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Runes of the Raven

Ace Bronson

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Vilrun Grímsdóttir

image.jpeg.4d1dea0e4137a280735c6843b0cd7566.jpegVilrun shares what she can of the whispers of the world.

"I counsel caution. Let us arrive as envoys, not conquerors, lest the ground run red with our blood.

This does not mean abasing ourselves. No, we will keep our pride, but not let it rule our hearts.

A challenge awaits, but its nature has not been revealed yet."


She waits, hiding her trepidation that her words may be badly received.

Some will find them too vague.

Some will find them offensive, for they clash with their intentions or their beliefs.

And if you wonder how both can be true at the same time, welcome to the travails of the wyrd.



Vilrun Grímsdóttir
F NG Human Shaman, Level 5, Init 4, HP 33/33, Speed 20ft
AC 23, Touch 14, Flat-footed 21, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 12, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 3, Action Points 3
MW Agile Breastplate +1, Masterwork Buckler (+7 Armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +1 Natural, +1 Deflect, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str null, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis null, Cha 14

Spells prepared typically:
0 Arcane Mark, Create Water, Detect Magic, Light
Expeditious Retreat
Heightened Awareness
Monkey Fish
Shadow Trap
Burst of Radiance
Commune with Birds
Flame Blade (refluffed)
Winter's Grasp
Stinking Cloud
Locate Object



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spacer.pngHjarlof Hornblower Skald of Clan Hvítabiôrning

Stroking his beard while thinking on the revelation by Vilrun, Hjarlof muttered to himself, Emissaries... Hmmm... Two Hrafning, a Stormrjotnrung, and two Hvítabiôrning, as well as an Outlander... Hmm...


"Your Council runs deep, Lady Vilrun. My friends, we here represent three clans and an Outlander. It is truly a viable truth that we are sent to find the last Hrafning expedition and we need not mention else. A clan such as the Hrafning has much to pride themselves on, and it is truly unusual for them to have entrusted non-clan members with the knowledge we have. Let us test their purpose with words, and fall back on steel only if they wish to start a clan war."

Combat Actions





Full Round:



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ᛋᚢᛖᚾ One-Eye - Oracle of the Stormrjotnrung 5

HP: 41/41 | AC: 24/14/21 | CMD: 22/19 | Speed: 30/20ft | Hero: 1/3 

Initiative: +4 | Perception: +8 | Fort: +5 | Ref: +5 | Will: +6

Surprising Charge: 1/1 | Fortune: 1/1 | Spells: 1|7/7, 2|5/5

Active Effects | Consumables | Spells | Abilities | Skills | Curses

Just a simple soldier, Sven shies away from all these portents and foretellings. He rubs his valknut for luck, made shiny from years as a token around his neck, then walks to the farthest point of the boat from the woman to relieve himself over the side. He then sets about sharpening his weapons. The world's not so complicated. If whatever trouble these interlopers bring can't be solved in the mead hall (or tent, as it were), it will be solved by good iron.


Other: Use my whetstone





Full Round:

Hands: Sword + Shield


Brynhildr - 130lb

Brynhildr (130.5/228lb):
-Blanket x2
-Fishing Kit
-Mess Kit
-Oil x4
-Alchemists' Fire x3
-Feed x5
-Fishing Net
-Mead, 1 gallon
-Bit and Bridle
-Tent (small)
-Tent Cover

 Gear - 86.5lb


-+1 Agile Breastplate
-Cold Weather Outfit
-Eye Patch
-Týr's Spear
-Hip Flask
-Boots of Meili
-Signal Horn



-Silver Sword
-Raven Shield
-Ice Bear Claws



-2x Alchemists' Fire
-2x Potions CLW
-2x Scrolls
-Bravery Brew
-Heiðrún's Mead

Belt Pouch
-Flint and Steel
-Sewing Needle

MW Backpack
-Freyr's Rod
-Climber's Kit
-2x Sacks
-Silk Rope
-5x Trail Rations
-Waterproof bag

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Ulfgrim Ironhide, Warrior from the North

spacer.pngULFGRIM IRONHIDE - Northern Barbarian

QUICK STATS:  AC=20, Touch=13, FF=18 / HP=55/55 / Init=4 / Saves: Fort=9, Reflex=5, Will=6


Ulfgrim smiles and nods affirmatively at the wise words of his colleagues when discussions of what may come are bantered about the group, paying special attention to the words of Vilrun and her ability to portend future events.

