era and break a curse that plagues the kingdom.

Game System

D&D 5e

Detailed Description




💀Something is rotten in the Kingdom of Aglarion💀

Play in what is probably the most widely anticipated 3rd party adventure of 2022 for 5th Edition D&D. Crown of the Oathbreaker is a massive 900+ page campaign that has everything from palace intrigue to adventure in the fey realm, shadow realm and even into hell itself.

The book is based on the feedback of over 2000 D&D fans whose votes on their preferences gave the backbone of the adventure and the campaign setting. The community influenced the fine details of the story and the setting through Elderbrain’s Discord server. Crown of the Oathbreaker also includes over 200 NPCs, their locations, and portraits based on the actual photos of members of the Elderbrain community.

The story is set in the Kingdom of Aglarion, where the characters will uncover dark secrets from the past of a royal family after the fall of a blessed era and break a curse that plagues the kingdom.

The players will have to explore lands ravaged by the curse and travel to the Feyrealm, the Shadowrealm, and even Hell, where they will face hard moral dilemmas before saving the crown from the dreadful effects of an otherwise inevitable pact. A sinister bargain has caused suffering for the people of the land and has created a mad witch-knight hungering for revenge.

This campaign will cover levels 5 - 15, with its sequel Torrents of the Spellhoarder coming after for levels 15 -20.



The land known today as the Kingdom of Aglarion has a rich past spanning thousands of years, influenced by cataclysmic events that involved multiple planes of existence. Since the dawn of time and prehistory, all the way up to its current state as a monarchy, the land and its rulership has changed many times. Several key events have shaped its past, namely the descent of the Dark Star and its dark angels during the Mountainfall, the rise of Sarath of the Shining Light and a cruel theocracy, and the establishment of the Kingdom of Aglarion by King Razmyrel Melkar and Master Arlen the Constructor, the first archmage of the land. These events have all left deep marks on the history of the realm and the legacies of these dark times can still be felt in the fabric of society.


The Kingdom of Aglarion is known as a thriving realm. Times of plenty and an open-minded philosophy have resulted in a level of tolerance for beings of all types rarely encountered in other settings. The Kingdom is rich, its armies strong and well-equipped, and the rule of law is paramount under a popular king. But even in
these tranquil times, the Kingdom of Aglarion is a realm filled with adventure and dangers that lurk behind the veil of peace, reaching into other planes and deep into its history.



A 53-page PDF with all new 5e character options just for this campaign. Take a look!




A 107-page PDF Gazetteer of the Kingdom of Aglarion with no spoilers. With all the details you need to custom build a character that fits into the campaign world. Topics covered in the Gazetteer are:

  • History
  • Ecology
  • Religions
  • Social Structure
  • Economy
  • Laws
  • Noble Houses
  • Organizations
  • Neighboring Realms
  • Customs
  • Maps
  • Regions
  • Important Locations
  • Onadbyr (the capitol city and where the campaign starts)

Browse the Aglarion Gazetteer Now!



What rulebooks should I use?
You can use non-optional rules found in the Player’s Handbook, the Basic Rules, and all the books listed below. If a rule has been reprinted in a newer resource, you must always use the latest printing.

  • Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons (FTD)
  • Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse (MMoM)
  • Xanathar’s Guide to Everything (XGE)
  • Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (TCE)

You may also use the rules found in the following digital publications, available on DMsGuild

  •  Elemental Evil Player’s Companion (EEPC)
  • Locathah Rising (LR)

Additionally, the following variant or optional rules are available:

  • Chapter 6: Customization Options (PH)
  • Customizing Your Origin (TCE)
  • Optional Class Features (TCE)
  • Variant Human Traits (PH)

The following campaign specific resources are also available:

  • Crown of the Oathbreaker Player Options (link)

Starting Level: 5th level start

Alignment Requirement: Any (but all characters must be able to work as a team.)

Starting Equipment: You will start with the basic equipment given to you by your class and background, plus an additional 600 gold pieces, and one item from the below list. You can sell starting equipment using the rules in the PH and can buy equipment and spell components found in the PH or available rules.

  • +1 weapon
  • +1 shield
  • +1 rod of the pact keeper
  • +1 wand of the war mage
  • +1 all-purpose tool (TCE)
  • +1 amulet of the devout (TCE)
  • +1 arcane grimoire (TCE)
  • +1 bloodwell vial (TCE)
  • +1 dragonhide belt (FTD)
  • +1 moon sickle (TCE)
  • +1 rhythm-maker’s drum (TCE)
  • Bag of holding

Ability Scores: Ability scores can be generated using the 27 point buy as featured in the PHB.

Hit Points: Maximum at 1st level, average each additional level.

Backgrounds: Any from the source books listed above or any from the material in the Character Creation tab. Customizing backgrounds is allowed but must be approved by the DM, same with any player built custom backgrounds.

Backstories: You are going to want to take a few days to read through the Kingdom of Aglarion Gazetteer before writing this. It should include references, common sayings, etc.

Character Submissions: You will also need to start a thread in the Applications area for your submission. If you have any questions about my rules for character building, any thoughts about character backgrounds, or to request that I review your character then you can do so by Clicking Here.



Application Deadline: August 20th, 2023 midnight (US Central Standard Time)

Post Requirements: Minimum posting rate of two to three times per week.

