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Session 1.6 Planning Meeting and More


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The Setting 


Location: Apartment 212, NERV - London

Time and Date: 08:00, Thursday, 22nd September 2023.



Morning Clean up


It was a busy day yesterday, but the today starts early none the less. The morning plan was simple, Anya and Zelda would need to assist in the clean up of the conflict from within their Mechas, with the operation led by Chris Kumar. Emiko however would miss this work, due to her unit not being in any working order and Maikhail had joined to late to be put into the plan.

After breakfast, and a private conversation between Zelda and Serena, the two pilots head off to their Mecha and find themselves within the conflict zone of yesterday. For the most part they are sitting within their Mecha's waiting, told not to move, though from time to time they are instructed by people on the ground on places to remove rubble or where to support a structure. Overall, the work is long and slow. Cleanup itself still isn't finished, the blood and death of the fight still paints much of Zone 4. Though the flesh and parts are slowly being picked up by the wildlife one by one, the crows appear to be enjoying life.

After around three hours Zelda and Anya are back, getting them into the apartment at around 11:30am, just in time for people to get their lunch and get ready for some brief downtime before heading off to the planning meeting.



Planning meeting


At around 3pm the team arrive at one of the many meeting rooms within NERV london, inside you already find the Commander, the Vice Commander and Daniel at the table. James and Caroline are both reading through a report that Daniel has clearly handed them, as he hands each of you the same report. You grab some water if needed and take a seat, perhaps a minute after you arrive Chris Kumar appears, giving you a full house.


The meeting has been arranged by Vice Commander Caroline, so she is the first to open the meeting and is straight to the point. She grabs the remote control on the table and points it to the nearby TV, displaying the world map and the location of all known Entities.

"It appears that Hariti is approaching NERV-London from the south, with an estimated arrival of 20th of October, giving us close to a month to prepare." She gestures down to the reports in front of you, in particular Threat Report 21092023AD, which details information on the current Entities known.

"Hariti is a fully grown Entity, unlike the previous two you all fought. Meaning it has far more resilience and offensive capability, thankfully we have information from its conflict with Team 04 at NERV-Nairobi." She takes a moment to let people read the report, "thankfully, we have access to the MASER weaponry now, which will get its first live combat test in two days against Jehoel."

"The biggest concern I have, is Hariti is likely a tough fight for the four of you. However, we also have Gazardiel in the English channel, if we assume the worst we can consider the possibility of Gazardiel adding two Entities to your conflict against Hariti. Gazardiel alone does not appear to be the biggest risk, but he makes every future conflict harder." She glances down at her report once more before bringing up the first question.

"I would like to hear people's opinions on striking out at Gazardiel prior to Hariti's arrival." She glances around the room measuring people's expressions before adding one more question, "and please provide your insight on the incoming conflict with Hariti, preferred approaches or possible plans."






This thread will combine ALOT of things. In rough order;

- The planning meeting.

- Feel free to reveal abilities and powers (new or old) about your Mecha, that you think your pilot would be aware of etc.

- Introduction of new rules.

- Quick run through of 22nd / 23rd Of September.

- Jehoel attack on USA east coast.


This might sound like a lot, but honestly I am expecting a few posts from each person in planning and then maybe one or two posts in the other sections.


Show optional combat rules

Picking a fight
There are fights that the team must take, such as when threats approach NERV-London or other critical locations. There are times when they pilots can instead approach a different foe and initiate a fight, there can be multiple reasons to do an optional fight.

- The impact it will have on the greater world, other bases and plot etc.
- The Entity impose a constant penalty etc in other fights, and you want to remove it.
- Bonus XP, surplus and research.
- You want to take the fight to them, this normally keep collateral damage low as you are not in a city. 

As a note, you can technically approach a 'must take fight' early, and fight them on your terms. Though not technically an optional fight, you would still follow the rules below.

Mecha Repairs
You do not auto heal all your damage after a fight, by taking an optional fight you run the risk of wounds carrying across from one fight to another.

