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Chapter 1.1 - Sometimes Opportunity Falls in Your Lap


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Kelly Paxton

3ccc83bb841a92aa38decd5f0ddc8b4d.jpg.ddc865dbff19d88adf8b22c3fcd87529.jpg"Sal. Without revealing too much, tell us how far away your gold vein is - only in the sense that we need to know how much food, water and sundries to pack."

"Let us know if you need help, Peggy."
She generally doesn't, but it's never bad to offer.

Kelly lingers a bit longer to enjoy the dishes they have ordered, that do end coming once Esme and the kitchen staff get over the glut of rush hour.

< Alright, let me know where you want me, R. >

He didn't quite catch the plan, but Randall is their foremost misdirection expert, so he's fine following his lead.

Mechanical actions





Kelly Paxton
HP: 56/56
Init: +4, Perception: +21
AC: 21, TAC: 14, FFAC: 18
Fort: +6, Ref: +7, Will: +8, CMD: 16
Speed: 30

Ranged: +7 Mosin-Nagant (1d10+1/x4) -- vs touch in the 1st increment (80ft)

PP: 67/67
Talents- Detect Psionics, Create Sound, Far Hand
1- Conceal Thoughts, Entangling Debris, Foxhole, Inevitable Strike, Skate, Untouchable Aura, Vigor
2- Clairvoyant Sense, Cleanse Body, Defy Gravity, Energy Push, Everyman, Share Pain, True Terror
3- Concussive Onslaught, Energy Wall, Metamorphosis, Telekinetic Force, Time Hop
4- Fold Space, Wall of Ectoplasm

Concentration +13 (+15 roll twice for casting defensively)
Current element: Sonic

at-will Prestidigitation
7/7 Ring of Seven Lovely Colours
3/3 Spellguard Bracers
50/50 Wand of CLW
50/50 Wand of Repair Damage


HP 28/28
Senses Sighted 40 ft., Perception +10

Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +7
AC: 19, TAC: 16, FFAC: 17
Fort: +5, Ref: +6, Will: +7, CMD: 16
Hardness 8

Telepathic Link with Kelly - 1 mile
Telepathic Speech with anyone - 30ft


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Sal tips his hat back and thinks a bit. "Well, it's about 3 days to the edge of the claim. Then depending on how careful we are it's about half a day inwards. I usually have to leave my skip behind and walk, but you folk are known to have a junk so we should be able to meander through the ruins all proper like."

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<Option 3 sounds fun, though I suppose it does require Sal's cooperation. Not sure how competent he'd be at the sneaking part of "sneaking out the back".>

Outwardly she wrinkled her nose. She wasn't unfamiliar with longer stretches of travel, as the wastelands were rather spread out by their nature. But that still didn't mean she enjoyed being cooped up for multiple days in a row.

Mechanical actions

Standard, move, swift, etc.


Mary Allensworth
HP: 73/73
Init: +6, Perception: +16 (+18 vs traps)
AC: 23, TAC: 22, FFAC: 16
Fort: +8, Ref: +13, Will: +5, CMD: 21
Special defenses: evasion, uncanny dodge, deflect arrows, danger sense +1
Speed: 30

Melee: +14/+14/+9 Temple Sword (1d8+10/19-20)
Range: +12/+7 Mosin-Nagant (1d10/x4)
Sneak attack: +2d6
Debilitating injury: landing a sneak attack debuffs AC (-2, -4 vs me), attack rolls (-2, -4 vs me), or movement speed (halved) for 1 round.
Fighting defensively: -2 to attack for +7 AC
Piranha strike: -2 to attack for +4 damage
Improved feinting flurry: replace first attack of a flurry with a feint (+21 to bluff) which denies dex to AC for my turn


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spacer.pngZen, Wastelands Healer and Horologian Priestess

AC15 Touch 14 [HP 64/64] Speed 30' [Fort 8 Ref 8 Will 11]  Channels 9/9 [Adoration 8/8] 

Female Neutral Human Cleric/Stargazer

Level 7 (5/2) Init 3 HP 64/64 DR 0 Speed 30'