Party Size: Looking for 4-6 players.

Other Requirements:
- I want players who give detailed and interesting posts. Not one-liners and blocks of speech text. The rule of three applies here. What is your character thinking, doing and saying.

- Expect your actions to have consequences. Don't be stupid. Play smart. If I give you lots of hints that opening the box will unleash fiery death. Don't open the box and expect to live.

- I'm a story teller, the rule of cool applies. If it's cool, cinematic and epic, screw the rules- I'll probably allow it. If this grates against your rules lawyer soul...we are not meant to play together.

- Unless I tell you otherwise...assume you can play with the scenery to help craft the story.

Can I submit more than one character?
No. I'm going to go ahead and limit it to one character submission per person. That being said, feel free to change your character concept as much as you want between now and the close date!


  1. What's new in this game
  2. Amelia Kassicar Human Sorcerer 5 AC: 13 (16 w/Mage Armour) | HP: 32/32 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 13 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 15 | DM Inspiration: 1/1 Abilities: [Sorcerer Points: 3/5] | Metamagic (Transmute SpellWhen you cast a spell that deals a type of damage from the following list, you can spend 1 sorcery point to change that damage type to one of the other listed types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, thunder. / Empower SpellWhen you roll damage for a spell, you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll a number of the damage dice up to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one). You must use the new rolls. You can use Empowered Spell even if you have already used a different Metamagic option during the casting of the spell.) | Magical GuideanceWhen you make an ability check that fails, you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll the d20. | Active Effects: Mage Armour Cantrips; Fire Bolt, Prestidigitation, Light, Mending, Mage Hand, Mind Sliver, Eldritch BlastTwo Bolts 120ft 1d10+3 damage each Level 1 [▣ ▣ ▣ ▢] Burning Hands, Mage Armour, Shield, Arms of Hadar, Dissonant Whispers Level 2 [▣ ▣ ▢] Scorching Ray, Shatter Level 3 [▣ ▣ ▢] Fireball, Enemies Abound, Antagonize "Magehunting is a dangerous business.. I commend you for your, lets call it bravery. " Amelia was clearly not concerned by the concept, and shows it, but she was excessively casual most of the time. "However, that aside, i second the call for drinks." Mechanics Items Actions Attacks Main Hand: Bloodwell Vial Main Action: Off-Hand: Bonus Action: Move Action: - Free Manipulation: Notes:
  3. PC Saara Renalish Yuan-Ti Paladin 4/Warlock 1 AC: 19 (splint mail and shield) | HP: 43/43 | Initiative: +0 | Passive Perception: 10 Spell Slots: 1st 3/3, Pact 1/1 | Spell Attack: +7 (rod of the pact) | Spell DC: 15 (rod of the pact) Lay on Hands: 20/20 | Divine Sense: 5/5 | Form of Dread: 3/3 | DM Inspiration: 1/1 Saara took a long pull of ale and made a face, evidently not finding the local brew even the slightest bit to her liking. Despite that, she didn't set the tankard down, and was soon taking another deep drink. "You misunderstand my intent, Sorceress!" She said with gusto, at last setting the tankard down and trying the food. This too didn't meet her standards, her lips curling in distaste, but as before she kept eating. "I usually hunt your kind, when the work comes my way, but I bear you no ill will. I just like Magehunting." Which was an understatement to be certain, she loved it. Like her mother before her, she been raised as a Magehunter, to seek out those mortal willworkers and sorcerers who had offended her Master upon the Material Plane. Upon coming of age, she been empowered with a drop of Faryl's blood, granting her an insignificant measure of the ancient Vampire's power. A taste of Necromancy, infusing her magic and her soul with his essence. So it was that on the night of her 35th birthday, she was discovered hauling herself bodily out of the Bottomless Well in the South District of Onadbyr. She knew little enough of the strange land within which she'd found herself, but she was not alone. Another of the Court of Ash came with her, her half-brother Jeeran Renalish. Besides, the two had been granted everything they needed. Armor to shield her flesh from cold iron, wards to break even the mightiest spell, and a name. Kalos Poimenikos, high Grave Cleric of the Temple of Death. That was three years ago, in mortal reckoning, and now Saara was far more worldwise than when she had first emerged dripping from the well. She hasn't seen Jeeran in almost nine months, the work pulling them apart more often than it brings them together. Her higher calling had taken her to the Isles of Xantharos twice now, chartering passage and hunting down the few Scions of the Father of Dragons who remain. "And you? You were good at it too. Happy to share coin with you for a job well done." Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty Action: Bonus Action: Move: Manipulate:
  4. I'm so sorry Draidden, wishing you a speed recovery. Rest. People try and get back to work as soon as they feel better, and then they end up giving themselves long COVID.
  5. I am currently suffering from a bout of Covid which I got on a business trip. Head wants to explode. So I will not be updating anything until this passes. Hopefully early next week.
  6. PC Ru'ath Firvanna Shadar-kai Rogue (Spy) 5 AC: 15 (studded leather) | HP: 18/28 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 18 Spells: Disguise Self 1/1, Invisibility 1/1 | Spell Attack: +6 | Spell DC: 14 DM Inspiration: 1/1 Happy to finally have the prisoner off their hands and safely locked away, Ru is delighted at the suggestion of finding an inn for the night. Approaching the Cheeky Mermaid, she wonders what delights she might find inside to tickle her dulled senses. However, despite the grandeur of its main hall, the place seems to offer little in the way of temptation...particularly not in comparison to the pulse-raising experiences of the last few days. As Baldur comments on the arachnid situation, she shrugs. "I've no fear of spiders this size...though I do wonder if these are just the babies! Then we really will need a watch!!!" she jokes. Saara has located some possible work for the group, should the Lord no longer require their services, and Ru likes the idea...sailors, pirates, a life on the ocean wave...whatever happens their seems to be a chance of danger ahead. "I erm...I hope you've found me a useful companion...I know you had your concerns..." she comments to Saara, "...but if you'll have me, I'd be happy to continue on with you. You certainly seem to be able to find where the exciteitement is to be found." Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty Action: none Bonus Action: none Move: None Manipulate: none Reaction: none
  7. PC Saara Renalish Yuan-Ti Paladin 4/Warlock 1 AC: 19 (splint mail and shield) | HP: 43/43 | Initiative: +0 | Passive Perception: 10 Spell Slots: 1st 3/3, Pact 1/1 | Spell Attack: +7 (rod of the pact) | Spell DC: 15 (rod of the pact) Lay on Hands: 20/20 | Divine Sense: 5/5 | Form of Dread: 3/3 | DM Inspiration: 1/1 Saara thanked the barkeep, and wandered over to rejoin her companions. "Hoping we've earned the Lord's Favor with today's work. But if we haven't, we can come back tomorrow and talk to the good Captain there to find some work." She nodded in Captain Blimbo's direction. She was keeping their options open, but she didn't want to make promises to the Captain if they ended up in Monder's regular employ. Between the two, she knew whose favor she wanted. Nothing wrong with hedging bets. "For now though, let's get some drinks, keep our hands on our coin purses, and get some rest." Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Shield Action: Bonus Action: Move: Manipulate:
  8. Dungeons & Dragons 5e with DM BWatford “Know of any work for a swordarm or a witchhunter?” Saara inquired of the innkeeper. Though she was more adept at hunting witches, she was competent with a sword as well. She hoped for a busy schedule, but it was always wise to have backup options in case Lord Monder was dissatisfied with their service. Saxlu responded with a knowing smile, “Not the right place for witchhunters… but swordarms, yes. Ships and their crews are always in need of strong hands.” She gestured towards a man sitting alone, an eyepatch covering one eye. “Captain Blimbo over there might be looking for some help.” BLOOD ON THE CROWN Onadbyr On this Selik, the 35th day of Camua, In the 631st year of the Age of Kings 9:23 pm Day 6 Scene Information: It is 2 coppers for the meal, and 1 silver for the cot for the night. If you would like to RP with any of the patrons, etc feel free to do so or we can skip ahead to awakening in the morning. Whichever you guys prefer. The Cheeky Mermaid is #53 on the map. Active Maps Not in Use!! Bookkeeping PASSIVE PERCEPTION Ru'ath 18 | Baldur 15 | Kythera 14 | Amelia 13 | Yaldiled 13 | Saara 10 INITIATIVE Not In Use!!! MECHANICS Not In Use!!! CONDITIONS Not In Use!!! DESCRIPTIONS Not In Use!!! AMEILA KASSICAR Hit Points: 32/32 Hit Dice: 5/5 Sorcery Points: 5/5 *L Spell Slots (+7, DC 15) *L 1st Level: 4/4 2nd Level: 2/3 3rd Level: 1/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 BALDUR STONEBOW Hit Points: 27/49 (RESIST:poison; ADVSAVTYPE: poisoned) Hit Dice: 5/5 Spell Slots (+5, DC 13) *L 1st Level: 4/4 2nd Level: 2/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 CHARACTER #3 Not in Use!! RU'ATH FIRVANNA Hit Points: 15/28 (fey ancestry; RESIST: necrotic; uncanny dodge) Hit Dice: 5/5 Blessings of the Raven Queen: 1/3 *L Shadow Touched Invisibility: 1/1 *L Disguise Self: 1/1 *L DM Inspiration: 1/1 SAARA RENALISH Hit Points: 43/43 (IMMUNE: disease; RESIST: poison; MAGIC RESISTANCE) Hit Dice: 5/5 Channel Divinity: 1/1 *S/L Divine Sense: 5/5 *L Form of Dread: 1/3 *L Lay On Hands: 3/20 *L Serpentine Spellcasting: 0/1 *L Spell Slots Paladin (+6, DC 14), Warlock (+7, DC 15) 1st Level: 4/4 *L Pact Slots (1st): 0/1 *S/L DM Inspiration: 1/1 YALDILED GURVYS Hit Points: 11/38 (RESIST:cold; IMMUNE: disease) Hit Dice: 5/5 Bardic Inspiration: 2/3 (d8) *L Breath Weapon: 1/1 *S Channel Divinity: 1/1 *S/L Divine Sense: 4/4 *L Lay on Hands: 20/20 *L Spell Slots (+6, DC 14) *L 1st Level: 2/4 2nd Level: 2/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1