For every full 7 days of healing the Mecha repairs the following damage.
- 3 Critical damage on all locations.
- 3 Normal damage on all locations.
- 1 Surplus can be spent to heal an additional wound at a single location. Multiple surplus can be spent, but must be declared during the monthly planning phase.

If the final week is not a full 7 days, then the player can choose to heal 2 critical damage on all locations, or 2 normal damage on all locations.

Note - If a mech gets 28 full days of repair without interruption all damage is healed, however this will not always occur, even if you don't take optional fights. However, in most cases, avoiding an optional fight should heal you back to full, unless you got slapped around a lot.


Planning the fight

To arrange an optional fight, the players do the following;
- Pick a target.
- Pick a date.
- Make a rough plan.

For example, the team may wish to target Gazardiel as their optional fight. They know that the 'main' fight (call the foe 'Entity 2') happens in 4 and a half weeks. 

For simplicity, the date in game is 22nd Sep, in four and a half weeks, Entity 2 will attack on 20th Oct. The players get to pick when they want to fight Gazardiel, this will determine how much healing they have before and after this optional fight. If they came out the last fight with little damage, they could attack Gazardiel early and then have lots of time to heal and fight Entity 2. 

If they are heavily wounded, then they might aim to delay the Gazardiel fight some, giving them more time to heal prior to the fight, but cut down their healing time after Gazardiel.

For simplicity I will normally give advised dates and how much you would heal etc and then let you guys pick from the options. 



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spacer.pngZelda did not talk much during the morning clean up, too busy thinking about the conversation she had with Silver, even if they did find an agreement she is still concerned and, to be honest, unsure if she'll be able to work with them, in any case she's stressed like a cornered beast.


At the meeting she focus her attention on the report, holding the document in both hands and reading it while Caroline speak, the vice commander isnt saying anything they did not knew already and the report hasnt enough information for Zelda to formulate a plan for Hariti, there are too many unknown variables.

"we dont really have a choice, we'll attack Gazardiel, after two weeks of repair, enough to have all evas in fighting conditions and with time to repair them afterward, we'll use C-type equipment, to ignore the drawbacks of fighting submerged, the old prototypes will be more than enough, even if our armor get breached the british channel isnt deep enough for pressure to become a problem, we'll need the support of the navy, install generators or extra batteries on carriers, have them transport our evas, we'll use the umbilical cords like old divers did for air supply, ideally i'd bring a c-type unit as well, if a cable get disconnected or cut someone will need to bring another to the eva and we'll be too busy fighting. Masers dont work underwater so we'll once again rely on the starting weapons, we also wont have turrets but maybe Silver can coordinate with the navy and get them to fire at it once we neutralize it's field"

She absolutely doesnt like the idea of fighting two entities in the same month but the possibility of having to fight Hariti plus Gazardiel's sons is a risk they cant take.

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Wounds: 0/12
Fatigue: 0

Ego Barrier: 35/35
Insanity: 2

"I agree with Zelda. We can't allow Gazardiel to sit there and cause additional problems later. After that we should try and meet Hariti outside of england.."
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Mikhail Razumovsky


Wounds: 12/12
Fatigue: 0/4

Ego Barrier: 25/25
Insanity: 0

"If we have any chance to take out Gazardiel early, we should take it," Mikhail agrees as well. "Do we have any other information about its capabilities? Especially its mobility and offensive capabilities?" He glances at the Vice Commander thoughtfully, then remembers something else...


"As for Hariti, can we see the 29th October Report?" This time, it isn't a test, right? "I'd like to understand why it retreated that time. Maybe there's something else that we could use. It sounds like we'll need every advantage we can get."

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Posted (edited)
The Setting 


Location: Apartment 212, NERV - London

Time and Date: 15:10, Thursday, 22nd September 2023.




Planning meeting



Daniel Birch

Caretaker of Taravangian

When Zelda speaks the people around the table listen, they are respectful as the young pilot puts her thoughts forward though it is clear not all agree with everything she says. It is clear by his expression, for example, that Daniel does agree that MASER are out of the question of use.


