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About This Game

Korvosa has long stood as the first bastion of civilization on the wild frontier of Varisia. Yet tragedy seems to haunt the city’s royal bloodline. Few of her rulers rule for long, and none have lived to a ripe old age, dying instead well before their time. Heirs to the throne are few and far between—in its 300-year history, no king of Korvosa has directly inherited the Crimson Throne from his father. This is the source of much gossip and tale-spinning among the city’s citizens, who speak in hushed tones of what they have come to call the Curse of the Crimson Throne. In the shadow of an ailing king, a new ruler gathers power, sending shockwaves through a populace already plagued by unrest and pushing the largest city in Varisia to the brink of disaster. In the face of anarchy, an unlikely few gather at the call of a mysterious patron. Strange magic and mysterious prophesies set them on the trail of a common foe—a path that draws them into a struggle to save the city from ruin. Amid the intrigues of kings and generals, heroes and thieves, it's up to these new staunch few to decide whether the rule of a new monarch will usher in a new age of glory or a reign of chaos.

Game System

Pathfinder 2e

Detailed Description

This will be a play through of the Pathfinder Adventure Path, Curse of the Crimson Throne, converted to Second Edition. We will be using a number of variant rules; specifically Gradual Ability Boost and Free Archetype, and a number of practices to improve flow and preserve momentum in a Play-by-Post format.

We will be using these forums, as well as a Discord server, for communication and chatter related to the game. However, all IC posting will be done via the Forums, here. I have, and hold myself to, the following expectations:

  • An IC post or update no less than two times per week, with an average of three to four.
  • Open and honest communication in regards to availability, scheduling, or other issues which may lead to player, or GM, absences.
  • During Encounter Mode we will be using Block Initiative which means:
    • Player & NPC Initiative will be rolled by the GM; in accordance to Player-stated Exploration Activity
    • Players with a higher initiative score than the NPC's may post their actions in any order.
    • The GM will post & summarize PC actions & NPC reactions. Any conflicting actions caused by the the timing of Player's posting will be evaluated and resolved in a manner most advantageous to the Player.
    • All PC's may post, in any order, as the end of the initial round and the beginning of the next round occur before the NPC's react and the GM summarizes actions.
    • The timing of any effect or ability that would be confused by this Block Initiative posting order will be evaluated and resolved in a manner most advantageous to the Players.

Recruitment will be open for three weeks, ending Friday February 23rd, with selections being posted by Sunday February 25th. I plan on recruiting six players, I feel this will provide enough interactions between players to make for interesting role-play and character connections, and allow us to maintain momentum during Encounters, even if real life commitments precludes one of our characters from being able during a particular encounter. I will be recruiting a balanced party, both with roles, and with connection to the setting.



  1. What's new in this game
  2. Unfortunately, due to real-life time constraints, disruptions at work, and other personal commitments, I've been unable to continue updating and running the game. This has been a larger undertaking than I originally calculated, and with all the stuff going on at work, I’ve hit a roadblock that I haven’t been able to push through. I deeply regret that I didn’t keep you all updated which led to the game withering on the vine. Your encouragement when I faltered earlier meant a lot to me, and it’s been a pleasure to share this journey with you. I’m truly sorry I won’t be able to see it through to its intended conclusion. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope we can cross paths in future adventures.
  3. It has now been 3 weeks since GM 's last post on 19 MAY. Whilst I hope he, and everyone else, is well, I believe it it time to receive a clear indication as to whether this Game has been adjourned or, if it is to continue, clarification as to how it is to do so. I hope some way forward will attain, but three weeks of incommunicado with no explicit guidance appears dismissive of the real time effort each of us have put into crafting our characters for this Game.