  9. Amelia Kassicar Human Sorcerer 5 AC: 13 (16 w/Mage Armour) | HP: 32/32 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 13 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 15 | DM Inspiration: 1/1 Abilities: [Sorcerer Points: 3/5] | Metamagic (Transmute SpellWhen you cast a spell that deals a type of damage from the following list, you can spend 1 sorcery point to change that damage type to one of the other listed types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, thunder. / Empower SpellWhen you roll damage for a spell, you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll a number of the damage dice up to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one). You must use the new rolls. You can use Empowered Spell even if you have already used a different Metamagic option during the casting of the spell.) | Magical GuideanceWhen you make an ability check that fails, you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll the d20. | Active Effects: Mage Armour Cantrips; Fire Bolt, Prestidigitation, Light, Mending, Mage Hand, Mind Sliver, Eldritch BlastTwo Bolts 120ft 1d10+3 damage each Level 1 [▣ ▣ ▣ ▢] Burning Hands, Mage Armour, Shield, Arms of Hadar, Dissonant Whispers Level 2 [▣ ▣ ▢] Scorching Ray, Shatter Level 3 [▣ ▣ ▢] Fireball, Enemies Abound, Antagonize Leaning a little to get closer to Baldur "A little suspicious, aren't we, my short friend?" Mechanics Items Actions Attacks Main Hand: Bloodwell Vial Main Action: Off-Hand: Bonus Action: Move Action: - Free Manipulation: Notes:
  10. Baldur Dwarf Ranger 5 AC: 15 (chain shirt) | HP: 41/49 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 15 Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +5 | Spell DC: 13 Spells Known1st Level Cure Wounds Entangle Hail of Thorns Speak with Animals 2nd Level Lesser Restoration Beast Sense | DM Inspiration: 1/1 Glad things had worked out with the guard, Baldur is glad to find a place to rest for the night. That is until he gets a look at the sleeping accommodations. He quietly mumbles to himself. If it weren't against the law to sleep in the streets, I would do that over this arachnid infested place. Out loud he responds to Saara's comment. Most definitely set a guard. He will go ahead and pay for the room and some food. Mechanics Main Hand: heavy crossbow Off Hand: heavy crossbow Action: Bonus Action: Move: Manipulate: Racial ability - Colossus Slayer: it target is hit by a weapon and is below maximum hit points it takes an additional 1d8 once per turn.
  11. PC Saara Renalish Yuan-Ti Paladin 4/Warlock 1 AC: 19 (splint mail and shield) | HP: 43/43 | Initiative: +0 | Passive Perception: 10 Spell Slots: 1st 3/3, Pact 1/1 | Spell Attack: +7 (rod of the pact) | Spell DC: 15 (rod of the pact) Lay on Hands: 20/20 | Divine Sense: 5/5 | Form of Dread: 3/3 | DM Inspiration: 1/1 Saara didn't mind humble, though she was less keen on the Spiders and the shared common space. They'd need to set a watch, to ensure the woke up with all their hard earned coin in the same place. She had to break a gold coin to pay for the room and board, splitting it into silver and copper to pay for everything. It had been a while since her backpack had been that full of coin, which felt good. Not yet enough though, hopefully the Lord would regard their service kindly, despite the death of his friends. They'd done all they could, moved as swiftly as they could. There had been little they could have done differently that might have resulted in the Baron and his family surviving the encounter. "Quiet night." She said to the proprietor as she paid for her meal. "Know of any work for a Swordarm or a Witchunter?" She was much more the later than the former, but she was a fair hand at both. She hoped they'd be busy, but on the off chance Lord Monder was displeased with their service it never hurt to have backup options. Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Shield Action: Bonus Action: Move: Manipulate:
  12. Dungeons & Dragons 5e with DM BWatford With their prisoner securely dealt with, the group sought a place to rest for the night, somewhere nearby where they could reach Lord Monder at first light. The closest option was just a few blocks away—a seaside inn known as the Cheeky Mermaid, situated just outside the Fish Gate. The Cheeky Mermaid was a quaint, single-story wooden building with a roof that had seen better days, its thatch patchy and worn. The inn’s common room was surprisingly grand, a vast ballroom with a large bar and numerous tables, capable of accommodating the full crews of several ships at once. The innkeeper, a willowy human woman named Saxlu, appeared rather absent-minded, frantically searching for a missing set of keys as the group arrived. The evening’s fare was humble: spelt porridge and a mug of beer for two coppers. Accommodations were equally modest, consisting of a single large room