Caroline listens to people speak, glancing briefly at Anya who states she agree with the other pilots on attacking Gazardiel. "Then we will prepare operations to strike out at Gazardiel. Chris," the man turns to face Caroline, "reach out to the Navy and UN for any support, contact other NERV bases for any possible support also." He gives a nod to the comment and writes a small note in a booklet.

Once he has written his note, Chris speaks. "I will look at possible places to intercept Hariti prior to London, this will involve setting up a forward operating base similar to NERV-DENVERs projects, and will cost surplus. But will allow us to dramatically reduce collateral and risk, I will put forward possibilities within five days."


"Zelda is correct MASER will not work under the water, however," he takes a moment to glance at his notes, "from testing I believe firing into the water should not prove impossible. Aiming will becoming more difficult due to the refraction of light, however the sacrifice of precision for innate breach and penetration is likely required against Gazardiel."

Daniel spends a moment after Mikhail's question to glance down at the Threat report, "not much currently. We are detecting a hardened physical shell around the creature, making its body extremely tough. However it limbs and head appear far less protected." He raises a hand slowly, almost to temper expectations. "However, even his limbs and head are similar in protection to the two previous Entities, it is simply that his body is superior." He lets the words sit for a second before continuing.

"In terms of offensive ability, we have not yet seen anything, though he has proven high speed in water, though typically in a single direction. His actual mobility, such as turning, is slow. Along with that we are detecting an SR close to 140, which does not eclipse the teams current SR."


Caroline Broome

Vice Commander






Repair plan

1) Wait a two weeks and 1 day before attacking Gazardiel, this will mean all Mecha regain 8 critical damage and 8 normal damage on all locations.

2) Fight Gazardiel.

3) Repeat 2 weeks and 1 day (if we count the 21st of Sep, which I will do here) and have team regain 8 critical and 8 normal damage on all locations.

4) Fight Hariti.


Forward Operating Base

1) For the cost of 8 surplus (or replace any amount with 1 trust), you can set ups a FOB in any location in England.

2) This creates a new battle map that is treated as a Zone four (allowing reduced collateral).

3) Comes with basic power supply however does not class as part of the NERV base (yet), so would not get turrets etc.

4) This will become a permeant structure put on the world map that can be used against any enemy that passes its general location.


Gazardiel Info (Did a Magi Roll)

1) Has around 140 SR.

2) Treats AG at +2 if moving in straight line, -1 is needing to turn. Expected to be slow on land.

3) High armor on body, AP 4-6 other locations (head, arms, core) are 2-4 AP.



Show optional combat rules

Picking a fight
There are fights that the team must take, such as when threats approach NERV-London or other critical locations. There are times when they pilots can instead approach a different foe and initiate a fight, there can be multiple reasons to do an optional fight.

- The impact it will have on the greater world, other bases and plot etc.
- The Entity impose a constant penalty etc in other fights, and you want to remove it.
- Bonus XP, surplus and research.
- You want to take the fight to them, this normally keep collateral damage low as you are not in a city. 

As a note, you can technically approach a 'must take fight' early, and fight them on your terms. Though not technically an optional fight, you would still follow the rules below.

Mecha Repairs
You do not auto heal all your damage after a fight, by taking an optional fight you run the risk of wounds carrying across from one fight to another.

For every full 7 days of healing the Mecha repairs the following damage.
- 3 Critical damage on all locations.
- 3 Normal damage on all locations.
- 1 Surplus can be spent to heal an additional wound at a single location. Multiple surplus can be spent, but must be declared during the monthly planning phase.

If the final week is not a full 7 days, then the player can choose to heal 2 critical damage on all locations, or 2 normal damage on all locations.

Note - If a mech gets 28 full days of repair without interruption all damage is healed, however this will not always occur, even if you don't take optional fights. However, in most cases, avoiding an optional fight should heal you back to full, unless you got slapped around a lot.


Planning the fight

To arrange an optional fight, the players do the following;
- Pick a target.
- Pick a date.
- Make a rough plan.

For example, the team may wish to target Gazardiel as their optional fight. They know that the 'main' fight (call the foe 'Entity 2') happens in 4 and a half weeks. 

