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The Web of All Torment - IC


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Written by Brendan LaSalle



Dalia Esseroth - Cleric Makavian Grin
Flickwit the Hapless - Thief TheMightyDeeEmm
Quinbul Cherryfingers - Halfling Rakle
Shaun Perraps - Wizard Cairo
Chard - Warrior Elysium777
Ysabel - Wizard Taigains



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You and your friends gave up the adventuring life long ago, the best decision you ever made. You were on a quest for... something. It's hard to remember back that far. You aren't sure how long ago. But then you came across this cute little town in the middle of nowhere.

The town only had one inn - the Kozy Kobweb. Luckily, they had vacancies. You had one of the best meals of your life, a fantastic time chatting with the locals, and enjoyed sing-a-longs over mugs of expertly crafted ale. You slept well and woke up refreshed and happy. You even told the owner - Ms. Alice - about how happy you were there and how you were sad that you had to leave and continue your quest.

But Ms. Alice told you there was no need. Several of her staff had just retired, and she offered you all jobs on the spot. You instantly accepted, the quest forgotten.

Now you spend your days working and socializing with your friends. You still have plenty of time to relax. All of your old weapons and equipment are packed away in the cellar - who needs them? Rather than the constant travel and danger of your old lives, you have endless peaceful days, one fading into the next.

And you couldn't be happier. Everything is just perfect.

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It's another wonderful day at the Kozy Kobweb. It starts as many of them do. You woke feeling refreshed and content. You dressed yourselves and went down to the kitchen for a bite to eat (Ysabel and Ms. Alice are up before the rest of you), and then you go about your tasks for the day.

It's a quiet day today. A few adventuring types are staying at the inn, living the life you once did back... oh, it's hard to say when. A long time ago. They're still up in their rooms. There are a few regulars from town in the common room. It seems they're always there.

The weather is beautiful. Blue skies with just a few white wisps of clouds. It's just warm enough to be comfortable, a fine autumn day. It's hard not to take a moment to appreciate how good your life has become—those who do feel gratitude bubble up from within. The day promises to be, well, perfect. There are so many perfect days.


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The Kitchen (Ysabel, Dalia)

Ms. Alice calls it the "kozy kitchen." The room is a clean, well-organized workspace that always smells like baking bread and savory stew. The big oven is on the west wall, and over it is a framed needlework sampler, showing a cute little spider spinning a web in one corner and the legend: "HERE AT THE KOBWEB WE FORGET TO KOUNT THE DAYS."

Ysabel is preparing beef for today's stew, and Dalia is scrubbing the dishes left from baking the morning bread.

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The Common Room (Quin)

The common room is a cheery place that always smells like breakfast. There are six round, free-standing tables and two booths with benches built into the wall. There is a stairway up to a balcony that runs around the entire room - up on this balcony are two more tables and a hallway that leads to the inn's guest rooms, your room, and Ms. Alice's room.

In the northeast corner is the bar. The entrance to the kitchen is behind it. There's also an interior window where Ysabel sets plates of food when they are ready to be served.

Something in that kitchen sure smells good!

Quin is at the bar with a couple of the regulars, who are already nursing tankards of ale. Why not? They never cause trouble, and the days here seem made for relaxation and enjoyment.

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The Stables (Shaun Perraps)

The stables are clean and organized, and Shaun Perraps makes sure they stay that way. Several handsome horses watch him from their clean pens.

Shaun, who is lazily sweeping straw out of the walkway, can remember his days of long study over ancient tomes. There always seemed to be some sort of mystery, back then. Some hidden knowledge that was so important to find. Real discovery was fun but also hard-earned. The simple life is much more pleasant.

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The Garden and Grounds (Chard)

The weather here is just perfect for growing everything from flowers to vegetables. There's also a wonderful peach tree that produces the most succulent fruit. It's laden even now.

Somewhere in the back of Chard's mind, he recalls that peaches are harvested in summer. How strange that this tree still has fruit in autumn. Ah, well, just another perfect thing about life at the Kozy Kobweb. Chard is planting bulbs for next spring. The new flowers will make the garden even lovelier than it already is.

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You're lounging on a swinging bench on the porch, enjoying the just-warm-enough air and his amazing life at the Kobweb.