in the basement furnished with wooden cots, available for one silver. The inn also had a noticeable infestation of spiders, which Saxlu assured them was being addressed. The common room was sparsely populated, with only two patrons present. One was a female halfling peasant, her wide-brimmed hat looking rather uncomfortable. The other was a human man with an eyepatch, who nodded in acknowledgment as the group entered. Rooms were quickly secured, and a meal was ordered, allowing the group to finally relax after a long day. BLOOD ON THE CROWN Onadbyr On this Selik, the 35th day of Camua, In the 631st year of the Age of Kings 9:20 pm Day 6 Scene Information: It is 2 coppers for the meal, and 1 silver for the cot for the night. If you would like to RP with any of the patrons, etc feel free to do so or we can skip ahead to awakening in the morning. Whichever you guys prefer. The Cheeky Mermaid is #53 on the map. Active Maps Not in Use!! Bookkeeping PASSIVE PERCEPTION Ru'ath 18 | Baldur 15 | Kythera 14 | Amelia 13 | Yaldiled 13 | Saara 10 INITIATIVE Not In Use!!! MECHANICS Not In Use!!! CONDITIONS Not In Use!!! DESCRIPTIONS Not In Use!!! AMEILA KASSICAR Hit Points: 32/32 Hit Dice: 5/5 Sorcery Points: 5/5 *L Spell Slots (+7, DC 15) *L 1st Level: 4/4 2nd Level: 2/3 3rd Level: 1/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 BALDUR STONEBOW Hit Points: 27/49 (RESIST:poison; ADVSAVTYPE: poisoned) Hit Dice: 5/5 Spell Slots (+5, DC 13) *L 1st Level: 4/4 2nd Level: 2/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 CHARACTER #3 Not in Use!! RU'ATH FIRVANNA Hit Points: 15/28 (fey ancestry; RESIST: necrotic; uncanny dodge) Hit Dice: 5/5 Blessings of the Raven Queen: 1/3 *L Shadow Touched Invisibility: 1/1 *L Disguise Self: 1/1 *L DM Inspiration: 1/1 SAARA RENALISH Hit Points: 43/43 (IMMUNE: disease; RESIST: poison; MAGIC RESISTANCE) Hit Dice: 5/5 Channel Divinity: 1/1 *S/L Divine Sense: 5/5 *L Form of Dread: 1/3 *L Lay On Hands: 3/20 *L Serpentine Spellcasting: 0/1 *L Spell Slots Paladin (+6, DC 14), Warlock (+7, DC 15) 1st Level: 4/4 *L Pact Slots (1st): 0/1 *S/L DM Inspiration: 1/1 YALDILED GURVYS Hit Points: 11/38 (RESIST:cold; IMMUNE: disease) Hit Dice: 5/5 Bardic Inspiration: 2/3 (d8) *L Breath Weapon: 1/1 *S Channel Divinity: 1/1 *S/L Divine Sense: 4/4 *L Lay on Hands: 20/20 *L Spell Slots (+6, DC 14) *L 1st Level: 2/4 2nd Level: 2/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1
  13. PC Saara Renalish Yuan-Ti Paladin 4/Warlock 1 AC: 19 (splint mail and shield) | HP: 43/43 | Initiative: +0 | Passive Perception: 10 Spell Slots: 1st 3/3, Pact 1/1 | Spell Attack: +7 (rod of the pact) | Spell DC: 15 (rod of the pact) Lay on Hands: 20/20 | Divine Sense: 5/5 | Form of Dread: 3/3 | DM Inspiration: 1/1 She gave the guard a nod of respect, before unlocking her prisoner's manacles and handing him over to him. The nod was genuine, for Saara appreciated a mortal who adhered to the letter of the law when it came to contracts and bindings. So few on this plane did, making promises and breaking them with hardly a care in the world. There was no higher binding power to her, having been raised as she was by the Fey. If she gave her word on anything, she'd die before breaking it. "We'll retire for the evening so that we can aim to meet with Lord Monder at first light, thereby resolving this entire unpleasant business as quickly as possible." She said aloud, as much to her companions as to the guard. They'd made good coin this day, but there were matters to attend to bright and early. The sooner they retired and made ready, the better. Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Shield Action: Bonus Action: Move: Manipulate:
  14. Just a heads up as well, we will be leaving Thursday for vacation and will be gone July 11th - 19th, so there will be no updates during that time.
  15. Dungeons & Dragons 5e with DM BWatford Saara busied herself explaining their undertaking as her companions produced the writ from Lord Monder. Although the writ gave them no official authority to arrest or detain anyone, it was Saara’s final statement that caught Jacob’s attention and perked his ear. “Is it really your intent to meddle in the affairs of Nobles?” she asked pointedly. Before Jacob could respond, another voice chimed in, “You wouldn’t want to let a murderer walk away free on your watch, would ya?” Jacob’s resolve began to waver. There was duty, and then there were times when one had to make a call that bordered on the rules and what was right. Technically, there was a process to arrest and apprehend someone, designed to protect innocent citizens from arrest without cause. But this situation seemed different, especially since it involved Lord Monder, his highest superior short of the royal palace itself. He ordered his men to take the man into custody but then turned to address those who had brought him. “Just keep in mind, this writ is not a bounty, and no law has been officially broken as of yet. It is just your words that accuse this man. However, I see no reason not to hold him until first light, when I expect to hear word from my superiors on what to do