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Ch 2: Awake from the Dream


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OX just says "We will sort out things when we get there, times a wasting we only have 23 hours to get this done. Put these on to blend in to where we are going. Keep visor down under are alone."


He hands out black clothing that fit to your sizes with full visor. He disappears and comes back with Samuel.


"Ok keep quiet and try not to talk to anyone." Zora, Enoch, Ozen Samuel, Ross all dressed in black skin suits all look the same. Ozen touches his mic "Recruits ready for pick up." Within seconds 6 forms dress the same as you appear out of thin air next to Ozen.

You dont hear anything but you assume he is speaking to them. One comes next to each of you and goes to grab you.

If you let them you feel like someone starts to grind your body through a meat grinder as your atoms are scattered across the planet and rebuilt elsewhere. Those of you that know physics know that traveling like this also has to calculate the spin of the planet and if that is off parts may not appear in the right place..... You hear screaming and realize it coming from you.

Ozen msg you all "All in one piece?" Then speaks to others "Should i go report in?" One of the black forms nods and Ozen walks towards 2 people nearby, one of them you know, Prax.


Within 30 seconds any tech equipment powers down, while cybernetics still move and function for movement but anything like weapons or projected effects wont work.

20; 5
1d20;1d20 [20]; [20,5]
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Farhvan.jpg.9e42a5d6cd2208109482a6f84ff41a25.jpg.0b1d54b38bb30c907b6880386afd5049.jpgFarhvan resisted his station-rat instincts to avoid being grabbed as it was clear that this was part of the plan. Still he somewhat regretted the decision as they were warped to . . . wherever this place was. He stumbled for a moment adjusting to both the discomfort and the disorientation. After coming back to his senses, he whispered back to Ozen, "how clando are we here? Is it going to cause an incident if someone notices a biotic aura around me?" He'd gone awhile without using biotics to enhance himself, but without his armor or his trusty M77, he wouldn't mind a bit of reassurance.
















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10 minutes before the meeting


When Ozen comes to pick up Samuel he finds him about a mile away from the settlement next to the large rock. The only difference is that he already removed his clothes leaving just armor underneath. Clothes are neatly folded in the case Samuel came with. He looks at XO "I'm gonna use my own armor for several reasons, neither currently pertinent. I'm only changing my custom stealth helmet with the armor default one."


He adds several hard point pieces of armor that he had to keep detached while in clothes and a few pouches. Once he connects his hard helmet completely hiding his face and checks everything is in order he finally arms himself. Leaving behind only a Hush pistol, and keeping Corpse Fleet Bone Revolver and Duelist Sword on his hips, while he keeps Nanite Pistol in the holster under his arm. While the Nanite part of it might not work anymore, the bullet that delivers them will work just fine, some would say "waste of perfectly good Nanites" but as Samuel was concerned better waste of perfectly good Nanites than a perfectly good Sam.

And he trusted this armor more than anything Ozen brought, not that he distrusted XO but this armor he paid for, trained in it and most importantly gotten used to if things went South. Samuel closes the case with the clothes, remaining pistol, and Stealth helmet, secures it with a nine-symbol passcode, raises the rock they were standing next to, and places it in the pre-dug hole. Then stands up and looks at Ozen "Let go and join others, I missed them so." While helmet distorts his voice slightly Ozen oddly couldn't notice any sarcasm this time


Armor with Stealth Helmet



Once Psionics, because that was what they clearly were, since he had a decent aptitude for it himself he saw those uniforms before. Of course, simple little precog like him couldn't hope for something so cool, only the cream of the crop, mighty Telporters had something so cool. Anyway, once they took them wherever this was, he carefully began turning off the tech in his suit. Leaving only mechanical parts working. Then he did the same with the weapons. Better to manually shut off than a hard restart. He will miss the automatic friend/foe suit in his armor, but that was about it. Aim assist was nice, but he was once a decent shot. He shouldn't need aim assist. Overhearing Farhvan he adds "And it was implied we finally can go ham with magic, theoretically speaking, that true? I haven't cast a proper spell in Millennia."

Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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47 minutes ago, Drunva said:


Farhvan.jpg.9e42a5d6cd2208109482a6f84ff41a25.jpg.0b1d54b38bb30c907b6880386afd5049.jpgFarhvan resisted his station-rat instincts to avoid being grabbed as it was clear that this was part of the plan. Still he somewhat regretted the decision as they were warped to . . . wherever this place was. He stumbled for a moment adjusting to both the discomfort and the disorientation. After coming back to his senses, he whispered back to Ozen, "how clando are we here? Is it going to cause an incident if someone notices a biotic aura around me?" He'd gone awhile without using biotics to enhance himself, but without his armor or his trusty M77, he wouldn't mind a bit of reassurance.
















You just get "Wait" for Ozen

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27 minutes ago, Grudge said:

10 minutes before the meeting


When Ozen comes to pick up Samuel he finds him about a mile away from the settlement next to the large rock. The only difference is that he already removed his clothes leaving just armor underneath. Clothes are neatly folded in the case Samuel came with. He looks at XO "I'm gonna use my own armor for several reasons, neither currently pertinent. I'm only changing my custom stealth helmet with the armor default one."


He adds several hard point pieces of armor that he had to keep detached while in clothes and a few pouches. Once he connects his hard helmet completely hiding his face and checks everything is in order he finally arms himself. Leaving behind only a Hush pistol, and keeping Corpse Fleet Bone Revolver and Duelist Sword on his hips, while he keeps Nanite Pistol in the holster under his arm. While the Nanite part of it might not work anymore, the bullet that delivers them will work just fine, some would say "waste of perfectly good Nanites" but as Samuel was concerned better waste of perfectly good Nanites than a perfectly good Sam.

And he trusted this armor more than anything Ozen brought, not that he distrusted XO but this armor he paid for, trained in it and most importantly gotten used to if things went South. Samuel closes the case with the clothes, remaining pistol, and Stealth helmet, secures it with a nine-symbol passcode, raises the rock they were standing next to, and places it in the pre-dug hole. Then stands up and looks at Ozen "Let go and join others, I missed them so." While helmet distorts his voice slightly Ozen oddly couldn't notice any sarcasm this time


Armor with Stealth Helmet



Once Psionics, because that was what they clearly were, since he had a decent aptitude for it himself he saw those uniforms before. Of course, simple little precog like him couldn't hope for something so cool, only the cream of the crop, mighty Telporters had something so cool. Anyway, once they took them wherever this was, he carefully began turning off the tech in his suit. Leaving only mechanical parts working. Then he did the same with the weapons. Better to manually shut off than a hard restart. He will miss the automatic friend/foe suit in his armor, but that was about it. Aim assist was nice, but he was once a decent shot. He shouldn't need aim assist.

Seeing him expecting to wear his armour, he explains "You are impersonating a psionic teleporting specialist, there is no way you can wear that for a few reasons, one big one when you get teleported the atoms of all the items are scattered and reformed, that armour might be inside you. ITs why we wear thin harden cloth so not to interfere with us reforming. If i didnt have to teleport again i could send the armour ahead but all this jumping will drain me completely. Of all of us, you are least one that needs more protections, so dont want to hear it take it off and stash it with rest of gear you leaving. O guns dont work, you wont need that either...."

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Sam shrugs and takes off his weapons leaving them in the same place with the rest of his stuff. But makes no move to remove his armor "I went to the same camp Teleport turds did and had a larger aptitude score than 90% of them, I just don like Psionic, so I didn't particularly apply myself to it. Still, the fact that you would think I would purchase the armor that couldn't withstand teleporting is insulting, both to my intelligence and my wallet. I'm not wearing theirhis only enemy is Teleporter duds, end of the story. "

Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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"Then your not coming, no one else wears that, and you are a RECRUIT, you wear what everyone else does. If you dont show up its on your head with the old man. You can walk for all i care but my way in is this so unless your getting your own way in stop wasting my time." He waits for you to remove it.

