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  • 2 weeks later...

After Nick fury hands out the devices and some communication devices so you can keep in touch with each other. Everyone takes a break to prepare for the trials ahead. As he predicted several days pass before an alert goes through it seems there's been an attack following an incursion at the Rescue one station for fire fighters and other emergency services at 530 West 43rd street. Over your communicators Fury would ask everyone to gather there.


When the heroes arrive they would find a burning building with a fire truck tipped over on its side with clouds of smoke billowing out of the building. Several calls for help can be heard from under the truck and one from with the building.




when you arrive give me a vigilance check and roll initiative and then act in any order


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M2/A2/R2/V2/E0/L2: 2  Initiative: +2 HP: 60/60 Focus: 60/60 Karma: 2/2 Conditions: None



sturdy 1 and 2

phase self, Disrupt Electronic

Attack Stance, Counterstrike Technique, Fast Strikes , Chain Strikes, Strike with an Edge, Leg Sweep , Do This All Day

Ability score defense score non combat score
melee 2 12 +2
agility 2 12 +2
resilience 2 12 +2
vigilance 2 12 +2
ego 0 10 +0
logic 2 12




Hardcase surveys the scene, then looks around to see who else has arrived. He heads for the truck and building. "What happened? Can you wait until i get whoever's inside?"




3d6+2 6,6,6
3d6+2 2,3,1
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image.png.0f345fa85f239afb2db02b032d2fd8c3.pngWhite Tiger

M/A/R/V/E/L: 2/3/2/1/3/1 Initiative: +1 HP: 60/60 Focus: 30/30 Karma: 2/2 Conditions: 

"Madre de Dios!"  White Tiger exclaims as she looks over the tipped-over fire truck, and the fire raging out of the building. "What is one little White Tiger going to do here ?" Alya thought to herself as she scanned the area.




Edited by mykesfree (see edit history)
3d6+1 5,6,5
3d6+1 4,4,5
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M/A/R/V/E/L: 0/4/2/3/1/0 Initiative: +3 (edge on initiative checks)

HEALTH: 60/60 Focus: 110/120 Karma: 2/2 

Damage: Melee 2x +0, Agility 2x +4, Ego 3x +1? Logic 2x +0

Conditions: None

Indigo dashes into the building to help the search for people inside. His personal force field flaring into existence and he enters the main doors and begins a careful search.

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Conveniently next to the tipped over truck is another functioning one that could be used to push it out of the way to reach the trapped firefighters beneath. Within the building clouds of noxious smoke billow down the hallways as White Tiger and Hardcase spots some equipment they could use to make their way to the yelling within they also notices large imprinted footprints leading away from the area. Kate and Indigo try to breach the burning building finally making their way through the smoke to find two firefighters one panicking as he's trapped beneath some beams and one unconscious.


skill challenge

there's one firefighter trapped beneath the tipped over truck that can be reached by using the other truck with a logic check or pure strength I'll accept other skills or powers that could work too

For those entering the building you need a resilience check to get through the smoke and then an agility check to get the other firefighters. alternatively one of you could calm the panicking man down with a ego check

White tiger and Hardcase have an edge on any checks since they found the extra equipment

this is a skill challenge so describe what you do I may grant an edge for clever ideas post in any order


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M2/A2/R2/V2/E0/L2: 2  Initiative: +2 HP: 60/60 Focus: 60/60 Karma: 2/2 Conditions: None



sturdy 1 and 2

phase self, Disrupt Electronic

Attack Stance, Counterstrike Technique, Fast Strikes , Chain Strikes, Strike with an Edge, Leg Sweep , Do This All Day

Ability score defense score non combat score
melee 2 12 +2
agility 2 12 +2
resilience 2 12 +2
vigilance 2 12 +2
ego 0 10 +0
logic 2 12




Hardcase surveys the scene, then grabs some of the 'equipment' and points to the tracks. "Looks like this was intentional." He moves further in toward the yelling to see what the situation is.



3d6 4,3,3
3d6 2,5,4
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White Tiger


M/A/R/V/E/L: 2/3/2/1/3/1 Initiative: +1 HP: 60/60 Focus: 30/30 Karma: 2/2 Conditions: 

White Tiger grits her teeth determined. She grabs some firefighting equipment, puts it on, and enters the building. She looks to find the source of the yelling through the smoke. Alya hoped the Tiger God was listening. "Grant me your hunting skills for finding the prey that I seek."







Edited by mykesfree (see edit history)
3d6+2 4,4,6
3d6+3 4,2,6
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M/A/R/V/E/L: 0/4/2/3/1/0 Initiative: +3 (edge on initiative checks)

HEALTH: 60/60 Focus: 110/120 Karma: 2/2 

Damage: Melee 2x +0, Agility 2x +4, Ego 3x +1? Logic 2x +0

Conditions: None


3d6+2 5,5,1
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  • 2 weeks later...

The smoke and heat causes Hardcase to take some damage before the group finally arrive at the firefighters. White tiger was able to swiftly pull the debris aside and with their help slowly make it out of the burning building just in time as the flames grow fiercely. Indigo with his shield assist white tiger and hardcase in entering the building and helps carry the panicking firefighter out. Just as Kate try's to enter the building driving her back to the trucks still with one person trapped beneath one.


Skill challenge

the building is now burning too fiercely to enter again and there is still one firefighter beneath the tipped over truck. that can be reached by using the other truck with a logic check or pure strength I'll accept other skills or powers that could work too Hardcase takes five damage as he doesn't avoid the toxic smoke.


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M2/A2/R2/V2/E0/L2: 2  Initiative: +2 HP: 55/60 Focus: 60/60 Karma: 2/2 Conditions: None



sturdy 1 and 2

phase self, Disrupt Electronic

Attack Stance, Counterstrike Technique, Fast Strikes , Chain Strikes, Strike with an Edge, Leg Sweep , Do This All Day

Ability score defense score non combat score
melee 2 12 +2
agility 2 12 +2
resilience 2 12 +2
vigilance 2 12 +2
ego 0 10 +0
logic 2 12




Hardcase surveys the scene, looking for anything that help to lever the ruck up in order to pull the fire fighter out



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3d6+2 2,2,4
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