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The Steady Beacon (IC Thread)


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The Steady Beacon

   The Steady Beacon is a tavern that boasts a large taproom, a fish-focused menu, and modest lodging. Its decor features the broken weapons of defeated bandits. The tavern is a favorite of Kalaman’s soldiers, and most evenings, dozens of off-duty troops relax here. The inn’s owner, Jesen Thold (human veteran), is a friend of Marshal Nestra Vendri, head of Kalaman’s military.

   As with all my applicants, I would like for you to chat with your other applicants in-character. The current group (who all went through this, too) and I will be deciding from the pool on who would best fit.

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Fairla TokenFairla Sunnybank — Abjuration Wizard 5


30 ft.







Combat Proficiencies
Tool Proficiencies

At the end of a long day of treating wounded soldiers and refugees, Fairla, dressed in her usual white robes, stops by the tavern for a drink. It had become a habit of hers in the weeks since she'd arrived in Kalaman to have a drink at The Steady Beacon on the way back to her rented room. It was a luxury she allowed herself: warm food, interesting people, booze.

Every day, she'd seen more and more people streaming in to the safety of the city walls and she was starting to feel antsy. There's only so much I can do here. Maybe I should find a military unit to join up with? That was starting to feel like her best course of action. But that's a problem for another day, she decides as she enters the tavern.

The scents of stale beer and grilled fish wash over her as she walks in. She hears the raucous ruckus of soldiers in a far booth; deciding not to engage with them for the moment, she instead takes a seat at the bar.

"Afternoon." She greets the bartender with a smile. "One order of fish stew, please, and a beer."

She looks around; there's no one else at the bar yet, so she pulls a book out of her bag. The title reads: "Strange Tales from an Ergothian Studio." Fairla peruses the book while she waits for her food. She wonders as she sips her drink, What kind of people will come by today?





Modifier (Int): +4
Spell Attack: +7
Save DC: 15


  1. Fire Bolt
  2. Light
  3. Mage Hand
  4. Mending
  5. Prestidigitation


  1. ( ) Alarm [R]
  2. (P) Comprehend Languages [R]
  3. ( ) Detect Magic [R]
  4. (p) Feather Fall
  5. ( ) Floating Disk [R]
  6. (p) Grease
  7. (p) Mage Armor
  8. (p) Magic Missile
  9. (P) Shield
  10. ( ) Unseen Servant [R]


  1. (P) Aid
  2. (p) Detect Thoughts [c]
  3. (p) Invisibility [c]
  4. (p) Mirror Image
  5. (p) Misty Step


  1. (p) Counterspell
  2. ( ) Tiny Hut [R]

Stat Block

Fairla Sunnybank
Human (Variant) Wizard 5 LG

AC 12 HP 32 Speed 30ft

Str 10 (0) Dex 14 (2) Con 14 (2) Wis 8 (-1) Int 18 (4) Cha 12 (1)

Firebolt (120 ft.) +7 2d10 Fire
Quarterstaff (5 ft.) +3 1d6(8) Bludgeoning

Wizard Features:
Abjuration Savant
Arcane Recovery (3 levels/LR)
Arcane Ward (14 HP maximum)

Initiate of High Sorcery
Adept of the White Robes


Gp: 262 Sp: 4 Cp: 4


  1. Bag of Holding
  2. Clothes, Common
  3. Healer's Kit
  4. Orb
  5. Potion of Healing (Common)
  6. Quarterstaff
  7. Robes
  8. Spellbook

Bag of Holding

  1. Abacus
  2. Backpack
  3. Ball Bearings (bag of 1000)
  4. Bedroll
  5. Bell
  6. Blanket
  7. Block and Tackle
  8. Book
  9. Bottle, Glass
  10. Bucket
  11. Candle
  12. Case, Map or Scroll
  13. Clothes, Fine
  14. Clothes, Traveler's
  15. Crowbar
  16. Flask
  17. Grappling Hook
  18. Hammer
  19. Hammer, Sledge
  20. Healer's Kit
  21. Hourglass
  22. Ink Pen
  23. Ink, Black
  24. Ink, Blue
  25. Lantern, Hooded
  26. Little Bag of Sand
  27. Magnifying Glass
  28. Manacles
  29. Mess Kit
  30. Oil (flask)
  31. Parchment (sheet)
  32. Perfume (vial)
  33. Pick, Miner's
  34. Piton
  35. Pouch
  36. Rations (1 day)
  37. Rope, Hempen (50 ft.)
  38. Rope, Silk (50 ft.)
  39. Sack
  40. Scale, Merchant's
  41. Sealing Wax
  42. Shovel
  43. Signal Whistle
  44. Small Knife
  45. Soap
  46. Spikes, Iron
  47. String (10 ft.)
  48. Tent, Two-Person
  49. Tinderbox
  50. Vial
  51. Waterskin
  52. Wine, Common (pitcher) + pitcher
  53. Wine, Fine (bottle)

Riding Horse

  1. Bit and Bridle
  2. Riding Saddle
  3. Saddlebags
  4. Feed (10 days)
Edited by morgan_ (see edit history)
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Rakath-Elspacer.png — Samurai Fighter 5


30 ft.







Combat Proficiencies
Tool Proficiencies

As expected, the first thing that struck Rakath as he entered the establishment was the smell. The elf wrinkled his nose in poorly veiled disdain, but then reminded himself to abstain from judging humans too harshly for such minor shortcommings. As he pulled a chair to make himself comfortable, the birning pain in his left side also promted him to ignore the smell and focus on more pressing matters first. 'Goblin arrows might be crude, but they surely hurt just the same' he thought to himself as he carefully felt the wound with his palm.