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The puff of smoke distinctly in the shape of the middle finger is the last OX see of Samuel together with crushed comms he wore up to that point. The very subtle message being: "Old man has other means of contacting me, F U and F off."

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Ozen knows the captain cant contact him where he is which is why he tasked him to, letting Samuel go coward in the corner he gets ready to leave saying out loud "Rest of crew are at greater danger than you but you go coward in the corner cause you cant bring your crutch, image a vampire scared to get hunt..." He starts to gather the psionic energy to teleport.

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Samuel appears in front of Ozen like he didn't even leave and slaps him before XO gathers energy "I don't take orders from you. I offered to go, said my suit is ready and teleport capable only coward here is you little man, hiding behind your made-up title. I was ready to go, but YOU denied it and that is how it will be told to the Old Man. The only coward here is an infantile teleporter who thinks he can decide what I wear and then calls me a coward when I say no. Standing up to wannabe bullies who hide behind more powerful is the opposite of cowardly. Tuck your tail between your legs and leave, others are waiting for you." Vampire's hand is on the hilt of his sword and if Ozen pushes it this will get bloody.

Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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Knowing his jab will draw Samuel back, Ozen was ready for him. The pretense that he needs to draw energy to teleport lured him in, when he appeared to slap him he released the telekinesis energy at his legs but Samuel took the hit and connected with Ozen. As he speaks he next push his mind to throw Samuel away from him with great effect Samuel flying 10 feet back against the rock.

"I don't need to hide behind anything, my title or the Capt, i can deal with a belligerent crew member myself, i dealt with Kar Tesh plots for years, i can deal with your petty tantrums as well. I call it as a see it, a child throwing his toys out of his pram. Now are going to take your armour off and come with me or not?"


if you continue its init.

Activating Psionic Powers
1d20+6 12
CMB to trip vs Samuel CMD BAB+ Str+Dex+10=22?
1d20+12 5
CMB to trip vs Samuel CMD BAB+ Str+Dex+10=22?:1d20+12
1d20+12 14
1d20+3 5
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Enoch had a short while to prep, and it was all he needed. Enoch didn't bring much tech, but he did bring some non-electronic items. He thinks back to his original joining of the ship and to the kit he brought off of Earth. He sets to work quick-fabbing a few attachments to use with the kit while he grabs the other items he had on his person.

He arrives in the haz-suit as requested with his satchel and little else visible.

[URL=/sheets/?id=2803071][B][SIZE=+1]Enoch Pendergast[/SIZE][/B][/URL] Male Human (Cyborg) Mechanic, [B]Level[/B] 8, [B]Init[/B] 1, [B]HP[/B] 80/80, [B]DR[/B] ER 5 (all) DR 10/—, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 13, [B]Touch[/B] 11, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 12, [B]CMD[/b] 16, [B]Fort[/B] 4, [B]Ref[/B] 1, [B]Will[/B] 1, [B]CMB[/B] +5, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 6 [B]-2 Dex Penalty, Stacking, No save, 8 hour or until dissolved Tangler Gun [/B] +7/2 (0, ) [B]DC 15 Will vs Stunned 1d4+1 rounds Nausea Gun [/B] +7/+2 (1d4+1, ) [B]DC 15 Will vs Stunned 1d4+1 rounds Neural Blanker [/B] +7/+2 (1d4+1, ) [B] Survival Suit[/B] (+2 Armor, +1 Dex) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 8, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 22, Wis 12, Cha 9 [B]Condition[/B] Unharmed [b]Immunities:[/b] Daze, Nausea, Stun, Intimidate, Deafness from Loudness [b]Senses:[/b] See Ethereal, Thermal/UV/Infrared to vision limits. X-Ray/Sonar 100' (Standard swap) Motion Sensing in 100' (through walls too) - Sends to HUD Detect Magic 60' Detect Chemicals/Minerals/Multidimensional/Metals 120' Cone [b]Skills[/b] (Base, Class Skill, Ability, Feature, Feat, Item) Appraise 8+3+6+0+0= 17 Computers 8+3+6+5+5+5=32 Engineering 8+3+6+4+5+5=31 Life Science 8+0+6+0+0+0=17 Medicine 8+3+1+3+0+3+7=25 Mysticism 8+0+1+0+0+0=12 Perception 8+3+1+0+0+0=12 Physical Sci 8+3+6+0+0+0=17 Stealth 8+0+1+0+0+20=29 [b]Feats[/b] [1] Skill Synergy: Computers and Engineering +2 [1] Skill Focus Medicine +3 [3] Skill Focus Computers +3 [6] Craft Technological Item [b]Class Features and Other Notables[/b] [1] Roboticist Theme: Reduce the DC of Engineering checks to identify creatures and technology by 5.+1 Computers, Craft items of +1 Level (use too?) [1] Artificial Intelligence [1] Bypass: +4 (scales) to Computers/Engineering [1] Custom Rig: Personal computer gets free upgrades, counts as having right tool for crafting basically anything. [3] Overload: Make Device nonfunctional 1 round 1/min/device. No Computer Check needed. DC Half level+10+INT if vs NPC. [5] Remote Hack 30', Save vs ID Enoch as source [7] Expert Rig: Free computer upgrades (see below, marked *) [7] Miracle Worker: 1/day apply +4 AC to Armor, OR +4 Hit/Dam to weapon, OR Repair Ship 1 "Base Frame" equivalent. Possibly restoring a damaged system. [b]Artificial Intelligence - Exocortex[/b] - Can act independently using my Skill Mods. [1] Skill Focus (Engineering) +3, 1/day reroll Knowledge check out of combat. [1] Combat Tracking: Heavy Armor and Martial Proficiency. Move Action to increase BAB vs 1 Target to Full (8) until change target or lose them. Weapon Specialization (I added 2 to the DC or Dex Penalty above) [5] Wireless Hack: Hack any device from 30' away (Overload too). [7] Armor Mod: Can Apply one Armor Upgrade to self [b]Mechanic Tricks[/b] [2+8] Over/Hyperclock: +2 AC, +4 Init/Ref, Reroll Reflex for 1 Resolve [4] Tech Tinkerer: Change items function temporarily (Jury Rig) [6] Magic Scanner: Detect Magic at will, Computers skill to ID and interact some with Magic, specifically mentions IDing how to use magic items [b]Carried Gear:[/b] (Light Encumbrance) Compact Neural Scrambler: Cannot take actions, moves normal speed on command. No memory of time under. HUD Contacts Intellipicks: +20 for Conventional Locks Mastercraft Miniature Electromechanical Multipurpose Kit: +5 Engineering Mastercraft Ultralight Survival Suit with Compartments and Integrated Mini Glow Lamp/Environment and Environmental Seal Mastercraft Miniature Metal Detector: 120' Cone as Detect Spell Miniature Duracable and Grapple Tags x4 Miniature Lock Release Gun: Automatically opens Average or cheaper mechanical locks, no check 1 action Miniature Morphic Disguise Kit: Physically alters appearance +6 Disguise Miniaturized Universal Communicator Miniaturised Mastercraft Advanced Fast-Use Medkit: Treat-Injury as Move Action (except Surgery) +4 Medicine Shepard Chip: ID and Credit Holdings/Etc. Soother Pulse: +6 Handle Animal Violet Rations: Food pills Nanobeacon: Mini location beacon Motion Sensor: 100' detection through walls/solids. Know square. Upgraded Mastercraft Computer Card with extensive programming Ethereal Goggles Polyvox Modified Piercing Visor: X-Ray, Thermal, Infared, UV, Sound/Sonar 100', pierce 6" metal, 1' other. Standard to switch modes. Hologram Recorder/Player: Record and create holograms *Treat as Major Image at will?* Grappling Tether: 200' moves larger mass to smaller. Force Field: DR 10/- Neural Recorder: DC 17 Will vs Learning up to 2 hours worth of memories at a time. 2D or 3D Miniature Power Pack: Powers all devices Neural Link and Microcomputer: Computer Use Free or Move action (most uses Free, probably limit to Move for Combat Actions?) Biofunction Regulator (Implant): Immune to Daze/Nausea, +2 vs Poison, Disease, Endurance Feat Anti Stun (Implant): Immune to Stun Biosurger (Implant): Extra move action 2/24h Cybertaker Feat Implant - Allows more implants in/from d20 Modern Rules Feat Plexus (4 Feat Implants) - See Above Auditory Baffles (Implant): Immune to loud noises, +4 vs Sonic Nasal Filter (Implant): +6 Vs Gas effects Projectile Deflector:+4 extra AC vs Ranged Photon Shield: At-Will Invisibility Energy Shields: ER 5 vs Cold/Electricity/Fire/Sonic/Concussion Mastercraft +13 Multicomp: Detect Chemicals/Minerals/Multidimensional 120' Cone, Scan to Know HP of Creatures and Robots, +7 Repair/Treat Injury Handy Haversack Rod of Bodily Restoration: 3 charges/day: Restore 4 to single Physical Ability, or 2 to all 3 Orb of Mental Renewal: 3 charges/day: Restore 4 to single Mental Ability, or 2 to all 3 Sporekill: Cures most diseases in 1d10 hours (50) Solvaway: Brakes glues/hardened compounds/tanglers/etc in 1 round (45) Neutrad: Cures radiation sickness in 1d4 hours (43) Boost: +4 Str, +2 Ref, +10' Move, +4 Massive Damage Threshold, 10 rounds 10% chance of -2 Dex -1 Fort 24 hours, cumulative (49) Antitox: Cures Poison in 1d6 rounds (50) Compact Chemical Kit Mastercraft Miniature Pharmacist Kit, Mastercraft Deluxe Miniature Mechanical Toolkit Miniature Deluxe Electrical Toolkit Miniature Puritizer: Purifies Liquids/Water Miniaturized Personal Plastic Surgery Kits Thought Computer Custom Rig (Integrated/Implant): +2/PL under 9 bonus on checks involving computers. 5 or same Ranks as Enoch for all Int and Wis skills (whichever is higher), INT 18, WIS 18, CHA 12. Tier 9 Planetside Range, Firewall, Security Upgrade 1* (Hack DC 52 then 50) 1 BERTHA, 3 Remote Control Drones, 10 Repair Drones, Spare Parts/UPBs (2,000 on person, 82,000 on Ship), 4,147lbs of Gold (all on Ship), $69,154 Credits in "Capitalism Galaxy (?)" [b]RC Drone[/b] Androgenous Fine Construct, [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] +9, [B]HP[/B] 1, [B]Speed[/B] 60' Walk/Climb, 60' Fly (Clumsy) [B]DEF[/B] 33, [B]Touch[/B] 27, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 24, [B]Fort[/B] 0, [B]Ref[/B] 9, [B]Will[/B] 0, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0 Integrated Resilium(+6 Equipment, +8 Size, +9 Dex) [b]Abilities[/b] Str 30, Dex 28, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1 [b]Components:[/b] Class II Sensors, AV Transmitter, Remote Control Unit, Robolink, 2 Basic Hands, Mod+11 in Enoch's Skills, Mod+4 Other Skills [b]Skills:[/b] Stealth/Acrobatics +29, Engineering +Mod, Mod+4 Else. OR User's Skills if Directly Controlled[/spoiler [b]BERTHA[/b] - Basic Emergency Repairs and Technological Heuristics Assistant "Female" Fine Construct, [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] +9, [B]HP[/B] 1, [B]Speed[/B] 60' Walk/Climb, 60' Fly (Clumsy) [B]DEF[/B] 30, [B]Touch[/B] 24, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 24, [B]Fort[/B] 0, [B]Ref[/B] 6, [B]Will[/B] 0, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0 [b]Integrated Resilium[/b] (+6 Equipment, +8 Size, +6 Dex) [b] Abilities[/b] Str 24, Dex 22, Con -, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 1 [b]Components:[/b] Class II Sensors, AV Transmitter, 1 Basic Hand, Miniature Mastercraft Multiuse Multipurpose Tool and Fast-Use Med Kit, Vocalizer, Multilingual, Miniaturized Universal Communicator, +11 In Enoch's Skills, +4 Skill Chips Other Skills [b]Skills:[/b] Stealth/Acrobatics +26, Medicine +14, Mod+11 for all other Enoch Skills, Else Mod+4 [b]Repair Drones[/b] as BERTHA but swap Engineering for Medicine


