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Sunday before Thanksgiving


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Purple Dove & the Blue Blunder

"Hm..." Purple Dove stretches the hat, contemplatively. She ponders aloud, "A year, huh? Could there be a similar incident a while back? Quantico, maybe..."

"Uh, yeah, that's real odd, mister. Sounds like she's got some sort of psychic intellect going on, though who knows how an animal could end up with that." Blue lets out a grunt and shakes his head, big floppy ears flapping about. Violet stops and gives him a gentle scratch behind the ear.

"She sounds real smart, making stuff like artificial voice boxes with leftover parts. Anything else she make that stands out to you? It's fine if you don't recall, I figure she doesn't want you to pay attention to any of her stranger projects." The heroine shrugs.

"If that's all, we're gonna go ahead and check on the caves. Tunnels?" She glances over at Inkwell.

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Farmer Adams

The farmer tiredly rubs his brow. "Similar? Not with Thomasina, she hatched here and has been here since a chick. Perfectly ordinary until the last year, musta been reading on the side or something like that."

"And she's been fiddling with this or that since early summer. Kinda cute the way she strutted all around the machine shop, I shoulda taken a video. But you could tell you weren't supposed to interrupt her when she was thinking."

He rubs his temples more. "I think I need to rest..."

Cave mouth

Anyone looking around at the cave mouth can see some gouges in the loose stone and dirt by the entrance and scrapes along the rocks. There's a dim light coming from inside it, but from here you can't tell what's causing it.


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Purple Dove & the Blue Blunder

"Yeah, good idea. I'll go and see if the paramedics have something for your headaches."

Violet goes and does just that, first making sure the old guy's in safe hands. And next, the cave...

Purple Dove & the Blue Blunder, now at the Cave!

"Nice find! Let's hope there's something here that'll make this all make sense." Purple Dove turns back, giving Coalfire and Inkwell a nod and thumbs-up.

Blue interrupts her by striding forth into the hole in the hill, Violet stumbling a bit before trying to keep pace with the hound. The dog sniffs about, his big wet nose pressed to the ground. Dim light ahead, Dim Flashlight behind, it's dim all around.

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As she steps into the cave mouth, Diana is trying to remember whether she's claustrophobic, and whether she's confusing it with acrophobia, which helps her keep focussed away from the dangers and giant intelligent turkeys that may lurk inside. She does have type to take a picture of an interesting rock, though.


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Cavemouth.jpeg.64df38cf8d0119f4fa03bcc901d935f7.jpegOn the other side of the outcropping, only partially obscured by a few dangling vines, you see a large cave mouth. It's wide, unusually wide, maybe ten feet across. As you step inside, you feel a thrum of strange energies tingling senses you didn't know you had. Just inside, perhaps five feet in, the passage turns to the right, and from that direction you can see a faint orange glow. In the glow, you can see small flashes of reflected orange on the floor.


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Purple Dove & the Blue Blunder

Violet shivers, rubbing out her palms in an attempt to get rid of the tingly feeling. Blue's ears perk up, standing so high they're partially flopping over to the side instead of drooping straight down. He noses at Purple Dove's pouch, prompting her to fish for...

"Right, the crystals. Should watch out for anything weird. Thanks for the reminder, Blue." She gives his head a scratch, his ears flopping back down to their usual state as he relaxes for a moment, tail wagging.

Purple Dove holds out one of the orange crystals to the light, keeping one eye on them while the group approaches the glow.

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As you head deeper into the cave, the orange glow becomes brighter and you can hear a faint hum in the air. Once your step around the corner, small circular lights illuminate along the sides of the tunnel.

After a short distance, the passage opens into a wider room. The walls are lined with bins of electronics parts. There are discs, similar to the one from the town, in various states of disrepair on a long workbench along one side of the room.  On the other side of the room, up against the wall, a large circle of metal hums; inside it is a curtain of rippling orange energy, about fifteen feet in diameter. That wall is split by a thick vein of an orange crystalline material, which glows in time with the pulsing of the curtain within the circle.

Near the wall stands what looks like a crude powered exoskeleton, roughly five feet tall, piloted by, well, a turkey. Wires run from its head to the exoskeleton. As you enter, a speaker crackles to life near the head of the turkey.

"Begone! This is my place, my farm, and you are not welcome here!"