"DeghnyahA common phrase for greetings in the solamnic language that is starting to bleed into the common tongue as well at least accross the lands close to Solamnia., master steward." The elf broke the short moments of silence with perfect solamnic accent, while eyeing at the barkeep. "A mug of your strongest Harvest ale to wash the Southroad of my gullet and some boiled cloth to fend me from bleeding on the floor of that fine tavern, if you please."

The words took the barkeep out of his usual feigned disinterest and he allowed himself a quick glare at the young Silvanesti before shuffling over a few steps to service part of his request. "Boy, tell your mother to fetch some linen bandage!" He snapped at one of the young boys cleaning dishes in the backroom. "A moment if you will... sir." The host stared at the newcommer onece again, trying to match the solamnic crest on his armor with the elven face right above.

"Armsmen!" Rakath threw his voice towards the group of soldiers in the back. "I'm afraid I have to be a bother, but one of you lads better make a dash and tell your captain that there are three dead goblins still bleeding ten miles ahead in the road to the South. They tend to flock together in bigger numbers so the evening patrol should be extra careful if you care for an advice" his tone firmly implied the importance of the request.

At last, he notticed the woman quietly sitting next to him book in hand. "M'lady." Rakath acknowledged Fairla's presence with a neck bow.


Edited by Falon (see edit history)
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token_1.png.451fa62d12c0f2185636025bbfd5d519.pngArlo Thistleknott

Kender Entertainer Arcane Trickster Rogue

AC: 16 (Studded Leather) | HP: 48/48 | Speed: 40 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 17, Insight 14, Investigation 15
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 18 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 12 (+1) | Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Kenderpseak, and Thieves' Cant

Arlo wanders in to the Steady Beacon, his eyes wide with wonder. The Kender is wearing a mismatched outfit of green, yellow, and blue which might have started out as some sort of a performer's costume. The colors are bright and cheerful, but anyone besides a Kender would think that they clash dreadfully. A glossy black raven perches on his shoulder, cawing softly into his ear. Arlo reaches up and absentmindedly scratches the bird's neck. He's made it as far east as Kalaman, but his way home is very rudely blocked at the moment. This gives him an excuse to explore a new city, not that he really needs an excuse to do so. He'd always heard that Kalaman had one of the most comfortable jails in Ansalon. He isn't ready to visit it, yet, but he knows that the city guard will likely eventually catch him and put him there for the night. It's really nice of them to make sure that I have a place to sleep, he thinks to himself. Although I'm not sure why they're only worried about Kender not having somewhere to spend the night. Humans are nice, but they're odd.

Arlo smiles as he smells the delicious smells wafting out of the kitchen. If he guesses correctly, there are at least five different fish being cooked right now. Arlo loves fish, and he's excited to sample what the inn has to offer. He walks up to the bar, hoists himself into one of the oversized barstools with some difficulty and smiles at bartender. "Before you ask, yes, I can pay," he says cheerfully. Humans are always wondering if he can pay for things. Arlo reaches into one of his pouches and pulls out a handful of buttons, lint, and copper and silver coins, which he deposits on the bar in front of him. "I am relatively certain that this is enough buttons for a bowl of that delicious fish stew and a beer. At least I hope it is. If not, I picked up some sea shells earlier today which are very nice. I would be happy to share them with you."

Arlo looks to his right at the woman in wizard's robes reading a book and the elf who is trying to talk to her. He extends a hand to the woman and then stands on his stool so he can reach out to shake hands with the elf. "How do you do?" he asks. "I'm very pleased to meet you. My name is Arlo Thistleknott, and this is my familiar, Corbin." He gives the bird a scratch and pauses to let the others admire the raven. "We're looking for my Uncle Trapspringer. Have either of you seen him, by any chance? No one seems to know where he is." He pauses for breath and then notices the book the wizard is reading. "Is that your spellbook? Are you a Mage of High Sorcery? I really want to be one more than anything else in the world, but my friend Par-Salian told me that Kender aren't allowed to take the Test of High Sorcery. Do you know Par-Salian? I have a spellbook. Would you like to see it? Maybe we could trade spells. I know that wizards like to do that sometimes, but no one seems to want to trade spells with me for some reason." If no one jumps in to interrupt him, Arlo seems like he is perfectly capable to carry on an entirely one-sided conversation.


Taunt: 3/3
Spell Slots: 3/3 1st Level

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Fairla TokenFairla Sunnybank — Abjuration Wizard 5


30 ft.







Combat Proficiencies
Tool Proficiencies

Fairla sits, engrossed in her book, her attention only briefly diverted by the sound of the tavern door swinging open. She hears a man stride in and start giving orders in a perfect Solamnic accent; looking up momentarily, she sees Rakath’s ornately-engraved armor. He must be a Knight of Solamnia, Fairla thinks.

She puts down her book and looks up when Rakath addresses her. “Hm? Oh, good evening, Sir Knight.” She returns his bow and takes a closer look at him. She first notices his bleeding wrist, and next his Silvanesti features. How did he came to be a Knight? she wonders. But there is a more urgent matter.

Fairla recalls Rakath’s request for bandages and remembers that she, in fact, has some in her bag. She retrieves her first aid kit; it takes her a few seconds of digging to find it, despite the seemingly small dimensions of the bag. She finally extends a bundle of bandages towards Rakath. "Here," she says softly, her voice carrying a gentle warmth. "You can use these. Allow me to assist you."

"I'm Fairla," she introduces herself with a small smile. “Fairla Sunnybank, of the White Robes. If you don’t mind my asking, how is the south road right now?”


When the garishly-dressed kender joins them, Fairla shakes his hand and tries to keep up with all his questions. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Arlo. I am indeed a Mage of High Sorcery and I have mer Par-Salian. Unfortunately, I have not seen your Uncle Trapsinger." Fairla find Arlo just as intriguing as Rakath. I've never met a Kender wizard before, nor have I heard of one taking the Test of High Sorcery. Nevertheless, I am curious about his spellbook. What kinds of spells could he have in there?