AC 15 Touch 14 Flat-footed 12 CMD 16

Fort 8 Ref 8 Will 11 CMB +3 BAB +4   

[Missile] Staff of Entwined Serpents  AutoHit 2 Magic Missiles 2d4+2 130' range

[Melee] Staff of Entwined Serpents +4 (1d6, x2) Magic +1 Guardian (+1 Saves)

Str 9 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 18 Cha 18

Channeling 9/9 day [DC 19 Will Save] [can remove 4 plus self from AOE]

Positive 6d6/Negative 3d6

Adoration Power 8/8 day [DC 17 or cancel single attack] as immediate action


Fail a Mind Affecting Save (Reroll @ +8) courtesy of familiar.

Healer's Satchel *Regenerates each day. *Treat Deadly Wounds add Wis (+4) to hp restored. *If by 5 or more, this is 2 × Wis (+8). *+4 circumstance bonus to treat poisons and provide first aid (does not stack with normal) 

Healers Hands *Can treat wounds as a full round action. *If DC exceeded by 10 add Knowledge Planes (5) to amount healed.

Stargazer The Mother Cure spells have Stargazer levels (2) added to hp healed.

Zen leans forward to speak softly with Sal, "You should come with us to the junk when we leave here. If you need to pick anything up, we'll go with you. If you stay around here on your lonesome, the claimstealers will eat you alive." She pauses to let that sink, before adding, in an insouciant tone.. "So, it's entirely possible, we'll be followed when we leave. It's a free country, or so I am told. No law against it. Then again, out in the Wastes there's no law period, except what a girl chooses to hold herself to." These last words are exxpressed in a tone with some chagrin added, as if she is of the opinion that her moral qualms are one hand tied behind her back. She then turns to the rest, at which point her voice takes on a note of pragmatism.. "Since we've got some idea of what we're likely to be up against, we should get tooled up appropriately before we leave, right?"

Actions for the Round

Move Action is here

Standard Action is here

Immediate Action is here

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image.png.1d77620caaa2d3dd66a74fbef5932021.pngSal says, "Well, we can go by my skip and get my gear and then stop by the bank to set up the deal with them. I was hoping to sleep in a warm bed but I guess if you think they'd come at me here, I guess I better take your advice."

Edited by Penchant (see edit history)
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Over the next several hours the crew works to get Sal moved over the the Atlas Wake, his skip set up as collateral with the bank and doing counter intelligence on the Gaiter gang. Those Gaiter boys aren't slouches. They are definitely watching and waiting to see if there is an opportunity, both at The Big Score and the wharf where the AW is moored. But you successfully stave off any attempts at Sal or sabotage on the AW. In town, at least, there is a stalemate and all without firing a shot.

Sal brings aboard some tools, a cutting rig and several hundred feet of rope along with block and tackle and sundry other accessories for said rope. He keeps his shiny new pistol in a hip holster and adds a bolt action rifle and another six shooter to his getup.


You find out during CI, that Dirk Gaiter is one of those arcane mutants (sorcerer) and one of his men has some sort of shadow abilities.



Edited by Penchant (see edit history)
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spacer.pngZen, Wastelands Healer and Horologian Priestess

AC15 Touch 14 [HP 64/64] Speed 30' [Fort 8 Ref 8 Will 11]  Channels 9/9 [Adoration 8/8] 

Female Neutral Human Cleric/Stargazer

Level 7 (5/2) Init 3 HP 64/64 DR 0 Speed 30'

AC 15 Touch 14 Flat-footed 12 CMD 16

Fort 8 Ref 8 Will 11 CMB +3 BAB +4   

[Missile] Staff of Entwined Serpents  AutoHit 2 Magic Missiles 2d4+2 130' range

[Melee] Staff of Entwined Serpents +4 (1d6, x2) Magic +1 Guardian (+1 Saves)

Str 9 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 18 Cha 18

In Town (default list)

1st (6) Burning Hand (Domain) 1, Ears of the City 2, Carrion Compass 1, Blessing of the Watch 1,

2nd (5) Enthrall (Domain) 1, Pagebound Epiphany 1, Restoration (Lesser) 1, Track Ship 1,

3rd (4) Fireball (Domain) 1, Remove Curse 1, Minor Reversion 1 (like 24 hr Aid), Speak with Dead

4th (3) Wall of Fire (Domain) 1, Make Whole (Greater) 1, Restoration 1.