[URL=/sheets/?id=2803071][B][SIZE=+1]Enoch Pendergast[/SIZE][/B][/URL] Male Human (Cyborg) Mechanic, [B]Level[/B] 8, [B]Init[/B] 1, [B]HP[/B] 80/80, [B]DR[/B] ER 5 (all) DR 10/—, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 13, [B]Touch[/B] 11, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 12, [B]CMD[/b] 16, [B]Fort[/B] 4, [B]Ref[/B] 1, [B]Will[/B] 1, [B]CMB[/B] +5, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 6 [B]-2 Dex Penalty, Stacking, No save, 8 hour or until dissolved Tangler Gun [/B] +7/2 (0, ) [B]DC 15 Will vs Stunned 1d4+1 rounds Nausea Gun [/B] +7/+2 (1d4+1, ) [B]DC 15 Will vs Stunned 1d4+1 rounds Neural Blanker [/B] +7/+2 (1d4+1, ) [B] Survival Suit[/B] (+2 Armor, +1 Dex) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 8, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 22, Wis 12, Cha 9 [B]Condition[/B] Unharmed [b]Immunities:[/b] Daze, Nausea, Stun, Intimidate, Deafness from Loudness [b]Senses:[/b] See Ethereal, Thermal/UV/Infrared to vision limits. X-Ray/Sonar 100' (Standard swap) Motion Sensing in 100' (through walls too) - Sends to HUD Detect Magic 60' Detect Chemicals/Minerals/Multidimensional/Metals 120' Cone [b]Skills[/b] (Base, Class Skill, Ability, Feature, Feat, Item) Appraise 8+3+6+0+0= 17 Computers 8+3+6+5+5+5=32 Engineering 8+3+6+4+5+5=31 Life Science 8+0+6+0+0+0=17 Medicine 8+3+1+3+0+3+7=25 Mysticism 8+0+1+0+0+0=12 Perception 8+3+1+0+0+0=12 Physical Sci 8+3+6+0+0+0=17 Stealth 8+0+1+0+0+20=29 [b]Feats[/b] [1] Skill Synergy: Computers and Engineering +2 [1] Skill Focus Medicine +3 [3] Skill Focus Computers +3 [6] Craft Technological Item [b]Class Features and Other Notables[/b] [1] Roboticist Theme: Reduce the DC of Engineering checks to identify creatures and technology by 5.+1 Computers, Craft items of +1 Level (use too?) [1] Artificial Intelligence [1] Bypass: +4 (scales) to Computers/Engineering [1] Custom Rig: Personal computer gets free upgrades, counts as having right tool for crafting basically anything. [3] Overload: Make Device nonfunctional 1 round 1/min/device. No Computer Check needed. DC Half level+10+INT if vs NPC. [5] Remote Hack 30', Save vs ID Enoch as source [7] Expert Rig: Free computer upgrades (see below, marked *) [7] Miracle Worker: 1/day apply +4 AC to Armor, OR +4 Hit/Dam to weapon, OR Repair Ship 1 "Base Frame" equivalent. Possibly restoring a damaged system. [b]Artificial Intelligence - Exocortex[/b] - Can act independently using my Skill Mods. [1] Skill Focus (Engineering) +3, 1/day reroll Knowledge check out of combat. [1] Combat Tracking: Heavy Armor and Martial Proficiency. Move Action to increase BAB vs 1 Target to Full (8) until change target or lose them. Weapon Specialization (I added 2 to the DC or Dex Penalty above) [5] Wireless Hack: Hack any device from 30' away (Overload too). [7] Armor Mod: Can Apply one Armor Upgrade to self [b]Mechanic Tricks[/b] [2+8] Over/Hyperclock: +2 AC, +4 Init/Ref, Reroll Reflex for 1 Resolve [4] Tech Tinkerer: Change items function temporarily (Jury Rig) [6] Magic Scanner: Detect Magic at will, Computers skill to ID and interact some with Magic, specifically mentions IDing how to use magic items [b]Carried Gear:[/b] (Light Encumbrance) Compact Neural Scrambler: Cannot take actions, moves normal speed on command. No memory of time under. HUD Contacts Intellipicks: +20 for Conventional Locks Mastercraft Miniature Electromechanical Multipurpose Kit: +5 Engineering Mastercraft Ultralight Survival Suit with Compartments and Integrated Mini Glow Lamp/Environment and Environmental Seal Mastercraft Miniature Metal Detector: 120' Cone as Detect Spell Miniature Duracable and Grapple Tags x4 Miniature Lock Release Gun: Automatically opens Average or cheaper mechanical locks, no check 1 action Miniature Morphic Disguise Kit: Physically alters appearance +6 Disguise Miniaturized Universal Communicator Miniaturised Mastercraft Advanced Fast-Use Medkit: Treat-Injury as Move Action (except Surgery) +4 Medicine Shepard Chip: ID and Credit Holdings/Etc. Soother Pulse: +6 Handle Animal Violet Rations: Food pills Nanobeacon: Mini location beacon Motion Sensor: 100' detection through walls/solids. Know square. Upgraded Mastercraft Computer Card with extensive programming Ethereal Goggles Polyvox Modified Piercing Visor: X-Ray, Thermal, Infared, UV, Sound/Sonar 100', pierce 6" metal, 1' other. Standard to switch modes. Hologram Recorder/Player: Record and create holograms *Treat as Major Image at will?* Grappling Tether: 200' moves larger mass to smaller. Force Field: DR 10/- Neural Recorder: DC 17 Will vs Learning up to 2 hours worth of memories at a time. 2D or 3D Miniature Power Pack: Powers all devices Neural Link and Microcomputer: Computer Use Free or Move action (most uses Free, probably limit to Move for Combat Actions?) Biofunction Regulator (Implant): Immune to Daze/Nausea, +2 vs Poison, Disease, Endurance Feat Anti Stun (Implant): Immune to Stun Biosurger (Implant): Extra move action 2/24h Cybertaker Feat Implant - Allows more implants in/from d20 Modern Rules Feat Plexus (4 Feat Implants) - See Above Auditory Baffles (Implant): Immune to loud noises, +4 vs Sonic Nasal Filter (Implant): +6 Vs Gas effects Projectile Deflector:+4 extra AC vs Ranged Photon Shield: At-Will Invisibility Energy Shields: ER 5 vs Cold/Electricity/Fire/Sonic/Concussion Mastercraft +13 Multicomp: Detect Chemicals/Minerals/Multidimensional 120' Cone, Scan to Know HP of Creatures and Robots, +7 Repair/Treat Injury Handy Haversack Rod of Bodily Restoration: 3 charges/day: Restore 4 to single Physical Ability, or 2 to all 3 Orb of Mental Renewal: 3 charges/day: Restore 4 to single Mental Ability, or 2 to all 3 Sporekill: Cures most diseases in 1d10 hours (50) Solvaway: Brakes glues/hardened compounds/tanglers/etc in 1 round (45) Neutrad: Cures radiation sickness in 1d4 hours (43) Boost: +4 Str, +2 Ref, +10' Move, +4 Massive Damage Threshold, 10 rounds 10% chance of -2 Dex -1 Fort 24 hours, cumulative (49) Antitox: Cures Poison in 1d6 rounds (50) Compact Chemical Kit Mastercraft Miniature Pharmacist Kit, Mastercraft Deluxe Miniature Mechanical Toolkit Miniature Deluxe Electrical Toolkit Miniature Puritizer: Purifies Liquids/Water Miniaturized Personal Plastic Surgery Kits Thought Computer Custom Rig (Integrated/Implant): +2/PL under 9 bonus on checks involving computers. 