"I wouldn't mind trading spells with a fellow wizard," she says. It couldn't hurt to share, especially with a Knight of Solamnia around. Fairla pulls out her own spellbook and places it on the bar. "The book doesn't leave this spot, alright? You may not get much out of it, though."


With Rakath’s permission, Fairla would apply the bandages herself.

If Arlo looks in Fairla's spellbook, he would see handwritten text written in code along with some diagrams. The code come from the Linguist Feat:

  • You can ably create written ciphers. Others can’t decipher a code you create unless you teach them, they succeed on an Intelligence check (DC equal to your Intelligence score + your proficiency bonus [18 + 3 = 21], or they use magic to decipher it.



Modifier (Int): +4
Spell Attack: +7
Save DC: 15


  1. Fire Bolt
  2. Light
  3. Mage Hand
  4. Mending
  5. Prestidigitation


  1. ( ) Alarm [R]
  2. (P) Comprehend Languages [R]
  3. ( ) Detect Magic [R]
  4. (p) Feather Fall
  5. ( ) Floating Disk [R]
  6. (p) Grease
  7. (p) Mage Armor
  8. (p) Magic Missile
  9. (P) Shield
  10. ( ) Unseen Servant [R]


  1. (P) Aid
  2. (p) Detect Thoughts [c]
  3. (p) Invisibility [c]
  4. (p) Mirror Image
  5. (p) Misty Step


  1. (p) Counterspell
  2. ( ) Tiny Hut [R]

Stat Block

Fairla Sunnybank
Human (Variant) Wizard 5 LG

AC 12 HP 32 Speed 30ft

Str 10 (0) Dex 14 (2) Con 14 (2) Wis 8 (-1) Int 18 (4) Cha 12 (1)

Firebolt (120 ft.) +7 2d10 Fire
Quarterstaff (5 ft.) +3 1d6(8) Bludgeoning

Wizard Features:
Abjuration Savant
Arcane Recovery (3 levels/LR)
Arcane Ward (14 HP maximum)

Initiate of High Sorcery
Adept of the White Robes


Gp: 262 Sp: 4 Cp: 4


  1. Bag of Holding
  2. Clothes, Common
  3. Healer's Kit
  4. Orb
  5. Potion of Healing (Common)
  6. Quarterstaff
  7. Robes
  8. Spellbook

Bag of Holding

  1. Abacus
  2. Backpack
  3. Ball Bearings (bag of 1000)
  4. Bedroll
  5. Bell
  6. Blanket
  7. Block and Tackle
  8. Book
  9. Bottle, Glass
  10. Bucket
  11. Candle
  12. Case, Map or Scroll
  13. Clothes, Fine
  14. Clothes, Traveler's
  15. Crowbar
  16. Flask
  17. Grappling Hook
  18. Hammer
  19. Hammer, Sledge
  20. Healer's Kit
  21. Hourglass
  22. Ink Pen
  23. Ink, Black
  24. Ink, Blue
  25. Lantern, Hooded
  26. Little Bag of Sand
  27. Magnifying Glass
  28. Manacles
  29. Mess Kit
  30. Oil (flask)
  31. Parchment (sheet)
  32. Perfume (vial)
  33. Pick, Miner's
  34. Piton
  35. Pouch
  36. Rations (1 day)
  37. Rope, Hempen (50 ft.)
  38. Rope, Silk (50 ft.)
  39. Sack
  40. Scale, Merchant's
  41. Sealing Wax
  42. Shovel
  43. Signal Whistle
  44. Small Knife
  45. Soap
  46. Spikes, Iron
  47. String (10 ft.)
  48. Tent, Two-Person
  49. Tinderbox
  50. Vial
  51. Waterskin
  52. Wine, Common (pitcher) + pitcher
  53. Wine, Fine (bottle)

Riding Horse

  1. Bit and Bridle
  2. Riding Saddle
  3. Saddlebags
  4. Feed (10 days)
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spacer.pngRakath-El — Samurai Fighter 5


30 ft.







Combat Proficiencies
Tool Proficiencies


The elf accepted Fairla's assistance with a relieved smile and addressed her question. "Eh... hard to say for sure. More dangerous that it should be, safer that it could. I had the displeasure to meet few goblins skulking by the road." He noded towars his newly-bandaged wound. "And there are wilder tales, though I can't attest to their truthfulness. Just this LinarasSunday I did hear a caravan guard swear he saw bats the size of a grown man flying in the night sky."

Rakath entertained the tought of an elder kender getting tossed in the air by a group of man-sized bats and took a worried look at Arlo. "Do you have reason to believe your uncle is lost somewhere within the city or beyond, little one? Did you spoke with the city militia already? Maybe they can offer some insights on his whereabouts?"

The bird on Arlo's shoulder uttered a gurgling croak and by force of habbit the elf rubbed the ink marks on his hand. "The people of Gateway believe that birds bring us messages from the gods themself. How did that saying go..."

"A raven for boy, strong and tall like his father,
Two ravens for girl, with the eyes of her mother,
Three ravens for copper, to the haggard farm hand,
Four ravens for gold, to the lord of the land,
Five for sorrow, six for joy, and seven for secret hidden from all...
But beware, beware, of a murder of crows,
for it bodes us ill omen and the Dark Queen's shadow grows."

"No word for your uncle in it though... maybe that divination works only in the city of Gateway, eh?"




