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And from the chaos emerges...


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Hey, never heard of this game system and would love to try this out honestly. However, to remove the risk of overthinking it, I will leave the mechanical skeleton of my PC to chance as much as possible. If I have read through (and counted correctly) then the only thing to select truly will be based on if I get repeat options somehow, the free foci (because racial ones are a thing), and also actual equipment.



Class, Free skill

Race, and Starting wealth

repeat (3d6,6) 5,2,5,5,3,5,2,4,4,6,1,1,3,5,1,6,6,1
16; 6,5,13
1d20; repeat(1d14,3) [16]; [16,6,5,13]
Class, Free skill
4; 4
1d4; 1d21 [4]; [4,4]
Race, and Starting wealth
3; 120
1d3; (3d6)*10 [3]; [3,5,2,5]
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Aaaaand Foci picks including racial options
Two class and racial as free

(addendum: my background skills are now know, craft, heal, and craft again which I had to replace so I made it know)

Edited by TheRedGoat
Adjusted skill "choices" (see edit history)
Two class and racial as free
11,23; 2
repeat(1d35,2);1d3 [11,23]; [11,23,2]
Actual random skill sll from learning tree
repeat(1d8,3) 3,1,3
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Resulting interpreted character!

Name - Caelynn Sablewood
Goal - Seeks out sources of ancient lore for riches and study, especially anything tied to either their own elven or human heritage.
Race - Half Elf
Background - Caelynn grew up in a trading kingdom. Strangers of many cultures were common to meet, and they learned how to make acquaintances and speak to travelers easily. She was raised as an orphan acolyte of The Golden Path, but quickly found work as an assistant to a local wizard much preferable. Ultimately though Caelynn found she had no skill at magic or spellcraft, and she eventually saved up enough to go out seeking for her own way in the world.
Class - Adventurer (partial expert/partial warrior), Quick Learner, Deadeye, Rider - Caelynn has a deceptively keen mind, an unhealthy fascination with knives, and a great love of animals.

Str - 14/+1
Dex - 13/+0
Con - 10/+0
Int - 8/+0
Wis - 9//+0
Cha - 13/+0

Hp 4
AC 13 (14 with shield)
Physical 14
Evasion 15
Mental 15
Luck 15
Attack +1 (+2 thrown with strength)

Connect - 0 (Quick to make acquaintances but not very persuasive)
Know - 1 (Caelynn could practically fill a small encyclopedia with the tidbits she's picked up over the years)
Craft - 1 (At the prompting of her mentor she learned numerous ways to produce fine art, especially including calligraphy)
Administer - 0 (Caelynn was a wizard's secretary more than an apprentice mage)
Shoot - 0 (The best part of an elven heritage is the advanced hand-eye-coordination)
Ride - 0 (Caelynn's childhood, stable-boy crush quickly discovered she liked the animals better than him)
Languages known: Thurian, Trade Cant, Old Vothian, Emedian, Ancient Osrin

money: 31sp on hand
common clothes (free)
Stowed items: 12/15
backpack 2sp, 0enc (1 when carried)
waterskin, 1 week rations 6sp, 5enc
grappling hook, 10 iron spikes, and 50' rope, 8sp, 4enc
tinder box and 10 candles 2sp, 2enc
writing kit with 20 sheets 5sp, 1enc

Readied items: 6/7
Linothorax 20sp, 1enc
Small shield 20sp, 1enc
Dagger 3sp, 1enc
15 throwing blades, 45sp, 3 enc (Caelynn has several discreet pockets for these)

Edited by TheRedGoat
Spent starting silver, Secondary edit for additional details, tertiary edit to make up for not doing background quite right. (see edit history)
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I realize I misinterpreted how that worked. I counted down the growth side, then down the learning side and did a random roll combining all of that for my "three at random" option. From those d14s then I rolled the connect, pray, and "any" skill choices, which I think i later chose to ignore my roll by mistake and make it a secondry "know" skill choice instead of "work". I can re-work that part if need be.

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@TheRedGoat oh I see, that makes sense. Yeah, you have to either choose the d6 growth column or the d8 learning column. If you could rework that it would be good.

One other question. Being new to the system, I had to do a little digging to figure this out. It looks like you might have 4 foci? Quick Learner, Deadeye, Rider, and Special Origin (Half-Elf). Am I reading that right? Or is the Half-Elf race part just flavor?


Special Origin Note

"Heroes in Worlds Without Number are assumed to be human, or close enough as to make no real difference. PCs who want to belong to some more exotic species or demihuman kind can pick the origin Focus appropriate to their chosen species, such as those given in the bestiary chapter for different types of creatures.

"Note also that a PC who just wants to be different without asking for any special mechanical benefits
does not need to buy any special Focus. If their particular demihuman or alien has no real advantages over a human, then they can just proclaim their nature as such, assuming the GM allows such beings in their campaign."


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5 hours ago, TheRedGoat said:

Adjustments made! And may I add, that by all means use the concept for the character as an npc if I don't strictly make the cut.

Thanks! Although it looks like you rolled craft, administer, craft instead of heal. Let me know if I'm reading that wrong.

Otherwise, I think this is good to go and you can mark it complete!

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