  4. Good luck and hopefully things calm down for you
  5. Caltrix NimblesquirlCaltrix Nimblesquirl Rogue 1 N Small Halfling (Twilight) Humanoid Perception +7; Low-Light Vision Languages Common, Gnomish, Halfling, Varisian Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +2, Deception +4, Diplomacy +4, Intimidation +4, Lore: Cerulean Society +5, Lore: Circus +5, Lore: Games +5, Medicine +5, Society +5, Stealth +7, Survival +5, Thievery +7 Str -1, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +1 Items Explorer's Clothing, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Grappling Hook, Thieves' Tools (Replacement Picks), Tindertwig (5), Candle, Powder, Smokestick (Lesser), Thieves' Tools, Arrows (10) AC 17; Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +7 HP 15 Nimble Dodge Requirements You are not encumbered. Trigger A creature targets you with an attack and you can see the attacker. You deftly dodge out of the way, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. Speed 25 feet Melee Rapier +7 (Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse), Damage 1d6+4 P Melee Dagger +7 (Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile S), Damage 1d4+4 P Ranged Shortbow +7 (Deadly d10), Damage 1d6 P Halfling Luck (Fortune, Halfling) Frequency once per day Trigger You fail a skill check or saving throw. Your happy-go-lucky nature makes it seem like misfortune avoids you, and to an extent, that might even be true. You can reroll the triggering check, but you must use the new result, even if it’s worse than your first roll. Precision Damage Sneak Attack 1d6 Additional Feats Cat Fall, Quick Jump, Steady Balance, Twilight Halfling Additional Specials Keen Eyes, Rogue's Racket (Thief Racket), Sneak Attack, Surprise Attack. Twilight HalflingYour ancestors performed many secret acts under the concealing cover of dusk, whether for good or ill, and over time they developed the ability to see in twilight beyond even the usual keen sight of halflings. You gain low-light vision.; AcrobatIn a circus or on the streets, you earned your pay by performing as an acrobat. You might have turned to adventuring when the money dried up, or simply decided to put your skills to better use. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Dexterity, and one is a free ability boost. You're trained in the Acrobatics skill, and the Circus Lore skill. You gain the Steady Balance skill feat.; Rogue (Thief; 1); (TBA) Archetype; Harrow Card: 'The Locksmith' HP: 13/15 | AC:17+2 to AC as a Reaction via Nimble Dodge feat: Explorer's | Speed: 25' |Senses: Low-light vision; Keen EyesYour eyes are sharp, allowing you to make out small details about concealed or even invisible creatures that others might miss. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus when using the Seek action to find hidden or undetected creatures within 30 feet of you. When you target an opponent that is concealed from you or hidden from you, reduce the DC of the flat check to 3 for a concealed target or 9 for a hidden one. | Lang: Common; Halfling; Gnome; Varisian Perception (E): +7 | Fort (T): +4 | Ref (E): +9| Will (E): +7 | | SkillsTrained: Acrobatics (+7); Athletics (+2); Deception (+4); Diplomacy (+4); Intimidation (+4); Lore/Cerulean Society (+5); Lore/Circus (+5); Lore/Games (+5); Medicine (+5); Stealth (+7);Society (+5); Survival (+5); Thievery (+7) Untrained: Acrana (+2); Crafting (+2); Nature (+2); Occultism (+2); Performance (+1); Religion (+2); | AttributesSTR -1 [8] DEX +4 [18] CON +1 [12] INT +2 [14] WIS +2 [14] CHA +1 [12] | AttacksUnarmed: Fist +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d4-1 B (Crit 2d4-2); Agile; Finesse; Nonlethal; Unarmed Melee/Thrown: Rapier +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d6+4 P (Crit 2d6+8+1d8); Deadly d8; Disarm; Finesse. Dagger +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d4+4 P/S (Crit 2d4+8); Agile; Finesse; Thrown 10' (1d4-1 P); Versatile S. Ranged: Shortbow +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d6 P (Crit 2d6+1d10); Deadly d10; Range 60'. : | Sneak Atk Dmg+ 1d6 |Hero Pts.Heroic Effort: When you Fail or Critically Fail any, non-secret, check you may spend a Hero Point and improve your degree of Success by a single step, a Critical Failure becomes a Failure, and a Failure becomes a Success. Heroic Recovery: At the end of any turn in which you would gain the Dying condition, or your current Dying condition would increase you may spend a single Hero Point to stabilize with zero Hit Points. You do not gain the Wounded condition or increase it's value from losing the Dying condition in this way, but if you already had that condition, you don't lose it or decrease it's value. Undying Heroism: At the start of any turn in which you have zero Hit Points and are not currently Dying you may spend a single Hero Point to recover a number of Hit Points equal to your level.: 3 Approach to Understructure: it's set up just so one person can hold it if necessary, or create a delay long enough to escape through some secret route." Caltrix nods at Ionacu's words. She didn't think that Lamm was intending to 'go down with the ship' here. He had to have planned an escape. As Carthen boldly --- perhaps unwisely to her more stealth oriented mind --- moved forward with some of the others, Caltrix, continually SEARCHING for any sign of a trap, thought that she would stay alert either to succor those at the lead should some calamity occur, or to observe and cut-off any attempt by Lamm to flee having created a diversion. She ruefully thought that this was the same thinking that had lead her to the roof of the warehouse. Daggergirl had seemed to suggest that wrecking the skiff had stopped one line of retreat for Lamm & Co., but the halfling wasn't entirely certain that Daggergirl hadn't been buying her own escape with a sweet tongue. Caltrix shook her head, trying to clear her sense of self-doubt. OOC ACTIONS Use the SEARCH Exploration Activity throughout. Perception bonus (DC): +7 (17)
  6. Valerica Radache Human • Precision Ranger 1 • 'The Owl' * HP: 20/20 | AC:18 | Speed: 30'+5' from Fleet |Senses: Normal | Lang: Common; Dwarven Perception +7 | Fort +6 | Ref +9| Will +5| Hero Pts: 1 Valerica takes a deep breath and steps forward, stowing her bow on her back and drawing her shortsword. If they were going to move into tight quarters, even her shortbow might not do the job. "Let me lead the way to the door. After that, I'll follow Carthen in." OOC Val will lead the way down the pier as she searches for traps alongside Caltrix. She'll allow Carthen to enter the room first, but will follow in second, ready to engage in melee. ACTIONS Search as we move down the pier, looking for traps or hazards
  7. Aquila | HP 20/20 | AC 17Studded Leather armor +2 item bonus, +2 dex, +3 trained proficiency Raise Shield: +2 circumstance to AC | Fort +9 | Ref +7 | Will +3 | Speed: 25 | Perception: +3 Hero Points: 2/3 | Kinetic Gate: Open| Conditions: None | Effects: Following toward the rear of the pack, Aquila breathes deeply as a means of centering herself and gathering strength. "I can hasten some of us inside once the door is open. There's still the issue of not knowing what to expect once we're jny, but getting in quickly doesn't sound like a bad idea to me. The size of the door, though, gives me some pause. It might be easy for some of us and a bit tight for others, but Carthen... No offense meant, but you fill a room well all on your own." OOC & Actions I can use Four Winds to target 4 of us and grant a free half-speed movement, which may help usher some of us into the building, at least to start.