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token_1.png.451fa62d12c0f2185636025bbfd5d519.pngArlo Thistleknott

Kender Entertainer Arcane Trickster Rogue

AC: 16 (Studded Leather) | HP: 48/48 | Speed: 40 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 17, Insight 14, Investigation 15
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 18 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 12 (+1) | Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Kenderpseak, and Thieves' Cant

Arlo smiles cheerfully at Fairla and Rakath. "It's always wonderful to meet new friends! Don't worry about not having seen Uncle Trapspringer; no one else has either. I'm sure he's fine. He's a very capable Kender, and I know he wouldn't leave home without his lockpicks. My cousin Pricklypear thought he might be in Hylo, so I just took a trip there to find him. He wasn't there, but I did meet some cousins that I didn't know I had, so it was a very good trip."

Arlo rummages in his backpack as he speaks. He pulls out a battered-looking book, which he places carefully on the bar in front of Fairla. It's immediately obvious that this "spellbook" is unlike any other that she has ever seen. The pages are dog-eared and tattered. Various makeshift bookmarks bulge out from between the covers. Fairla sees numerous leaves, pressed wildflowers, and shells marking points in the book. There is a mysterious stain on the front cover. When she opens the book, it is filled with a childish scrawl that wanders over every page. Arlo has tried to mimic the magical runes that wizards use to write their spells, but most of the runes are complete nonsense. The few actual runes are consistently misused. The margins of the pages are filled with various doodles. As she pages through the book, there is a set of images of a Kender and an old man with a beard riding a unicorn together. They are depicted having various adventures, and the words "best friends" are written below each doodle. It seems like Arlo has been drawing pictures of himself and Par-Salian.

Meanwhile, Arlo studies Fairla's spellbook. As he concentrates, the tip of his tongue peeks out of his mouth. His brow furrows as he fails to understand anything he reads. "That's funny. I can't understand anything in here. When I found the spellbook that Black Robe lost in the Inn of the Last Home, I could read her spells. I didn't keep the book, Fairla, don't worry. That would be wrong. She didn't come back for it, so I took it to Par-Salian for safe keeping. He promised me that he knew who she was and that he would make sure she got it back. He's a White Robe, like you are, so I knew I could trust him." He hands the spellbook back to Fairla with some reluctance. He loves puzzles, and Fairla's spellbook seems like a wonderful puzzle to solve.

"I've never heard that rhyme before," Arlo tells Rakath. "I didn't know that the gods still sent messages. I tried to talk to Nuitari once, but Par-Salian told me that he doesn't really care for Kender. I'd love to meet a god. I don't think Corbin knows any, though. If he does, he hasn't introduced me to them, which is awfully rude of him, because he is my familiar. I summoned him with a spell and he came to me. Watch what he can do!" Arlo waves his hand, dismissing Corbin, who pops out of view. A few seconds later, the crow appears perchd on Arlo's other shoulder.

"How did you become a knight?" he asks Rakath. "I've never met an elf who's a knight before. Do you like being a Knight of Solamnia? Are you allowed to tell jokes? All the knights I've met never seem impressed with the jokes I tell them. I bet it's really fun to be a knight. Probably not as much fun as being a wizard, but no one ever tries to put knights in jail, do they? Everyone tries to round us Kender up to 'stop you from causing mischief.'" Arlo imitates a gruff human voice. "I would never cause mischief. I'm a very respectable Kender. My Uncle Trapspringer is the most famous Kender ever, after all. You do meet the most interesting people in jail though, and some of them have surprisingly good food. I hear good things about Kalaman's jail. It's a recommended destination for Kender with wanderlust. My grandmother told me, 'Arlo, you have to spend at least a night in Kalaman's jail. It's the nicest one in Ansalon.'"


Taunt: 3/3
Spell Slots: 3/3 1st Level

Edited by codexgigas (see edit history)
1d20+2 10
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Corbin Tavernier

Human Inquisitive/fighter 

AC: 18 | HP: 43/43 | HD: 5/5 | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 15, Insight 15, Investigation 16
Str: 13 (+1) | Dex: 18 (+4) | Con: 10 (+0) | Int: 10 (0) | Wis: 14 (+2) | Cha: 13 (+1)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Elvish and Solamnic

A tall human dressed in a casual green and dark brown clothes, with a sword and dagger on his belt steps up to the bar as the Kender speaks. Waiting for the barkeep's attention, he gives Arlo a half smile. "You know, the Measure has a rule for every situation a knight may find themselves in, so many rules it's over 30 volumes long. That's too many for anybody to remember. So whether they are allowed to have fun depends on if the condensed version they were taught as a squire contains Volume 27, page 16, article 2: A knight must never remove the stick up his arse, lest he face dire consequences."

He shakes his head ruefully,"sadly, it's one of the more common versions." The man puts his left elbow on the bar, leans in and drops his voice into a conspiratorial whisper to Arlo.


Here will be meta-stuff, when relevant

Edited by BuyCrom (see edit history)
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Fairla TokenFairla Sunnybank — Abjuration Wizard 5


30 ft.







Combat Proficiencies
Tool Proficiencies

Fairla shudders when Rakath mentions giant bats. I'd better be extra careful when I go outside at night, she thinks. When he recites the poem from Gateway, she listens attentively.

While keeping an eye on her own spellbook, she reads through Arlo's slowly, careful not to disturb the ordered chaos within. She finds a surprise on every page, be it shell, spell rune, or scribble. She contrasts it with the starkness of her own book, which contains nothing but neatly-arranged matrices of letters and a few diagrams. Maybe I ought get a pretty bookmark...

She tries to decipher the runes next, but she can't make any sense of them. These are either complete nonsense or beyond my ability level. She considers his familiar crow. Arlo knows some kind of magic, at least.