For simplicity, the date in game is 22nd Sep, in four and a half weeks, Entity 2 will attack on 20th Oct. The players get to pick when they want to fight Gazardiel, this will determine how much healing they have before and after this optional fight. If they came out the last fight with little damage, they could attack Gazardiel early and then have lots of time to heal and fight Entity 2. 

If they are heavily wounded, then they might aim to delay the Gazardiel fight some, giving them more time to heal prior to the fight, but cut down their healing time after Gazardiel.

For simplicity I will normally give advised dates and how much you would heal etc and then let you guys pick from the options. 



Edited by darkhugh (see edit history)
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spacer.pngZelda look at Daniel, then at the rest of the room, wondering if they heard the same things or if shes going insane

"the turtle looking entity... is a good swimmer, turn slowly, has an hard shell and probably move slow on land, we have no idea of its offensive capabilities but the Taravangian deem it a medium risk"

She pause, looking down at the table, Zelda bite her tongue to not speak, she has nothing to gain by making a scene in front of the base commander.

After several seconds she look at Chris "for Gazardiel Eva-17 loadout will be a M-7 handcannon, extra wing storage, a magazine in the extra wing, improved entry plug and armor enhancement, i'll carry the standard knife in the base wing slot, for the pallet rifle...leave it on the carrier, I dont plan to use it but theres no reason to leave it at the base "

She think for a bit then add "also, since we're on offense, i'd request real time visual surveillance, via drone, the day of the attack, in case Gazardiel move from it's position, 2 minutes before contact i'd like to already be in my eva, with ATS field fully spread, having to raise it during battle is a significant penalty and, as far as we know, Gazardiel could have a long range attack and bombard us as we approach. For London defense too i'd ask to adjust our deployment sequence so that Eva's exit the elevators with field already spread, especially considering Hariti peculiar attack, if we arrive naked and the enemy act before us...someone will get wrecked"

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Wounds: 0/12
Fatigue: 0

Ego Barrier: 35/35
Insanity: 2

"I was wondering.. perhaps.." she makes a deferential motion towards Zelda "The problem is, possibly, just that we need to get close to be able to neutralize it and that could be slow.. Perhaps.."

She hesitates again, steepling her fingers "Amateratsu is smaller than the other Evas, if it was possibly to transport her by air, I could drop onto Gazardiel from above and Neutralize the AT field immediately, then the others could take longer-range attacks without having to navigate too much of the water."

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image.jpeg.ba0ccaf0631c1f919a85c8a020e7aba5.jpegAnya listens intently to the discussion and thinks back to her tactical training.

"It might be risky, but could one Eva go in and try and lure Gazardiel out? Give us the environmental advantage. I would not ask that of anyone else so I could take that role.

Or does NERV have anything like sea mines, the kind used in older wars? Maybe we can limit its movement a bit underwater. Our AT fields protect us from that sort of conventional firepower right?

In terms of load out, the hand cannon is a good idea, and I am considering getting explosive rounds for RX-0. The prog knife proved useful last time or maybe something like a spear, depending on our approach."

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Serena has been content to sit back and watch, although she had been pulling data into the laptop and two extra screens that sat at her seat. She listens, smiles as her Pilots start to prove themselves, and continues to work her laptop and two screens.

And then suddenly, Serena spoke. "What you're asking for, Zelda, are Firefly VTOLs, not drones. You're going to want that Remote Taravangian Uplink and All-Evangelion Markerlight capabilities. That's going to take all three of my Requisition Support slots as Operations Director for this battle, but since you all are going to be shooting this Entity...The aiming assist will probably be worth it. If you thought you could defeat it as fast as possible, we could probably drop you on top of Good 'Ol Gardy with Spare BatteriesA Smaller Version of the Mobile Support Structure that Plugs In to the Evangelion and gives 3 Extra Rounds of Operational Time. mounted from the outset, spend the resources to gain two Type C Equipment, and just have all four of you helo-cast your Evas from your four Evangelion Carrier Planes, and simply have the Fleet move in for recovery.