5 or same Ranks as Enoch for all Int and Wis skills (whichever is higher), INT 18, WIS 18, CHA 12. Tier 9 Planetside Range, Firewall, Security Upgrade 1* (Hack DC 52 then 50) 1 BERTHA, 3 Remote Control Drones, 10 Repair Drones, Spare Parts/UPBs (2,000 on person, 82,000 on Ship), 4,147lbs of Gold (all on Ship), $69,154 Credits in "Capitalism Galaxy (?)" [b]RC Drone[/b] Androgenous Fine Construct, [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] +9, [B]HP[/B] 1, [B]Speed[/B] 60' Walk/Climb, 60' Fly (Clumsy) [B]DEF[/B] 33, [B]Touch[/B] 27, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 24, [B]Fort[/B] 0, [B]Ref[/B] 9, [B]Will[/B] 0, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0 Integrated Resilium(+6 Equipment, +8 Size, +9 Dex) [b]Abilities[/b] Str 30, Dex 28, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1 [b]Components:[/b] Class II Sensors, AV Transmitter, Remote Control Unit, Robolink, 2 Basic Hands, Mod+11 in Enoch's Skills, Mod+4 Other Skills [b]Skills:[/b] Stealth/Acrobatics +29, Engineering +Mod, Mod+4 Else. OR User's Skills if Directly Controlled[/spoiler [b]BERTHA[/b] - Basic Emergency Repairs and Technological Heuristics Assistant "Female" Fine Construct, [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] +9, [B]HP[/B] 1, [B]Speed[/B] 60' Walk/Climb, 60' Fly (Clumsy) [B]DEF[/B] 30, [B]Touch[/B] 24, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 24, [B]Fort[/B] 0, [B]Ref[/B] 6, [B]Will[/B] 0, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0 [b]Integrated Resilium[/b] (+6 Equipment, +8 Size, +6 Dex) [b] Abilities[/b] Str 24, Dex 22, Con -, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 1 [b]Components:[/b] Class II Sensors, AV Transmitter, 1 Basic Hand, Miniature Mastercraft Multiuse Multipurpose Tool and Fast-Use Med Kit, Vocalizer, Multilingual, Miniaturized Universal Communicator, +11 In Enoch's Skills, +4 Skill Chips Other Skills [b]Skills:[/b] Stealth/Acrobatics +26, Medicine +14, Mod+11 for all other Enoch Skills, Else Mod+4 [b]Repair Drones[/b] as BERTHA but swap Engineering for Medicine
[URL=/sheets/?id=2803071][B][SIZE=+1]Enoch Pendergast[/SIZE][/B][/URL] Male Human (Cyborg) Mechanic, [B]Level[/B] 8, [B]Init[/B] 1, [B]HP[/B] 80/80, [B]DR[/B] ER 5 (all) DR 10/—, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 13, [B]Touch[/B] 11, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 12, [B]CMD[/b] 16, [B]Fort[/B] 4, [B]Ref[/B] 1, [B]Will[/B] 1, [B]CMB[/B] +5, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 6 [B]-2 Dex Penalty, Stacking, No save, 8 hour or until dissolved Tangler Gun [/B] +7/2 (0, ) [B]DC 15 Will vs Stunned 1d4+1 rounds Nausea Gun [/B] +7/+2 (1d4+1, ) [B]DC 15 Will vs Stunned 1d4+1 rounds Neural Blanker [/B] +7/+2 (1d4+1, ) [B] Survival Suit[/B] (+2 Armor, +1 Dex) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 8, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 22, Wis 12, Cha 9 [B]Condition[/B] Unharmed [b]Immunities:[/b] Daze, Nausea, Stun, Intimidate, Deafness from Loudness [b]Senses:[/b] See Ethereal, Thermal/UV/Infrared to vision limits. X-Ray/Sonar 100' (Standard swap) Motion Sensing in 100' (through walls too) - Sends to HUD Detect Magic 60' Detect Chemicals/Minerals/Multidimensional/Metals 120' Cone [b]Skills[/b] (Base, Class Skill, Ability, Feature, Feat, Item) Appraise 8+3+6+0+0= 17 Computers 8+3+6+5+5+5=32 Engineering 8+3+6+4+5+5=31 Life Science 8+0+6+0+0+0=17 Medicine 8+3+1+3+0+3+7=25 Mysticism 8+0+1+0+0+0=12 Perception 8+3+1+0+0+0=12 Physical Sci 8+3+6+0+0+0=17 Stealth 8+0+1+0+0+20=29 [b]Feats[/b] [1] Skill Synergy: Computers and Engineering +2 [1] Skill Focus Medicine +3 [3] Skill Focus Computers +3 [6] Craft Technological Item [b]Class Features and Other Notables[/b] [1] Roboticist Theme: Reduce the DC of Engineering checks to identify creatures and technology by 5.+1 Computers, Craft items of +1 Level (use too?) [1] Artificial Intelligence [1] Bypass: +4 (scales) to Computers/Engineering [1] Custom Rig: Personal computer gets free upgrades, counts as having right tool for crafting basically anything. [3] Overload: Make Device nonfunctional 1 round 1/min/device. No Computer Check needed. DC Half level+10+INT if vs NPC. [5] Remote Hack 30', Save vs ID Enoch as source [7] Expert Rig: Free computer upgrades (see below, marked *) [7] Miracle Worker: 1/day apply +4 AC to Armor, OR +4 Hit/Dam to weapon, OR Repair Ship 1 "Base Frame" equivalent. Possibly restoring a damaged system. [b]Artificial Intelligence - Exocortex[/b] - Can act independently using my Skill Mods. [1] Skill Focus (Engineering) +3, 1/day reroll Knowledge check out of combat. [1] Combat Tracking: Heavy Armor and Martial Proficiency. Move Action to increase BAB vs 1 Target to Full (8) until change target or lose them. Weapon Specialization (I added 2 to the DC or Dex Penalty above) [5] Wireless Hack: Hack any device from 30' away (Overload too). [7] Armor Mod: Can Apply one Armor Upgrade to self [b]Mechanic Tricks[/b] [2+8] Over/Hyperclock: +2 AC, +4 Init/Ref, Reroll Reflex for 1 Resolve [4] Tech Tinkerer: Change items function temporarily (Jury Rig) [6] Magic Scanner: Detect Magic at will, Computers skill to ID and interact some with Magic, specifically mentions IDing how to use magic items [b]Carried Gear:[/b] (Light Encumbrance) Compact Neural Scrambler: Cannot take actions, moves normal speed on command. No memory of time under. HUD Contacts Intellipicks: +20 for Conventional Locks Mastercraft Miniature Electromechanical Multipurpose Kit: +5 Engineering Mastercraft Ultralight Survival Suit with Compartments and Integrated Mini Glow Lamp/Environment and Environmental Seal Mastercraft Miniature Metal Detector: 120' Cone as Detect Spell Miniature Duracable and Grapple Tags x4 Miniature Lock Release Gun: Automatically opens Average or cheaper mechanical locks, no check 1 action Miniature Morphic Disguise Kit: Physically alters appearance +6 Disguise Miniaturized Universal Communicator Miniaturised Mastercraft Advanced Fast-Use Medkit: Treat-Injury as Move Action (except Surgery) +4 Medicine Shepard Chip: ID and Credit Holdings/Etc. Soother Pulse: +6 Handle Animal Violet Rations: Food pills Nanobeacon: Mini location beacon Motion Sensor: 100' detection through walls/solids. Know square. Upgraded Mastercraft Computer Card with extensive programming Ethereal Goggles Polyvox Modified Piercing Visor: X-Ray, Thermal, Infared, UV, Sound/Sonar 100', pierce 6" metal, 1' other. Standard to switch modes. Hologram Recorder/Player: Record and create holograms *Treat as Major Image at will?