with him. If we do not hear anything before high sun tomorrow, we will be forced to release him.” His gaze turned stoic once again. “But be mindful, vigilante justice is not tolerated. There are proper ways to go about things,” he warned, looking directly at Saara. “Even for bounty hunters.” With that, he ushered the captive inside and motioned for the group to depart the gate. BLOOD ON THE CROWN Onadbyr On this Selik, the 35th day of Camua, In the 631st year of the Age of Kings 8:47 pm Day 6 Scene Information: Active Maps Not in Use!! Bookkeeping PASSIVE PERCEPTION Ru'ath 18 | Baldur 15 | Kythera 14 | Amelia 13 | Yaldiled 13 | Saara 10 INITIATIVE Not In Use!!! MECHANICS Not In Use!!! CONDITIONS Not In Use!!! DESCRIPTIONS Not In Use!!! AMEILA KASSICAR Hit Points: 32/32 Hit Dice: 5/5 Sorcery Points: 5/5 *L Spell Slots (+7, DC 15) *L 1st Level: 4/4 2nd Level: 2/3 3rd Level: 1/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 BALDUR STONEBOW Hit Points: 27/49 (RESIST:poison; ADVSAVTYPE: poisoned) Hit Dice: 5/5 Spell Slots (+5, DC 13) *L 1st Level: 4/4 2nd Level: 2/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 CHARACTER #3 Not in Use!! RU'ATH FIRVANNA Hit Points: 15/28 (fey ancestry; RESIST: necrotic; uncanny dodge) Hit Dice: 5/5 Blessings of the Raven Queen: 1/3 *L Shadow Touched Invisibility: 1/1 *L Disguise Self: 1/1 *L DM Inspiration: 1/1 SAARA RENALISH Hit Points: 43/43 (IMMUNE: disease; RESIST: poison; MAGIC RESISTANCE) Hit Dice: 5/5 Channel Divinity: 1/1 *S/L Divine Sense: 5/5 *L Form of Dread: 1/3 *L Lay On Hands: 3/20 *L Serpentine Spellcasting: 0/1 *L Spell Slots Paladin (+6, DC 14), Warlock (+7, DC 15) 1st Level: 4/4 *L Pact Slots (1st): 0/1 *S/L DM Inspiration: 1/1 YALDILED GURVYS Hit Points: 11/38 (RESIST:cold; IMMUNE: disease) Hit Dice: 5/5 Bardic Inspiration: 2/3 (d8) *L Breath Weapon: 1/1 *S Channel Divinity: 1/1 *S/L Divine Sense: 4/4 *L Lay on Hands: 20/20 *L Spell Slots (+6, DC 14) *L 1st Level: 2/4 2nd Level: 2/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1
  16. PC Ru'ath Firvanna Shadar-kai Rogue (Spy) 5 AC: 15 (studded leather) | HP: 18/28 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 18 Spells: Disguise Self 1/1, Invisibility 1/1 | Spell Attack: +6 | Spell DC: 14 DM Inspiration: 1/1 Not used to the ritualistic and,in her eyes, archaic requirements Ru let's out a deep sigh. "For godsake man! We're not asking you to act as judge, jury and executioner! We just need him held so he can be properly interviewed. You wouldn't want to let a murderer walk away free on your watch, would ya?" Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty Action: Persuasion Bonus Action: none Move: None Manipulate: none Reaction: none
  17. PC Saara Renalish Yuan-Ti Paladin 4/Warlock 1 AC: 19 (splint mail and shield) | HP: 43/43 | Initiative: +0 | Passive Perception: 10 Spell Slots: 1st 3/3, Pact 1/1 | Spell Attack: +7 (rod of the pact) | Spell DC: 15 (rod of the pact) Lay on Hands: 20/20 | Divine Sense: 5/5 | Form of Dread: 3/3 | DM Inspiration: 1/1 Saara shot the guard a withering glare, but one that softened when she thought about what he was saying. It was a ritual, a compact. He was demanding that she perform the required steps of the contract, and she didn't have the components needed. Could she really blame him for honoring the terms he was supposed to follow. She could do little put play the game as it was written, and hope she could turn it to some advantage. "The Red Cloak Lawgivers are, as of yet, unaware of this one's transgressions." She gestured for her party to produce the documents of their writ. "Lord Monder retained us to retrieve a prized mare who was stabled at the estate of his dear friend, Baron Rumlyn. Upon arriving at said estate, we found the stables burning, and the Baron and his family abducted and dragged to the nearby mill. We attempted to mount a rescue, and were waylaid by this ruffian, who was in the employ of the Cultists. His actions cost us the precious seconds it would have taken to intervene, and by the time we made it past him and his brothers, the Baron, the Baroness, and their child had been murdered by Diabolists to fuel their dark magicks." She did not say who those Cultists had been, not wishing to spread the word that Countess Inper of House Maritayl had been involved. "Now, upon first light we intend to inform Lord Monder of the brutal murder of his dear friend and said friend's kin, is it really your intent to meddle in the affairs of Nobles? Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Shield Action: Bonus Action: Move: Manipulate:
  18. Dungeons & Dragons 5e with DM BWatford Jacob Hammersmith, whose knowledge of the bounty hunter was limited to whispered tales, felt a stir of wariness at her abrupt arrival. As Saara presented the captive, her allegations cut through the night’s stillness, demanding attention. Jacob’s gaze sharpened, a reflection of his diligence rather than dread, as he evaluated both the accused and the accuser. “Accusations hold no more weight than a beggar’s coin, Saara Renalish,” Jacob countered, his tone unyielding. “Darkness may shroud many secrets, but verity outshines the brightest star. Present the evidence of this man’s transgressions.” With a gesture towards the established order, he underscored the necessity of adherence to the Army’s code. “Papers of accusation, the bounty’s worth, and a Red Cloak Lawgiver's emblem,” he demanded, “These are the keys to justice’s gate. Without them, I cannot take this man into custody.” In the face of uncertainty, Jacob’s resolve stood firm, an embodiment of the law and the disciplined order of the Royal Army, ensuring that it is the scales of justice, not the whispers of suspicion, that determine one’s destiny at the barracks’ gates. Without a proper writ of arrest, or a signed document from the magistrate, Jacob was unable to take the man into custody without witnessing a crime. BLOOD ON THE CROWN Onadbyr On this Selik, the 35th day of Camua, In the 631st year of the Age of Kings 8:45 pm Day 6 Scene Information: Active Maps Not in Use!! Bookkeeping PASSIVE PERCEPTION Ru'ath 18 | Baldur 15 | Kythera 14 | Amelia 13 | Yaldiled 13 | Saara 10 INITIATIVE Not In Use!!! MECHANICS Not In Use!!! CONDITIONS Not In Use!!! DESCRIPTIONS Not In Use!!! AMEILA KASSICAR Hit Points: 32/32 Hit Dice: 5/5 Sorcery Points: 5/5 *L Spell Slots (+7, DC 15) *L 1st Level: 4/4 2nd Level: 2/3 3rd Level: 1/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 BALDUR STONEBOW Hit Points: 27/49 (RESIST:poison; ADVSAVTYPE: poisoned) Hit Dice: 5/5 Spell Slots (+5, DC 13) *L 1st Level: 4/4 2nd Level: 2/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 CHARACTER #3 Not in Use!! RU'ATH FIRVANNA Hit Points: 15/28 (fey ancestry; RESIST: necrotic; uncanny dodge) Hit Dice: 5/5 Blessings of the Raven Queen: 1/3 *L Shadow Touched Invisibility: 1/1 *L Disguise Self: 1/1 *L DM Inspiration: 1/1 SAARA RENALISH Hit Points: 43/43 (IMMUNE: disease; RESIST: poison; MAGIC RESISTANCE) Hit Dice: 5/5 Channel Divinity: 1/1 *S/L Divine Sense: 5/5 *L Form of Dread: 1/3 *L Lay On Hands: 3/20 *L Serpentine Spellcasting: 0/1 *L Spell Slots Paladin (+6, DC 14), Warlock (+7, DC 15) 1st Level: 4/4 *L Pact Slots (1st): 0/1 *S/L DM Inspiration: 1/1 YALDILED GURVYS Hit Points: 11/38 (RESIST:cold; IMMUNE: disease) Hit Dice: 5/5 Bardic Inspiration: 2/3 (d8) *L Breath Weapon: 1/1 *S Channel Divinity: 1/1 *S/L Divine Sense: 4/4 *L Lay on Hands: 20/20 *L Spell Slots (+6, DC 14) *L 1st Level: 2/4 2nd Level: 2/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1
  19. PC Saara Renalish Yuan-Ti Paladin 4/Warlock 1 AC: 19 (splint mail and shield) | HP: 43/43 | Initiative: +0 | Passive Perception: 10 Spell Slots: 1st 2/3, Pact 1/1 | Spell Attack: +7 (rod of the pact) | Spell DC: 15 (rod of the pact) Lay on Hands: 03/20 | Divine Sense: 5/5 | Form of Dread: 1/3 | DM Inspiration: 1/1 In her years of service, Saara had served as a bounty hunter on more than a few occasions. It was what she enjoyed best, of the duties bestowed upon her. She wasn't one hundred percent certain she'd crossed paths with this particular guard before, Hammersmith? The mortals always had such mundane names. "Well met, Hammersmith." She called out, as none of the others amongst her party seemed interested in taking up the Dwarf's offer. "We've a bandit and a murderer here, one who has committed heinous crimes against the nobility. Lord Monder himself will wish to question him personally, given it was his friends who died at the cultist's hands." She hauled the farmhand forward, making to remove his manacles so that she didn't lose them. No way she was getting those back, if the guardsman took custody of their prisoner. Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Shield Bonus Action: Move: Action: Manipulate:
  20. Have a good break. I'll be away myself July 22nd for 2 weeks, but should have WiFi and my mobile
  21. Baldur Dwarf Ranger 5 AC: 15 (chain shirt) | HP: 41/49 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 15 Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +5 | Spell DC: 13 Spells Known1st Level Cure Wounds Entangle Hail of Thorns Speak with Animals 2nd Level Lesser Restoration Beast Sense | DM Inspiration: 1/1 Perhaps one of you with the gift for gab would like to explain everything to the guard captain? Then we can go find a nice place to get cleaned up and sleep. He waits to see who wants the honor of talking to the guards. Mechanics Main Hand: heavy crossbow Off Hand: heavy crossbow Action: Bonus Action: Move: Manipulate: Racial ability - Colossus Slayer: it target is hit by a weapon and is below maximum hit points it takes an additional 1d8 once per turn.
  22. Thanks for the heads up and please, enjoy your vacation. Don't worry about us. Also, if anyone wants to add to any of the message threads in the library tab, please feel free to do so, I started them for you guys, but I will let you add and keep up with adding anything you would like to them.