So, are you four cocky enough to say you can take out Good 'Ol Gardy in that operational timeThat is, 8 Combat Rounds??" She looks away from her Pilots to Chris and Daniel.

"Chris, Daniel, has Gardy shown any patterns in its Lloyds-Loopering in the English Channel? Is there anywhere Gardy approaches more consistently or regularly than other points? Are there any oddities to Gardy's patterns so far? And are there any indications he's anywhere near ready to spawn again? Also, is there any prep work for advance bases already on file? And on top of all that, what sort of strategic and tactical agreements do we have with the countries bordering on the English Channel? Did we get lucky, and is there a US Carrier Battle Group I can try and gank politely borrow in the area?" She sighs.

"I tried looking up most of that myself, Chris, Daniel, but I think I need remedial classes in Operations Director Computer Operations, because I swear these databases and portals are nothing like the ones I used in my previous NERV jobs." Serena just flat-out states it, neither trying to make excuses nor ashamed of it. Water is wet, Entities are NERV's raison d'etre, Captain Silver cannot manage the databases that are about a third of her functioning.

Provably, however, she can manage the tactical systems.

And the paperwork. She can definitely manage the paperwork.

Captain Serena Silver


Wounds: 13/13

Ego Barrier: 35/35

Fate Points: 2/3

Fatigue: 0

Insanity Points: 0


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Wounds: 0/12
Fatigue: 0

Ego Barrier: 35/35
Insanity: 2

"Well, i already volunteered to jump from a plane and lane on the entity.. So i am in favour of this plan, however it might be less tactically expensive if we did not drop all of us on them at the same time. So long as others can be in range, then they could fire from safety.

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The Setting 


Location: Apartment 212, NERV - London

Time and Date: 15:11, Thursday, 22nd September 2023.




Planning meeting



Daniel Birch

Caretaker of Taravangian

Daniel looks at Zelda with a blank expression as she reiterates his comments, he nods along to what the young woman says. "That description is correct, though I don't believe you should find it alarming." He glances down at the past threat report, specifically 21092023AD, and speaks. "Unlike Hariti, Gazardiel has not been seen in combat. Though with an AT of 150 we can expect capable attacks, however we cannot adjust ratings due to lack of information. The ratings you see are looking at only known information, but they are only for guidance."


When Zelda speaks to Chris nods along and takes a few notes, though is clearly waiting to hear confirmation from Serena.


"Spreading the AT fields within the elevator and sadly not possible, at least, not without causing issues within the base. We are able to deploy you all early however, giving you time to move and spread you fields."


When Emiko brings up the plan of dropping out of a plan onto the Entity Commander Heather can't help but smile, though it is Caroline that replies. "That is possible, though dramatic. However the Entity is currently above the surface of the water, so dropping onto it is possible. However I doubt you are strong enough to neutralize an SR rating of 150 alone." She remains quiet as she listens to Anya speaking, "luring it might be possible, though it is currently situated a long distance from the coast and would be unlikely to put itself into a dangerous situation." She then glances to Chris, who replies about the mines, "I can check on the mines, we have none ourselves but may be able to source them. Though the Entities AT field will likely prove strong enough to resist them, unless completely neutralized."


People then remain quiet as Serena speaks, once she is done Chris is the first to respond. "Moving them in via planes is possible, however the batteries will require situating on the boats or platforms. Mounting onto the Mecha currently isn't possible, they would require the Heavy ChassisSee page 100 which is not yet ready for combat."


"For movement, the Entity is almost completely inert. There is slight movement due to currents, but unlike other animals the Entity does not require food so has no need to hunt. It is happy to remain stationary and inert, the location on the map is currently accurate." When questioned on the ability to reproduce Daniel is obviously not too happy, "hard to tell, the original information made it seem that the creature was capable of reproducing every one to two weeks, though the rate seems to have dropped. If there are no sudden changes, we expect every two to three weeks with the assumption that it can hold offspring for later release."


"There are currently two developed FOBs, one in North America and South America. No others are currently in development, though the plans and methods for the two mentioned are accessible. They all follow the same protocol for set up and maintenance." When the question on countries comes up Caroline shakes her head. "France is part of the Valentine treaty, and thus already pays into and supplies conventional forces to the NERV effort. Anything extra we request, from anyone, comes at a costSuch as surplus, trust or the IOU talent.. Same for the US."