Out of Town (default list)

1st (6) - Burning Hands (Domain) 1, Invisibility to Undead 2, Weapons Against Evil 1, Sanctuary 1, Brightest Night (low light to 3) .

2nd (5) - Flaming Sphere (Domain) 1, Drunkard’s Breath 2, Burst of Radiance 1, Protection from Evil (Communal) 1.

3rd (4)Fireball (Domain) 1, Resist Energy (Communal) 1, Windwall (vs bullets) 1, Shadowmind 1 (use in dim light to blind 1 target/level)

4th (3) - Wall of Fire (Domain) 1, Concealed Breath (with Drunkard’s Breath) 1, Brightest Light 1 (if we’re caught in darkness, can dispel)

Channeling 9/9 day [DC 19 Will Save] [can remove 4 plus self from AOE]

Positive 6d6 pts /Negative 3d6 pts

Adoration Power 8/8 day [DC 17 or cancel single attack] as immediate action


Fail a Mind Affecting Save (Reroll @ +8) courtesy of familiar.

Healer's Satchel *Regenerates each day. *Treat Deadly Wounds add Wis (+4) to hp restored. *If by 5 or more, this is 2 × Wis (+8). *+4 circumstance bonus to treat poisons and provide first aid (does not stack with normal) 

Healers Hands *Can treat wounds as a full round action. *If DC exceeded by 10 add Knowledge Planes (5) to amount healed.

Stargazer The Mother Cure spells have Stargazer levels (2) added to hp healed.

Zen, dulcitar on her back and quarterstaff in her hands, winks saucily at Sal aboard the Atlas Wakes, drawling her way into.. "The Gators, true to their reptilian name, definitely want to strip you down to the bone. They've been secretly and silently slithering after us since the bar." All of this is delivered in her usual low, breathy and husky contralto, which takes her naive ingenue appearance out back and beats the crap out of it.

Turning to the others.. "We need to lure these vomitous breechbirths", she winks at the garrulous 'though thoroughly entertaining with it' Gilbert as she utters this epithet... clearly of a mind to play his game.. "...into a trap before we get to where we're going. We can't fight a war on two fronts."

As she is saying this she begins to wonder what might be hungry for man flesh and uncaring about magic items.. traps being less risky than ambushes.

"It would have to be somewhere relatively close by. We wouldn't want more than one junk on us, or risk the Wake getting bust up in an air duel."

Just at this point, something seemed to occur to her. "I can cast a spell to allow a thorough trawling of the local rumormill with a spell. This will allow, someone, namely Kelly to seek the answers to a total of 7 questions, about the Gators or someplace to introduce them to. It occurs to me if we leave the Wake hovering with ropes down, they could be encouraged to go where they think we've gone."

@namo You can use your Perception 20 and a d20 roll as a Gather Information checks, to get the answer to 7 questionsfrom the local rumormill.

Actions for the Round

Move Action is here

Standard Action is here

Immediate Action is here

Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
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Kelly Paxton

3ccc83bb841a92aa38decd5f0ddc8b4d.jpg.ddc865dbff19d88adf8b22c3fcd87529.jpgKelly is about to protest, but in the end he resorts to just grumbling under his breath.

"If you love that spell so much, why don't you use it yourself. Grrmmgrrmm."

That magic is really just so unrefined compared to his own mental talents... Like getting punched in the face to identify someone's knuckles.
But he can't deny it produces results.

Barring other instructions from his teammates, he focuses exclusively on the Gaiters in his intelligence gathering, trying to answer the following questions:

"How many people are in this Gaiter's crew?
How many fighters/mutants among them?
About how many vehicles can they count on?
Where is their base?
Are they affiliated wit other miscreants - or mafias - beyond the Gaiter galaxy?"
...and then braces for the onslaughts of images and sounds.

