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30k Weapons


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Volkite Serpenta




2d10+6 E



2 Full

Blast (1), Flame, Lance


Volkite Charger




2d10+8 E



2 Full

Blast (3), Flame, Lance









2 Full

Destroyer, Rad









2 Full

Destroyer, Rad









2 Full

Destroyer, Rad


Rad Grenade








Destroyer, Rad


Phosphex Rifle




2d10+2 E



2 Full

Destroyer, Flame, Spray


Phosphex Incinerator Cannon




2d10+6 E



2 Full

Destroyer, Flame, Spray


Phosphex Grenade




1d10+4 E




Blast (3), Destroyer, Flame


Vasgotox Spray-Cannon




2d10+10 E



4 Full

Destroyer, Spray, Tearing



Destroyer: As much masters of psychological warfare as they are warriors, the greatly-feared destroyer squads of the Legiones Astartes make use of some of the most terror-inspiring weapons of the Dark Age of Technology. No destroyer-class weapon can make the enemy any more dead than a standard bolter, but the methods by which they kill have such a dread reputation that they are perceived much differently. Chemical weapons that can burn through ceramite or turn entire platoons of human infantry to red, meaty sludge in a matter of seconds, radium guns that buffet the enemy with lethal doses of radiation, and the like have all found themselves in the hands of destroyer astartes. While some legions, such as the Death Guard, make extensive use of such weapons, others (most vocally, the Ultramarines) have voiced opposition and even called for the weapons to be banned entirely, for their inhumanity and the environmental destruction they leave in their wake.

If an enemy takes damage from a weapon with the Destroyer quality (either damage to their wounds, or fatigue damage in the case of rad-weapons), they must pass a Fear (1) test to avoid the usual effects of fear.

Flame: Some weapons belch great gouts of flame or leave the target covered in burning sticky chemicals, igniting anything they strike. If a target of a Flame attack is hit (even if they suffer no Damage), they must succeed on an Agility Test or be set on fire.

Lance: Lance weapons are focused beams of devastating energy, piercing armour with ease. Weapons with the Lance Quality have a variable Penetration value that is dependent on the accuracy of each shot. When a target is hit by a weapon with the Lance Quality, increase the weapons Penetration value by its base value once for each Degree of Success achieved by the attacker. For example, if an astartes hits an ork meganob with a volkite charger and achieves 3 DoS, the volkite charger would have a penetration value of 16 – the base penetration value of 4, plus 12 (base 4 times 3 DoS = 12).

Rad: Among the most feared weapons remaining from the Dark Age of Technology, rad-weapons have a sickening reputation for being a major factor in the total environmental destruction of Terra during the Age of Strife, but the techno-barbarian warlords who made use of them clearly saw the benefits of such powerful and intimidating weapons as worth the cost. Rad-weapons bathe their targets in focused beams of atomic radiation, killing their cells and poisoning their blood, turning them sick and lethargic within seconds. With less than a minute of exposure, targets collapse from exhaustion, bleeding from bubbling, cancerous sores all over their skin as their hair falls out and their organs fail.

If a rad-weapon successfully hits an enemy, it does not deal damage directly to their wounds; instead, roll for damage, and if the result exceeds the target’s Toughness bonus (including Unnatural Toughness modifiers, if applicable, but not worn armour), then the target must make a -20 Toughness test. If the test fails, the target takes 1 level of fatigue, plus an additional level for every two degrees of failure. If the target takes fatigue levels in excess of their Toughness bonus from a rad-weapon attack (only the fatigue levels taking them over the edge need to be from a rad-weapon, the preceding levels can be from any source), then the target immediately dies from acute radiation poisoning.