The orange circle flares, and it looks like something large is moving within it. You feel some kind of mental energy repelling you from the room, making it hard to even think about approaching.


Create advantage: mental repulsion field
[+,-,0,+] +3 = 4
fate(3) 1,-1,0,1
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Inkwells eyes widen as she sees the portal and the mechanical robot being driven by a turkey. "Now hold on we just want to know why someone took control of the poor farmer and tried to hurt the people nearby." She made sure to raise her hands and spoke calmly.



  • Careful good +1
  • Clever fair +2
  • Flashy average +1
  • Forceful average +3
  • Quick mediocre +0
  • Sneaky fair +2



  • Basic Elasticity: Your ink stretches to incredible lengths. By stretching the liquid , you can interact with objects and make melee attacks in an adjacent zone without moving. Additionally, you can contort the ink into rough approximations of animals, objects, and tools, although the mass doesn't change.
  • enhancement: Natural Weapon: Your ink like projections can turn into blades, hammers, clubs…all manner of built-in weaponry.
  • enhancement: invisibility: this is more like camouflage where she can change the color of the ink to match the environment around her wont stand up to close inspection
  • Basic Natural Weapon: You have some sort of built-in weaponry, whether it be claws or crackling energy that surrounds your fists. You gain +2 to Fight while brawling unarmed in close quarters.

drawback her physical form is actually quite weak


  • Grappler. +2 to Physique rolls made to create advantages on an enemy by wrestling or grappling with them. (Fate Core, p.119)



Mild (2):

Moderate (4):

Severe (6):


Edited by drealynn (see edit history)
[0,+,+,+] +3 = 6
fate(3) 0,1,1,1
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Her trust in poultry having been previously shaken, Diana lets Inkwell conduct negotiation, though she harbours little hope. Instead, she stands ready to interpose herself in the path of any sudden mechafowl attack, hoping that the more cunning Purple & Blue may sniff out something while the chicken-brained mastermind is distracted.


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Purple Dove & the Blue Blunder

Purple Dove stops short of the entrance, crouching down to look at the ground. "Got a real bad feeling about this place. There's probably tons of traps around. I don't see much from here, but..."

She turns to Blue, rubbing him on the head. "Do you smell any traps? Anything like uh..." She holds her crystal samples in front of his nose. "One of these, probably."

The dog sniffs it, and starts searching around, but the poor dog keeps on running up by the entrance to the room full of crystals, which is an absolute no-go. He whines up at Purple Dove, confused as he keeps moving around in circles.

"Ugh, dangit. They're all in there. Can't find the traps from outside the room, can't enter the room to search for traps. Or I guess we can, if we go carefully and don't trigger them. But still, it's too dangerous, we might get zapped. Though Blue's pretty zap-resistant, so if he goes first to search..."

While Purple Dove continues to ponder ways around this conundrum, Blue continuously presses up against the entryway, moving in circles as he tries finding some other route. This situation's kinda freaking him out.

"Argh," She mutters. This lair could be dangerous, but there shouldn't be much harm stepping a foot or two in there. If it was just me I thought I might be forgetting my meds but Blue's messed up about it too. Is the turkey really some kind of psychic?

The heroine sighs. "Guess there's no way around it." Purple Dove wraps Blue's leash around her arm, using her freed-up hands to grab Coalfire and Inkwell and drag everyone into the room, even if it means ruining the totally heroic vibe they've got going on.

"I think there's mind control keeping us from wanting to enter, so obviously it means we, as scheme stoppers, should enter to ruin a villain's day. Even if it means we all combust or turn into turkeys."

Edited by Niblooey (see edit history)
Forceful(?) - Use her dog wrangling skills to wrangle everyone in there!
[0,0,-,-] +3 = 1
fate(3) 0,0,-1,-1
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The turkey scoffs at Inkwell, "And how many turkeys has that idiot farmer slaughtered? It's only what they deserve. It's too bad Hamfeld Butchers wasn't wiped off the map, but it worked! The lines are charged, the barrier is thin! You'll see!"

Purple Dove manages to usher the others into the room, despite the the mental repulsion.

A giant, particularly fearsome-looking turkey emerges from the portal. It's about 15 feet tall and has to step carefully to pass through the opening.