Mechanical actions





Kelly Paxton
HP: 56/56
Init: +4, Perception: +21
AC: 21, TAC: 14, FFAC: 18
Fort: +6, Ref: +7, Will: +8, CMD: 16
Speed: 30

Ranged: +7 Mosin-Nagant (1d10+1/x4) -- vs touch in the 1st increment (80ft)

PP: 67/67
Talents- Detect Psionics, Create Sound, Far Hand
1- Conceal Thoughts, Entangling Debris, Foxhole, Inevitable Strike, Skate, Untouchable Aura, Vigor
2- Clairvoyant Sense, Cleanse Body, Defy Gravity, Energy Push, Everyman, Share Pain, True Terror
3- Concussive Onslaught, Energy Wall, Metamorphosis, Telekinetic Force, Time Hop
4- Fold Space, Wall of Ectoplasm

Concentration +13 (+15 roll twice for casting defensively)
Current element: Sonic

at-will Prestidigitation
7/7 Ring of Seven Lovely Colours
3/3 Spellguard Bracers
50/50 Wand of CLW
50/50 Wand of Repair Damage


HP 28/28
Senses Sighted 40 ft., Perception +10

Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +7
AC: 19, TAC: 16, FFAC: 17
Fort: +5, Ref: +6, Will: +7, CMD: 16
Hardness 8

Telepathic Link with Kelly - 1 mile
Telepathic Speech with anyone - 30ft


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spacer.pngZen, Wastelands Healer and Horologian Priestess

AC15 Touch 14 [HP 64/64] Speed 30' [Fort 8 Ref 8 Will 11]  Channels 9/9 [Adoration 8/8] 

Female Neutral Human Cleric/Stargazer

Level 7 (5/2) Init 3 HP 64/64 DR 0 Speed 30'

AC 15 Touch 14 Flat-footed 12 CMD 16

Fort 8 Ref 8 Will 11 CMB +3 BAB +4   

[Missile] Staff of Entwined Serpents  AutoHit 2 Magic Missiles 2d4+2 130' range

[Melee] Staff of Entwined Serpents +4 (1d6, x2) Magic +1 Guardian (+1 Saves)

Str 9 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 18 Cha 18

In Town (default list)

1st (6) Burning Hand (Domain) 1, Ears of the City 2, Carrion Compass 1, Blessing of the Watch 1,

2nd (5) Enthrall (Domain) 1, Pagebound Epiphany 1, Restoration (Lesser) 1, Track Ship 1,

3rd (4) Fireball (Domain) 1, Remove Curse 1, Minor Reversion 1 (like 24 hr Aid), Speak with Dead

4th (3) Wall of Fire (Domain) 1, Make Whole (Greater) 1, Restoration 1.

Out of Town (default list)

1st (6) - Burning Hands (Domain) 1, Invisibility to Undead 2, Weapons Against Evil 1, Sanctuary 1, Brightest Night (low light to 3) .

2nd (5) - Flaming Sphere (Domain) 1, Drunkard’s Breath 2, Burst of Radiance 1, Protection from Evil (Communal) 1.

3rd (4)Fireball (Domain) 1, Resist Energy (Communal) 1, Windwall (vs bullets) 1, Shadowmind 1 (use in dim light to blind 1 target/level)

4th (3) - Wall of Fire (Domain) 1, Concealed Breath (with Drunkard’s Breath) 1, Brightest Light 1 (if we’re caught in darkness, can dispel)

Channeling 9/9 day [DC 19 Will Save] [can remove 4 plus self from AOE]

Positive 6d6 pts /Negative 3d6 pts

Adoration Power 8/8 day [DC 17 or cancel single attack] as immediate action


Fail a Mind Affecting Save (Reroll @ +8) courtesy of familiar.

Healer's Satchel *Regenerates each day. *Treat Deadly Wounds add Wis (+4) to hp restored. *If by 5 or more, this is 2 × Wis (+8). *+4 circumstance bonus to treat poisons and provide first aid (does not stack with normal) 

Healers Hands *Can treat wounds as a full round action. *If DC exceeded by 10 add Knowledge Planes (5) to amount healed.