Speaking one more time only to explain his thoughts, a skill he had not yet mastered, the barbarian says in a lowered voice, "When I suggested the possibility of landing the Maiden and anchoring the second vessel in the harbor just offshore, I was thinking it might help to conceal our numbers at first."

"If we land both vessels and disembark, then the other side will know that we only have two skeleton crews with barely enough men to even sail a pair of ships," the warrior explains.

"However, if the second ship does not land immediately until we can determine their intent, then the limitation of numbers in our contingent will be concealed until we wish it revealed," Ulfgrim proffers.

"Nonetheless, It was only a suggestion for discussion, but I wanted to clarify my thinking. Either way we do it, I also agree talk first."



Free Action: Speak

Move Action:

Swift Action:


Standard Action:

Continuing Effects: None

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Ranulf.JPG.4fad043419b1e11ce6a1f0039bafcf1d.JPGRanulf the Rooster  Human Raider

Listening intently, though his thoughts scatter to the winds as the discussion takes place, Ranulf eventually stands up energetically from his seat. "There's little cause for more bloodshed, yet. The Ormrung are oft frustrating in their mysteries, but the same can be said for many. Ulfgrim's plan is wily, and thus I say we do it.", he smirks, before nodding at Hjarlof. "And a skald of some renown to introduce us, so that if they've not heard of our deeds, they'd be willing to hear them for the first time. Thank you for the heed, too, Vilrun. Let's not hurry to find a challenge before one fits our task."


Ranulf TN Human (URogue 5)

Init 5  Speed 30  HP 43/43 FP 3/3
AC 23  Touch 15  Flat-footed 13 CMD 22
Fort 4  Ref 10  Will 3
Base Attack Bonus 3
Primary Weapon: Mwk Boarding Axe (2) (at will) +11(1d6+5/7)
Armor: Studded Leather Armour - Light Armor - (+4AC) (+5Dex) (+2 Shield when Weapons drawn) (+1 Combat Expertise, Threatening Defender) (+1 Nat)
Abilities:  Str 10, Dex 23, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 12
Conditions: None
Special Abilities

Sneak Attack +3d6
Debilitating Injury (Ex)
Minor Magic (Read Magic)
Arcane Strike (Sp)

Combat Actions





Full Action:


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Ulfgrim Ironhide, Warrior from the North

spacer.pngULFGRIM IRONHIDE - Northern Barbarian

QUICK STATS:  AC=20, Touch=13, FF=18 / HP=55/55 / Init=4 / Saves: Fort=9, Reflex=5, Will=6


Assuming the majority are in agreement to have the undamaged ship anchor within bow range while Maiden is rowed ashore, Ulfgrim asks the Captain to covertly alert the second vessel about the plan without allowing those on shore to see or hear the tactical preparations.

After the preparations have been arranged and the crew of the captured ship know to be ready to attack if necessary, the huge warrior returns to the main group of his clan mates and says in a low voice, "It's arranged."

Looking around the group, the barbarian adds, "I'm not qualified for ᛈᚨᚱᛚᛖᚤ, but I can stand directly behind our negotiator to add a physical presence to the proceedings."

While there is still time to plan before going ashore, Ulfgrim asks, "What's the plan for disembarking, our tactical formation once on land, who will conduct the parley, and what are our specific goals?"

After hearing the advice and opinion of others, the warrior suggests, "Perhaps we should agree on a word and also a signal or gesture that tells everyone to attack if they see or hear the cue, just in case."



Free Action: Speak

Move Action:

Swift Action:


Standard Action:

Continuing Effects: None

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spacer.pngHjarlof Hornblower Skald of Clan Hvítabiôrning

Stroking his beard while thinking again. Hjarlof makes an offer to the group, "If the group wishes, I can make the contact. As to the question of what our goals are for the upcoming talks, I feel that a gentle probing into the disappearance of the previous expedition, as well as the wellbeing of these Ormrung would be a good start."

He paused a moment. "I believe a longbow shot (3-5increments) would be a good distance. Far enough to conceal our numbers and yet close enough to perhaps make a quick landfall... especially if kept bow towards the land. As to the signal, Two long blasts on my horn is attack, One long blast to dock and four short to retreat, would be simple enough."