  8. Ionacu Davian HP: 16/16 Saves: Fort 5, Ref 5, Will 6 AC: 15, Perception: 4, Speed: 25 ' As they pondered the problem of how to best deal with the issue of the rickety boardwalk and small door Ionacu muttered sourly, "Speed of entry is required here, yet impossible to rush across those slimy boards and squeeze through the door, it's set up just so one person can hold it if necessary, or create a delay long enough to escape through some secret route." "I could blast the door as you try to smash it in Carthen. Once we've done our best to ensure there's no traps of course." came the whispered suggestion. "That's a bit of a long shot though." OOC Actions: 1 action: command Bran to intimidate 2 action: Daze basic Will DC 17 damage 4 hit points Status 2 x Cantrips, 1 x Lvl:1 spell used.
  9. Ihrin Human• Entertainer • Maestro Bard 1 Medium • Chaotic Good • Humanoid AC: 16 | HP 18/18 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +5 | Resistance: None | Speed 25 feet | Class DC 17 | Focus Point: 0/1 Ihrin follows closely behind, having been quiet as they went through the fishery. How many children had Lamm kept here, tormenting them? Had he gotten them addicted like her sister? The thoughts of that had kept her silent till now, possibly one doorway away from that monster. Actions: OOC
  10. Take care of yourself first, always. Thanks for letting us know and I hope things calm down for you soon.
  11. Thank you for being forthright. Best wishes for success and happiness with family & work.
  12. Carthen As the group moves on to track down Lamm, Carthen moves to the body of Grakk and speaks to Caltrix, "Just leave the bastard ties up. If anything we drag him out when we leave but I almost guarantee the guard will make it here eventually." With that he lifts up Grakk's body, slinging it over his shoulder. He matches along behind the group until they reach the Fishery door, stepping up he tries the handle. OOC and Actions ------------------------- HP: 20 (20 base) AC: 17 Hero Points: 0 ===== Reactions ===== ===== Actions ===== Ongoing Effects and Daily Use Things Ongoing Effects: Remaining Resources:
  13. It's always sad to hear, but I wish you luck with your work and family matters, as well as future gaming prospects!
  14. Hi everyone--I have to apologize. I think it's been weeks since I even logged into Myth Weavers. The circumstances of work and family have been keeping me way too busy. I am going to drop out of the game--I don't see my circumstances loosening up anytime soon, which means I would continue to be a drag on the game. I'm sorry I didn't come to this conclusion and make the time to get online sooner, and wasted as much of your time as I did. Happy gaming to you.