The meeting itself continues for another thirty minutes or so as you discuss final details and ideas for Gazardiel, attempting to finalize the battle plan. Eventually, you all take your leave.



Caroline Broome

Vice Commander




The Setting 


Location: Apartment 212, NERV - London

Time and Date: 15:45, Thursday, 22nd September 2023.



The Rest of the Day


After the meeting the pilots are given a more in depth tour of the facility, learning about the nooks and cranies. Quickly getting comfortable about where they can go, and where they can't, and how to move through the facility with relative ease and speed.

While the pilots are getting their tour Serena is approached by Kirsty and pulled into her office where she shares a new report, namely report 22092023ABThis is now unlocked in the Knowledge Bank Thread.
Read report for more details.
. The conversation is quick but Kirsty goes through the top level of the document, the group known as 'The New Age' attacked Tsukiko's transport. They are a group that are pro-Entity, calling them a cult is fitting. However, one of the members present at the attack, named Kodiak, has shown the ability to manifest an AT field. That in itself opens a whole new can of worms, the report is being shared shortly with all higher ups but she thought she would inform you now and allow you to break the report to the pilots.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Time passes on, getting to roughly 6 pm in the evening. At this point all of the pilots would have returned from their tour, along with some simple introductory training with Chris and the bridge crew. Anya, Emiko and Mikhail would have also been approached one at a time by Oliver Evans.

You remember him as the older teenager from the party, with messy blonde hair and a position within the PR department. He spends some time detailing what you should expect from the conference, that being; some open ended questions from different reporters trying to find a scoop or gleam some understanding of the inner working of NERV. He makes it clear that the scope of the interview is simply for the press to learn about you, allowing you to reveal as much as you want, though the goal is to make a positive impression. He does make it clear that Paul Nosworthy will be present during the conference, allowing him to control the flow as needed.

Each person within the team gets a pre-brief for the interview, which details the people that have been invited from the media. This includes two or three all major newstations from all countries within the Valentine treaty, and a few countries outside of the treaty. The brief makes it clear that the scope is to 'show off' the new team, though there will be question on the previous conflict which you are allowed to answer. However, any questions on future conflicts, plans or inner workings of NERV must be declined.

People are likely getting hungry as it has been a busy day, meaning dinner is to be prepared and devoured.

The team have the evening to themselves, to discuss things as they see before turning for the evening.





Bombs everywhere

If you want some bombs I will let you purchase a single bomb for 1 surplus, with the following details.

- Takes up 1 square, detonates on contact.

- Blast radius of 2 squares. Dodge possible against AoE attacks.

- Damage is 1d10+4 X, pen 3, breach 2.


Final Plan

Please decide what you final plan is OOC, such as.

- Is Emiko going to get air dropped.

- Are others going on ships?

- What extra gear are people wearing (class C etc) and how you buying it?


Discuss it, ties broken by @Prestar, and then someone post 'final plan' in the ooc thread and I will copy and paste it into my notes. Technically, you have until we start the combat thread, but I would sort it out now.


Thread continuation

I am giving you all some free RP now, to discuss anything you see as interesting. If I see things slow down then I will force a time skip into the next day, or if the majority of people give me the thumbs up to move on in the OOC thread.



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spacer.pngOnce the planning meeting is over and shes outside the room, Zelda take a breath of relief, she dislike these kind of meetings, feel like an oral exam at school and Broome is quite intimidating.

Zelda hardly spare a word for Emiko or Mikahil during the tour and once that is over, true to her words, she doesnt dine with the team, she does go back home and change clothes, picking something prettier and then move to the exit , aiming to try out one of the establishment they have seen during the tour.

Since she follow a diet she'll avoid junk food, not that she need a diet but Zelda, like many girls of her age, over-focus on appearance; gaining weight, in the wrong places, would be a tragedy. During her solo adventure she dedicate her attention to her smartphone, checking her social media, sending some messages and making calls.