Combat Actions





Full Round:


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Vilrun Grímsdóttir

image.jpeg.4d1dea0e4137a280735c6843b0cd7566.jpegVilrun meditates on the threads she sees, then pipes up

"I will go with you.

I am a dragon with raven wings, these days; it may help."

She's alluding metaphorically to her Ormrung origins and the fact that she lives and works and breathes Hrafning now.

"I may also gather a different perspective by talking to the Völva."

And she'll be no use just sitting on the ship, bowless, but she leaves that out.



Vilrun Grímsdóttir
F NG Human Shaman, Level 5, Init 4, HP 33/33, Speed 20ft
AC 23, Touch 14, Flat-footed 21, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 12, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 3, Action Points 3
MW Agile Breastplate +1, Masterwork Buckler (+7 Armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +1 Natural, +1 Deflect, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str null, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis null, Cha 14

Spells prepared typically:
0 Arcane Mark, Create Water, Detect Magic, Light
Expeditious Retreat
Heightened Awareness
Monkey Fish
Shadow Trap
Burst of Radiance
Commune with Birds
Flame Blade (refluffed)
Winter's Grasp
Stinking Cloud
Locate Object



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GrayOwlFinal.jpg.3eefbd675679ccad5a4af476bd1ead90.jpgGrey-Feather 🪶Hunter and Spirit Guide 🪶


Male NG Human (Shaman 2/ Slayer 3)

Level 5, Init 4, HP 43/43Speed 30, AC 21, Touch 15, Flat-footed 17, 

CMD 22, Fort 7, Ref 9, Will 8, 

CMB +7, Base Attack Bonus 4

+1 Composite Longbow +11 (1d8+4, x3)
Tomahawk (Throwing Axe) 9(1d6+3, x2)
Long Spear 9(1d8+3, x3)
+1 Mistmail (Chain Shirt) ( +5 Armor, +4 Dex)

Abilities Str 16, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 13


'I, too, will go ashore," Grey Feather states boldly and matter of fact, shirking any idea that he would remain behind with the other archers.

"My weapon is not the arrow from afar. It is the space between the seen and unseen," he says with a very subtle smirk and glance at Sven for the heavy dose of cryptic wording.

The outlander had been mostly reserved in both word and action until that moment, but after quickly securing his equipment, he pushes a small scroll box and satchel of herbs into the tall one-eyed warrior's hands, whom he is confident will be both ashore during the meeting and unburdened by a few extra pounds. "I will need those back," he says.

Grey Feather whispers a quick word to Nixtli and then sends the owl aloft into the foggy sky.

"Look for me in the wind," he says to those nearby as he steps up onto the ship's railing before pausing there for a moment... The enigmatic outlander turns his head half in Ranulf's direction with an inquisitive look. "Do rooster's swim?" he asks, both sincerely and challengingly, before diving out headlong into the choppy sea and disappearing beneath the murky surf, allowing the current to sweep him a short ways down the coast, away from the camp.

From there he will pick his way back up the coast, slowly, scouting out the area for potential threats, before observing the pending encounter from a hidden vantage.


Take 10 on Swim for 17

DC=15 for "rough" seas

Nixtli and Spirit Magic


Nixtli Stats


OWL (Adjusted)

(Master gains +3 Perception in Dim light and Darkness)

Tiny animal

Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10


AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 size, NA +1)
HP 19
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2


Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee 2 talons +5 (1d4–2)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.


Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 6
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 9
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +7, Perception +11, Stealth +15; Racial Mods +4 Perception, +4 Stealth

Familiar Class Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, Perception, Stealth, and Swim

Familiar Feats: Alertness (master), Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link

Current Spirit Magic


Constant 20% Concealment


(Grey Feather can change his Spirit and Wandering Hex daily. It will be listed here)




Feral Speech




Cheetah's Sprint

Dancing Darkness

Monkey Fish


Obscuring Mist

Combat Actions





Full Round:

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Ranulf.JPG.4fad043419b1e11ce6a1f0039bafcf1d.JPGRanulf the Rooster  Human Raider

As Ranulf glances at the water, he winces for a moment, then looks back at Vilrun. "Willing, to be sure. Maybe too willing, our friend is, but neither Hjarlof nor you would befit to be drenched in brine when we talk to your old clan, Vilrun.", he says with a wily smile, before turning his head over the edge of the boat.