  15. Caltrix NimblesquirlCaltrix Nimblesquirl Rogue 1 N Small Halfling (Twilight) Humanoid Perception +7; Low-Light Vision Languages Common, Gnomish, Halfling, Varisian Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +2, Deception +4, Diplomacy +4, Intimidation +4, Lore: Cerulean Society +5, Lore: Circus +5, Lore: Games +5, Medicine +5, Society +5, Stealth +7, Survival +5, Thievery +7 Str -1, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +1 Items Explorer's Clothing, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Grappling Hook, Thieves' Tools (Replacement Picks), Tindertwig (5), Candle, Powder, Smokestick (Lesser), Thieves' Tools, Arrows (10) AC 17; Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +7 HP 15 Nimble Dodge Requirements You are not encumbered. Trigger A creature targets you with an attack and you can see the attacker. You deftly dodge out of the way, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. Speed 25 feet Melee Rapier +7 (Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse), Damage 1d6+4 P Melee Dagger +7 (Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile S), Damage 1d4+4 P Ranged Shortbow +7 (Deadly d10), Damage 1d6 P Halfling Luck (Fortune, Halfling) Frequency once per day Trigger You fail a skill check or saving throw. Your happy-go-lucky nature makes it seem like misfortune avoids you, and to an extent, that might even be true. You can reroll the triggering check, but you must use the new result, even if it’s worse than your first roll. Precision Damage Sneak Attack 1d6 Additional Feats Cat Fall, Quick Jump, Steady Balance, Twilight Halfling Additional Specials Keen Eyes, Rogue's Racket (Thief Racket), Sneak Attack, Surprise Attack. Twilight HalflingYour ancestors performed many secret acts under the concealing cover of dusk, whether for good or ill, and over time they developed the ability to see in twilight beyond even the usual keen sight of halflings. You gain low-light vision.; AcrobatIn a circus or on the streets, you earned your pay by performing as an acrobat. You might have turned to adventuring when the money dried up, or simply decided to put your skills to better use. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Dexterity, and one is a free ability boost. You're trained in the Acrobatics skill, and the Circus Lore skill. You gain the Steady Balance skill feat.; Rogue (Thief; 1); (TBA) Archetype; Harrow Card: 'The Locksmith' HP: 13/15 | AC:17+2 to AC as a Reaction via Nimble Dodge feat: Explorer's | Speed: 25' |Senses: Low-light vision; Keen EyesYour eyes are sharp, allowing you to make out small details about concealed or even invisible creatures that others might miss. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus when using the Seek action to find hidden or undetected creatures within 30 feet of you. When you target an opponent that is concealed from you or hidden from you, reduce the DC of the flat check to 3 for a concealed target or 9 for a hidden one. | Lang: Common; Halfling; Gnome; Varisian Perception (E): +7 | Fort (T): +4 | Ref (E): +9| Will (E): +7 | | SkillsTrained: Acrobatics (+7); Athletics (+2); Deception (+4); Diplomacy (+4); Intimidation (+4); Lore/Cerulean Society (+5); Lore/Circus (+5); Lore/Games (+5); Medicine (+5); Stealth (+7);Society (+5); Survival (+5); Thievery (+7) Untrained: Acrana (+2); Crafting (+2); Nature (+2); Occultism (+2); Performance (+1); Religion (+2); | AttributesSTR -1 [8] DEX +4 [18] CON +1 [12] INT +2 [14] WIS +2 [14] CHA +1 [12] | AttacksUnarmed: Fist +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d4-1 B (Crit 2d4-2); Agile; Finesse; Nonlethal; Unarmed Melee/Thrown: Rapier +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d6+4 P (Crit 2d6+8+1d8); Deadly d8; Disarm; Finesse. Dagger +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d4+4 P/S (Crit 2d4+8); Agile; Finesse; Thrown 10' (1d4-1 P); Versatile S. Ranged: Shortbow +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d6 P (Crit 2d6+1d10); Deadly d10; Range 60'. : | Sneak Atk Dmg+ 1d6 |Hero Pts.Heroic Effort: When you Fail or Critically Fail any, non-secret, check you may spend a Hero Point and improve your degree of Success by a single step, a Critical Failure becomes a Failure, and a Failure becomes a Success. Heroic Recovery: At the end of any turn in which you would gain the Dying condition, or your current Dying condition would increase you may spend a single Hero Point to stabilize with zero Hit Points. You do not gain the Wounded condition or increase it's value from losing the Dying condition in this way, but if you already had that condition, you don't lose it or decrease it's value. Undying Heroism: At the start of any turn in which you have zero Hit Points and are not currently Dying you may spend a single Hero Point to recover a number of Hit Points equal to your level.: 3 Pier & Trawler (Post 1st Combat): "You are currently in Exploration Mode; if you wish you can consume the Elixirs as required, before proceeding. Then let me know what you wish to use, and how you are approaching the door. Please note that due to the width of the floating pier, access to, or through, the door will have to be single file." Are we feeding Ruffio here to the fish as well? She figured that not everyone would go along with this, but what are we to do with him, she thought to herself. Realizing that the situation did not permit a stealthy approach, her attention turned to looking for traps and tripwires (SEARCH Activity). Lamm surely would lure and bait them. She carefully looked for false