Zelda call Jen, her friend, shes going to be a bit mad, should have called her after the battle instead a whole day has passed; sure, a lot of things happened in the last 24 hours and Zelda is overloaded but Jen deserve better

A long call, where Zelda describe the base without going into details, es. we have a nice park outside the house, theres a baker down the street etc. etc. The two girls will inevitably end up talking about the battle, since Oliver said they are allowed to talk about it during the interview it's safe to assume she can discuss this topic with her friend, she'll tell Jen that her Eva is the purple one and that the other two mechas are also piloted by girls. Zelda narrowly avoid correcting herself, she would define Emiko a thing, not a girl but that is the kind of information she isnt going to share with Jen.

She'll ask Jen how things are going in Plymouth and what are her plans....in the remote case Jen plans include visiting london around 20 October Zelda will subtly try to alter it, either by inviting her to come sooner or proposing a later date.

After Jen, she'll message her mom, telling her about the interview, admitting to be a bit nervous and asking for suggestions.


Edited by Rudra (see edit history)
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Mikhail Razumovsky


Wounds: 12/12
Fatigue: 0/4

Ego Barrier: 25/25
Insanity: 0

Mikhail does not question Zelda's behaviour and later absence. He hardly knows her, after all, and there are plenty of other people to talk to on the base. When speaking to Oliver Evans, he tries to find out what NERV's official line about him and his mecha would be. He has no desire to contradict them, after all. When free, Mikhail simply explores the base. The park in particular has piqued his interest... he could be there for a while. Eventually, though, he seeks out Emiko. They did not get the chance to talk properly before.

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Serena simply raises an eyebrow as she quickly reads the report as she listens to Kirsty. "That's going to be a bugger and a half. At least his AT Field is permeable with enough firepower. I'll have to think back and see if I ever trained this Kodiak Malk, my Delta Team did at least one rotation pre-Androsk in Estonia training up the ESO, I cannot remember at the moment if I ever trained this guy, though. I'll think on it, Kirsty, and get back to you one way or another on whether I have anything at all on this guy in my head. That was a long time and a different life ago. Thanks for the heads-up, I'll alert the Pilots of this threat." Serena finishes, politely, with the briefing, thanks Kirsty for her time, and goes on her way, carrying a copy of the report in a manilla folder on a clipboard behind some other paperwork of Serena's.

Once Serena gets back to the apartment, she again sweeps it for surveillance devices, then makes four copies of Report 22092023AB using her office scanner/printer, sits down Anya and Emiko, and hands them two of the copies of Report 22092023AB.

Before she speaks to the two Pilots still in the Apartments, Serena secure-texts (bless NERV Phones) Zelda. *Zelda, when you get back into the apartment, come find me immediately, we need to talk about things very important in reference to security and our original fourth.*

Serena then secure-texts Mikhail. *Mikhail, when you get back into the apartment, immediately come find me, we need to talk about some high priority security issues relating to why you are on our team.*

Serena then looks up as she puts away her phone. "Okay, bottom line, bad guys that tried to abduct your original fourth teammate are called the The New Age, they have a guy by the name of Kodiak Malk--who I may or may not have trained at one point as Estonian Special Operations when I was with US Army Delta--who can use a low-powered personal-scale Absolute Territory Field to stop or deflect bullets. They were responsible for the attack on Tsukiko, and appear to worship the Entities.

I hate cultists, especially stupid ones. At least smart ones you can use PsyOps on.

Anyway, read the report and ask me your questions. Independent thinking will likely reveal avenues of investigation better then me feeding you all my biases." Serena takes off her mirrorshades, although she leaves her headscarf on, revealing her silver eyes, as she patiently waits.

Captain Serena Silver


Wounds: 13/13

Ego Barrier: 35/35

Fate Points: 2/3

Fatigue: 0

Insanity Points: 0


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Mikhail Razumovsky


Wounds: 12/12
Fatigue: 0/4

Ego Barrier: 25/25
Insanity: 0

Mikhail does, of course, head for the apartments to find Serena as soon as he receives the message.

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