Stargazer The Mother Cure spells have Stargazer levels (2) added to hp healed.

Zen looks a little puzzled at the grouchiness, though she must know by now what his likely response would be.. "Well, you get more from it than I do.", she breathes back, looking like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. "You, my friend, are cursed with the best senses of all of us... your fate is set.", she adds, with a wicked smile. "Now, see if anyone knows how Dirk Gaiter communicates with his wanted siblings? .. what crimes he's suspected of but not convicted of.. ? who Dirk's fence is? , who his enemies are? what spells he's known to cast? what scares him, if anything? what his shadow companion's skill set is?" She bites down on her stream of consciousness torrent of questions, it apparently having occurred to her that she's gone overboard with the questions.


Actions for the Round

Move Action is here

Standard Action is here

Immediate Action is here

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Peggy Mae Stubbsimage.png.c2c0a9e86115b50177f97970d21c5c4a.png

AC: 22 | HP: 91/91 | CMB: +13/+8 | CMD: 23 | Fortitude: 8 | Reflex: 8 | Will: 9 | Speed: 50 ft | Conditions: None
Stunning Fist: 2/2 | Ki: 9/9 | AOO: 3

Brassy horns wailed through the gramophone on the bridge of Atlas Wake, while Peggy laid on her back, head buried under the steering console. A matted pile of dingy orange fur lay curled on her belly, purring along to the trumpets and trombones.

image.png.8a3f0c87717f1d1062faa3e8d64ae70d.pngA spark popped as her fingers pulled on wires. "Reowr."  Peggy chuckled softly, a single hand reached out to scratch the cat below the chin. "It's alright Gray. Just a fuse, need to redo this bit of wiring before we take off. Go check on the others, they should be stirrin' to wake now."  She chuckled again as she nudged the feline off. "Kelly an' Gilbert love your attention."  Gray wandered offer, grumbling as he went.

Peggy wheeled herself out and sat up, just as the desert sun started to peek into the front windscreen. Her tongue danced along her teeth while she breathed out, causing a soft whistle to emit from her mouth. "Don' believe they get that kind of sunrise floatin' in the sky, do they?" She looked back over her shoulder, half expecting a response from Gray, but instead spotting the first to wake for the day.

"Mornin'. Sleep well?"


Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty

Free: Your action goes here.
Swift: Your action goes here.
Action: Your action goes here.
Move: Your move goes here.
Reaction: Your reaction goes here.


Peggy Mae Stubbs
Human Unchained Softstrike Monk (7)

Str +4 (19)   Dex +2 (14)   Con +2 (14)   Int +0 (10)   Wis +4 (18)   Cha +0 (10)
Speed 50 ft   Initiative +2   

Languages Common
Traits Heavy Hitter, Bandit (Strength)

• Unarmed Strike +13/+13 attack, 2d8+6 bludgeoning


Acrobatics (7) +12 Heal - +2 Sense Motive (7) +14
Climb (7) +14 Perception (7) +19 Sleight of Hand - +2
Disable Device - +2 Profession (Mechanic) (7) +16 Stealth - +2
Escape Artist (7) +12 Profession (Pilot) (7) +18 Survival - +4
Fly - +2 Ride - +2 Swim - +4

Weapons aklys, bolas, club, light flail, light mace, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sap, sling, and any weapon with the monk special quality that can deal bludgeoning damage
Armor None
Feats Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Weapon Focus - Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Combat Reflexes, Extra Ki, Deflect Arrows, Stand Still

Class Features Flurry of Blows, Non-Lethal Strike, Feather Touch, Tenet of Life, Evasion, Fast Movement, Ki Pool (9), Ki Strike (Magic), Ki Power - Zephyr Blow (1ki), Still Mind, Purity of Body, Style Strike - Stomp Foot, Life Giving Blows, Ki Power - Qinggong Power (Barkskin, 1 ki), Ki Strike (Cold Iron/Silver)

Equipment cash on hand $3,700

Handy Haversack, Eyes of the Eagle, Monk's Robe, Traveler's Any Tool
Masterwork Mechanics Tools