boards or lines and wires that might upset; fall away or overturn the narrow pier, precipitating them into the river. We may wish to hold onto a rope - if one or two of us were to fall in, the rest could assist, she suggested. After a few moments, she adds: I have a smokestick. If we throw that against the understructure, it might provide us some concealment to approach in case Lamm is observing us through a peephole or window. OOC Added a (third) Hero Point as per GM on Discord. I was apparently completely confused/lost with respect to where the Party had been and is going. So I deleted all specific details and just left this generic text (and the more recent suggestion to use a smokestick to provide concealment as we approach along the pier). ACTIONS Use the SEARCH Exploration Activity throughout. Perception bonus (DC): +7 (17)
  16. With their decision made, the group embarks on a cursory search of the fishery. Their footsteps echo through the dimly lit corridors as they explore the cluttered office once occupied by the fallen bookkeeper. Among the disarray of scattered parchment and overturned furniture, they spot several items of interest. Tucked away in a corner, a length of polished, gnarled driftwood catches their eye, its surface gleaming faintly with hidden power. Neatly arranged on a nearby shelf, three small vials labeled as acid flasks draw their attention, their corrosive potential evident as they slosh gently when disturbed. Further investigation uncovers a small cache of elixirs of life, promising vitality and rejuvenation to those in need. Stored carefully in a wooden crate, the elixirs offer a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos of the fishery. Additionally, six pouches heavy with the weight of coin are discovered, each containing 50 copper pieces, a modest but valuable find amidst the turmoil. Continuing their exploration, the group descends into the hold of the Kraken's Folly, their footsteps echoing faintly in the narrow passageway. The air grows colder and damper with each step, carrying the scent of brine and decay. Exiting the hold, they find themselves on a floating series of piers beneath the fishery proper. Below, a narrow space exists between the building's floor and the languid, foamy river water. Wooden pilings support the structure, adorned with thick mats of moss and cobwebs. A wooden walkway winds along the inner wall of pilings, leading to a small door that opens into an understructure below the fishery’s land-bound half. Across the worn, moss-encrusted, gently swaying floating pier lies a workplace, presumably occupied by Gaedron Lamm, marked by dirty, grime-encrusted windows and a small, 3-foot door. Map & Loot Loot: (x3) (x3) Studded Leather, Thieves' Tools, Chain Shirt, Morning Star, Alchemist Kit, Hand Crossbow, Bolts (x12), Leather Armor, Whip, Rapier Large Brass Key Pouch (7 gold measures, 12 silver weights) Pouch (x6; 50 copper pennies each) You are currently in Exploration Mode; if you wish you can consume the Elixirs as required, before proceeding. Then let me know what you wish to use, and how you are approaching the door. Please note that due to the width of the floating pier, access to, or through, the door will have to be single file.
  17. Aquila | HP 20/20 | AC 17Studded Leather armor +2 item bonus, +2 dex, +3 trained proficiency Raise Shield: +2 circumstance to AC | Fort +9 | Ref +7 | Will +3 | Speed: 25 | Perception: +3 Hero Points: 2/3 | Kinetic Gate: Open| Conditions: None | Effects: Aquila nods at her companions as they receive her healing and offer acknowledgement. "While it seems a bit gruesome... they attacked us. This isn't the time or place to feel sorry for them. If they can help prevent us from being devilfish-food, let them serve that purpose in our place." She grimaces, but there's not much to be done for it. With Valerica offering her time to bandage up Carthen, Aquila channels her healing waters once more for both Carthen and Lira. "It's no cleric's holy mending, but hopefully it helps soothe those wounds. As for Caltrix... I can help with the muck as well." OOC & Actions Aquila spends a couple rounds, as Val finishes bandaging Carthen she heals Lira again, then Carthen right after the Treat Wounds is over to maximize our time. Then, assuming there's an empty bucket, Aquila can use Base Kinesis to generate pure, fresh water.
  18. Carthen "I was thinking something similar, in so far as to drop a body down to set off any possible traps. " I will take that whip and Caltrix, wash yourself off, you stink." OOC and Actions ------------------------- HP: 13 (20 base) AC: 17 Hero Points: 1 ===== Reactions ===== ===== Actions ===== Ongoing Effects and Daily Use Things Ongoing Effects: Remaining Resources:
  19. Caltrix NimblesquirlCaltrix Nimblesquirl Rogue 1 N Small Halfling (Twilight) Humanoid Perception +7; Low-Light Vision Languages Common, Gnomish, Halfling, Varisian Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +2, Deception +4, Diplomacy +4, Intimidation +4, Lore: Cerulean Society +5, Lore: Circus +5, Lore: Games +5, Medicine +5, Society +5, Stealth +7, Survival +5, Thievery +7 Str -1, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +1 Items Explorer's Clothing, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Grappling Hook, Thieves' Tools (Replacement Picks), Tindertwig (5), Candle, Powder, Smokestick (Lesser), Thieves' Tools, Arrows (10) AC 17; Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +7 HP 15 Nimble Dodge Requirements You are not encumbered. Trigger A creature targets you with an attack and you can see the attacker. You deftly dodge out of the way, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. Speed 25 feet Melee Rapier +7 (Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse), Damage 1d6+4 P Melee Dagger +7 (Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile S), Damage 1d4+4 P Ranged Shortbow +7 (Deadly d10), Damage 1d6 P Halfling Luck (Fortune, Halfling) Frequency once per day Trigger You fail a skill check or saving throw. Your happy-go-lucky nature makes it seem like misfortune avoids you, and to an extent, that might even be true. You can reroll the triggering check, but you must use the new result, even if it’s worse than your first roll. Precision Damage Sneak Attack 1d6 Additional Feats Cat Fall, Quick Jump, Steady Balance, Twilight Halfling Additional Specials Keen Eyes, Rogue's Racket (Thief Racket), Sneak Attack, Surprise Attack. Twilight HalflingYour ancestors performed many secret acts under the concealing cover of dusk, whether for good or ill, and over time they developed the ability to see in twilight beyond even the usual keen sight of halflings. You gain low-light vision.; AcrobatIn a circus or on the streets, you earned your pay by performing as an acrobat. You might have turned to adventuring when the money dried up, or simply decided to put your skills to better use. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Dexterity, and one is a free ability boost. You're trained in the Acrobatics skill, and the Circus Lore skill. You gain the Steady Balance skill feat.; Rogue (Thief; 1); (TBA) Archetype; Harrow Card: 'The Locksmith' HP: 13/15 | AC:17+2 to AC as a Reaction via Nimble Dodge feat: Explorer's | Speed: 25' |Senses: Low-light vision; Keen EyesYour eyes are sharp, allowing you to make out small details about concealed or even invisible creatures that others might miss. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus when using the Seek action to find hidden or undetected creatures within 30 feet of you. When you target an opponent that is concealed from you or hidden from you, reduce the DC of the flat check to 3 for a concealed target or 9 for a hidden one. | Lang: Common; Halfling; Gnome; Varisian Perception (E): +7 | Fort (T): +4 | Ref (E): +9| Will (E): +7 | | SkillsTrained: Acrobatics (+7); Athletics (+2); Deception (+4); Diplomacy (+4); Intimidation (+4); Lore/Cerulean Society (+5); Lore/Circus (+5); Lore/Games (+5); Medicine (+5); Stealth (+7);Society (+5); Survival (+5); Thievery (+7) Untrained: Acrana (+2); Crafting (+2); Nature (+2); Occultism (+2); Performance (+1); Religion (+2); | AttributesSTR -1 [8] DEX +4 [18] CON +1 [12] INT +2 [14] WIS +2 [14] CHA +1 [12] | AttacksUnarmed: Fist +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d4-1 B (Crit 2d4-2); Agile; Finesse; Nonlethal; Unarmed Melee/Thrown: Rapier +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d6+4 P (Crit 2d6+8+1d8); Deadly d8; Disarm; Finesse. Dagger +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d4+4 P/S (Crit 2d4+8); Agile; Finesse; Thrown 10' (1d4-1 P); Versatile S. Ranged: Shortbow +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d6 P (Crit 2d6+1d10); Deadly d10; Range 60'. : | Sneak Atk Dmg+ 1d6 |Hero Pts.Heroic Effort: When you Fail or Critically Fail any, non-secret, check you may spend a Hero Point and improve your degree of Success by a single step, a Critical Failure becomes a Failure, and a Failure becomes a Success. Heroic Recovery: At the end of any turn in which you would gain the Dying condition, or your current Dying condition would increase you may spend a single Hero Point to stabilize with zero Hit Points. You do not gain the Wounded condition or increase it's value from losing the Dying condition in this way, but if you already had that condition, you don't lose it or decrease it's value. Undying Heroism: At the start of any turn in which you have zero Hit Points and are not currently Dying you may spend a single Hero Point to recover a number of Hit Points equal to your level.: 2 Fishery (Post 1st Combat): "We should take stock and then head down." What I recall from looking down from the warehouse roof (see OOC) is that there are two areas below: an enclosed building space 'that way' - pointing to the westto the bottom of the map from where we are currently standing - that is, below the area from which you folks entered: below where we are here is just above the water supported by piers. Then, there is the trawler: Daggergirl said that Lamm's 'den' was in the hold below deck. Maybe we could bring down the bodies of some of those you dealt with above? The Devilfish could be distracted were they to be offered a meal, perhaps? Then, looking at the unconscious Ruffio, she added: maybe best to tie up our friend 'Fabio' here, eh? (see OOC below) With that, the little halfling sets to securing his legs and arms along with a gag that (might) allow him to breath. I wouldn't mind feeding you to the 'fish,' my whip-bearing friend, she muttered more-or-less to herself. Could anyone make use of this whip? she asks the group whilst doing so. She also looks for a barrel of fresh water: if one is available, she'll at least quickly dunk her head to clean off the muck. OOC Basing orientation from GM's 6APR post. My thievery DC is 17 which would be Ruffio's Escape DC from being tied up. If anyone else could set a higher DC by some ability or skill or equipment, Caltrix will defer. ACTIONS Ties up Ruffio (DC = 17) unless another can do better. Looks for some fresh water to clear herself off a bit.
