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Papa Bear

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  1. and the inside jokes we can tell each other via our pheromones.
  2. Niles Gilderbrandt Level 9 Arcane Mystic (Character Sheet) AC: 16 | HP: 59 | Spell Save DC: 16 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 14 | Channel Divinity: Yes Spell Slots: 1st Level: 4 of 4 | 2nd Level: 2 of 3 | 3rd Level: 2 of 3 | 4th Level: 3 of 3 | 5th Level: 1 of 1 Spell Attack Bonus: +10 | Bonus Spells Available: Hex: yes | Invisibility: yes| Misty Step: Yes | Ray of Sickness: Yes OOC: Niles isn't particularly versed in formal religion but I'd like to roll it to see if he gets a sense of what's going on in this place. Pfft, probably not.
  3. I may be mixing up my game systems then. That happens. I guess it depends on how her darkvision works... OK, where does Darkvision come from? I can't find it.
  4. I love playing other systems. But yeah, D&D 5e and Pathfinder rule the day here (as at most sites). Thankfully I enjoy both of those systems :)
  5. OOOF, back to the drawing board! Hmmm... maybe no. Since Pipa's a warlock, she gets her spell slots back on a short rest. She could cast the spell and rest at some point. The darn thing takes an hour to cast anyway. I haven't decided yet if I'm going chain or tomb.
  6. She can see with her darkvision, but isn't it just black and white with shades of gray? Nothing looks wet.
  7. I have started two games since this thread started up :) I'm a "big d@%$ hero" :p
  8. I've played two games in the 5e system you linked. I loved it.
  9. Literally this game I actually own it. Only played it once and of course it died fairly quickly as so many games tend to do. Of course, I'm always partial to Champions, which is THE ultimate customizable game. I love the Transformers and really haven't cared for the movies (though I've seen them all, sometimes multiple times... just in case).
  10. Niles Gilderbrandt Level 9 Arcane Mystic (Character Sheet) AC: 16 | HP: 59 | Spell Save DC: 16 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 14 | Channel Divinity: Yes Spell Slots: 1st Level: 4 of 4 | 2nd Level: 2 of 3 | 3rd Level: 2 of 3 | 4th Level: 3 of 3 | 5th Level: 1 of 1 Spell Attack Bonus: +10 | Bonus Spells Available: Hex: yes | Invisibility: yes| Misty Step: Yes | Ray of Sickness: Yes Niles follows after Aubren Grace, sticking close to her heels. A shiver runs down his spine as he knows nothing good can come of this place. He'd suggest turning back if they were not in such need to find Varram. As a Mystic, Niles is only too familiar with the ways and power of the unliving, and not just those called 'undead', but the curses of the unliving, especially if they are evil!
  11. OK, I chose Find Familiar. Its a ritual spell, which means it doesn't use up one of my two spell slots, yes?
  12. Pfft, the more rubbery beings the better! One of the best campaigns I ever played was Star Frontiers. Me and one of the other player were Dralasites and we called them the Boom Brothers because they were both demolitions experts who carried around a lot of D19.
  13. Michael Williams, Dark Matter Hero Points: 2 "Who the..." when the 'armor wearing superman' puts up a finger to warn against the use of profanity (because one was surely coming) he stumbles a little before continuing on, "...Heck are you?" Michael had never seen Superman in armor before... maybe this wasn't actually Superman, but considering he was inside Titan's tower, Michael had a decent notion that he wasn't a danger. But considering the Titans just got it handed to them by Match 2.0, he backed away, keeping pace with the 'armor wearing Superman'. "Conner will be OK. We kicked Match's hind end back to wherever he came from and David is just fine." Michael replies, ready to teleport in case things get dicey... and by dicey, he means anything other than a polite reply.
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