"Roosters need not, Gray Feather! Neither do most of us, though the enthusiasm is powerful!", Ranulf replies with a laugh as he reaches to his belt and draws out a long black-tipped white feather. With a high pitched whistle to his lips, he casts it at the sea. As the feather touches the water, a white wood boat with an elegant bird's long neck appears. Jumping off from the longship's deck and landing on the boat, he ushers the others to follow him."It should help us move as much as we need on the shore, battle or not, crew included."

Reaching towards the boat's side, he extends a hand to Gray Feather. "Let's get your down dry, friend."



Ranulf TN Human (URogue 5)

Init 5  Speed 30  HP 43/43 FP 3/3
AC 23  Touch 15  Flat-footed 13 CMD 22
Fort 4  Ref 10  Will 3
Base Attack Bonus 3
Primary Weapon: Mwk Boarding Axe (2) (at will) +11(1d6+5/7)
Armor: Studded Leather Armour - Light Armor - (+4AC) (+5Dex) (+2 Shield when Weapons drawn) (+1 Combat Expertise, Threatening Defender) (+1 Nat)
Abilities:  Str 10, Dex 23, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 12
Conditions: None
Special Abilities

Sneak Attack +3d6
Debilitating Injury (Ex)
Minor Magic (Read Magic)
Arcane Strike (Sp)

Combat Actions





Full Action:


Ranulf is using his Swan Boat Token since I feel this is the most opportune moment for it, and we're all getting landfall anyway.

He'd be happy to escort Gray Feather on his scouting mission.

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GrayOwlFinal.jpg.3eefbd675679ccad5a4af476bd1ead90.jpgGrey-Feather 🪶Hunter and Spirit Guide 🪶


Male NG Human (Shaman 2/ Slayer 3)

Level 5, Init 4, HP 43/43Speed 30, AC 21, Touch 15, Flat-footed 17, 

CMD 22, Fort 7, Ref 9, Will 8, 

CMB +7, Base Attack Bonus 4

+1 Composite Longbow +11 (1d8+4, x3)
Tomahawk (Throwing Axe) 9(1d6+3, x2)
Long Spear 9(1d8+3, x3)
+1 Mistmail (Chain Shirt) ( +5 Armor, +4 Dex)

Abilities Str 16, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 13


Grey Feather's pride is too great to fold his hand to the clever rogue.

As the strange boat approaches, the Outlander, kicking in the rough water, turns on his back and whispers a prayer to the spirit of the sea. Immediately his muscles contort and change, lending him agility and strength in strange new ways. He stops kicking his feet separately as he had been and begins kicking them together like a dolphin. At the same time, wide, leathery webbing develops between his fingers.

Laughing, Grey Feather nearly leaps out of the water, spinning in the air and slaps the rogue's hand away with one wet fin-like hand.

"See you there Rooster!" Grey Feather hollers mirthfully before he dives deep beneath the surf and disappears.

He changes direction swiftly and continues down shore away from the camp and the direction of the strange swan boat, relishing in his newfound aquatic grace.


Cast Spell (Monkey-Fish)

Nixtli and Spirit Magic


Nixtli Stats


OWL (Adjusted)

(Master gains +3 Perception in Dim light and Darkness)

Tiny animal

Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10


AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 size, NA +1)
HP 19
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2


Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee 2 talons +5 (1d4–2)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.


Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 6
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 9
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +7, Perception +11, Stealth +15; Racial Mods +4 Perception, +4 Stealth

Familiar Class Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, Perception, Stealth, and Swim

Familiar Feats: Alertness (master), Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link

Current Spirit Magic


Constant 20% Concealment


(Grey Feather can change his Spirit and Wandering Hex daily. It will be listed here)




Feral Speech




Cheetah's Sprint

Dancing Darkness

Monkey Fish


Obscuring Mist

Combat Actions





Full Round:

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spacer.pngHjarlof Hornblower Skald of Clan Hvítabiôrning

Hjarlof steps down into the white rowboat with Ranulf. He had not noticed that they were carrying one, but obviously they had. He offered a hand to Sven and Vilrun as the board, one because of the packages he had been handed, and the other out of caution.