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spacer.pngZen, Wastelands Healer and Horologian Priestess

AC15 Touch 14 [HP 64/64] Speed 30' [Fort 8 Ref 8 Will 11]  Channels 9/9 [Adoration 8/8] 

Female Neutral Human Cleric/Stargazer

Level 7 (5/2) Init 3 HP 64/64 DR 0 Speed 30'

AC 15 Touch 14 Flat-footed 12 CMD 16

Fort 8 Ref 8 Will 11 CMB +3 BAB +4   

[Missile] Staff of Entwined Serpents  AutoHit 2 Magic Missiles 2d4+2 130' range

[Melee] Staff of Entwined Serpents +4 (1d6, x2) Magic +1 Guardian (+1 Saves)

Str 9 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 18 Cha 18

In Town (default list)

1st (6) Burning Hand (Domain) 1, Ears of the City 2, Carrion Compass 1, Blessing of the Watch 1,

2nd (5) Enthrall (Domain) 1, Pagebound Epiphany 1, Restoration (Lesser) 1, Track Ship 1,

3rd (4) Fireball (Domain) 1, Remove Curse 1, Minor Reversion 1 (like 24 hr Aid), Speak with Dead

4th (3) Wall of Fire (Domain) 1, Make Whole (Greater) 1, Restoration 1.

Out of Town (default list)

1st (6) - Burning Hands (Domain) 1, Invisibility to Undead 2, Weapons Against Evil 1, Sanctuary 1, Brightest Night (low light to 3) .

2nd (5) - Flaming Sphere (Domain) 1, Drunkard’s Breath 2, Burst of Radiance 1, Protection from Evil (Communal) 1.

3rd (4)Fireball (Domain) 1, Resist Energy (Communal) 1, Windwall (vs bullets) 1, Shadowmind 1 (use in dim light to blind 1 target/level)

4th (3) - Wall of Fire (Domain) 1, Concealed Breath (with Drunkard’s Breath) 1, Brightest Light 1 (if we’re caught in darkness, can dispel)

Channeling 9/9 day [DC 19 Will Save] [can remove 4 plus self from AOE]

Positive 6d6 pts /Negative 3d6 pts

Adoration Power 8/8 day [DC 17 or cancel single attack] as immediate action


Fail a Mind Affecting Save (Reroll @ +8) courtesy of familiar.

Healer's Satchel *Regenerates each day. *Treat Deadly Wounds add Wis (+4) to hp restored. *If by 5 or more, this is 2 × Wis (+8). *+4 circumstance bonus to treat poisons and provide first aid (does not stack with normal) 

Healers Hands *Can treat wounds as a full round action. *If DC exceeded by 10 add Knowledge Planes (5) to amount healed.

Stargazer The Mother Cure spells have Stargazer levels (2) added to hp healed.

As the sun rises, Zen is already to be found in prayer.. imploring power from the Gods to face down the challenges of the day. Sitting in a lotus position, cushion no longer required as it once was, she is unmoved by Crook, who is perched nearby beating the full seven shades out of locust only a little smaller than he is. The locust has long since given up the ghost, but getting access to the juicy flesh inside was clearly easier said than done..

Thus the seven shades.

"Heavens above, the Gods really locked the pantry bleeding door on these friggin things.", complains Crook, somehow managing to suggest a growl through the trill. Zen is again unmoved, having been through this scene with Crook more times than she cared to remember.

Eyes closed, still intoning quietly, working her way through the catchism for the day, Zen reaches into a box and pulls out a nutcracker with one hand, while offering her other hand, open and palm up to the little irridescent thrush. "Yeah, it's like heavy like, nearly blew my aorta getting it up here.", comments Crook. Still, managing to keep it together, Zen, eyes still closed, litany unbroken, allows the empty hand to wander over the surface of the table next to her until she finds the insect in question. She then proceeds to crack the corpsified flying meat parcel open, unparcelling it while being profanely urged on by Crook. Even so, she is still litanying for all she's worth. This continues while Crook peels away at the locust until he's finished.

