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Group 2 OOC


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Haakon genuinely believes in the danger but has a kernel of understanding that Falkovnia does not work the same way as his home plane.

Talking outside the game, it's just a quirk I am employing. It does not need to have any bearing on the game.

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I like it! It adds an interesting and mysterious element to your character. Tysh knows people come from everywhere and anywhere via the Mists, so she'd feel comfortable knowing that he's being truthful. Sometimes people are evasive if they have bad intentions, so she just wanted to see if she could tell whether he was being truthful or not. We're going to have to come up with some fun names for him, haha 😉

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On the encumbrance subject- Ardir can carry up to 90 lbs before being encumbered. He starts with an explorer's pack that weighs 59 lbs, 20 lbs of weaponry between the maul, his javelins, and his shortbow. Basic traveler's clothes weigh 4lbs, and his background provides smith's tools weighing 8 lbs... so the 18 STR barbarian with no armor is... encumbered too, at 91 lbs.


So we're all in the boat of needing to drop our backpacks (well, in Ardir's case, throwing a single javelin unencumbers him) before a fight. Even if the fight comes to us, dropping is a free action- we'll just need to be particular later on, about what stuff we have in belt pouches (like potions), and what all is in the pack we shrug off as soon as fighting starts.

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I would recommend using the Loc space on your character sheet equipment list to be clear on where what is, so you know what dropping what will do for you. It is also worth noting that the weight on the packs includes the weight of the water and rations which you will be consuming over time, which will lighten that load.

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