* Grappling Tether: 200' moves larger mass to smaller. Force Field: DR 10/- Neural Recorder: DC 17 Will vs Learning up to 2 hours worth of memories at a time. 2D or 3D Miniature Power Pack: Powers all devices Neural Link and Microcomputer: Computer Use Free or Move action (most uses Free, probably limit to Move for Combat Actions?) Biofunction Regulator (Implant): Immune to Daze/Nausea, +2 vs Poison, Disease, Endurance Feat Anti Stun (Implant): Immune to Stun Biosurger (Implant): Extra move action 2/24h Cybertaker Feat Implant - Allows more implants in/from d20 Modern Rules Feat Plexus (4 Feat Implants) - See Above Auditory Baffles (Implant): Immune to loud noises, +4 vs Sonic Nasal Filter (Implant): +6 Vs Gas effects Projectile Deflector:+4 extra AC vs Ranged Photon Shield: At-Will Invisibility Energy Shields: ER 5 vs Cold/Electricity/Fire/Sonic/Concussion Mastercraft +13 Multicomp: Detect Chemicals/Minerals/Multidimensional 120' Cone, Scan to Know HP of Creatures and Robots, +7 Repair/Treat Injury Handy Haversack Rod of Bodily Restoration: 3 charges/day: Restore 4 to single Physical Ability, or 2 to all 3 Orb of Mental Renewal: 3 charges/day: Restore 4 to single Mental Ability, or 2 to all 3 Sporekill: Cures most diseases in 1d10 hours (50) Solvaway: Brakes glues/hardened compounds/tanglers/etc in 1 round (45) Neutrad: Cures radiation sickness in 1d4 hours (43) Boost: +4 Str, +2 Ref, +10' Move, +4 Massive Damage Threshold, 10 rounds 10% chance of -2 Dex -1 Fort 24 hours, cumulative (49) Antitox: Cures Poison in 1d6 rounds (50) Compact Chemical Kit Mastercraft Miniature Pharmacist Kit, Mastercraft Deluxe Miniature Mechanical Toolkit Miniature Deluxe Electrical Toolkit Miniature Puritizer: Purifies Liquids/Water Miniaturized Personal Plastic Surgery Kits Thought Computer Custom Rig (Integrated/Implant): +2/PL under 9 bonus on checks involving computers. 5 or same Ranks as Enoch for all Int and Wis skills (whichever is higher), INT 18, WIS 18, CHA 12. Tier 9 Planetside Range, Firewall, Security Upgrade 1* (Hack DC 52 then 50) 1 BERTHA, 3 Remote Control Drones, 10 Repair Drones, Spare Parts/UPBs (2,000 on person, 82,000 on Ship), 4,147lbs of Gold (all on Ship), $69,154 Credits in "Capitalism Galaxy (?)" [b]RC Drone[/b] Androgenous Fine Construct, [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] +9, [B]HP[/B] 1, [B]Speed[/B] 60' Walk/Climb, 60' Fly (Clumsy) [B]DEF[/B] 33, [B]Touch[/B] 27, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 24, [B]Fort[/B] 0, [B]Ref[/B] 9, [B]Will[/B] 0, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0 Integrated Resilium(+6 Equipment, +8 Size, +9 Dex) [b]Abilities[/b] Str 30, Dex 28, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1 [b]Components:[/b] Class II Sensors, AV Transmitter, Remote Control Unit, Robolink, 2 Basic Hands, Mod+11 in Enoch's Skills, Mod+4 Other Skills [b]Skills:[/b] Stealth/Acrobatics +29, Engineering +Mod, Mod+4 Else. OR User's Skills if Directly Controlled[/spoiler [b]BERTHA[/b] - Basic Emergency Repairs and Technological Heuristics Assistant "Female" Fine Construct, [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] +9, [B]HP[/B] 1, [B]Speed[/B] 60' Walk/Climb, 60' Fly (Clumsy) [B]DEF[/B] 30, [B]Touch[/B] 24, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 24, [B]Fort[/B] 0, [B]Ref[/B] 6, [B]Will[/B] 0, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0 [b]Integrated Resilium[/b] (+6 Equipment, +8 Size, +6 Dex) [b] Abilities[/b] Str 24, Dex 22, Con -, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 1 [b]Components:[/b] Class II Sensors, AV Transmitter, 1 Basic Hand, Miniature Mastercraft Multiuse Multipurpose Tool and Fast-Use Med Kit, Vocalizer, Multilingual, Miniaturized Universal Communicator, +11 In Enoch's Skills, +4 Skill Chips Other Skills [b]Skills:[/b] Stealth/Acrobatics +26, Medicine +14, Mod+11 for all other Enoch Skills, Else Mod+4 [b]Repair Drones[/b] as BERTHA but swap Engineering for Medicine
[URL=/sheets/?id=2803071][B][SIZE=+1]Enoch Pendergast[/SIZE][/B][/URL] Male Human (Cyborg) Mechanic, [B]Level[/B] 8, [B]Init[/B] 1, [B]HP[/B] 80/80, [B]DR[/B] ER 5 (all) DR 10/—, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 13, [B]Touch[/B] 11, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 12, [B]CMD[/b] 16, [B]Fort[/B] 4, [B]Ref[/B] 1, [B]Will[/B] 1, [B]CMB[/B] +5, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 6 [B]-2 Dex Penalty, Stacking, No save, 8 hour or until dissolved Tangler Gun [/B] +7/2 (0, ) [B]DC 15 Will vs Stunned 1d4+1 rounds Nausea Gun [/B] +7/+2 (1d4+1, ) [B]DC 15 Will vs Stunned 1d4+1 rounds Neural Blanker [/B] +7/+2 (1d4+1, ) [B] Survival Suit[/B] (+2 Armor, +1 Dex) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 8, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 22, Wis 12, Cha 9 [B]Condition[/B] Unharmed [b]Immunities:[/b] Daze, Nausea, Stun, Intimidate, Deafness from Loudness [b]Senses:[/b] See Ethereal, Thermal/UV/Infrared to vision limits. X-Ray/Sonar 100' (Standard swap) Motion Sensing in 100' (through walls too) - Sends to HUD Detect Magic 60' Detect Chemicals/Minerals/Multidimensional/Metals 120' Cone [b]Skills[/b] (Base, Class Skill, Ability, Feature, Feat, Item) Appraise 8+3+6+0+0= 17 Computers 8+3+6+5+5+5=32 Engineering 8+3+6+4+5+5=31 Life Science 8+0+6+0+0+0=17 Medicine 8+3+1+3+0+3+7=25 Mysticism 8+0+1+0+0+0=12 Perception 8+3+1+0+0+0=12 Physical Sci 8+3+6+0+0+0=17 Stealth 8+0+1+0+0+20=29 [b]Feats[/b] [1] Skill Synergy: Computers and Engineering +2 [1] Skill Focus Medicine +3 [3] Skill Focus Computers +3 [6] Craft Technological Item [b]Class Features and Other Notables[/b] [1] Roboticist Theme: Reduce the DC of Engineering checks to identify creatures and technology by 5.+1 Computers, Craft items of +1 Level (use too?) [1] Artificial Intelligence [1] Bypass: +4 (scales) to Computers/Engineering [1] Custom Rig: Personal computer gets free upgrades, counts as having right tool for crafting basically anything. [3] Overload: Make Device nonfunctional 1 round 1/min/device. No Computer Check needed. DC Half level+10+INT if vs NPC. [5] Remote Hack 30', Save vs ID Enoch as source [7] Expert Rig: Free computer upgrades (see below, marked *) [7] Miracle Worker: 1/day apply +4 AC to Armor, OR +4 Hit/Dam to weapon, OR Repair Ship 1 "Base Frame" equivalent. Possibly restoring a damaged system. [b]Artificial Intelligence - Exocortex[/b] - Can act independently using my Skill Mods. [1] Skill Focus (Engineering) +3, 1/day reroll Knowledge check out of combat. [1] Combat Tracking: Heavy Armor and Martial Proficiency. Move Action to increase BAB vs 1 Target to Full (8) until change target or lose them. Weapon Specialization (I added 2 to the DC or Dex Penalty above) [5] Wireless Hack: Hack any device from 30' away (Overload too). [7] Armor Mod: Can Apply one Armor Upgrade to self [b]Mechanic Tricks[/b] [2+8] Over/Hyperclock: +2 AC, +4 Init/Ref, Reroll Reflex for 1 Resolve [4] Tech Tinkerer: Change items function temporarily (Jury Rig) [6] Magic Scanner: Detect Magic at will, Computers skill to ID and interact some with Magic, specifically mentions IDing how to use magic items [b]Carried Gear:[/b] (Light Encumbrance) Compact Neural Scrambler: Cannot take actions, moves normal speed on command. No memory of time under. HUD Contacts Intellipicks: +20 for Conventional Locks Mastercraft