Zen's called Zen for a reason.

Getting to her feet she pulls her stole on, then adds jacket while she's walking to the bridge. "Music could use some strings, but it's still good.", states Crook. "It's good for when you're brazenly up to no good, nothing being as brazen as brass.. sets the tone.", replies Zen, in her customary come hither husky tones, her dulcitar strapped over her shoulder. As ever, she has her staff in her left hand, as she opens the door to the bridge. She nods at Peggy's query of her. "Well enough to need some coffee, Peggy. You know how I like it, hotter and blacker than Asmodeus himself. Morning, Gray."

Actions for the Round

Move Action is here

Standard Action is here

Immediate Action is here

Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
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Kelly receives the following impressions:


Derek "Dirk" Gaiter currently has seven guys that tend to posse up with him. Two are in lockup right now.

They travel almost entirely on skimrods, but they often are trading in and out a suspicious number of used skimmers.

They have a hideout somewhere in the waste but nobody knows where.

They are all accomplished gunfighters aside from Slim who is just creepy. He brings knives to gun fights.

They don't associate with any other crews. They are trouble enough on their own.

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The Atlas Wake is prepped and ready to go. Sal Copeland has a hammock strung up in the lower bay and his gear is stowed. The rest of the crew have their usual bunks laid out in the old junk. Pepper has adjusted the ballast load of gravel to just a few hundred pounds negative and the ship sits lightly in the moorings. All the lines cast off and she starts the diesel engine. The ventral gasbag raises up the mast and begins to inflate. As it fills the ship bobs and starts to rise. Props deploy from the hull of the ship and they direct the ship upward and outward from the dry desert wharf. 

Getting under full speed, Pegs takes the ship along the route Sal provided and it's toward the large expanse of ruins to the West. It will be a few days travel even given the ship's ability to navigate over rough ground and avoid a number of hazards that Sal would no doubt have had to ford in his medium sized skimmer. The sun is high on the first day as the Wake is running aside the Basin Lake. This is a wide circular depression in the ground that is disturbingly craterlike. In the middle is a body of water that is as calm as it is toxic and no life lives within it. The bones of countless desperate livestock lay along the rim of the lake having taken a fateful sip.

The roostertails of dust quickly approaching are easy to spot. It looks like the Gaiters have taken this time to make their move. The crew can see four skimrods and a medium skimmer making top speed across the waste. They are much faster that the Junk but traveling at ground level.  


Game Info

You have two rounds before they are close enough to engage. The ship is fifty feet off the ground and the skimmers only run about five feet up.


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Kelly Paxton

3ccc83bb841a92aa38decd5f0ddc8b4d.jpg.ddc865dbff19d88adf8b22c3fcd87529.jpgKelly was in quite the good mood, until the Gaiters got spotted.

He now stands at the stern, still immaculately dressed, his coat flapping in the wind. Despite what he knows of his crew's abilities...
"...I can't help but be a little worried. They have a definite advantage of speed and mobility."

He takes a deep breath and centers himself, focusing on the analytical and setting aside emotions. He switches to Tak for the speed-of-thought communication - and letting everybody but Sal hear.

< Tactical assessment: they will harry us, making use of superior speed to engage and disengage as needed, coming at us from alternate directions to divide attention.
We have the advantage of altitude - but Atlas Wake's underbelly is tough to protect. >

Mechanical actions





Kelly Paxton
HP: 56/56
Init: +4, Perception: +21
AC: 21, TAC: 14, FFAC: 18
Fort: +6, Ref: +7, Will: +8, CMD: 16
Speed: 30

Ranged: +7 Mosin-Nagant (1d10+1/x4) -- vs touch in the 1st increment (80ft)

PP: 67/67
Talents- Detect Psionics, Create Sound, Far Hand
1- Conceal Thoughts, Entangling Debris, Foxhole, Inevitable Strikes, Skate, Untouchable Aura, Vigor
2- Clairvoyant Sense, Cleanse Body, Defy Gravity, Energy Push, Everyman, Share Pain, True Terror
3- Concussive Onslaught, Energy Wall, Metamorphosis, Telekinetic Force, Time Hop
4- Fold Space, Wall of Ectoplasm