  20. Carthen Carthen looked at Valerica as they came to administer their own brand of treatment. He sniffed, mostly to loosen the blood pooled in his nostrils but it could easily be mistaken for an animal smelling fear. He followed their directions as asked, lifting his arms and allowing the best access to his wounds. All the while he kept his gaze steadily on their face, impassive face only twitching with pain on the tender spots. As Valerica finished he rotated his arms and nodded, "Thank you. I appreciate your attention." It seemed almost forced but felt genuine, his appreciation obviously not being doled out much in the past. OOC and Actions ------------------------- HP: 13 (20 base) AC: 17 Hero Points: 1 ===== Reactions ===== ===== Actions ===== Ongoing Effects and Daily Use Things Ongoing Effects: Remaining Resources: Carthen Carthen wipes his bloody hands on Ruffio's clothes and turns to to Ionacu, "I could use a bandage to go with this healing, and thank you, Aquila was it? We should take stock and then head down. "He is certainly ready for us so whomever goes first needs to be sharp eyed and quick footed." OOC and Actions ------------------------- HP: 6 (20 base) AC: 17 Hero Points: 1 ===== Reactions ===== ===== Actions ===== Ongoing Effects and Daily Use Things Ongoing Effects: Remaining Resources:
  21. Valerica Radache Human • Precision Ranger 1 • 'The Owl' * HP: 20/20 | AC:18 | Speed: 30'+5' from Fleet |Senses: Normal | Lang: Common; Dwarven Perception +7 | Fort +6 | Ref +9| Will +5| Hero Pts: 2 Valerica moves quickly, but safely, to get down from the roof. When she rejoins the group she returns Caltrix's grappling hook to her, reclaimed from where it had been tied up on the roof. She surveys the scene in the warehouse and sees the dead thugs. The weight of what they'd just done settles in. They deserved it. She wasn't sure she fully believed that, but she tells herself all the same. "I could use a bandage to go with this healing, and thank you, Aquila was it? Valerica snaps back from her thoughts at the mention of someone in need. It's the big guy in the group; the dangerous one. Carthen. If Valerica was being honest, he scared her. Several of the group were just people that Lamm's lives had touched in horrific ways, but Carthen didn't look like he was a stranger to violence. Still, if they were going to get their vengeance, they needed each other. "Here, let me." Valerica steps forward, pulling out her healer's tools. OOC ACTIONS Treat Wounds on Carthen
  22. Carthen Carthen wipes his bloody hands on Ruffio's clothes and turns to to Ionacu, "I could use a bandage to go with this healing, and thank you, Aquila was it? We should take stock and then head down. "He is certainly ready for us so whomever goes first needs to be sharp eyed and quick footed." OOC and Actions ------------------------- HP: 6 (20 base) AC: 17 Hero Points: 1 ===== Reactions ===== ===== Actions ===== Ongoing Effects and Daily Use Things Ongoing Effects: Remaining Resources:
  23. With Carthen's determined recovery and Caltrix's authoritative commands, the atmosphere in the fishery shifts once more. As Voss receives Carthen's directive to depart, she offers a curt nod in acknowledgment before swiftly turning on her heel and disappearing into the shadows of the docks. As the group contemplates their next move, the fishery stands silent and foreboding, its secrets lurking beneath the murky depths of the river's edge. Will they search the work floor for clues, or continue their relentless pursuit of Lamm by descending into the depths below? The choice is theirs, but with each passing moment, the treacherous Lamm has opportunity to prepare for the intruder's inevitable assault. Exploration Mode The Group in now in Exploration Mode, please let me know what those activities are. You may assume that you have ten minutes, enough time for a single Treat Wounds check, or another round of Aquila's Ocean Balm. I just need to know if you are searching, or descending down towards Lamm's safe room beneath the fishery's working floor.
  24. Ionacu Davian HP: 16/16 Saves: Fort 5, Ref 5, Will 6 AC: 15, Perception: 4, Speed: 25 ' Standing in the doorway with half an ear to what was going on inside Ionacu came back inside to report his failure to round up the scattered orphans. "Shame. I had hoped they'd be able to give us some information." "Does anybody still need healing?" he asked. "I'm ready to go deal with the boss. Any further traps we should be worried about?" Ionacu directed his question at the talkative member of the orphan gang. Status 2 x Cantrips, 1 x Lvl:1 spell used.