Spray: Spray weapons project a cone of missiles, liquid or fire out to the range of the weapon. Unlike other weapons, Spray weapons have just one range, and when fired, hit all those in their area of effect. The wielder does not need to Test Ballistic Skill; he simply fires the weapon. All creatures in the weapons path, a cone-shaped area extending in a 30-degree arc from the firer out to the weapons range, must make an Agility Test or be struck by the attack and take Damage normally. Cover does not protect characters from attacks made by Spray weapons unless it completely conceals them. Because Spray weapons make no roll to hit, they are always considered to hit targets in the body, and will Jam if the firer rolls a 9 on any of his Damage dice (before adding any bonuses).

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On 3/27/2024 at 1:18 AM, Harding said:

@Trish_the_Nugg_Queen  Is the renown is taken in account for the requisition value?

I haven’t made up my mind on this tbh, locking certain wargear behind renown makes it more rewarding to reach that point but it also means that if the game doesn’t go on long enough to reach those levels of renown then that’s just wargear you guys can’t get access to


On 3/27/2024 at 11:36 PM, luctius said:

Do the Volkite weapons work like normal flame weapons against hordes?

Good question, so in terms of lore I’m pretty sure volkite weapons are like fancy archaeotech plasma guns, they don’t overheat/explode and they shoot a much more focused beam of plasma. They’re mostly meant as anti-tank weapons on lighter targets than melta weapons would usually be used for. Targets hit with a volkite charge cause an incendiary explosion around them though, represented by the blast effect.


I’ve separated the flame quality into flame and spray, another thing I’ve taken from (I think) Only War. Flame sets things on fire, while spray auto-hits, so spray can represent things like homing missiles or the vasgotox cannon that fires corrosive liquid. The spray quality will take the effects on hordes that flame normally has. Without checking the rulebook, I’m fairly sure the blast quality has a similar effect on hordes, so the volkite weapons would affect hordes in that way.

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  • 1 month later...

The Vasgotox Spray-Cannon looks really unreliable with its negative synergy. It rolls 3 dice (because of tearing) using 2 highest for damage, and if any of those come up with a 9, that's a jam. That's something close to 25% chance on jamming with each shot. On the other hand, if it does jam, at least it dealt good damage first.

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4 hours ago, Ayeba said:

The Vasgotox Spray-Cannon looks really unreliable with its negative synergy. It rolls 3 dice (because of tearing) using 2 highest for damage, and if any of those come up with a 9, that's a jam. That's something close to 25% chance on jamming with each shot. On the other hand, if it does jam, at least it dealt good damage first.

This is just me speculating, but it would seem reasonable that you only consider the actual damage dice used when seeing if the weapon jams. But still, yeah, that´s a pretty high rate for jamming. Probably safest to get a higher-quality craftsmanship version.

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@Trish_the_Nugg_Queen I just read the rules for magnitude damage against hordes (p360), and by the rules as written, the Phosphex Incinerator Cannon isn't as much king as the God of mankind. The magnitude damage for flame weapons is a quarter of the range (60/4 = 15) + 1d5. The heavy flamer, in comparison, deals 7+1d5 damage, and is considered great against hordes.

If you're not fine with that type of magnitude damage, you may need to decide on a cap or some other measure before we head into battle.

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On 5/4/2024 at 7:43 AM, Ayeba said:

@Trish_the_Nugg_Queen I just read the rules for magnitude damage against hordes (p360), and by the rules as written, the Phosphex Incinerator Cannon isn't as much king as the God of mankind. The magnitude damage for flame weapons is a quarter of the range (60/4 = 15) + 1d5. The heavy flamer, in comparison, deals 7+1d5 damage, and is considered great against hordes.

If you're not fine with that type of magnitude damage, you may need to decide on a cap or some other measure before we head into battle.

Can I ask you kindly to make a ruling for this before we finish requisition.

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Posted (edited)

My bad! While I think it makes narrative sense for the phosphex incinerator cannon to be really great against hordes (it's basically a gun that shoots white phosphorus) I'll probably reduce the range on the phosphex weapons down to 25m for the rifle and 40m for the incinerator cannon, with no change to requisition @Ayeba

Edited by Trish_the_Nugg_Queen (see edit history)
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