Miniature Electromechanical Multipurpose Kit: +5 Engineering Mastercraft Ultralight Survival Suit with Compartments and Integrated Mini Glow Lamp/Environment and Environmental Seal Mastercraft Miniature Metal Detector: 120' Cone as Detect Spell Miniature Duracable and Grapple Tags x4 Miniature Lock Release Gun: Automatically opens Average or cheaper mechanical locks, no check 1 action Miniature Morphic Disguise Kit: Physically alters appearance +6 Disguise Miniaturized Universal Communicator Miniaturised Mastercraft Advanced Fast-Use Medkit: Treat-Injury as Move Action (except Surgery) +4 Medicine Shepard Chip: ID and Credit Holdings/Etc. Soother Pulse: +6 Handle Animal Violet Rations: Food pills Nanobeacon: Mini location beacon Motion Sensor: 100' detection through walls/solids. Know square. Upgraded Mastercraft Computer Card with extensive programming Ethereal Goggles Polyvox Modified Piercing Visor: X-Ray, Thermal, Infared, UV, Sound/Sonar 100', pierce 6" metal, 1' other. Standard to switch modes. Hologram Recorder/Player: Record and create holograms *Treat as Major Image at will?* Grappling Tether: 200' moves larger mass to smaller. Force Field: DR 10/- Neural Recorder: DC 17 Will vs Learning up to 2 hours worth of memories at a time. 2D or 3D Miniature Power Pack: Powers all devices Neural Link and Microcomputer: Computer Use Free or Move action (most uses Free, probably limit to Move for Combat Actions?) Biofunction Regulator (Implant): Immune to Daze/Nausea, +2 vs Poison, Disease, Endurance Feat Anti Stun (Implant): Immune to Stun Biosurger (Implant): Extra move action 2/24h Cybertaker Feat Implant - Allows more implants in/from d20 Modern Rules Feat Plexus (4 Feat Implants) - See Above Auditory Baffles (Implant): Immune to loud noises, +4 vs Sonic Nasal Filter (Implant): +6 Vs Gas effects Projectile Deflector:+4 extra AC vs Ranged Photon Shield: At-Will Invisibility Energy Shields: ER 5 vs Cold/Electricity/Fire/Sonic/Concussion Mastercraft +13 Multicomp: Detect Chemicals/Minerals/Multidimensional 120' Cone, Scan to Know HP of Creatures and Robots, +7 Repair/Treat Injury Handy Haversack Rod of Bodily Restoration: 3 charges/day: Restore 4 to single Physical Ability, or 2 to all 3 Orb of Mental Renewal: 3 charges/day: Restore 4 to single Mental Ability, or 2 to all 3 Sporekill: Cures most diseases in 1d10 hours (50) Solvaway: Brakes glues/hardened compounds/tanglers/etc in 1 round (45) Neutrad: Cures radiation sickness in 1d4 hours (43) Boost: +4 Str, +2 Ref, +10' Move, +4 Massive Damage Threshold, 10 rounds 10% chance of -2 Dex -1 Fort 24 hours, cumulative (49) Antitox: Cures Poison in 1d6 rounds (50) Compact Chemical Kit Mastercraft Miniature Pharmacist Kit, Mastercraft Deluxe Miniature Mechanical Toolkit Miniature Deluxe Electrical Toolkit Miniature Puritizer: Purifies Liquids/Water Miniaturized Personal Plastic Surgery Kits Thought Computer Custom Rig (Integrated/Implant): +2/PL under 9 bonus on checks involving computers. 5 or same Ranks as Enoch for all Int and Wis skills (whichever is higher), INT 18, WIS 18, CHA 12. Tier 9 Planetside Range, Firewall, Security Upgrade 1* (Hack DC 52 then 50) 1 BERTHA, 3 Remote Control Drones, 10 Repair Drones, Spare Parts/UPBs (2,000 on person, 82,000 on Ship), 4,147lbs of Gold (all on Ship), $69,154 Credits in "Capitalism Galaxy (?)" [b]RC Drone[/b] Androgenous Fine Construct, [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] +9, [B]HP[/B] 1, [B]Speed[/B] 60' Walk/Climb, 60' Fly (Clumsy) [B]DEF[/B] 33, [B]Touch[/B] 27, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 24, [B]Fort[/B] 0, [B]Ref[/B] 9, [B]Will[/B] 0, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0 Integrated Resilium(+6 Equipment, +8 Size, +9 Dex) [b]Abilities[/b] Str 30, Dex 28, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1 [b]Components:[/b] Class II Sensors, AV Transmitter, Remote Control Unit, Robolink, 2 Basic Hands, Mod+11 in Enoch's Skills, Mod+4 Other Skills [b]Skills:[/b] Stealth/Acrobatics +29, Engineering +Mod, Mod+4 Else. OR User's Skills if Directly Controlled[/spoiler] [b]BERTHA[/b] - Basic Emergency Repairs and Technological Heuristics Assistant "Female" Fine Construct, [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] +9, [B]HP[/B] 1, [B]Speed[/B] 60' Walk/Climb, 60' Fly (Clumsy) [B]DEF[/B] 30, [B]Touch[/B] 24, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 24, [B]Fort[/B] 0, [B]Ref[/B] 6, [B]Will[/B] 0, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0 [b]Integrated Resilium[/b] (+6 Equipment, +8 Size, +6 Dex) [b] Abilities[/b] Str 24, Dex 22, Con -, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 1 [b]Components:[/b] Class II Sensors, AV Transmitter, 1 Basic Hand, Miniature Mastercraft Multiuse Multipurpose Tool and Fast-Use Med Kit, Vocalizer, Multilingual, Miniaturized Universal Communicator, +11 In Enoch's Skills, +4 Skill Chips Other Skills [b]Skills:[/b] Stealth/Acrobatics +26, Medicine +14, Mod+11 for all other Enoch Skills, Else Mod+4 [b]Repair Drones[/b] as BERTHA but swap Engineering for Medicine
[URL=/sheets/?id=2803071][B][SIZE=+1]Enoch Pendergast[/SIZE][/B][/URL] Male Human (Cyborg) Mechanic, [B]Level[/B] 8, [B]Init[/B] 1, [B]HP[/B] 80/80, [B]DR[/B] ER 5 (all) DR 10/—, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 13, [B]Touch[/B] 11, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 12, [B]CMD[/b] 16, [B]Fort[/B] 4, [B]Ref[/B] 1, [B]Will[/B] 1, [B]CMB[/B] +5, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 6 [B]-2 Dex Penalty, Stacking, No save, 8 hour or until dissolved Tangler Gun [/B] +7/2 (0, ) [B]DC 15 Will vs Stunned 1d4+1 rounds Nausea Gun [/B] +7/+2 (1d4+1, ) [B]DC 15 Will vs Stunned 1d4+1 rounds Neural Blanker [/B] +7/+2 (1d4+1, ) [B] Survival Suit[/B] (+2 Armor, +1 Dex) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 8, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 22, Wis 12, Cha 9 [B]Condition[/B] Unharmed [b]Immunities:[/b] Daze, Nausea, Stun, Intimidate, Deafness from Loudness [b]Senses:[/b] See Ethereal, Thermal/UV/Infrared to vision limits. X-Ray/Sonar 100' (Standard swap) Motion Sensing in 100' (through walls too) - Sends to HUD Detect Magic 60' Detect Chemicals/Minerals/Multidimensional/Metals 120' Cone [b]Skills[/b] (Base, Class Skill, Ability, Feature, Feat, Item) Appraise 8+3+6+0+0= 17 Computers 8+3+6+5+5+5=32 Engineering 8+3+6+4+5+5=31 Life Science 8+0+6+0+0+0=17 Medicine 8+3+1+3+0+3+7=25 Mysticism 8+0+1+0+0+0=12 Perception 8+3+1+0+0+0=12 Physical Sci 8+3+6+0+0+0=17 Stealth 8+0+1+0+0+20=29 [b]Feats[/b] [1] Skill Synergy: Computers and Engineering +2 [1] Skill Focus Medicine +3 [3] Skill Focus Computers +3 [6] Craft Technological Item [b]Class Features and Other Notables[/b] [1] Roboticist Theme: Reduce the DC of Engineering checks to identify creatures and technology by 5.