Ms. Alice passes by, on her way into the inn. She's a pleasantly plump middle-aged woman, all smiles and blue eyes, wearing her standard apron and house frock. She's got a basket full of peaches from the tree out in the garden.

She tosses a few stray locks of her curly hair out of her eyes as she approaches you.

"Working hard again, dear? Be sure to sweep the dust off the porch today. Such a lovely day, isn't it? But so much to do!" Ms. Alice clucks her tongue in teasing disapproval of your laziness, and heads inside.

You spend another few minutes lounging. A couple of the townies you always see - the baker and the candlemaker's daughter - pass by and wave at you.

Then, a man you don't recognize approaches. He is shabbily dressed and seems like a beggar. There are no beggars in town as everyone here has enough to be comfortable, but sometimes poor travelers arrive at the Kobweb. Ms. Alice always feeds them, regardless. She's a remarkably kind woman.

"Excuse me," the beggar asks, stopping at the edge of the porch, "But is Ms. Alice still the owner of this inn?"

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Flitwick froze for a moment as the raggedy man spoke.

“Oh! Um, hello, yes, this is Ms. Alice’s establishment. Welcome to the Kozy Kobweb, home of the infamous Boot Pie! It’s not made of real boot, of course, but there’s a funny story behind it, you see, a few months back I was carrying a guests luggage and our chef, Ysabel, was carrying a delicious meat pie across the dining room and, well, I suppose you had to have been there…” he trails off, and a heavy awkward silence hangs in the air for a few moments. He clears his throat.

So, yes, this is it. Ms. Alice’s establishment, that is. Please, do come in!”

He swings the door open and gestures for the man to enter.

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Dalia found herself in an absolutely wonderful mood thanks in large part to the extra kozy beds offered by the Kobweb. She didn't mind cleaning out the bread pans, as it had both been a delicious breakfast as well as an exercise in mindfulness. There was something comforting in such menial tasks, scrubbing and wiping, over and over and over again.
With a happy sigh that she'd found a better life, Dalia looked to the needlework and wondered just where the place had gotten its name. She wasn't overly fond of spiders, but then they were just another creature doing its best.
Looking from the happy, cotton spider of yarn to Ysabel, Dalia mused, "Isn't life just so nice? Isn't this just... perfect?" She allowed herself another contented sigh as a stupid grin wormed its way onto her face.
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The Beggar glances into the common room before shaking his head. "Oh no, I'm afraid I have to be moving on. You see, some time ago, I was traveling along the road when I came to this place. I was worse then. Worse than you see me now. Truly... destitute. Ms. Alice took me in, fed me, and gave me a place to rest. Very unexpected."

The Beggar looks away as if in thought.


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Flickwit blinks. "Oh. Are you sure? If you don't mind me saying, you look like you could use a hot meal, or somewhere kozy to lay down. I'm sure Ms. Alice could work out a deal with you." He turns his head to the inn and shouts inside. "Ms. Alice, there's a man outside, I think he could use your help!"

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You're just finishing sweeping the stables out, and you look up to see a strange man. He is dressed like a beggar, which is odd because there are no beggars in town. Everyone seems to have what they need here.

Yet, you know that if he heads inside, Ms. Alice will take care of him. She has a very big heart.

"Excuse me," the Beggar says to you, stepping towards you, "do you work here?"

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"I say, Peppercorn," Shaun addresses his horsey audience as he looks up from his work and admires the beautiful autumn day outside the stables. "...isn't this just the best kind of life?"

The man draws his lungs full of air, a hint of crispness mixed with the smell of straw, horse and old wood. "Today, yesterday... the day before that," he continues, his broom coming to a slow halt as a hint of something being... off about it all comes over his face.

He snaps out of it at the sound of a stranger's voice, straightening up to put his best foot forward in the name of the Kozy Kobweb.

"Why, yes, yes I do," he replies proudly before realizing he is being addressed not by the usual type of client, but a beggar of some sort. The rarity of such an encounter catches him by surprise.

"I uh, used to be an adventuring magician of all things but here I am now... sweeping the stables..." he looks like there's more to say about that, but shakes it off. "Shaun's the name. What can I do for you, mister?"

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