When she reaches the "best friends" series of doodles, she stifles a squeal of delight. Oh my gosh, this has to be the cutest thing I've ever seen! Fairla tries to regain her composure as she flips from one drawing to the next. Between this and Rakath's poem, I have been blessed with wonderful companions tonight. Eventually, Arlo hands her spellbook back. "I couldn't understand anything in your book, either," she says as she returns Arlo's spellbook, "but it was delightful to read. Thank you for sharing, Arlo. You certainly seem like a very respectable person."

While listening to Arlo's stream of questions for Rakath, she interjects, "nothing's as fun as being a wizard." To accentuate her point, with a few magic words and gestures, she makes her beer refreshingly cold and takes a sip. She offers to do the same to anyone else’s drink.

In the next break in the conversation, she asks, “It sounds like you're both quite well-traveled; have either of you been in Kalaman long?”

And to the man in green, she says, "Hello, friend. My name's Fairla. What's yours?"


Action: Prestidigitation



Modifier (Int): +4
Spell Attack: +7
Save DC: 15


  1. Fire Bolt
  2. Light
  3. Mage Hand
  4. Mending
  5. Prestidigitation

4 Spell Slots

  1. ( ) Absorb Elements
  2. ( ) Alarm [R]
  3. (P) Comprehend Languages [R]
  4. ( ) Detect Magic [R]
  5. (p) Feather Fall
  6. ( ) Floating Disk [R]
  7. (p) Grease
  8. ( ) Identify [R]
  9. ( ) Illusory Script [R]
  10. (p) Mage Armor
  11. (p) Magic Missile
  12. (P) Shield
  13. ( ) Unseen Servant [R]

3 Spell Slots

  1. (P) Aid
  2. (p) Detect Thoughts [c]
  3. (p) Hold Person [c]
  4. (p) Invisibility [c]
  5. (p) Misty Step

2 Spell Slots

  1. (p) Counterspell
  2. ( ) Tiny Hut [R]

Stat Block

Fairla Sunnybank
Human (Variant) Wizard 5 LG

AC 12 HP 32 Speed 30ft

Str 10 (0) Dex 14 (2) Con 14 (2) Wis 8 (-1) Int 18 (4) Cha 12 (1)

Firebolt (120 ft.) +7 2d10 Fire
Quarterstaff (5 ft.) +3 1d6(8) Bludgeoning

Wizard Features:
Abjuration Savant
Arcane Recovery (3 levels/LR)
Arcane Ward (14 HP maximum)

Initiate of High Sorcery
Adept of the White Robes


Gp: 262 Sp: 4 Cp: 4


  1. Bag of Holding
  2. Clothes, Common
  3. Healer's Kit
  4. Orb
  5. Potion of Healing (Common)
  6. Quarterstaff
  7. Robes
  8. Spellbook

Bag of Holding

  1. Abacus
  2. Backpack
  3. Ball Bearings (bag of 1000)
  4. Bedroll
  5. Bell
  6. Blanket
  7. Block and Tackle
  8. Book
  9. Bottle, Glass
  10. Bucket
  11. Candle
  12. Case, Map or Scroll
  13. Clothes, Fine
  14. Clothes, Traveler's
  15. Crowbar
  16. Flask
  17. Grappling Hook
  18. Hammer
  19. Hammer, Sledge
  20. Healer's Kit
  21. Hourglass
  22. Ink Pen
  23. Ink, Black
  24. Ink, Blue
  25. Lantern, Hooded
  26. Little Bag of Sand
  27. Magnifying Glass
  28. Manacles
  29. Mess Kit
  30. Oil (flask)
  31. Parchment (sheet)
  32. Perfume (vial)
  33. Pick, Miner's
  34. Piton
  35. Pouch
  36. Rations (1 day)
  37. Rope, Hempen (50 ft.)
  38. Rope, Silk (50 ft.)
  39. Sack
  40. Scale, Merchant's
  41. Sealing Wax
  42. Shovel
  43. Signal Whistle
  44. Small Knife
  45. Soap
  46. Spikes, Iron
  47. String (10 ft.)
  48. Tent, Two-Person
  49. Tinderbox
  50. Vial
  51. Waterskin
  52. Wine, Common (pitcher) + pitcher
  53. Wine, Fine (bottle)

Riding Horse

  1. Bit and Bridle
  2. Riding Saddle
  3. Saddlebags
  4. Feed (10 days)
Edited by morgan_ (see edit history)
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token_1.png.451fa62d12c0f2185636025bbfd5d519.pngArlo Thistleknott

Kender Entertainer Arcane Trickster Rogue

AC: 16 (Studded Leather) | HP: 48/48 | Speed: 40 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 18, Insight 15, Investigation 16
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 18 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 12 (+1) | Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Kenderpseak, and Thieves' Cant

Arlo snickers as the new human whispers something about sticks in his ear. He gives Rakath a considering look, and then responds too loudly to Corbin, "How can you tell if he has a stick up there if you can't see it?" The Kender thinks of a stream of new questions for the knight at this moment. "Are there really that many volumes to the Measure? How heavy are they? Do you have to carry them around like spellbooks?"

Arlo claps in delight at Fairla's magic. "That's a great spell. Watch what I can do!" he says excitedly. He wiggles his fingers and mutters something under his breath. The spoon rises up out of his newly-arrived bowl of fish stew and floats toward his mouth as if carried by an invisible hand. Arlo opens his mouth to take a bite as the spoon floats back down into the bowl. "That's delicious! I bet it's even better than the food in the jail."

At this point, Arlo realizes that he hasn't introduced himself to the new arrival. "How rude of me! I haven't introduced myself. I apologize, sir. My name is Arlo Thistleknott. Have you seen my Uncle Trapspringer?" he asks, standing up on his bar stool and extending his hand for Corbin to shake.