  23. Dungeons & Dragons 5e with DM BWatford The group’s journey northward was marked by the familiar silhouette of the colossal iron boots, a testament to the Giant Boots Tavern’s storied past. The tavern, named for its owner’s legendary triumph over a fire giant, stood as a beacon of history on the main road if one were to believe the stories the owner told. Baldur paused before the tavern’s entrance, mindful that the soldiers who frequented it would likely be off duty and indifferent to their prisoner. They pressed on, passing the silent Curious Calligrapher shop and arriving at the House of the Soldier. The barracks of the Royal Army loomed ahead, a formidable compound with a single gate guarded by youthful sentinels under the watchful gaze of an old warrior named Jacob Hammersmith. Despite his imposing presence, Baldur perceived him as easily swayed. Convinced that no other place was more fitting for their prisoner, Baldur turned to his companions before approaching the gate. BLOOD ON THE CROWN Old Grinder On this Selik, the 35th day of Camua, In the 631st year of the Age of Kings 8:43 pm Day 6 Scene Information: Active Maps Not in Use!! Bookkeeping PASSIVE PERCEPTION Ru'ath 18 | Baldur 15 | Kythera 14 | Amelia 13 | Yaldiled 13 | Saara 10 INITIATIVE Not In Use!!! MECHANICS RU Takes 3 hit points of necrotic damage from Hellish Sacrificial Dagger. Has 15 of 28 hit points remaining. SAARA Used 1 point of Lay on Hands (3 of 20 remaining) TOBRON Is prone Has 1 hit point remaining. CONDITIONS SAARA Concentrating on Hex (55 minutes remaining) DESCRIPTIONS Not In Use!!! AMEILA KASSICAR Hit Points: 32/32 Hit Dice: 5/5 Sorcery Points: 5/5 *L Spell Slots (+7, DC 15) *L 1st Level: 4/4 2nd Level: 2/3 3rd Level: 1/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 BALDUR STONEBOW Hit Points: 27/49 (RESIST:poison; ADVSAVTYPE: poisoned) Hit Dice: 5/5 Spell Slots (+5, DC 13) *L 1st Level: 4/4 2nd Level: 2/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1 CHARACTER #3 Not in Use!! RU'ATH FIRVANNA Hit Points: 15/28 (fey ancestry; RESIST: necrotic; uncanny dodge) Hit Dice: 5/5 Blessings of the Raven Queen: 1/3 *L Shadow Touched Invisibility: 1/1 *L Disguise Self: 1/1 *L DM Inspiration: 1/1 SAARA RENALISH Hit Points: 43/43 (IMMUNE: disease; RESIST: poison; MAGIC RESISTANCE) Hit Dice: 5/5 Channel Divinity: 1/1 *S/L Divine Sense: 5/5 *L Form of Dread: 1/3 *L Lay On Hands: 3/20 *L Serpentine Spellcasting: 0/1 *L Spell Slots Paladin (+6, DC 14), Warlock (+7, DC 15) 1st Level: 4/4 *L Pact Slots (1st): 0/1 *S/L DM Inspiration: 1/1 YALDILED GURVYS Hit Points: 11/38 (RESIST:cold; IMMUNE: disease) Hit Dice: 5/5 Bardic Inspiration: 2/3 (d8) *L Breath Weapon: 1/1 *S Channel Divinity: 1/1 *S/L Divine Sense: 4/4 *L Lay on Hands: 20/20 *L Spell Slots (+6, DC 14) *L 1st Level: 2/4 2nd Level: 2/2 DM Inspiration: 1/1
  24. I will be on vacation starting Wednesday through July 2nd. I will not be taking my computer so there will be no posts from me during that time.
  25. Baldur Dwarf Ranger 5 AC: 15 (chain shirt) | HP: 41/49 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 15 Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +5 | Spell DC: 13 Spells Known1st Level Cure Wounds Entangle Hail of Thorns Speak with Animals 2nd Level Lesser Restoration Beast Sense | DM Inspiration: 1/1 We should turn him over to the local authority. Explain what happened and let them deal with him. I am sure if the Lord wishes to confront him, he has the pull to do so. Should have done that as soon as we entered the gates, but again, too tired to think straight. Let's find another group of watchmen and explain it to them and either turn him over to them or take him where they tell us to. He waits to see if everyone agrees before he starts looking for watchmen. Mechanics Main Hand: heavy crossbow Off Hand: heavy crossbow Action: Bonus Action: Move: Manipulate: Racial ability - Colossus Slayer: it target is hit by a weapon and is below maximum hit points it takes an additional 1d8 once per turn.
  26. PC Saara Renalish Yuan-Ti Paladin 4/Warlock 1 AC: 19 (splint mail and shield) | HP: 43/43 | Initiative: +0 | Passive Perception: 10 Spell Slots: 1st 2/3, Pact 1/1 | Spell Attack: +7 (rod of the pact) | Spell DC: 15 (rod of the pact) Lay on Hands: 03/20 | Divine Sense: 5/5 | Form of Dread: 1/3 | DM Inspiration: 1/1 "We don't want to make mistakes when we speak with the Lord in the morning." How late was it? Had the witching hour already passed? She felt exhausted, so it was hard to truly say. "Let's find an inn, get as much sleep as we can, and present ourselves to him first thing." The Lord in question would not be pleased to learn of the death of his friend, but they had adhered to the letter and the spirit of their contract with him. Perhaps his grief at the brutal murder of his friend and their family would be assuaged by vengance. Not against the farmboy, though she was sure he'd face justice, but against the other members of the cult. Saara didn't actually know if there were other members of the cult, but she hoped they would be tasked with finding out. "We'll need to set a watch on this one, but if we share a large room that shouldn't be hard." She pulled the manacled prisoner behind her for emphasis. Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Shield Bonus Action: Move: Action: Manipulate:
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