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Interest Check: Warhammer Fantasy or WH40K

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It was roughly 3 years ago when I had started a fairly ambitious Warhammer Fantasy RP game that drew a rather surprising amount of interest. Unfortunately at that time there were quite a lot of RL burdens forcing their way intrusively into my escapism. That - combined with the simple fact that I was overwhelmed with trying to manage two full groups - led to a complete collapse of this effort. It, in all of it's parts, was admittedly an abject failure on my part.

I think I find myself some time later with a much clearer position in terms of being able to manage this same kind of effort. My question now, having been away from the site for several years, is what interest still remains for these types of games? Oh I should elaborate further on what games I speak of. I am considering one of the following:

  • Warhammer Fantasy RPG 4th Edition - I have several epic campaigns I'm interested in trying including the one that I put together several years ago.
  • Warhammer 40k Wrath & Glory - This game system has it's pitfalls but you only need one book and can pretty much run anything. A rogue trader company, a space marine squad on a special op, an inquisition cell, all work within this system imo better than the original GW books that were spread out across all factions.
  • Dark Heresy 2nd edition - I am most out of touch with this system, I last GMed a game with these rules way longer ago than the others and therefore would need more time to prepare for a game if this was more popular.

Please let me know your thoughts or interest in any of this. I am a massive Warhammer fan and would love nothing more than to provide a long running game for those with similar love for the franchise.



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I've tried to play a Bright Wizard a few times, the problem is that warhammer fantasy never seems to last (or start at a high enough level) so i'd love to try that again.

That said between Dark Heresy and Wrath and Glory i'd probably go W&G because its such a bigger, more bombastic sort of world. Unless i can play an Ogryn from Only War in Dark Heresy then i'd do that..

Obviously that doesn't help too much because i guess i'd play anything at this point.


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I've never played a tabletop version of 40K, but I've really enjoyed the dawn of war series and got a little into the lore. I'd be interested in playing 40K. I'd prefer to play something other than a Space Marine, but that's just my preference.

I'm also new to Myth Weavers, though I've played a decent variety of tabletop rpg systems (pathfinder, D&D 5e, Fate Core, Edge of the Empire, Mistborn Adventure Game)

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I am encouraged by the interest being expressed. For those that were curious about Wrath & Glory rules there is a quickstart reference here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JSmfPlCE_tSvIORnhwMD9claPnF2pr4f/view

This site also has a character builder with a portable sheet. https://www.doctors-of-doom.com/forge/my-characters

That's what I've used in previous games.

This is all supplemental to the actual book of course which provides more in depth rules and flavour context and it's a really great book imo.

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I see that the character has an option to play as an Eldar Psyker or an Ork.

Would one of these options be available to me?

If everyone else decided to go Space Marine or human, we could just concoct reason for why I'm tagging along. I can certainly imagine a "brutally cunning" Ork deciding to temporarily team up with "dem humies" for the sake of trying to learn something to give him an edge over other Ork tribes/warbosses.

In fact, the more I think about it, the more I'd love to be an Ork Weirdboy wearing an absolutely terrible disguise that he thinks allows him to pass as a human. He spends the entire time pretending to be "sent by the empruh on a speshul misshin" , and he's hoping to steal psyker secrets from the Imperium to make him more powerful.

Edited by Clovermite24 (see edit history)
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6 hours ago, Clovermite24 said:

I see that the character has an option to play as an Eldar Psyker or an Ork.

Would one of these options be available to me?

It would depend on the game honestly. It's not out of the question and you suggest some interesting scenarios but I can't stress enough that there would be significant difficulties in a game that focused on a lot of Imperium, especially Astartes keywords.

Keywords are a loose mechanic in Wrath & Glory that helps with setting difficulty checks for most of the social aspects, faction v faction interactions, requisitions, etc.

If the game fell under the themes of an Inquisition cell with radical philosophies, an underhive gang (Necromunda style), or a mercenary/pirate group working against the Imperium as some examples, it would be a perfect fit.

The Aeldar Psyker is way more tricky though, not so much for the xenos keyword but for the psyker keyword.

I have always said, nearly everything is playable in W&G but not everything is survivable.

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while warhammer systems arent as popular as pathfinder or dnd i think you will get enough applications to form a party, regardless the specific system you chose, over the years i've applied to some warhammer games(almost all where 40k), as far as popularity go i think Only War/dark heresy/deathwatch/black crusade/rogue trader are those i've seen the most, then fantasy warhammer, last wrath and glory(but it's much more recent than the rest and use different dice.....heretic😁)

which is to say, run what you like the most, it will make for an healthier game




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