"I've been all over," Arlo says. "I'm from Kendermore, but everyone agreed that I was old enough to go out on my own and explore. I haven't been home in years. First I was looking for my Uncle Trapspringer, and then I was trying to take the Test of High Sorcery, and then I was looking for Uncle Trapspringer again. It's not fair that Par-Salian won't let Kender take the Test. I thought that if they wouldn't let me take it in Wayreth that I would just find another Tower of High Sorcery. There's one in Palanthas, but I couldn't make it there. The trees around it were... scary." Arlo says this last word in a whisper. For a Kender to find it scary, the Shoikan Grove must be truly terrifying. "Then someone told me that there used to be a Tower in Istar, so I decided I would find it. A Tower of High Sorcery must be durable, so I'm sure it survived the Cataclysm. The only problem is that it must be at the bottom of the Blood Sea of Istar, and I couldn't figure out a spell that would let me breathe underwater. I asked some fish for help, but they wouldn't teach me how they mange to breathe in the sea. That's when I decided I should see if Uncle Trapspringer was in Hylo. He wasn't, so I figured it was time to visit home and see how everyone was doing. That's how I ended up here in Kalaman. I tried to go farther east, but some real mean humans wearing red armor stopped me. They had these dragon-men things with them, and I didn't like the look of them. They talked and talked and talked about how things would be different when some Emperor ruled everything. I didn't really listen. I managed to slip away. I guess I'm stuck here until someone teaches them a lesson and the way home opens back up. I don't suppose anyone here is good at teaching bullies lessons? I'm happy to help, but most people aren't intimidated by Kender."


Arlo casts mage hand.

Taunt: 3/3
Spell Slots: 3/3 1st Level

Edited by codexgigas (see edit history)
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Feyren "Jinx" Silverbreeze

Silvanesti Mage of High Sorcery Moon Thief Rogue

AC: 16 (Studded leather+Dex) | HP: 38/38 (5d8+10) | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 14, Insight 11, Investigation 18
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 18 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 19 (+4) | Wis: 12 (+1) | Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Draconic, and Solamnic

“My words,” Feyren said. | ‘My thoughts,’  Feyren thought. | My actions . . .

Feyren pushes open the door to the Steady Beacon, hearing the door make a familiar squeak as it closes. It's only needed oil for over a year; why hurry to do it now? The five-and-a-half-foot-tall elven woman walks into the room and quickly surveys who is there, mentally inventorying everyone in the common room. She arrives in time to hear both Fairla and Arlo introduce themselves. She raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything. Dressed in dark clothes with a bow slung across her back, she finds an open table and grabs a seat near the chatting group. As one of the waitresses walks by, she grabs her by the arm and says, "A cup of hot water and whatever you have that close to a summer blend elven tea."

It's easy to overhear the conversation of nearby strangers. As the kind woman returns with her tea, Feyren looks around for something before standing up and walking to the bar. With a gesture, a spectral hand appears from the ether and grabs a jar of honey tucked behind the bar; she seems to know where it is. As it gently floats to her hand, she nods toward the strangers.

Something the kender says perks her interest and she asks, "You sought to take the Mage of High Sorcery Test? How long have you studied magic?"

Looking then to the Fairla, she asks, "How about you? Did you take the Test? Did you pass?"

With information to be learned, Feyren pauses a moment letting her tea cool on the table nearby.


Using mage hand to retrieve the honey.

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Fairla TokenFairla Sunnybank — Abjuration Wizard 5


30 ft.







Combat Proficiencies
Tool Proficiencies

"Oh, very impressive," Fairla says with an irrepressible smile as Arlo causes his spoon to float. "That's not easy to learn. Did Par-Salian teach it to you?" She observes Arlo's hand motions closely and tries to distinguish his incantations from the increasingly noisy tavern. How did he do that? It took me three years to do something similar. To show her respect, she casts an invisible Mage Hand of her own and causes her mug of beer to rise, inviting Arlo to toast.

When Feyren ferries the honey jar over the bar, Fairla spins around on her bar stool, her white robes swaying slightly as she does, in an attempt to see the caster. Fairla returns Feyren's nod. "Ah, a fellow mage. It's a pleasure to meet you. Have I seen you here before?" Fairla had been coming to The Steady Beacon regularly for a few weeks, but she wasn't sure if she'd seen this particular elf before. "My name's Fairla. I did pass the Test of High Sorcery; it took me over ten years of study before I was allowed to take it. Have you taken the Test?" she asks Feyren.


Action: Mage Hand



Modifier (Int): +4
Spell Attack: +7
Save DC: 15


  1. Fire Bolt
  2. Light
  3. Mage Hand
  4. Mending
  5. Prestidigitation

4 Spell Slots

  1. ( ) Absorb Elements
  2. ( ) Alarm [R]
  3. (P) Comprehend Languages [R]
  4. ( ) Detect Magic [R]
  5. (p) Feather Fall
  6. ( ) Floating Disk [R]
  7. (p) Grease
  8. ( ) Identify [R]
  9. ( ) Illusory Script [R]
  10. (p) Mage Armor
  11. (p) Magic Missile
  12. (P) Shield
  13. ( ) Unseen Servant [R]

3 Spell Slots

  1. (P) Aid
  2. (p) Detect Thoughts [c]
  3. (p) Hold Person [c]
  4. (p) Invisibility [c]
  5. (p) Misty Step

2 Spell Slots

  1. (p) Counterspell
  2. ( ) Tiny Hut [R]

Stat Block

Fairla Sunnybank
Human (Variant) Wizard 5 LG

AC 12 HP 32 Speed 30ft

Str 10 (0) Dex 14 (2) Con 14 (2) Wis 8 (-1) Int 18 (4) Cha 12 (1)