+1 Computers, Craft items of +1 Level (use too?) [1] Artificial Intelligence [1] Bypass: +4 (scales) to Computers/Engineering [1] Custom Rig: Personal computer gets free upgrades, counts as having right tool for crafting basically anything. [3] Overload: Make Device nonfunctional 1 round 1/min/device. No Computer Check needed. DC Half level+10+INT if vs NPC. [5] Remote Hack 30', Save vs ID Enoch as source [7] Expert Rig: Free computer upgrades (see below, marked *) [7] Miracle Worker: 1/day apply +4 AC to Armor, OR +4 Hit/Dam to weapon, OR Repair Ship 1 "Base Frame" equivalent. Possibly restoring a damaged system. [b]Artificial Intelligence - Exocortex[/b] - Can act independently using my Skill Mods. [1] Skill Focus (Engineering) +3, 1/day reroll Knowledge check out of combat. [1] Combat Tracking: Heavy Armor and Martial Proficiency. Move Action to increase BAB vs 1 Target to Full (8) until change target or lose them. Weapon Specialization (I added 2 to the DC or Dex Penalty above) [5] Wireless Hack: Hack any device from 30' away (Overload too). [7] Armor Mod: Can Apply one Armor Upgrade to self [b]Mechanic Tricks[/b] [2+8] Over/Hyperclock: +2 AC, +4 Init/Ref, Reroll Reflex for 1 Resolve [4] Tech Tinkerer: Change items function temporarily (Jury Rig) [6] Magic Scanner: Detect Magic at will, Computers skill to ID and interact some with Magic, specifically mentions IDing how to use magic items [b]Carried Gear:[/b] (Light Encumbrance) Compact Neural Scrambler: Cannot take actions, moves normal speed on command. No memory of time under. HUD Contacts Intellipicks: +20 for Conventional Locks Mastercraft Miniature Electromechanical Multipurpose Kit: +5 Engineering Mastercraft Ultralight Survival Suit with Compartments and Integrated Mini Glow Lamp/Environment and Environmental Seal Mastercraft Miniature Metal Detector: 120' Cone as Detect Spell Miniature Duracable and Grapple Tags x4 Miniature Lock Release Gun: Automatically opens Average or cheaper mechanical locks, no check 1 action Miniature Morphic Disguise Kit: Physically alters appearance +6 Disguise Miniaturized Universal Communicator Miniaturised Mastercraft Advanced Fast-Use Medkit: Treat-Injury as Move Action (except Surgery) +4 Medicine Shepard Chip: ID and Credit Holdings/Etc. Soother Pulse: +6 Handle Animal Violet Rations: Food pills Nanobeacon: Mini location beacon Motion Sensor: 100' detection through walls/solids. Know square. Upgraded Mastercraft Computer Card with extensive programming Ethereal Goggles Polyvox Modified Piercing Visor: X-Ray, Thermal, Infared, UV, Sound/Sonar 100', pierce 6" metal, 1' other. Standard to switch modes. Hologram Recorder/Player: Record and create holograms *Treat as Major Image at will?* Grappling Tether: 200' moves larger mass to smaller. Force Field: DR 10/- Neural Recorder: DC 17 Will vs Learning up to 2 hours worth of memories at a time. 2D or 3D Miniature Power Pack: Powers all devices Neural Link and Microcomputer: Computer Use Free or Move action (most uses Free, probably limit to Move for Combat Actions?) Biofunction Regulator (Implant): Immune to Daze/Nausea, +2 vs Poison, Disease, Endurance Feat Anti Stun (Implant): Immune to Stun Biosurger (Implant): Extra move action 2/24h Cybertaker Feat Implant - Allows more implants in/from d20 Modern Rules Feat Plexus (4 Feat Implants) - See Above Auditory Baffles (Implant): Immune to loud noises, +4 vs Sonic Nasal Filter (Implant): +6 Vs Gas effects Projectile Deflector:+4 extra AC vs Ranged Photon Shield: At-Will Invisibility Energy Shields: ER 5 vs Cold/Electricity/Fire/Sonic/Concussion Mastercraft +13 Multicomp: Detect Chemicals/Minerals/Multidimensional 120' Cone, Scan to Know HP of Creatures and Robots, +7 Repair/Treat Injury Handy Haversack Rod of Bodily Restoration: 3 charges/day: Restore 4 to single Physical Ability, or 2 to all 3 Orb of Mental Renewal: 3 charges/day: Restore 4 to single Mental Ability, or 2 to all 3 Sporekill: Cures most diseases in 1d10 hours (50) Solvaway: Brakes glues/hardened compounds/tanglers/etc in 1 round (45) Neutrad: Cures radiation sickness in 1d4 hours (43) Boost: +4 Str, +2 Ref, +10' Move, +4 Massive Damage Threshold, 10 rounds 10% chance of -2 Dex -1 Fort 24 hours, cumulative (49) Antitox: Cures Poison in 1d6 rounds (50) Compact Chemical Kit Mastercraft Miniature Pharmacist Kit, Mastercraft Deluxe Miniature Mechanical Toolkit Miniature Deluxe Electrical Toolkit Miniature Puritizer: Purifies Liquids/Water Miniaturized Personal Plastic Surgery Kits Thought Computer Custom Rig (Integrated/Implant): +2/PL under 9 bonus on checks involving computers. 5 or same Ranks as Enoch for all Int and Wis skills (whichever is higher), INT 18, WIS 18, CHA 12. Tier 9 Planetside Range, Firewall, Security Upgrade 1* (Hack DC 52 then 50) 1 BERTHA, 3 Remote Control Drones, 10 Repair Drones, Spare Parts/UPBs (2,000 on person, 82,000 on Ship), 4,147lbs of Gold (all on Ship), $69,154 Credits in "Capitalism Galaxy (?)" [b]RC Drone[/b] Androgenous Fine Construct, [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] +9, [B]HP[/B] 1, [B]Speed[/B] 60' Walk/Climb, 60' Fly (Clumsy) [B]DEF[/B] 33, [B]Touch[/B] 27, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 24, [B]Fort[/B] 0, [B]Ref[/B] 9, [B]Will[/B] 0, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0 Integrated Resilium(+6 Equipment, +8 Size, +9 Dex) [b]Abilities[/b] Str 30, Dex 28, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1 [b]Components:[/b] Class II Sensors, AV Transmitter, Remote Control Unit, Robolink, 2 Basic Hands, Mod+11 in Enoch's Skills, Mod+4 Other Skills [b]Skills:[/b] Stealth/Acrobatics +29, Engineering +Mod, Mod+4 Else. OR User's Skills if Directly Controlled[/spoiler] [b]BERTHA[/b] - Basic Emergency Repairs and Technological Heuristics Assistant "Female" Fine Construct, [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] +9, [B]HP[/B] 1, [B]Speed[/B] 60' Walk/Climb, 60' Fly (Clumsy) [B]DEF[/B] 30, [B]Touch[/B] 24, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 24, [B]Fort[/B] 0, [B]Ref[/B] 6, [B]Will[/B] 0, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0 [b]Integrated Resilium[/b] (+6 Equipment, +8 Size, +6 Dex) [b] Abilities[/b] Str 24, Dex 22, Con -, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 1 [b]Components:[/b] Class II Sensors, AV Transmitter, 1 Basic Hand, Miniature Mastercraft Multiuse Multipurpose Tool and Fast-Use Med Kit, Vocalizer, Multilingual, Miniaturized Universal Communicator, +11 In Enoch's Skills, +4 Skill Chips Other Skills [b]Skills:[/b] Stealth/Acrobatics +26, Medicine +14, Mod+11 for all other Enoch Skills, Else Mod+4 [b]Repair Drones[/b] as BERTHA but swap Engineering for Medicine