Concentration +13 (+15 roll twice for casting defensively)
Current element: Sonic

at-will Prestidigitation
7/7 Ring of Seven Lovely Colours
3/3 Spellguard Bracers
50/50 Wand of CLW
50/50 Wand of Repair Damage


HP 28/28
Senses Sighted 40 ft., Perception +10

Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +7
AC: 19, TAC: 16, FFAC: 17
Fort: +5, Ref: +6, Will: +7, CMD: 16
Hardness 8

Telepathic Link with Kelly - 1 mile
Telepathic Speech with anyone - 30ft


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spacer.pngZen, Wastelands Healer and Horologian Priestess

AC15 Touch 14 [HP 64/64] Speed 30' [Fort 8 Ref 8 Will 11]  Channels 9/9 [Adoration 8/8] 

Female Neutral Human Cleric/Stargazer

Level 7 (5/2) Init 3 HP 64/64 DR 0 Speed 30'

AC 15 Touch 14 Flat-footed 12 CMD 16

Fort 8 Ref 8 Will 11 CMB +3 BAB +4   

[Missile] Staff of Entwined Serpents  AutoHit 2 Magic Missiles 2d4+2 130' range

[Melee] Staff of Entwined Serpents +4 (1d6, x2) Magic +1 Guardian (+1 Saves)

Str 9 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 18 Cha 18

In Town (default list)

1st (6) Burning Hand (Domain) 1, Ears of the City 2, Carrion Compass 1, Blessing of the Watch 1,

2nd (5) Enthrall (Domain) 1, Pagebound Epiphany 1, Restoration (Lesser) 1, Track Ship 1,

3rd (4) Fireball (Domain) 1, Remove Curse 1, Minor Reversion 1 (like 24 hr Aid), Speak with Dead

4th (3) Wall of Fire (Domain) 1, Make Whole (Greater) 1, Restoration 1.

Out of Town (default list)

1st (6) - Burning Hands (Domain) 1, Invisibility to Undead 2, Weapons Against Evil 1, Sanctuary 1, Brightest Night (low light to 3) .

2nd (5) - Flaming Sphere (Domain) 1, Drunkard’s Breath 2, Burst of Radiance 1, Protection from Evil (Communal) 1.

3rd (4)Fireball (Domain) 1, Resist Energy (Communal) 1, Windwall (vs bullets) 1, Shadowmind 1 (use in dim light to blind 1 target/level)

4th (3) - Wall of Fire (Domain) 1, Concealed Breath (with Drunkard’s Breath) 1, Brightest Light 1 (if we’re caught in darkness, can dispel)

Channeling 9/9 day [DC 19 Will Save] [can remove 4 plus self from AOE]

Positive 6d6 pts /Negative 3d6 pts

Adoration Power 8/8 day [DC 17 or cancel single attack] as immediate action


Fail a Mind Affecting Save (Reroll @ +8) courtesy of familiar.

Healer's Satchel *Regenerates each day. *Treat Deadly Wounds add Wis (+4) to hp restored. *If by 5 or more, this is 2 × Wis (+8). *+4 circumstance bonus to treat poisons and provide first aid (does not stack with normal) 

Healers Hands *Can treat wounds as a full round action. *If DC exceeded by 10 add Knowledge Planes (5) to amount healed.

Stargazer The Mother Cure spells have Stargazer levels (2) added to hp healed.

<<Yes, we should take the Wake down and get this over with. Let's try and keep someone alive to corroborate our version of how events unfolded. Oh and don't hit the skimmers. >> thinks Zen, to the company at large. <<See you on the other side.>> Saying this, Zen disppears into a column of mist as she puts her saltspray ring on. The company knows she can see perfectly well out of this.. exactly how she is seeing out of the mist is something of a mystery since it's not related to a magic item.

Actions for the Round

 Move Action Grab Quarterstaff

 Standard Action Activate Ring

 Immediate Action None

Move Action Grab Quarterstaff

Standard Action Activate Ring

Immediate Action None

Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
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