Firebolt (120 ft.) +7 2d10 Fire
Quarterstaff (5 ft.) +3 1d6(8) Bludgeoning

Wizard Features:
Abjuration Savant
Arcane Recovery (3 levels/LR)
Arcane Ward (14 HP maximum)

Initiate of High Sorcery
Adept of the White Robes


Gp: 262 Sp: 4 Cp: 4


  1. Bag of Holding
  2. Clothes, Common
  3. Healer's Kit
  4. Orb
  5. Potion of Healing (Common)
  6. Quarterstaff
  7. Robes
  8. Spellbook

Bag of Holding

  1. Abacus
  2. Backpack
  3. Ball Bearings (bag of 1000)
  4. Bedroll
  5. Bell
  6. Blanket
  7. Block and Tackle
  8. Book
  9. Bottle, Glass
  10. Bucket
  11. Candle
  12. Case, Map or Scroll
  13. Clothes, Fine
  14. Clothes, Traveler's
  15. Crowbar
  16. Flask
  17. Grappling Hook
  18. Hammer
  19. Hammer, Sledge
  20. Healer's Kit
  21. Hourglass
  22. Ink Pen
  23. Ink, Black
  24. Ink, Blue
  25. Lantern, Hooded
  26. Little Bag of Sand
  27. Magnifying Glass
  28. Manacles
  29. Mess Kit
  30. Oil (flask)
  31. Parchment (sheet)
  32. Perfume (vial)
  33. Pick, Miner's
  34. Piton
  35. Pouch
  36. Rations (1 day)
  37. Rope, Hempen (50 ft.)
  38. Rope, Silk (50 ft.)
  39. Sack
  40. Scale, Merchant's
  41. Sealing Wax
  42. Shovel
  43. Signal Whistle
  44. Small Knife
  45. Soap
  46. Spikes, Iron
  47. String (10 ft.)
  48. Tent, Two-Person
  49. Tinderbox
  50. Vial
  51. Waterskin
  52. Wine, Common (pitcher) + pitcher
  53. Wine, Fine (bottle)

Riding Horse

  1. Bit and Bridle
  2. Riding Saddle
  3. Saddlebags
  4. Feed (10 days)
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Feyren "Jinx" Silverbreeze

Silvanesti Mage of High Sorcery Moon Thief Rogue

AC: 16 (Studded leather+Dex) | HP: 38/38 (5d8+10) | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 14, Insight 11, Investigation 18
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 18 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 19 (+4) | Wis: 12 (+1) | Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Draconic, and Solamnic

“My words,” Feyren said. | ‘My thoughts,’  Feyren thought. | My actions . . .

The Silvanesti elf holds the honey jar in her hand for a long moment, listening to the white-robed wizard's response. Pausing a moment, she says, "Feyren Silverbreeze. I've been around Kalaman for over a year now, but I don't recall seeing you previously."

Plus, I would actively avoid someone wearing white robes. No need to draw any attention to myself, she thinks to herself. Considering what the Fairla truly meant with her question, the rogue continues saying, "I am still mastering the art of the Arcane and have refused to take my Test thus far. I am afraid I was not trained in any of the famous Towers of High Sorcery. In truth, I have not been as lucky as Arlo and have never seen one. There was little opportunity where I came from."

Walking over to the table, Feyren spins her chair to face the newcomers to the Steady Beacon and sets the honey jar down. Using a small spoon, she stirs a generous portion of the golden substance into her tea cup. Picking it up, she brings it to her mouth and blows on it, knowing it will be scalding hot as always.

She eyes the taller human with them wearing breastplate armor of some intricate design. Although the meaning escapes her, weaponry and armor were never her forte. The other is an elf who seems to be wounded in some fashion and claims it was by goblins. It's interesting that he would be so demanding of the simple staff here at the Steady Beacon. Feyren offers them no words.

Looking back to Fairla, she asks, "How long ago did you pass your Test? Have you been a full Mage long? I see you proudly bear your affiliation to Solinari."  Fishing under her simple studded leather, she pulls out a holy symbol of the white moon: a simple white circle. Just as quickly, she replaced it beneath her armor.



Nothing right now.

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Fairla TokenFairla Sunnybank — Abjuration Wizard 5


30 ft.







Combat Proficiencies
Tool Proficiencies

"Silverbreeze... That's a very pretty name. It makes me think of a cool breeze on a hot summer night," Fairla says. "I just rode into town a few weeks ago. Hey, I've been looking for a cartographer or just someone who sells maps. Do you know anyone like that around here?" If I'm going to venture beyond Kalaman's walls, I'm going to need a map. And Ms. Silverbreeze looks like someone who knows her way around.

She continues, "But to answer your question, I passed my Test several years ago. I was quite fortunate: I had a great teacher; I grew up in a city with the most magnificent library; I could dedicate all my time back then to studying, too." She pauses, smiling wistfully, and adds, "I wish everyone could have that luxury."

Fairla squints her eyes and looks more closely at Feyren. Recalling the elf's white moon symbol, Fairla says, "If you don't mind my asking, do you also have a preference for Solinari?"