"Captain Sigurd," calls Hjarlof, "We will approach ahead of you to secure your landing. Come as you can."

With the small boat ready and the other craft informed of the plan, the small group would cast off for the shore.


Combat Actions





Full Round:


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ᛋᚢᛖᚾ One-Eye - Warpriest of the Æsir 5

HP: 38/38 | AC: 24/14/21 | CMD: 22/19 | Speed: 30/20ft | Hero: 1/3 

Initiative: +4 | Perception: +10 | Fort: +8 | Ref: +5 | Will: +9

Blessings: 5/5 | Fervor: 5/5 | Sacred Weapon: 5/5 | Spells Slots: 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2

Active Effects | Consumables | Abilities | Skills

"Mm." Sven grunts, taking the burdens and stepping down into the boat a bit unsteadily. He's found his sea legs by now, but that doesn't make him suddenly some nimble sailor leaping about. He nods at Hjarlof in thanks for the steadying hand on his shoulder.








Full Round:

Hands: Sword + Shield

Brynhildr - 130lb

Brynhildr (130.5/228lb):
-Blanket x2
-Fishing Kit
-Mess Kit
-Oil x4
-Alchemists' Fire x3
-Feed x5
-Fishing Net
-Mead, 1 gallon
-Bit and Bridle
-Tent (small)
-Tent Cover

 Gear - 86.5lb


-+1 Agile Breastplate
-Cold Weather Outfit
-Eye Patch
-Týr's Spear
-Hip Flask
-Boots of Meili
-Signal Horn



-Silver Sword
-Raven Shield
-Ice Bear Claws



-2x Alchemists' Fire
-2x Potions CLW
-2x Scrolls
-Bravery Brew
-Heiðrún's Mead

Belt Pouch
-Flint and Steel
-Sewing Needle

MW Backpack
-Freyr's Rod
-Climber's Kit
-2x Sacks
-Silk Rope
-5x Trail Rations
-Waterproof bag

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Ulfgrim Ironhide, Warrior from the North

spacer.pngULFGRIM IRONHIDE - Northern Barbarian

QUICK STATS:  AC=20, Touch=13, FF=18 / HP=55/55 / Init=4 / Saves: Fort=9, Reflex=5, Will=6


After the horn signals are arranged, Ulfgrim Ironhide silently nods when Vilrun announces that she will accompany the landing party to shore as he had no wish to interfere with a witch and her machinations.

The huge Barbarian further nods his approval when Grey-Feather states that he too will go ashore, but is surprised when the stranger from the West unexpectedly jumps into the choppy lagoon to swim in.

However, Ulfgrim is completely shocked when Grey-Feather seems to magically transform into some kind of man-sea-creature which allows the newcomer to traverse the rough waves as easily as his owl navigates the sky.

So, it would seem that some of our entourage have more abilities than readily apparent when first met, the hulking warrior thinks quietly to himself as he joins Hjarlof in the white rowboat.

After years of trial and error in his younger days, Ulfgrim choses to sit in the middle of the craft so the Barbarian's great weight is evenly distributed and won't negatively affect the small skiff, which will also allow the warrior to fire his bow should the situation expectedly take a turn for the worse!



Free Action: Speak

Move Action:

Swift Action:


Standard Action:

Continuing Effects: None

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The plan is set and the ships are in place. The captured pirate ship drifts just inside longbow range and the Shield Maiden approaches behind the white boat. Upon the makeshift docks stand a wiry young man, well dressed and decorated in elaborate dragon tattoos. He is flanked by four hard looking warriors with stony looks on their faces. Others stand scattered around in mid task but waiting curiously to catch a glimpse of the newcomers.

The young man does nothing to hinder (or help) the boat moor or the passengers disembark onto the dock. He eyes them with a shrewd and critical eye that belies a keen wit. Once the party has found it's footing he steps forward and speaks, "Who are you that comes to our camp? Under who's orders do you sail and what is your business here that you come in force?"



Some things readily apparent without need of rolls as you approach and disembark:

The camp is newly constructed and still a work in progress with little in the way of outward sea-facing defenses

at rough first glance the camp seems out manned by the party and their crew, (not by much) though not all is visible from the docks

They seem well supplied and in good heath and spirit






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