  25. Aquila | HP 20/20 | AC 17Studded Leather armor +2 item bonus, +2 dex, +3 trained proficiency Raise Shield: +2 circumstance to AC | Fort +9 | Ref +7 | Will +3 | Speed: 25 | Perception: +3 Hero Points: 2/3 | Kinetic Gate: Open| Conditions: None | Effects: Now standing behind Caltrix, having worked her healing as best as possible on the party, Aquila nods in concert with the halfling's acknowledgement. She sees no reason not to let Voss go - in truth, she doesn't know so much as her name. Her profession, however, Aquila could guess, and if she had a problem with every scoundrel willing to work for a sleazebag, she'd have to go after at least a third of the city's population, she gathers. "I don't like the sound of dealing with that devil-fish. We ought to be careful when exploring the space below us." OOC & Actions N/A
  26. Caltrix NimblesquirlCaltrix Nimblesquirl Rogue 1 N Small Halfling (Twilight) Humanoid Perception +7; Low-Light Vision Languages Common, Gnomish, Halfling, Varisian Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +2, Deception +4, Diplomacy +4, Intimidation +4, Lore: Cerulean Society +5, Lore: Circus +5, Lore: Games +5, Medicine +5, Society +5, Stealth +7, Survival +5, Thievery +7 Str -1, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +1 Items Explorer's Clothing, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Grappling Hook, Thieves' Tools (Replacement Picks), Tindertwig (5), Candle, Powder, Smokestick (Lesser), Thieves' Tools, Arrows (10) AC 17; Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +7 HP 15 Nimble Dodge Requirements You are not encumbered. Trigger A creature targets you with an attack and you can see the attacker. You deftly dodge out of the way, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. Speed 25 feet Melee Rapier +7 (Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse), Damage 1d6+4 P Melee Dagger +7 (Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile S), Damage 1d4+4 P Ranged Shortbow +7 (Deadly d10), Damage 1d6 P Halfling Luck (Fortune, Halfling) Frequency once per day Trigger You fail a skill check or saving throw. Your happy-go-lucky nature makes it seem like misfortune avoids you, and to an extent, that might even be true. You can reroll the triggering check, but you must use the new result, even if it’s worse than your first roll. Precision Damage Sneak Attack 1d6 Additional Feats Cat Fall, Quick Jump, Steady Balance, Twilight Halfling Additional Specials Keen Eyes, Rogue's Racket (Thief Racket), Sneak Attack, Surprise Attack. Twilight HalflingYour ancestors performed many secret acts under the concealing cover of dusk, whether for good or ill, and over time they developed the ability to see in twilight beyond even the usual keen sight of halflings. You gain low-light vision.; AcrobatIn a circus or on the streets, you earned your pay by performing as an acrobat. You might have turned to adventuring when the money dried up, or simply decided to put your skills to better use. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Dexterity, and one is a free ability boost. You're trained in the Acrobatics skill, and the Circus Lore skill. You gain the Steady Balance skill feat.; Rogue (Thief; 1); (TBA) Archetype; Harrow Card: 'The Locksmith' HP: 13/15 | AC:17+2 to AC as a Reaction via Nimble Dodge feat: Explorer's | Speed: 25' |Senses: Low-light vision; Keen EyesYour eyes are sharp, allowing you to make out small details about concealed or even invisible creatures that others might miss. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus when using the Seek action to find hidden or undetected creatures within 30 feet of you. When you target an opponent that is concealed from you or hidden from you, reduce the DC of the flat check to 3 for a concealed target or 9 for a hidden one. | Lang: Common; Halfling; Gnome; Varisian Perception (E): +7 | Fort (T): +4 | Ref (E): +9| Will (E): +7 | | SkillsTrained: Acrobatics (+7); Athletics (+2); Deception (+4); Diplomacy (+4); Intimidation (+4); Lore/Cerulean Society (+5); Lore/Circus (+5); Lore/Games (+5); Medicine (+5); Stealth (+7);Society (+5); Survival (+5); Thievery (+7) Untrained: Acrana (+2); Crafting (+2); Nature (+2); Occultism (+2); Performance (+1); Religion (+2); | AttributesSTR -1 [8] DEX +4 [18] CON +1 [12] INT +2 [14] WIS +2 [14] CHA +1 [12] | AttacksUnarmed: Fist +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d4-1 B (Crit 2d4-2); Agile; Finesse; Nonlethal; Unarmed Melee/Thrown: Rapier +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d6+4 P (Crit 2d6+8+1d8); Deadly d8; Disarm; Finesse. Dagger +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d4+4 P/S (Crit 2d4+8); Agile; Finesse; Thrown 10' (1d4-1 P); Versatile S. Ranged: Shortbow +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d6 P (Crit 2d6+1d10); Deadly d10; Range 60'. : | Sneak Atk Dmg+ 1d6 |Hero Pts.Heroic Effort: When you Fail or Critically Fail any, non-secret, check you may spend a Hero Point and improve your degree of Success by a single step, a Critical Failure becomes a Failure, and a Failure becomes a Success. Heroic Recovery: At the end of any turn in which you would gain the Dying condition, or your current Dying condition would increase you may spend a single Hero Point to stabilize with zero Hit Points. You do not gain the Wounded condition or increase it's value from losing the Dying condition in this way, but if you already had that condition, you don't lose it or decrease it's value. Undying Heroism: At the start of any turn in which you have zero Hit Points and are not currently Dying you may spend a single Hero Point to recover a number of Hit Points equal to your level.: 2 Fishery (Post 1st Combat): "Figure your business with Lamm is of a personal nature, I could vacate tha' premises, 'n give you time to settle your accounts, yea?" Caltrix nods her head to Daggergirl (I don't think Caltrix has yet learned her name) in appreciation for her intelligence regarding Lamm. The halfling waits a few moments in case Ihrin or Lira wish to speak with Daggergirl. The halfling considers the two of them the best spoken of the group (i.e. the best "Face" characters). If nothing more is said, Caltrix lowers her rapier making a sort of formal flourish (salute) to Daggergirl. Her shoulder still smarting, even after - whatever Aquila had done - Caltrix knew that Voss was a professional to be reckoned with. LATER POSTSCRIPT: Upon request, Caltrix will use AID to assist with a Medicine Check (for Carthen?). See roll below (what a surprise 😞) OOC I assume that we can incorporate Aquila's healing? Now reflected above. ACTIONS Contingent upon need: Aid (Medicine)
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