Modifier (Int): +4
Spell Attack: +7
Save DC: 15


  1. Fire Bolt
  2. Light
  3. Mage Hand
  4. Mending
  5. Prestidigitation

4 Spell Slots

  1. ( ) Absorb Elements
  2. ( ) Alarm [R]
  3. (P) Comprehend Languages [R]
  4. ( ) Detect Magic [R]
  5. ( ) Feather Fall
  6. ( ) Floating Disk [R]
  7. (p) Grease
  8. ( ) Identify [R]
  9. ( ) Illusory Script [R]
  10. (p) Mage Armor
  11. (p) Magic Missile
  12. (P) Shield
  13. ( ) Unseen Servant [R]

3 Spell Slots

  1. (P) Aid
  2. (p) Detect Thoughts [c]
  3. (p) Hold Person [c]
  4. (p) Invisibility [c]
  5. (p) Misty Step

2 Spell Slots

  1. (p) Counterspell
  2. (p) Dispel Magic
  3. ( ) Tiny Hut [R]

Stat Block

Fairla Sunnybank
Human (Variant) Wizard 5 LG

AC 12 HP 32 Speed 30ft

Str 10 (0) Dex 14 (2) Con 14 (2) Wis 8 (-1) Int 18 (4) Cha 12 (1)

Firebolt (120 ft.) +7 2d10 Fire
Quarterstaff (5 ft.) +3 1d6(8) Bludgeoning

Wizard Features:
Abjuration Savant
Arcane Recovery (3 levels/LR)
Arcane Ward (14 HP maximum)

Initiate of High Sorcery
Adept of the White Robes


Gp: 52 Sp: 4 Cp: 4


  1. Bag of Holding
  2. Clothes, Common
  3. Healer's Kit
  4. Orb
  5. Quarterstaff
  6. Robes
  7. Spellbook

Bag of Holding

  1. Abacus
  2. Backpack
  3. Ball Bearings (bag of 1000)
  4. Bedroll
  5. Bell
  6. Blanket
  7. Block and Tackle
  8. Book
  9. Bottle, Glass
  10. Bucket
  11. Candle
  12. Case, Map or Scroll
  13. Clothes, Fine
  14. Clothes, Traveler's
  15. Crowbar
  16. Flask
  17. Grappling Hook
  18. Hammer
  19. Hammer, Sledge
  20. Healer's Kit
  21. Hourglass
  22. Ink Pen
  23. Ink, Black
  24. Ink, Blue
  25. Lantern, Hooded
  26. Little Bag of Sand
  27. Magnifying Glass
  28. Manacles
  29. Mess Kit
  30. Oil (flask)
  31. Parchment (sheet)
  32. Perfume (vial)
  33. Pick, Miner's
  34. Piton
  35. Pouch
  36. Rations (1 day)
  37. Rope, Hempen (50 ft.)
  38. Rope, Silk (50 ft.)
  39. Sack
  40. Scale, Merchant's
  41. Sealing Wax
  42. Shovel
  43. Signal Whistle
  44. Small Knife
  45. Soap
  46. Spikes, Iron
  47. String (10 ft.)
  48. Tent, Two-Person
  49. Tinderbox
  50. Vial
  51. Waterskin
  52. Wine, Common (pitcher) + pitcher
  53. Wine, Fine (bottle)

Riding Horse

  1. Bit and Bridle
  2. Riding Saddle
  3. Saddlebags
  4. Feed (10 days)
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Thistle - Goblin (Aasimar) WizardThistle — Chronurgy Wizard 5


30 ft.







Combat Proficiencies
Tool Proficiencies

The door slams open with about as much force as a child can exhibit; which is to say, not very loudly. Still, a lot of eyes to turns to see the newcomer; a goblin girl clad in a simple blue dress and a red cloak. Not exactly a common race to wander around the city, much less into an establishment like this.

She seems completely oblivious to the attention. Her neck is almost entirely bent. It looks like she was trying to read the sign above the door at the same time as she was pushing the door open, and her head had lost the race against her feet. "How can bacon be steady?" she mutters to herself, "Do they use some kind of spell formula to stabilize the meat before they butcher the pig?" She stops at the entrance, holding the door open for a few more seconds, seemingly lost in thought. Then, as suddenly as she stopped, she darts forward to the bar.

"I want some Steady Bacon!" she practically demands, "Is it you or someone else who steadies it dimensionally? I need to speak with them!"

After a few seconds of awkward silence, the innkeeper explains that the name of the place was The Steady Beacon, not bacon. "Oh, that makes so much more sense. But seriously? I'm disappointed."

The goblin puts her backpack on the bar and rummaged through it to find a notebook, an inkwell and a pen from her backpack. She finds the first empty page and writes Research dimensional bacon in big letters at the top, underscores it, and puts two rings around it. Once she returns everything to her backpack, she finally realizes that she is the center of some attention.

"What, why are you looking at me?" she asks cluelessly. "Don't tell me my hair is pink again?" She pulls at her strands to get them into her eyesight and lets out a sigh of relief. "No, still in the right timeline. You had me worried there for a second. Unless... is something else off?"


The character is not done, but I don't want to miss out on any more of the fun.



Modifier (Int): +4
Spell Attack: +8
Save DC: 16


  1. Light
  2. Mage Hand
  3. Guidance
  4. Prestidigitation
  5. Minor Illusion
  6. Mind Sliver
  7. Fire Bolt


4 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Shield
  2. [x] Absorb Elements
  3. [x] Mage Armoir
  4. [r] Detect Magic
  5. [_]
  6. [_]

3 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Misty Step
  2. [x] Invisibility

2 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Counterspell
  2. [x] Haste
  3. [r] Leomund's Tiny Hut

Stat Block

Goblin (Aasimar) Chronurgy 5 CG

AC 15 HP 37 Speed 30 ft Initiative +4

Str 8 (-1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (+3)
Wis 10 (+0) Int 18 (+4) Cha 8 (-1)

Firebolt (120 ft) 1d20+8, 2d10 Fire
Mind Sliver (60 ft) Int save DC16, 2d6 Psychic

Wizard Features:
Arcane Recovery 4 spell levels
Chronal Shift Force reroll 2/LR

Strixhaven Initiate
War Caster


Gp: - Sp: - Cp: -


  1. School Uniform
  2. Money Pouch
  3. Component Pouch


  1. Arcane Grimoire
  2. Scholar's Pack
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