Enoch has his full kit on him. This is the breakdown of his pure analog and magical items as far as I can recokon.

Miniature Lock Release Gun: Automatically opens Average or cheaper mechanical locks, no check 1 action

Miniature Duracable and Grapple Tags x4

Miniaturised Mastercraft Advanced Fast-Use Medkit: Treat-Injury as Move Action (except Surgery) +4 Medicine

Violet Rations: Food pills

Sporekill: Cures most diseases in 1d10 hours (50)

Solvaway: Brakes glues/hardened compounds/tanglers/etc in 1 round (45)

Neutrad: Cures radiation sickness in 1d4 hours (43)

Boost: +4 Str, +2 Ref, +10' Move, +4 Massive Damage Threshold, 10 rounds 10% chance of -2 Dex -1 Fort 24 hours, cumulative (49)

Antitox: Cures Poison in 1d6 rounds (50)

Compact Chemical Kit

Mastercraft Miniature Pharmacist Kit, Mastercraft Deluxe Miniature Mechanical Toolkit

Glock 9mm with Advanced Suppressor (50 rounds)

Mastercraft Miniature Electromechanical Multipurpose Kit: +5 Engineering (Just the mechanical parts are analog)

Ethereal Goggles

Handy Haversack

Rod of Bodily Restoration: 3 charges/day: Restore 4 to single Physical Ability, or 2 to all 3

Orb of Mental Renewal: 3 charges/day: Restore 4 to single Mental Ability, or 2 to all 3



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The haz suit you can get is a form fitting 5 lb skin tight suit with helm. The suit that Ozen gives goes over that and the helms are interchangeable so you can wear his instead.

Ozen does say "Try to keep the lbs to a min, other than yourself you got about 50 lbs limit psionic teleport is very restrictive not like how capt jump around.

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"Yes, you might've dealt with Kar Tesh, congrats. You haven't dealt with me. Or you would know that I would NEVER expose myself to danger without benefit." Samuel makes no further signs of aggression but places his hands behind his back. Ozen however feels a stab in the back of his neck, then another, then another... "I suggest you leave and make sure Ferhvan does a full bloodwork on you. After all most things here feed on infected, it would be ironic to be exposed to a virus because you mistook me for KarTesh."

"As for changing the clothes..." Samuel touches a few buttons and Ozen's own voice is heard from the suit's comms. "He suggests some level 5 biohazard suits to be worn, non-tech ones just to be on the safe side. O and your tech won't work so if got magic bring it along. I can give out some goodies as well. Anything from the ship can be requested." Samuel mockingly salutes "Here I am completely fulfilling precise orders of my XO, more than lvl 5 biohazard suit capable of working without tech as ordered by Old Man. If there were some extra requirements I did not get them...Sir."


OOC: Sam's CMD is 27, his flat-footed CMD is 22, so the second roll result would also miss but I hate retcons. Let mighty Ozen have that one.

Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
Pre Emptive Initiative if Ozen decides he wants to fight
1d20+9 20
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