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This is not the first time Diana has attempted to quell violence through speech. This is the not the first time violence was against people. This is the first time, though, she's trying to convince animals; non-human ones.

"No, Thomasina, you're mistaken about us. Though not about them. Them chicken-killers, these, ah, butchers, have no sense for the value of your life. *We*, though, understand you have goals and wants and the rights to pursue them. Also beautiful feathers. But murder, there, is no answer to murder. Would you forfeit your higher ground for revenge? Surely you have proven your point and we can help you so. Buy you wouldn't unleash more destruction and find yourself called a butcher yourself? A murderous fowl? A turkey bent on destruction, with whom the only argument comes out of rifles and knives?"

OOCAs I don't need to approach, I'm assumingI don't need to defend against the field?
Trying to create a "Distracted/hesitant Thomasina" advantage.

Create adv (using BOTH my skills at once), clever
[+,+,+,-] +2 = 4
fate(2) 1,1,1,-1
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As they talked Inkwell began to concentrate changing the color of the ink so it matched the ground and then weaving a tendril towards the large turkey in the back with the intent of shoving it back into the portal if a fight broke out.



  • Careful good +1
  • Clever fair +2
  • Flashy average +1
  • Forceful average +3
  • Quick mediocre +0
  • Sneaky fair +2



  • Basic Elasticity: Your ink stretches to incredible lengths. By stretching the liquid , you can interact with objects and make melee attacks in an adjacent zone without moving. Additionally, you can contort the ink into rough approximations of animals, objects, and tools, although the mass doesn't change.
  • enhancement: Natural Weapon: Your ink like projections can turn into blades, hammers, clubs…all manner of built-in weaponry.
  • enhancement: invisibility: this is more like camouflage where she can change the color of the ink to match the environment around her wont stand up to close inspection
  • Basic Natural Weapon: You have some sort of built-in weaponry, whether it be claws or crackling energy that surrounds your fists. You gain +2 to Fight while brawling unarmed in close quarters.

drawback her physical form is actually quite weak


  • Grappler. +2 to Physique rolls made to create advantages on an enemy by wrestling or grappling with them. (Fate Core, p.119)



Mild (2):

Moderate (4):

Severe (6):



(using the advantage to set up a surprise push is that possible?)

Edited by drealynn (see edit history)
[-,-,+,-] +2 = 0
fate(2) -1,-1,1,-1
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Posted (edited)

Thomasina scoffs at Diana. "Ha! Don't talk to me about murder. I've seen more murder than you have, so what are a few more human lives lost. I've freed the prisoners from this farm! Thanks to your meddling with the dimensional bridge, we lost our best chance to get them somewhere safe. The outer lines just weren't strong enough, so now I have to figure out something else."

"No matter! We've got what we need here. The time of closest approach is near! Just a bit more gear, and you'll see."

She waves her robotic arm in the direction of the heroes and calls out, "Get them!" She takes a step back towards the wall and picks up some kind of device from a nearby rack. Pressing a button, the orange portal glows more brightly and a second hulking 15-foot-tall turkey starts to emerge from it.

Giant turkey

The giant turkey already in the room lumbers towards Inkwell, trying to stomp on her extended ink while pecking at her.

OOCInkwell, your create advantage didn't work; you were spotted.

Diana, you did manage to get Thomasina going on a rant, so she is distracted. She has a "Distracted arguing" aspect that you have a free invocation on.

Inkwell, you need to roll a Defend.

Edited by pesukarhu (see edit history)
Thomasina defend vs Diana
[-,+,-,+] +2 = 2
fate(2) -1,1,-1,1
Thomasina defend vs Inkwell
[-,0,0,+] +1 = 1
fate(1) -1,0,0,1
Giant turkey attack Inkwell
[0,-,-,0] +2 = 0
fate(2) 0,-1,-1,0
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There are two things Diana hates: celery, and bullies. Also stomping on one's ink: that crosses a line. As Thomasina is concentrating on her device, Diana reaches to the side of the wall and picks up a couple of the disc thingies and leverages one of her most under-rated skills: ultimate frisbee championship. That was on computer, but still, ballistics you don't forget. Her trajectory goal is straight to knock the device out of Thomasina's robot hands and interrupt the second portal.


Quick Defend (or is that attack?), tagging distraction aspect
[-,-,-,+] +2 = 0
fate(2) -1,-1,-1,1
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